A new release was transferred to the server at the
University of
Washington. This is a new release, with many exciting changes such as
- from Knoppix
release 3.4: new hardware detection, captive-ntfs to write to
partitions from those other systems, KDE 3.2.2, and a switch to isolinux
for the boot process
- from clusterKnoppix:
updated 2.4.26 kernel with 'testing release' openMosix patch (and kernel
2.6.6 without openMosix), a variety of openMosix-related software updates
such as gomd, chpox, tyd and update-cluster
- from Quantian itself: updated software throughout, a number of new CRAN
packages for R (including snow aka the 'simple network of workstations', a
simple layer to make pvm and mpi easily accessible for distributed
statistical computing), axiom (another computer-algebra package), cernlib
(a large suite of programs from the CERN particle physics lab) and more.
- custom artwork as Ed Pegg Jr kindly created a background image for us!
Full changes are in the
changelog, and more info is as always at
the Quantian pages.
/computers/linux/debian/quantix |
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