Thu, 01 Dec 2016

New package prioritizr with initial version 0.1.2
Package: prioritizr
Type: Package
Title: Systematic Conservation Prioritization in R
Version: 0.1.2
Date: 2016-11-15
Authors@R: person("Matthew", "Strimas-Mackey", email="", role = c("aut", "cre"))
Description: Solve systematic reserve design problems using integer programming techniques. To solve problems most efficiently users can install three optional packages not available on CRAN: the 'gurobi' optimizer (available from <>) and the conservation prioritization package 'marxan' (available from <>).
Depends: R (>= 3.1.2)
License: MIT + file LICENSE
LazyData: TRUE
RoxygenNote: 5.0.1
Imports: assertthat, sp, raster, slam, dplyr, gstat, rgeos, rasterVis, methods, tidyr
Suggests: marxan, gurobi, lpsymphony, Rsymphony, knitr, rmarkdown, glpkAPI, testthat
VignetteBuilder: knitr
Maintainer: Matthew Strimas-Mackey <>
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2016-12-01 19:15:28 UTC; matt
Author: Matthew Strimas-Mackey [aut, cre]
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2016-12-01 21:32:43

More information about prioritizr at CRAN
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New package imagine with initial version 1.1.0
Package: imagine
Type: Package
Title: Imaging Engine, Tools for Application of Image Filters to Data Matrices
Version: 1.1.0
Date: 2016-09-24
Authors@R: c(person("Wencheng", "Lau-Medrano", role = c("aut", "cre"), email = ""))
Maintainer: Wencheng Lau-Medrano <>
Description: Provides fast application of image filters to data matrices, using R and C++ algorithms.
License: GPL (>= 2)
LazyData: TRUE
Depends: R (>= 3.2.0)
Imports: Rcpp
LinkingTo: Rcpp
RoxygenNote: 5.0.1
Suggests: knitr, rmarkdown
VignetteBuilder: knitr
NeedsCompilation: yes
Packaged: 2016-12-01 19:43:51 UTC; AFDERP
Author: Wencheng Lau-Medrano [aut, cre]
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2016-12-01 21:32:42

More information about imagine at CRAN
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New package gbs2ploidy with initial version 1.0
Package: gbs2ploidy
Type: Package
Title: Inference of Ploidy from (Genotyping-by-Sequencing) GBS Data
Version: 1.0
Date: 2016-12-01
Author: Zachariah Gompert
Maintainer: Zachariah Gompert <>
Depends: R (>= 2.10), MASS, rjags
Description: Functions for inference of ploidy from (Genotyping-by-sequencing) GBS data, including a function to infer allelic ratios and allelic proportions in a Bayesian framework.
License: GPL-3
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2016-12-01 19:46:38 UTC; zgompert
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2016-12-01 21:32:40

More information about gbs2ploidy at CRAN
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New package freqdist with initial version 0.1
Package: freqdist
Type: Package
Title: Frequency Distribution
Version: 0.1
Author: Thomas Feldman <> and Kenneth W. Moffett <>
Maintainer: Kenneth W. Moffett <>
Description: Generates a frequency distribution. The frequency distribution includes raw frequencies, percentages in each category, and cumulative frequencies. The frequency distribution can be stored as a data frame.
License: GPL-2
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: true
RoxygenNote: 5.0.1
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2016-12-01 14:43:24 UTC; taxns
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2016-12-01 22:33:06

More information about freqdist at CRAN
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Package frailtySurv updated to version 1.3.1 with previous version dated 2016-07-10

Title: General Semiparametric Shared Frailty Model
Description: Simulates and fits semiparametric shared frailty models under a wide range of frailty distributions using a consistent and asymptotically-normal estimator. Currently supports: gamma, power variance function, log-normal, and inverse Gaussian frailty models.
Author: John V. Monaco [aut, cre], Malka Gorfine [aut], Li Hsu [aut]
Maintainer: John V. Monaco <>

Diff between frailtySurv versions dated 2016-07-10 and 1.3.1 dated 2016-12-01

 DESCRIPTION             |   11 -
 MD5                     |   39 ++--
 NAMESPACE               |    7                 |only
 R/RcppExports.R         |    2 
 R/distributions.R       |    2 
 R/fitfrail.R            |   76 +++++++--
 R/fitfrail.control.R    |    8 
 R/        |   49 ++++-
 R/frailtySurv.R         |    2 
 R/genfrail.R            |  212 +++++++++++++++----------
 R/genfrail.control.R    |only
 R/misc.R                |    4 
 R/plot.simfrail.R       |   47 +++--
 R/simfrail.R            |  115 +++++++++++++
 R/summary.simfrail.R    |    8               |   24 +-
 man/fitfrail.control.Rd |   37 ++--
 man/genfrail.Rd         |   13 +
 man/genfrail.control.Rd |only
 src/RcppExports.cpp     |  402 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 src/distributions.cpp   |   10 -
 22 files changed, 668 insertions(+), 400 deletions(-)

More information about frailtySurv at CRAN
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Package survey updated to version 3.31-5 with previous version 3.31-2 dated 2016-09-23

Title: Analysis of Complex Survey Samples
Description: Summary statistics, two-sample tests, rank tests, generalised linear models, cumulative link models, Cox models, loglinear models, and general maximum pseudolikelihood estimation for multistage stratified, cluster-sampled, unequally weighted survey samples. Variances by Taylor series linearisation or replicate weights. Post-stratification, calibration, and raking. Two-phase subsampling designs. Graphics. PPS sampling without replacement. Principal components, factor analysis.
Author: Thomas Lumley
Maintainer: "Thomas Lumley" <>

Diff between survey versions 3.31-2 dated 2016-09-23 and 3.31-5 dated 2016-12-01

 DESCRIPTION       |   11 +---
 INDEX             |    2 
 MD5               |   24 +++++-----
 R/survey.R        |  128 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 R/svykm.R         |    2 
 R/svyttest.R      |   11 +++-
 THANKS            |   13 ++++-
 TODO              |    7 ++
 data/yrbs.rda     |only
 inst/CITATION     |    4 -
 inst/NEWS         |   16 ++++++
 man/svyciprop.Rd  |   11 +++-
 man/svylogrank.Rd |    4 +
 man/yrbs.Rd       |only
 14 files changed, 196 insertions(+), 37 deletions(-)

More information about survey at CRAN
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Package SuperLearner updated to version 2.0-21 with previous version 2.0-19 dated 2016-02-04

Title: Super Learner Prediction
Description: Implements the super learner prediction method and contains a library of prediction algorithms to be used in the super learner.
Author: Eric Polley [aut, cre], Erin LeDell [aut], Chris Kennedy [aut], Sam Lendle [ctb], Mark van der Laan [aut, ths]
Maintainer: Eric Polley <>

Diff between SuperLearner versions 2.0-19 dated 2016-02-04 and 2.0-21 dated 2016-12-01

 DESCRIPTION                      |   28 ++-
 MD5                              |   59 +++++---
 NAMESPACE                        |    2 
 R/CV.SuperLearner.R              |   61 ++++++--
 R/SL.bartMachine.R               |only
 R/SL.cforest.R                   |   43 ++++-
 R/SL.gbm.R                       |    6 
 R/SL.randomForest.R              |   19 +-
 R/SL.rpart.R                     |    2 
 R/SL.xgboost.R                   |only
 R/SuperLearner.R                 |  267 ++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
 R/create.Learner.R               |only
 R/mcSuperLearner.R               |  268 ++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
 R/method.R                       |  199 +++++++++++++++++++++------
 R/screen.randomForest.R          |    6 
 R/snowSuperLearner.R             |  281 +++++++++++++++++++++++----------------
 R/summary.CV.SuperLearner.R      |   26 ++-
 build/vignette.rds               |binary
 inst/NEWS                        |   17 ++
 inst/doc/SuperLearnerPresent.pdf |binary
 man/CV.SuperLearner.Rd           |   44 ++++--
 man/SL.bartMachine.Rd            |only
 man/SL.cforest.Rd                |only
 man/SL.xgboost.Rd                |only
 man/SuperLearner.Rd              |   38 +++--
 man/create.Learner.Rd            |only
 man/create.SL.xgboost.Rd         |only
 man/predict.SL.bartMachine.Rd    |only
 man/predict.SL.xgboost.Rd        |only
 man/write.SL.template.Rd         |    4 
 man/write.method.template.Rd     |   15 +-
 tests                            |only
 32 files changed, 914 insertions(+), 471 deletions(-)

More information about SuperLearner at CRAN
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Package sommer updated to version 2.4 with previous version 2.3 dated 2016-11-01

Title: Solving Mixed Model Equations in R
Description: Multivariate mixed model solver for multiple random effects allowing the specification of variance covariance structures. ML/REML estimates are obtained using the Average Information (AI), Expectation-Maximization (EM), Newton-Raphson (NR), or Efficient Mixed Model Association (EMMA) algorithms. Designed for genomic prediction and genome wide association studies (GWAS) to include additive, dominance and epistatic relationship structures or other covariance structures in R, but also functional as a regular mixed model program. Multivariate models (multiple responses) can be fitted currently with NR, AI and EMMA algorithms allowing multiple random effects as well. Covariance structures for the residual component is currently supported only for balanced univariate Newton Raphson models.
Author: Giovanny Covarrubias-Pazaran
Maintainer: Giovanny Covarrubias-Pazaran <>

Diff between sommer versions 2.3 dated 2016-11-01 and 2.4 dated 2016-12-01

 CHANGELOG              |   11 ++++++
 DESCRIPTION            |   10 ++---
 MD5                    |   48 ++++++++++++++-------------
 R/MAI.R                |   53 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 R/MAI2.R               |   62 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 R/MMERM.R              |   14 +++++--
 R/MNR.R                |   87 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
 R/mmer.R               |   22 ++++++++----
 R/mmer2.R              |   10 ++---
 R/nna.R                |    2 -
 data/datalist          |    3 +
 data/gryphondata.RData |only
 inst/doc/sommer.R      |    2 -
 inst/doc/sommer.Rmd    |    2 -
 man/FDdata.Rd          |    2 -
 man/MAI.Rd             |    8 +++-
 man/MAI2.Rd            |    3 +
 man/MMERM.Rd           |    3 +
 man/MNR.Rd             |    3 +
 man/atcg1234.Rd        |    4 +-
 man/gryphondata.Rd     |only
 man/mmer.Rd            |    3 +
 man/mmer2.Rd           |    7 ++-
 man/sommer-package.Rd  |    2 -
 vignettes/sommer.Rmd   |    2 -
 vignettes/sommer.html  |   24 +++++++------
 26 files changed, 281 insertions(+), 106 deletions(-)

More information about sommer at CRAN
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Package Rfast updated to version 1.7 with previous version 1.5 dated 2016-10-10

Title: Fast R Functions
Description: A collection of fast (utility) functions for data analysis. Column- and row- wise means, medians, variances, minimums, maximums, many t, F and G-square tests, many regressions (normal, logistic, Poisson), Mahalanobis distance are some of the many fast functions.
Author: Manos Papadakis, Michail Tsagris, Ioannis Tsamardinos, Matteo Fasiolo, Giorgos Borboudakis and John Burkardt
Maintainer: Manos Papadakis <>

