Wed, 27 Nov 2024

Package promises updated to version 1.3.2 with previous version 1.3.1 dated 2024-11-26

Title: Abstractions for Promise-Based Asynchronous Programming
Description: Provides fundamental abstractions for doing asynchronous programming in R using promises. Asynchronous programming is useful for allowing a single R process to orchestrate multiple tasks in the background while also attending to something else. Semantics are similar to 'JavaScript' promises, but with a syntax that is idiomatic R.
Author: Joe Cheng [aut, cre], Posit Software, PBC [cph, fnd]
Maintainer: Joe Cheng <>

Diff between promises versions 1.3.1 dated 2024-11-26 and 1.3.2 dated 2024-11-27

 DESCRIPTION                         |    6 ++--
 MD5                                 |   12 ++++-----                             |    5 ++++
 R/domains.R                         |   34 +++++++++++++++------------
 inst/doc/promises_08_casestudy.html |    2 -
 tests/testthat/test-cpp.R           |    3 +-
 tests/testthat/test-domains.R       |   44 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 7 files changed, 80 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)

More information about promises at CRAN
Permanent link

New package OmopViewer with initial version 0.2.0
Package: OmopViewer
Title: Visualise OMOP Results using 'shiny' Applications
Version: 0.2.0
Maintainer: Marti Catala <>
Description: Visualise results obtained from analysing data mapped to the Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership (OMOP) common data model using 'shiny' applications.
License: Apache License (>= 2)
Encoding: UTF-8
Depends: R (>= 2.10)
Imports: bslib, cli, dplyr, DT, glue, gt, lifecycle, markdown, omopgenerics (>= 0.4.0), purrr, rlang, shiny, snakecase, stringr, styler, tidyr, usethis, visOmopResults (>= 0.5.0), yaml
Suggests: CDMConnector, CodelistGenerator (>= 3.2.0), CohortCharacteristics (>= 0.3.0), CohortConstructor, DiagrammeR, DrugUtilisation (>= 0.7.1), duckdb, ggplot2, here, htmlwidgets, IncidencePrevalence (>= 0.8.0), knitr, omock (>= 0.3.0), OmopSketch, PatientProfiles, plotly, rmarkdown, RPostgres, shinycssloaders, shinyWidgets, sortable, testthat (>= 3.1.5), utils, webshot2, zip
VignetteBuilder: knitr
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-11-27 20:12:14 UTC; martics
Author: Marti Catala [aut, cre] , Yuchen Guo [aut] , Edward Burn [ctb] , Nuria Mercade-Besora [ctb] , Elin Rowlands [ctb] , Cecilia Campanile [ctb]
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-11-27 23:20:09 UTC

More information about OmopViewer at CRAN
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Package mbmixture updated to version 0.6 with previous version 0.4 dated 2023-04-27

Title: Microbiome Mixture Analysis
Description: Evaluate whether a microbiome sample is a mixture of two samples, by fitting a model for the number of read counts as a function of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) allele and the genotypes of two potential source samples. Lobo et al. (2021) <doi:10.1093/g3journal/jkab308>.
Author: Karl W Broman [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Karl W Broman <>

Diff between mbmixture versions 0.4 dated 2023-04-27 and 0.6 dated 2024-11-27

 DESCRIPTION             |    8 -
 MD5                     |   18 ++--                 |    5 +               |    2 
 build/vignette.rds      |binary
 data/mbmixdata.RData    |binary
 inst/doc/mbmixture.R    |    4 
 inst/doc/mbmixture.Rmd  |    2 
 inst/doc/mbmixture.html |  195 ++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
 vignettes/mbmixture.Rmd |    2 
 10 files changed, 115 insertions(+), 121 deletions(-)

More information about mbmixture at CRAN
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Package later updated to version 1.4.1 with previous version 1.4.0 dated 2024-11-26

Title: Utilities for Scheduling Functions to Execute Later with Event Loops
Description: Executes arbitrary R or C functions some time after the current time, after the R execution stack has emptied. The functions are scheduled in an event loop.
Author: Winston Chang [aut, cre], Joe Cheng [aut], Charlie Gao [aut] , Posit Software, PBC [cph], Marcus Geelnard [ctb, cph] , Evan Nemerson [ctb, cph]
Maintainer: Winston Chang <>

Diff between later versions 1.4.0 dated 2024-11-26 and 1.4.1 dated 2024-11-27

 DESCRIPTION                    |    6 +++---
 MD5                            |   12 ++++++------                        |    4 ++++
 inst/doc/later-cpp.html        |    4 ++--
 inst/include/later.h           |   22 ++++++++++++++++++++--
 src/later.h                    |    2 +-
 tests/testthat/test-later-fd.R |   34 ++++++++++++----------------------
 7 files changed, 48 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-)

More information about later at CRAN
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Package harmony updated to version 1.2.3 with previous version 1.2.1 dated 2024-08-27

Title: Fast, Sensitive, and Accurate Integration of Single Cell Data
Description: Implementation of the Harmony algorithm for single cell integration, described in Korsunsky et al <doi:10.1038/s41592-019-0619-0>. Package includes a standalone Harmony function and interfaces to external frameworks.
Author: Ilya Korsunsky [cre, aut] , Martin Hemberg [aut] , Nikolaos Patikas [aut, ctb] , Hongcheng Yao [aut, ctb] , Nghia Millard [aut] , Jean Fan [aut, ctb] , Kamil Slowikowski [aut, ctb] , Miles Smith [ctb], Soumya Raychaudhuri [aut]
Maintainer: Ilya Korsunsky <>

Diff between harmony versions 1.2.1 dated 2024-08-27 and 1.2.3 dated 2024-11-27

 DESCRIPTION                       |    6 
 MD5                               |   20 -
 inst/doc/Seurat.R                 |   38 +++
 inst/doc/Seurat.Rmd               |   44 +++-
 inst/doc/Seurat.html              |  413 +++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 inst/doc/detailedWalkthrough.html |    8 
 inst/doc/quickstart.R             |   92 ++------
 inst/doc/quickstart.Rmd           |  102 +++------
 inst/doc/quickstart.html          |  136 +++++++-----
 vignettes/Seurat.Rmd              |   44 +++-
 vignettes/quickstart.Rmd          |  102 +++------
 11 files changed, 530 insertions(+), 475 deletions(-)

More information about harmony at CRAN
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Package braQCA updated to version with previous version dated 2024-11-26

Title: Bootstrapped Robustness Assessment for Qualitative Comparative Analysis
Description: Test the robustness of a user's Qualitative Comparative Analysis solutions to randomness, using the bootstrapped assessment: baQCA(). This package also includes a function that provides recommendations for improving solutions to reach typical significance levels: brQCA(). Data included come from McVeigh et al. (2014) <doi:10.1177/0003122414534065>.
Author: C. Ben Gibson [aut] , Burrel Vann Jr [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Burrel Vann Jr <>

Diff between braQCA versions dated 2024-11-26 and dated 2024-11-27

 DESCRIPTION |    6 +++---
 MD5         |    4 ++--
 R/baQCA.R   |    3 +--
 3 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

More information about braQCA at CRAN
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Package Indicator updated to version 0.1.3 with previous version 0.1.2 dated 2024-06-11

Title: Composite 'Indicator' Construction and Imputation Data
Description: Different functions includes constructing composite indicators, imputing missing data, and evaluating imputation techniques. Additionally, different tools for data normalization. Detailed methodologies of 'Indicator' package are: OECD/European Union/EC-JRC (2008), "Handbook on Constructing Composite Indicators: Methodology and User Guide", OECD Publishing, Paris, <DOI:10.1787/533411815016>, Matteo Mazziotta & Adriano Pareto, (2018) "Measuring Well-Being Over Time: The Adjusted Mazziotta–Pareto Index Versus Other Non-compensatory Indices" <DOI:10.1007/s11205-017-1577-5> and De Muro P., Mazziotta M., Pareto A. (2011), "Composite Indices of Development and Poverty: An Application to MDGs" <DOI:10.1007/s11205-010-9727-z>.
Author: Gianmarco Borrata [aut, cre], Pasquale Pipiciello [aut]
Maintainer: Gianmarco Borrata <>

Diff between Indicator versions 0.1.2 dated 2024-06-11 and 0.1.3 dated 2024-11-27

 DESCRIPTION |    8 ++++----
 MD5         |    6 +++---     |    4 ++++   |    2 +-
 4 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

More information about Indicator at CRAN
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Package hereR updated to version 1.0.1 with previous version 1.0.0 dated 2023-09-18

Title: 'sf'-Based Interface to the 'HERE' REST APIs
Description: Interface to the 'HERE' REST APIs <>: (1) geocode and autosuggest addresses or reverse geocode POIs using the 'Geocoder' API; (2) route directions, travel distance or time matrices and isolines using the 'Routing', 'Matrix Routing' and 'Isoline Routing' APIs; (3) request real-time traffic flow and incident information from the 'Traffic' API; (4) find request public transport connections and nearby stations from the 'Public Transit' API; (5) request intermodal routes using the 'Intermodal Routing' API; (6) get weather forecasts, reports on current weather conditions, astronomical information and alerts at a specific location from the 'Destination Weather' API. Locations, routes and isolines are returned as 'sf' objects.
Author: Merlin Unterfinger [aut, cre] , Daniel Possenriede [ctb]
Maintainer: Merlin Unterfinger <>

Diff between hereR versions 1.0.0 dated 2023-09-18 and 1.0.1 dated 2024-11-27

 DESCRIPTION                  |    8 
 MD5                          |  112 -                      |  365 +--
 R/autosuggest.R              |  214 -
 R/connection.R               |  560 ++---
 R/flow.R                     |  276 +-
 R/geocode.R                  |  396 +--
 R/incident.R                 |  330 +--
 R/intermodal_route.R         |  480 ++--
 R/isoline.R                  |  537 ++--
 R/reverse_geocode.R          |  336 +--
 R/route.R                    |  604 ++---
 R/route_matrix.R             |  474 ++--
 R/station.R                  |  292 +-
 R/weather.R                  |  554 ++---                    |  286 +-
 build/vignette.rds           |binary
 inst/doc/authentication.R    |   26 
 inst/doc/authentication.Rmd  |  179 -
 inst/doc/authentication.html |  980 ++++-----
 inst/doc/geocoder.R          |  188 -
 inst/doc/geocoder.Rmd        |    4 
 inst/doc/geocoder.html       | 1198 +++++------
 inst/doc/intermodal.R        |   76 
 inst/doc/intermodal.Rmd      |  128 -
 inst/doc/intermodal.html     | 1428 ++++++-------
 inst/doc/routing.R           |  176 -
 inst/doc/routing.Rmd         |  260 +-
 inst/doc/routing.html        | 1901 ++++++++---------
 inst/doc/traffic.R           |  100 
 inst/doc/traffic.Rmd         |  167 -
 inst/doc/traffic.html        |  834 +++----
 inst/doc/transit.R           |  168 -
 inst/doc/transit.Rmd         |  267 +-
 inst/doc/transit.html        | 1978 +++++++++---------
 inst/doc/weather.R           |  236 +-
 inst/doc/weather.Rmd         |  352 +--
 inst/doc/weather.html        | 4676 +++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 man/autosuggest.Rd           |    2 
 man/connection.Rd            |    2 
 man/flow.Rd                  |    2 
 man/geocode.Rd               |   14 
 man/incident.Rd              |    2 
 man/intermodal_route.Rd      |    2 
 man/isoline.Rd               |    2 
 man/reverse_geocode.Rd       |    2 
 man/route.Rd                 |    2 
 man/route_matrix.Rd          |  112 -
 man/station.Rd               |    2 
 man/weather.Rd               |    2 
 vignettes/authentication.Rmd |  179 -
 vignettes/geocoder.Rmd       |    4 
 vignettes/intermodal.Rmd     |  128 -
 vignettes/routing.Rmd        |  260 +-
 vignettes/traffic.Rmd        |  167 -
 vignettes/transit.Rmd        |  267 +-
 vignettes/weather.Rmd        |  352 +--
 57 files changed, 11318 insertions(+), 11331 deletions(-)

More information about hereR at CRAN
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Package IncidencePrevalence updated to version 0.9.0 with previous version 0.8.1 dated 2024-10-31

Title: Estimate Incidence and Prevalence using the OMOP Common Data Model
Description: Calculate incidence and prevalence using data mapped to the Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership (OMOP) common data model. Incidence and prevalence can be estimated for the total population in a database or for a stratification cohort.
Author: Edward Burn [aut, cre] , Berta Raventos [aut] , Marti Catala [aut] , Mike Du [ctb] , Yuchen Guo [ctb] , Adam Black [ctb] , Ger Inberg [ctb] , Kim Lopez [ctb]
Maintainer: Edward Burn <>

Diff between IncidencePrevalence versions 0.8.1 dated 2024-10-31 and 0.9.0 dated 2024-11-27

