Title: 'Rcpp' Bindings for the 'Corpus Workbench' ('CWB')
Description: 'Rcpp' Bindings for the C code of the 'Corpus Workbench' ('CWB'), an indexing and query
engine to efficiently analyze large corpora (<http://cwb.sourceforge.net>). 'RcppCWB' is licensed
under the GNU GPL-3, in line with the GPL-3 license of the 'CWB' (<https://www.r-project.org/Licenses/GPL-3>).
The 'CWB' relies on 'pcre' (BSD license, see <https://www.pcre.org/licence.txt>)
and 'GLib' (LGPL license, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.en.html>).
See the file LICENSE.note for further information. The package includes modified code of the
'rcqp' package (GPL-2, see <https://cran.r-project.org/package=rcqp>). The original work of the authors
of the 'rcqp' package is acknowledged with great respect, and they are listed as authors of this
package. To achieve cross-platform portability (including Windows), using 'Rcpp' for wrapper code
is the approach used by 'RcppCWB'.
Author: Andreas Blaette [aut, cre],
Bernard Desgraupes [aut],
Sylvain Loiseau [aut],
Oliver Christ [ctb],
Bruno Maximilian Schulze [ctb],
Stefan Evert [ctb],
Arne Fitschen [ctb],
Jeroen Ooms [ctb]
Maintainer: Andreas Blaette <andreas.blaette@uni-due.de>
Diff between RcppCWB versions 0.2.9 dated 2020-06-25 and 0.2.10 dated 2020-06-25
DESCRIPTION | 8 ++++---- MD5 | 10 +++++----- README.md | 2 +- configure | 26 +++++++++++++------------- src/cwb/cl/cdaccess.c | 2 +- src/cwb/cl/storage.c | 2 +- 6 files changed, 25 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)
Title: Objective Bayesian Model Discrimination in Follow-Up Designs
Description: Implements the objective Bayesian methodology proposed in Consonni and Deldossi in order to choose the optimal experiment that better discriminate between competing models, see Deldossi and Nai Ruscone (2020) <doi:10.18637/jss.v094.i02>.
Author: Marta Nai Ruscone [aut, cre],
Laura Deldossi [aut],
Cleve Moler [ctb] (LINPACK routines in src),
Jack Dongarra [ctb] (LINPACK routines in src)
Maintainer: Marta Nai Ruscone <marta.nairuscone@unige.it>
Diff between OBsMD versions 6.0 dated 2020-06-24 and 6.1 dated 2020-06-25
DESCRIPTION | 6 +++--- MD5 | 8 ++++---- build/partial.rdb |binary man/OBsMD-package.Rd | 6 +++--- src/obsmd.f | 1 + 5 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
Title: Missing Outcome Data in Health Economic Evaluation
Description: Contains a suite of functions for health economic evaluations with missing outcome data.
The package can fit different types of statistical models under a fully Bayesian approach using the software 'JAGS' (which should be installed locally and which is loaded in 'missingHE' via the 'R' package 'R2jags').
Three classes of models can be fitted under a variety of missing data assumptions: selection models, pattern mixture models and hurdle models.
In addition to model fitting, 'missingHE' provides a set of specialised functions to assess model convergence and fit, and to summarise the statistical and economic results using different types of measures and graphs.
The methods implemented are described in Mason (2018) <doi:10.1002/hec.3793>, Molenberghs (2000) <doi:10.1007/978-1-4419-0300-6_18> and Gabrio (2019) <doi:10.1002/sim.8045>.
Author: Andrea Gabrio [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Andrea Gabrio <ucakgab@ucl.ac.uk>
Diff between missingHE versions 1.4.0 dated 2020-04-29 and 1.4.1 dated 2020-06-25
DESCRIPTION | 8 +++++--- MD5 | 21 +++++++++++++++++---- R/coef.missingHE.R | 4 ++-- R/write_hurdle.R | 12 ++++++------ README.md | 11 +++++++++-- build |only inst |only vignettes |only 8 files changed, 39 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)
Title: A Fast Implementation of Distance Covariance
Description: Efficient methods for computing distance covariance and relevant statistics. See Székely et al.(2007) <doi:10.1214/009053607000000505>; Székely and Rizzo (2013) <doi:10.1016/j.jmva.2013.02.012>; Székely and Rizzo (2014) <doi:10.1214/14-AOS1255>; Huo and Székely (2016) <doi:10.1080/00401706.2015.1054435>.
Author: Hang Weiqiang <e0010758@u.nus.edu>
Maintainer: Hang Weiqiang <e0010758@u.nus.edu>
Diff between dcov versions 0.1.0 dated 2020-06-24 and 0.1.1 dated 2020-06-25
DESCRIPTION | 6 +++--- MD5 | 10 +++++----- src/dcov.cpp | 4 ++-- src/dcov1v1.cpp | 16 ++++++++-------- src/pdcov.cpp | 12 ++++++------ src/pdcov1v1.cpp | 24 ++++++++++++------------ 6 files changed, 36 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-)
Title: Lists of Numeric Atomic Objects
Description: Create and manipulate numeric list ('nlist') objects.
An 'nlist' is an S3 list of uniquely named numeric objects.
An numeric object is an integer or double vector, matrix or array.
An 'nlists' object is a S3 class list of 'nlist' objects with the
same names, dimensionalities and typeofs. Numeric list objects are of
interest because they are the raw data inputs for analytic engines
such as 'JAGS', 'STAN' and 'TMB'. Numeric lists objects, which are
useful for storing multiple realizations of of simulated data sets,
can be converted to coda::mcmc and coda::mcmc.list objects.
Author: Joe Thorley [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7683-4592>),
Poisson Consulting [cph, fnd]
Maintainer: Joe Thorley <joe@poissonconsulting.ca>
Diff between nlist versions 0.1.1 dated 2020-06-18 and 0.2.0 dated 2020-06-25
nlist-0.1.1/nlist/R/natomic-object.R |only nlist-0.1.1/nlist/R/nlist-object.R |only nlist-0.1.1/nlist/R/nlists-object.R |only nlist-0.1.1/nlist/R/nsams.R |only nlist-0.1.1/nlist/man/as.nlist.Rd |only nlist-0.1.1/nlist/man/as.nlists.Rd |only nlist-0.1.1/nlist/man/chk_natomic.Rd |only nlist-0.1.1/nlist/man/collapse_chains.Rd |only nlist-0.1.1/nlist/man/fill_na.Rd |only nlist-0.1.1/nlist/man/is_natomic.Rd |only nlist-0.1.1/nlist/man/natomic-object.Rd |only nlist-0.1.1/nlist/man/nchains.Rd |only nlist-0.1.1/nlist/man/niters.Rd |only nlist-0.1.1/nlist/man/nlist-object.Rd |only nlist-0.1.1/nlist/man/nlists-object.Rd |only nlist-0.1.1/nlist/man/nsams.Rd |only nlist-0.1.1/nlist/man/nsims.Rd |only nlist-0.1.1/nlist/man/numericise.Rd |only nlist-0.1.1/nlist/man/split_chains.Rd |only nlist-0.1.1/nlist/man/vld_natomic.Rd |only nlist-0.2.0/nlist/DESCRIPTION | 35 +- nlist-0.2.0/nlist/MD5 | 243 +++++++++------- nlist-0.2.0/nlist/NAMESPACE | 105 +++--- nlist-0.2.0/nlist/NEWS.md | 26 + nlist-0.2.0/nlist/R/aggregate.R | 13 nlist-0.2.0/nlist/R/as-mcmc-list.R | 10 nlist-0.2.0/nlist/R/as-mcmc.R | 31 -- nlist-0.2.0/nlist/R/as-nlist.R | 47 +-- nlist-0.2.0/nlist/R/as-nlists.R | 29 + nlist-0.2.0/nlist/R/as-term-frame.R |only nlist-0.2.0/nlist/R/as-term.R | 33 +- nlist-0.2.0/nlist/R/brackets.R | 6 nlist-0.2.0/nlist/R/c.R | 2 nlist-0.2.0/nlist/R/chk.R | 56 --- nlist-0.2.0/nlist/R/collapse-chains.R | 23 - nlist-0.2.0/nlist/R/deprecated.R |only nlist-0.2.0/nlist/R/estimates.R |only nlist-0.2.0/nlist/R/export.R |only nlist-0.2.0/nlist/R/fill-all.R |only nlist-0.2.0/nlist/R/fill-na.R | 60 --- nlist-0.2.0/nlist/R/internal.R | 4 nlist-0.2.0/nlist/R/is.R | 49 +-- nlist-0.2.0/nlist/R/namespace.R | 8 nlist-0.2.0/nlist/R/nchains.R | 27 - nlist-0.2.0/nlist/R/niters.R | 32 -- nlist-0.2.0/nlist/R/nlist.R | 13 nlist-0.2.0/nlist/R/nlists.R | 9 nlist-0.2.0/nlist/R/npdims.R | 31 -- nlist-0.2.0/nlist/R/nsims.R | 36 +- nlist-0.2.0/nlist/R/nterms.R | 30 - nlist-0.2.0/nlist/R/numericise.R | 110 ------- nlist-0.2.0/nlist/R/params.R |only nlist-0.2.0/nlist/R/pars.R | 83 ++--- nlist-0.2.0/nlist/R/pdims.R | 29 - nlist-0.2.0/nlist/R/print.R | 8 nlist-0.2.0/nlist/R/relist-nlist.R | 9 nlist-0.2.0/nlist/R/set-pars.R |only nlist-0.2.0/nlist/R/split-chains.R | 13 nlist-0.2.0/nlist/R/subset.R | 7 nlist-0.2.0/nlist/R/thin.R |only nlist-0.2.0/nlist/R/tidy.R |only nlist-0.2.0/nlist/R/unlist-nlist.R | 17 - nlist-0.2.0/nlist/R/vld.R | 25 - nlist-0.2.0/nlist/R/zzz.R | 12 nlist-0.2.0/nlist/README.md | 216 ++++++++++---- nlist-0.2.0/nlist/build |only nlist-0.2.0/nlist/inst |only nlist-0.2.0/nlist/man/as.mcmc.list.nlist.Rd | 4 nlist-0.2.0/nlist/man/as.mcmc.list.nlists.Rd | 4 nlist-0.2.0/nlist/man/as.mcmc.nlist.Rd | 42 ++ nlist-0.2.0/nlist/man/as.mcmc.nlists.Rd | 42 ++ nlist-0.2.0/nlist/man/as_nlist.Rd |only nlist-0.2.0/nlist/man/as_nlists.Rd |only nlist-0.2.0/nlist/man/as_term.nlist.Rd |only nlist-0.2.0/nlist/man/as_term.nlists.Rd |only nlist-0.2.0/nlist/man/as_term_frame.Rd |only nlist-0.2.0/nlist/man/as_term_frame.nlist.Rd |only nlist-0.2.0/nlist/man/as_term_frame.nlists.Rd |only nlist-0.2.0/nlist/man/chk_nlist.Rd |only nlist-0.2.0/nlist/man/collapse_chains.nlist.Rd |only nlist-0.2.0/nlist/man/collapse_chains.nlists.Rd |only nlist-0.2.0/nlist/man/deprecated.Rd |only nlist-0.2.0/nlist/man/estimates.nlist.Rd |only nlist-0.2.0/nlist/man/estimates.nlists.Rd |only nlist-0.2.0/nlist/man/figures |only nlist-0.2.0/nlist/man/fill_all.nlist.Rd |only nlist-0.2.0/nlist/man/fill_all.nlists.Rd |only nlist-0.2.0/nlist/man/fill_na.nlist.Rd |only nlist-0.2.0/nlist/man/fill_na.nlists.Rd |only nlist-0.2.0/nlist/man/is_numeric.Rd |only nlist-0.2.0/nlist/man/nchains.nlist.Rd |only nlist-0.2.0/nlist/man/nchains.nlists.Rd |only nlist-0.2.0/nlist/man/niters.nlist.Rd |only nlist-0.2.0/nlist/man/niters.nlists.Rd |only nlist-0.2.0/nlist/man/nlist.Rd | 13 nlist-0.2.0/nlist/man/nlists.Rd | 9 nlist-0.2.0/nlist/man/npdims.nlist.Rd | 21 - nlist-0.2.0/nlist/man/npdims.nlists.Rd | 21 - nlist-0.2.0/nlist/man/nsims.nlist.Rd |only nlist-0.2.0/nlist/man/nsims.nlists.Rd |only nlist-0.2.0/nlist/man/nterms.nlist.Rd | 23 + nlist-0.2.0/nlist/man/nterms.nlists.Rd | 21 - nlist-0.2.0/nlist/man/params.Rd |only nlist-0.2.0/nlist/man/pars.nlist.Rd | 23 - nlist-0.2.0/nlist/man/pars.nlists.Rd | 23 - nlist-0.2.0/nlist/man/pdims.nlist.Rd | 19 - nlist-0.2.0/nlist/man/pdims.nlists.Rd | 19 - nlist-0.2.0/nlist/man/reexports.Rd |only nlist-0.2.0/nlist/man/relist_nlist.Rd | 4 nlist-0.2.0/nlist/man/set_pars.nlist.Rd |only nlist-0.2.0/nlist/man/set_pars.nlists.Rd |only nlist-0.2.0/nlist/man/split_chains.nlists.Rd |only nlist-0.2.0/nlist/man/thin.default.Rd |only nlist-0.2.0/nlist/man/tidy.nlists.Rd |only nlist-0.2.0/nlist/man/unlist.nlist.Rd | 2 nlist-0.2.0/nlist/man/unlist_nlist.Rd | 6 nlist-0.2.0/nlist/man/vld_nlist.Rd |only nlist-0.2.0/nlist/tests/testthat/test-aggregate.R | 12 nlist-0.2.0/nlist/tests/testthat/test-any-na.R | 2 nlist-0.2.0/nlist/tests/testthat/test-as-mcmc-list.R | 2 nlist-0.2.0/nlist/tests/testthat/test-as-mcmc.R | 28 - nlist-0.2.0/nlist/tests/testthat/test-as-nlist.R | 51 +-- nlist-0.2.0/nlist/tests/testthat/test-as-nlists.R | 22 - nlist-0.2.0/nlist/tests/testthat/test-as-term-frame.R |only nlist-0.2.0/nlist/tests/testthat/test-as-term.R | 93 ++++-- nlist-0.2.0/nlist/tests/testthat/test-base.R | 2 nlist-0.2.0/nlist/tests/testthat/test-brackets.R | 4 nlist-0.2.0/nlist/tests/testthat/test-c.R | 4 nlist-0.2.0/nlist/tests/testthat/test-chk.R | 34 -- nlist-0.2.0/nlist/tests/testthat/test-collapse-chains.R | 2 nlist-0.2.0/nlist/tests/testthat/test-deprecated.R |only nlist-0.2.0/nlist/tests/testthat/test-estimates.R |only nlist-0.2.0/nlist/tests/testthat/test-fill-na.R | 38 -- nlist-0.2.0/nlist/tests/testthat/test-is.R | 29 - nlist-0.2.0/nlist/tests/testthat/test-nchains.R | 2 nlist-0.2.0/nlist/tests/testthat/test-niters.R | 2 nlist-0.2.0/nlist/tests/testthat/test-nlist.R | 10 nlist-0.2.0/nlist/tests/testthat/test-nlists.R | 2 nlist-0.2.0/nlist/tests/testthat/test-npdims.R | 2 nlist-0.2.0/nlist/tests/testthat/test-nsams.R | 2 nlist-0.2.0/nlist/tests/testthat/test-nsims.R | 2 nlist-0.2.0/nlist/tests/testthat/test-nterms.R | 2 nlist-0.2.0/nlist/tests/testthat/test-numericise.R | 114 ------- nlist-0.2.0/nlist/tests/testthat/test-pars.R | 29 + nlist-0.2.0/nlist/tests/testthat/test-pdims.R | 2 nlist-0.2.0/nlist/tests/testthat/test-print.R | 14 nlist-0.2.0/nlist/tests/testthat/test-relist-nlist.R | 2 nlist-0.2.0/nlist/tests/testthat/test-set-pars.R |only nlist-0.2.0/nlist/tests/testthat/test-split-chains.R | 2 nlist-0.2.0/nlist/tests/testthat/test-subset.R | 2 nlist-0.2.0/nlist/tests/testthat/test-thin.R |only nlist-0.2.0/nlist/tests/testthat/test-tidy.R |only nlist-0.2.0/nlist/tests/testthat/test-unlist-nlist.R | 11 nlist-0.2.0/nlist/tests/testthat/tests-fill-all.R |only 154 files changed, 1113 insertions(+), 1193 deletions(-)
Title: Tests of Fit for some Probability Distributions
Description: Goodness-of-fit tests for skew-normal, gamma, inverse Gaussian, log-normal, 'Weibull', 'Frechet', Gumbel, normal, multivariate normal, Cauchy, Laplace or double exponential, exponential and generalized Pareto distributions. Parameter estimators for gamma, inverse Gaussian and generalized Pareto distributions.
