Dirk Eddelbuettel BeanCounter portfolio performance toolkit

Recent changes in version 0.8.1 (14 Apr 2005)

A minor update which switches to SQLite 3.* as the default, but adds new options to still support the previous version 2.*.

Recent changes in version 0.8.0 (21 Mar 2005)

A major update with several new command-line options, two new commands, an additional FX data backend to circumvent occassional problems at Yahoo!. and a contributed script by Mathias Weidner. Code in beancounter and BeanCounter.pm improved in a variety of places, thanks to several patches by Robert Schmied and Mathias Weidner.

Recent changes in version 0.7.6 (28 Jul 2004)

This version brings a proper dependency in Makefile.PL for Finance::YahooQuote, a corrected path in setup_beancounter, and a contributed script by Joao Costa.

Recent changes in version 0.7.5 (24 Jun 2004)

This release contains a small correction to the documentation for the database connection password, a new test routine to check whether database connections can in fact be made, and a hook from setup_beancounter to actually use that test.

Recent changes in version 0.7.4 (2 Jun 2004)

Three contributed patches to add GetPortfolioData function, ensure proxy information is set and data written to stockprices table does not contain NAs, and to backpopulate non-US stocks in batches of 200. Thanks to Kevin Kim, Joao Costa and Matthew Jurgens for these patches.

Recent changes in version 0.7.3 (5 Apr 2004)

Correct two Yahoo! issues for backpopulation of historical prices. First, scale FX prices with dates past Dec 29, 2003, by 100 to bring 'dollars' back to 'cents'. Second, skip a newly added html comment from the csv stream.

Recent changes in version 0.7.2 (2 Mar 2004)

Scale FX data retrieved after 20040226 by a factor of 100 to correct for Yahoo's move from dollars to cents. Initial patch by Phil Homewood augmented with Date_Cmp() use. Also applied small corrections by Robert A. Schmied to README.non-gnu, added a simple (well, too simple) test t/01base.t.

Recent changes in version 0.7.1 (4 Feb 2004)

Don't return from GetConfig() when no per-user config file is found but simply skip reading the file.

Recent changes in version 0.7.0 (26 Jan 2004)

BeanCounter.pm: Applied (slightly enhanced) patch by Phil Homewood to correct for Yahoo!'s sudden change in FX rates which are now quoted in pennies rather than dollars. The upside of this is that we will get four digit precision in backpopulation so it's probably worth the hazzle. beancounter, BeanCounter.pm, setup_beancounter: Added support for SQLite. Added documentation for use on non-GNU support, schema dumps for all three db backends, a session log and fixed a number of smaller bugs.

Recent changes in version 0.6.5 (22 Jan 2004)

BeanCounter.pm: Corrected test on backpopulation so volume is stored, and rendered display a little more robust

beancounter: More robust displays, typo correction

Recent changes in version 0.6.4 (22 Dec 2003)

BeanCounter.pm: Improvements to treatment of portfolio restrictions

beancounter: Further improvements to pretty-printing of standard reports

Recent changes in version 0.6.3 (28 Nov 2003)

BeanCounter.pm: allow six-column format for DatabaseHistoricalFXData to reflect a change in the Data returned by Yahoo!'1'

beancounter: Improvements to pretty-printing of standard reports

Recent changes in version 0.6.2 (06 May 2003)

In BeanCounter.pm, setup_beancounter, update_beancounter: Default value of active field changed from 't' to '1'

DB Schema comparison now based on numeric value

If no FX data found, suggest --date/--prevdate option

Add uppercase'd symbol to portfolio

beancounter, setup_beancounter, update_beancounter: Use a distinct version number for db schema comparison

setup_beancounter, update_beancounter: Use 'timestamp with time zone' for beancounter when PostgreSQL is used

setup_beancounter: Use USER, not user, variable for error message

Recent changes in version 0.6.1 (30 Dec 2003)

BeanCounter.pm: Force uppercase'ing of stock symbols prior to storing either daily or historical records in the database. and include flip_symbol.sh script in examples/ dir

Recent changes in version 0.6.1 (29 Dec 2003)

Switched to using Finance::YahooQuote (>= 0.18) for quote gathering.

New command 'fxbackpopulate' to grab historical currency data from Yahoo!. With this added capability, portfolios with non-home country stocks can run reports for profit/loss or risk without having to built the database over time.

Changed setup_beancounter to transform example portfolio into one composed of one stock each from US, CA, FR and DE. Backpopulates for prices and currencies and runs p/l and risk reports right out of the box.

Simplified quote gathering code in BeanCounter.pm; requests for all markets can go against the main Yahoo! server.

Applied patch by Ken Neighbors to use a different Yahoo! source URL for historic prices, correct a one-off error in date / month conversion and correct documentation.

Updated HP to HPQ (from HWP) in Dow example

Smartened up the use of 'last business day' in setup_beancounter for the example portfolio: on weekends or Monday we use 'last friday', on other days we use 'yesterday' and made sure all example reports use this date

A complete ChangeLog is also available.

Last modified: Thu Apr 14 22:46:11 CDT 2005