Sat, 02 Jan 2010

Rcpp 0.7.1

Two weeks after the Rcpp 0.7.0 release, Romain and I are happy to announce release 0.7.1 of Rcpp. It is currently in the incoming section of CRAN and has been accepted into Debian. Mirrors will catch up over the next few days, in the meantime the local page is available for download too.

A lot has changed under the hood since 0.7.0, and this is the first release that really reflects many of Romain's additions. Some of the changes are

  • A new base class Rcpp::RObject that replaces RcppSexp (which is still provided for compatibility); it provides basic R object handling and other new classes derive from it.
  • Rcpp::RObject has real simple wrappers for object creation and a SEXP operator for transfer back to R that make simple interfaces even easier.
  • New classes Rcpp::Evaluator and Rcpp::Environment for expression evaluation and R environment access, respectively.
  • A new class Rcpp::XPtr for external pointer access and management.
  • Enhanced exception handling: exception can be trapped at the R even outside of try/catch blocks, see Romain's blog post for more.
  • Namespace support with the addition of a Rcpp namespace; we will be incremental in phasing this in keeping compatibility with the old interface
  • Unit test for most all of the above via use of the RUnit package, and several new examples.
  • Inline support has been removed and replaced with a Depends: on inline (>= 0.3.4) as our patch is now part of the current inline package as mentioned <here.
As before, fuller details are in the ChangeLog on the Rcpp page.

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