Diff between Rfast versions 1.5 dated 2016-10-10 and 1.7 dated 2016-12-01

 Rfast-1.5/Rfast/R/lower_triangle.R     |only
 Rfast-1.5/Rfast/R/transpose.R          |only
 Rfast-1.5/Rfast/R/upper_triangle.R     |only
 Rfast-1.5/Rfast/man/lower_tri.Rd       |only
 Rfast-1.5/Rfast/man/transpose.Rd       |only
 Rfast-1.5/Rfast/src/colrange.cpp       |only
 Rfast-1.5/Rfast/src/dg_mat.cpp         |only
 Rfast-1.5/Rfast/src/dg_vec.cpp         |only
 Rfast-1.5/Rfast/src/l_mat.cpp          |only
 Rfast-1.5/Rfast/src/l_vec.cpp          |only
 Rfast-1.5/Rfast/src/lower_triangle.cpp |only
 Rfast-1.5/Rfast/src/tr_mat.cpp         |only
 Rfast-1.5/Rfast/src/tr_vec.cpp         |only
 Rfast-1.5/Rfast/src/transpose.cpp      |only
 Rfast-1.5/Rfast/src/upper_triangle.cpp |only
 Rfast-1.7/Rfast/DESCRIPTION            |    8 -
 Rfast-1.7/Rfast/MD5                    |  158 ++++++++++++++++-----------------
 Rfast-1.7/Rfast/NAMESPACE              |    5 -
 Rfast-1.7/Rfast/R/Digamma.R            |    5 -
 Rfast-1.7/Rfast/R/Lgamma.R             |    5 -
 Rfast-1.7/Rfast/R/Trigamma.R           |    5 -
 Rfast-1.7/Rfast/R/all_equals.R         |    2 
 Rfast-1.7/Rfast/R/allbetas.R           |   10 +-
 Rfast-1.7/Rfast/R/anovas.R             |only
 Rfast-1.7/Rfast/R/beta.mle.R           |   47 ++++++++-
 Rfast-1.7/Rfast/R/colMaxs.R            |    6 +
 Rfast-1.7/Rfast/R/colMins.R            |    6 +
 Rfast-1.7/Rfast/R/col_Mins_Maxs.R      |only
 Rfast-1.7/Rfast/R/colmeans.R           |    3 
 Rfast-1.7/Rfast/R/colrange.R           |   12 +-
 Rfast-1.7/Rfast/R/colsums.R            |    3 
 Rfast-1.7/Rfast/R/comb_n.R             |    7 +
 Rfast-1.7/Rfast/R/cora.R               |    8 -
 Rfast-1.7/Rfast/R/correls.R            |    5 -
 Rfast-1.7/Rfast/R/cova.R               |    9 -
 Rfast-1.7/Rfast/R/design_matrix.R      |    4 
 Rfast-1.7/Rfast/R/ftests.R             |   19 +--
 Rfast-1.7/Rfast/R/is_element.R         |    2 
 Rfast-1.7/Rfast/R/mahala.R             |    2 
 Rfast-1.7/Rfast/R/min_max.R            |only
 Rfast-1.7/Rfast/R/poisson_only.R       |    2 
 Rfast-1.7/Rfast/R/racg.R               |    7 -
 Rfast-1.7/Rfast/R/rmvlaplace.R         |   22 +---
 Rfast-1.7/Rfast/R/rmvnorm.R            |   25 +----
 Rfast-1.7/Rfast/R/rmvt.R               |    6 -
 Rfast-1.7/Rfast/R/rowMaxs.R            |    2 
 Rfast-1.7/Rfast/R/rowMins.R            |    2 
 Rfast-1.7/Rfast/R/rowVars.R            |    2 
 Rfast-1.7/Rfast/R/rowmeans.R           |    3 
 Rfast-1.7/Rfast/R/rowsums.R            |    3 
 Rfast-1.7/Rfast/R/score.glms.R         |only
 Rfast-1.7/Rfast/R/score.multinomregs.R |only
 Rfast-1.7/Rfast/R/standardise.R        |   37 +++----
 Rfast-1.7/Rfast/R/ttests.R             |   66 +++++++------
 Rfast-1.7/Rfast/R/univglms.R           |   77 +++++-----------
 Rfast-1.7/Rfast/R/zip.mle.R            |   13 +-
 Rfast-1.7/Rfast/R/ztp.mle.R            |only
 Rfast-1.7/Rfast/man/Lgamma.Rd          |    8 +
 Rfast-1.7/Rfast/man/Rfast-package.Rd   |    9 +
 Rfast-1.7/Rfast/man/allbetas.Rd        |    7 +
 Rfast-1.7/Rfast/man/beta.mle.Rd        |   26 +++--
 Rfast-1.7/Rfast/man/colMins.Rd         |    8 +
 Rfast-1.7/Rfast/man/colVars.Rd         |    1 
 Rfast-1.7/Rfast/man/comb_n.Rd          |    5 -
 Rfast-1.7/Rfast/man/correls.Rd         |    8 +
 Rfast-1.7/Rfast/man/design_matrix.Rd   |   20 ++--
 Rfast-1.7/Rfast/man/ftests.Rd          |   30 +++---
 Rfast-1.7/Rfast/man/min_max.Rd         |only
 Rfast-1.7/Rfast/man/rmvlaplace.Rd      |   20 ++--
 Rfast-1.7/Rfast/man/score.glms.Rd      |only
 Rfast-1.7/Rfast/man/standardise.Rd     |    1 
 Rfast-1.7/Rfast/man/ttests.Rd          |   39 +++++---
 Rfast-1.7/Rfast/man/univglms.Rd        |    2 
 Rfast-1.7/Rfast/man/zip.mle.Rd         |   41 +++++---
 Rfast-1.7/Rfast/src/Digamma.cpp        |only
 Rfast-1.7/Rfast/src/Lgamma.cpp         |only
 Rfast-1.7/Rfast/src/Match.cpp          |    1 
 Rfast-1.7/Rfast/src/Trigamma.cpp       |only
 Rfast-1.7/Rfast/src/col_min_max.cpp    |only
 Rfast-1.7/Rfast/src/colmaxs.cpp        |   58 ++++++++----
 Rfast-1.7/Rfast/src/colmins.cpp        |   57 ++++++++---
 Rfast-1.7/Rfast/src/design_matrix.cpp  |   13 +-
 Rfast-1.7/Rfast/src/diri_nr_type2.cpp  |    1 
 Rfast-1.7/Rfast/src/hash_find.cpp      |    2 
 Rfast-1.7/Rfast/src/logistic_only.cpp  |   41 ++++----
 Rfast-1.7/Rfast/src/med.cpp            |   10 +-
 Rfast-1.7/Rfast/src/min_max.cpp        |only
 Rfast-1.7/Rfast/src/mn.cpp             |  102 +++++++++++++++++++--
 Rfast-1.7/Rfast/src/mn.h               |   16 ++-
 Rfast-1.7/Rfast/src/poisson_only.cpp   |   29 +++---
 Rfast-1.7/Rfast/src/regression.cpp     |   41 ++++----
 Rfast-1.7/Rfast/src/rowMaxs.cpp        |    6 -
 Rfast-1.7/Rfast/src/rowMins.cpp        |    6 -
 Rfast-1.7/Rfast/src/which_isFactor.cpp |   10 +-
 94 files changed, 701 insertions(+), 515 deletions(-)

More information about Rfast at CRAN
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Package MVN updated to version 4.0.2 with previous version 4.0.1 dated 2016-11-30

Title: Multivariate Normality Tests
Description: Performs multivariate normality tests and graphical approaches and implements multivariate outlier detection and univariate normality of marginal distributions through plots and tests.
Author: Selcuk Korkmaz [aut, cre], Dincer Goksuluk [aut], Gokmen Zararsiz [aut]
Maintainer: Selcuk Korkmaz <>

Diff between MVN versions 4.0.1 dated 2016-11-30 and 4.0.2 dated 2016-12-01

 DESCRIPTION       |    8 ++++----
 MD5               |    8 ++++----
 inst/doc/MVN.Rnw  |    2 +-
 inst/doc/MVN.pdf  |binary
 vignettes/MVN.Rnw |    2 +-
 5 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

More information about MVN at CRAN
Permanent link

Package mlt.docreg updated to version 0.1-3 with previous version 0.1-2 dated 2016-11-29

Title: Most Likely Transformations: Documentation and Regression Tests
Description: Additional documentation, a package vignette and regression tests for package mlt.
Author: Torsten Hothorn [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Torsten Hothorn <>

Diff between mlt.docreg versions 0.1-2 dated 2016-11-29 and 0.1-3 dated 2016-12-01

 DESCRIPTION                   |    8 ++++----
 MD5                           |   10 +++++-----
 inst/NEWS.Rd                  |    6 ++++++
 inst/doc/mlt.pdf              |binary
 tests/timedep_covar.R         |    6 ++++--
 tests/ |    8 +++++---
 6 files changed, 24 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

More information about mlt.docreg at CRAN
Permanent link

Package IRISMustangMetrics updated to version 2.0.2 with previous version 1.0.1 dated 2015-09-16

Title: Statistics and Metrics for Seismic Data
Description: Classes and functions for metrics calculation as part of the 'IRIS DMC MUSTANG' project. The functionality in this package builds upon the base classes of the 'IRISSeismic' package. Metrics include basic statistics as well as higher level 'health' metrics that can help identify problematic seismometers.
Author: Jonathan Callahan [aut], Rob Casey [aut], Mary Templeton [aut], Gillian Sharer [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Gillian Sharer <>

Diff between IRISMustangMetrics versions 1.0.1 dated 2015-09-16 and 2.0.2 dated 2016-12-01

 IRISMustangMetrics-1.0.1/IRISMustangMetrics/man/MultipleValueMetric-class.Rd     |only
 IRISMustangMetrics-1.0.1/IRISMustangMetrics/man/getLatencyValuesXml.Rd           |only
 IRISMustangMetrics-1.0.1/IRISMustangMetrics/man/seismicMetrics-package.Rd        |only
 IRISMustangMetrics-2.0.2/IRISMustangMetrics/DESCRIPTION                          |   28 
 IRISMustangMetrics-2.0.2/IRISMustangMetrics/MD5                                  |   97 -
 IRISMustangMetrics-2.0.2/IRISMustangMetrics/NAMESPACE                            |   12 
 IRISMustangMetrics-2.0.2/IRISMustangMetrics/R/BSSUtils.R                         |  397 ++++++-
 IRISMustangMetrics-2.0.2/IRISMustangMetrics/R/Class-Metric.R                     |  545 ++++++----
 IRISMustangMetrics-2.0.2/IRISMustangMetrics/R/DCOffsetTimesMetric.R              |    2 
 IRISMustangMetrics-2.0.2/IRISMustangMetrics/R/ISPAQUtils.R                       |only
 IRISMustangMetrics-2.0.2/IRISMustangMetrics/R/PSDMetric.R                        |  239 +++-
 IRISMustangMetrics-2.0.2/IRISMustangMetrics/R/SNRMetric.R                        |   10 
 IRISMustangMetrics-2.0.2/IRISMustangMetrics/R/STALTAMetric.R                     |   22 
 IRISMustangMetrics-2.0.2/IRISMustangMetrics/R/basicStatsMetric.R                 |   21 
 IRISMustangMetrics-2.0.2/IRISMustangMetrics/R/correlationMetric.R                |   16 
 IRISMustangMetrics-2.0.2/IRISMustangMetrics/R/crossCorrelationMetric.R           |   63 -
 IRISMustangMetrics-2.0.2/IRISMustangMetrics/R/dailyDCOffsetMetric.R              |   72 -
 IRISMustangMetrics-2.0.2/IRISMustangMetrics/R/gapsMetric.R                       |   10 
 IRISMustangMetrics-2.0.2/IRISMustangMetrics/R/spikesMetric.R                     |   46 
 IRISMustangMetrics-2.0.2/IRISMustangMetrics/R/stateOfHealthMetric.R              |   32 
 IRISMustangMetrics-2.0.2/IRISMustangMetrics/R/transferFunctionMetric.R           |   95 -
 IRISMustangMetrics-2.0.2/IRISMustangMetrics/R/upDownTimesMetric.R                |    2 
 IRISMustangMetrics-2.0.2/IRISMustangMetrics/man/DCOffsetTimesMetric.Rd           |    2 
 IRISMustangMetrics-2.0.2/IRISMustangMetrics/man/GeneralValueMetric-class.Rd      |only
 IRISMustangMetrics-2.0.2/IRISMustangMetrics/man/IRISMustangMetrics-package.Rd    |only
 IRISMustangMetrics-2.0.2/IRISMustangMetrics/man/MultipleTimeValueMetric-class.Rd |    8 
 IRISMustangMetrics-2.0.2/IRISMustangMetrics/man/PSDMetric.Rd                     |   43 
 IRISMustangMetrics-2.0.2/IRISMustangMetrics/man/SNRMetric.Rd                     |    6 
 IRISMustangMetrics-2.0.2/IRISMustangMetrics/man/STALTAMetric.Rd                  |    6 
 IRISMustangMetrics-2.0.2/IRISMustangMetrics/man/SingleValueMetric-class.Rd       |    9 
 IRISMustangMetrics-2.0.2/IRISMustangMetrics/man/SpectrumMetric-class.Rd          |    4 
 IRISMustangMetrics-2.0.2/IRISMustangMetrics/man/basicStatsMetric.Rd              |   23 
 IRISMustangMetrics-2.0.2/IRISMustangMetrics/man/convertBssErrors.Rd              |    6 
 IRISMustangMetrics-2.0.2/IRISMustangMetrics/man/correlationMetric.Rd             |    8 
 IRISMustangMetrics-2.0.2/IRISMustangMetrics/man/createBssUrl.Rd                  |    7 
 IRISMustangMetrics-2.0.2/IRISMustangMetrics/man/crossCorrelationMetric.Rd        |   40 
 IRISMustangMetrics-2.0.2/IRISMustangMetrics/man/dailyDCOffsetMetric.Rd           |   22 
 IRISMustangMetrics-2.0.2/IRISMustangMetrics/man/gapsMetric.Rd                    |   10 
 IRISMustangMetrics-2.0.2/IRISMustangMetrics/man/getBssMetricList.Rd              |    6 
 IRISMustangMetrics-2.0.2/IRISMustangMetrics/man/getGeneralValueMetrics.Rd        |only
 IRISMustangMetrics-2.0.2/IRISMustangMetrics/man/getMetricFunctionMetadata.Rd     |only
 IRISMustangMetrics-2.0.2/IRISMustangMetrics/man/getMetricsXml.Rd                 |    4 
 IRISMustangMetrics-2.0.2/IRISMustangMetrics/man/getPsdMetrics.Rd                 |   17 
 IRISMustangMetrics-2.0.2/IRISMustangMetrics/man/getSingleValueMetrics.Rd         |   13 
 IRISMustangMetrics-2.0.2/IRISMustangMetrics/man/metricList2DF.Rd                 |only
 IRISMustangMetrics-2.0.2/IRISMustangMetrics/man/metricList2DFList.Rd             |   35 
 IRISMustangMetrics-2.0.2/IRISMustangMetrics/man/metricList2Xml.Rd                |   14 
 IRISMustangMetrics-2.0.2/IRISMustangMetrics/man/saveMetricList.Rd                |    6 
 IRISMustangMetrics-2.0.2/IRISMustangMetrics/man/spectrumMetric2Xml.Rd            |   23 
 IRISMustangMetrics-2.0.2/IRISMustangMetrics/man/spikesMetric.Rd                  |   28 
 IRISMustangMetrics-2.0.2/IRISMustangMetrics/man/stateOfHealthMetric.Rd           |    6 
 IRISMustangMetrics-2.0.2/IRISMustangMetrics/man/timesMetric2Xml.Rd               |    6 
 IRISMustangMetrics-2.0.2/IRISMustangMetrics/man/transferFunctionMetric.Rd        |   24 
 IRISMustangMetrics-2.0.2/IRISMustangMetrics/man/upDownTimesMetric.Rd             |    6 
 54 files changed, 1411 insertions(+), 680 deletions(-)

