Sat, 27 Apr 2019

Package RSocrata updated to version 1.7.7-1 with previous version 1.7.6-3 dated 2019-04-22

Title: Download or Upload 'Socrata' Data Sets
Description: Provides easier interaction with 'Socrata' open data portals <>. Users can provide a 'Socrata' data set resource URL, or a 'Socrata' Open Data API (SoDA) web query, or a 'Socrata' "human-friendly" URL, returns an R data frame. Converts dates to 'POSIX' format and manages throttling by 'Socrata'. Users can upload data to 'Socrata' portals directly from R.
Author: Hugh Devlin, Ph. D., Tom Schenk, Jr., Gene Leynes, Nick Lucius, John Malc, Mark Silverberg, and Peter Schmeideskamp
Maintainer: "Tom Schenk Jr." <>

Diff between RSocrata versions 1.7.6-3 dated 2019-04-22 and 1.7.7-1 dated 2019-04-27

 DESCRIPTION               |    8 
 MD5                       |    8 
 R/RSocrata.R              | 1016 +++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 tests/testthat.R          |    8 
 tests/testthat/test-all.R | 1066 +++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 5 files changed, 1053 insertions(+), 1053 deletions(-)

More information about RSocrata at CRAN
Permanent link

New package pense with initial version 1.2.4
Package: pense
Type: Package
Title: Penalized Elastic Net S/MM-Estimator of Regression
Version: 1.2.4
Date: 2019-04-27
Authors@R: c( person("David", "Kepplinger", , "", role = c("aut", "cre")), person("Matias", "Salibian-Barrera", role = c("aut")), person("Gabriela", "Cohen Freue", role = "aut"), person("Derek", "Cho", role = "ctb") )
Copyright: See the file COPYRIGHTS for copyright details on some of the functions and algorithms used.
Encoding: UTF-8
Biarch: true
Description: Robust penalized elastic net S and MM estimator for linear regression. The method is described in detail in Cohen Freue, G. V., Kepplinger, D., Salibian-Barrera, M., and Smucler, E. (2017) <>.
Depends: R (>= 3.1.0), Matrix
Imports: Rcpp, robustbase, parallel, methods
LinkingTo: Rcpp, RcppArmadillo
Suggests: testthat, lars
License: GPL (>= 2)
NeedsCompilation: yes
RoxygenNote: 6.1.1
Packaged: 2019-04-27 18:06:06 UTC; david
Author: David Kepplinger [aut, cre], Matias Salibian-Barrera [aut], Gabriela Cohen Freue [aut], Derek Cho [ctb]
Maintainer: David Kepplinger <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2019-04-27 21:00:04 UTC

More information about pense at CRAN
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New package packagefinder with initial version 0.1.2
Package: packagefinder
Type: Package
Title: Comfortable Search for R Packages on CRAN Directly from the R Console
Version: 0.1.2
Authors@R: person("Joachim", "Zuckarelli", role = c("aut", "cre"), email = "", comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0002-9280-3016"))
Maintainer: Joachim Zuckarelli <>
Description: Search for R packages on CRAN directly from the R console, based on the packages' titles, short and long descriptions, or other fields. Combine multiple keywords with logical operators ('and', 'or'), view detailed information on any package and keep track of the latest package contributions to CRAN.
License: GPL-3
Encoding: UTF-8
Repository: CRAN
LazyData: true
Imports: httr, utils, jsonlite, pander, formattable, stringr, crayon, lubridate, tidyr
Depends: tools (>= 3.4.0)
RoxygenNote: 6.0.1
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2019-04-27 11:00:52 UTC; Joachim
Author: Joachim Zuckarelli [aut, cre] (<>)
Date/Publication: 2019-04-27 21:30:04 UTC

More information about packagefinder at CRAN
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Package ipwErrorY updated to version 2.0 with previous version 1.0 dated 2018-03-01

Title: Inverse Probability Weighting Estimation of Average Treatment Effect with Outcome Misclassification
Description: An implementation of the correction methods proposed by Shu and Yi (2017) <doi:10.1177/0962280217743777> for the inverse probability weighting (IPW) estimation of average treatment effect (ATE) with misclassified outcomes. Logistic regression model is assumed for treatment model for all implemented correction methods, and is assumed for the outcome model for the implemented doubly robust correction method.
Author: Di Shu <>, Grace Y. Yi <>
Maintainer: Di Shu <>

Diff between ipwErrorY versions 1.0 dated 2018-03-01 and 2.0 dated 2019-04-27

 DESCRIPTION            |    8 +-
 MD5                    |   12 +--
 R/DoublyRobust.R       |  164 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 R/knownMisCalssProb.R  |    3 
 R/with2Replicates.R    |    3 
 R/withValidationData.R |    3 
 man/KnownErrorDR.Rd    |    9 --
 7 files changed, 176 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)

