Title: Data Import, Cleaning, and Conversions for Swimming Results
Description: The goal of the 'SwimmeR' package is to provide means of acquiring, and then analyzing, data from swimming (and diving) competitions. To that end 'SwimmeR' allows results to be read in from .html sources, like 'Hy-Tek' real time results pages, '.pdf' files, 'ISL' results, 'Omega' results, and (on a development basis) '.hy3' files. Once read in, 'SwimmeR' can convert swimming times (performances) between the computationally useful format of seconds reported to the '100ths' place (e.g. 95.37), and the conventional reporting format (1:35.37) used in the swimming community. 'SwimmeR' can also score meets in a variety of formats with user defined point values, convert times between courses ('LCM', 'SCM', 'SCY') and draw single elimination brackets, as well as providing a suite of tools for working cleaning swimming data. This is a developmental package, not yet mature.
Author: Greg Pilgrim [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7831-442X>),
Caitlin Baldwin [ctb]
Maintainer: Greg Pilgrim <gpilgrim2670@gmail.com>
Diff between SwimmeR versions 0.11.0 dated 2021-07-16 and 0.12.0 dated 2021-08-14
SwimmeR-0.11.0/SwimmeR/R/read_results.R |only SwimmeR-0.11.0/SwimmeR/R/splits_rename_omega.R |only SwimmeR-0.11.0/SwimmeR/R/swim_parse_omega.R |only SwimmeR-0.11.0/SwimmeR/tests/testthat/test-course_convert.R |only SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/DESCRIPTION | 8 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/LICENSE | 4 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/MD5 | 232 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/NAMESPACE | 187 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/NEWS.md | 309 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/R/ISL_event_parse.R | 132 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/R/ISL_splits_parse.R | 391 - SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/R/ISL_swim_parse.R | 840 +- SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/R/King200Breast.R | 28 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/R/Read_Results.R |only SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/R/Swim_Parse.R | 1998 +++-- SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/R/SwimmeR-deprecated.R | 20 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/R/add_row_numbers.R | 38 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/R/collect_relay_swimmers.R | 282 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/R/correcting_splits.R | 262 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/R/course_conversions.R | 540 - SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/R/deprec_collect_relay_swimmers.R | 250 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/R/deprec_swim_parse.R | 3050 ++++----- SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/R/discard_errors.R | 92 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/R/dive_place.R | 80 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/R/draw_bracket.R | 648 - SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/R/event_parse.R | 171 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/R/fill_down.R | 38 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/R/fill_left.R | 54 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/R/fold.R | 62 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/R/format_age.R | 116 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/R/format_as_seconds.R | 118 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/R/format_results.R | 108 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/R/get_mode.R | 104 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/R/globals.R | 203 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/R/hy3_parse.R | 1054 +-- SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/R/hy3_places.R | 150 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/R/hy3_times.R | 158 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/R/interleave_results.R | 70 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/R/is_link_broken.R | 44 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/R/lines_sort.R | 116 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/R/list_transform.R | 40 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/R/mmss_format.R | 54 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/R/name_reorder.R | 218 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/R/not_in.R | 46 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/R/omega_collect_relay_swimmers.R |only SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/R/omega_heat_parse.R |only SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/R/omega_splits_parse_relays.R |only SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/R/omega_splits_rename.R |only SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/R/omega_swim_parse.R |only SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/R/reaction_times_parse.R |only SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/R/results_score.R | 760 +- SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/R/samms_parse.R | 2150 +++--- SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/R/splits_parse.R | 586 - SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/R/splits_reform.R | 80 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/R/splits_to_cumulative.R | 340 - SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/R/splits_to_lap.R | 364 - SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/R/swim_place.R | 68 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/R/tie_rescore.R | 80 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/R/utils-pipe.R | 22 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/README.md | 379 - SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/build/vignette.rds |binary SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/inst/CITATION | 26 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/inst/doc/SwimmeR.R | 346 - SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/inst/doc/SwimmeR.Rmd | 669 - SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/inst/doc/SwimmeR.html | 1220 ++- SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/inst/extdata/NYS_text.RDS |only SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/man/King200Breast.Rd | 38 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/man/Read_Results.Rd | 68 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/man/Swim_Parse.Rd | 194 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/man/add_row_numbers.Rd | 44 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/man/collect_relay_swimmers.Rd | 40 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/man/collect_relay_swimmers_omega.Rd |only SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/man/course_convert.Rd | 98 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/man/course_convert_DF.Rd | 92 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/man/discard_errors.Rd | 78 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/man/dive_place.Rd | 52 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/man/draw_bracket.Rd | 138 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/man/event_parse.Rd | 50 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/man/event_parse_ISL.Rd | 50 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/man/fill_down.Rd | 40 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/man/fill_left.Rd | 46 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/man/fold.Rd | 50 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/man/format_results.Rd | 50 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/man/get_mode.Rd | 92 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/man/grapes-notin-grapes.Rd | 56 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/man/heat_parse_omega.Rd |only SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/man/hy3_places.Rd | 50 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/man/hy3_times.Rd | 44 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/man/interleave_results.Rd | 60 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/man/is_link_broken.Rd | 42 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/man/lines_sort.Rd | 56 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/man/list_transform.Rd | 48 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/man/mmss_format.Rd | 62 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/man/pipe.Rd | 24 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/man/reaction_times_parse.Rd |only SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/man/read_results_flag.Rd | 2 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/man/results_score.Rd | 180 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/man/sec_format.Rd | 64 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/man/sec_format_helper.Rd | 34 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/man/splits_parse.Rd | 60 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/man/splits_parse_ISL.Rd | 48 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/man/splits_parse_omega_relays.Rd |only SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/man/splits_reform.Rd | 54 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/man/splits_rename_omega.Rd | 2 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/man/swim_parse_ISL.Rd | 86 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/man/swim_parse_old.Rd | 162 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/man/swim_parse_omega.Rd | 43 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/man/swim_place.Rd | 52 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/man/tie_rescore.Rd | 54 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/tests/testthat.R | 8 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/tests/testthat/test-Course_Convert.R |only SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/tests/testthat/test-ISL.R | 4047 +++++++++++- SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/tests/testthat/test-age_format.R | 20 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/tests/testthat/test-format_splits.R | 486 - SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/tests/testthat/test-get_mode.R | 20 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/tests/testthat/test-hy3_parse.R | 26 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/tests/testthat/test-omega.R | 2912 ++++++++ SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/tests/testthat/test-reaction_times.R |only SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/tests/testthat/test-read_results.R | 68 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/tests/testthat/test-relay_swimmers.R | 100 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/tests/testthat/test-results_score.R | 178 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/tests/testthat/test-samms.R | 100 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/tests/testthat/test-splits.R | 357 - SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/tests/testthat/test-swim_parse.R | 621 - SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/tests/testthat/test-swim_parse_old.R | 336 SwimmeR-0.12.0/SwimmeR/vignettes/SwimmeR.Rmd | 669 - 126 files changed, 19376 insertions(+), 12480 deletions(-)
Title: Develop R Packages using Rust
Description: A framework is provided to transparently develop R packages using 'Rust' <https://www.rust-lang.org/> with
minimal overhead, and more wrappers are easily added. Help is provided to run 'Cargo' <https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/> in a manner
consistent with CRAN policies. Rust code can also be embedded directly in an R script.
Author: David B. Dahl [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8173-1547>)
Maintainer: David B. Dahl <dahl@stat.byu.edu>
Diff between cargo versions 0.1.29 dated 2021-03-29 and 0.1.37 dated 2021-08-14
DESCRIPTION | 21 ++++++------ MD5 | 49 ++++++++++++++++++++++++---- NAMESPACE | 5 ++ NEWS | 20 +++++++++-- R/cargo.R | 87 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------- R/new_package.R |only R/register_calls.R |only R/rust_fn.R |only inst/rstudio |only inst/template |only man/new_package.Rd |only man/register_calls.Rd |only man/run.Rd | 17 +++++---- man/rust_fn.Rd |only man/target.Rd | 2 - tests |only 16 files changed, 138 insertions(+), 63 deletions(-)
Title: Lightweight Access to the 'Geospatial Data Abstraction Library'
Description: Provides low-level access to 'GDAL' functionality for R packages.
'GDAL' is the 'Geospatial Data Abstraction Library' a translator for raster and vector geospatial data formats
that presents a single raster abstract data model and single vector abstract data model to the calling application
for all supported formats <https://gdal.org/>.