More information about IRISMustangMetrics at CRAN
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Package ggbeeswarm updated to version 0.5.3 with previous version 0.5.2 dated 2016-11-30

Title: Categorical Scatter (Violin Point) Plots
Description: Provides two methods of plotting categorical scatter plots such that the arrangement of points within a category reflects the density of data at that region, and avoids over-plotting.
Author: Erik Clarke [aut, cre], Scott Sherrill-Mix [aut]
Maintainer: Erik Clarke <>

Diff between ggbeeswarm versions 0.5.2 dated 2016-11-30 and 0.5.3 dated 2016-12-01

 DESCRIPTION                 |    8 ++++----
 MD5                         |   20 ++++++++++----------
 R/geom-beeswarm.R           |    3 +--
 R/position-beeswarm.R       |   29 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 build/partial.rdb           |binary
 inst/doc/usageExamples.R    |   16 ++++++++++------
 inst/doc/usageExamples.Rnw  |    8 +++++---
 inst/doc/usageExamples.pdf  |binary
 man/geom_beeswarm.Rd        |    9 +++------
 man/position_beeswarm.Rd    |    2 +-
 vignettes/usageExamples.Rnw |    8 +++++---
 11 files changed, 66 insertions(+), 37 deletions(-)

More information about ggbeeswarm at CRAN
Permanent link

New package FixSeqMTP with initial version 0.1.0
Package: FixSeqMTP
Type: Package
Title: Fixed Sequence Multiple Testing Procedures
Version: 0.1.0
Suggests: multxpert, multcomp, MHTdiscrete
Author: Yalin Zhu, Wenge Guo
Maintainer: Yalin Zhu <>
Description: Generalized Fixed Sequence Multiple Testing Procedures (g-FSMTPs) are used to test a sequence of pre- ordered hypotheses. The proposed three Family-wise Error Rate (FWER) controlling g-FSMTPs utilize numbers of rejections and acceptances, all the procedures are designed under arbitrary dependence. The proposed two False Discovery Rate (FDR) controlling g-FSMTPs allows more but a given number of acceptances (k>=1), the procedures are designed for arbitrary dependence and independence. The main functions for each proposed g-FSMTPs are designed to calculate adjusted p-values and critical values, respectively. For users' convenience, the output results also include the option of decision rules for convenience.
License: GPL (>= 2)
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: TRUE
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2016-12-01 16:49:46 UTC; kaijingzhang
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2016-12-01 19:44:22

More information about FixSeqMTP at CRAN
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New package deconvolveR with initial version 1.0-3
Package: deconvolveR
Title: Empirical Bayes Estimation Strategies
Version: 1.0-3
VignetteBuilder: knitr
Suggests: cowplot, ggplot2, knitr, rmarkdown
Authors@R: c(person("Bradley", "Efron", role=c("aut"), email = ""), person("Balasubramanian", "Narasimhan", role=c("aut", "cre"), email = "naras@stat.Stanford.EDU"))
Description: Empirical Bayes methods for learning prior distributions from data. An unknown prior distribution (g) has yielded (unobservable) parameters, each of which produces a data point from a parametric exponential family (f). The goal is to estimate the unknown prior ("g-modeling") by deconvolution and Empirical Bayes methods.
Depends: R (>= 3.0)
License: GPL (>= 2)
LazyData: true
Imports: splines, stats
RoxygenNote: 5.0.1
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2016-12-01 15:05:17 UTC; naras
Author: Bradley Efron [aut], Balasubramanian Narasimhan [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Balasubramanian Narasimhan <naras@stat.Stanford.EDU>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2016-12-01 19:44:32

More information about deconvolveR at CRAN
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Package datarobot updated to version 2.4.0 with previous version 2.3.1 dated 2016-08-31

Title: DataRobot Predictive Modeling API
Description: For working with the DataRobot predictive modeling platform's <> API.
Author: Ron Pearson [aut], Zachary Deane-Mayer [aut], David Chudzicki [aut], Dallin Akagi [aut]
Maintainer: David Chudzicki <>

Diff between datarobot versions 2.3.1 dated 2016-08-31 and 2.4.0 dated 2016-12-01

 DESCRIPTION                           |    8 -
 MD5                                   |  128 ++++++++++------
 NAMESPACE                             |   27 +++
 NEWS                                  |   28 +++
 R/ApplySchema.R                       |only
 R/ConnectToDataRobot.R                |   42 +++++
 R/CreateFeaturelist.R                 |    2 
 R/CreatePrimeCode.R                   |only
 R/DataRobotRequests.R                 |    3 
 R/DownloadPrimeCode.R                 |only
 R/Enums.R                             |   37 ++++
 R/FeatureImpact.R                     |   20 +-
 R/Features.R                          |   33 +++-
 R/GetAllModels.R                      |    1 
 R/GetFeaturelist.R                    |   11 +
 R/GetModelFromJobId.R                 |    6 
 R/GetModelJobs.R                      |   19 ++
 R/GetModelObject.R                    |   25 +++
 R/GetPredictJobs.R                    |   12 +
 R/GetPredictions.R                    |    2 
 R/GetPrimeEligibility.R               |only
 R/GetProject.R                        |   24 ++-
 R/GetProjectList.R                    |    1 
 R/GetProjectStatus.R                  |    9 +
 R/GetRecommendedBlueprints.R          |   11 +
 R/GetRulesets.R                       |only
 R/Jobs.R                              |    7 
 R/ListFeaturelists.R                  |    2 
 R/PredictionDatasets.R                |   20 +-
 R/PrimeFiles.R                        |only
 R/PrimeModels.R                       |only
 R/RequestApproximation.R              |only
 R/RequestPrimeModel.R                 |only
 R/SetupProject.R                      |  269 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 R/StartAutopilot.R                    |   14 +
 R/TransferrableModels.R               |only
 R/WaitForJobToComplete.R              |only
 inst/doc/ComparingSubsets.html        |    4 
 inst/doc/IntroductionToDataRobot.Rmd  |    2 
 inst/doc/IntroductionToDataRobot.html |    6 
 inst/doc/PartialDependence.html       |    4 
 inst/doc/VariableImportance.html      |    4 
 man/AutopilotMode.Rd                  |    2 
 man/CreatePrimeCode.Rd                |only
 man/DeleteTransferrableModel.Rd       |only
 man/DownloadPrimeCode.Rd              |only
 man/DownloadTransferrableModel.Rd     |only
 man/GetFeatureImpactForJobId.Rd       |    7 
 man/GetFeatureInfo.Rd                 |    8 -
 man/GetModelFromJobId.Rd              |    4 
 man/GetModelJobs.Rd                   |    2 
 man/GetModelObject.Rd                 |    1 
 man/GetPredictions.Rd                 |    4 
 man/GetPrimeEligibility.Rd            |only
 man/GetPrimeFile.Rd                   |only
 man/GetPrimeFileFromJobId.Rd          |only
 man/GetPrimeModel.Rd                  |only
 man/GetPrimeModelFromJobId.Rd         |only
 man/GetRulesets.Rd                    |only
 man/GetTransferrableModel.Rd          |only
 man/JobStatus.Rd                      |    2 
 man/JobType.Rd                        |only
 man/ListFeatureInfo.Rd                |    4 
 man/ListJobs.Rd                       |    7 
 man/ListPrimeFiles.Rd                 |only
 man/ListPrimeModels.Rd                |only
 man/ListTransferrableModels.Rd        |only
 man/PostgreSQLdrivers.Rd              |only
 man/PrimeLanguage.Rd                  |only
 man/RequestApproximation.Rd           |only
 man/RequestPrimeModel.Rd              |only
 man/RequestTransferrableModel.Rd      |only
 man/SetTarget.Rd                      |    4 
 man/SetupProject.Rd                   |    5 
 man/SetupProjectFromHDFS.Rd           |only
 man/SetupProjectFromMySQL.Rd          |only
 man/SetupProjectFromOracle.Rd         |only
 man/SetupProjectFromPostgreSQL.Rd     |only
 man/UpdateTransferrableModel.Rd       |only
 man/UploadPredictionDataset.Rd        |    7 
 man/UploadTransferrableModel.Rd       |only
 man/WaitForJobToComplete.Rd           |only
 tests/testthat/test-StartAutopilot.R  |    5 
 vignettes/IntroductionToDataRobot.Rmd |    2 
 84 files changed, 715 insertions(+), 130 deletions(-)

More information about datarobot at CRAN
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Package D3partitionR updated to version 0.3.0 with previous version 0.2.0 dated 2016-10-16

Title: Plotting D3 Hierarchical Plots in R and Shiny
Description: Plotting hierarchical plots in R such as Sunburst, Treemap, Circle Treemap, Partition Chart, collapsible indented tree and collapsible tree.
Author: Antoine GUILLOT [cre], Mike Bostock [aut, cph] (d3.js library in htmlwidgets/lib, The partitionChart, sunburst, the treemap, the zoomable circlePacking, the collapsible indented tree and the collapsible tree are all derived from his works.), jQuery Foundation [cph] (jQuery library), jQuery contributors [ctb, cph] (jQuery library; authors listed in inst/htmlwidgets/lib/jquery/jquery-AUTHORS.txt), HubSpot [cph] (Tether creators and contributors), Twitter Inc [cph] (Boostrap creators), Bootstrap contributor [cph] (Bootstrap contributors)
Maintainer: Antoine GUILLOT <>