More information about ipwErrorY at CRAN
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New package DarkDiv with initial version 0.1.0
Package: DarkDiv
Type: Package
Title: Estimating Probabilistic Dark Diversity
Version: 0.1.0
Author: Carlos P. Carmona
Maintainer: Carlos P. Carmona <>
Description: Estimation of dark diversity using species co-occurrences. It includes implementations of probabilistic dark diversity based on the Hypergeometric distribution, as well as estimations based on the Beals index, which can be transformed to binary predictions using different thresholds, or transformed into a favorability index. All methods include the possibility of using a calibration dataset that is used to estimate the indication matrix between pairs of species, or to estimate dark diversity directly on a single dataset. See De Caceres and Legendre (2008) <doi:10.1007/s00442-008-1017-y>, Lewis et al. (2016) <doi:10.1111/2041-210X.12443>, Partel et al. (2011) <doi:10.1016/j.tree.2010.12.004>, Real et al. (2017) <doi:10.1093/sysbio/syw072> for further information.
License: GPL-3
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: true
RoxygenNote: 6.1.1
Imports: vegan, stats
Suggests: testthat
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2019-04-27 15:27:17 UTC; carlosperezcarmona
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2019-04-27 16:10:03 UTC

More information about DarkDiv at CRAN
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Package sjPlot updated to version 2.6.3 with previous version 2.6.2 dated 2018-12-18

Title: Data Visualization for Statistics in Social Science
Description: Collection of plotting and table output functions for data visualization. Results of various statistical analyses (that are commonly used in social sciences) can be visualized using this package, including simple and cross tabulated frequencies, histograms, box plots, (generalized) linear models, mixed effects models, principal component analysis and correlation matrices, cluster analyses, scatter plots, stacked scales, effects plots of regression models (including interaction terms) and much more. This package supports labelled data.
Author: Daniel Lüdecke [aut, cre] (<>), Alexander Bartel [ctb] (<>), Carsten Schwemmer [ctb]
Maintainer: Daniel Lüdecke <>