Author: Michael Sumner [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2471-7511>),
Simon Wotherspoon [ctb] (figured out the mechanism for the resampling
Mark Padgham [ctb] (helped get started :)),
Edzer Pebesma [ctb] (wrote allocate_attribute, copied here from sf),
Roger Bivand [ctb] (wrote configure.ac, adapted here from rgdal),
Jim Hester [ctb] (wrote CollectorList.h, copied here from fs package),
Timothy Keitt [ctb] (wrote GetPointsInternal copied here from rgdal2
Jeroen Ooms [ctb] (tweaked build process, provided Windows build tools),
Dale Maschette [ctb] (created the hex logo),
Joseph Stachelek [ctb],
Even Rouault [ctb] (primary author of the COG format and its use of the
GDALwarp app-library, example code used by the warper function
Robert Hijmans [ctb] (wrote some source in the warper, terra package
used as example/inspiration)
Maintainer: Michael Sumner <mdsumner@gmail.com>
Diff between vapour versions 0.7.7 dated 2021-08-05 and 0.7.8 dated 2021-08-14
DESCRIPTION | 8 MD5 | 14 NEWS.md | 5 cleanup | 2 configure | 1793 +++++++++++++++++++-------------- configure.ac | 780 +++++++------- inst/doc/vapour.html | 6 inst/include/gdallibrary/gdallibrary.h | 8 8 files changed, 1481 insertions(+), 1135 deletions(-)
Title: Analysis of Alternative Polyadenylation Using 3' End-Linked
Description: A computational method developed for model-based analysis of alternative polyadenylation (APA) using 3' end-linked reads. It accurately assigns 3' RNA-seq reads to polyA sites through statistical modeling, and generates multiple statistics for APA analysis. Please also see Li WV, Zheng D, Wang R, Tian B (2021) <doi:10.1186/s13059-021-02429-5>.
Author: Wei Vivian Li [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2087-2709>)
Maintainer: Wei Vivian Li <vivian.li@rutgers.edu>
Diff between MAAPER versions 1.1.0 dated 2021-06-21 and 1.1.1 dated 2021-08-14
DESCRIPTION | 10 +-- MD5 | 12 ++-- build/vignette.rds |binary inst/doc/vignette.R | 2 inst/doc/vignette.Rmd | 4 - inst/doc/vignette.html | 143 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------- vignettes/vignette.Rmd | 4 - 7 files changed, 102 insertions(+), 73 deletions(-)
Title: Functions for Time Series Analysis
Description: Includes nonparametric estimators and tests for time series analysis. The functions are to test for presence of possibly non-monotonic trends and for synchronism of trends in multiple time series, using bootstrap techniques and robust nonparametric difference-based estimators.
Author: Vyacheslav Lyubchich [aut, cre]
Yulia R. Gel [aut],
Alexander Brenning [ctb],
Calvin Chu [ctb],
Xin Huang [ctb],
Umar Islambekov [ctb],
Palina Niamkova [ctb],
Dorcas Ofori-Boateng [ctb],
Ethan D. Schaeffer [ctb],
Srishti Vishwakarma [ctb],
Xingyu Wang [ctb]
Maintainer: Vyacheslav Lyubchich <lyubchich@umces.edu>
Diff between funtimes versions 8.0 dated 2021-07-20 and 8.1 dated 2021-08-14
DESCRIPTION | 14 +-- MD5 | 24 ++--- R/fun_cusum.R | 49 +++++++--- R/mcusum_test.R | 84 ++++++++++++++---- build/partial.rdb |binary inst/REFERENCES.bib | 8 + inst/doc/beales.html | 4 inst/doc/trendtests.R | 2 inst/doc/trendtests.Rmd | 4 inst/doc/trendtests.html | 10 +- man/funtimes-package.Rd | 3 man/mcusum_test.Rd | 218 +++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------- vignettes/trendtests.Rmd | 4 13 files changed, 265 insertions(+), 159 deletions(-)
Title: Predict and Visualize Population-Level Changes in Allele
Frequencies in Response to Climate Change
Description: Methods (Kindt, R. 2021. <doi:10.7717/peerj.11534>) are provided of calibrating and predicting shifts in allele frequencies through redundancy analysis ('vegan::rda()') and generalized additive models ('mgcv::gam()'). Visualization functions for predicted changes in allele frequencies include 'shift.dot.ggplot()', 'shift.pie.ggplot()', 'shift.moon.ggplot()', 'shift.waffle.ggplot()' and 'shift.surf.ggplot()' that are made with input data sets that are prepared by helper functions for each visualization method. Examples in the documentation show how to prepare animated climate change graphics through a time series with the 'gganimate' package. Function 'amova.rda()' shows how Analysis of Molecular Variance can be directly conducted with the results from redundancy analysis.
