The user group meetings have a meme of showing how to use R with different editors, UIs, IDEs,... It started with a presentation on Eclipse and its StatET plugin. So a while ago I had offered to present on ESS, the wonderful Emacs mode for R (and as well as SAS, Stata, BUGS, JAGS, ...). And now I owe a big thanks to the ESS Core team for keeping all their documentation, talks, papers etc in their SVN archive, and particularly to Stephen Eglen for putting the source code to Tony Rossini's tutorial from useR! 2006 in Vienna there. This allowed me to quickly whip up a few slides though a good part of the presentation did involve a live demo missing from the slides. Again, big thanks to Tony for the old slides and to Stephen for making them accessible when I mentioned the idea of this talk a while back -- it allowed to put this together on short notice.
And for those going to useR! 2011 in Warwick next summer, Stephen will present a full three-hour ESS tutorial which will cover ESS in much more detail.