Tue, 15 May 2012

RcppSMC 0.1.1

CRAN now tests packages against g++-4.7 (as this version has become the default on Debian's testing variant. This compiler switch once again triggered a set of build failures, mostly from include files now deemed missing. For RcppSMC, it came down to a five-character patch of explicitly stating one max() call as std::max()

No other changes were made at this point. The NEWS entry is below:

0.1.1   2012-05-14

    o   Version 0.1.1 

    o   Minor g++-4.7 build fix of using std::max() explicitly

Courtesy of CRANberries, there is also a diffstat report for 0.1.1 relative to 0.1.0 As always, more detailed information is on the RcppSMC page,

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