Mon, 30 Sep 2013

RcppArmadillo 0.3.920.1

Along with the Rcpp 0.10.5 release yesterday, a new minor release 0.3.920.1 of RcppArmadillo came out. It is based on Conrad's Armadillo 3.920.0 plus a minor fix, and uses some of the new Rcpp features. Both package is now on CRAN and also in Debian.

This releases contains both a nice set of new Armadillo features as well as some nice additions to RcppArmadillo, due again mostly to Romain. Some of the changes tie into the changes changes in Rcpp 0.10.5 as for example the ability to pass const and const ref more efficiently (and we seem to have forgotten an entry in the NEWS file).

The complete list of changes is below.

Changes in RcppArmadillo version 0.3.920.1 (2013-09-27)

  • Upgraded to Armadillo release Version 3.920.1 (Agencia Nacional Stasi)

    • faster .zeros()

    • faster round(), exp2() and log2() when using C++11

    • added signum function: sign()

    • added move constructors when using C++11

    • added 2D fast Fourier transform: fft2()

    • added .tube() for easier extraction of vectors and subcubes from cubes

    • added specification of a fill type during construction of Mat, Col, Row and Cube classes, eg. mat X(4, 5, fill::zeros)

  • Initial implementation of wrap<subview>

  • Improved implementation of as<>() and wrap() for sparse matrices

  • Converted main vignette from LaTeX style minted to lstlisting which permits builds on CRAN; removed set BuildVignettes: FALSE.

Courtesy of CRANberries, there is also a diffstat report for the most recent release As always, more detailed information is on the RcppArmadillo page. Questions, comments etc should go to the rcpp-devel mailing list off the R-Forge page.

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