Author: Elizabeth Gonzalez-Estrada, Jose A. Villasenor-Alva
Maintainer: Elizabeth Gonzalez-Estrada <egonzalez@colpos.mx>
Diff between goft versions 1.3.4 dated 2017-11-06 and 1.3.6 dated 2020-06-25
DESCRIPTION | 13 ++++++------- MD5 | 22 ++++++++++++---------- NAMESPACE | 5 +++-- R/cauchy.test.R | 35 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-- R/ig.test.R | 9 ++++++--- R/sn.R |only man/cauchy.test.Rd | 24 +++++++++++++++--------- man/ev.test.Rd | 5 ++++- man/exp.test.Rd | 7 +++++-- man/ig.test.Rd | 8 ++++---- man/o3max.Rd | 2 +- man/ozone.Rd | 2 +- man/sn.Rd |only 13 files changed, 90 insertions(+), 42 deletions(-)
Title: Graphical User Interface (Shiny App) for Package 'brms'
Description: A graphical user interface (GUI) for the package 'brms' which
allows to fit Bayesian regression models using 'Stan'
(<https://mc-stan.org/>) (more specifically, using its R interface, the
package 'rstan'). The 'shinybrms' GUI is a 'Shiny'
(<https://shiny.rstudio.com/>) app, i.e. it was created using the package
Author: Frank Weber [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4842-7922>)
Maintainer: Frank Weber <fweber144@protonmail.com>
Diff between shinybrms versions 1.1.0 dated 2020-06-09 and 1.2.1 dated 2020-06-25
DESCRIPTION | 29 +++++---- MD5 | 11 +-- NEWS.md | 46 +++++++++++---- R/launch_shinybrms.R | 4 + README.md | 122 +++++++++++++++++++++------------------- inst/shinybrms_app/app.R | 143 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------- man/figures |only 7 files changed, 226 insertions(+), 129 deletions(-)
Title: Common Public Health Statistics and their Confidence Intervals
Description: Functions to calculate commonly used public health statistics and
their confidence intervals using methods approved for use in the production
of Public Health England indicators such as those presented via Fingertips
(<http://fingertips.phe.org.uk/>). It provides functions for the generation
of proportions, crude rates, means, directly standardised rates, indirectly
standardised rates, standardised mortality ratios, slope and relative index
of inequality and life expectancy.
Statistical methods are referenced in the following publications.
Breslow NE, Day NE (1987) <doi:10.1002/sim.4780080614>.
Dobson et al (1991) <doi:10.1002/sim.4780100317>.
Armitage P, Berry G (2002) <doi:10.1002/9780470773666>.
Wilson EB. (1927) <doi:10.1080/01621459.1927.10502953>.
Altman DG et al (2000, ISBN: 978-0-727-91375-3).
Chiang CL. (1968, ISBN: 978-0-882-75200-6).
Newell C. (1994, ISBN: 978-0-898-62451-9).
Eayres DP, Williams ES (2004) <doi:10.1136/jech.2003.009654>.
Silcocks PBS et al (2001) <doi:10.1136/jech.55.1.38>.
Low and Low (2004) <doi:10.1093/pubmed/fdh175>.
Author: Anderson Georgina [aut, cre],
Fox Sebastian [ctb],
Francis Matthew [ctb],
Fryers Paul [ctb],
Clegg Emma [ctb]
Maintainer: Anderson Georgina <georgina.anderson@phe.gov.uk>
Diff between PHEindicatormethods versions 1.3.1 dated 2020-04-14 and 1.3.2 dated 2020-06-25
DESCRIPTION | 9 MD5 | 50 - NEWS.md | 4 R/DSR.R | 6 R/ISR.R | 6 R/LifeExpectancy.R | 9 R/Means.R | 6 R/Proportions.R | 3 R/Rates.R | 3 R/SII_function.R | 4 R/SMR.R | 6 build/vignette.rds |binary inst/doc/DSR-vignette.Rmd | 18 inst/doc/DSR-vignette.html | 196 ++++--- inst/doc/Introduction_to_PHEindicatormethods.Rmd | 15 inst/doc/Introduction_to_PHEindicatormethods.html | 574 +++++++++++----------- inst/doc/WorkedExamples_phe_sii.Rmd | 4 inst/doc/WorkedExamples_phe_sii.html | 199 +++---- tests/testthat/testDSRs.R | 6 tests/testthat/testISRs.R | 4 tests/testthat/testLifeExpectancy.R | 24 tests/testthat/testSII.R | 4 tests/testthat/testSMRs.R | 4 vignettes/DSR-vignette.Rmd | 18 vignettes/Introduction_to_PHEindicatormethods.Rmd | 15 vignettes/WorkedExamples_phe_sii.Rmd | 4 26 files changed, 639 insertions(+), 552 deletions(-)
More information about PHEindicatormethods at CRAN
Permanent link
Title: Mixed-Effects REML Incorporating Generalized Inverses
Description: Fit linear mixed-effects models using restricted (or residual)
maximum likelihood (REML) and with generalized inverse matrices to specify
covariance structures for random effects. In particular, the package is
suited to fit quantitative genetic mixed models, often referred to as
'animal models'. Implements the average information algorithm as the main
tool to maximize the restricted log-likelihood, but with other algorithms
Author: Matthew Wolak [cre, aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7962-0071>)
Maintainer: Matthew Wolak <matthewwolak@gmail.com>
Diff between gremlin versions dated 2019-04-09 and 1.0.1 dated 2020-06-25
gremlin- |only gremlin- |only gremlin- |only gremlin- |only gremlin-1.0.1/gremlin/DESCRIPTION | 27 gremlin-1.0.1/gremlin/LICENSE |only gremlin-1.0.1/gremlin/MD5 | 80 - gremlin-1.0.1/gremlin/NAMESPACE | 36 gremlin-1.0.1/gremlin/NEWS.md | 74 + gremlin-1.0.1/gremlin/R/covFun.R |only gremlin-1.0.1/gremlin/R/datasets.R | 3 gremlin-1.0.1/gremlin/R/delta.R |only gremlin-1.0.1/gremlin/R/gremlin.R | 1280 +++++++++--------- gremlin-1.0.1/gremlin/R/gremlinControl.R |only gremlin-1.0.1/gremlin/R/mkModMats.R | 74 - gremlin-1.0.1/gremlin/R/remlOptimization_algorithms.R |only gremlin-1.0.1/gremlin/R/reml_Iteration.R |only gremlin-1.0.1/gremlin/R/summary.gremlin.R | 277 ++- gremlin-1.0.1/gremlin/R/tr.R | 7 gremlin-1.0.1/gremlin/README.md | 51 gremlin-1.0.1/gremlin/man/Mrode11.Rd | 7 gremlin-1.0.1/gremlin/man/anova.gremlin.Rd | 11 gremlin-1.0.1/gremlin/man/covFun.Rd |only gremlin-1.0.1/gremlin/man/deltaSE.Rd |only gremlin-1.0.1/gremlin/man/fixef.gremlin.Rd |only gremlin-1.0.1/gremlin/man/gremlin-package.Rd | 77 - gremlin-1.0.1/gremlin/man/gremlin.Rd |only gremlin-1.0.1/gremlin/man/gremlinControl.Rd |only gremlin-1.0.1/gremlin/man/logLik.gremlin.Rd | 30 gremlin-1.0.1/gremlin/man/nobs.gremlin.Rd | 8 gremlin-1.0.1/gremlin/man/reml.Rd |only gremlin-1.0.1/gremlin/man/remlIt.Rd |only gremlin-1.0.1/gremlin/man/residuals.gremlin.Rd | 11 gremlin-1.0.1/gremlin/man/runtime.Rd |only gremlin-1.0.1/gremlin/man/summary.gremlin.Rd | 30 gremlin-1.0.1/gremlin/man/tr.Rd | 8 gremlin-1.0.1/gremlin/src |only 37 files changed, 1221 insertions(+), 870 deletions(-)
Title: Automated School District Data Download and Processing
Description: Import the 'EdBuild' master dataset of school district finance,
student demographics, and community economic indicators for every school district in the United States.
The master dataset is built from the US Census, Annual Survey of School System Finances (F33)
and joins data from the National Center for Education Statistics, Common Core of Data;
the US Census, Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates; and the US Census,
Education Demographic and Geographic Estimates. We apply 'EdBuild' standard processing to the
dataset and provide the option to select from four different exclusion criteria - see the masterpull() help file for more details.
The master dataset is available for any school year from 2013 to 2018 or longitudinally for all years 2013-2018.
School year is identified by the end year. For example, the 2017-18 school year is 2018.
Additional functions in the package use 'EdBuild' master data to analyze the difference
between neighboring school districts and create formatted excel tables of school district data. For full details about
'EdBuild' data processing please see 'EdBuild' (2020) <http://data.edbuild.org>.
Author: Megan Brodzik [cre, aut],
Cecilia Depman [aut],
Sara Hodges [aut],
Kailey Spencer [ctb]
Maintainer: Megan Brodzik <meganbrodzik@gmail.com>
Diff between edbuildr versions 0.2.0 dated 2020-06-16 and 0.2.1 dated 2020-06-25
DESCRIPTION | 12 +++++++----- MD5 | 8 ++++---- NEWS.md | 6 ++++++ R/bigger_borders.R | 6 ------ R/sd_table_xlsx.R | 6 +++--- 5 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)
Title: Descriptive Analysis by Groups
Description: Create data summaries for quality control, extensive reports for exploring data, as well as publication-ready univariate or bivariate tables in several formats (plain text, HTML,LaTeX, PDF, Word or Excel. Create figures to quickly visualise the distribution of your data (boxplots, barplots, normality-plots, etc.). Display statistics (mean, median, frequencies, incidences, etc.). Perform the appropriate tests (t-test, Analysis of variance, Kruskal-Wallis, Fisher, log-rank, ...) depending on the nature of the described variable (normal, non-normal or qualitative). Summarize genetic data (Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms) data displaying Allele Frequencies and performing Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium tests among other typical statistics and tests for these kind of data.
Author: Isaac Subirana [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1676-0197>),
Joan Salvador [ctb]
Maintainer: Isaac Subirana <isubirana@imim.es>
Diff between compareGroups versions 4.4.1 dated 2020-03-19 and 4.4.3 dated 2020-06-25
compareGroups-4.4.1/compareGroups/inst/app/help.html |only compareGroups-4.4.1/compareGroups/inst/app/spss_varlist.R |only compareGroups-4.4.3/compareGroups/DESCRIPTION | 11 compareGroups-4.4.3/compareGroups/MD5 | 99 compareGroups-4.4.3/compareGroups/NEWS.md | 15 compareGroups-4.4.3/compareGroups/R/box.plot.R | 2 compareGroups-4.4.3/compareGroups/R/cGroupsWUI.R | 5 compareGroups-4.4.3/compareGroups/R/compareSNPs.R | 9 compareGroups-4.4.3/compareGroups/R/createTable.R | 17 compareGroups-4.4.3/compareGroups/R/export2pdf.R | 13 compareGroups-4.4.3/compareGroups/R/getResults.R | 6 compareGroups-4.4.3/compareGroups/R/snpQC.R | 26 compareGroups-4.4.3/compareGroups/build/vignette.rds |binary compareGroups-4.4.3/compareGroups/inst/app/fig |only compareGroups-4.4.3/compareGroups/inst/app/flipBox.R |only compareGroups-4.4.3/compareGroups/inst/app/global.R | 62 compareGroups-4.4.3/compareGroups/inst/app/helpfiles |only compareGroups-4.4.3/compareGroups/inst/app/home.md |only compareGroups-4.4.3/compareGroups/inst/app/makeExamples.R |only compareGroups-4.4.3/compareGroups/inst/app/rsconnect |only compareGroups-4.4.3/compareGroups/inst/app/server.R | 2947 ++++------ compareGroups-4.4.3/compareGroups/inst/app/tableTemp.Rmd |only compareGroups-4.4.3/compareGroups/inst/app/ui.R | 965 ++- compareGroups-4.4.3/compareGroups/inst/app/www/blank.png |only compareGroups-4.4.3/compareGroups/inst/app/www/examples/example1.png |binary compareGroups-4.4.3/compareGroups/inst/app/www/examples/example2.png |binary compareGroups-4.4.3/compareGroups/inst/app/www/examples/example3.png |binary compareGroups-4.4.3/compareGroups/inst/app/www/examples/example4.png |binary compareGroups-4.4.3/compareGroups/inst/app/www/examples/example5.png |binary compareGroups-4.4.3/compareGroups/inst/app/www/examples/example6.png |binary compareGroups-4.4.3/compareGroups/inst/app/www/examples/example7.png |binary compareGroups-4.4.3/compareGroups/inst/app/www/examples/example8.png |only compareGroups-4.4.3/compareGroups/inst/app/www/examples/example8.txt |only compareGroups-4.4.3/compareGroups/inst/app/www/logo.png |only compareGroups-4.4.3/compareGroups/inst/doc/compareGroups_vignette.html | 643 +- compareGroups-4.4.3/compareGroups/man/compareGroups-package.Rd | 4 compareGroups-4.4.3/compareGroups/man/compareGroups.Rd | 8 compareGroups-4.4.3/compareGroups/man/compareSNPs.Rd | 2 compareGroups-4.4.3/compareGroups/man/createTable.Rd | 2 compareGroups-4.4.3/compareGroups/man/descrTable.Rd | 6 compareGroups-4.4.3/compareGroups/man/export2xls.Rd | 2 compareGroups-4.4.3/compareGroups/man/report.Rd | 2 compareGroups-4.4.3/compareGroups/vignettes/figures/bivar/age.png |binary compareGroups-4.4.3/compareGroups/vignettes/figures/bivar/tmain.png |binary compareGroups-4.4.3/compareGroups/vignettes/figures/bivarsurv/sex.png |binary compareGroups-4.4.3/compareGroups/vignettes/figures/univar/tmain.png |binary 46 files changed, 2750 insertions(+), 2096 deletions(-)
Title: Miscellaneous Functions for Working with 'stars' Rasters
Description: Miscellaneous functions for working with 'stars' objects, mainly single-band rasters. Currently includes functions for: (1) focal filtering, (2) detrending of Digital Elevation Models, (3) calculating flow length, (4) calculating the Convergence Index, (5) calculating topographic aspect and topographic slope.
