Sun, 23 Jun 2024

Package smplot2 updated to version 0.2.4 with previous version 0.2.3 dated 2024-05-29

Title: Creating Standalone and Composite Plots in 'ggplot2' for Publications
Description: Provides functions for creating and annotating a composite plot in 'ggplot2'. Offers background themes and shortcut plotting functions that produce figures that are appropriate for the format of scientific journals. Some methods are described in Min and Zhou (2021) <doi:10.3389/fgene.2021.802894>.
Author: Seung Hyun Min [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Seung Hyun (Sam) Min <>

Diff between smplot2 versions 0.2.3 dated 2024-05-29 and 0.2.4 dated 2024-06-23

 DESCRIPTION         |    6 +++---
 MD5                 |   12 ++++++------             |    8 +++++++-
 R/sm_pointplot.R    |   46 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------
 R/sm_put_together.R |   16 ++++------------           |    2 +-
 man/sm_pointplot.Rd |    7 ++++++-
 7 files changed, 57 insertions(+), 40 deletions(-)

More information about smplot2 at CRAN
Permanent link

Package BCClong updated to version 1.0.3 with previous version 1.0.2 dated 2024-02-05

Title: Bayesian Consensus Clustering for Multiple Longitudinal Features
Description: It is very common nowadays for a study to collect multiple features and appropriately integrating multiple longitudinal features simultaneously for defining individual clusters becomes increasingly crucial to understanding population heterogeneity and predicting future outcomes. 'BCClong' implements a Bayesian consensus clustering (BCC) model for multiple longitudinal features via a generalized linear mixed model. Compared to existing packages, several key features make the 'BCClong' package appealing: (a) it allows simultaneous clustering of mixed-type (e.g., continuous, discrete and categorical) longitudinal features, (b) it allows each longitudinal feature to be collected from different sources with measurements taken at distinct sets of time points (known as irregularly sampled longitudinal data), (c) it relaxes the assumption that all features have the same clustering structure by estimating the feature-specific (local) clusterings and consensus (global) clustering.
Author: Zhiwen Tan [aut, cre], Zihang Lu [ctb], Chang Shen [ctb]
Maintainer: Zhiwen Tan <>

Diff between BCClong versions 1.0.2 dated 2024-02-05 and 1.0.3 dated 2024-06-23

 BCClong-1.0.2/BCClong/inst/extdata                             |only
 BCClong-1.0.3/BCClong/DESCRIPTION                              |    9 
 BCClong-1.0.3/BCClong/MD5                                      |   80 
 BCClong-1.0.3/BCClong/NAMESPACE                                |    5 
 BCClong-1.0.3/BCClong/R/DiscrepancyMeasure.R                   |   11 
 BCClong-1.0.3/BCClong/R/Traceplot.R                            |  117 -
 BCClong-1.0.3/BCClong/R/Trajplot.R                             |    6 
 BCClong-1.0.3/BCClong/R/bccLong.R                              |   14 
 BCClong-1.0.3/BCClong/R/classMethods.R                         |only
 BCClong-1.0.3/BCClong/R/dataset.R                              |only
 BCClong-1.0.3/BCClong/R/modelSelection.R                       |   18 
 BCClong-1.0.3/BCClong/data                                     |only
 BCClong-1.0.3/BCClong/inst/doc/ContinuousData.R                |   27 
 BCClong-1.0.3/BCClong/inst/doc/ContinuousData.Rmd              |   49 
 BCClong-1.0.3/BCClong/inst/doc/ContinuousData.html             |  825 +++++-----
 BCClong-1.0.3/BCClong/inst/doc/MixedTypeData.R                 |   10 
 BCClong-1.0.3/BCClong/inst/doc/MixedTypeData.Rmd               |   27 
 BCClong-1.0.3/BCClong/inst/doc/MixedTypeData.html              |  396 +++-
 BCClong-1.0.3/BCClong/man/BCC.multi.Rd                         |   12 
 BCClong-1.0.3/BCClong/man/BayesT.Rd                            |    7 
 BCClong-1.0.3/BCClong/man/PBCseqfit.Rd                         |only
 BCClong-1.0.3/BCClong/man/conRes.Rd                            |only
 BCClong-1.0.3/BCClong/man/epil.Rd                              |only
 BCClong-1.0.3/BCClong/man/epil1.Rd                             |only
 BCClong-1.0.3/BCClong/man/epil2.Rd                             |only
 BCClong-1.0.3/BCClong/man/epil3.Rd                             |only
 BCClong-1.0.3/BCClong/man/example.Rd                           |only
 BCClong-1.0.3/BCClong/man/example1.Rd                          |only
 BCClong-1.0.3/BCClong/man/model.selection.criteria.Rd          |   12 
 BCClong-1.0.3/BCClong/man/plot.BCC.Rd                          |only
 BCClong-1.0.3/BCClong/man/print.BCC.Rd                         |only
 BCClong-1.0.3/BCClong/man/summary.BCC.Rd                       |only
 BCClong-1.0.3/BCClong/man/traceplot.Rd                         |  114 -
 BCClong-1.0.3/BCClong/man/trajplot.Rd                          |    6 
 BCClong-1.0.3/BCClong/tests/testthat/test-DiscrepancyMeasure.R |    8 
 BCClong-1.0.3/BCClong/tests/testthat/test-Traceplot.R          |   10 
 BCClong-1.0.3/BCClong/tests/testthat/test-Trajplot.R           |    8 
 BCClong-1.0.3/BCClong/tests/testthat/test-bccLong.R            |    8 
 BCClong-1.0.3/BCClong/tests/testthat/test-modelSelection.R     |   14 
 BCClong-1.0.3/BCClong/vignettes/ContinuousData.Rmd             |   49 
 BCClong-1.0.3/BCClong/vignettes/MixedTypeData.Rmd              |   27 
 41 files changed, 1025 insertions(+), 844 deletions(-)