Diff between D3partitionR versions 0.2.0 dated 2016-10-16 and 0.3.0 dated 2016-12-01

 DESCRIPTION                                         |   27 
 MD5                                                 |   26 
 R/AdditionalFunctions.R                             |    7 
 R/D3partitionR.R                                    |   11 
 inst/htmlwidgets/D3partitionR.js                    | 2919 +++++++++++---------
 inst/htmlwidgets/D3partitionR.yaml                  |   18 
 inst/htmlwidgets/lib/bootstrap                      |only
 inst/htmlwidgets/lib/d3/d3-bootstrap-plugins.min.js |only
 inst/htmlwidgets/lib/jquery                         |only
 inst/htmlwidgets/lib/style/circle.css               |   21 
 inst/htmlwidgets/lib/tether                         |only
 man/D3partitionR-shiny.Rd                           |    2 
 man/D3partitionR.Rd                                 |    4 
 13 files changed, 1747 insertions(+), 1288 deletions(-)

More information about D3partitionR at CRAN
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Package commonmark updated to version 1.0 with previous version 0.9 dated 2016-07-23

Title: High Performance CommonMark and Github Markdown Rendering in R
Description: The CommonMark specification defines a rationalized version of markdown syntax. This package uses the 'cmark' reference implementation for converting markdown text into various formats including html, latex and groff man. In addition it exposes the markdown parse tree in xml format. The latest version of this package also adds support for Github extensions including tables, autolinks and strikethrough text.
Author: Jeroen Ooms [aut, cre], John MacFarlane [cph] (Author of cmark)
Maintainer: Jeroen Ooms <>

Diff between commonmark versions 0.9 dated 2016-07-23 and 1.0 dated 2016-12-01

 DESCRIPTION                     |   16 
 LICENSE                         |    2 
 MD5                             |   99 
 NAMESPACE                       |    2 
 NEWS                            |    5 
 R/extensions.R                  |only
 R/markdown.R                    |   38 
 man/commonmark.Rd               |   25 
 man/extensions.Rd               |only
 src/Makevars                    |    8 
 src/cmark/arena.c               |only
 src/cmark/blocks.c              |  290 +
 src/cmark/buffer.h              |   36 
 src/cmark/chunk.h               |    8 
 src/cmark/cmark.c               |   12 
 src/cmark/cmark.h               |  183 +
 src/cmark/cmark_ctype.h         |    7 
 src/cmark/cmark_extension_api.h |only
 src/cmark/cmark_version.h       |    4 
 src/cmark/commonmark.c          |   17 
 src/cmark/          |    2 
 src/cmark/houdini.h             |   18 
 src/cmark/houdini_html_e.c      |    2 
 src/cmark/houdini_html_u.c      |    2 
 src/cmark/html.c                |  163 -
 src/cmark/html.h                |only
 src/cmark/inlines.c             |  387 ++
 src/cmark/inlines.h             |   12 
 src/cmark/iterator.c            |   52 
 src/cmark/latex.c               |   15 
 src/cmark/linked_list.c         |only
 src/cmark/main.c                |  119 
 src/cmark/man.c                 |   26 
 src/cmark/node.c                |  197 +
 src/cmark/node.h                |   23 
 src/cmark/parser.h              |   21 
 src/cmark/plugin.c              |only
 src/cmark/plugin.h              |only
 src/cmark/references.c          |    6 
 src/cmark/registry.c            |only
 src/cmark/registry.h            |only
 src/cmark/render.c              |    3 
 src/cmark/render.h              |   11 
 src/cmark/scanners.c            | 5848 ++++++++++++----------------------------
 src/cmark/scanners.h            |    7 
 src/cmark/           |only
 src/cmark/syntax_extension.c    |only
 src/cmark/syntax_extension.h    |only
 src/cmark/xml.c                 |    6 
 src/extensions                  |only
 src/extensions.c                |only
 src/wrapper.c                   |   25 
 52 files changed, 3290 insertions(+), 4407 deletions(-)

More information about commonmark at CRAN
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Package clubSandwich updated to version 0.2.2 with previous version 0.2.1 dated 2016-07-23

Title: Cluster-Robust (Sandwich) Variance Estimators with Small-Sample Corrections
Description: Provides several cluster-robust variance estimators (i.e., sandwich estimators) for ordinary and weighted least squares linear regression models, including the bias-reduced linearization estimator introduced by Bell and McCaffrey (2002) <> and developed further by Pustejovsky and Tipton (2016) <DOI:10.1080/07350015.2016.1247004>. The package includes functions for estimating the variance- covariance matrix and for testing single- and multiple-contrast hypotheses based on Wald test statistics. Tests of single regression coefficients use Satterthwaite or saddle-point corrections. Tests of multiple-contrast hypotheses use an approximation to Hotelling's T-squared distribution. Methods are provided for a variety of fitted models, including lm(), plm() (from package 'plm'), gls() and lme() (from 'nlme'), robu() (from 'robumeta'), and rma.uni() and (from 'metafor').
Author: James Pustejovsky [aut, cre]
Maintainer: James Pustejovsky <>

Diff between clubSandwich versions 0.2.1 dated 2016-07-23 and 0.2.2 dated 2016-12-01

 clubSandwich-0.2.1/clubSandwich/tests/testthat/test_lme.R                                  |only
 clubSandwich-0.2.2/clubSandwich/DESCRIPTION                                                |   16 
 clubSandwich-0.2.2/clubSandwich/MD5                                                        |   92 ++---
 clubSandwich-0.2.2/clubSandwich/NAMESPACE                                                  |    3 
 clubSandwich-0.2.2/clubSandwich/NEWS                                                       |   10 
 clubSandwich-0.2.2/clubSandwich/R/CR-adjustments.R                                         |   27 -
 clubSandwich-0.2.2/clubSandwich/R/S3-methods.R                                             |   26 +
 clubSandwich-0.2.2/clubSandwich/R/Wald_test.R                                              |   92 ++---
 clubSandwich-0.2.2/clubSandwich/R/clubSandwich.R                                           |  174 +++-------
 clubSandwich-0.2.2/clubSandwich/R/coef_test.R                                              |   30 -
 clubSandwich-0.2.2/clubSandwich/R/data-documentation.R                                     |   20 +
 clubSandwich-0.2.2/clubSandwich/R/get_arrays.R                                             |only
 clubSandwich-0.2.2/clubSandwich/R/gls.R                                                    |   39 +-
 clubSandwich-0.2.2/clubSandwich/R/ivreg.R                                                  |   17 
 clubSandwich-0.2.2/clubSandwich/R/lm.R                                                     |   18 -
 clubSandwich-0.2.2/clubSandwich/R/lme.R                                                    |   92 ++++-
 clubSandwich-0.2.2/clubSandwich/R/matrix-functions.R                                       |only
 clubSandwich-0.2.2/clubSandwich/R/plm.R                                                    |   81 +++-
 clubSandwich-0.2.2/clubSandwich/R/rma-mv.R                                                 |   27 +
 clubSandwich-0.2.2/clubSandwich/R/rma-uni.R                                                |   32 +
 clubSandwich-0.2.2/clubSandwich/R/robu.R                                                   |   26 +
 clubSandwich-0.2.2/clubSandwich/R/utilities.R                                              |   34 +
 clubSandwich-0.2.2/clubSandwich/build/vignette.rds                                         |binary
 clubSandwich-0.2.2/clubSandwich/data/SATcoaching.RData                                     |only
 clubSandwich-0.2.2/clubSandwich/inst/doc/Robust-Variance-Estimation-with-clubSandwich.Rmd  |    2 
 clubSandwich-0.2.2/clubSandwich/inst/doc/Robust-Variance-Estimation-with-clubSandwich.html |   18 -
 clubSandwich-0.2.2/clubSandwich/inst/doc/meta-analysis-with-CRVE.html                      |   66 +--
 clubSandwich-0.2.2/clubSandwich/inst/doc/panel-data-CRVE.html                              |   90 ++---
 clubSandwich-0.2.2/clubSandwich/man/SATcoaching.Rd                                         |only
 clubSandwich-0.2.2/clubSandwich/man/vcovCR.Rd                                              |   28 +
 clubSandwich-0.2.2/clubSandwich/man/vcovCR.gls.Rd                                          |   12 
 clubSandwich-0.2.2/clubSandwich/man/vcovCR.ivreg.Rd                                        |   11 
 clubSandwich-0.2.2/clubSandwich/man/vcovCR.lm.Rd                                           |   12 
 clubSandwich-0.2.2/clubSandwich/man/vcovCR.lme.Rd                                          |   12 
 clubSandwich-0.2.2/clubSandwich/man/vcovCR.plm.Rd                                          |   16 
 clubSandwich-0.2.2/clubSandwich/man/                                       |   12 
 clubSandwich-0.2.2/clubSandwich/man/vcovCR.rma.uni.Rd                                      |   12 
 clubSandwich-0.2.2/clubSandwich/man/vcovCR.robu.Rd                                         |   12 
 clubSandwich-0.2.2/clubSandwich/tests/testthat.R                                           |    2 
 clubSandwich-0.2.2/clubSandwich/tests/testthat/test_gls.R                                  |   37 +-
 clubSandwich-0.2.2/clubSandwich/tests/testthat/test_lm.R                                   |   17 
 clubSandwich-0.2.2/clubSandwich/tests/testthat/test_lme_2level.R                           |only
 clubSandwich-0.2.2/clubSandwich/tests/testthat/test_lme_3level.R                           |only
 clubSandwich-0.2.2/clubSandwich/tests/testthat/test_plm-first-differences.R                |only
 clubSandwich-0.2.2/clubSandwich/tests/testthat/test_plm-fixed-effects.R                    |   35 +-
 clubSandwich-0.2.2/clubSandwich/tests/testthat/test_plm-random-effects.R                   |   21 -
 clubSandwich-0.2.2/clubSandwich/tests/testthat/test_plm-unbalanced-fixed-effects.R         |   64 +--
 clubSandwich-0.2.2/clubSandwich/tests/testthat/test_rma-mv.R                               |   34 +
 clubSandwich-0.2.2/clubSandwich/tests/testthat/test_rma-uni.R                              |   13 
 clubSandwich-0.2.2/clubSandwich/tests/testthat/test_robu.R                                 |   75 ++--
 clubSandwich-0.2.2/clubSandwich/vignettes/Robust-Variance-Estimation-with-clubSandwich.Rmd |    2 
 51 files changed, 956 insertions(+), 503 deletions(-)

More information about clubSandwich at CRAN
Permanent link

Package RSQLServer (with last version 0.2.0) was removed from CRAN

Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:

2016-03-22 0.2.0
2014-10-10 0.1.1

Permanent link
Package ape updated to version 4.0 with previous version 3.5 dated 2016-05-24

Title: Analyses of Phylogenetics and Evolution
Description: Functions for reading, writing, plotting, and manipulating phylogenetic trees, analyses of comparative data in a phylogenetic framework, ancestral character analyses, analyses of diversification and macroevolution, computing distances from DNA sequences, reading and writing nucleotide sequences as well as importing from BioConductor, and several tools such as Mantel's test, generalized skyline plots, graphical exploration of phylogenetic data (alex, trex, kronoviz), estimation of absolute evolutionary rates and clock-like trees using mean path lengths and penalized likelihood, dating trees with non-contemporaneous sequences, translating DNA into AA sequences, and assessing sequence alignments. Phylogeny estimation can be done with the NJ, BIONJ, ME, MVR, SDM, and triangle methods, and several methods handling incomplete distance matrices (NJ*, BIONJ*, MVR*, and the corresponding triangle method). Some functions call external applications (PhyML, Clustal, T-Coffee, Muscle, MAFFT) whose results are returned into R.
Author: Emmanuel Paradis [aut, cre, cph], Simon Blomberg [aut, cph], Ben Bolker [aut, cph], Julien Claude [aut, cph], Hoa Sien Cuong [aut, cph], Richard Desper [aut, cph], Gilles Didier [aut, cph], Benoit Durand [aut, cph], Julien Dutheil [aut, cph], Olivier Gascuel [aut, cph], Christoph Heibl [aut, cph], Anthony Ives [aut, cph], Bradley Jones [aut, cph], Daniel Lawson [aut, cph], Vincent Lefort [aut, cph], Pierre Legendre [aut, cph], Jim Lemon [aut, cph], Rosemary McCloskey [aut, cph], Johan Nylander [aut, cph], Rainer Opgen-Rhein [aut, cph], Andrei-Alin Popescu [aut, cph], Manuela Royer-Carenzi [aut, cph], Klaus Schliep [aut, cph], Korbinian Strimmer [aut, cph], Damien de Vienne [aut, cph]
Maintainer: Emmanuel Paradis <>