 IncidencePrevalence-0.8.1/IncidencePrevalence/R/mockIncidencePrevalenceRef.R                            |only
 IncidencePrevalence-0.8.1/IncidencePrevalence/man/mockIncidencePrevalenceRef.Rd                         |only
 IncidencePrevalence-0.8.1/IncidencePrevalence/tests/testthat/test-mockIncidencePrevalenceRef.R          |only
 IncidencePrevalence-0.9.0/IncidencePrevalence/DESCRIPTION                                               |   15 
 IncidencePrevalence-0.9.0/IncidencePrevalence/MD5                                                       |  141 
 IncidencePrevalence-0.9.0/IncidencePrevalence/NAMESPACE                                                 |    2 
 IncidencePrevalence-0.9.0/IncidencePrevalence/R/benchmarkIncidencePrevalence.R                          |   34 
 IncidencePrevalence-0.9.0/IncidencePrevalence/R/dateUtilities.R                                         |  172 
 IncidencePrevalence-0.9.0/IncidencePrevalence/R/estimateIncidence.R                                     |  263 
 IncidencePrevalence-0.9.0/IncidencePrevalence/R/estimatePrevalence.R                                    |  295 
 IncidencePrevalence-0.9.0/IncidencePrevalence/R/generateDenominatorCohortSet.R                          | 1744 +-
 IncidencePrevalence-0.9.0/IncidencePrevalence/R/getDenominatorCohorts.R                                 |  874 -
 IncidencePrevalence-0.9.0/IncidencePrevalence/R/getIncidence.R                                          |  766 -
 IncidencePrevalence-0.9.0/IncidencePrevalence/R/getPrevalence.R                                         |   35 
 IncidencePrevalence-0.9.0/IncidencePrevalence/R/getStudyDays.R                                          |   80 
 IncidencePrevalence-0.9.0/IncidencePrevalence/R/inputValidation.R                                       |  561 
 IncidencePrevalence-0.9.0/IncidencePrevalence/R/mockIncidencePrevalence.R                               |only
 IncidencePrevalence-0.9.0/IncidencePrevalence/R/plotting.R                                              |  675 -
 IncidencePrevalence-0.9.0/IncidencePrevalence/R/recordAttrition.R                                       |   25 
 IncidencePrevalence-0.9.0/IncidencePrevalence/R/reexport-omopgenerics.R                                 |   94 
 IncidencePrevalence-0.9.0/IncidencePrevalence/R/tables.R                                                |  827 -
 IncidencePrevalence-0.9.0/IncidencePrevalence/                                                 |   70 
 IncidencePrevalence-0.9.0/IncidencePrevalence/build/vignette.rds                                        |binary
 IncidencePrevalence-0.9.0/IncidencePrevalence/inst/doc/a01_Introduction_to_IncidencePrevalence.R        |    5 
 IncidencePrevalence-0.9.0/IncidencePrevalence/inst/doc/a01_Introduction_to_IncidencePrevalence.Rmd      |  251 
 IncidencePrevalence-0.9.0/IncidencePrevalence/inst/doc/a01_Introduction_to_IncidencePrevalence.html     |   69 
 IncidencePrevalence-0.9.0/IncidencePrevalence/inst/doc/a02_Creating_denominator_populations.R           |    4 
 IncidencePrevalence-0.9.0/IncidencePrevalence/inst/doc/a02_Creating_denominator_populations.Rmd         |    6 
 IncidencePrevalence-0.9.0/IncidencePrevalence/inst/doc/a02_Creating_denominator_populations.html        |   26 
 IncidencePrevalence-0.9.0/IncidencePrevalence/inst/doc/a03_Creating_target_denominator_populations.R    |   89 
 IncidencePrevalence-0.9.0/IncidencePrevalence/inst/doc/a03_Creating_target_denominator_populations.Rmd  |   99 
 IncidencePrevalence-0.9.0/IncidencePrevalence/inst/doc/a03_Creating_target_denominator_populations.html |  119 
 IncidencePrevalence-0.9.0/IncidencePrevalence/inst/doc/a04_Calculating_prevalence.R                     |   40 
 IncidencePrevalence-0.9.0/IncidencePrevalence/inst/doc/a04_Calculating_prevalence.Rmd                   |  498 
 IncidencePrevalence-0.9.0/IncidencePrevalence/inst/doc/a04_Calculating_prevalence.html                  |  888 -
 IncidencePrevalence-0.9.0/IncidencePrevalence/inst/doc/a05_Calculating_incidence.R                      |    9 
 IncidencePrevalence-0.9.0/IncidencePrevalence/inst/doc/a05_Calculating_incidence.Rmd                    |  513 
 IncidencePrevalence-0.9.0/IncidencePrevalence/inst/doc/a05_Calculating_incidence.html                   |  737 -
 IncidencePrevalence-0.9.0/IncidencePrevalence/inst/doc/a06_Plotting_options.R                           |    7 
 IncidencePrevalence-0.9.0/IncidencePrevalence/inst/doc/a06_Plotting_options.Rmd                         |   13 
 IncidencePrevalence-0.9.0/IncidencePrevalence/inst/doc/a06_Plotting_options.html                        |   39 
 IncidencePrevalence-0.9.0/IncidencePrevalence/man/benchmarkIncidencePrevalence.Rd                       |    2 
 IncidencePrevalence-0.9.0/IncidencePrevalence/man/estimateIncidence.Rd                                  |   16 
 IncidencePrevalence-0.9.0/IncidencePrevalence/man/estimatePeriodPrevalence.Rd                           |   18 
 IncidencePrevalence-0.9.0/IncidencePrevalence/man/estimatePointPrevalence.Rd                            |   18 
 IncidencePrevalence-0.9.0/IncidencePrevalence/man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-11-1.png                 |binary
 IncidencePrevalence-0.9.0/IncidencePrevalence/man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-12-1.png                 |binary
 IncidencePrevalence-0.9.0/IncidencePrevalence/man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-13-1.png                 |binary
 IncidencePrevalence-0.9.0/IncidencePrevalence/man/generateDenominatorCohortSet.Rd                       |    2 
 IncidencePrevalence-0.9.0/IncidencePrevalence/man/generateTargetDenominatorCohortSet.Rd                 |    8 
 IncidencePrevalence-0.9.0/IncidencePrevalence/man/mockIncidencePrevalence.Rd                            |only
 IncidencePrevalence-0.9.0/IncidencePrevalence/man/optionsPlot.Rd                                        |only
 IncidencePrevalence-0.9.0/IncidencePrevalence/man/plotIncidence.Rd                                      |   12 
 IncidencePrevalence-0.9.0/IncidencePrevalence/man/plotPrevalence.Rd                                     |   12 
 IncidencePrevalence-0.9.0/IncidencePrevalence/man/tableIncidence.Rd                                     |   13 
 IncidencePrevalence-0.9.0/IncidencePrevalence/man/tableIncidenceAttrition.Rd                            |   11 
 IncidencePrevalence-0.9.0/IncidencePrevalence/man/tablePrevalence.Rd                                    |   13 
 IncidencePrevalence-0.9.0/IncidencePrevalence/man/tablePrevalenceAttrition.Rd                           |   11 
 IncidencePrevalence-0.9.0/IncidencePrevalence/tests/manual/test-dbms.R                                  |   16 
 IncidencePrevalence-0.9.0/IncidencePrevalence/tests/manual/test-eunomia.R                               |    6 
 IncidencePrevalence-0.9.0/IncidencePrevalence/tests/testthat/test-benchmarkIncidencePrevalence.R        |    6 
 IncidencePrevalence-0.9.0/IncidencePrevalence/tests/testthat/test-dateUtilities.R                       |   12 
 IncidencePrevalence-0.9.0/IncidencePrevalence/tests/testthat/test-estimateIncidence.R                   | 6716 +++++-----
 IncidencePrevalence-0.9.0/IncidencePrevalence/tests/testthat/test-estimatePrevalence.R                  | 2687 ++--
 IncidencePrevalence-0.9.0/IncidencePrevalence/tests/testthat/test-generateDenominatorCohortSet.R        |  114 
 IncidencePrevalence-0.9.0/IncidencePrevalence/tests/testthat/test-getStudyDays.R                        |  522 
 IncidencePrevalence-0.9.0/IncidencePrevalence/tests/testthat/test-mockIncidencePrevalence.R             |only
 IncidencePrevalence-0.9.0/IncidencePrevalence/tests/testthat/test-plotting.R                            |  118 
 IncidencePrevalence-0.9.0/IncidencePrevalence/tests/testthat/test-tables.R                              |  204 
 IncidencePrevalence-0.9.0/IncidencePrevalence/vignettes/a01_Introduction_to_IncidencePrevalence.Rmd     |  251 
 IncidencePrevalence-0.9.0/IncidencePrevalence/vignettes/a02_Creating_denominator_populations.Rmd        |    6 
 IncidencePrevalence-0.9.0/IncidencePrevalence/vignettes/a03_Creating_target_denominator_populations.Rmd |   99 
 IncidencePrevalence-0.9.0/IncidencePrevalence/vignettes/a04_Calculating_prevalence.Rmd                  |  498 
 IncidencePrevalence-0.9.0/IncidencePrevalence/vignettes/a05_Calculating_incidence.Rmd                   |  513 
 IncidencePrevalence-0.9.0/IncidencePrevalence/vignettes/a06_Plotting_options.Rmd                        |   13 
 75 files changed, 11101 insertions(+), 10901 deletions(-)

More information about IncidencePrevalence at CRAN
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Package script updated to version 0.1.3 with previous version 0.1.1 dated 2023-06-28

Title: Identify Script Name
Description: Identifies the name of the current script in a variety of contexts, e.g. interactively or when sourced. Attempts to support RStudio environment. Based on <> and <>.
Author: Tim Bergsma [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Tim Bergsma <>

Diff between script versions 0.1.1 dated 2023-06-28 and 0.1.3 dated 2024-11-27

 DESCRIPTION |   16 ++++++++++------
 MD5         |    6 +++---
 NAMESPACE   |    1 +
 R/script.R  |    9 +++++++++
 4 files changed, 23 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

More information about script at CRAN
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Package optimizeR updated to version 1.1.2 with previous version 1.1.1 dated 2024-06-19

Title: Unified Framework for Numerical Optimizers
Description: Provides a unified object-oriented framework for numerical optimizers in R. Allows for both minimization and maximization with any optimizer, optimization over more than one function argument, measuring of computation time, setting a time limit for long optimization tasks.
Author: Lennart Oelschlaeger [aut, cre] , Marius Oetting [ctb]
Maintainer: Lennart Oelschlaeger <>

Diff between optimizeR versions 1.1.1 dated 2024-06-19 and 1.1.2 dated 2024-11-27

 DESCRIPTION                               |   10 +++++-----
 MD5                                       |   10 +++++++---
 NAMESPACE                                 |    1 +                                   |    6 +++++-
 R/parameter_spaces.R                      |only
 man/ParameterSpaces.Rd                    |only
 tests/testthat/_snaps/ |only
 tests/testthat/test-parameter_spaces.R    |only
 8 files changed, 18 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

More information about optimizeR at CRAN
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Package oeli updated to version 0.7.1 with previous version 0.7.0 dated 2024-10-16

Title: Utilities for Developing Data Science Software
Description: Some general helper functions that I (and maybe others) find useful when developing data science software.
Author: Lennart Oelschlaeger [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Lennart Oelschlaeger <>

Diff between oeli versions 0.7.0 dated 2024-10-16 and 0.7.1 dated 2024-11-27

 oeli-0.7.0/oeli/R/renv_development_packages.R                 |only
 oeli-0.7.0/oeli/man/renv_development_packages.Rd              |only
 oeli-0.7.1/oeli/DESCRIPTION                                   |   10 -
 oeli-0.7.1/oeli/MD5                                           |   69 +++++-----
 oeli-0.7.1/oeli/NAMESPACE                                     |    4 
 oeli-0.7.1/oeli/                                       |   12 +
 oeli-0.7.1/oeli/R/cholesky_root.R                             |    8 +
 oeli-0.7.1/oeli/R/covariance_differencing.R                   |   36 ++++-
 oeli-0.7.1/oeli/R/input_check_response.R                      |   63 +++++++--
 oeli-0.7.1/oeli/R/map_indices.R                               |only
 oeli-0.7.1/oeli/R/oeli-package.R                              |    1 
 oeli-0.7.1/oeli/R/package_logo.R                              |   35 ++---
 oeli-0.7.1/oeli/man/Dictionary.Rd                             |    1 
 oeli-0.7.1/oeli/man/Storage.Rd                                |    1 
 oeli-0.7.1/oeli/man/check_numeric_vector.Rd                   |    1 
 oeli-0.7.1/oeli/man/check_probability_vector.Rd               |    1 
 oeli-0.7.1/oeli/man/chunk_vector.Rd                           |    1 
 oeli-0.7.1/oeli/man/diff_cov.Rd                               |   16 ++
 oeli-0.7.1/oeli/man/identical_structure.Rd                    |    1 
 oeli-0.7.1/oeli/man/input_check_response.Rd                   |   40 ++++-
 oeli-0.7.1/oeli/man/insert_vector_entry.Rd                    |    1 
 oeli-0.7.1/oeli/man/map_indices.Rd                            |only
 oeli-0.7.1/oeli/man/match_arg.Rd                              |    1 
 oeli-0.7.1/oeli/man/match_numerics.Rd                         |    1 
 oeli-0.7.1/oeli/man/package_logo.Rd                           |   18 +-
 oeli-0.7.1/oeli/man/permutations.Rd                           |    1 
 oeli-0.7.1/oeli/man/print_data.frame.Rd                       |    1 
 oeli-0.7.1/oeli/man/print_matrix.Rd                           |    1 
 oeli-0.7.1/oeli/man/split_vector_at.Rd                        |    1 
 oeli-0.7.1/oeli/man/subsets.Rd                                |    1 
 oeli-0.7.1/oeli/man/system_information.Rd                     |    1 
 oeli-0.7.1/oeli/man/unexpected_error.Rd                       |    1 
 oeli-0.7.1/oeli/man/user_confirm.Rd                           |    1 
 oeli-0.7.1/oeli/man/vector_occurrence.Rd                      |    1 
 oeli-0.7.1/oeli/tests/testthat/test-cholesky_root.R           |    5 
 oeli-0.7.1/oeli/tests/testthat/test-covariance_differencing.R |    9 +
 oeli-0.7.1/oeli/tests/testthat/test-input_check_response.R    |   11 +
 oeli-0.7.1/oeli/tests/testthat/test-map_indices.R             |only
 38 files changed, 249 insertions(+), 106 deletions(-)

More information about oeli at CRAN
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Package bbotk updated to version 1.4.1 with previous version 1.4.0 dated 2024-11-26

Title: Black-Box Optimization Toolkit
Description: Features highly configurable search spaces via the 'paradox' package and optimizes every user-defined objective function. The package includes several optimization algorithms e.g. Random Search, Iterated Racing, Bayesian Optimization (in 'mlr3mbo') and Hyperband (in 'mlr3hyperband'). bbotk is the base package of 'mlr3tuning', 'mlr3fselect' and 'miesmuschel'.
Author: Marc Becker [cre, aut] , Jakob Richter [aut] , Michel Lang [aut] , Bernd Bischl [aut] , Martin Binder [aut], Olaf Mersmann [ctb]
Maintainer: Marc Becker <>

Diff between bbotk versions 1.4.0 dated 2024-11-26 and 1.4.1 dated 2024-11-27

 DESCRIPTION                          |    8 ++++----
 MD5                                  |   10 +++++-----                              |    4 ++++
 R/OptimizerBatchIrace.R              |   21 +++++++++++++--------
 tests/testthat/helper.R              |   17 +++++++++++------
 tests/testthat/test_OptimizerIrace.R |    4 ++--
 6 files changed, 39 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)

More information about bbotk at CRAN
Permanent link

Package mice updated to version 3.17.0 with previous version 3.16.0 dated 2023-06-05

Title: Multivariate Imputation by Chained Equations
Description: Multiple imputation using Fully Conditional Specification (FCS) implemented by the MICE algorithm as described in Van Buuren and Groothuis-Oudshoorn (2011) <doi:10.18637/jss.v045.i03>. Each variable has its own imputation model. Built-in imputation models are provided for continuous data (predictive mean matching, normal), binary data (logistic regression), unordered categorical data (polytomous logistic regression) and ordered categorical data (proportional odds). MICE can also impute continuous two-level data (normal model, pan, second-level variables). Passive imputation can be used to maintain consistency between variables. Various diagnostic plots are available to inspect the quality of the imputations.
Author: Stef van Buuren [aut, cre], Karin Groothuis-Oudshoorn [aut], Gerko Vink [ctb], Rianne Schouten [ctb], Alexander Robitzsch [ctb], Patrick Rockenschaub [ctb], Lisa Doove [ctb], Shahab Jolani [ctb], Margarita Moreno-Betancur [ctb], Ian White [ctb], Phil [...truncated...]
Maintainer: Stef van Buuren <>