Author: Roeland Kindt [cre, aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7672-0712>)
Maintainer: Roeland Kindt <R.KINDT@CGIAR.ORG>
Diff between AlleleShift versions 1.0-1 dated 2021-04-07 and 1.0-2 dated 2021-08-14
DESCRIPTION | 10 +++++----- MD5 | 16 ++++++++-------- R/zzz.R | 10 +++++----- README.md | 13 +++++++------ build/partial.rdb |binary inst/CITATION | 28 ++++++++++++---------------- inst/ChangeLog | 22 ++++++++++++++++++---- man/count.model.Rd | 44 ++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------- man/shift.surf.ggplot.Rd | 22 ++++++++++++++-------- 9 files changed, 91 insertions(+), 74 deletions(-)
Title: An Opinionated Framework for Using 'JavaScript'
Description: Enforces good practice and provides convenience functions to make work with 'JavaScript'
not just easier but also scalable. It is a robust wrapper to 'NPM', 'yarn', and 'webpack' that
enables to compartmentalize 'JavaScript' code, leverage 'NPM' and 'yarn' packages, include
'TypeScript', 'React', or 'Vue' in web applications, and much more.
Author: John Coene [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6637-4107>)
Maintainer: John Coene <jcoenep@gmail.com>
Diff between packer versions 0.1.0 dated 2021-07-14 and 0.1.1 dated 2021-08-14
packer-0.1.0/packer/man/style_loaders.Rd |only packer-0.1.0/packer/man/use_loader_eslint.Rd |only packer-0.1.1/packer/DESCRIPTION | 13 - packer-0.1.1/packer/MD5 | 82 +++++---- packer-0.1.1/packer/NAMESPACE | 14 + packer-0.1.1/packer/NEWS.md | 21 ++ packer-0.1.1/packer/R/ambiorix.R | 2 packer-0.1.1/packer/R/assertions.R | 9 + packer-0.1.1/packer/R/checks.R |only packer-0.1.1/packer/R/engine.R | 67 +++++++ packer-0.1.1/packer/R/extension.R | 2 packer-0.1.1/packer/R/golem.R | 2 packer-0.1.1/packer/R/input.R | 2 packer-0.1.1/packer/R/leprechaun-files.R |only packer-0.1.1/packer/R/leprechaun.R |only packer-0.1.1/packer/R/library.R | 13 - packer-0.1.1/packer/R/loaders.R | 72 +++++--- packer-0.1.1/packer/R/npm.R | 4 packer-0.1.1/packer/R/output.R | 2 packer-0.1.1/packer/R/plugins.R | 114 ++++++++++++- packer-0.1.1/packer/R/rmd.R | 2 packer-0.1.1/packer/R/utils.R | 2 packer-0.1.1/packer/R/widget.R | 2 packer-0.1.1/packer/R/yarn.R | 2 packer-0.1.1/packer/inst/extension/javascript/extension.js | 2 packer-0.1.1/packer/inst/hooks |only packer-0.1.1/packer/inst/input/javascript/input.js | 12 - packer-0.1.1/packer/inst/jsdoc |only packer-0.1.1/packer/inst/leprechaun |only packer-0.1.1/packer/inst/output/javascript/output.js | 6 packer-0.1.1/packer/man/add_plugin_workbox.Rd |only packer-0.1.1/packer/man/are_minified.Rd |only packer-0.1.1/packer/man/checks.Rd |only packer-0.1.1/packer/man/engine.Rd | 18 ++ packer-0.1.1/packer/man/jsdoc.Rd |only packer-0.1.1/packer/man/make_library.Rd | 10 - packer-0.1.1/packer/man/npm_install.Rd | 4 packer-0.1.1/packer/man/put_precommit_hook.Rd |only packer-0.1.1/packer/man/put_recommended.Rd |only packer-0.1.1/packer/man/put_rprofile_adapt.Rd |only packer-0.1.1/packer/man/scaffold_leprechaun.Rd |only packer-0.1.1/packer/man/use_loader_style.Rd |only packer-0.1.1/packer/man/use_loader_svelte.Rd |only packer-0.1.1/packer/tests/fns.R | 14 + packer-0.1.1/packer/tests/testthat/test-check.R |only packer-0.1.1/packer/tests/testthat/test-extension.R | 2 packer-0.1.1/packer/tests/testthat/test-golem.R | 6 packer-0.1.1/packer/tests/testthat/test-leprechaun.R |only packer-0.1.1/packer/tests/testthat/test-npm.R | 2 packer-0.1.1/packer/tests/testthat/test-widget.R | 1 packer-0.1.1/packer/tests/testthat/test-yarn.R | 8 51 files changed, 411 insertions(+), 101 deletions(-)
Title: Collection of Shiny Apps for Agricultural Research Data Analysis
Description: Allows user to have graphical user interface to perform analysis of Agricultural experimental data. On using the functions in this package a Interactive User Interface will pop up. Apps Works by simple upload of files in CSV format.