More information about BCClong at CRAN
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Package rspiro updated to version 0.5 with previous version 0.4 dated 2023-08-07

Title: Implementation of Spirometry Equations
Description: Implementation of various spirometry equations in R, currently the GLI-2012 (Global Lung Initiative; Quanjer et al. 2012 <doi:10.1183/09031936.00080312>), the race-neutral GLI global 2022 (Global Lung Initiative; Bowerman et al. 2023 <doi:10.1164/rccm.202205-0963OC>), the NHANES3 (National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey; Hankinson et al. 1999 <doi:10.1164/ajrccm.159.1.9712108>) and the JRS 2014 (Japanese Respiratory Society; Kubota et al. 2014 <doi:10.1016/j.resinv.2014.03.003>) equations. Also the GLI-2017 diffusing capacity equations <doi:10.1183/13993003.00010-2017> are implemented. Contains user-friendly functions to calculate predicted and LLN (Lower Limit of Normal) values for different spirometric parameters such as FEV1 (Forced Expiratory Volume in 1 second), FVC (Forced Vital Capacity), etc, and to convert absolute spirometry measurements to percent (%) predicted and z-scores.
Author: Theodore Lytras
Maintainer: Theodore Lytras <>

Diff between rspiro versions 0.4 dated 2023-08-07 and 0.5 dated 2024-06-23

 DESCRIPTION                       |   17 +++++++-----
 MD5                               |   51 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------
 NAMESPACE                         |   10 +++++++
 R/LLN_GLIdiff.R                   |only
 R/LLN_JRS.R                       |only
 R/getLMS_GLIdiff.R                |only
 R/getLMS_GLIgl.R                  |    2 -
 R/getLMS_JRS.R                    |only
 R/include.R                       |   16 ++++++++++-
 R/pctpred_GLIdiff.R               |only
 R/pctpred_GLIgl.R                 |    2 -
 R/pctpred_JRS.R                   |only
 R/pred_GLIdiff.R                  |only
 R/pred_JRS.R                      |only
 R/raw_GLIdiff.R                   |only
 R/raw_JRS.R                       |only
 R/rspiro-package.R                |   11 +++-----
 R/sysdata.rda                     |binary
 R/zscores_GLIdiff.R               |only
 R/zscores_GLIgl.R                 |    2 -
 R/zscores_JRS.R                   |only                         |    5 ++-
 man/LLN_GLIdiff.Rd                |only
 man/LLN_JRS.Rd                    |only
 man/getLMS_GLIdiff.Rd             |only
 man/getLMS_JRS.Rd                 |only
 man/pctpred_GLIdiff.Rd            |only
 man/pctpred_GLIgl.Rd              |    2 -
 man/pctpred_JRS.Rd                |only
 man/pred_GLIdiff.Rd               |only
 man/pred_JRS.Rd                   |only
 man/raw_GLIdiff.Rd                |only
 man/raw_JRS.Rd                    |only
 man/rspiro-package.Rd             |   10 +++----
 man/rspiro_check_somat.Rd         |   16 +++++++++++
 man/zscore_GLIdiff.Rd             |only
 man/zscore_GLIgl.Rd               |    2 -
 man/zscore_JRS.Rd                 |only
 tests/testthat/test-zscores_JRS.R |only
 39 files changed, 105 insertions(+), 41 deletions(-)