Author: Michael Dorman [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Michael Dorman <dorman@post.bgu.ac.il>
Diff between starsExtra versions 0.0.3 dated 2020-04-22 and 0.1.0 dated 2020-06-25
starsExtra-0.0.3/starsExtra/tests/testthat |only starsExtra-0.0.3/starsExtra/tests/testthat.R |only starsExtra-0.1.0/starsExtra/DESCRIPTION | 12 - starsExtra-0.1.0/starsExtra/MD5 | 55 ++++--- starsExtra-0.1.0/starsExtra/NAMESPACE | 2 starsExtra-0.1.0/starsExtra/NEWS.md | 17 +- starsExtra-0.1.0/starsExtra/R/aspect.R | 11 + starsExtra-0.1.0/starsExtra/R/detrend.R | 1 starsExtra-0.1.0/starsExtra/R/flowlength.R | 1 starsExtra-0.1.0/starsExtra/R/focal2.R | 13 + starsExtra-0.1.0/starsExtra/R/focal2r.R | 1 starsExtra-0.1.0/starsExtra/R/layer_to_matrix.R | 15 +- starsExtra-0.1.0/starsExtra/R/layer_to_vector.R | 15 +- starsExtra-0.1.0/starsExtra/R/slope.R |only starsExtra-0.1.0/starsExtra/R/trim.R |only starsExtra-0.1.0/starsExtra/build/vignette.rds |binary starsExtra-0.1.0/starsExtra/inst/doc/intro.R | 16 +- starsExtra-0.1.0/starsExtra/inst/doc/intro.Rmd | 34 +++- starsExtra-0.1.0/starsExtra/inst/doc/intro.html | 134 ++++++++++-------- starsExtra-0.1.0/starsExtra/inst/tinytest |only starsExtra-0.1.0/starsExtra/man/aspect.Rd | 4 starsExtra-0.1.0/starsExtra/man/layer_to_matrix.Rd | 6 starsExtra-0.1.0/starsExtra/man/layer_to_vector.Rd | 6 starsExtra-0.1.0/starsExtra/man/slope.Rd |only starsExtra-0.1.0/starsExtra/man/starsExtra-package.Rd | 10 + starsExtra-0.1.0/starsExtra/man/trim.Rd |only starsExtra-0.1.0/starsExtra/src/focal2.c | 45 +++--- starsExtra-0.1.0/starsExtra/src/slope.c |only starsExtra-0.1.0/starsExtra/src/starsExtra_init.c | 2 starsExtra-0.1.0/starsExtra/tests/tinytest.R |only starsExtra-0.1.0/starsExtra/vignettes/intro.Rmd | 34 +++- 31 files changed, 271 insertions(+), 163 deletions(-)
Title: Mixture Models with Heterogeneous and (Partially) Missing Data
Description: Mixture Composer <https://github.com/modal-inria/MixtComp> is a project to build mixture models with
heterogeneous data sets and partially missing data management.
It includes 8 models for real, categorical, counting, functional and ranking data.
Author: Vincent Kubicki [aut],
Christophe Biernacki [aut],
Quentin Grimonprez [aut, cre],
Matthieu Marbac-Lourdelle [ctb],
Étienne Goffinet [ctb],
Serge Iovleff [ctb]
Maintainer: Quentin Grimonprez <quentin.grimonprez@inria.fr>
Diff between RMixtComp versions 4.1.0 dated 2020-01-07 and 4.1.2 dated 2020-06-25
DESCRIPTION | 17 - MD5 | 69 ++++--- NAMESPACE | 1 NEWS | 8 R/MIXTCOMP_datasets.R | 9 R/MIXTCOMP_formatData.R | 13 + R/MIXTCOMP_hierarchical.R | 258 +++++++++++++++------------- R/MIXTCOMP_methods.R | 4 R/MIXTCOMP_mixtCompLearn.R | 74 +++++++- R/RMixtComp-package.R | 6 R/slopeHeuristic.R | 2 build/vignette.rds |binary data/CanadianWeather.rda |binary data/prostate.rda |binary data/simData.rda |binary data/titanic.rda |binary inst/doc/ClusVis.R |only inst/doc/ClusVis.Rmd |only inst/doc/ClusVis.html |only inst/doc/MixtComp.R |only inst/doc/MixtComp.Rmd |only inst/doc/MixtComp.html |only inst/doc/dataFormat.html | 226 +++++++++++++----------- inst/doc/mixtCompObject.Rmd | 21 +- inst/doc/mixtCompObject.html | 50 ++++- man/CanadianWeather.Rd | 8 man/RMixtComp-package.Rd | 6 man/mixtCompLearn.Rd | 12 - man/plot.MixtCompLearn.Rd | 2 man/predict.MixtComp.Rd |only man/prostate.Rd | 8 man/simData.Rd | 6 man/slopeHeuristic.Rd | 2 man/titanic.Rd | 11 - tests/testthat/test.parameterPretreatment.R | 4 tests/testthat/test.run.R | 1 tests/testthat/test.runWrapper.R | 48 +++-- vignettes/ClusVis.Rmd |only vignettes/MixtComp.Rmd |only vignettes/mixtCompObject.Rmd | 21 +- 40 files changed, 553 insertions(+), 334 deletions(-)
Title: 'Rcpp' Bindings for the 'simdjson' Header-Only Library for
'JSON' Parsing
Description: The 'JSON' format is ubiquitous for data interchange, and the
'simdjson' library written by Daniel Lemire (and many contributors) provides
a high-performance parser for these files which by relying on parallel 'SIMD'
instruction manages to parse these files as faster than disk speed. See the
<arXiv:1902.08318> paper for more details about 'simdjson'. This package is
at present still a fairly thin and not fully complete wrapper that does not
aim to replace the existing and excellent 'JSON' packages for R.
Author: Dirk Eddelbuettel, Brendan Knapp
Maintainer: Dirk Eddelbuettel <edd@debian.org>
Diff between RcppSimdJson versions 0.0.5 dated 2020-05-23 and 0.0.6 dated 2020-06-25
ChangeLog | 54 DESCRIPTION | 19 MD5 | 34 R/RcppExports.R | 85 build/partial.rdb |binary inst/NEWS.Rd | 12 inst/include/RcppSimdJson |only inst/include/RcppSimdJson.hpp |only inst/include/simdjson.cpp | 6259 +++++++++++++++++++---------------- inst/include/simdjson.h | 1908 ++++++---- inst/tinytest/test_deserialization.R |only inst/tinytest/test_int64.R |only inst/tinytest/test_load_json.R |only inst/tinytest/test_vectorized_ops.R |only man/dot-deserialize_json.Rd |only src/Makevars.win |only src/RcppExports.cpp | 58 src/deserialize.cpp |only src/rcppsimdjson_utils_check.cpp |only 19 files changed, 5023 insertions(+), 3406 deletions(-)
Title: Analysis of Evolutionary Rates in an OU Framework
Description: Estimates rates for continuous character evolution under Brownian motion and a new set of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck based Hansen models that allow both the strength of the pull and stochastic motion to vary across selective regimes. Beaulieu et al (2012) <doi:10.1111/j.1558-5646.2012.01619.x>.
Author: Jeremy M. Beaulieu <jmbeauli@uark.edu>, Brian O'Meara <bomeara@utk.edu>
Maintainer: Jeremy Beaulieu <jmbeauli@uark.edu>
Diff between OUwie versions 2.2 dated 2020-06-15 and 2.3 dated 2020-06-25
DESCRIPTION | 10 MD5 | 14 R/OUwie.anc.R | 2 inst/doc/OUwie_2.1_adds.R | 8 inst/doc/OUwie_2.1_adds.Rmd | 14 inst/doc/OUwie_2.1_adds.pdf |binary vignettes/OUwie_2.1_adds.Rmd | 14 vignettes/OUwie_2.1_adds.html | 3021 ------------------------------------------ 8 files changed, 42 insertions(+), 3041 deletions(-)
Title: Visualizing and Analyzing Animal Track Data
Description: Contains functions to access movement data stored in 'movebank.org'
as well as tools to visualize and statistically analyze animal movement data,
among others functions to calculate dynamic Brownian Bridge Movement Models.
Move helps addressing movement ecology questions.
Author: Bart Kranstauber [aut, cre],
Marco Smolla [aut],
Anne K Scharf [aut]
Maintainer: Bart Kranstauber <b.kranstauber@uva.nl>
Diff between move versions 4.0.0 dated 2020-06-03 and 4.0.2 dated 2020-06-25
ChangeLog | 4 DESCRIPTION | 14 MD5 | 50 - R/WebImport.R | 5 R/move.R | 2 build/vignette.rds |binary data/dbbmmstack.RData |binary data/fishers.RData |binary data/leroy.RData |binary data/leroydbbmm.RData |binary data/leroydbgb.RData |binary inst/doc/browseMovebank.Rmd | 2 inst/doc/browseMovebank.html | 148 ++- inst/doc/move.R | 4 inst/doc/move.Rmd | 6 inst/doc/move.html | 1122 ++++++++++++++++++++---------- man/brownian.bridge.dyn.Rd | 5 man/move.Rd | 6 man/move2ade.Rd | 2 man/moveStack.Rd | 12 man/turnAngleGc.Rd | 2 tests/testthat/test.brownian.bridge.dyn.R | 4 tests/testthat/test.moveAde.R | 5 tests/testthat/test.smallFunctions.R | 2 vignettes/browseMovebank.Rmd | 2 vignettes/move.Rmd | 6 26 files changed, 932 insertions(+), 471 deletions(-)
Title: Inventory Analytics and Cost Calculations
Description: Simulate inventory Policies, facilitate inventory analysis calculations such as stock levels and re-order points,pricing and promotions calculations.
The package includes calculations of inventory metrics, stock-out calculations and ABC analysis calculations.
The package includes revenue management techniques such as Multi-product optimization,logit model optimization.
The functions are referenced from :
1-Harris, Ford W. (1913). "How many parts to make at once". Factory, The Magazine of Management. <isbn10: 135–136, 152>.
2- Nahmias, S. Production and Operations Analysis. McGraw-Hill International Edition. <isbn: 0-07- 2231265-3. Chapter 4>.
3-Silver, E.A., Pyke, D.F., Peterson, R. Inventory Management and Production Planning and Scheduling. <isbn: 978-0471119470>.
4-Ballou, R.H. Business Logistics Management. <isbn: 978-0130661845>. Chapter 9.
5-MIT Micromasters Program.
6- Columbia University course for supply and demand analysis.
8- Price Elasticity of Demand MATH 104,Mark Mac Lean (with assistance from Patrick Chan) 2011W
For further details or correspondence :<www.linkedin.com/in/haythamomar>, <www.rescaleanalytics.com>.
Author: Haytham Omar [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Haytham Omar <haytham@rescaleanalytics.com>
Diff between inventorize versions 1.0.3 dated 2020-06-10 and 1.0.4 dated 2020-06-25
DESCRIPTION | 12 ++++++------ MD5 | 16 ++++++++++++---- NAMESPACE | 4 ++++ R/Multi_Competing_optimization.R | 7 +++---- R/Sim_min_Q_pois.R |only R/Sim_min_q_normal.R |only R/Sim_minmax_normal.R |only R/Sim_minmax_pois.R |only man/Multi_Competing_optimization.Rd | 6 +++--- man/sim_min_Q_normal.Rd |only man/sim_min_Q_pois.Rd |only man/sim_minmax_normal.Rd |only man/sim_minmax_pois.Rd |only 13 files changed, 28 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)
Title: 'ggplot2' Based Tool to Facilitate Diagnostic Plots for NLME
Description: At Novartis, we aimed at standardizing the set of diagnostic plots used for modeling
activities in order to reduce the overall effort required for generating such plots.
For this, we developed a guidance that proposes an adequate set of diagnostics and a toolbox,
called 'ggPMX' to execute them. 'ggPMX' is a toolbox that can generate all diagnostic plots at a quality sufficient
for publication and submissions using few lines of code.
Author: Amine Gassem [aut],
Bruno Bieth [aut],
Irina Baltcheva [aut],
Thomas Dumortier [aut],
Christian Bartels [aut],
Souvik Bhattacharya [aut],
Inga Ludwig [aut],
Ines Paule [aut],
Didier Renard [aut],
Matthew Fidler [ctb, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8538-6691>),
Qing Xi Ooi [ctr],
Novartis Pharma AG [cph]
Maintainer: Matthew Fidler <matthew.fidler@gmail.com>
Diff between ggPMX versions 1.1.1 dated 2020-05-14 and 1.1.2 dated 2020-06-25
ggPMX-1.1.1/ggPMX/inst/doc/ggPMX-nlmixr.R |only ggPMX-1.1.1/ggPMX/inst/doc/ggPMX-nlmixr.Rmd |only ggPMX-1.1.1/ggPMX/inst/doc/ggPMX-nlmixr.html |only ggPMX-1.1.1/ggPMX/vignettes/ggPMX-nlmixr.Rmd |only ggPMX-1.1.2/ggPMX/DESCRIPTION | 8 ++++---- ggPMX-1.1.2/ggPMX/MD5 | 14 +++++--------- ggPMX-1.1.2/ggPMX/build/vignette.rds |binary ggPMX-1.1.2/ggPMX/inst/doc/ggPMX-guide.pdf |binary ggPMX-1.1.2/ggPMX/man/facet_wrap_paginate.Rd | 4 ++-- ggPMX-1.1.2/ggPMX/man/reexports.Rd | 2 +- 10 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)
Title: Computation of the p-Value for the Exact Conditional
Cochran-Armitage Trend Test
Description: Provides functions for computing the one-sided p-values of the Cochran-Armitage trend test
statistic for the asymptotic and the exact conditional test. The computation of the p-value for the exact test
is performed using an algorithm following an idea by Mehta, et al. (1992) <doi:10.2307/1390598>.
Author: Dominic Edelmann [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Dominic Edelmann <dominic.edelmann@dkfz-heidelberg.de>
Diff between CATTexact versions 0.1.0 dated 2017-09-15 and 0.1.1 dated 2020-06-25
DESCRIPTION | 10 ++--- MD5 | 13 +++---- NAMESPACE | 2 - NEWS.md |only R/CATTexact.R | 19 ++++++++++ man/catt_asy.Rd | 74 ++++++++++++++++++++-------------------- man/catt_exact.Rd | 82 ++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------- tests/testthat/test_pval.R | 1 8 files changed, 111 insertions(+), 90 deletions(-)
Title: Bayesian Network Belief Propagation
Description: Belief propagation methods in Bayesian Networks to propagate evidence through the network. The implementation of these methods are based on the article: Cowell, RG (2005). Local Propagation in Conditional Gaussian Bayesian Networks <http://www.jmlr.org/papers/volume6/cowell05a/>. For details please see Yu et. al. (2020) BayesNetBP: An R Package for Probabilistic Reasoning in Bayesian Networks <doi:10.18637/jss.v094.i03>. The optional 'cyjShiny' package for running the Shiny app is available at <https://github.com/cytoscape/cyjShiny>. Please see the example in the documentation of 'runBayesNetApp' function for installing 'cyjShiny' package from GitHub.
