Tue, 06 Jan 2015

RcppCNPy 0.2.4

A new release of the RcppCNPy package is now on CRAN.

This release mostly solidifies and fixes things. Support for saving integer objects, which was expanded in release 0.2.3, was not entirely correct. Operations on big-endian systems were not up to snuff either.

Wush Wu helped in getting this right with very diligent testing and patching particularly on big-endian hardware. We also got a pull request from Romain to reflect better const correctness at the Rcpp side of things. Last but not least we obliged by the CRAN Maintainers to not assume one could call gzip from system() call because, well, you guessed it.

Changes in version 0.2.4 (2015-01-05)

  • Support for saving integer objects was not correct and has been fixed.

  • Support for loading and saving on 'big endian' systems was incomplete, has been greatly expanded and corrected, thanks in large part to very diligent testing as well as patching by Wush Wu.

  • The implementation now uses const iterators, thanks to a pull request by Romain Francois.

  • The vignette no longer assumes that one can call gzip via system as the world's leading consumer OS may disagree.

CRANberries also provides a diffstat report for the latest release. As always, feedback is welcome and the rcpp-devel mailing list off the R-Forge page for Rcpp is may be the best place to start a discussion. GitHub issue tickets are also welcome.

This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. Please report excessive re-aggregation in third-party for-profit settings.

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