Tue, 05 Feb 2013

A book about Rcpp

Some little birds had already been whispering about it, but I didn't want to jinx it and told myself I would wait with an announcement until the booksellers have (at least) placeholder pages. And as I learned from Duncan Murdoch via email earlier today, at least Chapters/Indigo had a page up, presumably scraped from the publisher page, so here it goes:
I have in fact handed a complete draft of my book about Seamless R and C++ Integration with Rcpp to Springer a few weeks ago. With a bit of luck on the production side, we could be seeing physical copies by May of a new title in their popular UseR! Series series.

And to the slowly growing new Rcpp site, I have added a a formal page about the Rcpp book where one can find information about it, including a link to the Springer page, links to a few bookseller's pages --- as well as a few wonderfully flattering endorsements. Eventually, errata and other support material should be available via this page too. Can't wait til I hold a physical copy in hand...

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New Rcpp page on upcoming events -- including Master Class in New York

Lots of exciting things are happening with and around Rcpp. I just added a new page about Upcoming Events to the recently-created Rcpp site. This events page has lots to cover: an upcoming talk at Columbia on March 8 (details still TBD), a day-long workshop in New York on March 9, a possible participation at a CERN / ROOT conference in Switzerland on May 11-14, an upcoming talk in May in Milwaukee, and last but not least the tutorial by Romain and Hadley at UseR! 2013 in Spain. Phew!

With that, a few quick words about the upcoming master class in New York. It will be a full day, covering an introduction and motivation, details about the core data types, tools for working with and and extending Rcpp and of course applications galore, including RcppArmadillo and RInside. I have done the same one day class format a few times before, most recently (with Revolution Analytics) in San Francisco in late 2011, and also as a two-part seminar at UseR! 2012. This time, we plan on providing cloud-hosted RStudio instances for participants. Better still, RStudio's own JJ Allaire will be on deck as well for RStudio --- and Rcpp Attributes --- questions.

Details and registration information for the New York class are at this page.

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