Author: Han Yu, Rachael Blair, Janhavi Moharil, Andrew Yan
Maintainer: Han Yu <hyu9@buffalo.edu>
Diff between BayesNetBP versions 1.5.2 dated 2020-04-14 and 1.5.5 dated 2020-06-25
DESCRIPTION | 12 - MD5 | 59 +++---- R/A6_ClusterTreeCompile.R | 35 ++-- R/B2_LocalModelCompile.R | 5 R/C1_ElimTreeInitialize.R | 323 ++++++++++++++++++++--------------------- R/C2_Initializer.R | 5 R/D2_AbsorbEvidence.R | 6 R/D3_Propagate.R | 10 + R/E1_Marginals.R | 5 R/E4_FactorQuery.R | 57 +++---- R/E7_Sampler.R | 5 R/F1_ComputeKLDs.R | 44 +++-- R/F2_SummaryMarginal.R | 40 ++--- R/G1_PlotCGBN.R | 361 +++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------- R/G5_PlotTree.R | 103 +++++++------ R/H1_runBayesNetApp.R | 130 ++++++++-------- inst/CITATION |only man/AbsorbEvidence.Rd | 5 man/ClusterTreeCompile.Rd | 15 + man/ComputeKLDs.Rd | 13 + man/ElimTreeInitialize.Rd | 5 man/FactorQuery.Rd | 17 +- man/Initializer.Rd | 5 man/LocalModelCompile.Rd | 5 man/Marginals.Rd | 5 man/PlotCGBN.Rd | 5 man/PlotTree.Rd | 6 man/Propagate.Rd | 11 + man/Sampler.Rd | 5 man/SummaryMarginals.Rd | 15 + man/runBayesNetApp.Rd | 7 31 files changed, 723 insertions(+), 596 deletions(-)
Title: Inspection, Comparison and Visualisation of Data Frames
Description: A collection of utilities for columnwise summary, comparison and visualisation of data frames. Functions report missingness, categorical levels, numeric distribution, correlation, column types and memory usage.
Author: Alastair Rushworth [aut, cre],
David Wilkins [ctb]
Maintainer: Alastair Rushworth <alastairmrushworth@gmail.com>
Diff between inspectdf versions 0.0.7 dated 2019-11-05 and 0.0.8 dated 2020-06-25
inspectdf-0.0.7/inspectdf/R/plot_depracted.R |only inspectdf-0.0.7/inspectdf/README.md |only inspectdf-0.0.8/inspectdf/DESCRIPTION | 8 inspectdf-0.0.8/inspectdf/MD5 | 68 +++---- inspectdf-0.0.8/inspectdf/NAMESPACE | 7 inspectdf-0.0.8/inspectdf/NEWS.md | 31 +++ inspectdf-0.0.8/inspectdf/R/add_annotation_to_bars.R | 47 ++--- inspectdf-0.0.8/inspectdf/R/cor_test.R | 9 inspectdf-0.0.8/inspectdf/R/fast_table.R | 4 inspectdf-0.0.8/inspectdf/R/inspect_cat.R | 5 inspectdf-0.0.8/inspectdf/R/inspect_cor.R | 11 - inspectdf-0.0.8/inspectdf/R/inspect_imb.R | 32 +-- inspectdf-0.0.8/inspectdf/R/inspect_mem.R | 5 inspectdf-0.0.8/inspectdf/R/inspect_na.R | 5 inspectdf-0.0.8/inspectdf/R/inspect_num.R | 9 inspectdf-0.0.8/inspectdf/R/inspect_types.R | 5 inspectdf-0.0.8/inspectdf/R/palletes.R | 2 inspectdf-0.0.8/inspectdf/R/plot_cat.R | 19 +- inspectdf-0.0.8/inspectdf/R/plot_cor.R | 65 ++++--- inspectdf-0.0.8/inspectdf/R/plot_grouped.R | 4 inspectdf-0.0.8/inspectdf/R/plot_imb.R | 176 +++++++++++++++---- inspectdf-0.0.8/inspectdf/R/plot_mem.R | 109 +++++++++-- inspectdf-0.0.8/inspectdf/R/plot_na.R | 138 +++++++++++--- inspectdf-0.0.8/inspectdf/R/plot_num.R | 19 +- inspectdf-0.0.8/inspectdf/R/plot_types.R | 95 ++++++++-- inspectdf-0.0.8/inspectdf/R/show_plot.R | 121 ++++++++----- inspectdf-0.0.8/inspectdf/R/zzz.R | 3 inspectdf-0.0.8/inspectdf/man/inspect_cat.Rd | 5 inspectdf-0.0.8/inspectdf/man/inspect_cor.Rd | 11 - inspectdf-0.0.8/inspectdf/man/inspect_imb.Rd | 25 +- inspectdf-0.0.8/inspectdf/man/inspect_mem.Rd | 5 inspectdf-0.0.8/inspectdf/man/inspect_na.Rd | 5 inspectdf-0.0.8/inspectdf/man/inspect_num.Rd | 10 - inspectdf-0.0.8/inspectdf/man/inspect_types.Rd | 5 inspectdf-0.0.8/inspectdf/man/show_plot.Rd | 83 +++++--- inspectdf-0.0.8/inspectdf/man/tech.Rd | 4 36 files changed, 790 insertions(+), 360 deletions(-)
Title: Tools for Managing SSH and Git Credentials
Description: Setup and retrieve HTTPS and SSH credentials for use with 'git' and
other services. For HTTPS remotes the package interfaces the 'git-credential'
utility which 'git' uses to store HTTP usernames and passwords. For SSH
remotes we provide convenient functions to find or generate appropriate SSH
keys. The package both helps the user to setup a local git installation, and
also provides a back-end for git/ssh client libraries to authenticate with
existing user credentials.
Author: Jeroen Ooms [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4035-0289>)
Maintainer: Jeroen Ooms <jeroen@berkeley.edu>
Diff between credentials versions 1.1 dated 2019-03-12 and 1.2.0 dated 2020-06-25
DESCRIPTION | 13 +++--- LICENSE | 2 MD5 | 24 +++++------ NEWS | 3 + R/github-pat.R | 45 +++++++++++++------- build/vignette.rds |binary inst/doc/intro.R | 18 ++++---- inst/doc/intro.Rmd | 3 - inst/doc/intro.html | 103 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------- man/http_credentials.Rd | 10 ++-- man/set_github_pat.Rd | 21 ++++++--- man/ssh_credentials.Rd | 3 - vignettes/intro.Rmd | 3 - 13 files changed, 156 insertions(+), 92 deletions(-)
More information about CHNCapitalStock at CRAN
Permanent link
Title: Labelled Data Utility Functions
Description: Collection of functions dealing with labelled data, like reading and
writing data between R and other statistical software packages like 'SPSS',
'SAS' or 'Stata', and working with labelled data. This includes easy ways
to get, set or change value and variable label attributes, to convert
labelled vectors into factors or numeric (and vice versa), or to deal with
multiple declared missing values.
Author: Daniel Lüdecke [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8895-3206>),
David Ranzolin [ctb]
Maintainer: Daniel Lüdecke <d.luedecke@uke.de>
Diff between sjlabelled versions 1.1.5 dated 2020-05-25 and 1.1.6 dated 2020-06-25
DESCRIPTION | 8 +- MD5 | 90 +++++++++++----------- NAMESPACE | 164 +++++++++++++++++++++-------------------- NEWS.md | 6 + R/add_labels.R | 2 R/as_character.R | 5 + R/as_factor.R | 8 +- R/as_label.R | 5 + R/as_labelled.R | 2 R/as_numeric.R | 5 + R/convert_case.R | 4 - R/get_labels.R | 2 R/get_model_labels.R | 4 - R/get_na.R | 4 - R/read.R | 2 R/set_labels.R | 4 - R/set_na.R | 2 R/tidy_labels.R | 2 R/unlabel.R | 12 +-- R/write.R | 2 R/zap_labels.R | 6 - build/vignette.rds |binary inst/doc/intro_sjlabelled.html | 52 ++++++------- inst/doc/labelleddata.html | 4 - inst/doc/quasiquotation.html | 74 +++++++++--------- man/add_labels.Rd | 5 - man/as_factor.Rd | 6 + man/as_label.Rd | 9 +- man/as_labelled.Rd | 2 man/as_numeric.Rd | 6 + man/convert_case.Rd | 4 - man/copy_labels.Rd | 3 man/get_label.Rd | 2 man/get_labels.Rd | 2 man/get_na.Rd | 4 - man/is_labelled.Rd | 36 ++++----- man/label_to_colnames.Rd | 68 ++++++++--------- man/read_spss.Rd | 2 man/remove_label.Rd | 3 man/set_labels.Rd | 4 - man/set_na.Rd | 5 - man/term_labels.Rd | 4 - man/tidy_labels.Rd | 109 +++++++++++++-------------- man/unlabel.Rd | 12 +-- man/zap_labels.Rd | 7 - man/zap_na_tags.Rd | 7 - 46 files changed, 400 insertions(+), 369 deletions(-)
Title: Spherically Constrained Optimization Routine
Description: A non convex optimization package that optimizes any function under the criterion, combination of variables are on the surface of a unit sphere, as described in the paper : Das et al. (2019) <arXiv:1909.04024> .
Author: Debsurya De [cre, aut],
Priyam Das [aut]
Maintainer: Debsurya De <debsurya001@gmail.com>
Diff between SCOR versions 1.1.0 dated 2019-10-24 and 1.1.1 dated 2020-06-25
DESCRIPTION | 11 +++---- MD5 | 16 +++++----- R/SCOR.R | 12 +++---- R/optimized_HUM.R | 51 +++++++++++++++++---------------- man/AL.Rd | 4 +- man/SCOR-package.Rd | 2 - man/SCOptim.Rd | 19 +++++++++--- man/YoupointsBoxPlot.Rd | 3 - man/optimized_HUM.Rd | 74 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------ 9 files changed, 123 insertions(+), 69 deletions(-)
Title: Model and Analyse Interval Data
Description: Implements methodologies for modelling interval data by Normal
and Skew-Normal distributions, considering appropriate parameterizations of
the variance-covariance matrix that takes into account the intrinsic nature of
interval data, and lead to four different possible configuration structures.
The Skew-Normal parameters can be estimated by maximum likelihood, while Normal
parameters may be estimated by maximum likelihood or robust trimmed maximum
likelihood methods.
Author: Pedro Duarte Silva <psilva@porto.ucp.pt>, Paula Brito
Maintainer: Pedro Duarte Silva <psilva@porto.ucp.pt>
Diff between MAINT.Data versions 2.4.0 dated 2020-06-25 and 2.4.1 dated 2020-06-25
CHANGELOG | 8 ++++- DESCRIPTION | 8 ++--- MD5 | 10 +++---- man/MAINT.Data-package.Rd | 4 +- src/CEMGauss.cpp | 64 +--------------------------------------------- src/MDataGaussLogLik.cpp | 2 - 6 files changed, 19 insertions(+), 77 deletions(-)
Title: A Robust, High Performance JSON Parser and Generator for R
Description: A fast JSON parser and generator optimized for statistical data
and the web. Started out as a fork of 'RJSONIO', but has been completely
rewritten in recent versions. The package offers flexible, robust, high
performance tools for working with JSON in R and is particularly powerful
for building pipelines and interacting with a web API. The implementation is
based on the mapping described in the vignette (Ooms, 2014). In addition to
converting JSON data from/to R objects, 'jsonlite' contains functions to
stream, validate, and prettify JSON data. The unit tests included with the
package verify that all edge cases are encoded and decoded consistently for
use with dynamic data in systems and applications.
Author: Jeroen Ooms [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4035-0289>),
Duncan Temple Lang [ctb],
Lloyd Hilaiel [cph] (author of bundled libyajl)
Maintainer: Jeroen Ooms <jeroen@berkeley.edu>
Diff between jsonlite versions 1.6.1 dated 2020-02-02 and 1.7.0 dated 2020-06-25
jsonlite-1.6.1/jsonlite/R/asJSON.extra.R |only jsonlite-1.7.0/jsonlite/DESCRIPTION | 11 jsonlite-1.7.0/jsonlite/LICENSE | 2 jsonlite-1.7.0/jsonlite/MD5 | 49 +-- jsonlite-1.7.0/jsonlite/NEWS | 4 jsonlite-1.7.0/jsonlite/R/asJSON.difftime.R | 4 jsonlite-1.7.0/jsonlite/R/asJSON.sf.R |only jsonlite-1.7.0/jsonlite/R/base64.R | 2 jsonlite-1.7.0/jsonlite/R/read_json.R | 2 jsonlite-1.7.0/jsonlite/R/stream.R | 2 jsonlite-1.7.0/jsonlite/build/vignette.rds |binary jsonlite-1.7.0/jsonlite/inst/doc/json-aaquickstart.html | 2 jsonlite-1.7.0/jsonlite/inst/doc/json-apis.Rmd | 161 +++------- jsonlite-1.7.0/jsonlite/inst/doc/json-apis.html | 151 +++------ jsonlite-1.7.0/jsonlite/inst/doc/json-mapping.pdf |binary jsonlite-1.7.0/jsonlite/inst/doc/json-paging.Rmd | 29 - jsonlite-1.7.0/jsonlite/inst/doc/json-paging.html | 31 - jsonlite-1.7.0/jsonlite/man/base64.Rd | 2 jsonlite-1.7.0/jsonlite/man/read_json.Rd | 2 jsonlite-1.7.0/jsonlite/man/stream_in.Rd | 2 jsonlite-1.7.0/jsonlite/tests/testthat/test-libjson-utf8.R | 12 jsonlite-1.7.0/jsonlite/tests/testthat/test-serializeJSON-S4.R | 1 jsonlite-1.7.0/jsonlite/tests/testthat/test-toJSON-sf.R |only jsonlite-1.7.0/jsonlite/vignettes/json-apis.Rmd | 161 +++------- jsonlite-1.7.0/jsonlite/vignettes/json-apis.Rmd.orig | 9 jsonlite-1.7.0/jsonlite/vignettes/json-paging.Rmd | 29 - jsonlite-1.7.0/jsonlite/vignettes/precompile.R | 4 27 files changed, 287 insertions(+), 385 deletions(-)
More information about us.census.geoheader at CRAN
Permanent link
Title: FWER and FDR Controlling Procedures for Multiple Correlation
Description: Different multiple testing procedures for correlation tests are implemented. These procedures were shown to theoretically control asymptotically the Family Wise Error Rate (Roux (2018) <https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-01971574v1>) or the False Discovery Rate (Cai & Liu (2016) <doi:10.1080/01621459.2014.999157>). The package gather four test statistics used in correlation testing, four FWER procedures with either single step or stepdown versions, and four FDR procedures.