Diff between mice versions 3.16.0 dated 2023-06-05 and 3.17.0 dated 2024-11-27

 mice-3.16.0/mice/R/bwplot.R                                  |only
 mice-3.16.0/mice/R/densityplot.R                             |only
 mice-3.16.0/mice/R/plot.R                                    |only
 mice-3.16.0/mice/R/stripplot.R                               |only
 mice-3.16.0/mice/R/xyplot.R                                  |only
 mice-3.16.0/mice/man/mads-class.Rd                           |only
 mice-3.16.0/mice/man/mids-class.Rd                           |only
 mice-3.16.0/mice/man/mira-class.Rd                           |only
 mice-3.16.0/mice/man/plot.mids.Rd                            |only
 mice-3.16.0/mice/man/print.mads.Rd                           |only
 mice-3.16.0/mice/src/Makevars                                |only
 mice-3.16.0/mice/src/                            |only
 mice-3.17.0/mice/DESCRIPTION                                 |   25 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/MD5                                         |  270 ++++----
 mice-3.17.0/mice/NAMESPACE                                   |   25 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/                                     |  285 ++++++---
 mice-3.17.0/mice/R/D1.R                                      |    3 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/R/D3.R                                      |    3 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/R/ampute.R                                  |   50 -
 mice-3.17.0/mice/R/ampute.continuous.R                       |    3 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/R/ampute.default.R                          |    1 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/R/ampute.discrete.R                         |    1 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/R/ampute.mcar.R                             |    1 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/R/anova.R                                   |    5 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/R/as.R                                      |   51 -
 mice-3.17.0/mice/R/auxiliary.R                               |   13 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/R/blocks.R                                  |   14 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/R/bwplot.mads.R                             |   10 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/R/bwplot.mids.R                             |only
 mice-3.17.0/mice/R/cbind.R                                   |   93 +-
 mice-3.17.0/mice/R/complete.R                                |   37 -
 mice-3.17.0/mice/R/convergence.R                             |    1 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/R/densityplot.mids.R                        |only
 mice-3.17.0/mice/R/df.residual.R                             |    5 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/R/edit.setup.R                              |    4 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/R/filter.R                                  |   24 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/R/formula.R                                 |   12 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/R/futuremice.R                              |    4 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/R/get.df.R                                  |   37 -
 mice-3.17.0/mice/R/getfit.R                                  |    4 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/R/ibind.R                                   |   31 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/R/imports.R                                 |   12 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/R/initialize.chain.R                        |    7 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/R/initialize.imp.R                          |    2 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/R/internal.R                                |    4 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/R/lm.R                                      |   12 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/R/mads.R                                    |  135 +++-
 mice-3.17.0/mice/R/mcar.R                                    |    3 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/R/mdc.R                                     |    6 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/R/method.R                                  |   29 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/R/mice-package.R                            |   14 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/R/mice.R                                    |   25 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/R/mice.impute.cart.R                        |    8 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/R/mice.impute.lda.R                         |    2 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/R/mice.impute.midastouch.R                  |    5 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/R/mice.impute.pmm.R                         |  103 ++-
 mice-3.17.0/mice/R/mice.impute.rf.R                          |   46 +
 mice-3.17.0/mice/R/mice.mids.R                               |   65 +-
 mice-3.17.0/mice/R/mids.R                                    |  345 +++++++++--
 mice-3.17.0/mice/R/mipo.R                                    |   65 +-
 mice-3.17.0/mice/R/mira.R                                    |   66 +-
 mice-3.17.0/mice/R/parlmice.R                                |    2 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/R/pool.R                                    |   71 --
 mice-3.17.0/mice/R/pool.table.R                              |only
 mice-3.17.0/mice/R/pool.vector.R                             |only
 mice-3.17.0/mice/R/predictorMatrix.R                         |    7 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/R/print.R                                   |   63 --
 mice-3.17.0/mice/R/quickpred.R                               |    8 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/R/rbind.R                                   |   40 -
 mice-3.17.0/mice/R/sampler.R                                 |   36 -
 mice-3.17.0/mice/R/stripplot.mids.R                          |only
 mice-3.17.0/mice/R/summary.R                                 |   38 -
 mice-3.17.0/mice/R/tidiers.R                                 |    6 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/R/walking.R                                 |    2 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/R/windspeed.R                               |    4 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/R/with.R                                    |   11 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/R/xyplot.mads.R                             |   13 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/R/xyplot.mids.R                             |only
 mice-3.17.0/mice/                                   |   20 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/build/partial.rdb                           |binary
 mice-3.17.0/mice/man/ampute.Rd                               |   27 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/man/ampute.continuous.Rd                    |    2 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/man/as.mids.Rd                              |   13 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/man/as.mira.Rd                              |    2 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/man/bwplot.mads.Rd                          |    7 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/man/bwplot.mids.Rd                          |   37 -
 mice-3.17.0/mice/man/complete.mids.Rd                        |   14 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/man/construct.blocks.Rd                     |    2 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/man/densityplot.mids.Rd                     |   32 -
 mice-3.17.0/mice/man/futuremice.Rd                           |    2 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/man/getfit.Rd                               |    2 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/man/glm.mids.Rd                             |    2 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/man/lm.mids.Rd                              |    2 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/man/mads.Rd                                 |only
 mice-3.17.0/mice/man/make.blocks.Rd                          |    6 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/man/mdc.Rd                                  |    6 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/man/mice.Rd                                 |   48 +
 mice-3.17.0/mice/man/mice.impute.cart.Rd                     |   10 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/man/mice.impute.lasso.logreg.Rd             |    4 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/man/mice.impute.lasso.norm.Rd               |    4 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/man/      |    4 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/man/        |    4 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/man/mice.impute.lda.Rd                      |    6 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/man/mice.impute.logreg.Rd                   |    2 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/man/mice.impute.logreg.boot.Rd              |    2 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/man/mice.impute.mean.Rd                     |    4 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/man/mice.impute.midastouch.Rd               |    9 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/man/mice.impute.mnar.Rd                     |    4 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/man/mice.impute.mpmm.Rd                     |    4 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/man/mice.impute.norm.Rd                     |    2 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/man/mice.impute.norm.boot.Rd                |    4 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/man/mice.impute.norm.nob.Rd                 |    4 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/man/mice.impute.norm.predict.Rd             |    4 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/man/mice.impute.pmm.Rd                      |   46 +
 mice-3.17.0/mice/man/mice.impute.polr.Rd                     |    4 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/man/mice.impute.polyreg.Rd                  |    4 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/man/mice.impute.quadratic.Rd                |    4 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/man/mice.impute.rf.Rd                       |   24 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/man/mice.impute.ri.Rd                       |    4 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/man/mice.mids.Rd                            |   43 -
 mice-3.17.0/mice/man/mids.Rd                                 |only
 mice-3.17.0/mice/man/mipo.Rd                                 |    4 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/man/mira.Rd                                 |only
 mice-3.17.0/mice/man/parlmice.Rd                             |    2 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/man/pool.table.Rd                           |only
 mice-3.17.0/mice/man/print.Rd                                |   19 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/man/reexports.Rd                            |    4 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/man/stripplot.mids.Rd                       |   36 -
 mice-3.17.0/mice/man/summary.Rd                              |   20 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/man/walking.Rd                              |    2 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/man/windspeed.Rd                            |    4 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/man/with.mids.Rd                            |    5 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/man/xyplot.mads.Rd                          |   10 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/man/xyplot.mids.Rd                          |   28 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/tests/testthat/test-ampute.R                |    4 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/tests/testthat/test-as.mids.R               |   40 -
 mice-3.17.0/mice/tests/testthat/test-complete.R              |   15 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/tests/testthat/test-mice-initialize.R       |    2 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/tests/testthat/test-mice.impute.2l.bin.R    |    8 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/tests/testthat/test-mice.impute.durr.norm.R |   38 +
 mice-3.17.0/mice/tests/testthat/test-mice.impute.pmm.R       |   83 ++
 mice-3.17.0/mice/tests/testthat/test-mice.impute.rf.R        |    1 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/tests/testthat/test-parlmice.R              |   11 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/tests/testthat/test-pool.R                  |    4 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/tests/testthat/test-pool.vector.R           |only
 mice-3.17.0/mice/tests/testthat/test-quickpred.R             |only
 mice-3.17.0/mice/tests/testthat/test-rbind.R                 |    3 
 mice-3.17.0/mice/tests/testthat/test-tidiers.R               |   10 
 148 files changed, 1832 insertions(+), 1212 deletions(-)

More information about mice at CRAN
Permanent link

Package cardx updated to version 0.2.2 with previous version 0.2.1 dated 2024-09-03

Title: Extra Analysis Results Data Utilities
Description: Create extra Analysis Results Data (ARD) summary objects. The package supplements the simple ARD functions from the 'cards' package, exporting functions to put statistical results in the ARD format. These objects are used and re-used to construct summary tables, visualizations, and written reports.
Author: Daniel Sjoberg [aut, cre], Abinaya Yogasekaram [aut], Emily de la Rua [aut], F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG [cph, fnd]
Maintainer: Daniel Sjoberg <>

Diff between cardx versions 0.2.1 dated 2024-09-03 and 0.2.2 dated 2024-11-27

 DESCRIPTION                                               |   10 
 MD5                                                       |  293 +++++++-------
 NAMESPACE                                                 |    2                                                   |   10 
 R/                             |    2 
 R/ard_aod_wald_test.R                                     |    5 
 R/                          |    2 
 R/ard_car_anova.R                                         |    4 
 R/ard_car_vif.R                                           |    4 
 R/                         |    7 
 R/ard_categorical_ci.R                                    |    6 
 R/                      |    7 
 R/                          |  114 +++++
 R/ard_continuous_ci.R                                     |    2 
 R/                       |    5 
 R/                         |    4 
 R/ard_effectsize_cohens_d.R                               |    8 
 R/ard_effectsize_hedges_g.R                               |    8 
 R/ard_emmeans_mean_difference.R                           |    4 
 R/                             |    4 
 R/ard_regression.R                                        |    4 
 R/ard_regression_basic.R                                  |    4 
 R/ard_smd_smd.R                                           |    4 
 R/ard_stats_anova.R                                       |    6 
 R/ard_stats_aov.R                                         |    4 
 R/ard_stats_chisq_test.R                                  |    4 
 R/ard_stats_fisher_test.R                                 |    4 
 R/ard_stats_kruskal_test.R                                |    4 
 R/ard_stats_mcnemar_test.R                                |    8 
 R/ard_stats_mood_test.R                                   |    6 
 R/ard_stats_oneway_test.R                                 |    4 
 R/ard_stats_poisson_test.R                                |    6 
 R/ard_stats_prop_test.R                                   |    4 
 R/ard_stats_t_test.R                                      |    8 
 R/ard_stats_t_test_onesample.R                            |    4 
 R/ard_stats_wilcox_test.R                                 |    8 
 R/ard_stats_wilcox_test_onesample.R                       |    4 
 R/ard_survey_svychisq.R                                   |    4 
 R/ard_survey_svyranktest.R                                |    4 
 R/ard_survey_svyttest.R                                   |    4 
 R/ard_survival_survdiff.R                                 |    4 
 R/ard_survival_survfit.R                                  |  109 ++++-
 R/ard_survival_survfit_diff.R                             |    4 
 R/construction_helpers.R                                  |    6 
 R/import-standalone-check_pkg_installed.R                 |   78 +--
 R/import-standalone-checks.R                              |  145 ++++++
 R/import-standalone-cli_call_env.R                        |    4 
 R/import-standalone-forcats.R                             |    3 
 R/import-standalone-stringr.R                             |   17 
 R/import-standalone-tibble.R                              |    3 
 R/proportion_ci.R                                         |    6 
 man/ard_aod_wald_test.Rd                                  |    2 
 man/ard_attributes.Rd                                     |    2 
 man/ard_car_anova.Rd                                      |    2 
 man/ard_car_vif.Rd                                        |    2 
 man/                      |    4 
 man/ard_categorical_ci.Rd                                 |    2 
 man/                   |    2 
 man/                       |    2 
 man/ard_continuous_ci.Rd                                  |    2 
 man/                    |    2 
 man/                      |    4 
 man/ard_effectsize_cohens_d.Rd                            |    2 
 man/ard_effectsize_hedges_g.Rd                            |    2 
 man/ard_emmeans_mean_difference.Rd                        |    2 
 man/                          |    4 
 man/ard_regression.Rd                                     |    2 
 man/ard_regression_basic.Rd                               |    2 
 man/ard_smd_smd.Rd                                        |    2 
 man/ard_stats_anova.Rd                                    |    2 
 man/ard_stats_aov.Rd                                      |    2 
 man/ard_stats_chisq_test.Rd                               |    2 
 man/ard_stats_fisher_test.Rd                              |    2 
 man/ard_stats_kruskal_test.Rd                             |    2 
 man/ard_stats_mcnemar_test.Rd                             |    2 
 man/ard_stats_mood_test.Rd                                |    2 
 man/ard_stats_oneway_test.Rd                              |    2 
 man/ard_stats_poisson_test.Rd                             |    2 
 man/ard_stats_prop_test.Rd                                |    2 
 man/ard_stats_t_test.Rd                                   |    2 
 man/ard_stats_t_test_onesample.Rd                         |    2 
 man/ard_stats_wilcox_test.Rd                              |    2 
 man/ard_stats_wilcox_test_onesample.Rd                    |    2 
 man/ard_survey_svychisq.Rd                                |    2 
 man/ard_survey_svyranktest.Rd                             |    2 
 man/ard_survey_svyttest.Rd                                |    2 
 man/ard_survival_survdiff.Rd                              |    2 
 man/ard_survival_survfit.Rd                               |   73 +++
 man/ard_survival_survfit_diff.Rd                          |    2 
 man/                          |    2 
 man/construction_helpers.Rd                               |    2 
 man/dot-format_cohens_d_results.Rd                        |    2 
 man/dot-format_hedges_g_results.Rd                        |    2 
 man/dot-format_mcnemartest_results.Rd                     |    2 
 man/dot-format_moodtest_results.Rd                        |    2 
 man/dot-format_poissontest_results.Rd                     |    2 
 man/dot-format_survfit_results.Rd                         |    2 
 man/dot-format_ttest_results.Rd                           |    2 
 man/dot-format_wilcoxtest_results.Rd                      |    2 
 man/dot-process_survfit_probs.Rd                          |    6 
 man/dot-process_survfit_time.Rd                           |    6 
 man/proportion_ci.Rd                                      |    2 
 tests/testthat/_snaps/     |   13 
 tests/testthat/_snaps/ |   48 +-
 tests/testthat/_snaps/                   |   12 
 tests/testthat/_snaps/             |   89 ++++
 tests/testthat/test-ard_aod_wald_test.R                   |    2 
 tests/testthat/        |    3 
 tests/testthat/test-ard_car_anova.R                       |    2 
 tests/testthat/test-ard_car_vif.R                         |    2 
 tests/testthat/       |   48 ++
 tests/testthat/       |only
 tests/testthat/    |   33 +
 tests/testthat/        |   29 +
 tests/testthat/        |    6 
 tests/testthat/     |   13 
 tests/testthat/       |    2 
 tests/testthat/test-ard_effectsize_cohens_d.R             |    2 
 tests/testthat/test-ard_effectsize_hedges_g.R             |    2 
 tests/testthat/test-ard_emmeans_mean_difference.R         |    2 
 tests/testthat/           |    2 
 tests/testthat/test-ard_proportion_ci.R                   |    2 
 tests/testthat/test-ard_regression.R                      |   17 
 tests/testthat/test-ard_regression_basic.R                |    2 
 tests/testthat/test-ard_smd_smd.R                         |    4 
 tests/testthat/test-ard_stats_anova.R                     |    2 
 tests/testthat/test-ard_stats_aov.R                       |    2 
 tests/testthat/test-ard_stats_chisq_test.R                |    2 
 tests/testthat/test-ard_stats_fisher_test.R               |    2 
 tests/testthat/test-ard_stats_kruskal_test.R              |    2 
 tests/testthat/test-ard_stats_mcnemar_test.R              |    2 
 tests/testthat/test-ard_stats_mood_test.R                 |    2 
 tests/testthat/test-ard_stats_oneway_test.R               |    2 
 tests/testthat/test-ard_stats_poisson_test.R              |    2 
 tests/testthat/test-ard_stats_prop_test.R                 |    2 
 tests/testthat/test-ard_stats_t_test.R                    |    2 
 tests/testthat/test-ard_stats_t_test_onesample.R          |    2 
 tests/testthat/test-ard_stats_wilcox_test.R               |    2 
 tests/testthat/test-ard_stats_wilcox_test_onesample.R     |    2 
 tests/testthat/test-ard_survey_svychisq.R                 |    2 
 tests/testthat/test-ard_survey_svyranktest.R              |    2 
 tests/testthat/test-ard_survey_svyttest.R                 |    2 
 tests/testthat/test-ard_survival_survdiff.R               |    2 
 tests/testthat/test-ard_survival_survfit.R                |   83 +++
 tests/testthat/test-ard_survival_survfit_diff.R           |    2 
 tests/testthat/           |    2 
 tests/testthat/test-construction_helpers.R                |    2 
 tests/testthat/test-proportion_ci.R                       |    2 
 148 files changed, 1145 insertions(+), 482 deletions(-)

