smtm - Display and update a ticker of global stock quotes


 smtm [options] [stock_symbol ...]


 --time min      minutes to wait before update 
 --file smtmrc   to store/retrieve stocks selected 
 --wide          also display dollar changes and holdings
 --proxy pr      network address and port of firewall proxy 
 --fwall [id:pw] account and password for firewall 
 --help          print a short help message


smtm, which is a not overly clever acronym for Show Me The Money, is a simple stock ticker application for quotes from exchanges around the world (as long as they are carried on Yahoo!, that is). It creates and automatically updates a window with stock quotes from Yahoo! Finance. When called with one or several stock symbols, it displays these selected stocks, and also record the symbols for later use. When smtm is called without arguments, it reads the symbols tickers from a file. This file can be created explicitly by calling the Save option from the File menu, or implicitly whenever smtm is called with one or more symbols.

smtm display the full name of the company, the price change and the percentage change. Losers are flagged in red. smtm can be used for North American equities, as well as European ones. It should work for other markets supported by Yahoo. Due to the limited amount of information provided by Yahoo! for the non-North American quotes, only the symbol (but not the company name) is shown. However, a name can also be given by the user (see below).

The quotes are delayed, typically 15 minutes for NASDAQ and 20 minutes otherwise, see for details.

smtm can also aggregate the change in value for both individual positions and the the entire portfolio. For this, the number of shares is needed, as well as the cross-currency expression pair. The standard ISO notation is used. As an example, GBPUSD translates from Pounds into US Dollars.

smtm supports both simple proxy firewalls (via the --proxy option) and full-blown firewalls with account and password authorization (via the --fwall option). Firewall account name and password can be specified as command line arguments after --fwall, or else in a pop-up window. This setup has been in a few different environments.

smtm has been written and tested under Linux. It also runs under that other OS using the perl implementation from In either case, it requires the Tk module for windowing, and the LWP module (also known as libwww-perl) for data retrieval over the web.


  smtm --file ~/.telcos "BT.A.L:BR TELECOM:10:GBPCAD" \
                         T::10:USDCAD \
                         BCE.TO::10 \
                        "13330.PA:FR TELECOM:10:EURCAD" \
                        "555700.F:DT TELECOM:10:EURCAD"

creates a window with prices for a handful of telecom companies on stock exchanges in London, New York, Toronto, Paris and Frankfurt. The selection will also be stored in a file ~/.telcos. Note how names are specified for the European stocks (to overcome the fact that Yahoo! UK does not return a name). Also determined are the number of shares, here 10 for each of the companies. Lastly, this example assumes a Canadian perspective: returns are converted from British pounds, US dollars and Euros into Canadian dollars. Quotation marks have to be used to prevent the shell from splitting the arguments containing spaces.


Three menus are supported: File, Edit and Help. The File menu offers to load or save to the default file. The Edit menu can launch windows to either add new stocks (one or several if separated by semicolons) or delete them from a list box (one or several at a time). It also allows to modify the delay time between updates. Lastly, the Help menu can display either the text from the manual page, or the copyright information in a new window.


The main window is very straightforward. For each of the stocks, four items are displayed: its name, its most recent price, the change from the previous close in absolute terms and in relative terms. The relative change is expressed in basispoints (bps), which are 1/100s of a percent. This display window is updated in regular intervals. If the --wide options is used, dollar changes and dollar holdings are also included.

Clicking on any of the stocks opens a new window with all available details for a stock. Unfortunately, the amount of available information varies. Non-North American stocks only have a limited subset of information made available via the csv interface of Yahoo!. For North American stocks, not all fields all provided by all exchanges.

The window title displays the total portfolio profit or loss for the current day, as well as the date of the most recent update. If the --wide options is used, the net dollar value of the portfolio is also displayed.


Finance::YahooQuote.3pm, LWP.3pm, lwpcook.1, Tk::UserGuide.3pm


smtm is (c) 1999 by Dirk Eddelbuettel <>

Updates to this program might appear at

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. There is NO warranty whatsoever.

The information that you obtain with this program may be copyrighted by Yahoo! Inc., and is governed by their usage license. See for more information.


The Finance::YahooQuote module by Dj Padzensky (on the web at served as the backbone for data retrieval, and a guideline for the extension to the non-North American quotes.