More information about rspiro at CRAN
Permanent link

Package nanonext updated to version 1.1.1 with previous version 1.1.0 dated 2024-06-04

Title: NNG (Nanomsg Next Gen) Lightweight Messaging Library
Description: R binding for NNG (Nanomsg Next Gen), a successor to ZeroMQ. NNG is a socket library implementing 'Scalability Protocols', a reliable, high-performance standard for common communications patterns including publish/subscribe, request/reply and service discovery, over in-process, IPC, TCP, WebSocket and secure TLS transports. As its own threaded concurrency framework, provides a toolkit for asynchronous programming and distributed computing, with intuitive 'aio' objects which resolve automatically upon completion of asynchronous operations, and synchronisation primitives allowing R to wait upon events signalled by concurrent threads.
Author: Charlie Gao [aut, cre] , Hibiki AI Limited [cph], R Consortium [fnd]
Maintainer: Charlie Gao <>

Diff between nanonext versions 1.1.0 dated 2024-06-04 and 1.1.1 dated 2024-06-23

 nanonext-1.1.0/nanonext/man/base64enc.Rd            |only
 nanonext-1.1.0/nanonext/man/recv_aio_signal.Rd      |only
 nanonext-1.1.0/nanonext/man/request_signal.Rd       |only
 nanonext-1.1.0/nanonext/man/strcat.Rd               |only
 nanonext-1.1.1/nanonext/DESCRIPTION                 |   11 
 nanonext-1.1.1/nanonext/MD5                         |   79 ++--
 nanonext-1.1.1/nanonext/NAMESPACE                   |    9 
 nanonext-1.1.1/nanonext/                     |   16 
 nanonext-1.1.1/nanonext/R/aio.R                     |   43 --
 nanonext-1.1.1/nanonext/R/context.R                 |   28 -
 nanonext-1.1.1/nanonext/R/messenger.R               |    2 
 nanonext-1.1.1/nanonext/R/nano.R                    |    8 
 nanonext-1.1.1/nanonext/R/ncurl.R                   |   77 ++++
 nanonext-1.1.1/nanonext/R/sync.R                    |    7 
 nanonext-1.1.1/nanonext/R/tls.R                     |   47 --
 nanonext-1.1.1/nanonext/R/utils.R                   |   27 -
 nanonext-1.1.1/nanonext/                   |   40 +-
 nanonext-1.1.1/nanonext/build/vignette.rds          |binary
 nanonext-1.1.1/nanonext/inst/doc/nanonext.Rmd       |   60 +--
 nanonext-1.1.1/nanonext/inst/doc/nanonext.html      |   54 +--
 nanonext-1.1.1/nanonext/man/as.promise.ncurlAio.Rd  |only
 nanonext-1.1.1/nanonext/man/call_aio.Rd             |    8 
 nanonext-1.1.1/nanonext/man/collect_aio.Rd          |    5 
 nanonext-1.1.1/nanonext/man/cv.Rd                   |    7 
 nanonext-1.1.1/nanonext/man/msleep.Rd               |    6 
 nanonext-1.1.1/nanonext/man/ncurl_aio.Rd            |   24 +
 nanonext-1.1.1/nanonext/man/recv_aio.Rd             |    2 
 nanonext-1.1.1/nanonext/man/request.Rd              |    6 
 nanonext-1.1.1/nanonext/man/set_promise_context.Rd  |    3 
 nanonext-1.1.1/nanonext/man/stop_aio.Rd             |    6 
 nanonext-1.1.1/nanonext/man/unresolved.Rd           |    4 
 nanonext-1.1.1/nanonext/src/aio.c                   |  359 +++++++++++---------
 nanonext-1.1.1/nanonext/src/core.c                  |  255 +++++---------
 nanonext-1.1.1/nanonext/src/init.c                  |   14 
 nanonext-1.1.1/nanonext/src/keycert.c               |    2 
 nanonext-1.1.1/nanonext/src/nanonext.h              |   66 ++-
 nanonext-1.1.1/nanonext/src/protocol.c              |   20 -
 nanonext-1.1.1/nanonext/src/thread.c                |   99 ++---
 nanonext-1.1.1/nanonext/src/tls.c                   |  110 ------
 nanonext-1.1.1/nanonext/src/utils.c                 |   56 +--
 nanonext-1.1.1/nanonext/tests/tests.R               |   69 +--
 nanonext-1.1.1/nanonext/vignettes/nanonext.Rmd      |   60 +--
 nanonext-1.1.1/nanonext/vignettes/nanonext.Rmd.orig |   23 -
 43 files changed, 839 insertions(+), 873 deletions(-)