Diff between sjPlot versions 2.6.2 dated 2018-12-18 and 2.6.3 dated 2019-04-27

 sjPlot-2.6.2/sjPlot/R/sjPlotFrequencies.R               |only
 sjPlot-2.6.2/sjPlot/R/sjPlotKfoldCV.R                   |only
 sjPlot-2.6.2/sjPlot/man/sjp.frq.Rd                      |only
 sjPlot-2.6.2/sjPlot/man/sjp.kfold_cv.Rd                 |only
 sjPlot-2.6.3/sjPlot/DESCRIPTION                         |   22 
 sjPlot-2.6.3/sjPlot/MD5                                 |  162 +-
 sjPlot-2.6.3/sjPlot/NAMESPACE                           |   36 
 sjPlot-2.6.3/sjPlot/                             |   42 
 sjPlot-2.6.3/sjPlot/R/helpfunctions.R                   |   13 
 sjPlot-2.6.3/sjPlot/R/html_print.R                      |  124 +
 sjPlot-2.6.3/sjPlot/R/plot_diag_stan.R                  |   22 
 sjPlot-2.6.3/sjPlot/R/plot_frq.R                        |only
 sjPlot-2.6.3/sjPlot/R/plot_gpt.R                        |   14 
 sjPlot-2.6.3/sjPlot/R/plot_kfold_cv.R                   |only
 sjPlot-2.6.3/sjPlot/R/plot_likert.R                     |  186 ++
 sjPlot-2.6.3/sjPlot/R/plot_model.R                      |   58 
 sjPlot-2.6.3/sjPlot/R/plot_model_estimates.R            |    4 
 sjPlot-2.6.3/sjPlot/R/plot_models.R                     |    7 
 sjPlot-2.6.3/sjPlot/R/plot_point_estimates.R            |   29 
 sjPlot-2.6.3/sjPlot/R/plot_residuals.R                  |    5 
 sjPlot-2.6.3/sjPlot/R/plot_type_eff.R                   |   14 
 sjPlot-2.6.3/sjPlot/R/plot_type_est.R                   |    8 
 sjPlot-2.6.3/sjPlot/R/plot_type_int.R                   |    4 
 sjPlot-2.6.3/sjPlot/R/plot_type_ranef.R                 |   11 
 sjPlot-2.6.3/sjPlot/R/plot_type_slope.R                 |   10 
 sjPlot-2.6.3/sjPlot/R/sjPlotDist.R                      | 1032 ++++++++--------
 sjPlot-2.6.3/sjPlot/R/sjPlotFA.R                        |    4 
 sjPlot-2.6.3/sjPlot/R/sjPlotGroupFrequencies.R          |   19 
 sjPlot-2.6.3/sjPlot/R/sjPlotPCA.R                       |    4 
 sjPlot-2.6.3/sjPlot/R/sjPlotPolynomials.R               |    2 
 sjPlot-2.6.3/sjPlot/R/sjPlotSetTheme.R                  |    4 
 sjPlot-2.6.3/sjPlot/R/sjPlotStackFrequencies.R          |    2 
 sjPlot-2.6.3/sjPlot/R/sjPlotxtab.R                      |    8 
 sjPlot-2.6.3/sjPlot/R/sjTabFA.R                         |    2 
 sjPlot-2.6.3/sjPlot/R/sjTabItemAnalysis.R               |   19 
 sjPlot-2.6.3/sjPlot/R/sjTabPCA.R                        |    7 
 sjPlot-2.6.3/sjPlot/R/sjTabPropTable.R                  |    8 
 sjPlot-2.6.3/sjPlot/R/sjTabSPSS.R                       |   13 
 sjPlot-2.6.3/sjPlot/R/sjplot.R                          |   43 
 sjPlot-2.6.3/sjPlot/R/tab_model.R                       |  267 ++--
 sjPlot-2.6.3/sjPlot/R/tidiers.R                         |  140 +-
 sjPlot-2.6.3/sjPlot/R/utils.R                           |  103 +
 sjPlot-2.6.3/sjPlot/R/zzz.R                             |   18 
 sjPlot-2.6.3/sjPlot/                           |    4 
 sjPlot-2.6.3/sjPlot/build/partial.rdb                   |binary
 sjPlot-2.6.3/sjPlot/build/vignette.rds                  |binary
 sjPlot-2.6.3/sjPlot/inst/doc/blackwhitefigures.html     |   81 -
 sjPlot-2.6.3/sjPlot/inst/doc/custplot.R                 |    4 
 sjPlot-2.6.3/sjPlot/inst/doc/custplot.Rmd               |    4 
 sjPlot-2.6.3/sjPlot/inst/doc/custplot.html              |  251 +--
 sjPlot-2.6.3/sjPlot/inst/doc/plot_interactions.html     |   61 
 sjPlot-2.6.3/sjPlot/inst/doc/plot_marginal_effects.R    |    3 
 sjPlot-2.6.3/sjPlot/inst/doc/plot_marginal_effects.Rmd  |    3 
 sjPlot-2.6.3/sjPlot/inst/doc/plot_marginal_effects.html |   85 -
 sjPlot-2.6.3/sjPlot/inst/doc/plot_model_estimates.Rmd   |  398 +++---
 sjPlot-2.6.3/sjPlot/inst/doc/plot_model_estimates.html  |  225 +--
 sjPlot-2.6.3/sjPlot/inst/doc/sjtitemanalysis.html       |   23 
 sjPlot-2.6.3/sjPlot/inst/doc/tab_bayes.R                |   49 
 sjPlot-2.6.3/sjPlot/inst/doc/tab_bayes.Rmd              |   53 
 sjPlot-2.6.3/sjPlot/inst/doc/tab_bayes.html             |  657 ++--------
 sjPlot-2.6.3/sjPlot/inst/doc/tab_mixed.R                |   10 
 sjPlot-2.6.3/sjPlot/inst/doc/tab_mixed.Rmd              |   17 
 sjPlot-2.6.3/sjPlot/inst/doc/tab_mixed.html             |  320 +---
 sjPlot-2.6.3/sjPlot/inst/doc/tab_model_estimates.html   |  269 ++--
 sjPlot-2.6.3/sjPlot/inst/doc/table_css.html             |  223 +--
 sjPlot-2.6.3/sjPlot/man/plot_frq.Rd                     |only
 sjPlot-2.6.3/sjPlot/man/plot_kfold_cv.Rd                |only
 sjPlot-2.6.3/sjPlot/man/plot_likert.Rd                  |   88 +
 sjPlot-2.6.3/sjPlot/man/plot_model.Rd                   |   56 
 sjPlot-2.6.3/sjPlot/man/plot_models.Rd                  |    8 
 sjPlot-2.6.3/sjPlot/man/set_theme.Rd                    |    4 
 sjPlot-2.6.3/sjPlot/man/sjPlot-package.Rd               |   76 -
 sjPlot-2.6.3/sjPlot/man/sjp.grpfrq.Rd                   |   23 
 sjPlot-2.6.3/sjPlot/man/sjp.pca.Rd                      |    5 
 sjPlot-2.6.3/sjPlot/man/sjp.xtab.Rd                     |   17 
 sjPlot-2.6.3/sjPlot/man/sjplot.Rd                       |   21 
 sjPlot-2.6.3/sjPlot/man/sjt.itemanalysis.Rd             |    6 
 sjPlot-2.6.3/sjPlot/man/sjt.pca.Rd                      |    5 
 sjPlot-2.6.3/sjPlot/man/sjt.xtab.Rd                     |   22 
 sjPlot-2.6.3/sjPlot/man/tab_model.Rd                    |   80 -
 sjPlot-2.6.3/sjPlot/tests/testthat/test-tab_model.R     |    4 
 sjPlot-2.6.3/sjPlot/vignettes/custplot.Rmd              |    4 
 sjPlot-2.6.3/sjPlot/vignettes/plot_marginal_effects.Rmd |    3 
 sjPlot-2.6.3/sjPlot/vignettes/plot_model_estimates.Rmd  |  398 +++---
 sjPlot-2.6.3/sjPlot/vignettes/tab_bayes.Rmd             |   53 
 sjPlot-2.6.3/sjPlot/vignettes/tab_mixed.Rmd             |   17 
 86 files changed, 3159 insertions(+), 2937 deletions(-)

More information about sjPlot at CRAN
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Package cdata updated to version 1.1.0 with previous version 1.0.9 dated 2019-04-20