Author: Gannaz Irene [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Gannaz Irene <irene.gannaz@insa-lyon.fr>
Diff between TestCor versions dated 2020-01-17 and dated 2020-06-25
DESCRIPTION | 16 -- MD5 | 70 ++++----- NAMESPACE | 4 R/ApplyFwer.R | 178 +++++++++++++---------- R/FdrMethods.R | 171 ++++++++++++---------- R/FwerMethods.R | 286 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------- R/FwerMethodsSD.R | 339 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------- R/RcppExports.R | 32 ++++ R/SimuFwer.R | 110 +++++++------- R/eval_stat.R | 50 +++++- man/ApplyFdrCor.Rd | 16 +- man/ApplyFwerCor.Rd | 30 ++- man/ApplyFwerCor_oracle.Rd | 32 ++-- man/BHBootCor.Rd | 17 +- man/BHCor.Rd | 16 +- man/BonferroniCor.Rd | 29 ++- man/BonferroniCor_SD.Rd | 29 ++- man/BootRWCor.Rd | 28 ++- man/BootRWCor_SD.Rd | 28 ++- man/LCTboot.Rd | 17 +- man/LCTnorm.Rd | 16 +- man/SidakCor.Rd | 29 ++- man/SidakCor_SD.Rd | 33 +++- man/SimuFdr.Rd | 6 man/SimuFwer.Rd | 8 - man/SimuFwer_oracle.Rd | 6 man/TestCor-package.Rd | 2 man/UncorrectedCor.Rd |only man/covD2nd.Rd |only man/covDcorNorm.Rd | 8 - man/eval_stat.Rd | 2 man/maxTinftyCor.Rd | 28 ++- man/maxTinftyCor_SD.Rd | 30 ++- man/unvectorize.Rd |only man/vectorize.Rd | 3 man/whichCor.Rd |only src/RcppExports.cpp | 25 +++ src/annexes.cpp | 68 +++++++++ 38 files changed, 1160 insertions(+), 602 deletions(-)
Title: An Integrated Framework for Textual Sentiment Time Series
Aggregation and Prediction
Description: Optimized prediction based on textual sentiment, accounting for the intrinsic challenge that sentiment can be computed and pooled across texts and time in various ways. See Ardia et al. (2020) <doi:10.2139/ssrn.3067734>.
Author: Samuel Borms [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9533-1870>),
David Ardia [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2823-782X>),
Keven Bluteau [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2990-4807>),
Kris Boudt [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1000-5142>),
Jeroen Van Pelt [ctb],
Andres Algaba [ctb]
Maintainer: Samuel Borms <samuel.borms@unine.ch>
Diff between sentometrics versions 0.8.1 dated 2020-03-11 and 0.8.2 dated 2020-06-25
sentometrics-0.8.1/sentometrics/data/datalist |only sentometrics-0.8.2/sentometrics/DESCRIPTION | 10 sentometrics-0.8.2/sentometrics/MD5 | 78 +-- sentometrics-0.8.2/sentometrics/NAMESPACE | 25 - sentometrics-0.8.2/sentometrics/NEWS.md | 245 +++++----- sentometrics-0.8.2/sentometrics/R/RcppExports.R | 54 +- sentometrics-0.8.2/sentometrics/R/attribution.R | 4 sentometrics-0.8.2/sentometrics/R/deprecated.R | 46 - sentometrics-0.8.2/sentometrics/R/sentiment_engines.R | 21 sentometrics-0.8.2/sentometrics/R/sentocorpus.R | 24 sentometrics-0.8.2/sentometrics/R/sentomeasures_main.R | 17 sentometrics-0.8.2/sentometrics/R/sentomeasures_methods.R | 22 sentometrics-0.8.2/sentometrics/R/sentometrics.R | 31 - sentometrics-0.8.2/sentometrics/R/sentomodel.R | 18 sentometrics-0.8.2/sentometrics/R/utils.R | 19 sentometrics-0.8.2/sentometrics/README.md | 7 sentometrics-0.8.2/sentometrics/inst/CITATION | 14 sentometrics-0.8.2/sentometrics/man/attributions.Rd | 2 sentometrics-0.8.2/sentometrics/man/compute_sentiment.Rd | 12 sentometrics-0.8.2/sentometrics/man/ctr_model.Rd | 8 sentometrics-0.8.2/sentometrics/man/data-defunct.Rd | 32 - sentometrics-0.8.2/sentometrics/man/epu.Rd | 8 sentometrics-0.8.2/sentometrics/man/figures/gsoc.png |only sentometrics-0.8.2/sentometrics/man/figures/innoviris.png |only sentometrics-0.8.2/sentometrics/man/figures/ivado.png |only sentometrics-0.8.2/sentometrics/man/figures/snsf.png |only sentometrics-0.8.2/sentometrics/man/figures/swissuniversities.png |only sentometrics-0.8.2/sentometrics/man/get_loss_data.Rd | 2 sentometrics-0.8.2/sentometrics/man/list_lexicons.Rd | 14 sentometrics-0.8.2/sentometrics/man/list_valence_shifters.Rd | 4 sentometrics-0.8.2/sentometrics/man/nmeasures.Rd | 38 - sentometrics-0.8.2/sentometrics/man/plot.attributions.Rd | 2 sentometrics-0.8.2/sentometrics/man/plot.sento_measures.Rd | 6 sentometrics-0.8.2/sentometrics/man/plot.sento_modelIter.Rd | 2 sentometrics-0.8.2/sentometrics/man/scale.sento_measures.Rd | 6 sentometrics-0.8.2/sentometrics/man/sento_corpus.Rd | 13 sentometrics-0.8.2/sentometrics/man/sento_measures.Rd | 5 sentometrics-0.8.2/sentometrics/man/sentometrics-package.Rd | 19 sentometrics-0.8.2/sentometrics/man/subset.sento_measures.Rd | 2 sentometrics-0.8.2/sentometrics/man/usnews.Rd | 4 sentometrics-0.8.2/sentometrics/man/weights_beta.Rd | 2 sentometrics-0.8.2/sentometrics/src/compute_df.cpp | 2 sentometrics-0.8.2/sentometrics/tests/testthat/test_sentiment_computation.R | 8 43 files changed, 422 insertions(+), 404 deletions(-)
Title: Generalized Linear Mixed Models using Adaptive Gaussian
Description: Fits generalized linear mixed models for a single grouping factor under
maximum likelihood approximating the integrals over the random effects with an
adaptive Gaussian quadrature rule; Jose C. Pinheiro and Douglas M. Bates (1995)
Author: Dimitris Rizopoulos [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Dimitris Rizopoulos <d.rizopoulos@erasmusmc.nl>
Diff between GLMMadaptive versions 0.6-8 dated 2020-01-24 and 0.7-0 dated 2020-06-25
DESCRIPTION | 8 MD5 | 26 - NAMESPACE | 5 R/Fit_Funs.R | 92 +++++ R/methods.R | 9 R/mixed_fit.R | 1 R/mixed_model.R | 13 build/vignette.rds |binary inst/doc/Custom_Models.html | 620 ++++++++++++++++++------------------ inst/doc/GLMMadaptive_basics.html | 390 +++++++++++----------- inst/doc/Methods_MixMod.html | 654 +++++++++++++++++++------------------- man/GLMMadaptive.Rd | 4 man/extra_fams.Rd | 2 man/negative_binomial.Rd | 2 14 files changed, 986 insertions(+), 840 deletions(-)
Title: Estimating Aboveground Biomass and Its Uncertainty in Tropical
Description: Contains functions to estimate aboveground biomass/carbon and its uncertainty in tropical forests.
These functions allow to (1) retrieve and to correct taxonomy, (2) estimate wood density and its uncertainty,
(3) construct height-diameter models, (4) manage tree and plot coordinates,
(5) estimate the aboveground biomass/carbon at the stand level with associated uncertainty.
To cite BIOMASS, please use citation("BIOMASS").
See more in the article of Réjou-Méchain et al. (2017) <doi:10.1111/2041-210X.12753>.
Author: Maxime Réjou-Méchain [aut, cre, dtc],
Arthur Pere [aut],
Guillaume Cornu [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7523-5176>),
Ariane Tanguy [aut],
Camille Piponiot [aut],
Jerome Chave [dtc],
Bruno Hérault [aut],
Ted Feldpausch [dtc],
Philippe Verley [ctb]
Maintainer: Maxime Réjou-Méchain <maxime.rejou@gmail.com>
Diff between BIOMASS versions 2.1.2 dated 2020-06-15 and 2.1.3 dated 2020-06-25
DESCRIPTION | 16 MD5 | 30 - R/correctCoordGPS.R | 27 - R/latlong2UTM.R | 2 inst/doc/BIOMASS.R | 54 +- inst/doc/BIOMASS.html | 780 +++++++++++++++++++------------ inst/doc/plot.R | 36 - inst/doc/plot.Rmd | 6 inst/doc/plot.html | 744 ++++++++++++++++------------- inst/external/feldRegion.grd | 2 man/correctCoordGPS.Rd | 6 man/latlong2UTM.Rd | 2 tests/testthat/test_01_correctCoordGPS.R | 77 +-- tests/testthat/test_01_small_function.R | 4 tests/testthat/test_03_computeAGB.R | 2 vignettes/plot.Rmd | 6 16 files changed, 1039 insertions(+), 755 deletions(-)
Title: Probabilistic Sex Estimate using Logistic Regression, Based on
VISual Traits of the Human Os Coxae
Description: An R-Shiny application implementing a method of sexing the human os coxae based on logistic regressions and Bruzek's nonmetric traits <doi:10.1002/ajpa.23855>.
Author: Frédéric Santos [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1445-3871>),
Élodie Bernardeau [ctb]
Maintainer: Frédéric Santos <frederic.santos@u-bordeaux.fr>
Diff between PELVIS versions 2.0.1 dated 2020-06-10 and 2.0.2 dated 2020-06-25
PELVIS-2.0.1/PELVIS/inst/www |only PELVIS-2.0.2/PELVIS/DESCRIPTION | 6 +++--- PELVIS-2.0.2/PELVIS/MD5 | 30 +++++++++++++++--------------- PELVIS-2.0.2/PELVIS/NEWS.md | 5 +++++ PELVIS-2.0.2/PELVIS/R/server.R | 10 +++++----- PELVIS-2.0.2/PELVIS/R/start_pelvis.R | 2 +- PELVIS-2.0.2/PELVIS/R/ui.R | 4 ++-- PELVIS-2.0.2/PELVIS/README.md | 22 +++++++++++----------- PELVIS-2.0.2/PELVIS/inst/deco |only PELVIS-2.0.2/PELVIS/man/PELVIS-package.Rd | 4 ++-- 10 files changed, 44 insertions(+), 39 deletions(-)
Title: Using 'Mathjax' in Rd Files
Description: Provides 'MathJax' and macros to enable its use within Rd files for rendering equations in the HTML help files.
Author: Wolfgang Viechtbauer [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Wolfgang Viechtbauer <wvb@wvbauer.com>
Diff between mathjaxr versions 0.8-3 dated 2020-05-08 and 1.0-1 dated 2020-06-25
DESCRIPTION | 8 ++++---- MD5 | 16 +++++++++------- NAMESPACE | 6 +----- NEWS.md | 16 +++++++++++++++- R |only README.md | 39 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------- build/mathjaxr.pdf |binary man/macros/mathjax.Rd | 14 ++++++++++---- man/mathjaxr-package.Rd | 21 ++++++++++++++++----- man/preview_rd.Rd |only 10 files changed, 87 insertions(+), 33 deletions(-)
Title: Argentina's Permanent Household Survey Data and Manipulation
Description: Tools to download and manipulate the Permanent Household Survey from Argentina
(EPH is the Spanish acronym for Permanent Household Survey).
e.g: get_microdata() for downloading the datasets, get_poverty_lines() for downloading the official poverty baskets,
calculate_poverty() for the calculation of stating if a household is in poverty or not, following the official methodology.
organize_panels() is used to concatenate observations from different periods, and organize_labels()
adds the official labels to the data. The implemented methods are based on INDEC (2016) <http://www.estadistica.ec.gba.gov.ar/dpe/images/SOCIEDAD/EPH_metodologia_22_pobreza.pdf>.
As this package works with the argentinian Permanent Household Survey and its main audience is from this country,
the documentation was written in Spanish.
Author: Diego Kozlowski [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5396-3471>),
Pablo Tiscornia [aut],
Guido Weksler [aut],
Natsumi Shokida [aut],
German Rosati [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9775-0435>)
Maintainer: Diego Kozlowski <diegokoz92@gmail.com>
Diff between eph versions 0.3.1 dated 2020-05-24 and 0.4.0 dated 2020-06-25
DESCRIPTION | 8 +- MD5 | 30 +++++---- NEWS.md | 6 + R/calculate_poverty.R | 4 - R/get_microdata.R | 97 +++++++++++++++++++------------- R/get_poverty_lines.R | 29 ++++++--- R/utils-pipe.R | 2 build/vignette.rds |binary inst/doc/eph.html | 36 +++++------ inst/doc/estimacion_pobreza.R |only inst/doc/estimacion_pobreza.Rmd |only inst/doc/estimacion_pobreza.html |only man/calculate_poverty.Rd | 2 man/get_microdata.Rd | 7 +- man/get_poverty_lines.Rd | 12 ++- man/pipe.Rd | 2 tests/testthat/test-get_poverty_lines.R | 8 ++ vignettes/estimacion_pobreza.Rmd |only 18 files changed, 147 insertions(+), 96 deletions(-)
Title: Tests on Properties of Space-Time Covariance Functions
Description: Tests on properties of space-time covariance functions.
Tests on symmetry, separability and for assessing
different forms of non-separability are available. Moreover tests on
some classes of covariance functions, such that the classes of
product-sum models, Gneiting models and integrated product models have
been provided. It is the companion R package to the papers of
Cappello, C., De Iaco, S., Posa, D., 2018, Testing the type of non-separability
and some classes of space-time covariance function models <doi:10.1007/s00477-017-1472-2>
and Cappello, C., De Iaco, S., Posa, D., 2020, covatest: an R package for
selecting a class of space-time covariance functions <doi:10.18637/jss.v094.i01>.
Author: Sandra De Iaco [aut, cre],
Claudia Cappello [aut],
Donato Posa [aut],
Sabrina Maggio [ctb]
Maintainer: Sandra De Iaco <sandra.deiaco@unisalento.it>
Diff between covatest versions 1.1.2 dated 2020-02-28 and 1.1.3 dated 2020-06-25
DESCRIPTION | 15 +++++++++------ MD5 | 37 +++++++++++++++++++------------------ R/blocks.R | 19 ++++++++++++------- R/couples.R | 5 +++++ R/covablocks.R | 19 ++++++++++++------- R/covaprop.R | 18 +++++++++++------- R/covastat.R | 18 +++++++++++------- R/covastatM.R | 18 +++++++++++------- R/read.STdata.R | 2 +- R/sepindex.R | 12 ++++++++++-- inst/CITATION |only man/blocks-class.Rd | 18 +++++++++++------- man/couples-class.Rd | 5 +++++ man/covablocks-class.Rd | 18 +++++++++++------- man/covaprop-class.Rd | 18 +++++++++++------- man/covastat-class.Rd | 18 +++++++++++------- man/covastatM-class.Rd | 18 +++++++++++------- man/read.STdata.Rd | 2 +- man/sepindex-class.Rd | 9 ++++++++- man/vv_13.Rd | 4 +++- 20 files changed, 173 insertions(+), 100 deletions(-)
Title: Direct Labels for Multicolor Plots
Description: An extensible framework
for automatically placing direct labels onto multicolor 'lattice' or
'ggplot2' plots.