More information about nanonext at CRAN
Permanent link

Package ferrn updated to version 0.1.0 with previous version 0.0.2 dated 2022-08-06

Title: Facilitate Exploration of touRR optimisatioN
Description: Diagnostic plots for optimisation, with a focus on projection pursuit. These show paths the optimiser takes in the high-dimensional space in multiple ways: by reducing the dimension using principal component analysis, and also using the tour to show the path on the high-dimensional space. Several botanical colour palettes are included, reflecting the name of the package. A paper describing the methodology can be found at <>.
Author: H. Sherry Zhang [aut, cre] , Dianne Cook [aut] , Ursula Laa [aut] , Nicolas Langrene [aut] , Patricia Menendez [aut]
Maintainer: H. Sherry Zhang <>

Diff between ferrn versions 0.0.2 dated 2022-08-06 and 0.1.0 dated 2024-06-23

 ferrn-0.0.2/ferrn/R/explore_space.R                 |only
 ferrn-0.0.2/ferrn/man/get_anchor.Rd                 |only
 ferrn-0.0.2/ferrn/man/get_basis_matrix.Rd           |only
 ferrn-0.0.2/ferrn/man/get_best.Rd                   |only
 ferrn-0.0.2/ferrn/man/get_dir_search.Rd             |only
 ferrn-0.0.2/ferrn/man/get_interp.Rd                 |only
 ferrn-0.0.2/ferrn/man/get_interp_last.Rd            |only
 ferrn-0.0.2/ferrn/man/get_interrupt.Rd              |only
 ferrn-0.0.2/ferrn/man/get_search.Rd                 |only
 ferrn-0.0.2/ferrn/man/get_search_count.Rd           |only
 ferrn-0.0.2/ferrn/man/get_space_param.Rd            |only
 ferrn-0.0.2/ferrn/man/get_start.Rd                  |only
 ferrn-0.0.2/ferrn/man/get_theo.Rd                   |only
 ferrn-0.1.0/ferrn/DESCRIPTION                       |   22 +
 ferrn-0.1.0/ferrn/MD5                               |   89 ++++---
 ferrn-0.1.0/ferrn/NAMESPACE                         |   25 ++
 ferrn-0.1.0/ferrn/                           |    5 
 ferrn-0.1.0/ferrn/R/bind.R                          |   39 +--
 ferrn-0.1.0/ferrn/R/calc-squintability.R            |only
 ferrn-0.1.0/ferrn/R/data-pipe-sine.R                |only
 ferrn-0.1.0/ferrn/R/data.R                          |   92 -------
 ferrn-0.1.0/ferrn/R/draw.R                          |   16 -
 ferrn-0.1.0/ferrn/R/explore-space-pca.R             |only
 ferrn-0.1.0/ferrn/R/explore-space-tour.R            |only
 ferrn-0.1.0/ferrn/R/ferrn-package.R                 |    6 
 ferrn-0.1.0/ferrn/R/get.R                           |  232 +++++++++-----------
 ferrn-0.1.0/ferrn/R/plot-projection.R               |only
 ferrn-0.1.0/ferrn/                         |   59 +++--
 ferrn-0.1.0/ferrn/data/holes_1d_jellyfish.rda       |only
 ferrn-0.1.0/ferrn/data/pipe1000.rda                 |only
 ferrn-0.1.0/ferrn/data/pipe1000_10d.rda             |only
 ferrn-0.1.0/ferrn/data/pipe1000_12d.rda             |only
 ferrn-0.1.0/ferrn/data/pipe1000_8d.rda              |only
 ferrn-0.1.0/ferrn/data/sine1000.rda                 |only
 ferrn-0.1.0/ferrn/data/sine1000_8d.rda              |only
 ferrn-0.1.0/ferrn/inst/CITATION                     |   10 
 ferrn-0.1.0/ferrn/inst/reference.bib                |only
 ferrn-0.1.0/ferrn/man/add_anchor.Rd                 |    2 
 ferrn-0.1.0/ferrn/man/add_anno.Rd                   |    2 
 ferrn-0.1.0/ferrn/man/add_dir_search.Rd             |    2 
 ferrn-0.1.0/ferrn/man/add_end.Rd                    |    2 
 ferrn-0.1.0/ferrn/man/add_interrupt.Rd              |    2 
 ferrn-0.1.0/ferrn/man/add_search.Rd                 |    2 
 ferrn-0.1.0/ferrn/man/add_space.Rd                  |    2 
 ferrn-0.1.0/ferrn/man/add_start.Rd                  |    9 
 ferrn-0.1.0/ferrn/man/add_theo.Rd                   |   13 -
 ferrn-0.1.0/ferrn/man/bind_random_matrix.Rd         |    4 
 ferrn-0.1.0/ferrn/man/bind_theoretical.Rd           |    4 
 ferrn-0.1.0/ferrn/man/data.Rd                       |   91 +------
 ferrn-0.1.0/ferrn/man/explore_space_pca.Rd          |   63 ++---
 ferrn-0.1.0/ferrn/man/explore_space_tour.Rd         |   14 -
 ferrn-0.1.0/ferrn/man/explore_trace.Rd              |    2 
 ferrn-0.1.0/ferrn/man/explore_trace_search.Rd       |    2 
 ferrn-0.1.0/ferrn/man/ferrn-package.Rd              |    6 
 ferrn-0.1.0/ferrn/man/figures/README-pca-plot-1.png |binary
 ferrn-0.1.0/ferrn/man/get.Rd                        |only
 ferrn-0.1.0/ferrn/man/optim.Rd                      |only
 ferrn-0.1.0/ferrn/man/pca-helper.Rd                 |only
 ferrn-0.1.0/ferrn/man/pipe-sine-boa.Rd              |only
 ferrn-0.1.0/ferrn/man/projection.Rd                 |only
 ferrn-0.1.0/ferrn/tests/testthat/test-bind.R        |    2 
 61 files changed, 363 insertions(+), 456 deletions(-)

