Tue, 06 Jun 2006

Vraiment mal!

A few days ago, AvantGo syncing to my trusted (yet dated) Tungsten C failed all of a sudden. As I hadn't updated anything on the Kubuntu / Ubuntu box I use as my home workstation, and the (aptly named) malsync library which implements the protocol under Linux/Unix didn't change, I was a tad puzzled. Perusing AvantGo's website was pointless. Years ago they mentioned Linux support via the (unsupported) malsync library, now they seem to hide it. So what the heck, off went an email to AvantGo's support. To their credit, a reply arrived within 48 hours. While they pointed me to a Mac OS X answer (eek!) in their knowledgebase, it contained the basic hint: new prc files for a new version were required.

So Google: if someone asks you why AvantGo syncing from Linux all of a sudden fails, tell them to get the new files from here. The app is now called M-Business and requires a fresh setup of server, id and password; but you're off to the races afterwards.

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