Rcpp Version 1.0.9
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // -*- mode: C++; c-indent-level: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 8 -*-
2 //
3 // undoRmath.h: Rcpp R/C++ interface class library -- undo the macros set by Rmath.h
4 //
5 // Copyright (C) 2010 - 2011 Dirk Eddelbuettel and Romain Francois
6 //
7 // This file is part of Rcpp.
8 //
9 // Rcpp is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
10 // under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
11 // the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
12 // (at your option) any later version.
13 //
14 // Rcpp is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
15 // WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 // GNU General Public License for more details.
18 //
19 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20 // along with Rcpp. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
25 // undo some of the mess of Rmath
26 #undef sign
27 #undef trunc
28 #undef rround
29 #undef prec
31 #undef bessel_i
32 #undef bessel_j
33 #undef bessel_k
34 #undef bessel_y
35 #undef bessel_i_ex
36 #undef bessel_j_ex
37 #undef bessel_k_ex
38 #undef bessel_y_ex
39 #undef beta
40 #undef choose
41 #undef dbeta
42 #undef dbinom
43 #undef dcauchy
44 #undef dchisq
45 #undef dexp
46 #undef df
47 #undef dgamma
48 #undef dgeom
49 #undef dhyper
50 #undef digamma
51 #undef dlnorm
52 #undef dlogis
53 #undef dnbeta
54 #undef dnbinom
55 #undef dnchisq
56 #undef dnf
57 #undef dnorm4
58 #undef dnt
59 #undef dpois
60 #undef dpsifn
61 #undef dsignrank
62 #undef dt
63 #undef dtukey
64 #undef dunif
65 #undef dweibull
66 #undef dwilcox
67 #undef fmax2
68 #undef fmin2
69 #undef fprec
70 #undef fround
71 #undef ftrunc
72 #undef fsign
73 #undef gammafn
74 #undef imax2
75 #undef imin2
76 #undef lbeta
77 #undef lchoose
78 #undef lgammafn
79 #undef lgammafn_sign
80 #undef lgamma1p
81 #undef log1pmx
82 #undef logspace_add
83 #undef logspace_sub
84 #undef pbeta
85 #undef pbeta_raw
86 #undef pbinom
87 #undef pcauchy
88 #undef pchisq
89 #undef pentagamma
90 #undef pexp
91 #undef pf
92 #undef pgamma
93 #undef pgeom
94 #undef phyper
95 #undef plnorm
96 #undef plogis
97 #undef pnbeta
98 #undef pnbinom
99 #undef pnchisq
100 #undef pnf
101 #undef pnorm5
102 #undef pnorm_both
103 #undef pnt
104 #undef ppois
105 #undef psignrank
106 #undef psigamma
107 #undef pt
108 #undef ptukey
109 #undef punif
110 /* #undef pythag */
111 #undef pweibull
112 #undef pwilcox
113 #undef qbeta
114 #undef qbinom
115 #undef qcauchy
116 #undef qchisq
117 #undef qchisq_appr
118 #undef qexp
119 #undef qf
120 #undef qgamma
121 #undef qgeom
122 #undef qhyper
123 #undef qlnorm
124 #undef qlogis
125 #undef qnbeta
126 #undef qnbinom
127 #undef qnchisq
128 #undef qnf
129 #undef qnorm5
130 #undef qnt
131 #undef qpois
132 #undef qsignrank
133 #undef qt
134 #undef qtukey
135 #undef qunif
136 #undef qweibull
137 #undef qwilcox
138 #undef rbeta
139 #undef rbinom
140 #undef rcauchy
141 #undef rchisq
142 #undef rexp
143 #undef rf
144 #undef rgamma
145 #undef rgeom
146 #undef rhyper
147 #undef rlnorm
148 #undef rlogis
149 #undef rnbeta
150 #undef rnbinom
151 #undef rnchisq
152 #undef rnf
153 #undef rnorm
154 #undef rnt
155 #undef rpois
156 #undef rsignrank
157 #undef rt
158 #undef rtukey
159 #undef runif
160 #undef rweibull
161 #undef rwilcox
162 #undef sign
163 #undef tetragamma
164 #undef trigamma
167 #endif