More information about ferrn at CRAN
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Package bonsai updated to version 0.3.0 with previous version 0.2.1 dated 2022-11-29

Title: Model Wrappers for Tree-Based Models
Description: Bindings for additional tree-based model engines for use with the 'parsnip' package. Models include gradient boosted decision trees with 'LightGBM' (Ke et al, 2017.), conditional inference trees and conditional random forests with 'partykit' (Hothorn and Zeileis, 2015. and Hothorn et al, 2006. <doi:10.1198/106186006X133933>), and accelerated oblique random forests with 'aorsf' (Jaeger et al, 2022 <doi:10.5281/zenodo.7116854>).
Author: Daniel Falbel [aut], Athos Damiani [aut], Roel M. Hogervorst [aut] , Max Kuhn [aut] , Simon Couch [aut, cre] , Posit Software, PBC [cph, fnd]
Maintainer: Simon Couch <>

Diff between bonsai versions 0.2.1 dated 2022-11-29 and 0.3.0 dated 2024-06-23

 DESCRIPTION                       |   30 ++--
 LICENSE                           |    2 
 MD5                               |   34 ++---                           |   12 +
 R/aorsf_data.R                    |only
 R/lightgbm.R                      |  181 ++++++++++++++++-------------
 R/lightgbm_data.R                 |    4 
 R/partykit_data.R                 |   10 -
 R/zzz.R                           |    2                         |    2 
 build/partial.rdb                 |binary
 build/vignette.rds                |binary
 inst/doc/bonsai.R                 |    2 
 inst/doc/bonsai.html              |  237 +++++++++++++++-----------------------
 man/bonsai-package.Rd             |    9 -
 man/train_lightgbm.Rd             |    3 
 tests/testthat/_snaps/ |   28 +++-
 tests/testthat/test-aorsf.R       |only
 tests/testthat/test-lightgbm.R    |  125 ++++++++++++++++++++
 19 files changed, 406 insertions(+), 275 deletions(-)