Diff between ape versions 3.5 dated 2016-05-24 and 4.0 dated 2016-12-01

 ape-3.5/ape/data/landplants.newick.rda |only
 ape-3.5/ape/data/opsin.newick.rda      |only
 ape-3.5/ape/man/landplants.Rd          |only
 ape-3.5/ape/man/opsin.Rd               |only
 ape-4.0/ape/DESCRIPTION                |   14 -
 ape-4.0/ape/MD5                        |  126 +++++----
 ape-4.0/ape/NAMESPACE                  |   39 ++-
 ape-4.0/ape/R/CDF.birth.death.R        |    6 
 ape-4.0/ape/R/DNA.R                    |  202 +++++++++++----
 ape-4.0/ape/R/MPR.R                    |    2 
 ape-4.0/ape/R/SDM.R                    |    2 
 ape-4.0/ape/R/SlowinskiGuyer.R         |   27 +-
 ape-4.0/ape/R/ace.R                    |    6 
 ape-4.0/ape/R/as.phylo.R               |    2 
 ape-4.0/ape/R/checkValidPhylo.R        |    9 
 ape-4.0/ape/R/chronoMPL.R              |    2 
 ape-4.0/ape/R/clustal.R                |   35 ++
 ape-4.0/ape/R/coalescent.intervals.R   |    2 
 ape-4.0/ape/R/dist.topo.R              |  124 +++++----
 ape-4.0/ape/R/is.binary.tree.R         |   37 +-
 ape-4.0/ape/R/is.ultrametric.R         |   45 ++-
 ape-4.0/ape/R/ltt.plot.R               |    6 
 ape-4.0/ape/R/makeLabel.R              |    6 
 ape-4.0/ape/R/multi2di.R               |   54 +++-
 ape-4.0/ape/R/            |only
 ape-4.0/ape/R/pic.R                    |    2 
 ape-4.0/ape/R/plot.phylo.R             |   29 +-
 ape-4.0/ape/R/plot.phyloExtra.R        |   32 ++
 ape-4.0/ape/R/read.GenBank.R           |   80 +++---
 ape-4.0/ape/R/read.dna.R               |   16 -
 ape-4.0/ape/R/read.gff.R               |only
 ape-4.0/ape/R/reconstruct.R            |  421 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 ape-4.0/ape/R/reorder.phylo.R          |   37 ++
 ape-4.0/ape/R/root.R                   |  103 ++++++--
 ape-4.0/ape/R/rtt.R                    |   16 -
 ape-4.0/ape/R/summary.phylo.R          |  116 ++++++---
 ape-4.0/ape/R/write.dna.R              |    2 
 ape-4.0/ape/R/yule.R                   |    2 
 ape-4.0/ape/build/vignette.rds         |binary
 ape-4.0/ape/data/hivtree.newick.rda    |binary
 ape-4.0/ape/inst/doc/MoranI.pdf        |binary
 ape-4.0/ape/man/AAbin.Rd               |    3 
 ape-4.0/ape/man/all.equal.DNAbin.Rd    |only
 ape-4.0/ape/man/alview.Rd              |    2 
 ape-4.0/ape/man/ape-internal.Rd        |    6 
 ape-4.0/ape/man/ape-package.Rd         |    4 
 ape-4.0/ape/man/boot.phylo.Rd          |    9 
 ape-4.0/ape/man/c.phylo.Rd             |   23 +
 ape-4.0/ape/man/checkAlignment.Rd      |    2 
 ape-4.0/ape/man/clustal.Rd             |   31 +-
 ape-4.0/ape/man/dist.topo.Rd           |   21 +
 ape-4.0/ape/man/image.DNAbin.Rd        |    5 
 ape-4.0/ape/man/is.binary.tree.Rd      |   40 +--
 ape-4.0/ape/man/is.ultrametric.Rd      |   39 +--
 ape-4.0/ape/man/mixedFontLabel.Rd      |    2 
 ape-4.0/ape/man/multi2di.Rd            |   25 +
 ape-4.0/ape/man/         |only
 ape-4.0/ape/man/plot.phyloExtra.Rd     |    2 
 ape-4.0/ape/man/plotTreeTime.Rd        |only
 ape-4.0/ape/man/read.GenBank.Rd        |   62 ++--
 ape-4.0/ape/man/read.dna.Rd            |    4 
 ape-4.0/ape/man/read.gff.Rd            |only
 ape-4.0/ape/man/reconstruct.Rd         |   85 ++++--
 ape-4.0/ape/man/reorder.phylo.Rd       |    8 
 ape-4.0/ape/man/root.Rd                |   64 +++--
 ape-4.0/ape/man/summary.phylo.Rd       |   20 +
 ape-4.0/ape/src/ape.c                  |    8 
 ape-4.0/ape/src/dist_dna.c             |  122 ++++++---
 ape-4.0/ape/src/read_dna.c             |   26 +-
 69 files changed, 1559 insertions(+), 656 deletions(-)

More information about ape at CRAN
Permanent link

Package slam updated to version 0.1-40 with previous version 0.1-39 dated 2016-11-18

Title: Sparse Lightweight Arrays and Matrices
Description: Data structures and algorithms for sparse arrays and matrices, based on index arrays and simple triplet representations, respectively.
Author: Kurt Hornik [aut, cre], David Meyer [aut], Christian Buchta [aut]
Maintainer: Kurt Hornik <>

Diff between slam versions 0.1-39 dated 2016-11-18 and 0.1-40 dated 2016-12-01

 DESCRIPTION           |    6 +++---
 MD5                   |    8 +++++---
 NAMESPACE             |    1 +
 R/matrix.R            |   39 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 tests/split.R         |only
 tests/ |only
 6 files changed, 47 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

More information about slam at CRAN
Permanent link

New package rxSeq with initial version 0.99.3
Package: rxSeq
Type: Package
Title: Combined Total and Allele Specific Reads Sequencing Study
Version: 0.99.3
Date: 2016-11-30
Authors@R: c(person("Vasyl Zhabotynsky", role = c("aut", "cre"), email = ""), person("Wei Sun", role = "aut"), person("Fei Zou", role = "aut"))
Author: Vasyl Zhabotynsky [aut, cre], Wei Sun [aut], Fei Zou [aut]
Maintainer: Vasyl Zhabotynsky <>
Description: Analysis of combined total and allele specific reads from the reciprocal cross study with RNA-seq data.
Depends: MASS,VGAM,numDeriv
License: GPL (>= 2)
LazyLoad: yes
LazyData: yes
Encoding: UTF-8
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2016-12-01 09:33:06 UTC; zhabotyn
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2016-12-01 12:45:14

More information about rxSeq at CRAN
Permanent link

Package CompareCausalNetworks updated to version 0.1.5 with previous version 0.1.4 dated 2015-10-07

Title: Interface to Diverse Estimation Methods of Causal Networks
Description: Unified interface for the estimation of causal networks, including the methods 'backShift' (from package 'backShift'), 'bivariateANM' (bivariate additive noise model), 'bivariateCAM' (bivariate causal additive model), 'CAM' (causal additive model) (from package 'CAM'), 'hiddenICP' (invariant causal prediction with hidden variables), 'ICP' (invariant causal prediction) (from package 'InvariantCausalPrediction'), 'GES' (greedy equivalence search), 'GIES' (greedy interventional equivalence search), 'LINGAM', 'PC' (PC Algorithm), 'RFCI' (really fast causal inference) (all from package 'pcalg') and regression.
Author: Christina Heinze-Deml <>, Nicolai Meinshausen <>
Maintainer: Christina Heinze-Deml <>

Diff between CompareCausalNetworks versions 0.1.4 dated 2015-10-07 and 0.1.5 dated 2016-12-01

 DESCRIPTION   |   36 +++++++++++++++++-------------------
 MD5           |    6 +++---
 NAMESPACE     |    7 ++++---
 R/runLINGAM.R |    8 +++++---
 4 files changed, 29 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)

More information about CompareCausalNetworks at CRAN
Permanent link

Package valr updated to version 0.1.1 with previous version 0.1.0 dated 2016-11-21

Title: Genome Interval Arithmetic in R
Description: Read and manipulate genome intervals and signals. Provides functionality similar to command-line tool suites within R, enabling interactive analysis and visualization of genome-scale data.
Author: Jay Hesselberth [aut, cre], Kent Riemondy [aut], Ryan Sheridan [ctb]
Maintainer: Jay Hesselberth <>

Diff between valr versions 0.1.0 dated 2016-11-21 and 0.1.1 dated 2016-12-01

 DESCRIPTION                  |    6 
 MD5                          |  103 +++++------                      |   10 +
 R/bed12_to_exons.r           |    9 -
 R/bed_absdist.r              |   31 +--
 R/bed_cluster.r              |   18 +-
 R/bed_complement.r           |    6 
 R/bed_fisher.r               |   13 +
 R/bed_glyph.r                |   12 -
 R/bed_intersect.r            |   48 +++--
 R/bed_jaccard.r              |    2 
 R/bed_map.r                  |   14 -
 R/bed_merge.r                |   13 -
 R/bed_projection.r           |   31 +--
 R/bed_reldist.r              |   17 +
 R/db.r                       |   19 +-
 R/read_bed.r                 |    5 
 R/read_genome.r              |   18 +-
 R/spacing.r                  |    3                    |only
 build/vignette.rds           |binary
 inst/doc/interval-stats.R    |  131 +++++++-------
 inst/doc/interval-stats.Rmd  |  166 ++++++++++--------
 inst/doc/interval-stats.html |  384 ++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 inst/doc/valr.R              |    8 
 inst/doc/valr.Rmd            |   14 +
 inst/doc/valr.html           |   43 ++--
 man/bed12_to_exons.Rd        |    9 -
 man/bed_absdist.Rd           |   30 +--
 man/bed_closest.Rd           |   10 -
 man/bed_cluster.Rd           |   18 +-
 man/bed_complement.Rd        |    1 
 man/bed_coverage.Rd          |   10 -
 man/bed_fisher.Rd            |    8 
 man/bed_glyph.Rd             |    6 
 man/bed_intersect.Rd         |   44 ++--
 man/bed_jaccard.Rd           |    5 
 man/bed_map.Rd               |   22 +-
 man/bed_merge.Rd             |   15 -
 man/bed_projection.Rd        |   25 +-
 man/bed_reldist.Rd           |   23 ++
 man/bed_subtract.Rd          |   10 -
 man/bed_window.Rd            |   10 -
 man/bound_intervals.Rd       |    7 
 man/db.Rd                    |   19 +-
 man/read_bed.Rd              |    5 
 man/read_genome.Rd           |    5 
 src/absdist.cpp              |   11 +
 tests/testthat/test-db.r     |    6 
 tests/testthat/test-style.r  |    2 
 tests/testthat/test_glyph.r  |    5 
 vignettes/interval-stats.Rmd |  166 ++++++++++--------
 vignettes/valr.Rmd           |   14 +
 53 files changed, 909 insertions(+), 701 deletions(-)

More information about valr at CRAN
Permanent link

Package robustlmm updated to version 2.1 with previous version 1.8 dated 2016-01-03

Title: Robust Linear Mixed Effects Models
Description: A method to fit linear mixed effects models robustly. Robustness is achieved by modification of the scoring equations combined with the Design Adaptive Scale approach.
Author: Manuel Koller
Maintainer: Manuel Koller <>