Title: Fluid Data Transformations
Description: Supplies higher-order coordinatized data specification and fluid transform operators that include pivot and anti-pivot as special cases. The methodology is describe in 'Zumel', 2018, "Fluid data reshaping with 'cdata'", <> , doi:10.5281/zenodo.1173299 . This package introduces the idea of control table specification of data transforms (later also adapted from 'cdata' by 'tidyr'). Works on in-memory data or on remote data using 'rquery' and 'SQL' database interfaces.
Author: John Mount [aut, cre], Nina Zumel [aut], Win-Vector LLC [cph]
Maintainer: John Mount <>

Diff between cdata versions 1.0.9 dated 2019-04-20 and 1.1.0 dated 2019-04-27

 DESCRIPTION                                   |   10 
 MD5                                           |  101 ++---
 NAMESPACE                                     |    7                                       |    8 
 R/DefOps.R                                    |   54 +-
 R/GeneralTransform.R                          |   12 
 R/LocalOps.R                                  |   65 ++-
 R/RowsColumns.R                               |   21 -
 R/check_cols_form_unique_keys.R               |only
 R/checks.R                                    |    2 
 R/opspec.R                                    |  293 ++++++++++++++-
 R/relops.R                                    |    9                                     |  116 +----
 build/vignette.rds                            |binary
 inst/doc/blocksrecs.R                         |   61 +--
 inst/doc/blocksrecs.Rmd                       |  104 ++---
 inst/doc/blocksrecs.html                      |  304 +++++++++++----
 inst/doc/cdata.R                              |   80 ++--
 inst/doc/cdata.Rmd                            |  115 ++++-
 inst/doc/cdata.html                           |  503 +++++++++++++++++++++++---
 inst/doc/control_table_keys.R                 |   55 +-
 inst/doc/control_table_keys.Rmd               |   67 +--
 inst/doc/control_table_keys.html              |  101 +++--
 inst/doc/design.R                             |   52 +-
 inst/doc/design.Rmd                           |   62 +--
 inst/doc/design.html                          |  279 ++++++++++++--
 inst/doc/exercises.R                          |only
 inst/doc/exercises.Rmd                        |only
 inst/doc/exercises.html                       |only
 inst/doc/general_transform.R                  |   81 ++--
 inst/doc/general_transform.Rmd                |  100 ++---
 inst/doc/general_transform.html               |  278 ++++++++++----
 inst/doc/operators.R                          |   11 
 inst/doc/operators.Rmd                        |   19 
 inst/doc/operators.html                       |   96 ++++
 inst/unit_tests/test_dates.R                  |   64 ++-
 inst/unit_tests/test_factor.R                 |only
 inst/unit_tests/test_there_and_back.R         |    4 
 inst/unit_tests/test_unique.R                 |only
 man/blocks_to_rowrecs.Rd                      |   24 -
 man/blocks_to_rowrecs_spec.Rd                 |    4 
 man/check_cols_form_unique_keys.Rd            |only
 man/convert_records.Rd                        |    7 
 man/layout_by.cdata_general_transform_spec.Rd |only
 man/layout_specification.Rd                   |only
 man/pivot_to_rowrecs.Rd                       |   17 
 man/rowrecs_to_blocks.Rd                      |   25 -
 man/rowrecs_to_blocks_spec.Rd                 |    4 
 man/unpivot_to_blocks.Rd                      |   25 -
 vignettes/blocksrecs.Rmd                      |  104 ++---
 vignettes/cdata.Rmd                           |  115 ++++-
 vignettes/control_table_keys.Rmd              |   67 +--
 vignettes/dadmomw.dta                         |only
 vignettes/design.Rmd                          |   62 +--
 vignettes/exercises.Rmd                       |only
 vignettes/general_transform.Rmd               |  100 ++---
 vignettes/operators.Rmd                       |   19 
 57 files changed, 2604 insertions(+), 1103 deletions(-)

More information about cdata at CRAN
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New package blockRAR with initial version 1.0.0
Package: blockRAR
Version: 1.0.0
Date: 2019-04-25
Title: Block Design for Response-Adaptive Randomization
Authors@R: c(person(given = "Thevaa", family = "Chandereng", role = c("aut", "cre", "cph"), email = "", comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0003-4078-9176")), person(given = "Rick", family = "Chapppell", role = c("aut", "cph")))
Description: Computes power for response-adaptive randomization with a block design that captures both the time and treatment effect. T. Chandereng, R. Chappell (2019) <arXiv:1904.07758>.
Suggests: testthat, rmarkdown, pkgdown, devtools, ggplot2, knitr
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: true
RoxygenNote: 6.1.1
VignetteBuilder: knitr
Imports: dplyr, magrittr, ldbounds, tibble, bayesDP, arm
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2019-04-27 08:37:41 UTC; thevaasiinenchandereng
Author: Thevaa Chandereng [aut, cre, cph] (<>), Rick Chapppell [aut, cph]
Maintainer: Thevaa Chandereng <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2019-04-27 15:30:12 UTC