Label positions are described using Positioning Methods
which can be re-used across several different plots.
There are heuristics for examining "trellis" and "ggplot" objects
and inferring an appropriate Positioning Method.
Author: Toby Dylan Hocking
Maintainer: Toby Dylan Hocking <toby.hocking@r-project.org>
Diff between directlabels versions 2020.1.31 dated 2020-02-01 and 2020.6.17 dated 2020-06-25
DESCRIPTION | 12 MD5 | 250 +-- NAMESPACE | 18 NEWS | 733 +++++----- R/compare.R | 232 +-- R/contourplot.R | 10 R/densityplot.R | 64 R/doc.R | 502 +++---- R/dotplot.R | 21 R/ggplot2.R | 651 ++++----- R/lattice.R | 493 +++---- R/lineplot.R | 260 ++- R/positioning.functions.R | 313 ++-- R/scatterplot.R | 26 R/utility.function.R | 2509 +++++++++++++++++++------------------ build |only data/LOPART.ROC.RData |only data/LOPART100.RData |only inst |only man/LOPART.ROC.Rd |only man/LOPART100.Rd |only man/SegCost.Rd | 74 - man/ahull.grid.Rd | 22 man/ahull.points.Rd | 46 man/angled.boxes.Rd | 24 man/angled.endpoints.Rd | 22 man/apply.method.Rd | 121 - man/big.boxes.Rd | 22 man/bottom.pieces.Rd | 40 man/bottom.points.Rd |only man/bottom.polygons.Rd |only man/bumpup.Rd | 42 man/calc.borders.Rd | 38 man/calc.boxes.Rd | 46 man/check.for.columns.Rd | 38 man/chull.grid.Rd | 22 man/chull.points.Rd | 40 man/default.ahull.Rd | 42 man/default.picker.Rd | 38 man/defaultpf.ggplot.Rd | 54 man/defaultpf.trellis.Rd | 58 man/direct.label.Rd | 114 - man/direct.label.ggplot.Rd | 42 man/direct.label.trellis.Rd | 50 man/dl.combine.Rd | 238 +-- man/dl.jitter.Rd | 40 man/dl.move.Rd | 76 - man/dl.summarize.Rd | 38 man/dl.trans.Rd | 50 man/dlcompare.Rd | 148 +- man/dldoc.Rd | 44 man/dlgrob.Rd | 52 man/draw.polygons.Rd | 40 man/draw.rects.Rd | 44 man/drawDetails.dlgrob.Rd | 78 - man/edges.to.outside.Rd | 56 man/empty.grid.Rd | 50 man/enlarge.box.Rd | 40 man/extract.plot.Rd | 36 man/extract.posfun.Rd | 42 man/extreme.grid.Rd | 22 man/extreme.points.Rd | 40 man/far.from.others.borders.Rd | 48 man/filltemplate.Rd | 42 man/first.bumpup.Rd | 22 man/first.points.Rd | 40 man/first.polygons.Rd | 22 man/first.qp.Rd | 22 man/gapply.Rd | 46 man/gapply.fun.Rd | 50 man/geom_dl.Rd | 169 +- man/get.means.Rd | 40 man/getLegendVariables.Rd | 36 man/ignore.na.Rd | 40 man/in1box.Rd | 40 man/in1which.Rd | 36 man/inside.Rd | 38 man/iris.l1.cluster.Rd | 94 - man/label.endpoints.Rd | 40 man/label.pieces.Rd | 42 man/lasso.labels.Rd | 22 man/last.bumpup.Rd | 22 man/last.points.Rd | 40 man/last.polygons.Rd | 22 man/last.qp.Rd | 22 man/lattice.translators.Rd | 30 man/left.points.Rd |only man/left.polygons.Rd |only man/legends2hide.Rd | 36 man/lines2.Rd | 52 man/make.tiebreaker.Rd | 42 man/maxvar.points.Rd | 40 man/maxvar.qp.Rd | 24 man/merge_recurse.Rd | 40 man/midrange.Rd | 36 man/normal.l2.cluster.Rd | 110 - man/only.unique.vals.Rd | 42 man/outside.ahull.Rd | 42 man/outside.chull.Rd | 44 man/panel.superpose.dl.Rd | 238 +-- man/pkgFun.Rd | 42 man/polygon.method.Rd | 49 man/positioning.functions.Rd | 502 +++---- man/project.onto.segments.Rd | 54 man/projectionSeconds.Rd | 54 man/qp.labels.Rd | 208 +-- man/reduce.cex.Rd |only man/reduce.cex.lr.Rd | 76 - man/reduce.cex.tb.Rd |only man/rhtmlescape.Rd | 34 man/right.points.Rd |only man/right.polygons.Rd |only man/smart.grid.Rd | 24 man/static.labels.Rd | 50 man/svmtrain.Rd | 60 man/top.bumptwice.Rd | 48 man/top.bumpup.Rd | 22 man/top.pieces.Rd | 40 man/top.points.Rd | 40 man/top.polygons.Rd |only man/top.qp.Rd | 22 man/uselegend.ggplot.Rd | 36 man/uselegend.trellis.Rd | 38 man/vertical.qp.Rd | 38 man/visualcenter.Rd | 40 man/xlimits.Rd | 38 man/ylimits.Rd | 38 tests/ggplot.R | 144 +- tests/methods.R | 34 tests/testthat.R | 5 tests/testthat/test_nonsyntactic.R | 17 tests/unattached.R | 24 vignettes |only 133 files changed, 5970 insertions(+), 5801 deletions(-)
Title: Adds Functionality to the R Markdown + Shiny Bootstrap Framework
Description: The Bootstrap framework lets you add some JavaScript functionality to your web site by
adding attributes to your HTML tags - Bootstrap takes care of the JavaScript
<https://getbootstrap.com/javascript>. If you are using R Markdown or Shiny, you can
use these functions to create collapsible sections, accordion panels, modals, tooltips,
popovers, and an accordion sidebar framework (not described at Bootstrap site).
Author: Ian Lyttle [aut, cre, cph] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9962-4849>),
Schneider Electric [cph],
Alex Shum [ctb],
Emily Bosak [ctb]
Maintainer: Ian Lyttle <ian.lyttle@schneider-electric.com>
Diff between bsplus versions 0.1.1 dated 2018-04-05 and 0.1.2 dated 2020-06-25
bsplus-0.1.1/bsplus/inst/pkgdown |only bsplus-0.1.2/bsplus/DESCRIPTION | 15 +- bsplus-0.1.2/bsplus/LICENSE | 2 bsplus-0.1.2/bsplus/MD5 | 86 +++++------- bsplus-0.1.2/bsplus/NAMESPACE | 2 bsplus-0.1.2/bsplus/NEWS.md | 10 + bsplus-0.1.2/bsplus/R/accordion.R | 38 ++--- bsplus-0.1.2/bsplus/R/accordion_sidebar.R | 48 +++--- bsplus-0.1.2/bsplus/R/append.R | 16 +- bsplus-0.1.2/bsplus/R/button.R | 31 +++- bsplus-0.1.2/bsplus/R/carousel.R | 40 ++--- bsplus-0.1.2/bsplus/R/collapse.R | 48 +++--- bsplus-0.1.2/bsplus/R/embed_popover.R | 24 +-- bsplus-0.1.2/bsplus/R/embed_tooltip.R | 22 +-- bsplus-0.1.2/bsplus/R/modal.R | 38 ++--- bsplus-0.1.2/bsplus/R/panel.R | 14 - bsplus-0.1.2/bsplus/R/render_html_fragment.R | 8 - bsplus-0.1.2/bsplus/R/set_attr.R | 38 ++++- bsplus-0.1.2/bsplus/R/set_opts.R | 6 bsplus-0.1.2/bsplus/R/shiny.R | 37 ++--- bsplus-0.1.2/bsplus/R/tidyverse.R | 2 bsplus-0.1.2/bsplus/R/utils.R | 11 - bsplus-0.1.2/bsplus/README.md | 25 ++- bsplus-0.1.2/bsplus/man/bs_accordion.Rd | 27 +-- bsplus-0.1.2/bsplus/man/bs_accordion_sidebar.Rd | 47 +++--- bsplus-0.1.2/bsplus/man/bs_append.Rd | 8 - bsplus-0.1.2/bsplus/man/bs_attr.Rd | 17 +- bsplus-0.1.2/bsplus/man/bs_button.Rd | 20 +- bsplus-0.1.2/bsplus/man/bs_carousel.Rd | 24 +-- bsplus-0.1.2/bsplus/man/bs_carousel_caption.Rd | 4 bsplus-0.1.2/bsplus/man/bs_carousel_image.Rd | 8 - bsplus-0.1.2/bsplus/man/bs_collapse.Rd | 36 ++--- bsplus-0.1.2/bsplus/man/bs_embed_popover.Rd | 13 - bsplus-0.1.2/bsplus/man/bs_embed_tooltip.Rd | 8 - bsplus-0.1.2/bsplus/man/bs_modal.Rd | 33 ++-- bsplus-0.1.2/bsplus/man/bs_panel.Rd | 24 ++- bsplus-0.1.2/bsplus/man/bs_set_data.Rd | 18 +- bsplus-0.1.2/bsplus/man/bs_set_opts.Rd | 2 bsplus-0.1.2/bsplus/man/pipe.Rd | 2 bsplus-0.1.2/bsplus/man/render_html_fragment.Rd | 8 - bsplus-0.1.2/bsplus/man/shinyInput_label_embed.Rd | 8 - bsplus-0.1.2/bsplus/man/shiny_iconlink.Rd | 18 +- bsplus-0.1.2/bsplus/tests/testthat/test-accordion_sidebar.R | 8 - bsplus-0.1.2/bsplus/tests/testthat/test-button.R | 4 44 files changed, 494 insertions(+), 404 deletions(-)
Title: Search and Retrieve Data from the BC Data Catalogue
Description: Search, query, and download tabular and
'geospatial' data from the British Columbia Data Catalogue
(<https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/>). Search catalogue data records
based on keywords, data licence, sector, data format, and B.C.
government organization. View metadata directly in R, download many
data formats, and query 'geospatial' data available via the B.C.
government Web Feature Service ('WFS') using 'dplyr' syntax.
Author: Andy Teucher [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7840-692X>),
Sam Albers [aut, ctb] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9270-7884>),
Stephanie Hazlitt [aut, ctb] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3161-2304>),
Province of British Columbia [cph]
Maintainer: Andy Teucher <andy.teucher@gov.bc.ca>
Diff between bcdata versions 0.1.2 dated 2019-12-17 and 0.2.0 dated 2020-06-25
bcdata-0.1.2/bcdata/man/collect.Rd |only bcdata-0.1.2/bcdata/man/filter.bcdc_promise.Rd |only bcdata-0.1.2/bcdata/man/mutate.bcdc_promise.Rd |only bcdata-0.1.2/bcdata/man/select.bcdc_promise.Rd |only bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/DESCRIPTION | 21 bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/MD5 | 175 - bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/NAMESPACE | 169 - bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/NEWS.md | 96 bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/R/bcdata-package.R | 40 bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/R/bcdc-web-services.R | 432 +-- bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/R/bcdc_browse.R | 154 - bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/R/bcdc_options.R | 134 bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/R/bcdc_search.R | 569 ++-- bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/R/cql-geom-predicates.R | 477 +-- bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/R/cql-translator.R | 334 +- bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/R/describe-feature.R | 248 - bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/R/get_data.R | 438 +-- bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/R/utils-as_tibble.R |only bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/R/utils-classes.R | 862 +++--- bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/R/utils-collect.R | 44 bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/R/utils-filter.R | 44 bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/R/utils-is.R | 68 bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/R/utils-mutate.R | 44 bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/R/utils-pipe.R | 46 bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/R/utils-select.R | 44 bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/R/utils-show-query.R | 44 bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/R/utils.R | 731 ++--- bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/R/zzz.R | 42 bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/README.md | 277 + bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/build/vignette.rds |binary bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/inst/CITATION | 46 bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/inst/doc/bcdata.Rmd | 901 +++--- bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/inst/doc/bcdata.html | 1415 ++++------ bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/inst/doc/efficiently-query-spatial-data-in-the-bc-data-catalogue.Rmd | 870 +++--- bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/inst/doc/efficiently-query-spatial-data-in-the-bc-data-catalogue.html | 1366 ++++----- bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/inst/doc/explore-silviculture-data-using-bcdata.Rmd |only bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/inst/doc/explore-silviculture-data-using-bcdata.html |only bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/man/CQL.Rd | 48 bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/man/bcdata-package.Rd | 88 bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/man/bcdc_browse.Rd | 122 bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/man/bcdc_describe_feature.Rd | 73 bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/man/bcdc_get_data.Rd | 148 - bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/man/bcdc_get_record.Rd | 66 bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/man/bcdc_list.Rd | 28 bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/man/bcdc_options.Rd | 86 bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/man/bcdc_preview.Rd | 64 bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/man/bcdc_query_geodata.Rd | 146 - bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/man/bcdc_read_functions.Rd | 28 bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/man/bcdc_search.Rd | 98 bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/man/bcdc_search_facets.Rd | 54 bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/man/bcdc_tidy_resources.Rd | 69 bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/man/collect-methods.Rd |only bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/man/cql_geom_predicates.Rd | 135 bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/man/filter.Rd | 51 bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/man/mutate.Rd | 45 bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/man/pipe.Rd | 24 bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/man/select.Rd | 55 bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/man/show_query.Rd | 84 bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/tests/testthat.R | 34 bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/tests/testthat/helper-bcdata.R | 36 bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/tests/testthat/setup.R | 31 bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/tests/testthat/teardown.R | 26 bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/tests/testthat/test-browse.R | 46 bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/tests/testthat/test-cql-string.R | 192 - bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/tests/testthat/test-describe-feature.R | 130 bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/tests/testthat/test-edge-cases.R | 34 bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/tests/testthat/test-geom-operators.R | 231 - bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/tests/testthat/test-get-data.R | 328 +- bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/tests/testthat/test-get_record.R | 210 - bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/tests/testthat/test-options.R | 56 bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/tests/testthat/test-print-methods.R | 114 bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/tests/testthat/test-query-geodata-collect.R | 188 - bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/tests/testthat/test-query-geodata-filter.R | 529 +-- bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/tests/testthat/test-query-geodata-head-tail.R |only bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/tests/testthat/test-query-geodata-mutate.R | 42 bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/tests/testthat/test-query-geodata-select.R | 165 - bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/tests/testthat/test-query-geodata.R | 136 bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/tests/testthat/test-search.R | 54 bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/tests/testthat/test-utils.R | 116 bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/vignettes/bcdata.Rmd | 901 +++--- bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/vignettes/bcdata.Rmd.orig | 426 +-- bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/vignettes/efficiently-query-spatial-data-in-the-bc-data-catalogue.Rmd | 870 +++--- bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/vignettes/efficiently-query-spatial-data-in-the-bc-data-catalogue.Rmd.orig | 432 +-- bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/vignettes/explore-silviculture-data-using-bcdata.Rmd |only bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/vignettes/explore-silviculture-data-using-bcdata.Rmd.orig |only bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/vignettes/precompile.R | 90 bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/vignettes/vignette-fig-air_zones-1.png |binary bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/vignettes/vignette-fig-bbox-1.png |binary bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/vignettes/vignette-fig-district_parks-1.png |binary bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/vignettes/vignette-fig-districts-1.png |binary bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/vignettes/vignette-fig-dp_join-1.png |binary bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/vignettes/vignette-fig-map-larch-plantations-dpg-1.png |only bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/vignettes/vignette-fig-plot-dpg-1.png |only bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/vignettes/vignette-fig-regional_districts-1.png |binary bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/vignettes/vignette-fig-unnamed-chunk-1-1.png |only bcdata-0.2.0/bcdata/vignettes/vignette-fig-unnamed-chunk-3-1.png |only 96 files changed, 8726 insertions(+), 8334 deletions(-)
Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:
2019-12-17 0.8.0
2019-01-08 0.7.11
2018-09-18 0.7.10
2018-07-09 0.7.9
2018-05-15 0.7.8
2018-05-10 0.7.7
2017-10-04 0.7.5
2017-07-17 0.7.4
2017-05-24 0.7.3
2017-03-24 0.7.2
2017-02-27 0.7.1
2017-02-14 0.7.0
2016-09-07 0.6.2
2016-06-23 0.6.1
2016-06-22 0.6.0
Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:
2020-05-25 1.4.2
Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:
2019-02-21 0.2.8
2019-01-09 0.2.7
2018-10-22 0.2.6
2018-08-10 0.2.5
2018-06-15 0.2.4
2018-05-13 0.2.3
2018-05-01 0.2.2
2018-04-21 0.2.1
2018-02-20 0.1.7
Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:
2020-04-14 0.2.0
2019-12-17 0.1.2
2019-12-09 0.1.1
2019-10-21 0.1.0
Title: Access for Dryad Web Services
Description: Interface to the Dryad "Solr" API, their "OAI-PMH" service, and
fetch datasets. Dryad (<https://datadryad.org/>) is a curated host of
data underlying scientific publications.