Author: Pratheesh P. Gopinath [aut, cre]
Rajender Parsad [aut],
Brigit Joseph [aut],
Adarsh. V.S. [aut],
Kerala Agricultural University [cph] (http://www.kau.in/)
Maintainer: Pratheesh P. Gopinath <grapescoa@gmail.com>
Diff between grapesAgri1 versions 1.0.0 dated 2021-06-14 and 1.1.0 dated 2021-08-14
grapesAgri1-1.0.0/grapesAgri1/man/figures/logo.PNG |only grapesAgri1-1.1.0/grapesAgri1/DESCRIPTION | 27 grapesAgri1-1.1.0/grapesAgri1/MD5 | 92 grapesAgri1-1.1.0/grapesAgri1/NAMESPACE | 18 grapesAgri1-1.1.0/grapesAgri1/NEWS.md |only grapesAgri1-1.1.0/grapesAgri1/R/corr.R | 81 grapesAgri1-1.1.0/grapesAgri1/R/crd.R | 70 grapesAgri1-1.1.0/grapesAgri1/R/desc.R | 86 grapesAgri1-1.1.0/grapesAgri1/R/layout.R | 70 grapesAgri1-1.1.0/grapesAgri1/R/rbd.R | 71 grapesAgri1-1.1.0/grapesAgri1/R/ttest.R | 93 grapesAgri1-1.1.0/grapesAgri1/README.md | 91 grapesAgri1-1.1.0/grapesAgri1/build/partial.rdb |binary grapesAgri1-1.1.0/grapesAgri1/inst/CITATION |only grapesAgri1-1.1.0/grapesAgri1/inst/Corr/app.R | 1086 +++--- grapesAgri1-1.1.0/grapesAgri1/inst/Corr/report.Rmd | 148 grapesAgri1-1.1.0/grapesAgri1/inst/Corr/tests |only grapesAgri1-1.1.0/grapesAgri1/inst/RBD/app.R | 1779 ++++++--- grapesAgri1-1.1.0/grapesAgri1/inst/RBD/report.Rmd | 451 +- grapesAgri1-1.1.0/grapesAgri1/inst/comp_mean/app.R | 1874 ++++++---- grapesAgri1-1.1.0/grapesAgri1/inst/comp_mean/report.Rmd | 52 grapesAgri1-1.1.0/grapesAgri1/inst/comp_mean/tests |only grapesAgri1-1.1.0/grapesAgri1/inst/crd/app.R | 1567 +++++--- grapesAgri1-1.1.0/grapesAgri1/inst/crd/report.Rmd | 474 +- grapesAgri1-1.1.0/grapesAgri1/inst/desc/app.R | 863 ++-- grapesAgri1-1.1.0/grapesAgri1/inst/desc/report.Rmd | 63 grapesAgri1-1.1.0/grapesAgri1/inst/desc/tests |only grapesAgri1-1.1.0/grapesAgri1/inst/layout/app.R | 2848 +++++++++------- grapesAgri1-1.1.0/grapesAgri1/inst/layout/report.Rmd | 385 +- grapesAgri1-1.1.0/grapesAgri1/inst/layout/tests |only grapesAgri1-1.1.0/grapesAgri1/man/corrApp.Rd | 94 grapesAgri1-1.1.0/grapesAgri1/man/crdApp.Rd | 151 grapesAgri1-1.1.0/grapesAgri1/man/descApp.Rd | 140 grapesAgri1-1.1.0/grapesAgri1/man/figures/Corr.png |only grapesAgri1-1.1.0/grapesAgri1/man/figures/Corr1.png |only grapesAgri1-1.1.0/grapesAgri1/man/figures/crd.png |only grapesAgri1-1.1.0/grapesAgri1/man/figures/crd2.png |only grapesAgri1-1.1.0/grapesAgri1/man/figures/crd3.PNG |only grapesAgri1-1.1.0/grapesAgri1/man/figures/crd4.png |only grapesAgri1-1.1.0/grapesAgri1/man/figures/desc.png |only grapesAgri1-1.1.0/grapesAgri1/man/figures/layout.png |only grapesAgri1-1.1.0/grapesAgri1/man/figures/logo.png |only grapesAgri1-1.1.0/grapesAgri1/man/figures/rbd.png |only grapesAgri1-1.1.0/grapesAgri1/man/figures/rbd1.png |only grapesAgri1-1.1.0/grapesAgri1/man/figures/rbd2.png |only grapesAgri1-1.1.0/grapesAgri1/man/layoutApp.Rd | 131 grapesAgri1-1.1.0/grapesAgri1/man/rbdApp.Rd | 151 grapesAgri1-1.1.0/grapesAgri1/man/ttApp.Rd | 121 grapesAgri1-1.1.0/grapesAgri1/tests |only 49 files changed, 7740 insertions(+), 5337 deletions(-)
Title: A Wrapper of the JavaScript Library 'jsTree'
Description: Creates interactive trees that can be included in 'Shiny' apps and R markdown documents. A tree allows to represent hierarchical data (e.g. the contents of a directory). Similar to the 'shinyTree' package but offers more features and options, such as the grid extension, restricting the drag-and-drop behavior, and settings for the search functionality. It is possible to attach some data to the nodes of a tree and then to get these data in 'Shiny' when a node is selected. Also provides a 'Shiny' gadget allowing to manipulate one or more folders.