Diff between robustlmm versions 1.8 dated 2016-01-03 and 2.1 dated 2016-12-01

 robustlmm-1.8/robustlmm/man/psiFuncCached.Rd                             |only
 robustlmm-1.8/robustlmm/man/psi_func_cached-class.Rd                     |only
 robustlmm-1.8/robustlmm/vignettes/efficiency-table.tex                   |only
 robustlmm-1.8/robustlmm/vignettes/figs                                   |only
 robustlmm-2.1/robustlmm/DESCRIPTION                                      |   21 
 robustlmm-2.1/robustlmm/MD5                                              |   94 
 robustlmm-2.1/robustlmm/NAMESPACE                                        |   14 
 robustlmm-2.1/robustlmm/R/AllClass.R                                     |   37 
 robustlmm-2.1/robustlmm/R/DAS-scale.R                                    |   42 
 robustlmm-2.1/robustlmm/R/fromLme4.R                                     |    5 
 robustlmm-2.1/robustlmm/R/helpers.R                                      |   10 
 robustlmm-2.1/robustlmm/R/lmer.R                                         |    6 
 robustlmm-2.1/robustlmm/R/psiFunc2.R                                     |  410 --
 robustlmm-2.1/robustlmm/R/rlmer.R                                        |    8 
 robustlmm-2.1/robustlmm/                                        |    8 
 robustlmm-2.1/robustlmm/build/vignette.rds                               |binary
 robustlmm-2.1/robustlmm/inst/CITATION                                    |only
 robustlmm-2.1/robustlmm/inst/doc/rlmer.R                                 |  478 --
 robustlmm-2.1/robustlmm/inst/doc/rlmer.Rnw                               | 1633 ++++------
 robustlmm-2.1/robustlmm/inst/doc/rlmer.pdf                               |binary
 robustlmm-2.1/robustlmm/inst/include                                     |only
 robustlmm-2.1/robustlmm/man/chgDefaults.Rd                               |   23 
 robustlmm-2.1/robustlmm/man/other.Rd                                     |only
 robustlmm-2.1/robustlmm/man/plot-methods.Rd                              |only
 robustlmm-2.1/robustlmm/man/psi-functions.Rd                             |   21 
 robustlmm-2.1/robustlmm/man/psi2propII.Rd                                |   19 
 robustlmm-2.1/robustlmm/man/rlmer.Rd                                     |    3 
 robustlmm-2.1/robustlmm/man/robustlmm-package.Rd                         |   12 
 robustlmm-2.1/robustlmm/src                                              |only
 robustlmm-2.1/robustlmm/tests/DAS-scale.R                                |   16 
 robustlmm-2.1/robustlmm/tests/PsiFunction.R                              |only
 robustlmm-2.1/robustlmm/tests/                  |   16 
 robustlmm-2.1/robustlmm/tests/expectations.R                             |    6 
 robustlmm-2.1/robustlmm/tests/getME.R                                    |   11 
 robustlmm-2.1/robustlmm/tests/                            |  169 -
 robustlmm-2.1/robustlmm/tests/psi-rho-funs.R                             |   39 
 robustlmm-2.1/robustlmm/tests/tau.R                                      |   24 
 robustlmm-2.1/robustlmm/tests/testMatrices.R                             |    6 
 robustlmm-2.1/robustlmm/vignettes/Figures                                |only
 robustlmm-2.1/robustlmm/vignettes/efficiency-table-B-optimal.tex         |    2 
 robustlmm-2.1/robustlmm/vignettes/efficiency-table-lqq-locationScale.tex |   10 
 robustlmm-2.1/robustlmm/vignettes/efficiency-table-lqq.tex               |    8 
 robustlmm-2.1/robustlmm/vignettes/jss.dtx                                |only
 robustlmm-2.1/robustlmm/vignettes/jsslogo.pdf                            |only
 robustlmm-2.1/robustlmm/vignettes/rlmer.Rnw                              | 1633 ++++------
 robustlmm-2.1/robustlmm/vignettes/rlmer.bib                              |  678 +---
 robustlmm-2.1/robustlmm/vignettes/rlmer.sty                              |only
 robustlmm-2.1/robustlmm/vignettes/tuning-constants-table.tex             |    2 
 48 files changed, 2262 insertions(+), 3202 deletions(-)

More information about robustlmm at CRAN
Permanent link

Package gRc updated to version 0.4-2 with previous version 0.4-1 dated 2012-11-25

Title: Inference in Graphical Gaussian Models with Edge and Vertex Symmetries
Description: Estimation, model selection and other aspects of statistical inference in Graphical Gaussian models with edge and vertex symmetries (Graphical Gaussian models with colours).
Author: Søren Højsgaard <>, Steffen L. Lauritzen <>
Maintainer: Søren Højsgaard <>

Diff between gRc versions 0.4-1 dated 2012-11-25 and 0.4-2 dated 2016-12-01

 gRc-0.4-1/gRc/gRc-Ex.R           |only
 gRc-0.4-2/gRc/DESCRIPTION        |   12 ++++----
 gRc-0.4-2/gRc/MD5                |   17 +++++-------
 gRc-0.4-2/gRc/NAMESPACE          |   31 +++++++++++++++++----
 gRc-0.4-2/gRc/R/RCON-IPM5.R      |   17 ++++++------
 gRc-0.4-2/gRc/R/display4.R       |   34 ++++++++++++------------
 gRc-0.4-2/gRc/R/rcor-IPM4.R      |   55 +++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 gRc-0.4-2/gRc/man/fitInternal.Rd |    3 +-
 gRc-0.4-2/gRc/man/stepwise.Rd    |    6 ++--
 gRc-0.4-2/gRc/src/rconipm2.c     |   11 ++++---
 10 files changed, 105 insertions(+), 81 deletions(-)

More information about gRc at CRAN
Permanent link

Package dtwclust updated to version 3.0.0 with previous version 2.3.0 dated 2016-10-03

Title: Time Series Clustering Along with Optimizations for the Dynamic Time Warping Distance
Description: Time series clustering along with optimized techniques related to the Dynamic Time Warping distance and its corresponding lower bounds. Implementations of partitional, hierarchical, fuzzy, k-Shape and TADPole clustering are available. Functionality can be easily extended with custom distance measures and centroid definitions.
Author: Alexis Sarda-Espinosa
Maintainer: Alexis Sarda <>

Diff between dtwclust versions 2.3.0 dated 2016-10-03 and 3.0.0 dated 2016-12-01

 dtwclust-2.3.0/dtwclust/                             |only
 dtwclust-2.3.0/dtwclust/src/update-lcm.c                      |only
 dtwclust-2.3.0/dtwclust/tests/testthat/helper_all.R           |only
 dtwclust-2.3.0/dtwclust/tests/testthat/test_all_distances.R   |only
 dtwclust-2.3.0/dtwclust/tests/testthat/test_centroids.R       |only
 dtwclust-2.3.0/dtwclust/tests/testthat/test_custom_distance.R |only
 dtwclust-2.3.0/dtwclust/tests/testthat/test_cvis.R            |only
 dtwclust-2.3.0/dtwclust/tests/testthat/test_dtw_basic.R       |only
 dtwclust-2.3.0/dtwclust/tests/testthat/test_fuzzy.R           |only
 dtwclust-2.3.0/dtwclust/tests/testthat/test_hierarchical.R    |only
 dtwclust-2.3.0/dtwclust/tests/testthat/test_lbs.R             |only
 dtwclust-2.3.0/dtwclust/tests/testthat/test_methods.R         |only
 dtwclust-2.3.0/dtwclust/tests/testthat/test_partitional.R     |only
 dtwclust-2.3.0/dtwclust/tests/testthat/test_types.R           |only
 dtwclust-2.3.0/dtwclust/tests/testthat/test_zparallel.R       |only
 dtwclust-2.3.0/dtwclust/vignettes/dtwclust-concordance.tex    |only
 dtwclust-3.0.0/dtwclust/DESCRIPTION                           |   18 
 dtwclust-3.0.0/dtwclust/MD5                                   |  171 
 dtwclust-3.0.0/dtwclust/NAMESPACE                             |   27 
 dtwclust-3.0.0/dtwclust/R/DBA.R                               |  324 -
 dtwclust-3.0.0/dtwclust/R/GAK.R                               |only
 dtwclust-3.0.0/dtwclust/R/NCCc.R                              |   35 
 dtwclust-3.0.0/dtwclust/R/SBD.R                               |  442 +-
 dtwclust-3.0.0/dtwclust/R/TADPole.R                           |  551 +--
 dtwclust-3.0.0/dtwclust/R/all-cent.R                          |  497 +-
 dtwclust-3.0.0/dtwclust/R/create-dtwclust.R                   |only
 dtwclust-3.0.0/dtwclust/R/cvi.R                               |  250 -
 dtwclust-3.0.0/dtwclust/R/ddist.R                             |  298 -
 dtwclust-3.0.0/dtwclust/R/dtw-basic.R                         |  438 +-
 dtwclust-3.0.0/dtwclust/R/dtw-lb.R                            |  267 -
 dtwclust-3.0.0/dtwclust/R/dtw2.R                              |   76 
 dtwclust-3.0.0/dtwclust/R/dtwclust-classes.R                  |  212 -
 dtwclust-3.0.0/dtwclust/R/dtwclust-methods.R                  | 1385 ++++---
 dtwclust-3.0.0/dtwclust/R/dtwclust.R                          | 1770 +++++-----
 dtwclust-3.0.0/dtwclust/R/fuzzy.R                             |   42 
 dtwclust-3.0.0/dtwclust/R/lb-improved.R                       |  528 +-
 dtwclust-3.0.0/dtwclust/R/lb-keogh.R                          |  510 +-
 dtwclust-3.0.0/dtwclust/R/partitional.R                       |  254 -
 dtwclust-3.0.0/dtwclust/R/pkg.R                               |  178 -
 dtwclust-3.0.0/dtwclust/R/reinterpolate.R                     |   67 
 dtwclust-3.0.0/dtwclust/R/shape-extraction.R                  |  170 
 dtwclust-3.0.0/dtwclust/R/uciCT.R                             |   26 
 dtwclust-3.0.0/dtwclust/R/utils.R                             |  545 +--
 dtwclust-3.0.0/dtwclust/R/zscore.R                            |  115 
 dtwclust-3.0.0/dtwclust/build/vignette.rds                    |binary
 dtwclust-3.0.0/dtwclust/data/uciCT.rda                        |binary
 dtwclust-3.0.0/dtwclust/inst/NEWS.Rd                          |   27 
 dtwclust-3.0.0/dtwclust/inst/doc/dtwclust.Rnw                 |  491 ++
 dtwclust-3.0.0/dtwclust/inst/doc/dtwclust.pdf                 |binary
 dtwclust-3.0.0/dtwclust/inst/dtwclust-examples.R              |  186 -
 dtwclust-3.0.0/dtwclust/man/DBA.Rd                            |   75 
 dtwclust-3.0.0/dtwclust/man/GAK.Rd                            |only
 dtwclust-3.0.0/dtwclust/man/NCCc.Rd                           |    7 
 dtwclust-3.0.0/dtwclust/man/SBD.Rd                            |   35 
 dtwclust-3.0.0/dtwclust/man/TADPole.Rd                        |   59 
 dtwclust-3.0.0/dtwclust/man/as.matrix.Rd                      |only
 dtwclust-3.0.0/dtwclust/man/clusterSim.Rd                     |    5 
 dtwclust-3.0.0/dtwclust/man/create_dtwclust.Rd                |only
 dtwclust-3.0.0/dtwclust/man/cvi.Rd                            |  140 
 dtwclust-3.0.0/dtwclust/man/dtw2.Rd                           |   36 
 dtwclust-3.0.0/dtwclust/man/dtw_basic.Rd                      |   42 
 dtwclust-3.0.0/dtwclust/man/dtw_lb.Rd                         |   37 
 dtwclust-3.0.0/dtwclust/man/dtwclust-class.Rd                 |   27 
 dtwclust-3.0.0/dtwclust/man/dtwclust-methods.Rd               |  105 
 dtwclust-3.0.0/dtwclust/man/dtwclust-package.Rd               |   20 
 dtwclust-3.0.0/dtwclust/man/dtwclust.Rd                       |  723 ++--
 dtwclust-3.0.0/dtwclust/man/dtwclustControl-class.Rd          |   94 
 dtwclust-3.0.0/dtwclust/man/dtwclustFamily-class.Rd           |   26 
 dtwclust-3.0.0/dtwclust/man/lb_improved.Rd                    |   40 
 dtwclust-3.0.0/dtwclust/man/lb_keogh.Rd                       |   43 
 dtwclust-3.0.0/dtwclust/man/randIndex.Rd                      |    3 
 dtwclust-3.0.0/dtwclust/man/reinterpolate.Rd                  |   30 
 dtwclust-3.0.0/dtwclust/man/shape_extraction.Rd               |   40 
 dtwclust-3.0.0/dtwclust/man/uciCT.Rd                          |   14 
 dtwclust-3.0.0/dtwclust/man/zscore.Rd                         |   16 
 dtwclust-3.0.0/dtwclust/src/dtw-basic.c                       |  358 +-
 dtwclust-3.0.0/dtwclust/src/envelop.cpp                       |  112 
 dtwclust-3.0.0/dtwclust/src/logGAK.c                          |only
 dtwclust-3.0.0/dtwclust/src/pairs.c                           |   77 
 dtwclust-3.0.0/dtwclust/tests/testthat.R                      |    6 
 dtwclust-3.0.0/dtwclust/tests/testthat/acceptance             |only
 dtwclust-3.0.0/dtwclust/tests/testthat/helper-all.R           |only
 dtwclust-3.0.0/dtwclust/tests/testthat/integration            |only
 dtwclust-3.0.0/dtwclust/tests/testthat/regression             |only
 dtwclust-3.0.0/dtwclust/tests/testthat/system                 |only
 dtwclust-3.0.0/dtwclust/tests/testthat/test-01-unit.R         |only
 dtwclust-3.0.0/dtwclust/tests/testthat/test-02-integration.R  |only
 dtwclust-3.0.0/dtwclust/tests/testthat/test-03-acceptance.R   |only
 dtwclust-3.0.0/dtwclust/tests/testthat/test-04-system.R       |only
 dtwclust-3.0.0/dtwclust/tests/testthat/test-05-regression.R   |only
 dtwclust-3.0.0/dtwclust/tests/testthat/test-06-parallel.R     |only
 dtwclust-3.0.0/dtwclust/tests/testthat/unit                   |only
 dtwclust-3.0.0/dtwclust/vignettes/REFERENCES.bib              |   84 
 dtwclust-3.0.0/dtwclust/vignettes/dtwclust.Rnw                |  491 ++
 94 files changed, 6835 insertions(+), 5810 deletions(-)