More information about cardx at CRAN
Permanent link

Package nestedcv updated to version 0.7.12 with previous version 0.7.10 dated 2024-08-16

Title: Nested Cross-Validation with 'glmnet' and 'caret'
Description: Implements nested k*l-fold cross-validation for lasso and elastic-net regularised linear models via the 'glmnet' package and other machine learning models via the 'caret' package <doi:10.1093/bioadv/vbad048>. Cross-validation of 'glmnet' alpha mixing parameter and embedded fast filter functions for feature selection are provided. Described as double cross-validation by Stone (1977) <doi:10.1111/j.2517-6161.1977.tb01603.x>. Also implemented is a method using outer CV to measure unbiased model performance metrics when fitting Bayesian linear and logistic regression shrinkage models using the horseshoe prior over parameters to encourage a sparse model as described by Piironen & Vehtari (2017) <doi:10.1214/17-EJS1337SI>.
Author: Myles Lewis [aut, cre] , Athina Spiliopoulou [aut] , Cankut Cubuk [ctb] , Katriona Goldmann [ctb]
Maintainer: Myles Lewis <>

Diff between nestedcv versions 0.7.10 dated 2024-08-16 and 0.7.12 dated 2024-11-27

 DESCRIPTION                   |    8 
 MD5                           |   51 -
 NAMESPACE                     |   14                       |   13 
 R/directionality.R            |    1 
 R/predSummary.R               |   12 
 R/repeatcv.R                  |   82 +-
 R/shap.R                      |    3 
 R/slim.R                      |only
 R/varImp.R                    |  197 ++++++-
 inst/doc/nestedcv.R           |    1 
 inst/doc/nestedcv.Rmd         |    1 
 inst/doc/nestedcv.html        |  128 ++--
 inst/doc/nestedcv_hsstan.Rmd  |    5 
 inst/doc/nestedcv_hsstan.html | 1166 ------------------------------------------
 inst/doc/nestedcv_shap.R      |   10 
 inst/doc/nestedcv_shap.Rmd    |   21 
 inst/doc/nestedcv_shap.html   |   30 -
 man/plot_shap_beeswarm.Rd     |    3 
 man/plot_var_ranks.Rd         |only
 man/plot_var_stability.Rd     |    3 
 man/predSummary.Rd            |    6 
 man/repeatcv.Rd               |   13 
 man/slim.Rd                   |only
 man/var_stability.Rd          |   31 -
 vignettes/nestedcv.Rmd        |    1 
 vignettes/nestedcv_hsstan.Rmd |    5 
 vignettes/nestedcv_shap.Rmd   |   21 
 28 files changed, 465 insertions(+), 1361 deletions(-)

More information about nestedcv at CRAN
Permanent link

Package ShinyItemAnalysis updated to version 1.5.2 with previous version 1.5.1 dated 2024-04-24

Title: Test and Item Analysis via Shiny
Description: Package including functions and interactive shiny application for the psychometric analysis of educational tests, psychological assessments, health-related and other types of multi-item measurements, or ratings from multiple raters.
Author: Patricia Martinkova [aut, cre], Adela Hladka [aut], Jan Netik [aut], Ondrej Leder [ctb], Jakub Houdek [ctb], Lubomir Stepanek [ctb], Tomas Jurica [ctb], Jana Vorlickova [ctb]
Maintainer: Patricia Martinkova <>

Diff between ShinyItemAnalysis versions 1.5.1 dated 2024-04-24 and 1.5.2 dated 2024-11-27

 ShinyItemAnalysis-1.5.1/ShinyItemAnalysis/inst/ShinyItemAnalysis/hexbin_alpha.png      |only
 ShinyItemAnalysis-1.5.1/ShinyItemAnalysis/inst/ShinyItemAnalysis/www/math_in_tables.js |only
 ShinyItemAnalysis-1.5.1/ShinyItemAnalysis/inst/ShinyItemAnalysis/www/style.css         |only
 ShinyItemAnalysis-1.5.1/ShinyItemAnalysis/inst/ShinyItemAnalysis/www/test.js           |only
 ShinyItemAnalysis-1.5.2/ShinyItemAnalysis/DESCRIPTION                                  |   12 +-
 ShinyItemAnalysis-1.5.2/ShinyItemAnalysis/MD5                                          |   32 ++----
 ShinyItemAnalysis-1.5.2/ShinyItemAnalysis/                                      |   10 +-
 ShinyItemAnalysis-1.5.2/ShinyItemAnalysis/R/blis.R                                     |   47 +++++-----
 ShinyItemAnalysis-1.5.2/ShinyItemAnalysis/R/plot_corr.R                                |    2 
 ShinyItemAnalysis-1.5.2/ShinyItemAnalysis/                                    |   10 +-
 ShinyItemAnalysis-1.5.2/ShinyItemAnalysis/build/partial.rdb                            |binary
 ShinyItemAnalysis-1.5.2/ShinyItemAnalysis/inst/ShinyItemAnalysis/reporthtml.Rmd        |    8 +
 ShinyItemAnalysis-1.5.2/ShinyItemAnalysis/inst/ShinyItemAnalysis/reportpdf.Rmd         |    6 +
 ShinyItemAnalysis-1.5.2/ShinyItemAnalysis/inst/ShinyItemAnalysis/server/DIF.R          |    8 -
 ShinyItemAnalysis-1.5.2/ShinyItemAnalysis/inst/ShinyItemAnalysis/ui.R                  |    2 
 ShinyItemAnalysis-1.5.2/ShinyItemAnalysis/inst/ShinyItemAnalysis/ui/uiAbout.R          |    6 -
 ShinyItemAnalysis-1.5.2/ShinyItemAnalysis/man/coef-BlisClass-method.Rd                 |    2 
 ShinyItemAnalysis-1.5.2/ShinyItemAnalysis/man/fit_blis.Rd                              |   14 ++
 ShinyItemAnalysis-1.5.2/ShinyItemAnalysis/man/plot_corr.Rd                             |    2 
 19 files changed, 99 insertions(+), 62 deletions(-)

More information about ShinyItemAnalysis at CRAN
Permanent link

Package pcutils updated to version 0.2.7 with previous version 0.2.6 dated 2024-06-25

Title: Some Useful Functions for Statistics and Visualization
Description: Offers a range of utilities and functions for everyday programming tasks. 1.Data Manipulation. Such as grouping and merging, column splitting, and character expansion. 2.File Handling. Read and convert files in popular formats. 3.Plotting Assistance. Helpful utilities for generating color palettes, validating color formats, and adding transparency. 4.Statistical Analysis. Includes functions for pairwise comparisons and multiple testing corrections, enabling perform statistical analyses with ease. 5.Graph Plotting, Provides efficient tools for creating doughnut plot and multi-layered doughnut plot; Venn diagrams, including traditional Venn diagrams, upset plots, and flower plots; Simplified functions for creating stacked bar plots, or a box plot with alphabets group for multiple comparison group.
Author: Chen Peng [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Chen Peng <>

Diff between pcutils versions 0.2.6 dated 2024-06-25 and 0.2.7 dated 2024-11-27

 DESCRIPTION              |   37 +++---
 MD5                      |   31 +++--
 NAMESPACE                |    5                  |   11 +
 R/l_tools.R              |   50 +++++++-
 R/plots.R                |   99 ++++++++++++++--
 R/project.R              |   72 ++++++++++++
 R/statistics.R           |  282 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
 man/distance2df.Rd       |only
 man/download2.Rd         |    4 
 man/group_test.Rd        |   11 +
 man/guolv.Rd             |    4 
 man/hebing2.Rd           |only
 man/igraph_translator.Rd |only
 man/list_to_dataframe.Rd |only
 man/make_py_pkg.Rd       |only
 man/my_lm.Rd             |   12 +-
 man/read.file.Rd         |    2 
 man/venn.Rd              |    3 
 19 files changed, 516 insertions(+), 107 deletions(-)

More information about pcutils at CRAN
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Package DQAstats updated to version 0.3.6 with previous version 0.3.5 dated 2024-06-05

Title: Core Functions for Data Quality Assessment
Description: Perform data quality assessment ('DQA') of electronic health records ('EHR'). Publication: Kapsner et al. (2021) <doi:10.1055/s-0041-1733847>.
Author: Lorenz A. Kapsner [cre, aut] , Jonathan M. Mang [aut] , Helene Koester [ctb], MIRACUM - Medical Informatics in Research and Care in University Medicine [fnd], Universitaetsklinikum Erlangen [cph]
Maintainer: Lorenz A. Kapsner <>

Diff between DQAstats versions 0.3.5 dated 2024-06-05 and 0.3.6 dated 2024-11-27

 DQAstats-0.3.5/DQAstats/man/create_markdown.Rd                                    |only
 DQAstats-0.3.6/DQAstats/DESCRIPTION                                               |   10 
 DQAstats-0.3.6/DQAstats/MD5                                                       |  117 
 DQAstats-0.3.6/DQAstats/NAMESPACE                                                 |    1 
 DQAstats-0.3.6/DQAstats/R/DQA.R                                                   | 1078 ++---
 DQAstats-0.3.6/DQAstats/R/calc_cat_stats.R                                        |    2 
 DQAstats-0.3.6/DQAstats/R/calc_counts.R                                           |  316 -
 DQAstats-0.3.6/DQAstats/R/calc_description.R                                      |    2 
 DQAstats-0.3.6/DQAstats/R/calc_stats.R                                            |    2 
 DQAstats-0.3.6/DQAstats/R/categorical_analysis.R                                  |  104 
 DQAstats-0.3.6/DQAstats/R/completeness.R                                          |  358 -
 DQAstats-0.3.6/DQAstats/R/conformance.R                                           | 1528 +++----
 DQAstats-0.3.6/DQAstats/R/count_uniques.R                                         |  160 
 DQAstats-0.3.6/DQAstats/R/create_pdf_report.R                                     |  146 
 DQAstats-0.3.6/DQAstats/R/dataloading.R                                           | 1961 +++++-----
 DQAstats-0.3.6/DQAstats/R/datamap.R                                               |  392 -
 DQAstats-0.3.6/DQAstats/R/datetime_restrictions.R                                 | 1242 +++---
 DQAstats-0.3.6/DQAstats/R/descriptive_results.R                                   |  580 +-
 DQAstats-0.3.6/DQAstats/R/difference_check.R                                      |  420 +-
 DQAstats-0.3.6/DQAstats/R/etl.R                                                   |    2 
 DQAstats-0.3.6/DQAstats/R/export_results.R                                        |  568 +-
 DQAstats-0.3.6/DQAstats/R/extensive_summary.R                                     |  112 
 DQAstats-0.3.6/DQAstats/R/format_value_conformance_results.R                      |    2 
 DQAstats-0.3.6/DQAstats/R/get_key_col.R                                           |    6 
 DQAstats-0.3.6/DQAstats/R/mdr.R                                                   |  782 +--
 DQAstats-0.3.6/DQAstats/R/plausibilities.R                                        |    2 
 DQAstats-0.3.6/DQAstats/R/plausibility_results.R                                  | 1434 +++----
 DQAstats-0.3.6/DQAstats/R/reduce_cat.R                                            |  328 -
 DQAstats-0.3.6/DQAstats/R/report.R                                                |    2 
 DQAstats-0.3.6/DQAstats/R/simple_summary.R                                        |   48 
 DQAstats-0.3.6/DQAstats/R/test_csv.R                                              |  280 -
 DQAstats-0.3.6/DQAstats/R/time_compare.R                                          |  566 +-
 DQAstats-0.3.6/DQAstats/R/utils.R                                                 |  434 +-
 DQAstats-0.3.6/DQAstats/build/vignette.rds                                        |binary
 DQAstats-0.3.6/DQAstats/inst/demo_data/utilities/RMD/DQA_report.qmd               |  478 +-
 DQAstats-0.3.6/DQAstats/inst/demo_data/utilities/RMD/_header/header.tex           |   20 
 DQAstats-0.3.6/DQAstats/inst/doc/DQAstats2SHIPdataset.R                           |   64 
 DQAstats-0.3.6/DQAstats/inst/doc/DQAstats2SHIPdataset.html                        |   12 
 DQAstats-0.3.6/DQAstats/inst/doc/DQAstats2SHIPdataset.qmd                         |    1 
 DQAstats-0.3.6/DQAstats/tests/testthat/test-DQA.R                                 |    2 
 DQAstats-0.3.6/DQAstats/tests/testthat/test-MDR.R                                 |  190 
 DQAstats-0.3.6/DQAstats/tests/testthat/test-check_date_restriction_requirements.R |  106 
 DQAstats-0.3.6/DQAstats/tests/testthat/test-completeness.R                        |  258 -
 DQAstats-0.3.6/DQAstats/tests/testthat/test-conformance.R                         |  310 -
 DQAstats-0.3.6/DQAstats/tests/testthat/test-dataloading.R                         |  324 -
 DQAstats-0.3.6/DQAstats/tests/testthat/test-datamap.R                             |  264 -
 DQAstats-0.3.6/DQAstats/tests/testthat/test-datetime_restrictions.R               |  224 -
 DQAstats-0.3.6/DQAstats/tests/testthat/test-descriptive_results.R                 |  636 +--
 DQAstats-0.3.6/DQAstats/tests/testthat/test-etl_and_differences_checks.R          |  264 -
 DQAstats-0.3.6/DQAstats/tests/testthat/test-export.R                              |  302 -
 DQAstats-0.3.6/DQAstats/tests/testthat/test-helper_vars.R                         |  292 -
 DQAstats-0.3.6/DQAstats/tests/testthat/test-import.R                              |  210 -
 DQAstats-0.3.6/DQAstats/tests/testthat/test-lints.R                               |   64 
 DQAstats-0.3.6/DQAstats/tests/testthat/test-plausibilities.R                      |  292 -
 DQAstats-0.3.6/DQAstats/tests/testthat/test-readme.R                              |  162 
 DQAstats-0.3.6/DQAstats/tests/testthat/test-reduce_cat.R                          |  258 -
 DQAstats-0.3.6/DQAstats/tests/testthat/test-render_conformance.R                  |  328 -
 DQAstats-0.3.6/DQAstats/tests/testthat/test-stats.R                               |  108 
 DQAstats-0.3.6/DQAstats/tests/testthat/test-time_compare.R                        |  212 -
 DQAstats-0.3.6/DQAstats/vignettes/DQAstats2SHIPdataset.qmd                        |    1 
 60 files changed, 9151 insertions(+), 9216 deletions(-)

