Tue, 12 Aug 2008

UseR! 2008 tutorial

Earlier today, I presented a 3 1/2 hour tutorial Introduction to high-performance R (here is a brief description of the talk) at the UseR! 2008 conference at the TU Dortmund.

In a nutshell, the tutorial covered how to measure / profile R performance for speed and memory use, how to accelerate R using vectorised expression and tools like Ra / jit, how to add compiled code to R using either the .C or .Call interface and using the inline and RCpp packages, how to use R code in parallel (explicitly using NWS, Rmpi or snow as well as implicitly using pnmath / OpenMP), and how to script / automate R using littler, Rscript or RPy.

The final version of the slides is now available via my presentations page, and the live cdrom with software support for all the software used is at Alioth.

Update: Corrected link to presentations page thanks to heads-up by Charles. Thanks!

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