Author: Stéphane Laurent [aut, cre],
jQuery contributors [ctb, cph] (jQuery),
Ivan Bozhanov [ctb, cph] (jsTree),
Vedran Opacic [ctb, cph] (jsTree bootstrap theme),
Avi Deitcher [ctb, cph] (jsTreeGrid),
Philip Hutchison [ctb, cph] (PDFObject),
Terence Eden [ctb, cph] (SuperTinyIcons)
Maintainer: Stéphane Laurent <laurent_step@outlook.fr>
Diff between jsTreeR versions 1.3.0 dated 2021-08-01 and 1.3.1 dated 2021-08-14
DESCRIPTION | 6 ++-- MD5 | 11 +++++--- NEWS.md | 5 +++ R/jstree.R | 58 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ inst/examples/contextMenu |only man/jstree.Rd | 58 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 6 files changed, 131 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
Title: Using Fonts More Easily in R Graphs
Description: Making it easy to use various types of fonts ('TrueType',
'OpenType', Type 1, web fonts, etc.) in R graphs, and supporting most output
formats of R graphics including PNG, PDF and SVG. Text glyphs will be converted
into polygons or raster images, hence after the plot has been created, it no
longer relies on the font files. No external software such as 'Ghostscript' is
needed to use this package.
Author: Yixuan Qiu and authors/contributors of the
included software. See file AUTHORS for details.
Maintainer: Yixuan Qiu <yixuan.qiu@cos.name>
Diff between showtext versions 0.9-3 dated 2021-07-26 and 0.9-4 dated 2021-08-14
DESCRIPTION | 8 MD5 | 20 +- NAMESPACE | 2 R/showtext.R | 12 - R/zzz.R | 92 ++++----- configure | 70 +++++++ configure.ac | 16 + inst/NEWS.Rd | 423 ++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------- inst/doc/introduction.html | 4 src/register_routines.c | 4 src/showtext-win.def | 13 - 11 files changed, 377 insertions(+), 287 deletions(-)
Title: Set Axis Break for 'ggplot2'
Description: An implementation of scale functions for setting axis breaks of a 'gg' plot.
Author: Guangchuang Yu [aut, cre, cph]
Shuangbin Xu [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3513-5362>)
Maintainer: Guangchuang Yu <guangchuangyu@gmail.com>
Diff between ggbreak versions 0.0.3 dated 2021-05-21 and 0.0.4 dated 2021-08-14
DESCRIPTION | 6 - MD5 | 20 ++-- NEWS.md | 7 + R/method-ggplot-add.R | 12 ++ R/method-grid-draw.R | 67 +++++++++------ R/method-print.R | 8 - R/utilities.R | 9 ++ inst/doc/ggbreak.R | 4 inst/doc/ggbreak.Rmd | 4 inst/doc/ggbreak.html | 219 ++++++++++++++++++++------------------------------ vignettes/ggbreak.Rmd | 4 11 files changed, 180 insertions(+), 180 deletions(-)
Title: Unmatched Monotone Regression
Description: Unmatched regression refers to the regression setting where
covariates and predictors are collected separately/independently and so are not paired together, as in the usual regression setting. Balabdaoui, Doss, and Durot (2021) <arXiv:2007.00830> study the unmatched regression setting where the univariate regression function is known to be monotone. This package implements methods for computing the estimator developed in Balabdaoui, Doss, and Durot (2021). The main method is an active-set-trust-region-based method.