More information about DQAstats at CRAN
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Package ageutils updated to version 0.0.6 with previous version 0.0.5 dated 2024-09-09

Title: Collection of Functions for Working with Age Intervals
Description: Provides a collection of efficient functions for working with individual ages and corresponding intervals. These include functions for conversion from an age to an interval, aggregation of ages with associated counts in to intervals and the splitting of interval counts based on specified age distributions.
Author: Tim Taylor [aut, cre, cph] , Edwin van Leeuwen [aut]
Maintainer: Tim Taylor <>

Diff between ageutils versions 0.0.5 dated 2024-09-09 and 0.0.6 dated 2024-11-27

 ageutils-0.0.5/ageutils/src/cut_ages.c                    |only
 ageutils-0.0.6/ageutils/DESCRIPTION                       |    6 -
 ageutils-0.0.6/ageutils/MD5                               |   17 +-
 ageutils-0.0.6/ageutils/                           |    8 +
 ageutils-0.0.6/ageutils/R/cut_ages.R                      |   82 +++++++++++++-
 ageutils-0.0.6/ageutils/                         |   14 +-
 ageutils-0.0.6/ageutils/man/cut_ages.Rd                   |    7 +
 ageutils-0.0.6/ageutils/src/init.c                        |    2 
 ageutils-0.0.6/ageutils/tests/testthat/_snaps/ |   12 +-
 ageutils-0.0.6/ageutils/tests/testthat/test-cut_ages.R    |    2 
 10 files changed, 122 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)

More information about ageutils at CRAN
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Package surveydown updated to version 0.5.1 with previous version 0.5.0 dated 2024-11-25

Title: Markdown-Based Surveys Using 'Quarto' and 'shiny'
Description: Generate surveys using markdown and R code chunks. Surveys are composed of two files: a survey.qmd 'Quarto' file defining the survey content (pages, questions, etc), and an app.R file defining a 'shiny' app with global settings (libraries, database configuration, etc.) and server configuration options (e.g., conditional skipping / display, etc.). Survey data collected from respondents is stored in a 'PostgreSQL' database. Features include controls for conditional skip logic (skip to a page based on an answer to a question), conditional display logic (display a question based on an answer to a question), a customizable progress bar, and a wide variety of question types, including multiple choice (single choice and multiple choices), select, text, numeric, multiple choice buttons, text area, and dates. Because the surveys render into a 'shiny' app, designers can also leverage the reactive capabilities of 'shiny' to create dynamic and interactive surveys.
Author: John Paul Helveston [aut, cre, cph] , Pingfan Hu [aut, cph] , Bogdan Bunea [aut, cph] , Stefan Munnes [ctb]
Maintainer: John Paul Helveston <>

Diff between surveydown versions 0.5.0 dated 2024-11-25 and 0.5.1 dated 2024-11-27

 DESCRIPTION              |    6 
 MD5                      |   24 -                  |    9 
 R/config.R               |   29 -
 R/db.R                   |   27 -
 R/server.R               | 1092 +++++++++++++++++++----------------------------
 R/ui.R                   |    1 
 R/util.R                 |    8                |    4 
 inst/doc/surveydown.Rmd  |    2 
 inst/doc/surveydown.html |    2 
 man/sd_server.Rd         |   12 
 vignettes/surveydown.Rmd |    2 
 13 files changed, 517 insertions(+), 701 deletions(-)

More information about surveydown at CRAN
Permanent link

Package mlr3 updated to version 0.22.1 with previous version 0.22.0 dated 2024-11-24

Title: Machine Learning in R - Next Generation
Description: Efficient, object-oriented programming on the building blocks of machine learning. Provides 'R6' objects for tasks, learners, resamplings, and measures. The package is geared towards scalability and larger datasets by supporting parallelization and out-of-memory data-backends like databases. While 'mlr3' focuses on the core computational operations, add-on packages provide additional functionality.
Author: Michel Lang [aut] , Bernd Bischl [aut] , Jakob Richter [aut] , Patrick Schratz [aut] , Giuseppe Casalicchio [ctb] , Stefan Coors [ctb] , Quay Au [ctb] , Martin Binder [aut], Florian Pfisterer [aut] , Raphael Sonabend [aut] , Lennart Schneider [ctb] , [...truncated...]
Maintainer: Marc Becker <>

Diff between mlr3 versions 0.22.0 dated 2024-11-24 and 0.22.1 dated 2024-11-27

 DESCRIPTION    |    6 +++---
 MD5            |    8 ++++----        |    4 ++++
 R/Measure.R    |    4 ++--
 R/assertions.R |   23 +++++++++++++++--------
 5 files changed, 28 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

More information about mlr3 at CRAN
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Package jlme updated to version 0.4.1 with previous version 0.4.0 dated 2024-10-09

Title: Regression Modelling with 'GLM.jl' and 'MixedModels.jl' in 'Julia'
Description: Bindings to 'Julia' packages 'GLM.jl' <doi:10.5281/zenodo.3376013> and 'MixedModels.jl' <doi:10.5281/zenodo.12575371>, powered by 'JuliaConnectoR'. Fits (generalized) linear (mixed-effects) regression models in 'Julia' using familiar model fitting syntax from R. Offers 'broom'-style data frame summary functionalities for 'Julia' regression models.
Author: June Choe [aut, cre]
Maintainer: June Choe <>

Diff between jlme versions 0.4.0 dated 2024-10-09 and 0.4.1 dated 2024-11-27

 DESCRIPTION                 |    9 
 MD5                         |   12 -                     |    6 
 R/jl_-model.R               |  221 +++++++++++-----------                   |   16 +
 tests/testthat/test-jl.R    |   64 +++---
 tests/testthat/test-model.R |  424 ++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 7 files changed, 387 insertions(+), 365 deletions(-)

More information about jlme at CRAN
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Package HYPEtools updated to version 1.6.4 with previous version 1.6.3 dated 2024-09-05

Title: Tools for Processing and Analyzing Files from the Hydrological Catchment Model HYPE
Description: Work with model files (setup, input, output) from the hydrological catchment model HYPE: Streamlined file import and export, standard evaluation plot routines, diverse post-processing and aggregation routines for hydrological model analysis. The HYPEtools package is also archived at <doi:10.5281/zenodo.7627955> and can be cited in publications with Brendel et al. (2024) <doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2024.106094>.
Author: Rene Capell [aut, cre] , Conrad Brendel [aut] , Jafet Andersson [ctb], David Gustafsson [ctb], Jude Musuuza [ctb], Jude Lubega [ctb]
Maintainer: Rene Capell <>

Diff between HYPEtools versions 1.6.3 dated 2024-09-05 and 1.6.4 dated 2024-11-27

 DESCRIPTION                         |    6 +--
 MD5                                 |   32 +++++++++---------                             |   11 +++++-
 R/function_PlotBasinSummary.R       |    2 -
 R/functioncollection_export.R       |   10 +++++
 R/functioncollection_import.R       |   63 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 R/sysdata.rda                       |binary
 inst/doc/analyze_hype_ts.html       |    4 +-
 inst/doc/basin_characteristics.html |    6 +--
 inst/doc/basin_network.html         |    4 +-
 inst/doc/import_files.html          |    2 -
 inst/doc/modify_par.html            |    2 -
 inst/doc/plot_map_statistics.html   |   12 +++---
 man/PlotBasinSummary.Rd             |    1 
 man/ReadDescription.Rd              |   36 ++++++++++++++------
 man/ReadXobs.Rd                     |    2 -
 man/WriteObs.Rd                     |    8 +++-
 17 files changed, 132 insertions(+), 69 deletions(-)

More information about HYPEtools at CRAN
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New package antaresProcessing with initial version 0.18.3
Package: antaresProcessing
Title: 'Antares' Results Processing
Version: 0.18.3
Description: Process results generated by 'Antares', a powerful open source software developed by RTE (Réseau de Transport d’Électricité) to simulate and study electric power systems (more information about 'Antares' here: <>). This package provides functions to create new columns like net load, load factors, upward and downward margins or to compute aggregated statistics like economic surpluses of consumers, producers and sectors.
License: GPL (>= 3)
Depends: antaresRead (>= 1.1.5)
Imports: data.table, methods, stats
Suggests: parallel, testthat, knitr, rmarkdown, covr
VignetteBuilder: knitr
Encoding: UTF-8
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-11-27 09:11:16 UTC; berthetcle
Author: Tatiana Vargas [aut, cre], Jalal-Edine ZAWAM [ctb], Francois Guillem [ctb], Benoit Thieurmel [ctb], Titouan Robert [ctb], RTE [cph]
Maintainer: Tatiana Vargas <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-11-27 13:20:11 UTC

More information about antaresProcessing at CRAN
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New package VICatMix with initial version 1.0
Package: VICatMix
Title: Variational Mixture Models for Clustering Categorical Data
Version: 1.0
Date: 2024-11-25
Maintainer: Jackie Rao <>
Description: A variational Bayesian finite mixture model for the clustering of categorical data, and can implement variable selection and semi-supervised outcome guiding if desired. Incorporates an option to perform model averaging over multiple initialisations to reduce the effects of local optima and improve the automatic estimation of the true number of clusters. For further details, see the paper by Rao and Kirk (2024) <doi:10.48550/arXiv.2406.16227>.
License: GPL (>= 3)
Imports: klaR, matrixStats, mcclust, Rcpp, stats, gtools
Suggests: doParallel, doRNG, foreach, parallel
LinkingTo: Rcpp, RcppArmadillo
Encoding: UTF-8
Depends: R (>= 2.10)
NeedsCompilation: yes
Packaged: 2024-11-26 15:24:01 UTC; jackie
Author: Jackie Rao [aut, cre], Paul D.W Kirk [ths], Sara Wade [ctb], Colin Starr [ctb], John Maddock [cph] .)
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-11-27 12:40:06 UTC

More information about VICatMix at CRAN
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New package strata with initial version 1.0.1
Package: strata
Title: Simple Framework for Simple Automation
Version: 1.0.1
Description: A tool suite for building project frameworks for users with access to only the most basic of automation tools.
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Imports: checkmate (>= 2.3.2), dplyr (>= 1.1.0), fs (>= 1.6.4), glue (>= 1.8.0), lifecycle (>= 1.0.0), purrr (>= 1.0.2), readr (>= 2.0.0), rlang (>= 1.1.4), stringr (>= 1.5.1), tibble (>= 3.2.1)
Suggests: testthat (>= 3.0.0)
Encoding: UTF-8
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-11-22 19:02:52 UTC; alex
Author: Alexander Senetcky [aut, cre, cph]
Maintainer: Alexander Senetcky <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-11-27 13:00:02 UTC

More information about strata at CRAN
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New package fastVoteR with initial version 0.0.1
Package: fastVoteR
Title: Efficient Voting Methods for Committee Selection
Version: 0.0.1
Description: A fast 'Rcpp'-based implementation of polynomially-computable voting theory methods for committee ranking and scoring. The package includes methods such as Approval Voting (AV), Satisfaction Approval Voting (SAV), sequential Proportional Approval Voting (PAV), and sequential Phragmen's Rule. Weighted variants of these methods are also provided, allowing for differential voter influence.
License: LGPL (>= 3)
Imports: checkmate, data.table, Rcpp
Suggests: mlr3misc (>= 0.15.1), testthat (>= 3.0.0)
LinkingTo: Rcpp
Encoding: UTF-8
NeedsCompilation: yes
Packaged: 2024-11-26 15:25:04 UTC; john
Author: John Zobolas [cre, aut] , Anne-Marie George [ctb]
Maintainer: John Zobolas <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-11-27 12:40:02 UTC

More information about fastVoteR at CRAN
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New package evolved with initial version 1.0.0
Package: evolved
Title: Open Software for Teaching Evolutionary Biology at Multiple Scales Through Virtual Inquiries
Version: 1.0.0
Description: "Evolutionary Virtual Education" - 'evolved' - provides multiple tools to help educators (especially at the graduate level or in advanced undergraduate level courses) apply inquiry-based learning in general evolution classes. In particular, the tools provided include functions that simulate evolutionary processes (e.g., genetic drift, natural selection within a single locus) or concepts (e.g. Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, phylogenetic distribution of traits). More than only simulating, the package also provides tools for students to analyze (e.g., measuring, testing, visualizing) datasets with characteristics that are common to many fields related to evolutionary biology. Importantly, the package is heavily oriented towards providing tools for inquiry-based learning - where students follow scientific practices to actively construct knowledge. For additional details, see package's vignettes.
License: GPL (>= 3)
Encoding: UTF-8
Imports: ape, diversitree, phytools
Suggests: knitr, rmarkdown, testthat (>= 3.0.0), LSD, paleobioDB, BAMMtools, plot3D
Depends: R (>= 2.10)
LazyData: true
VignetteBuilder: knitr
URL: <>
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-11-26 15:47:16 UTC; matheus
Author: Matheus Januario [aut, cph, cre] , Jennifer Auler [aut] , Andressa Viol [aut], Daniel Rabosky [aut]
Maintainer: Matheus Januario <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-11-27 12:50:02 UTC

More information about evolved at CRAN
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New package DiscreteFWER with initial version 1.0.0
Package: DiscreteFWER
Title: FWER-Based Multiple Testing Procedures with Adaptation for Discrete Tests
Version: 1.0.0
Date: 2024-11-26
Description: Implementations of several multiple testing procedures that control the family-wise error rate (FWER) designed specifically for discrete tests. Included are discrete adaptations of the Bonferroni, Holm, Hochberg and Šidák procedures as described in the papers Döhler (2010) "Validation of credit default probabilities using multiple-testing procedures" <doi:10.21314/JRMV.2010.062> and Zhu & Guo (2019) "Family-Wise Error Rate Controlling Procedures for Discrete Data" <doi:10.1080/19466315.2019.1654912>. The main procedures of this package take as input the results of a test procedure from package 'DiscreteTests' or a set of observed p-values and their discrete support under their nulls. A shortcut function to apply discrete procedures directly to data is also provided.
License: GPL (>= 2)
Language: en-GB
Encoding: UTF-8
Depends: R (>= 4.0)
Imports: Rcpp (>= 1.0.13), checkmate, DiscreteFDR (>= 2.0.0)
LinkingTo: Rcpp, RcppArmadillo
Suggests: DiscreteDatasets, DiscreteTests (>= 0.2.1)
NeedsCompilation: yes
Packaged: 2024-11-26 19:49:39 UTC; fjunge
Author: Sebastian Doehler [aut, ctb] , Florian Junge [aut, ctb, cre]
Maintainer: Florian Junge <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-11-27 13:00:05 UTC