More information about blockRAR at CRAN
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New package CRWRM with initial version 0.0.1
Package: CRWRM
Title: Changing the Reference Group without Re-Running the Model
Version: 0.0.1
Author: Ziqiang Lin, Eugene M Laska, Carole E Siegel, Wangjian Zhang, Qiaoxuan Lin, Bo Ye.
Maintainer: Ziqiang Lin <>
Description: To re-calculate the coefficients and the standard deviation when changing the reference group.
License: GPL-3
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: true
RoxygenNote: 6.1.1
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2019-04-27 01:32:42 UTC; LINZ02
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2019-04-27 14:50:03 UTC

More information about CRWRM at CRAN
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New package paramhetero with initial version 0.1.0
Package: paramhetero
Title: Numeric and Visual Comparisons of Heterogeneity in Parametric Models
Version: 0.1.0
Authors@R: c( person(given = "Travis", family = "Loux", role = c("aut", "cre"), email = ""), person(given = "Cara", family = "Wiskow", role = c("aut"), email = ""))
Description: Performs statistical tests to compare coefficients and residual variance across multiple models. Also provides graphical methods for assessing heterogeneity in coefficients and residuals. Currently supports linear and generalized linear models, as well as their multi-level and complex survey-weighted variations from the 'lme4' and 'survey' packages, respectively. Reference: Li (2015) <>.
Depends: R (>= 3.5.0)
Imports: ggplot2, ggpubr, stats
License: GPL-3
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: true
RoxygenNote: 6.1.1
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2019-04-26 13:45:26 UTC; loux
Author: Travis Loux [aut, cre], Cara Wiskow [aut]
Maintainer: Travis Loux <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2019-04-27 10:20:04 UTC

More information about paramhetero at CRAN
Permanent link

Package SeqKat (with last version 0.0.6) was removed from CRAN

Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:

2018-03-29 0.0.6

Permanent link
Package ISOpureR (with last version 1.1.2) was removed from CRAN

Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:

2018-05-01 1.1.2
2018-01-10 1.1.1
2017-11-10 1.1.0
2016-08-22 1.0.21
2016-07-23 1.0.20
2015-07-24 1.0.18
2015-01-08 1.0.8
2014-11-16 1.0.4

Permanent link
Package sglOptim (with last version 1.3.7) was removed from CRAN

Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:

2018-10-21 1.3.7

Permanent link
Package msgl (with last version 2.3.8) was removed from CRAN

Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:

2019-01-04 2.3.8
2018-10-24 2.3.7

Permanent link
New package tidync with initial version 0.1.1
Package: tidync
Title: A Tidy Approach to 'NetCDF' Data Exploration and Extraction
Version: 0.1.1
Authors@R: c(person("Michael", "Sumner", email = "", role = c("aut", "cre")), person("Simon", "Wotherspoon", role = "ctb"), person("Tomas", "Remenyi", role = "ctb"), person("Ben", "Raymond", role = "ctb"))
Description: Tidy tools for 'NetCDF' data sources. Explore the contents of a 'NetCDF' source (file or URL) presented as variables organized by grid with a database-like interface. The hyper_filter() interactive function translates the filter value or index expressions to array-slicing form. No data is read until explicitly requested, as a data frame or list of arrays via hyper_tibble() or hyper_array().
Depends: R (>= 3.3.0)
License: GPL-3
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: true
ByteCompile: true
Imports: dplyr (>= 0.7.0), forcats, magrittr, ncdf4, ncmeta (>= 0.0.4), purrr, RNetCDF (>= 1.9-1), rlang, tibble, yesno, tidyr
RoxygenNote: 6.1.1
Suggests: ggplot2, knitr, memoise, ncdump, palr, raster, rmarkdown, testthat, covr
VignetteBuilder: knitr
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2019-04-26 10:13:05 UTC; mdsumner
Author: Michael Sumner [aut, cre], Simon Wotherspoon [ctb], Tomas Remenyi [ctb], Ben Raymond [ctb]
Maintainer: Michael Sumner <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2019-04-27 10:00:03 UTC

More information about tidync at CRAN
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New package DeRezende.Ferreira with initial version 0.1.0
Package: DeRezende.Ferreira
Type: Package
Title: Zero Coupon Yield Curve Modelling
Version: 0.1.0
Date: 2019-04-26
Author: Oleksandr Castello [aut, cre] Marina Resta [ctb, cre]
Maintainer: Oleksandr Castello <>
Description: Modeling the zero coupon yield curve using the dynamic De Rezende and Ferreira (2011) <doi:10.1002/for.1256> five factor model with variable or fixed decaying parameters. For explanatory purposes, the package also includes various short datasets of interest rates for the BRICS countries.
Depends: R (>= 3.5.0), xts, stats
License: GPL (>= 2)
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: true
RoxygenNote: 6.1.1
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2019-04-26 10:01:49 UTC; User
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2019-04-27 09:50:03 UTC

More information about DeRezende.Ferreira at CRAN
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Package WebGestaltR updated to version 0.4.0 with previous version 0.3.1 dated 2019-03-15

