Tue, 01 Aug 2006

New version of digest package for R

A few days ago, Henrik Bengtsson reported that my digest package breaks under R-devel, i.e. what will be R 2.4.0 come October. Being a good sport, he also debugged and patched this :-). I made a new version (0.2.2) available that is waiting in CRAN's incoming area until the CRAN maintainers come back from vacation. In the meantime, it is also available on a simple digest page I finally added to the code section here.

So as an belated into, digest provides hash digests of arbitrary R objects by relying on the wonderss of R's serialize() function, and a simple interface to (C-level) md5, sha-1 and crc32 functions. Clearly, digest is not meant for crypto but rather to quickly summarize, compare or even cache complex R objects that may have arisen from larger computations or simulations. Apparently, Henrik uses digest to compute hash functions of arbitrary R objects that can be cached using his R.cache package.

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