More information about DiscreteFWER at CRAN
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New package autoslider.core with initial version 0.1.0
Package: autoslider.core
Title: Slide Automation for Tables, Listings and Figures
Version: 0.1.0
Description: The normal process of creating clinical study slides is that a statistician manually type in the numbers from outputs and a separate statistician to double check the typed in numbers. This process is time consuming, resource intensive, and error prone. Automatic slide generation is a solution to address these issues. It reduces the amount of work and the required time when creating slides, and reduces the risk of errors from manually typing or copying numbers from the output to slides. It also helps users to avoid unnecessary stress when creating large amounts of slide decks in a short time window.
License: Apache License 2.0
Depends: flextable (>= 0.9.4), officer (>= 0.3.18), R (>= 2.10)
Imports: assertthat, checkmate, cli, dplyr, filters (>= 0.3.1), forcats, formatters (>= 0.5.9), ggplot2, ggpubr, glue, googlesheets4, grid, gridExtra, lubridate, magrittr, methods, purrr, readxl, rlang, rlistings (>= 0.2.9), rtables (>= 0.6.10), rvg (>= 0.2.5), stringr, survival, tern (>= 0.9.6), tidyr, yaml
Suggests: devtools, googledrive, htmltools, httr, knitr, mime, nestcolor, rmarkdown (>= 2.23), rsvg, styler (>= 1.10.2), svglite (>= 2.1.2), testthat (>= 3.2.0), withr
Encoding: UTF-8
Language: en-US
LazyData: true
LazyDataCompression: xz
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-11-26 17:01:59 UTC; rstudio
Author: Joe Zhu [cre, aut], Heng Wang [aut], Yinqi Zhao [aut], Bo Ci [aut], Liming Li [aut], Laura Wang [ctb], Xiaoli Duan [aut], Stefan Pascal Thoma [aut], Thomas Neitmann [ctb], Miles Almond [aut], Mahdi About [ctb], Kai Lim [ctb], Nolan Steed [ctb], Daoli [...truncated...]
Maintainer: Joe Zhu <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-11-27 12:50:06 UTC

More information about autoslider.core at CRAN
Permanent link

Package nhanesA (with last version 1.1) was removed from CRAN

Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:

2024-04-23 1.1
2024-01-09 1.0
2023-07-16 0.7.4
2023-05-21 0.7.3
2023-02-17 0.7.2
2022-09-18 0.7.1
2022-08-08 0.7.0

Permanent link
Package ympes updated to version 1.7.0 with previous version 1.6.0 dated 2024-10-31

Title: Collection of Helper Functions
Description: Provides a collection of lightweight helper functions (imps) both for interactive use and for inclusion within other packages. These include functions for minimal input assertions, visualising colour palettes, quoting user input, searching rows of a data frame and capturing string tokens.
Author: Tim Taylor [aut, cre, cph] , R Core Team [cph] , Toby Hocking [cph]
Maintainer: Tim Taylor <>

Diff between ympes versions 1.6.0 dated 2024-10-31 and 1.7.0 dated 2024-11-27

 ympes-1.6.0/ympes/R/new_package.R                 |only
 ympes-1.6.0/ympes/inst/skeletons                  |only
 ympes-1.6.0/ympes/man/new_package.Rd              |only
 ympes-1.7.0/ympes/DESCRIPTION                     |    9 -
 ympes-1.7.0/ympes/MD5                             |   24 +----
 ympes-1.7.0/ympes/NAMESPACE                       |    2 
 ympes-1.7.0/ympes/                         |   19 ++++
 ympes-1.7.0/ympes/R/assert.R                      |   39 +++++++-
 ympes-1.7.0/ympes/R/cc.R                          |   28 ++++--
 ympes-1.7.0/ympes/inst/doc/ympes.html             |   28 +++---
 ympes-1.7.0/ympes/inst/tinytest/test_assertions.R |  100 +++++++++++-----------
 ympes-1.7.0/ympes/man/assertions.Rd               |    4 
 ympes-1.7.0/ympes/man/cc.Rd                       |   10 +-
 13 files changed, 162 insertions(+), 101 deletions(-)

More information about ympes at CRAN
Permanent link

Package TreatmentPatterns updated to version 2.7.0 with previous version 2.6.9 dated 2024-09-02

Title: Analyzes Real-World Treatment Patterns of a Study Population of Interest
Description: Computes treatment patterns within a given cohort using the Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership (OMOP) common data model (CDM). As described in Markus, Verhamme, Kors, and Rijnbeek (2022) <doi:10.1016/j.cmpb.2022.107081>.
Author: Aniek Markus [aut] , Maarten van Kessel [cre]
Maintainer: Maarten van Kessel <>

Diff between TreatmentPatterns versions 2.6.9 dated 2024-09-02 and 2.7.0 dated 2024-11-27

 TreatmentPatterns-2.6.9/TreatmentPatterns/inst/DummyOutput/summaryStatsTherapyDuration.csv  |only
 TreatmentPatterns-2.6.9/TreatmentPatterns/man/createSankeyDiagram2.Rd                       |only
 TreatmentPatterns-2.6.9/TreatmentPatterns/man/createSunburstPlot2.Rd                        |only
 TreatmentPatterns-2.7.0/TreatmentPatterns/DESCRIPTION                                       |   17 
 TreatmentPatterns-2.7.0/TreatmentPatterns/MD5                                               |   97 
 TreatmentPatterns-2.7.0/TreatmentPatterns/NAMESPACE                                         |    5 
 TreatmentPatterns-2.7.0/TreatmentPatterns/                                           |   12 
 TreatmentPatterns-2.7.0/TreatmentPatterns/R/CDMInterface.R                                  |  123 
 TreatmentPatterns-2.7.0/TreatmentPatterns/R/CharacterizationPlots.R                         |   16 
 TreatmentPatterns-2.7.0/TreatmentPatterns/R/InputHandler.R                                  |   24 
 TreatmentPatterns-2.7.0/TreatmentPatterns/R/InteractivePlots.R                              |   18 
 TreatmentPatterns-2.7.0/TreatmentPatterns/R/SankeyDiagram.R                                 |   16 
 TreatmentPatterns-2.7.0/TreatmentPatterns/R/ShinyApp.R                                      |   15 
 TreatmentPatterns-2.7.0/TreatmentPatterns/R/ShinyModule.R                                   |   16 
 TreatmentPatterns-2.7.0/TreatmentPatterns/R/SunburstPlot.R                                  |   16 
 TreatmentPatterns-2.7.0/TreatmentPatterns/R/TreatmentPatterns-package.R                     |   25 
 TreatmentPatterns-2.7.0/TreatmentPatterns/R/attrition.R                                     |only
 TreatmentPatterns-2.7.0/TreatmentPatterns/R/computePathways.R                               |   48 
 TreatmentPatterns-2.7.0/TreatmentPatterns/R/constructPathways.R                             |  218 
 TreatmentPatterns-2.7.0/TreatmentPatterns/R/createSankeyDiagram.R                           |   45 
 TreatmentPatterns-2.7.0/TreatmentPatterns/R/createSunburstPlot.R                            |   48 
 TreatmentPatterns-2.7.0/TreatmentPatterns/R/executeTreatmentPatterns.R                      |   18 
 TreatmentPatterns-2.7.0/TreatmentPatterns/R/export.R                                        |  114 
 TreatmentPatterns-2.7.0/TreatmentPatterns/R/plotEventDuration.R                             |only
 TreatmentPatterns-2.7.0/TreatmentPatterns/                                         |    2 
 TreatmentPatterns-2.7.0/TreatmentPatterns/inst/DummyOutput/countsAge.csv                    |   86 
 TreatmentPatterns-2.7.0/TreatmentPatterns/inst/DummyOutput/countsSex.csv                    |    4 
 TreatmentPatterns-2.7.0/TreatmentPatterns/inst/DummyOutput/countsYear.csv                   |   97 
 TreatmentPatterns-2.7.0/TreatmentPatterns/inst/DummyOutput/metadata.csv                     |    2 
 TreatmentPatterns-2.7.0/TreatmentPatterns/inst/DummyOutput/                       |binary
 TreatmentPatterns-2.7.0/TreatmentPatterns/inst/DummyOutput/summaryEventDuration.csv         |only
 TreatmentPatterns-2.7.0/TreatmentPatterns/inst/DummyOutput/treatmentPathways.csv            | 9469 +++++++++-
 TreatmentPatterns-2.7.0/TreatmentPatterns/inst/doc/DefiningCohorts.R                        |   38 
 TreatmentPatterns-2.7.0/TreatmentPatterns/inst/doc/DefiningCohorts.html                     |   16 
 TreatmentPatterns-2.7.0/TreatmentPatterns/inst/sql/selectData.sql                           |   14 
 TreatmentPatterns-2.7.0/TreatmentPatterns/man/CharacterizationPlots.Rd                      |    2 
 TreatmentPatterns-2.7.0/TreatmentPatterns/man/InputHandler.Rd                               |    2 
 TreatmentPatterns-2.7.0/TreatmentPatterns/man/SankeyDiagram.Rd                              |    2 
 TreatmentPatterns-2.7.0/TreatmentPatterns/man/SunburstPlot.Rd                               |    2 
 TreatmentPatterns-2.7.0/TreatmentPatterns/man/computePathways.Rd                            |    7 
 TreatmentPatterns-2.7.0/TreatmentPatterns/man/plotEventDuration.Rd                          |only
 TreatmentPatterns-2.7.0/TreatmentPatterns/tests/testthat/helper-ableToRun.R                 |    8 
 TreatmentPatterns-2.7.0/TreatmentPatterns/tests/testthat/test-CDMInterface.R                |   20 
 TreatmentPatterns-2.7.0/TreatmentPatterns/tests/testthat/test-CDMInterfaceCDMC.R            |    4 
 TreatmentPatterns-2.7.0/TreatmentPatterns/tests/testthat/test-InputHandler.R                |    2 
 TreatmentPatterns-2.7.0/TreatmentPatterns/tests/testthat/test-ShinyApp.R                    |    2 
 TreatmentPatterns-2.7.0/TreatmentPatterns/tests/testthat/test-computePathways.R             |  154 
 TreatmentPatterns-2.7.0/TreatmentPatterns/tests/testthat/test-executeTreatmentPatterns.R    |    4 
 TreatmentPatterns-2.7.0/TreatmentPatterns/tests/testthat/test-export.R                      |   36 
 TreatmentPatterns-2.7.0/TreatmentPatterns/tests/testthat/test-pathwaysLogical.R             |   52 
 TreatmentPatterns-2.7.0/TreatmentPatterns/tests/testthat/test-plotEventDuration.R           |only
 TreatmentPatterns-2.7.0/TreatmentPatterns/vignettes/articles/ComputingTreatmentPathways.Rmd |   16 
 TreatmentPatterns-2.7.0/TreatmentPatterns/vignettes/articles/PareReport.Rmd                 |    6 
 TreatmentPatterns-2.7.0/TreatmentPatterns/vignettes/articles/latestChanges.Rmd              |only
 54 files changed, 10380 insertions(+), 558 deletions(-)

More information about TreatmentPatterns at CRAN
Permanent link

Package TRADER updated to version 1.2-5 with previous version 1.2-4 dated 2024-02-06

Title: Tree Ring Analysis of Disturbance Events in R
Description: Tree Ring Analysis of Disturbance Events in R (TRADER) package provides functions for disturbance reconstruction from tree-ring data, e.g. boundary line, absolute increase, growth averaging methods.
Author: Pavel Fibich [aut, cre], Jan Altman [aut], Tuomas Aakala [aut], Jiri Dolezal [aut]
Maintainer: Pavel Fibich <>

Diff between TRADER versions 1.2-4 dated 2024-02-06 and 1.2-5 dated 2024-11-27

 DESCRIPTION   |    8 +-
 MD5           |    6 -
 R/trader.R    |  177 +++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------------------
 inst/CITATION |    5 -
 4 files changed, 76 insertions(+), 120 deletions(-)

More information about TRADER at CRAN
Permanent link

Package parameters updated to version 0.24.0 with previous version 0.23.0 dated 2024-10-18

Title: Processing of Model Parameters
Description: Utilities for processing the parameters of various statistical models. Beyond computing p values, CIs, and other indices for a wide variety of models (see list of supported models using the function 'insight::supported_models()'), this package implements features like bootstrapping or simulating of parameters and models, feature reduction (feature extraction and variable selection) as well as functions to describe data and variable characteristics (e.g. skewness, kurtosis, smoothness or distribution).
Author: Daniel Luedecke [aut, cre] , Dominique Makowski [aut] , Mattan S. Ben-Shachar [aut] , Indrajeet Patil [aut] , Soeren Hoejsgaard [aut], Brenton M. Wiernik [aut] , Zen J. Lau [ctb], Vincent Arel-Bundock [ctb] , Jeffrey Girard [ctb] , Christina Maimone [re [...truncated...]
Maintainer: Daniel Luedecke <>

Diff between parameters versions 0.23.0 dated 2024-10-18 and 0.24.0 dated 2024-11-27