More information about dtwclust at CRAN
Permanent link

Package bioimagetools updated to version 1.0.0 with previous version 0.3.1 dated 2016-10-17

Title: Some Tools for Imaging
Description: Tools for 3D imaging, mostly for biology/microscopy. Read and write TIFF stacks. Functions for segmentation, filtering and analysing 3D point patterns.
Author: Volker Schmid [aut, cre], Priyanka Kukreja [ctb], Fabian Scheipl [ctb]
Maintainer: Volker Schmid <>

Diff between bioimagetools versions 0.3.1 dated 2016-10-17 and 1.0.0 dated 2016-12-01

 bioimagetools-0.3.1/bioimagetools/INSTALL                               |only
 bioimagetools-0.3.1/bioimagetools/R/colorsinclasses.R                   |only
 bioimagetools-0.3.1/bioimagetools/R/computedistances.R                  |only
 bioimagetools-0.3.1/bioimagetools/R/diameter.R                          |only
 bioimagetools-0.3.1/bioimagetools/R/findedges.R                         |only
 bioimagetools-0.3.1/bioimagetools/R/findmaxline.R                       |only
 bioimagetools-0.3.1/bioimagetools/R/isline.R                            |only
 bioimagetools-0.3.1/bioimagetools/R/preprocess.R                        |only
 bioimagetools-0.3.1/bioimagetools/inst/doc/reference.pdf                |only
 bioimagetools-0.3.1/bioimagetools/inst/extdata/test.tif                 |only
 bioimagetools-0.3.1/bioimagetools/man/              |only
 bioimagetools-0.3.1/bioimagetools/man/preprocess.Rd                     |only
 bioimagetools-0.3.1/bioimagetools/man/segmentoutside.Rd                 |only
 bioimagetools-1.0.0/bioimagetools/DESCRIPTION                           |   27 +-
 bioimagetools-1.0.0/bioimagetools/MD5                                   |  102 +++++-----
 bioimagetools-1.0.0/bioimagetools/NAMESPACE                             |   11 -
 bioimagetools-1.0.0/bioimagetools/NEWS                                  |only
 bioimagetools-1.0.0/bioimagetools/R/Kcross3D.R                          |only
 bioimagetools-1.0.0/bioimagetools/R/L3cross3d.R                         |only
 bioimagetools-1.0.0/bioimagetools/R/bwlabel3d.R                         |    1 
 bioimagetools-1.0.0/bioimagetools/R/cNNTest.R                           |    1 
 bioimagetools-1.0.0/bioimagetools/R/cmoments3d.R                        |    4 
 bioimagetools-1.0.0/bioimagetools/R/crossNN.R                           |    1 
 bioimagetools-1.0.0/bioimagetools/R/distance2border.R                   |    6 
 bioimagetools-1.0.0/bioimagetools/R/folder_choose.R                     |only
 bioimagetools-1.0.0/bioimagetools/R/image.R                             |   96 ++++++++-
 bioimagetools-1.0.0/bioimagetools/R/nearestclassdistances.R             |only
 bioimagetools-1.0.0/bioimagetools/R/nearestneighbourdistribution.R      |only
 bioimagetools-1.0.0/bioimagetools/R/onattach.R                          |    2 
 bioimagetools-1.0.0/bioimagetools/R/plot_nearest_class_distances.R      |only
 bioimagetools-1.0.0/bioimagetools/R/readClassTIF.R                      |    2 
 bioimagetools-1.0.0/bioimagetools/R/readbmp.R                           |    3 
 bioimagetools-1.0.0/bioimagetools/R/readtif.R                           |   16 +
 bioimagetools-1.0.0/bioimagetools/R/segment.R                           |   29 +-
 bioimagetools-1.0.0/bioimagetools/R/segmentoutside.R                    |   11 +
 bioimagetools-1.0.0/bioimagetools/R/spots.R                             |only
 bioimagetools-1.0.0/bioimagetools/R/status.R                            |    5 
 bioimagetools-1.0.0/bioimagetools/R/tablen.R                            |   13 -
 bioimagetools-1.0.0/bioimagetools/R/testColoc.R                         |    1 
 bioimagetools-1.0.0/bioimagetools/R/writetif.R                          |    2 
 bioimagetools-1.0.0/bioimagetools/                             |only
 bioimagetools-1.0.0/bioimagetools/build                                 |only
 bioimagetools-1.0.0/bioimagetools/inst/doc/bioimagetools.R              |only
 bioimagetools-1.0.0/bioimagetools/inst/doc/bioimagetools.Rmd            |only
 bioimagetools-1.0.0/bioimagetools/inst/doc/bioimagetools.html           |only
 bioimagetools-1.0.0/bioimagetools/inst/extdata/V.bmp                    |only
 bioimagetools-1.0.0/bioimagetools/inst/extdata/amask.tif                |binary
 bioimagetools-1.0.0/bioimagetools/inst/extdata/cell.csv                 |only
 bioimagetools-1.0.0/bioimagetools/inst/extdata/kringel.tif              |binary
 bioimagetools-1.0.0/bioimagetools/man/K.cross.3D.Rd                     |only
 bioimagetools-1.0.0/bioimagetools/man/L.cross.3D.Rd                     |only
 bioimagetools-1.0.0/bioimagetools/man/bwlabel3d.Rd                      |    3 
 bioimagetools-1.0.0/bioimagetools/man/cmoments3d.Rd                     |    3 
 bioimagetools-1.0.0/bioimagetools/man/cnnTest.Rd                        |    3 
 bioimagetools-1.0.0/bioimagetools/man/crossNN.Rd                        |    3 
 bioimagetools-1.0.0/bioimagetools/man/distance2border.Rd                |    6 
 bioimagetools-1.0.0/bioimagetools/man/folder.choose.Rd                  |only
 bioimagetools-1.0.0/bioimagetools/man/img.Rd                            |   16 +
 bioimagetools-1.0.0/bioimagetools/man/nearest.neighbour.distribution.Rd |only
 bioimagetools-1.0.0/bioimagetools/man/nearestClassDistance.Rd           |only
 bioimagetools-1.0.0/bioimagetools/man/nearestClassDistances.Rd          |only
 bioimagetools-1.0.0/bioimagetools/man/plotNearestClassDistances.Rd      |only
 bioimagetools-1.0.0/bioimagetools/man/readTIF.Rd                        |    4 
 bioimagetools-1.0.0/bioimagetools/man/segment.Rd                        |   17 +
 bioimagetools-1.0.0/bioimagetools/man/segment.outside.Rd                |only
 bioimagetools-1.0.0/bioimagetools/man/spots.Rd                          |only
 bioimagetools-1.0.0/bioimagetools/man/table.n.Rd                        |    8 
 bioimagetools-1.0.0/bioimagetools/man/testColoc.Rd                      |    3 
 bioimagetools-1.0.0/bioimagetools/src/getid.c                           |only
 bioimagetools-1.0.0/bioimagetools/src/nearestClassDistances.c           |only
 bioimagetools-1.0.0/bioimagetools/src/segment.c                         |   16 -
 bioimagetools-1.0.0/bioimagetools/vignettes                             |only
 72 files changed, 288 insertions(+), 127 deletions(-)

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Package TP.idm updated to version 1.2 with previous version 1.0 dated 2015-09-25

Title: Estimation of Transition Probabilities for the Illness-Death Model
Description: Estimation of transition probabilities for the illness-death model. Both the Aalen-Johansen estimator for a Markov model and a novel non-Markovian estimator by de Una-Alvarez and Meira-Machado (2015) <DOI:10.1111/biom.12288> are included.
Author: Vanesa Balboa-Barreiro, Jacobo de Una-Alvarez <> and Luis Meira-Machado <>
Maintainer: Vanesa Balboa-Barreiro <>

Diff between TP.idm versions 1.0 dated 2015-09-25 and 1.2 dated 2016-12-01

 DESCRIPTION            |   13 -
 MD5                    |   44 ++-
 NAMESPACE              |    4 
 R/TPidm.R              |  549 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 R/ci.AJ.R              |  192 ++++++++---------
 R/ci.NM.R              |  110 ++++-----
 R/fun.AJ.R             |  176 +++++++--------
 R/fun.NM.R             |  418 ++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 R/plot.TPidm.R         |  320 ++++++++++++++++++++--------
 R/       |  320 ++++++++++++++--------------
 R/ |   46 ++--
 R/print.TPidm.R        |  146 ++++++++-----
 R/summary.TPidm.R      |  168 +++++++++-----
 R/test.nm.R            |only
 R/var.AJ.R             |  146 ++++++-------
 R/var.NM.R             |  477 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 build/partial.rdb      |binary
 man/TP.idm-package.Rd  |    9 
 man/TPidm.Rd           |   39 ++-
 man/colonTP.Rd         |    2 
 man/plot.TPidm.Rd      |   23 +-
 man/print.TPidm.Rd     |    2 
 man/summary.TPidm.Rd   |   11 
 man/test.nm.Rd         |only
 24 files changed, 1901 insertions(+), 1314 deletions(-)

More information about TP.idm at CRAN
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Package smooth updated to version 1.5.1 with previous version 1.5.0 dated 2016-11-15

Title: Forecasting Using Smoothing Functions
Description: The set of smoothing functions used for time series analysis and in forecasting. Currently the package includes exponential smoothing models and SARIMA in state-space form + several simulation functions.
Author: Ivan Svetunkov [aut, cre] (Research Associate at Lancaster Centre for Forecasting, UK)
Maintainer: Ivan Svetunkov <>

Diff between smooth versions 1.5.0 dated 2016-11-15 and 1.5.1 dated 2016-12-01

 DESCRIPTION            |    8 -
 MD5                    |   50 +++++------
 NEWS                   |   16 +++
 R/ces.R                |    7 -
 R/es.R                 |   14 ---
 R/ges.R                |    7 -
 R/graphmaker.R         |   11 +-
 R/iss.R                |   12 +-
 R/methods.R            |    4 
 R/simces.R             |   23 ++++-
 R/simes.R              |   27 +++++-
 R/simssarima.R         |   32 ++++++-
 R/sma.R                |   12 +-
 R/ssarima.R            |    7 -
 R/ssfunctions.R        |  208 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------              |    1 
 inst/doc/ces.html      |   42 ++++-----
 inst/doc/es.html       |   63 +++++++-------
 inst/doc/ges.html      |   34 ++++----
 inst/doc/simulate.html |   92 +++++++++++----------
 inst/doc/sma.html      |   26 +++---
 inst/doc/smooth.html   |    4 
 inst/doc/ssarima.html  |   42 ++++-----
 man/simces.Rd          |    2 
 man/simes.Rd           |   30 ++++---
 man/simssarima.Rd      |    2 
 26 files changed, 445 insertions(+), 331 deletions(-)