Author: Charles Doss [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1364-5222>)
Maintainer: Charles Doss <cdoss@stat.umn.edu>
Diff between UMR versions 1.0.0 dated 2020-09-02 and 1.1.0 dated 2021-08-14
UMR-1.0.0/UMR/R/gradDesc.R |only UMR-1.0.0/UMR/R/gradDesc_PC.R |only UMR-1.0.0/UMR/R/grad_SIR_generic.R |only UMR-1.0.0/UMR/man/gradDesc.Rd |only UMR-1.0.0/UMR/man/gradDesc_PC.Rd |only UMR-1.0.0/UMR/man/grad_SIR_generic.Rd |only UMR-1.1.0/UMR/DESCRIPTION | 17 +--- UMR-1.1.0/UMR/MD5 | 44 ++++++++---- UMR-1.1.0/UMR/NAMESPACE | 24 ++++++ UMR-1.1.0/UMR/R/UMR.R | 19 +++-- UMR-1.1.0/UMR/R/UMR_CC_generic.R |only UMR-1.1.0/UMR/R/UMRactiveSet.R |only UMR-1.1.0/UMR/R/UMRactiveSet_trust.R |only UMR-1.1.0/UMR/R/UMRactiveSet_trust2.R |only UMR-1.1.0/UMR/R/UMRgradDesc.R |only UMR-1.1.0/UMR/R/UMRgradDesc_PC.R |only UMR-1.1.0/UMR/R/UMRgradDesc_fixed_df.R |only UMR-1.1.0/UMR/R/UMRgrad_generic.R |only UMR-1.1.0/UMR/R/UMRhess.R |only UMR-1.1.0/UMR/R/gradDesc_fixed_df.R |only UMR-1.1.0/UMR/R/grad_helpers.R | 104 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++--- UMR-1.1.0/UMR/R/objective_fn.R |only UMR-1.1.0/UMR/R/umr_deconv.R | 2 UMR-1.1.0/UMR/man/UMR.Rd | 17 ++-- UMR-1.1.0/UMR/man/UMR_CC_generic.Rd |only UMR-1.1.0/UMR/man/UMRactiveSet.Rd |only UMR-1.1.0/UMR/man/UMRactiveSet_trust.Rd |only UMR-1.1.0/UMR/man/UMRactiveSet_trust2.Rd |only UMR-1.1.0/UMR/man/UMRgradDesc.Rd |only UMR-1.1.0/UMR/man/UMRgradDesc_PC.Rd |only UMR-1.1.0/UMR/man/UMRgradDesc_fixed_df.Rd |only UMR-1.1.0/UMR/man/UMRgrad_generic.Rd |only UMR-1.1.0/UMR/man/UMRhess.Rd |only UMR-1.1.0/UMR/man/gradDesc_fixed_df.Rd |only UMR-1.1.0/UMR/man/grad_helpers.Rd | 23 ++++++ UMR-1.1.0/UMR/man/objective_fn_numint.Rd |only UMR-1.1.0/UMR/man/umr_deconv.Rd | 2 37 files changed, 201 insertions(+), 51 deletions(-)
Title: Open Population Capture-Recapture
Description: Functions for non-spatial and spatial open-population capture-recapture analysis.
Author: Murray Efford [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5231-5184>)
Maintainer: Murray Efford <murray.efford@otago.ac.nz>
Diff between openCR versions 2.0.2 dated 2021-05-15 and 2.1.0 dated 2021-08-14
openCR-2.0.2/openCR/tests/testthat/test-initial.R |only openCR-2.1.0/openCR/DESCRIPTION | 10 openCR-2.1.0/openCR/MD5 | 100 +- openCR-2.1.0/openCR/NAMESPACE | 16 openCR-2.1.0/openCR/NEWS | 33 openCR-2.1.0/openCR/R/PCH1.R | 6 openCR-2.1.0/openCR/R/RcppExports.R | 28 openCR-2.1.0/openCR/R/cumMove.R |only openCR-2.1.0/openCR/R/derived.r | 4 openCR-2.1.0/openCR/R/kernel.R | 565 +++++++++------- openCR-2.1.0/openCR/R/loglik.R | 93 +- openCR-2.1.0/openCR/R/logliksecr.R | 38 - openCR-2.1.0/openCR/R/m.array.R | 7 openCR-2.1.0/openCR/R/methods.R | 46 + openCR-2.1.0/openCR/R/openCR.design.R | 13 openCR-2.1.0/openCR/R/openCR.esa.r | 25 openCR-2.1.0/openCR/R/openCR.fit.R | 218 ++++-- openCR-2.1.0/openCR/R/openCR.make.newdata.R | 12 openCR-2.1.0/openCR/R/plot.openCR.R | 6 openCR-2.1.0/openCR/R/posterior2.R | 18 openCR-2.1.0/openCR/R/predict.openCR.R | 5 openCR-2.1.0/openCR/R/prwisecr.R | 7 openCR-2.1.0/openCR/R/utility.R | 370 ++++++---- openCR-2.1.0/openCR/build/partial.rdb |binary openCR-2.1.0/openCR/inst/doc/openCR-vignette.R | 6 openCR-2.1.0/openCR/inst/doc/openCR-vignette.Rmd | 101 +- openCR-2.1.0/openCR/inst/doc/openCR-vignette.pdf |binary openCR-2.1.0/openCR/man/derived.Rd | 4 openCR-2.1.0/openCR/man/kernel.Rd | 13 openCR-2.1.0/openCR/man/matchscale.Rd | 8 openCR-2.1.0/openCR/man/openCR-package.Rd | 6 openCR-2.1.0/openCR/man/openCR.fit.Rd | 5 openCR-2.1.0/openCR/man/openCR.make.newdata.Rd | 30 openCR-2.1.0/openCR/man/openCRlist.Rd |only openCR-2.1.0/openCR/man/pMove.Rd |only openCR-2.1.0/openCR/man/par.openCR.fit.Rd | 12 openCR-2.1.0/openCR/man/pkernel.Rd | 18 openCR-2.1.0/openCR/man/predict.openCR.Rd | 18 openCR-2.1.0/openCR/src/PCH1.cpp | 118 ++- openCR-2.1.0/openCR/src/RcppExports.cpp | 87 +- openCR-2.1.0/openCR/src/geth.cpp | 5 openCR-2.1.0/openCR/src/kernel.cpp | 652 ++++++++++++------- openCR-2.1.0/openCR/src/makegk.cpp | 40 - openCR-2.1.0/openCR/src/makelookup.cpp | 15 openCR-2.1.0/openCR/src/pradel.cpp | 8 openCR-2.1.0/openCR/src/prwiparallel.cpp | 10 openCR-2.1.0/openCR/src/prwisecrparallel.cpp | 331 ++++++--- openCR-2.1.0/openCR/src/utils.cpp | 157 ++-- openCR-2.1.0/openCR/src/utils.h | 501 ++++++++------ openCR-2.1.0/openCR/tests/testthat.R | 6 openCR-2.1.0/openCR/tests/testthat/test-kernel.R |only openCR-2.1.0/openCR/tests/testthat/test-nonspatial.R |only openCR-2.1.0/openCR/tests/testthat/test-spatial.R |only openCR-2.1.0/openCR/tests/testthat/test-stratified.R |only openCR-2.1.0/openCR/vignettes/openCR-vignette.Rmd | 101 +- 55 files changed, 2449 insertions(+), 1423 deletions(-)
Title: Fuzzy Rank Tests and Confidence Intervals
Description: Does fuzzy tests and confidence intervals (following Geyer
and Meeden, Statistical Science, 2005, <doi:10.1214/088342305000000340>)
for sign test and Wilcoxon signed rank and rank sum tests.
Author: Charles J. Geyer <charlie@stat.umn.edu>
Maintainer: Charles J. Geyer <charlie@stat.umn.edu>
Diff between fuzzyRankTests versions 0.3-10 dated 2017-03-15 and 0.4 dated 2021-08-14
ChangeLog | 2 ++ DESCRIPTION | 8 ++++---- MD5 | 8 ++++---- src/fpvranksum.c | 8 ++++++++ src/fpvsignrank.c | 10 ++++++++++ 5 files changed, 28 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
More information about fuzzyRankTests at CRAN
Permanent link
Title: R API Datetime
Description: Access to the C-level R date and datetime code is provided for
C-level API use by other packages via registration of native functions.
Client packages simply include a single header 'RApiDatetime.h' provided
by this package, and also 'import' it. The R Core group is the original
author of the code made available with slight modifications by this package.
Author: Dirk Eddelbuettel
Maintainer: Dirk Eddelbuettel <edd@debian.org>
Diff between RApiDatetime versions 0.0.5 dated 2021-08-05 and 0.0.6 dated 2021-08-14
ChangeLog | 14 ++++++++++++++ DESCRIPTION | 8 ++++---- MD5 | 9 +++++---- inst/NEWS.Rd | 8 ++++++++ src/datetime.c | 2 +- tests/version.R |only 6 files changed, 32 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)