 parameters-0.23.0/parameters/man/model_parameters.averaging.Rd                   |only
 parameters-0.23.0/parameters/man/model_parameters.kmeans.Rd                      |only
 parameters-0.23.0/parameters/man/model_parameters.merMod.Rd                      |only
 parameters-0.23.0/parameters/man/model_parameters.stanreg.Rd                     |only
 parameters-0.23.0/parameters/man/p_value.BFBayesFactor.Rd                        |only
 parameters-0.23.0/parameters/man/p_value.DirichletRegModel.Rd                    |only
 parameters-0.23.0/parameters/man/p_value.poissonmfx.Rd                           |only
 parameters-0.23.0/parameters/man/p_value.zcpglm.Rd                               |only
 parameters-0.23.0/parameters/tests/testthat/test-pretty_namesR.R                 |only
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/DESCRIPTION                                         |   12 
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/MD5                                                 |  287 +++++-----
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/NAMESPACE                                           |    2 
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/                                             |   26 
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/R/1_model_parameters.R                              |   98 +--
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/R/2_ci.R                                            |   60 +-
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/R/3_p_value.R                                       |   27 
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/R/4_standard_error.R                                |   42 -
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/R/5_simulate_model.R                                |   12 
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/R/bootstrap_model.R                                 |   26 
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/R/ci_generic.R                                      |   37 -
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/R/cluster_performance.R                             |   37 -
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/R/compare_parameters.R                              |    2 
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/R/equivalence_test.R                                |   12 
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/R/extract_parameters.R                              |   14 
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/R/extract_parameters_anova.R                        |   21 
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/R/extract_random_variances.R                        |    9 
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/R/format.R                                          |   15 
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/R/format_parameters.R                               |    3 
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/R/methods_BayesFactor.R                             |   18 
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/R/methods_DirichletReg.R                            |   62 --
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/R/methods_FactoMineR.R                              |    2 
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/R/methods_MCMCglmm.R                                |    1 
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/R/methods_aod.R                                     |   43 +
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/R/methods_aov.R                                     |   10 
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/R/methods_averaging.R                               |   67 --
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/R/methods_bamlss.R                                  |    1 
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/R/methods_base.R                                    |    2 
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/R/methods_betareg.R                                 |   37 -
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/R/methods_bife.R                                    |    3 
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/R/methods_brglm2.R                                  |    1 
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/R/methods_brms.R                                    |   80 ++
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/R/methods_censReg.R                                 |    1 
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/R/methods_cgam.R                                    |    9 
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/R/methods_cplm.R                                    |  117 ++--
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/R/methods_dbscan.R                                  |   27 
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/R/methods_emmeans.R                                 |    1 
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/R/methods_fixest.R                                  |    4 
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/R/methods_glmmTMB.R                                 |  200 ++++++
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/R/methods_glmx.R                                    |   12 
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/R/methods_hclust.R                                  |  107 ++-
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/R/methods_hglm.R                                    |    4 
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/R/methods_kmeans.R                                  |   54 -
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/R/methods_lavaan.R                                  |    1 
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/R/methods_lme4.R                                    |  165 -----
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/R/methods_marginaleffects.R                         |    1 
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/R/methods_mass.R                                    |    1 
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/R/methods_mclust.R                                  |    7 
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/R/methods_metafor.R                                 |    4 
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/R/methods_metaplus.R                                |    5 
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/R/methods_mfx.R                                     |  154 ++---
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/R/methods_mgcv.R                                    |    1 
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/R/methods_mhurdle.R                                 |    8 
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/R/methods_mice.R                                    |    1 
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/R/methods_mixed.R                                   |    1 
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/R/methods_mixmod.R                                  |    1 
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/R/methods_mjoint.R                                  |    7 
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/R/methods_mlm.R                                     |    2 
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/R/methods_mvord.R                                   |    5 
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/R/methods_nestedLogit.R                             |    4 
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/R/methods_nlme.R                                    |    1 
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/R/methods_ordinal.R                                 |   26 
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/R/methods_other.R                                   |    1 
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/R/methods_pam.R                                     |   15 
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/R/methods_panelr.R                                  |   34 +
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/R/methods_posterior.R                               |    1 
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/R/methods_pscl.R                                    |   35 -
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/R/methods_rstanarm.R                                |   60 --
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/R/methods_scam.R                                    |    1 
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/R/methods_selection.R                               |    8 
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/R/methods_systemfit.R                               |    4 
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/R/n_clusters.R                                      |    2 
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/R/p_value_kenward.R                                 |    4 
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/R/pool_parameters.R                                 |    4 
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/R/print.parameters_model.R                          |   37 -
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/R/simulate_parameters.R                             |    2 
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/R/standardize_info.R                                |    6 
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/R/utils.R                                           |    7 
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/R/utils_format.R                                    |    4 
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/R/utils_model_parameters.R                          |    8 
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/build/partial.rdb                                   |binary
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/build/vignette.rds                                  |binary
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/inst/WORDLIST                                       |    4 
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/man/bootstrap_model.Rd                              |   17 
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/man/ci.default.Rd                                   |  128 +++-
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/man/cluster_performance.Rd                          |   25 
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/man/compare_parameters.Rd                           |   59 +-
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/man/display.parameters_model.Rd                     |   41 -
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/man/equivalence_test.lm.Rd                          |   56 -
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/man/model_parameters.Rd                             |   53 +
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/man/model_parameters.aov.Rd                         |   12 
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/man/model_parameters.brmsfit.Rd                     |only
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/man/model_parameters.cgam.Rd                        |  110 +--
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/man/model_parameters.default.Rd                     |  131 +---
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/man/model_parameters.glht.Rd                        |   47 -
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/man/model_parameters.glimML.Rd                      |only
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/man/model_parameters.glmmTMB.Rd                     |only
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/man/model_parameters.hclust.Rd                      |only
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/man/model_parameters.htest.Rd                       |   29 -
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/man/model_parameters.mira.Rd                        |   32 -
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/man/model_parameters.mlm.Rd                         |  219 +++----
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/man/model_parameters.principal.Rd                   |   45 -
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/man/model_parameters.rma.Rd                         |   57 +
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/man/model_parameters.zcpglm.Rd                      |  132 +++-
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/man/n_clusters.Rd                                   |   29 -
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/man/p_direction.lm.Rd                               |   32 -
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/man/p_function.Rd                                   |   94 +--
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/man/p_significance.lm.Rd                            |   32 -
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/man/p_value.Rd                                      |  125 +++-
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/man/parameters-package.Rd                           |    2 
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/man/pool_parameters.Rd                              |   36 -
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/man/print.compare_parameters.Rd                     |   47 -
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/man/print.parameters_model.Rd                       |   47 -
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/man/simulate_model.Rd                               |   61 +-
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/man/simulate_parameters.Rd                          |   21 
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/man/standard_error.Rd                               |   76 --
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/tests/testthat/_snaps/                  |only
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/tests/testthat/_snaps/        |  124 ++--
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/tests/testthat/_snaps/                      |only
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/tests/testthat/_snaps/     |   86 ++
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/tests/testthat/_snaps/ |   70 +-
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/tests/testthat/_snaps/                     |only
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/tests/testthat/_snaps/                        |   64 +-
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/tests/testthat/_snaps/               |only
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/tests/testthat/_snaps/                   |    8 
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/tests/testthat/_snaps/                  |   34 +
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/tests/testthat/_snaps/                       |   48 -
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/tests/testthat/test-averaging.R                     |only
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/tests/testthat/test-compare_parameters.R            |    2 
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/tests/testthat/test-complete_separation.R           |   52 -
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/tests/testthat/test-coxph.R                         |   17 
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/tests/testthat/test-equivalence_test.R              |    1 
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/tests/testthat/test-format_parameters.R             |    2 
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/tests/testthat/test-marginaleffects.R               |    3 
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/tests/testthat/test-model_parameters.anova.R        |   22 
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/tests/testthat/test-model_parameters.fixest.R       |   18 
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/tests/testthat/test-model_parameters_robust.R       |    4 
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/tests/testthat/test-model_parameters_std_mixed.R    |    1 
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/tests/testthat/test-panelr.R                        |   10 
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/tests/testthat/test-pipe.R                          |   27 
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/tests/testthat/test-pretty_names.R                  |only
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/tests/testthat/test-print_AER_labels.R              |   16 
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/tests/testthat/test-printing.R                      |   16 
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/tests/testthat/test-printing2.R                     |   34 +
 parameters-0.24.0/parameters/tests/testthat/test-serp.R                          |    1 
 154 files changed, 2510 insertions(+), 2182 deletions(-)

More information about parameters at CRAN
Permanent link

Package ggeffects updated to version 2.0.0 with previous version 1.7.2 dated 2024-10-13

Title: Create Tidy Data Frames of Marginal Effects for 'ggplot' from Model Outputs
Description: Compute marginal effects and adjusted predictions from statistical models and returns the result as tidy data frames. These data frames are ready to use with the 'ggplot2'-package. Effects and predictions can be calculated for many different models. Interaction terms, splines and polynomial terms are also supported. The main functions are ggpredict(), ggemmeans() and ggeffect(). There is a generic plot()-method to plot the results using 'ggplot2'.
Author: Daniel Luedecke [aut, cre] , Frederik Aust [ctb] , Sam Crawley [ctb] , Mattan S. Ben-Shachar [ctb] , Sean C. Anderson [ctb]
Maintainer: Daniel Luedecke <>

Diff between ggeffects versions 1.7.2 dated 2024-10-13 and 2.0.0 dated 2024-11-27

 ggeffects-1.7.2/ggeffects/R/get_predictions_coxph.R                                        |only
 ggeffects-1.7.2/ggeffects/R/get_predictions_generic.R                                      |only
 ggeffects-1.7.2/ggeffects/R/get_predictions_generic2.R                                     |only
 ggeffects-1.7.2/ggeffects/R/get_predictions_mblogit.r                                      |only
 ggeffects-1.7.2/ggeffects/R/get_predictions_mclogit.R                                      |only
 ggeffects-1.7.2/ggeffects/R/get_predictions_vgam.R                                         |only
 ggeffects-1.7.2/ggeffects/R/get_predictions_zelig.R                                        |only
 ggeffects-1.7.2/ggeffects/R/predictions.R                                                  |only
 ggeffects-1.7.2/ggeffects/R/utils_model_function.R                                         |only
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/DESCRIPTION                                                      |   33 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/MD5                                                              |  356 +--
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/NAMESPACE                                                        |   90 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/                                                          |   53 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/emmeans_prediction_data.R                                      |   85 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/format.R                                                       |    5 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/get_predictions.R                                              |only
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/get_predictions_MCMCglmm.R                                     |   31 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/get_predictions_MixMod.R                                       |   52 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/get_predictions_averaging.R                                    |only
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/get_predictions_bamlss.R                                       |   19 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/get_predictions_bayesglm.R                                     |only
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/get_predictions_bayesx.R                                       |   17 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/get_predictions_betareg.R                                      |only
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/get_predictions_cgam.R                                         |   37 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/get_predictions_clm.R                                          |   23 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/get_predictions_clm2.R                                         |   19 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/get_predictions_clmm.R                                         |   25 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/get_predictions_gam.R                                          |   45 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/get_predictions_gam2.R                                         |   50 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/get_predictions_gamlss.R                                       |   56 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/get_predictions_gee.R                                          |   17 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/get_predictions_geeglm.R                                       |   65 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/get_predictions_glimML.R                                       |   44 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/get_predictions_glm.R                                          |   85 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/get_predictions_glmRob.R                                       |   43 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/get_predictions_glmgee.R                                       |   51 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/get_predictions_glmmTMB.R                                      |   78 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/get_predictions_glmrob_base.R                                  |   32 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/get_predictions_lm.R                                           |   54 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/get_predictions_lme.R                                          |   96 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/get_predictions_lmrob_base.R                                   |   39 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/get_predictions_logistf.R                                      |   37 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/get_predictions_logitr.R                                       |   25 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/get_predictions_lrm.R                                          |   56 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/get_predictions_merMod.R                                       |   56 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/get_predictions_mixor.R                                        |   51 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/get_predictions_mlogit.R                                       |  199 +
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/get_predictions_multinom.R                                     |   62 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/get_predictions_nestedLogit.R                                  |   31 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/get_predictions_ols.R                                          |   41 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/get_predictions_polr.R                                         |   61 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/get_predictions_rq.R                                           |   39 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/get_predictions_rqs.R                                          |   29 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/get_predictions_sdmTMB.R                                       |   28 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/get_predictions_speedglm.R                                     |only
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/get_predictions_stan.R                                         |   39 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/get_predictions_survival.R                                     |  133 +
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/get_predictions_svyglm.R                                       |   49 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/get_predictions_svyglmnb.R                                     |   36 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/get_predictions_tobit.R                                        |   96 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/get_predictions_vglm.R                                         |   67 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/get_predictions_wbm.R                                          |   39 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/get_predictions_zeroinfl.R                                     |   73 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/ggaverage.R                                                    |   62 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/ggeffect.R                                                     |   67 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/ggemmeans.R                                                    |  122 -
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/ggemmeans_add_confint.R                                        |   10 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/ggemmeans_zi_predictions.R                                     |   22 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/ggpredict.R                                                    |  198 -
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/johnson_neyman.R                                               |   13 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/new_data.R                                                     |    4 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/plot.R                                                         | 1053 +++-------
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/pool_predictions.R                                             |   10 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/post_processing_labels.R                                       |   66 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/predict_response.R                                             |  299 +-
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/predict_zero_inflation.R                                       |   32 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/print.R                                                        |   22 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/sanitize_type_arg.R                                            |   80 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/simulate_predictions.R                                         |   75 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/standard_error_predictions.R                                   |   66 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/test_predictions.R                                             |  743 +------
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/test_predictions_emmeans.R                                     |   34 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/test_predictions_ggeffects.R                                   |   14 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/themes.R                                                       |   88 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/tp_label_hypothesis_categorical.R                              |only
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/tp_label_hypothesis_slopes.R                                   |only
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/tp_label_pairwise_categorical.R                                |only
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/tp_label_pairwise_slopes.R                                     |only
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/utils.R                                                        |  118 -
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/utils_check_transformations.R                                  |   25 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/utils_colors.R                                                 |    8 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/utils_get_data_grid.R                                          |   66 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/utils_ggpredict.R                                              |  168 -
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/utils_handle_labels.R                                          |    1 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/utils_link_inverse.R                                           |only
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/utils_select.R                                                 |   17 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/utils_set_attr.R                                               |   20 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/utils_test_predictions.R                                       |only
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/vcov.R                                                         |  236 +-
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/R/zzz.R                                                          |only
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/                                                        |  108 -
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/build/vignette.rds                                               |binary
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/inst/doc/content.Rmd                                             |    1 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/inst/doc/content.html                                            |    2 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/man/figures/unnamed-chunk-4-1.png                                |binary
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/man/figures/unnamed-chunk-5-1.png                                |binary
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/man/figures/unnamed-chunk-6-1.png                                |binary
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/man/figures/unnamed-chunk-7-1.png                                |binary
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/man/figures/unnamed-chunk-8-1.png                                |binary
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/man/get_predictions.Rd                                           |only
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/man/ggpredict.Rd                                                 |  235 +-
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/man/plot.Rd                                                      |   66 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/man/predict_response.Rd                                          |  258 +-
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/man/print.Rd                                                     |    4 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/man/test_predictions.Rd                                          |   27 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/man/vcov.Rd                                                      |   69 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/tests/testthat/_snaps/                                   |only
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/tests/testthat/_snaps/                                     |  266 +-
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/tests/testthat/_snaps/                                    |   70 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/tests/testthat/_snaps/plot-from-vignettes                        |only
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/tests/testthat/_snaps/                     |  532 ++---
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/tests/testthat/_snaps/plot-show_data                             |only
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/tests/testthat/_snaps/plot/add-data-points.svg                   |only
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/tests/testthat/_snaps/plot/black-and-white.svg                   |only
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/tests/testthat/_snaps/plot/connect-lines.svg                     |only
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/tests/testthat/_snaps/plot/dashed-ci.svg                         |only
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/tests/testthat/_snaps/plot/dotted-error-bars.svg                 |only
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/tests/testthat/_snaps/plot/error-bars-continuous.svg             |only
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/tests/testthat/_snaps/plot/error-bars.svg                        |only
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/tests/testthat/_snaps/plot/facet-by-group.svg                    |only
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/tests/testthat/_snaps/plot/multiple-rows.svg                     |only
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/tests/testthat/_snaps/plot/one-legend-for-panels.svg             |only
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/tests/testthat/_snaps/plot/show-residuals-line.svg               |only
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/tests/testthat/_snaps/plot/show-residuals.svg                    |only
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/tests/testthat/_snaps/plot/simple-plot-categorical-show-data.svg |  650 +++---
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/tests/testthat/_snaps/          |  460 ++--
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/tests/testthat/_snaps/                  |   70 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/tests/testthat/_snaps/                 |   20 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/tests/testthat/_snaps/                  |   84 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/tests/testthat/_snaps/              |  403 +--
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/tests/testthat/_snaps/windows/            |   16 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/tests/testthat/test-MixMod.R                                     |   45 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/tests/testthat/test-afex.R                                       |only
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/tests/testthat/test-averaging.R                                  |only
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/tests/testthat/test-avg_predictions.R                            |   12 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/tests/testthat/test-backtransform_response.R                     |   25 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/tests/testthat/test-betareg.R                                    |    5 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/tests/testthat/test-bias_correction.R                            |   35 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/tests/testthat/test-brglm.R                                      |only
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/tests/testthat/test-brms-ppd.R                                   |   16 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/tests/testthat/test-brms-trial.R                                 |    7 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/tests/testthat/test-check_vars.R                                 |    2 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/tests/testthat/test-ci_backticks-names.R                         |   13 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/tests/testthat/test-clm.R                                        |    4 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/tests/testthat/test-clmm.R                                       |    6 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/tests/testthat/test-condition.R                                  |   37 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/tests/testthat/test-emmeans-weights.R                            |   16 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/tests/testthat/test-fixest.R                                     |   40 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/tests/testthat/test-focal_character.R                            |    2 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/tests/testthat/test-focal_only_random.R                          |    8 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/tests/testthat/test-format.R                                     |    1 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/tests/testthat/test-gamlss.R                                     |   34 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/tests/testthat/test-ggaverage.R                                  |only
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/tests/testthat/test-glm.R                                        |    8 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/tests/testthat/test-glmer.R                                      |   86 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/tests/testthat/test-glmmTMB.R                                    |  314 +-
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/tests/testthat/test-interval_re.R                                |   14 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/tests/testthat/test-johnson_neyman.R                             |    2 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/tests/testthat/test-linear-models.R                              |    6 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/tests/testthat/test-lmer.R                                       |   13 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/tests/testthat/test-mclogit.R                                    |only
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/tests/testthat/test-mgcv.R                                       |   14 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/tests/testthat/test-mlogit.R                                     |only
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/tests/testthat/test-nlme.R                                       |   30 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/tests/testthat/test-on-the-fly-factor.R                          |    4 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/tests/testthat/test-plm.R                                        |only
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/tests/testthat/test-plot-from-vignettes.R                        |only
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/tests/testthat/test-plot-show_data.R                             |only
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/tests/testthat/test-plot.R                                       |  103 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/tests/testthat/test-prediction_interval.R                        |    6 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/tests/testthat/test-print_test_predictions.R                     |   29 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/tests/testthat/test-print_zero_inflation.R                       |   12 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/tests/testthat/test-speedglm.R                                   |only
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/tests/testthat/test-survreg.R                                    |   49 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/tests/testthat/test-test_predictions-margin.R                    |    4 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/tests/testthat/test-test_predictions-mixed.R                     |    8 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/tests/testthat/test-test_predictions.R                           |   23 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/tests/testthat/test-test_predictions_emmeans.R                   |    2 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/tests/testthat/test-test_predictions_ggeffects.R                 |   14 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/tests/testthat/test-vcov.R                                       |   62 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/tests/testthat/test-zeroinfl.R                                   |    6 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/tests/testthat/test-zi_prob.R                                    |   29 
 ggeffects-2.0.0/ggeffects/vignettes/content.Rmd                                            |    1 
 193 files changed, 5923 insertions(+), 5151 deletions(-)

