Tue, 13 Feb 2018

BH 1.66.0-1

A new release of the BH package arrived on CRAN a little earlier: now at release 1.66.0-1. BH provides a sizeable portion of the Boost C++ libraries as a set of template headers for use by R, possibly with Rcpp as well as other packages.

This release upgrades the version of Boost to the Boost 1.66.0 version released recently, and also adds one exciting new library: Boost compute which provides a C++ interface to multi-core CPU and GPGPU computing platforms based on OpenCL.

Besides the usual small patches we need to make (i.e., cannot call abort() etc pp to satisfy CRAN Policy) we made one significant new change in response to a relatively recent CRAN Policy change: compiler diagnostics are not suppressed for clang and g++. This may make builds somewhat noisy so we all may want to keep our ~/.R/Makevars finely tuned suppressing a bunch of warnings...

Changes in version 1.66.0-1 (2018-02-12)

  • Upgraded to Boost 1.66.0 (plus the few local tweaks)

  • Added Boost compute (as requested in #16)

Via CRANberries, there is a diffstat report relative to the previous release.

Comments and suggestions are welcome via the mailing list or the issue tracker at the GitHub repo.

This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. Please report excessive re-aggregation in third-party for-profit settings.

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