Author: Karthik Ram [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0233-1757>),
Scott Chamberlain [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1444-9135>),
Carl Boettiger [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1642-628X>)
Maintainer: Scott Chamberlain <myrmecocystus@gmail.com>
Diff between rdryad versions 0.4.0 dated 2018-06-18 and 1.0.0 dated 2020-06-25
rdryad-0.4.0/rdryad/R/doi2handle.R |only rdryad-0.4.0/rdryad/R/download_url.r |only rdryad-0.4.0/rdryad/R/dr_get_records.R |only rdryad-0.4.0/rdryad/R/dr_identify.r |only rdryad-0.4.0/rdryad/R/dr_list_records.R |only rdryad-0.4.0/rdryad/R/dr_listidentifiers.r |only rdryad-0.4.0/rdryad/R/dr_listmetadataformats.r |only rdryad-0.4.0/rdryad/R/dr_listsets.r |only rdryad-0.4.0/rdryad/R/dryad_fetch.R |only rdryad-0.4.0/rdryad/R/dryad_metadata.R |only rdryad-0.4.0/rdryad/R/dryad_package_dois.R |only rdryad-0.4.0/rdryad/R/dryad_solr.r |only rdryad-0.4.0/rdryad/man/d_solr_search.Rd |only rdryad-0.4.0/rdryad/man/doi2handle.Rd |only rdryad-0.4.0/rdryad/man/dr_get_records.Rd |only rdryad-0.4.0/rdryad/man/dr_identify.Rd |only rdryad-0.4.0/rdryad/man/dr_list_identifiers.Rd |only rdryad-0.4.0/rdryad/man/dr_list_metadata_formats.Rd |only rdryad-0.4.0/rdryad/man/dr_list_records.Rd |only rdryad-0.4.0/rdryad/man/dr_list_sets.Rd |only rdryad-0.4.0/rdryad/man/dryad_fetch.Rd |only rdryad-0.4.0/rdryad/man/dryad_metadata.Rd |only rdryad-0.4.0/rdryad/man/dryad_package_dois.Rd |only rdryad-0.4.0/rdryad/tests/testthat/test-download_url.R |only rdryad-0.4.0/rdryad/tests/testthat/test-dr_get_records.R |only rdryad-0.4.0/rdryad/tests/testthat/test-dr_identify.R |only rdryad-0.4.0/rdryad/tests/testthat/test-dr_list_records.R |only rdryad-0.4.0/rdryad/tests/testthat/test-dr_listidentifiers.R |only rdryad-0.4.0/rdryad/tests/testthat/test-dr_listmetadataformats.R |only rdryad-0.4.0/rdryad/tests/testthat/test-dr_listsets.R |only rdryad-0.4.0/rdryad/tests/testthat/test-dryad_fetch.R |only rdryad-0.4.0/rdryad/tests/testthat/test-solr.R |only rdryad-1.0.0/rdryad/DESCRIPTION | 31 - rdryad-1.0.0/rdryad/LICENSE | 2 rdryad-1.0.0/rdryad/MD5 | 86 +-- rdryad-1.0.0/rdryad/NAMESPACE | 42 - rdryad-1.0.0/rdryad/NEWS.md | 8 rdryad-1.0.0/rdryad/R/datasets.R |only rdryad-1.0.0/rdryad/R/defunct.R | 176 +++++++ rdryad-1.0.0/rdryad/R/dryad_download.R |only rdryad-1.0.0/rdryad/R/files.R |only rdryad-1.0.0/rdryad/R/onload.R | 9 rdryad-1.0.0/rdryad/R/rdryad-package.R | 63 +- rdryad-1.0.0/rdryad/R/versions.R |only rdryad-1.0.0/rdryad/R/zzz.R | 67 ++ rdryad-1.0.0/rdryad/README.md | 245 ---------- rdryad-1.0.0/rdryad/man/doi2handle-defunct.Rd |only rdryad-1.0.0/rdryad/man/dryad_dataset.Rd |only rdryad-1.0.0/rdryad/man/dryad_dataset_versions.Rd |only rdryad-1.0.0/rdryad/man/dryad_datasets.Rd |only rdryad-1.0.0/rdryad/man/dryad_download.Rd |only rdryad-1.0.0/rdryad/man/dryad_fetch-defunct.Rd |only rdryad-1.0.0/rdryad/man/dryad_files.Rd | 33 - rdryad-1.0.0/rdryad/man/dryad_files_download.Rd |only rdryad-1.0.0/rdryad/man/dryad_metadata-defunct.Rd |only rdryad-1.0.0/rdryad/man/dryad_package_dois-defunct.Rd |only rdryad-1.0.0/rdryad/man/oai-defunct.Rd |only rdryad-1.0.0/rdryad/man/rdryad-package.Rd | 54 +- rdryad-1.0.0/rdryad/man/solr-defunct.Rd |only rdryad-1.0.0/rdryad/man/versions.Rd |only rdryad-1.0.0/rdryad/tests/fixtures |only rdryad-1.0.0/rdryad/tests/testthat/helper-rdryad.R |only rdryad-1.0.0/rdryad/tests/testthat/test-dryad_dataset.R |only rdryad-1.0.0/rdryad/tests/testthat/test-dryad_dataset_versions.R |only rdryad-1.0.0/rdryad/tests/testthat/test-dryad_datasets.R |only rdryad-1.0.0/rdryad/tests/testthat/test-dryad_download.R |only rdryad-1.0.0/rdryad/tests/testthat/test-dryad_files.R |only rdryad-1.0.0/rdryad/tests/testthat/test-dryad_files_download.R |only rdryad-1.0.0/rdryad/tests/testthat/test-dryad_versions.R |only rdryad-1.0.0/rdryad/tests/testthat/test-dryad_versions_download.R |only rdryad-1.0.0/rdryad/tests/testthat/test-dryad_versions_files.R |only 71 files changed, 415 insertions(+), 401 deletions(-)
Title: Compute the Coefficient of Determination for Vector or Matrix
Description: Compute the coefficient of determination for outcomes in n-dimensions.
May be useful for multidimensional predictions (such as a multinomial model) or
calculating goodness of fit from latent variable models such as probabilistic
topic models like latent Dirichlet allocation or deterministic topic models
like latent semantic analysis. Based on Jones (2019) <arXiv:1911.11061>.
Author: Tommy Jones [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Tommy Jones <jones.thos.w@gmail.com>
Diff between mvrsquared versions 0.0.3 dated 2020-02-20 and 0.1.0 dated 2020-06-25
DESCRIPTION | 13 ++--- MD5 | 30 ++++++----- NEWS.md | 6 ++ R/RcppExports.R | 4 - R/calc_rsquared.R | 52 +++++++------------- README.md | 10 ++- build/vignette.rds |binary inst/WORDLIST |only inst/doc/getting_started_with_mvrsquared.Rmd | 4 + inst/doc/getting_started_with_mvrsquared.html | 7 +- man/calc_rsquared.Rd | 30 +---------- src/Makevars |only src/Makevars.win |only src/RcppExports.cpp | 15 +++-- src/calc_sum_squares_latent.cpp | 67 +++++++++++++++++--------- tests/spelling.R |only tests/testthat/test-mvrsquared.R | 13 +++++ vignettes/getting_started_with_mvrsquared.Rmd | 4 + 18 files changed, 136 insertions(+), 119 deletions(-)
Title: Export Emissions to Atmospheric Models
Description: Emissions are the mass of pollutants released into the atmosphere. Air quality models need emissions data, with spatial and temporal distribution, to represent air pollutant concentrations. This package, eixport, creates inputs for the air quality models 'WRF-Chem' Grell et al (2005) <doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2005.04.027>, 'BRAMS-SPM' Freitas et al (2005) <doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2005.07.017> and 'RLINE' Snyder et al (2013) <doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2013.05.074>. See the eixport website (<https://atmoschem.github.io/eixport/>) for more information, documentations and examples. More details in Ibarra-Espinosa et al (2018) <doi.org/10.21105/joss.00607>.
Author: Sergio Ibarra-Espinosa [aut, cre]
Daniel Schuch [ctb] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5977-4519>),
Edmilson Freitas [ctb] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8783-2747>)
Maintainer: Sergio Ibarra-Espinosa <sergio.ibarra@usp.br>
Diff between eixport versions 0.4.6 dated 2020-04-16 and 0.4.7 dated 2020-06-25
DESCRIPTION | 8 ++++---- MD5 | 8 +++++--- NAMESPACE | 1 + NEWS.md | 5 ++++- R/wrf_meta.R |only man/wrf_meta.Rd |only 6 files changed, 14 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
Title: Multiple Imputation using Chained Random Forests
Description: An R package for methods of multiple imputation using chained
random forests. Implemented methods can handle missing data in mixed types
of by using prediction-based or node-based conditional distributions
constructed using random forests. For prediction-based imputation,
the method based on the empirical distribution of out-of-bag prediction
errors of random forests, and the method based on normality assumption are
provided for continuous variables. And the method based on predicted
probabilities is provided for categorical variables. For node-based
imputation, the method based on the conditional distribution formed by
the predicting nodes of random forests, and the method based on proximity
measures of random forests are provided. More details of the statistical
methods can be found in Hong et al. (2020) <arXiv:2004.14823>.
Author: Shangzhi Hong [aut, cre],
Henry S. Lynn [ths]
Maintainer: Shangzhi Hong <shangzhi-hong@hotmail.com>
Diff between RfEmpImp versions 2.0.3 dated 2020-05-16 and 2.1.5 dated 2020-06-25
RfEmpImp-2.0.3/RfEmpImp/inst/doc/intro.R |only RfEmpImp-2.0.3/RfEmpImp/inst/doc/intro.Rmd |only RfEmpImp-2.0.3/RfEmpImp/inst/doc/intro.html |only RfEmpImp-2.0.3/RfEmpImp/vignettes/intro.Rmd |only RfEmpImp-2.1.5/RfEmpImp/DESCRIPTION | 31 - RfEmpImp-2.1.5/RfEmpImp/MD5 | 81 +- RfEmpImp-2.1.5/RfEmpImp/NAMESPACE | 3 RfEmpImp-2.1.5/RfEmpImp/NEWS.md |only RfEmpImp-2.1.5/RfEmpImp/R/conv.factor.R |only RfEmpImp-2.1.5/RfEmpImp/R/gen.mcar.R | 21 RfEmpImp-2.1.5/RfEmpImp/R/imp.rfemp.R | 14 RfEmpImp-2.1.5/RfEmpImp/R/imp.rfnode.cond.R | 17 RfEmpImp-2.1.5/RfEmpImp/R/imp.rfnode.prox.R | 22 RfEmpImp-2.1.5/RfEmpImp/R/mice.impute.rfemp.R | 31 - RfEmpImp-2.1.5/RfEmpImp/R/mice.impute.rfnode.R | 45 - RfEmpImp-2.1.5/RfEmpImp/R/mice.impute.rfpred.cate.R | 107 ++- RfEmpImp-2.1.5/RfEmpImp/R/mice.impute.rfpred.emp.R | 93 +-- RfEmpImp-2.1.5/RfEmpImp/R/mice.impute.rfpred.norm.R | 92 ++- RfEmpImp-2.1.5/RfEmpImp/R/query.rf.pred.idx.R |only RfEmpImp-2.1.5/RfEmpImp/R/query.rf.pred.val.R |only RfEmpImp-2.1.5/RfEmpImp/R/rangerCallerSafe.R |only RfEmpImp-2.1.5/RfEmpImp/README.md | 174 +++-- RfEmpImp-2.1.5/RfEmpImp/build/vignette.rds |binary RfEmpImp-2.1.5/RfEmpImp/inst/CITATION | 34 - RfEmpImp-2.1.5/RfEmpImp/inst/doc/Introduction.R |only RfEmpImp-2.1.5/RfEmpImp/inst/doc/Introduction.Rmd |only RfEmpImp-2.1.5/RfEmpImp/inst/doc/Introduction.html |only RfEmpImp-2.1.5/RfEmpImp/man/RfEmpImp-package.Rd | 81 +- RfEmpImp-2.1.5/RfEmpImp/man/conv.factor.Rd |only RfEmpImp-2.1.5/RfEmpImp/man/figures/package-structure.png |only RfEmpImp-2.1.5/RfEmpImp/man/gen.mcar.Rd | 17 RfEmpImp-2.1.5/RfEmpImp/man/imp.rfemp.Rd | 6 RfEmpImp-2.1.5/RfEmpImp/man/imp.rfnode.cond.Rd | 9 RfEmpImp-2.1.5/RfEmpImp/man/imp.rfnode.prox.Rd | 14 RfEmpImp-2.1.5/RfEmpImp/man/mice.impute.rfemp.Rd | 303 ++++------ RfEmpImp-2.1.5/RfEmpImp/man/mice.impute.rfnode.Rd | 285 ++++----- RfEmpImp-2.1.5/RfEmpImp/man/mice.impute.rfpred.cate.Rd |only RfEmpImp-2.1.5/RfEmpImp/man/mice.impute.rfpred.emp.Rd | 230 +++---- RfEmpImp-2.1.5/RfEmpImp/man/mice.impute.rfpred.norm.Rd | 25 RfEmpImp-2.1.5/RfEmpImp/man/query.rf.pred.idx.Rd |only RfEmpImp-2.1.5/RfEmpImp/man/query.rf.pred.val.Rd |only RfEmpImp-2.1.5/RfEmpImp/man/rangerCallerSafe.Rd |only RfEmpImp-2.1.5/RfEmpImp/tests/testthat/test-Imp-Node-Catgorical.R | 14 RfEmpImp-2.1.5/RfEmpImp/tests/testthat/test-Imp-Node-Continuous.R | 5 RfEmpImp-2.1.5/RfEmpImp/tests/testthat/test-Imp-Pred-Catgorical.R | 130 ++-- RfEmpImp-2.1.5/RfEmpImp/tests/testthat/test-Imp-Pred-Continuous.R | 178 +++-- RfEmpImp-2.1.5/RfEmpImp/tests/testthat/test-InterOp-ImpFuncs.R | 5 RfEmpImp-2.1.5/RfEmpImp/tests/testthat/test-RfOps-Catgorical.R |only RfEmpImp-2.1.5/RfEmpImp/tests/testthat/test-RfOps-Continuous.R |only RfEmpImp-2.1.5/RfEmpImp/tests/testthat/test-RfOps-OOB-Continuous.R |only RfEmpImp-2.1.5/RfEmpImp/tests/testthat/test-UtilFuncs-ConvFactor.R |only RfEmpImp-2.1.5/RfEmpImp/tests/testthat/test-UtilFuncs-QueryRfPredIdx.R |only RfEmpImp-2.1.5/RfEmpImp/tests/testthat/test-UtilFuncs-QueryRfPredVal.R |only RfEmpImp-2.1.5/RfEmpImp/vignettes/Introduction.Rmd |only 54 files changed, 1151 insertions(+), 916 deletions(-)
Title: Model and Analyse Interval Data
Description: Implements methodologies for modelling interval data by Normal
and Skew-Normal distributions, considering appropriate parameterizations of
the variance-covariance matrix that takes into account the intrinsic nature of
interval data, and lead to four different possible configuration structures.