More information about smooth at CRAN
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New package RWildbook with initial version 0.9
Package: RWildbook
Type: Package
Title: Interface for the 'Wildbook' Wildlife Data Management Framework
Version: 0.9
Date: 2016-11-26
Author: c(person("Simon", "Bonner", email = "", role = c("aut")),person("Xinxin", "Huang", email = "", role = c("aut","cre")))
Maintainer: Simon Bonner <>
Description: Provides an R interface with the 'Wildbook' mark-recapture ecological database framework. It helps users to pull data from the 'Wildbook' framework and format data for further analysis with mark-recapture applications like 'Program MARK' (which can be accessed via the 'RMark' package in 'R'). Further information on the 'Wildbook' framework is available at: <>.
License: GPL (>= 2)
Depends: R (>= 3.0.0), jsonlite, data.table, utils
Imports: marked
RoxygenNote: 5.0.1
Suggests: knitr, rmarkdown
VignetteBuilder: knitr
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2016-12-01 03:33:50 UTC; sbonner
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2016-12-01 08:28:18

More information about RWildbook at CRAN
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Package naptime updated to version 1.2.0 with previous version 1.0.0 dated 2016-11-12

Title: A Flexible and Robust Sys.sleep() Replacement
Description: Provides a near drop-in replacement for base::Sys.sleep() that allows more types of input to produce delays in the execution of code and can silence/prevent typical sources of error.
Author: Russell Pierce [aut, cre], Timothy Gann [aut]
Maintainer: Russell Pierce <>

Diff between naptime versions 1.0.0 dated 2016-11-12 and 1.2.0 dated 2016-12-01

 ChangeLog                     |only
 DESCRIPTION                   |   12 +--
 MD5                           |   25 ++++----                       |   26 ++++++++
 R/naptime-internal.R          |   12 +++
 R/naptime.R                   |  115 ++++++++++++++++++++++---------------                     |  123 +++++++++++++++++++++++----------------
 build/vignette.rds            |binary
 inst/doc/naptime.R            |   26 ++++++--
 inst/doc/naptime.Rmd          |  130 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
 inst/doc/naptime.html         |  112 +++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 man/naptime.Rd                |   38 ++++++++----
 tests/testthat/test-naptime.R |   68 +++++++++++++++------
 vignettes/naptime.Rmd         |  130 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
 14 files changed, 552 insertions(+), 265 deletions(-)

More information about naptime at CRAN
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Package mirtCAT updated to version 1.2.1 with previous version 1.2 dated 2016-11-15

Title: Computerized Adaptive Testing with Multidimensional Item Response Theory
Description: Provides tools to generate an HTML interface for creating adaptive and non-adaptive educational and psychological tests using the shiny package. Suitable for applying unidimensional and multidimensional computerized adaptive tests (CAT) using item response theory methodology and for creating simple questionnaires forms to collect response data directly in R. Additionally, optimal test designs (e.g., "shadow testing") are supported for tests which contain a large number of item selection constraints. Finally, package contains tools useful for performing Monte Carlo simulations for studying the behavior of computerized adaptive test banks.
Author: Phil Chalmers [aut, cre, cph]
Maintainer: Phil Chalmers <>

Diff between mirtCAT versions 1.2 dated 2016-11-15 and 1.2.1 dated 2016-12-01

 DESCRIPTION                 |    6 +++---
 MD5                         |    6 +++---
 R/mirtCAT_preamble.R        |    2 +-
 tests/GUI-tests/GUI-tests.R |    5 -----
 4 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

More information about mirtCAT at CRAN
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Package mirt updated to version 1.21 with previous version 1.20.1 dated 2016-10-05

Title: Multidimensional Item Response Theory
Description: Analysis of dichotomous and polytomous response data using unidimensional and multidimensional latent trait models under the Item Response Theory paradigm. Exploratory and confirmatory models can be estimated with quadrature (EM) or stochastic (MHRM) methods. Confirmatory bi-factor and two-tier analyses are available for modeling item testlets. Multiple group analysis and mixed effects designs also are available for detecting differential item and test functioning as well as modelling item and person covariates. Finally, latent class models such as the DINA, DINO, multidimensional latent class, and several other discrete latent variable models are supported.
Author: Phil Chalmers [aut, cre, cph], Joshua Pritikin [ctb], Alexander Robitzsch [ctb], Mateusz Zoltak [ctb], KwonHyun Kim [ctb], Carl F. Falk [ctb], Adam Meade [ctb]
Maintainer: Phil Chalmers <>

Diff between mirt versions 1.20.1 dated 2016-10-05 and 1.21 dated 2016-12-01

 DESCRIPTION                      |   10 +-
 MD5                              |   54 ++++++------                          |   33 +++++++
 R/02-item_methods.R              |    4 
 R/03-estimation.R                |    7 +
 R/Discrete-methods.R             |    3 
 R/                 |   15 +++
 R/EMstep.utils.R                 |   36 ++++----
 R/LoadPars.R                     |    4 
 R/MultipleGroup-methods.R        |   64 ++++++++++++--
 R/PLCI.mirt.R                    |  168 +++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 R/SE.methods.R                   |    2 
 R/SIBTEST.R                      |   65 +++++++++------
 R/SingleGroup-methods.R          |   82 ++++++++++++++-----
 R/fscores.internal.R             |   19 ++--
 R/itemplot.internal.R            |   24 ++++-
 R/mirt.R                         |   30 +++---
 R/multipleGroup.R                |    3 
 R/utils.R                        |   70 +++++++++-------
 build/vignette.rds               |binary
 man/PLCI.mirt.Rd                 |   18 +++-
 man/SIBTEST.Rd                   |   16 ++-
 man/mirt.Rd                      |   29 ++----
 man/multipleGroup.Rd             |    3 
 man/plot-method.Rd               |    4 
 tests/tests/test-08-createItem.R |    5 +
 tests/tests/test-10-extras.R     |    2 
 tests/tests/test-12-gpcm_mats.R  |    2 
 28 files changed, 501 insertions(+), 271 deletions(-)

More information about mirt at CRAN
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Package mipfp updated to version 3.1 with previous version 3.0-1 dated 2016-04-29

Title: Multidimensional Iterative Proportional Fitting and Alternative Models
Description: An implementation of the iterative proportional fitting (IPFP), maximum likelihood, minimum chi-square and weighted least squares procedures for updating a N-dimensional array with respect to given target marginal distributions (which, in turn can be multidimensional). The package also provides an application of the IPFP to simulate multivariate Bernoulli distributions.
Author: Johan Barthelemy [aut, cre], Thomas Suesse [aut], Mohammad Namazi-Rad [ctb]
Maintainer: Johan Barthelemy <>

Diff between mipfp versions 3.0-1 dated 2016-04-29 and 3.1 dated 2016-12-01

 DESCRIPTION                 |   10 -
 MD5                         |   23 +-
 NAMESPACE                   |    2 
 R/s3_mipfp.R                |  302 +++++++++++++++++------------------
 R/utils.R                   |   71 ++++++++
 man/Array2Vector.Rd         |   12 -
 man/Corr2Odds.Rd            |  166 +++++++++----------
 man/Ipfp.Rd                 |  370 ++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 man/ObtainModelEstimates.Rd |  286 +++++++++++++++++-----------------
 man/expand.Rd               |only
 man/flat.Rd                 |    2 
 man/mipfp-package.Rd        |   21 +-
 man/spnamur.Rd              |   88 +++++-----
 13 files changed, 713 insertions(+), 640 deletions(-)

More information about mipfp at CRAN
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New package cstab with initial version 0.2
Package: cstab
Type: Package
Title: Selection of Number of Clusters via Normalized Clustering Instability
Version: 0.2
Date: 2016-11-30
Author: Jonas Haslbeck, Dirk U. Wulff
Maintainer: Jonas Haslbeck <>
Description: Selection of the number of clusters in cluster analysis using stability methods.
License: GPL (>= 2)
Depends: R (>= 3.1.0), Rcpp (>= 0.11.4)
Imports: cluster, fastcluster,
LinkingTo: Rcpp
RoxygenNote: 5.0.1
LazyData: true
NeedsCompilation: yes
Packaged: 2016-11-30 20:37:01 UTC; jmb
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2016-12-01 08:28:29

More information about cstab at CRAN
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Package broman updated to version 0.65-1 with previous version 0.64-3 dated 2016-09-19

Title: Karl Broman's R Code
Description: Miscellaneous R functions, including functions related to graphics (mostly for base graphics), permutation tests, running mean/median, and general utilities.
Author: Karl W Broman <>, with contributions from Aimee Teo Broman
Maintainer: Karl W Broman <>

Diff between broman versions 0.64-3 dated 2016-09-19 and 0.65-1 dated 2016-12-01

 DESCRIPTION            |    8 ++++----
 MD5                    |   12 ++++++------
 R/excel_fig.R          |    5 +++--
 data/numbers-cap.RData |binary
 data/numbers.RData     |binary
 inst/         |    4 ++--
 man/excel_fig.Rd       |    4 +++-
 7 files changed, 18 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

More information about broman at CRAN
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Package apc updated to version 1.3 with previous version 1.2 dated 2016-03-21

Title: Age-Period-Cohort Analysis
Description: Functions for age-period-cohort analysis. The data can be organised in matrices indexed by age-cohort, age-period or cohort-period. The data can include dose and response or just doses. The statistical model is a generalized linear model (GLM) allowing for 3,2,1 or 0 of the age-period-cohort factors. The canonical parametrisation of Kuang, Nielsen and Nielsen (2008) <DOI:10.1093/biomet/asn026> is used. Thus, the analysis does not rely on ad hoc identification.
Author: Bent Nielsen
Maintainer: Bent Nielsen <>

Diff between apc versions 1.2 dated 2016-03-21 and 1.3 dated 2016-12-01

 apc-1.2/apc/inst/CITATION               |only
 apc-1.2/apc/inst/COPYING                |only
 apc-1.2/apc/man/apc_1.2-package.Rd      |only
 apc-1.3/apc/DESCRIPTION                 |   10 
 apc-1.3/apc/MD5                         |   47 +-
 apc-1.3/apc/NAMESPACE                   |    2 
 apc-1.3/apc/NEWS                        |   20 +
 apc-1.3/apc/R/apc_data.R                |  559 +-------------------------------
 apc-1.3/apc/R/apc_data_sets.R           |only
 apc-1.3/apc/R/apc_fit.R                 |  133 +++++--
 apc-1.3/apc/R/apc_forecast.R            |  363 ++++++++++++++++++--
 apc-1.3/apc/R/apc_get_index.R           |   13 
 apc-1.3/apc/R/apc_plot_data.R           |   74 ++--
 apc-1.3/apc/R/apc_plot_fit.R            |   13 
 apc-1.3/apc/build                       |only
 apc-1.3/apc/inst/doc                    |only
 apc-1.3/apc/man/        |   54 ++-
 apc-1.3/apc/man/        |    5 
 apc-1.3/apc/man/        |   66 +++
 apc-1.3/apc/man/apc.forecast.Rd         |   13 
 apc-1.3/apc/man/      |   79 +++-
 apc-1.3/apc/man/apc.forecast.ap.Rd      |   45 ++
 apc-1.3/apc/man/apc.forecast.apc.Rd     |only
 apc-1.3/apc/man/    |    2 
 apc-1.3/apc/man/ |   13 
 apc-1.3/apc/man/apc_1.3-package.Rd      |only
 apc-1.3/apc/man/data.RH.mortality.Rd    |only
 apc-1.3/apc/man/data.asbestos.Rd        |   28 +
 apc-1.3/apc/vignettes                   |only
 29 files changed, 787 insertions(+), 752 deletions(-)

More information about apc at CRAN
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