Title: Gene Set Analysis Toolkit WebGestaltR
Description: The web version WebGestalt <> supports 12 organisms, 354 gene identifiers and 321,251 function categories. Users can upload the data and functional categories with their own gene identifiers. In addition to the Over-Representation Analysis, WebGestalt also supports Gene Set Enrichment Analysis and Network Topology Analysis. The user-friendly output report allows interactive and efficient exploration of enrichment results. The WebGestaltR package not only supports all above functions but also can be integrated into other pipeline or simultaneously analyze multiple gene lists.
Author: Jing Wang [aut], Yuxing Liao [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Yuxing Liao <>

Diff between WebGestaltR versions 0.3.1 dated 2019-03-15 and 0.4.0 dated 2019-04-27

 DESCRIPTION                                 |   14 
 MD5                                         |  158 
 NAMESPACE                                   |  148                                     |   18 
 R/RcppExports.R                             |   62 
 R/WebGestaltR.R                             |  423 
 R/WebGestaltRBatch.R                        |  116 
 R/WebGestaltRGsea.R                         |  302 
 R/WebGestaltRNta.R                          |  176 
 R/WebGestaltROra.R                          |  315 
 R/affinityPropagation.R                     |  206 
 R/createNtaReport.R                         |  241 
 R/createReport.R                            |  239 
 R/dagUtils.R                                |  277 
 R/enrichResultSection.R                     |   53 
 R/errorMessage.R                            |  792 
 R/formatCheck.R                             |  191 
 R/goSlimReport.R                            |   12 
 R/goSlimSummary.R                           |  270 
 R/gseaEnrichment.R                          |  255 
 R/idMapping.R                               |  141 
 R/idMappingGene.R                           |  227 
 R/idMappingPhosphosite.R                    |  313 
 R/idMappingUtils.R                          |  126 
 R/idToSymbol.R                              |  208 
 R/linkModification.R                        |   96 
 R/listGeneSet.R                             |  104 
 R/listOrganism.R                            |   50 
 R/loadGeneList.R                            |  269 
 R/loadGeneSet.R                             |  328 
 R/oraEnrichment.R                           |  143 
 R/randomWalkEnrichment.R                    |  380 
 R/readGmt.R                                 |  166 
 R/reportUtils.R                             |  227 
 R/summaryDescription.R                      |  256 
 R/weightedSetCover.R                        |  252                                   |    4 
 inst/extdata/GOSlimExample.txt              |  956 -
 inst/extdata/GeneRankList.rnk               |23906 ++++++++++++++--------------
 inst/extdata/exampleGMT.gmt                 |  708 
 inst/extdata/interestingGenes.txt           |  974 -
 inst/extdata/referenceGenes.txt             |23040 +++++++++++++-------------
 inst/templates/enrichResultSection.mustache |  222 
 inst/templates/footer.mustache              |   10 
 inst/templates/goSlimReport.mustache        |   38 
 inst/templates/header.mustache              |   16 
 inst/templates/networkContent.mustache      |  166 
 inst/templates/ntaTemplate.mustache         |  106 
 inst/templates/summary.mustache             |  126 
 inst/templates/summaryGsea.mustache         |   62 
 inst/templates/summaryOra.mustache          |   98 
 inst/templates/template.mustache            |  240 
 man/WebGestaltR.Rd                          |  480 
 man/affinityPropagation.Rd                  |   54 
 man/createNtaReport.Rd                      |   26 
 man/createReport.Rd                         |   45 
 man/enrichResultSection.Rd                  |   26 
 man/expandDag.Rd                            |   24 
 man/fillInputDataFrame.Rd                   |   50 
 man/formatCheck.Rd                          |   48 
 man/goSlimSummary.Rd                        |   70 
 man/gseaPermutation.Rd                      |   50 
 man/idMapping.Rd                            |  112 
 man/jaccardSim.Rd                           |   46 
 man/keepRep.Rd                              |   24 
 man/linkModification.Rd                     |   26 
 man/listArchiveUrl.Rd                       |   30 
 man/listGeneSet.Rd                          |   50 
 man/listIdType.Rd                           |   52 
 man/listOrganism.Rd                         |   34 
 man/listReferenceSet.Rd                     |   50 
 man/loadGeneSet.Rd                          |  119 
 man/prepareGseaInput.Rd                     |   38 
 man/prepareInputMatrixGsea.Rd               |   38 
 man/readGmt.Rd                              |   34 
 man/specificParameterSummaryGsea.Rd         |   28 
 man/specificParameterSummaryOra.Rd          |   30 
 man/summaryDescription.Rd                   |   34 
 man/swGsea.Rd                               |  192 
 man/weightedSetCover.Rd                     |   62 
 80 files changed, 30079 insertions(+), 30019 deletions(-)

More information about WebGestaltR at CRAN
Permanent link

Package survey updated to version 3.36 with previous version 3.35-1 dated 2019-01-29

