Tue, 01 Dec 2009

Updated slides for 'Introduction to HPC with R' (now with correct URLs)

This is an updated version of yesterday's post with corrected URLs -- by copy-and-pasting I had still referenced the previous slides from UseR! 2009 in Rennes instead of last Friday's slides from the ISM presentation in Tokyo. The presentations page had the correct URLs, and this has been corrected below for this re-post. My apologies!

As mentioned yesterday, I spent a few days last week in Japan as I had an opportunity to present the Introduction to High-Performance Computing with R tutorial at the Institute for Statistical Mathematics in Tachikawa near Tokyo thanks to an invitation by Junji Nakano.

An updated version of the presentations slides (with a few typos corrected) is now available as is a 2-up handout version. Compared to previous versions, and reflecting the fact that this was the 'all-day variant' of almost five hours of lectures, the following changes were made:

  • the 'parallel computing' section was expanded further with discussion of the recent R packages multicore, iterators, foreach, doNWS, doSNOW, doMPI;
  • a first discussion of GPU computing using the gputools package was added;
  • the section on 'out of memory computing' using ff, bigmemory and biglm (including an example borrowed from Jay Emerson) reappeared in this longer version;
  • minor fixes and polishing throughout.

Comments and suggestions are, as always, appreciated.

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