The Skew-Normal parameters can be estimated by maximum likelihood, while Normal
parameters may be estimated by maximum likelihood or robust trimmed maximum
likelihood methods.
Author: Pedro Duarte Silva <psilva@porto.ucp.pt>, Paula Brito
Maintainer: Pedro Duarte Silva <psilva@porto.ucp.pt>
Diff between MAINT.Data versions 2.3.1 dated 2020-01-07 and 2.4.0 dated 2020-06-25
MAINT.Data-2.3.1/MAINT.Data/R/CEMGauss.R |only MAINT.Data-2.3.1/MAINT.Data/src/AuxTmplFoo.cpp |only MAINT.Data-2.3.1/MAINT.Data/src/EigenDinArr.cpp |only MAINT.Data-2.3.1/MAINT.Data/src/EigenRestCovGrad.cpp |only MAINT.Data-2.3.1/MAINT.Data/src/EigenTmplFoo.cpp |only MAINT.Data-2.4.0/MAINT.Data/DESCRIPTION | 12 MAINT.Data-2.4.0/MAINT.Data/MD5 | 144 +- MAINT.Data-2.4.0/MAINT.Data/NAMESPACE | 25 MAINT.Data-2.4.0/MAINT.Data/R/AgrMcDt.R | 38 MAINT.Data-2.4.0/MAINT.Data/R/Azzalini_sn_code.R | 73 - MAINT.Data-2.4.0/MAINT.Data/R/CPLogLik.grads.R | 46 MAINT.Data-2.4.0/MAINT.Data/R/CPMaxLik.R | 58 - MAINT.Data-2.4.0/MAINT.Data/R/ClasGenMetDef.R | 29 MAINT.Data-2.4.0/MAINT.Data/R/Conversions.R | 15 MAINT.Data-2.4.0/MAINT.Data/R/CorrHetSNSol.R |only MAINT.Data-2.4.0/MAINT.Data/R/CorrSNSol.R |only MAINT.Data-2.4.0/MAINT.Data/R/DACrossVal.R | 4 MAINT.Data-2.4.0/MAINT.Data/R/GaussLnLik.R |only MAINT.Data-2.4.0/MAINT.Data/R/IData.R | 32 MAINT.Data-2.4.0/MAINT.Data/R/IdtMaxLikN.R | 5 MAINT.Data-2.4.0/MAINT.Data/R/IdtMaxLikNC2.R | 20 MAINT.Data-2.4.0/MAINT.Data/R/IdtMaxLikSN.R | 76 - MAINT.Data-2.4.0/MAINT.Data/R/IdtMclust_methods.R | 208 +++- MAINT.Data-2.4.0/MAINT.Data/R/IdtOutl_methods.R | 12 MAINT.Data-2.4.0/MAINT.Data/R/Idtmclust.R | 642 ++++++------- MAINT.Data-2.4.0/MAINT.Data/R/MStep.R |only MAINT.Data-2.4.0/MAINT.Data/R/RepEMGauss.R | 425 ++++---- MAINT.Data-2.4.0/MAINT.Data/R/RepLOptim.R | 6 MAINT.Data-2.4.0/MAINT.Data/R/RestCPMaxLik.R | 53 + MAINT.Data-2.4.0/MAINT.Data/R/SNmle.R | 2 MAINT.Data-2.4.0/MAINT.Data/R/SkNObsLikGradients.R | 2 MAINT.Data-2.4.0/MAINT.Data/R/fasttle.R | 213 ++-- MAINT.Data-2.4.0/MAINT.Data/R/fulltle.R | 525 +++++----- MAINT.Data-2.4.0/MAINT.Data/R/lqda.R | 73 + MAINT.Data-2.4.0/MAINT.Data/R/mle.R | 74 + MAINT.Data-2.4.0/MAINT.Data/R/mleVCOV.R | 6 MAINT.Data-2.4.0/MAINT.Data/R/msnCP.dev.R | 7 MAINT.Data-2.4.0/MAINT.Data/R/msnCP.dev.grad.R | 5 MAINT.Data-2.4.0/MAINT.Data/R/pdwt.solve.R | 1 MAINT.Data-2.4.0/MAINT.Data/R/sknda.R | 62 - MAINT.Data-2.4.0/MAINT.Data/data/Abalone.RData |binary MAINT.Data-2.4.0/MAINT.Data/data/ChinaTemp.RData |binary MAINT.Data-2.4.0/MAINT.Data/data/nycflights.RData |only MAINT.Data-2.4.0/MAINT.Data/man/Abalone.Rd | 4 MAINT.Data-2.4.0/MAINT.Data/man/EMControl.Rd | 6 MAINT.Data-2.4.0/MAINT.Data/man/IData-class.Rd | 5 MAINT.Data-2.4.0/MAINT.Data/man/MAINT.Data-internal.Rd | 4 MAINT.Data-2.4.0/MAINT.Data/man/MAINT.Data-package.Rd | 4 MAINT.Data-2.4.0/MAINT.Data/man/MANOVA-methods.Rd | 7 MAINT.Data-2.4.0/MAINT.Data/man/RobEstControl-class.Rd | 1 MAINT.Data-2.4.0/MAINT.Data/man/RobEstControl.Rd | 3 MAINT.Data-2.4.0/MAINT.Data/man/fasttle-methods.Rd | 3 MAINT.Data-2.4.0/MAINT.Data/man/fulltle-methods.Rd | 7 MAINT.Data-2.4.0/MAINT.Data/man/lda-methods.Rd | 10 MAINT.Data-2.4.0/MAINT.Data/man/mle-methods.Rd | 4 MAINT.Data-2.4.0/MAINT.Data/man/nycflights.Rd |only MAINT.Data-2.4.0/MAINT.Data/man/pcoordplot-methos.Rd | 8 MAINT.Data-2.4.0/MAINT.Data/man/plotInfCrt-methos.Rd |only MAINT.Data-2.4.0/MAINT.Data/man/qda-methods.Rd | 12 MAINT.Data-2.4.0/MAINT.Data/man/snda-methods.Rd | 12 MAINT.Data-2.4.0/MAINT.Data/man/summary-methods.Rd | 3 MAINT.Data-2.4.0/MAINT.Data/src/AdMatAlgFoo.cpp |only MAINT.Data-2.4.0/MAINT.Data/src/AdMatAlgFoo.h |only MAINT.Data-2.4.0/MAINT.Data/src/AuxFoo.cpp |only MAINT.Data-2.4.0/MAINT.Data/src/AuxFoo.h |only MAINT.Data-2.4.0/MAINT.Data/src/CEMGauss.cpp | 608 ++++++++---- MAINT.Data-2.4.0/MAINT.Data/src/CEMGauss.h | 16 MAINT.Data-2.4.0/MAINT.Data/src/MDataGaussLogLik.cpp | 247 +++-- MAINT.Data-2.4.0/MAINT.Data/src/MDataGaussLogLik.h | 14 MAINT.Data-2.4.0/MAINT.Data/src/Makevars |only MAINT.Data-2.4.0/MAINT.Data/src/MinMaxEgval.cpp |only MAINT.Data-2.4.0/MAINT.Data/src/MinMaxEgval.h |only MAINT.Data-2.4.0/MAINT.Data/src/RestCovGrad.cpp |only MAINT.Data-2.4.0/MAINT.Data/src/fasttle.cpp | 555 +++++------ MAINT.Data-2.4.0/MAINT.Data/src/fulltle.cpp | 219 ++-- MAINT.Data-2.4.0/MAINT.Data/src/msnCP_Aux.cpp | 54 - MAINT.Data-2.4.0/MAINT.Data/src/msnCP_dev.cpp | 285 ++--- MAINT.Data-2.4.0/MAINT.Data/src/msnCP_dev.h | 72 + MAINT.Data-2.4.0/MAINT.Data/src/msnCP_dev_RIntf.cpp |only MAINT.Data-2.4.0/MAINT.Data/src/msnCP_dev_grad.cpp | 686 ++++++-------- MAINT.Data-2.4.0/MAINT.Data/src/msnCP_dev_grad.h |only MAINT.Data-2.4.0/MAINT.Data/src/registerDynamicSimbol.cpp | 16 MAINT.Data-2.4.0/MAINT.Data/src/sampleint.h | 23 MAINT.Data-2.4.0/MAINT.Data/src/tle.h | 37 84 files changed, 3303 insertions(+), 2515 deletions(-)
Title: Regression Helper Functions
Description: Methods for manipulating regression models and for describing these in a style adapted for medical journals.
Contains functions for generating an HTML table with crude and adjusted estimates, plotting hazard ratio, plotting model
estimates and confidence intervals using forest plots, extending this to comparing multiple models in a single forest plots.
In addition to the descriptive methods, there are add-ons for the robust covariance matrix provided by the 'sandwich'
package, a function for adding non-linearities to a model, and a wrapper around the 'Epi' package's Lexis() functions for
time-splitting a dataset when modeling non-proportional hazards in Cox regressions.
Author: Max Gordon [aut, cre],
Reinhard Seifert [aut] (Author of original plotHR)
Maintainer: Max Gordon <max@gforge.se>
Diff between Greg versions 1.3.3 dated 2020-03-06 and 1.3.4 dated 2020-06-25
DESCRIPTION | 16 MD5 | 164 +- NEWS | 8 R/addNonlinearity.R | 419 +++-- R/confint_robust.R | 70 R/forestplotCombineRegrObj.R | 2 R/forestplotRegrObj.R | 365 ++-- R/getCrudeAndAdjustedModelData.R | 232 +-- R/getCrudeAndAdjustedModelData.rms.R | 228 +-- R/getModelData4Forestplot.R | 87 - R/plotHR.R | 388 ++--- R/printCrudeAndAdjustedModel.R | 782 +++++----- R/private_functions.R | 546 ++++--- R/private_getCaA.R | 149 +- R/private_plotHR.R | 355 ++-- R/private_printCaA.R | 1392 ++++++++++--------- R/rms_SandwichAddon.R | 220 +-- R/simpleRmsAnova.R | 128 - R/timeSplitter.R | 285 ++- README.md | 1 build/vignette.rds |binary inst/doc/printCrudeAndAdjustedModel.R | 19 inst/doc/printCrudeAndAdjustedModel.Rmd | 27 inst/doc/printCrudeAndAdjustedModel.html | 528 ++++--- inst/doc/timeSplitter.html | 494 +++--- inst/examples/forestplotCombineRegrObj_example.R | 41 inst/examples/forestplotRegrObj_example.R | 67 inst/examples/getCphRegrObjData_example.R | 13 inst/examples/getCrudeAndAdjustedModelData_example.R | 15 inst/examples/isFitCoxPH_example.R | 41 inst/examples/isFitLogit_example.R | 72 inst/examples/plotHR_example.R | 89 - inst/examples/printCrudeAndAdjustedModel_example.R | 177 +- inst/examples/printSimpleFit_example.R | 13 inst/examples/rms_SandwichAddon_example.R | 10 inst/examples/simpleRmsAnova_example.R | 77 - man/GetCoefAndCI.Rd | 4 man/SimpleRmsAnova.Rd | 79 - man/addNonlinearity.Rd | 26 man/bread.ols.Rd | 16 man/caDescribeOpts.Rd | 10 man/confint.ols.Rd | 26 man/confint_robust.Rd | 14 man/estfun.ols.Rd | 17 man/forestplotCombineRegrObj.Rd | 41 man/forestplotRegrObj.Rd | 67 man/getCrudeAndAdjustedModelData.Rd | 27 man/getModelData4Forestplot.Rd | 39 man/hatvalues.ols.Rd | 15 man/isFitFn.Rd | 113 - man/model.matrix.ols.Rd | 6 man/plotHR.Rd | 113 - man/prCaAddRefAndStat.Rd | 24 man/prCaAddReference.Rd | 12 man/prCaAddUserReferences.Rd | 18 man/prCaGetImputationCols.Rd | 4 man/prCaGetVnStats.Rd | 16 man/prCaPrepareCrudeAndAdjusted.Rd | 4 man/prCaReorder.Rd | 6 man/prCaReorderReferenceDescribe.Rd | 22 man/prConvertShowMissing.Rd | 2 man/prEnvModelCall.Rd | 2 man/prGetModelData.Rd | 2 man/prNlChooseDf.Rd | 22 man/prPhConfIntPlot.Rd | 2 man/prPhEstimate.Rd | 2 man/prPrintCAstring.Rd | 11 man/printCrudeAndAdjustedModel.Rd | 252 +-- man/robcov_alt.Rd | 12 man/timeSplitter.Rd | 14 tests/test-interval-timeSplitter.R | 62 tests/testthat/Rplots.pdf |binary tests/testthat/test-addNonlinearity.R | 263 ++- tests/testthat/test-fit.mult.impute-C&A.R | 401 ++--- tests/testthat/test-forestplotCombineRegrObj.R | 182 +- tests/testthat/test-forestplotRegrObj.R | 81 - tests/testthat/test-getCrudeAndAdjustedModelData.R | 437 +++-- tests/testthat/test-isFit.R | 62 tests/testthat/test-plotHR.R | 388 ++--- tests/testthat/test-printCrudeAndAdjustedModel.R | 252 +-- tests/testthat/test-private_functions.R | 731 +++++---- tests/testthat/test-simpleRmsAnova.R | 94 - vignettes/printCrudeAndAdjustedModel.Rmd | 27 83 files changed, 6469 insertions(+), 5071 deletions(-)