Title: Analysis of Complex Survey Samples
Description: Summary statistics, two-sample tests, rank tests, generalised linear models, cumulative link models, Cox models, loglinear models, and general maximum pseudolikelihood estimation for multistage stratified, cluster-sampled, unequally weighted survey samples. Variances by Taylor series linearisation or replicate weights. Post-stratification, calibration, and raking. Two-phase subsampling designs. Graphics. PPS sampling without replacement. Principal components, factor analysis.
Author: Thomas Lumley
Maintainer: "Thomas Lumley" <>

Diff between survey versions 3.35-1 dated 2019-01-29 and 3.36 dated 2019-04-27

 DESCRIPTION                 |   13 +++++------
 MD5                         |   52 ++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 NAMESPACE                   |    2 +
 R/multistage.R              |    6 +++++
 R/survey.R                  |    6 +++--
 R/surveyby.R                |    2 -
 R/surveyrep.R               |    7 ++++-
 R/sysdata.rda               |binary
 R/withPV.R                  |only
 THANKS                      |    1 
 build/vignette.rds          |binary
 data/api.rda                |binary
 data/crowd.rda              |binary
 data/election.rda           |binary
 data/fpc.rda                |binary
 data/hospital.rda           |binary
 data/mu284.rda              |binary
 data/nhanes.rda             |binary
 data/scd.rda                |binary
 data/yrbs.rda               |binary
 inst/NEWS                   |   15 ++++++++++++
 inst/doc/domain.pdf         |binary
 inst/doc/epi.pdf            |binary
 inst/doc/phase1.pdf         |binary
 inst/doc/pps.pdf            |binary
 inst/doc/survey.pdf         |binary
 man/svymle.Rd               |   13 ++++++++---
 man/ |only
 28 files changed, 78 insertions(+), 39 deletions(-)

More information about survey at CRAN
Permanent link

Package rlas updated to version 1.3.2 with previous version 1.3.1 dated 2019-02-08

Title: Read and Write 'las' and 'laz' Binary File Formats Used for Remote Sensing Data
Description: Read and write 'las' and 'laz' binary file formats. The LAS file format is a public file format for the interchange of 3-dimensional point cloud data between data users. The LAS specifications are approved by the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing <>. The LAZ file format is an open and lossless compression scheme for binary LAS format versions 1.0 to 1.3 <>.
Author: Jean-Romain Roussel [aut, cre, cph], Florian De Boissieu [aut, ctb] (Enable the support of .lax file and extra byte attributes), Martin Isenburg [cph] (Is the author of the LASlib and LASzip libraries), David Auty [ctb] (Reviewed the documentation), Pierrick Marie [ctb] (Helped to compile LASlib code in R), Tiago de Conto [ctb] (Implemented the -thin_with_voxel filter method)
Maintainer: Jean-Romain Roussel <>