More information about ggeffects at CRAN
Permanent link

Package BioVizSeq updated to version 0.1.1 with previous version 0.1.0 dated 2024-11-20

Title: Visualizing the Elements Within Bio-Sequences
Description: Visualizing the types and distribution of elements within bio-sequences. At the same time, We have developed a geom layer, geom_rrect(), that can generate rounded rectangles. No external references are used in the development of this package.
Author: Shiqi Zhao [aut, cre, cph]
Maintainer: Shiqi Zhao <>

Diff between BioVizSeq versions 0.1.0 dated 2024-11-20 and 0.1.1 dated 2024-11-27

 DESCRIPTION              |    6 
 MD5                      |   11                  |    9 
 R/gff_plot.R             |   19 +
 R/smart_plot.R           |    2 
 inst/extdata/idpro.gff3  |only
 inst/extdata/iprscan.tsv |  703 +++--------------------------------------------
 7 files changed, 85 insertions(+), 665 deletions(-)

More information about BioVizSeq at CRAN
Permanent link

Package BFS updated to version 0.5.11 with previous version 0.5.10 dated 2024-09-27

Title: Get Data from the Swiss Federal Statistical Office
Description: Search and download data from the Swiss Federal Statistical Office (BFS) APIs <>.
Author: Felix Luginbuhl [aut, cre, cph] , Janosch Brenzel-Weiss [ctb], Joao Martins [ctb], Philipp Baumann [ctb]
Maintainer: Felix Luginbuhl <>

Diff between BFS versions 0.5.10 dated 2024-09-27 and 0.5.11 dated 2024-11-27

 DESCRIPTION                   |    6 
 MD5                           |   22 +-
 NAMESPACE                     |    1                       |   10 +
 R/bfs_get_base_maps.R         |    6 
 R/bfs_get_catalog_data.R      |   35 ++--
 R/bfs_get_catalog_tables.R    |   15 -
 R/globals.R                   |    5                     |  356 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
 man/bfs_get_base_maps.Rd      |    6 
 man/bfs_get_catalog_data.Rd   |   11 +
 man/bfs_get_catalog_tables.Rd |    5 
 12 files changed, 332 insertions(+), 146 deletions(-)

More information about BFS at CRAN
Permanent link

Package iraceplot updated to version 2.0.0 with previous version 1.3 dated 2024-05-15

Title: Plots for Visualizing the Data Produced by the 'irace' Package
Description: Graphical visualization tools for analyzing the data produced by 'irace'. The 'iraceplot' package enables users to analyze the performance and the parameter space data sampled by the configuration during the search process. It provides a set of functions that generate different plots to visualize the configurations sampled during the execution of 'irace' and their performance. The functions just require the log file generated by 'irace' and, in some cases, they can be used with user-provided data.
Author: Manuel Lopez-Ibanez [aut, cre] , Pablo Onate Marin [aut], Leslie Perez Caceres [aut]
Maintainer: Manuel Lopez-Ibanez <>

Diff between iraceplot versions 1.3 dated 2024-05-15 and 2.0.0 dated 2024-11-27

 iraceplot-1.3/iraceplot/R/irace_summarise.R                |only
 iraceplot-1.3/iraceplot/man/has_testing_data.Rd            |only
 iraceplot-1.3/iraceplot/man/irace_summarise.Rd             |only
 iraceplot-1.3/iraceplot/man/read_ablogfile.Rd              |only
 iraceplot-2.0.0/iraceplot/DESCRIPTION                      |   18 +-
 iraceplot-2.0.0/iraceplot/MD5                              |   94 ++++++------
 iraceplot-2.0.0/iraceplot/NAMESPACE                        |    5 
 iraceplot-2.0.0/iraceplot/                          |   20 ++
 iraceplot-2.0.0/iraceplot/R/boxplot_performance.R          |   53 +++----
 iraceplot-2.0.0/iraceplot/R/common.R                       |   50 ++----
 iraceplot-2.0.0/iraceplot/R/configurations_display.R       |   90 ++++++------
 iraceplot-2.0.0/iraceplot/R/distance_config.R              |   15 +-
 iraceplot-2.0.0/iraceplot/R/iraceplot-package.R            |    2 
 iraceplot-2.0.0/iraceplot/R/parallel_cat.R                 |   81 +++++-----
 iraceplot-2.0.0/iraceplot/R/parallel_coord.R               |   96 ++++++-------
 iraceplot-2.0.0/iraceplot/R/parameters_summarise.R         |   21 +-
 iraceplot-2.0.0/iraceplot/R/parameters_tree.R              |   19 +-
 iraceplot-2.0.0/iraceplot/R/plot_experiments_matrix.R      |   39 ++---
 iraceplot-2.0.0/iraceplot/R/plot_model.R                   |   67 ++++-----
 iraceplot-2.0.0/iraceplot/R/reexport.R                     |   32 +---
 iraceplot-2.0.0/iraceplot/R/sampling_distance.R            |    7 
 iraceplot-2.0.0/iraceplot/R/sampling_frequency.R           |   45 ++----
 iraceplot-2.0.0/iraceplot/R/sampling_frequency_iteration.R |   76 +++-------
 iraceplot-2.0.0/iraceplot/R/sampling_heatmap.R             |   58 ++++---
 iraceplot-2.0.0/iraceplot/R/sampling_pie.R                 |   39 ++---
 iraceplot-2.0.0/iraceplot/R/scatter_performance.R          |    2 
 iraceplot-2.0.0/iraceplot/R/summarise_by_configuration.R   |   25 ++-
 iraceplot-2.0.0/iraceplot/R/summarise_by_instance.R        |   21 +-
 iraceplot-2.0.0/iraceplot/R/summarise_by_iteration.R       |    4 
 iraceplot-2.0.0/iraceplot/                        |   15 +-
 iraceplot-2.0.0/iraceplot/build/partial.rdb                |binary
 iraceplot-2.0.0/iraceplot/inst/doc/iraceplot_package.R     |    6 
 iraceplot-2.0.0/iraceplot/inst/doc/iraceplot_package.Rmd   |    6 
 iraceplot-2.0.0/iraceplot/inst/doc/iraceplot_package.html  |    6 
 iraceplot-2.0.0/iraceplot/inst/exdata/guide-example.Rdata  |binary
 iraceplot-2.0.0/iraceplot/inst/template/report_html.Rmd    |   15 --
 iraceplot-2.0.0/iraceplot/man/boxplot_performance.Rd       |    6 
 iraceplot-2.0.0/iraceplot/man/configurations_display.Rd    |    4 
 iraceplot-2.0.0/iraceplot/man/parallel_coord.Rd            |    7 
 iraceplot-2.0.0/iraceplot/man/parameters_summarise.Rd      |   18 +-
 iraceplot-2.0.0/iraceplot/man/parameters_tree.Rd           |   17 +-
 iraceplot-2.0.0/iraceplot/man/plot_configurations.Rd       |   14 +
 iraceplot-2.0.0/iraceplot/man/plot_experiments_matrix.Rd   |   11 +
 iraceplot-2.0.0/iraceplot/man/reexports.Rd                 |    5 
 iraceplot-2.0.0/iraceplot/man/sampling_frequency.Rd        |   11 -
 iraceplot-2.0.0/iraceplot/man/sampling_heatmap2.Rd         |    2 
 iraceplot-2.0.0/iraceplot/tests/testthat/bug32.Rdata       |binary
 iraceplot-2.0.0/iraceplot/tests/testthat/test-bug-32.R     |   21 +-
 iraceplot-2.0.0/iraceplot/vignettes/iraceplot_package.Rmd  |    6 
 iraceplot-2.0.0/iraceplot/vignettes/user_guide/guide.Rmd   |    6 
 50 files changed, 587 insertions(+), 568 deletions(-)

More information about iraceplot at CRAN
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Package ShortForm updated to version 0.5.6 with previous version 0.5.5 dated 2024-06-05

Title: Automatic Short Form Creation
Description: Performs automatic creation of short forms of scales with an ant colony optimization algorithm and a Tabu search. As implemented in the package, the ant colony algorithm randomly selects items to build a model of a specified length, then updates the probability of item selection according to the fit of the best model within each set of searches. The algorithm continues until the same items are selected by multiple ants a given number of times in a row. On the other hand, the Tabu search changes one parameter at a time to be either free, constrained, or fixed while keeping track of the changes made and putting changes that result in worse fit in a "tabu" list so that the algorithm does not revisit them for some number of searches. See Leite, Huang, & Marcoulides (2008) <doi:10.1080/00273170802285743> for an applied example of the ant colony algorithm, and Marcoulides & Falk (2018) <doi:10.1080/10705511.2017.1409074> for an applied example of the Tabu search.
Author: Anthony Raborn [aut, cre] , Walter Leite [aut]
Maintainer: Anthony Raborn <>

Diff between ShortForm versions 0.5.5 dated 2024-06-05 and 0.5.6 dated 2024-11-27

 DESCRIPTION             |    8 +++---
 MD5                     |   10 ++++----                 |    6 +++++
 R/ACO_lavaan.R          |   57 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------
 build/partial.rdb       |binary
 man/antcolony.lavaan.Rd |    7 +++++
 6 files changed, 59 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)

More information about ShortForm at CRAN
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Package cards updated to version 0.4.0 with previous version 0.3.0 dated 2024-10-03

Title: Analysis Results Data
Description: Construct CDISC (Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium) compliant Analysis Results Data objects. These objects are used and re-used to construct summary tables, visualizations, and written reports. The package also exports utilities for working with these objects and creating new Analysis Results Data objects.
Author: Daniel D. Sjoberg [aut, cre] , Becca Krouse [aut], Emily de la Rua [aut], F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG [cph, fnd], GlaxoSmithKline Research & Development Limited [cph]
Maintainer: Daniel D. Sjoberg <>

Diff between cards versions 0.3.0 dated 2024-10-03 and 0.4.0 dated 2024-11-27

 cards-0.3.0/cards/man/check_pkg_installed.Rd                   |only
 cards-0.3.0/cards/tests/testthat/_snaps/ |only
 cards-0.3.0/cards/tests/testthat/test-check_pkg_installed.R    |only
 cards-0.4.0/cards/DESCRIPTION                                  |    6 
 cards-0.4.0/cards/MD5                                          |   59 +++---
 cards-0.4.0/cards/NAMESPACE                                    |    8 
 cards-0.4.0/cards/                                      |   24 ++
 cards-0.4.0/cards/R/ard_categorical.R                          |    2 
 cards-0.4.0/cards/R/ard_continuous.R                           |   15 +
 cards-0.4.0/cards/R/ard_pairwise.R                             |only
 cards-0.4.0/cards/R/ard_strata.R                               |    4 
 cards-0.4.0/cards/R/as_card_fn.R                               |only
 cards-0.4.0/cards/R/import-standalone-check_pkg_installed.R    |   89 +++++-----
 cards-0.4.0/cards/R/import-standalone-checks.R                 |    4 
 cards-0.4.0/cards/R/import-standalone-cli_call_env.R           |    5 
 cards-0.4.0/cards/R/import-standalone-forcats.R                |   39 ++++
 cards-0.4.0/cards/R/import-standalone-stringr.R                |   17 +
 cards-0.4.0/cards/R/import-standalone-tibble.R                 |    3 
 cards-0.4.0/cards/R/print.R                                    |    9 +
 cards-0.4.0/cards/R/print_ard_conditions.R                     |    2 
 cards-0.4.0/cards/R/tidy_ard_order.R                           |    1 
 cards-0.4.0/cards/man/ard_categorical.Rd                       |    2 
 cards-0.4.0/cards/man/ard_dichotomous.Rd                       |    2 
 cards-0.4.0/cards/man/ard_pairwise.Rd                          |only
 cards-0.4.0/cards/man/ard_strata.Rd                            |    2 
 cards-0.4.0/cards/man/as_cards_fn.Rd                           |only
 cards-0.4.0/cards/man/dot-calculate_tabulation_statistics.Rd   |    2 
 cards-0.4.0/cards/man/dot-lst_results_as_df.Rd                 |    2 
 cards-0.4.0/cards/man/dot-process_denominator.Rd               |    2 
 cards-0.4.0/cards/tests/testthat/_snaps/        |only
 cards-0.4.0/cards/tests/testthat/test-ard_complex.R            |   30 +++
 cards-0.4.0/cards/tests/testthat/test-ard_continuous.R         |   31 +++
 cards-0.4.0/cards/tests/testthat/test-ard_hierarchical.R       |   34 +++
 cards-0.4.0/cards/tests/testthat/test-ard_pairwise.R           |only
 cards-0.4.0/cards/tests/testthat/test-as_cards_fn.R            |only
 cards-0.4.0/cards/tests/testthat/test-tidy_ard_column_order.R  |only
 36 files changed, 290 insertions(+), 104 deletions(-)

More information about cards at CRAN
Permanent link

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