Diff between rlas versions 1.3.1 dated 2019-02-08 and 1.3.2 dated 2019-04-27

 rlas-1.3.1/rlas/tests/testthat/test-header_tools.R              |only
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/DESCRIPTION                                     |   10 
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/MD5                                             |  194 
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/NAMESPACE                                       |    1 
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/                                         |   10 
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/R/check_content.r                               |    1 
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/R/header_tools.r                                |    2 
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/R/las_specifications.r                          |   38 
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/R/readLAS.r                                     |   20 
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/R/writeLAS.r                                    |    2 
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/inst/include/arithmeticdecoder.hpp              |   12 
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/inst/include/arithmeticencoder.hpp              |    8 
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/inst/include/arithmeticmodel.hpp                |    5 
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/inst/include/bytestreamin_istream.hpp           |   26 
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/inst/include/bytestreamout_array.hpp            |   18 
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/inst/include/bytestreamout_file.hpp             |    1 
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/inst/include/integercompressor.hpp              |    8 
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/inst/include/lasattributer.hpp                  |  280 -
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/inst/include/lasdefinitions.hpp                 |  139 
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/inst/include/lasfilter.hpp                      |    8 
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/inst/include/lasindex.hpp                       |    3 
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/inst/include/lasinterval.hpp                    |    1 
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/inst/include/laspoint.hpp                       |   97 
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/inst/include/lasquadtree.hpp                    |    2 
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/inst/include/lasreader.hpp                      |   43 
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/inst/include/lasreader_bil.hpp                  |   15 
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/inst/include/lasreader_las.hpp                  |   12 
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/inst/include/lasreader_ply.hpp                  |only
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/inst/include/lasreader_txt.hpp                  |   30 
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/inst/include/lasreadermerged.hpp                |   13 
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/inst/include/lasreaderstored.hpp                |only
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/inst/include/lasreaditem.hpp                    |    7 
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/inst/include/lasreaditemcompressed_v1.hpp       |   23 
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/inst/include/lasreaditemcompressed_v2.hpp       |   17 
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/inst/include/lasreaditemcompressed_v3.hpp       |   26 
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/inst/include/lasreaditemcompressed_v4.hpp       |only
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/inst/include/lasreaditemraw.hpp                 |   31 
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/inst/include/lasreadpoint.hpp                   |    2 
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/inst/include/lastransform.hpp                   |    9 
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/inst/include/lasutility.hpp                     |   27 
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/inst/include/laswaveform13reader.hpp            |   11 
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/inst/include/laswaveform13writer.hpp            |   11 
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/inst/include/laswriteitem.hpp                   |    7 
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/inst/include/laswriteitemcompressed_v1.hpp      |   23 
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/inst/include/laswriteitemcompressed_v2.hpp      |   19 
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/inst/include/laswriteitemcompressed_v3.hpp      |   23 
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/inst/include/laswriteitemcompressed_v4.hpp      |only
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/inst/include/laswriteitemraw.hpp                |   34 
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/inst/include/laswritepoint.hpp                  |    4 
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/inst/include/laswriter.hpp                      |    2 
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/inst/include/laswriter_las.hpp                  |    6 
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/inst/include/laswriter_txt.hpp                  |   11 
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/inst/include/laszip.hpp                         |   41 
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/inst/include/laszip_decompress_selective_v3.hpp |    2 
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/inst/include/mydefs.hpp                         |   10 
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/man/las_specification_tools.Rd                  |    3 
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/man/write.las.Rd                                |    2 
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/src/LASlib/fopen_compressed.cpp                 |   41 
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/src/LASlib/lasfilter.cpp                        | 1715 +++++--
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/src/LASlib/lasreader.cpp                        |  556 +-
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/src/LASlib/lasreader_asc.cpp                    |    8 
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/src/LASlib/lasreader_bil.cpp                    |  221 
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/src/LASlib/lasreader_las.cpp                    |   21 
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/src/LASlib/lasreader_ply.cpp                    |only
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/src/LASlib/lasreader_qfit.cpp                   |   28 
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/src/LASlib/lasreader_txt.cpp                    |  477 +-
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/src/LASlib/lasreaderbuffered.cpp                |    4 
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/src/LASlib/lasreadermerged.cpp                  |  373 +
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/src/LASlib/lasreaderstored.cpp                  |only
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/src/LASlib/lastransform.cpp                     | 2335 ++++++++--
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/src/LASlib/lasutility.cpp                       |  259 -
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/src/LASlib/laswaveform13reader.cpp              |   40 
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/src/LASlib/laswaveform13writer.cpp              |   38 
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/src/LASlib/laswriter.cpp                        |  238 -
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/src/LASlib/laswriter_bin.cpp                    |    6 
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/src/LASlib/laswriter_las.cpp                    |   58 
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/src/LASlib/laswriter_txt.cpp                    |   53 
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/src/LASlib/laswritercompatible.cpp              |   11 
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/src/LASzip/arithmeticdecoder.cpp                |   50 
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/src/LASzip/arithmeticencoder.cpp                |   54 
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/src/LASzip/lasindex.cpp                         |   28 
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/src/LASzip/lasinterval.cpp                      |   63 
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/src/LASzip/lasquadtree.cpp                      |   71 
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/src/LASzip/lasreaditemcompressed_v1.cpp         |   22 
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/src/LASzip/lasreaditemcompressed_v2.cpp         |   22 
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/src/LASzip/lasreaditemcompressed_v3.cpp         |   80 
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/src/LASzip/lasreaditemcompressed_v4.cpp         |only
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/src/LASzip/lasreadpoint.cpp                     |   67 
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/src/LASzip/laswriteitemcompressed_v1.cpp        |   22 
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/src/LASzip/laswriteitemcompressed_v2.cpp        |   22 
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/src/LASzip/laswriteitemcompressed_v3.cpp        |   60 
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/src/LASzip/laswriteitemcompressed_v4.cpp        |only
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/src/LASzip/laswritepoint.cpp                    |   50 
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/src/LASzip/laszip.cpp                           |   29 
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/src/Makevars                                    |    4 
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/src/                                |    4 
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/src/rlasextrabytesattributes.cpp                |    6 
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/src/rlasstreamer.cpp                            |    5 
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/src/writeLAS.cpp                                |    4 
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/tests/testthat/test-crs.R                       |only
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/tests/testthat/test-extrabytes.R                |only
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/tests/testthat/test-readheader.R                |only
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/tests/testthat/test-readlas.R                   |  116 
 rlas-1.3.2/rlas/tests/testthat/test-writelas.R                  |  200 
 104 files changed, 6534 insertions(+), 2277 deletions(-)

More information about rlas at CRAN
Permanent link

Package caret updated to version 6.0-84 with previous version 6.0-83 dated 2019-04-18

Title: Classification and Regression Training
Description: Misc functions for training and plotting classification and regression models.
Author: Max Kuhn. Contributions from Jed Wing, Steve Weston, Andre Williams, Chris Keefer, Allan Engelhardt, Tony Cooper, Zachary Mayer, Brenton Kenkel, the R Core Team, Michael Benesty, Reynald Lescarbeau, Andrew Ziem, Luca Scrucca, Yuan Tang, Can Candan, and Tyler Hunt.
Maintainer: Max Kuhn <>

Diff between caret versions 6.0-83 dated 2019-04-18 and 6.0-84 dated 2019-04-27

 DESCRIPTION              |    8 ++++----
 MD5                      |    6 +++---
 inst/NEWS.Rd             |    6 ++++++
 inst/models/models.RData |binary
 4 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

More information about caret at CRAN
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