More information about bonsai at CRAN
Permanent link

Package climaemet updated to version 1.3.0 with previous version 1.2.1 dated 2024-01-30

Title: Climate AEMET Tools
Description: Tools to download the climatic data of the Spanish Meteorological Agency (AEMET) directly from R using their API and create scientific graphs (climate charts, trend analysis of climate time series, temperature and precipitation anomalies maps, warming stripes graphics, climatograms, etc.).
Author: Manuel Pizarro [aut, cph] , Diego Hernangomez [aut, cre] , Gema Fernandez-Aviles [aut]
Maintainer: Diego Hernangomez <>

Diff between climaemet versions 1.2.1 dated 2024-01-30 and 1.3.0 dated 2024-06-23

 DESCRIPTION                             |   23 -
 MD5                                     |  162 +++++---
 NAMESPACE                               |    4                                 |  217 ++++++-----
 R/aemet_api_key.R                       |   92 +++-
 R/aemet_api_query.R                     |  468 ++++++++++++-------------
 R/aemet_beaches.R                       |only
 R/aemet_daily.R                         |  251 +++++++------
 R/aemet_extremes.R                      |  146 +++++--
 R/aemet_forecast_beach.R                |only
 R/aemet_forecast_daily.R                |  125 ++++--
 R/aemet_forecast_hourly.R               |  447 ++++++++++++++---------
 R/aemet_forecast_utils.R                |   10 
 R/aemet_last_obs.R                      |  126 ++++--
 R/aemet_monthly.R                       |  599 +++++++++++++++++++-------------
 R/aemet_normal.R                        |  147 ++++---
 R/aemet_stations.R                      |   41 --
 R/climaemet_news.R                      |    2 
 R/climatogram.R                         |   45 +-
 R/data.R                                |   13 
 R/helpers.R                             |   31 +
 R/helpers_api.R                         |only
 R/stripes.R                             |   23 -
 R/utils.R                               |   48 +-
 R/windrose.R                            |   24 -                               |  106 ++---
 build/vignette.rds                      |binary
 data/aemet_munic.rda                    |binary
 data/climaemet_9434_climatogram.rda     |binary
 data/climaemet_9434_temp.rda            |binary
 data/climaemet_9434_wind.rda            |binary
 inst/WORDLIST                           |    2 
 inst/doc/climaemet.Rmd                  |   68 +--
 inst/doc/climaemet.html                 |   70 +--
 inst/doc/extending-climaemet.Rmd        |  113 +++---
 inst/doc/extending-climaemet.html       |  107 +++--
 inst/schemaorg.json                     |    4 
 man/aemet_api_key.Rd                    |   22 -
 man/aemet_beaches.Rd                    |only
 man/aemet_daily.Rd                      |   30 +
 man/aemet_detect_api_key.Rd             |   10 
 man/aemet_extremes_clim.Rd              |   25 -
 man/aemet_forecast.Rd                   |   76 +++-
 man/aemet_forecast_beaches.Rd           |only
 man/aemet_forecast_utils.Rd             |   11 
 man/aemet_last_obs.Rd                   |   18 
 man/aemet_monthly.Rd                    |   32 +
 man/aemet_munic.Rd                      |   11 
 man/aemet_normal.Rd                     |   24 -
 man/aemet_stations.Rd                   |   12 
 man/climaemet_9434_temp.Rd              |    2 
 man/climaemet_9434_wind.Rd              |    2 
 man/climatestripes_station.Rd           |   10 
 man/climatogram_normal.Rd               |   10 
 man/climatogram_period.Rd               |   14 
 man/dms2decdegrees.Rd                   |    7 
 man/figures/README-climatestripes-1.png |binary
 man/figures/README-climatogram-1.png    |binary
 man/figures/README-spatial-1.png        |binary
 man/figures/README-windrose-1.png       |binary
 man/get_data_aemet.Rd                   |    9 
 man/ggclimat_walter_lieth.Rd            |   16 
 man/ggstripes.Rd                        |   16 
 man/ggwindrose.Rd                       |   10 
 man/windrose_days.Rd                    |   12 
 man/windrose_period.Rd                  |   10 
 tests                                   |only
 vignettes/climaemet.Rmd                 |   68 +--
 vignettes/example-gif.gif               |binary
 vignettes/extending-climaemet.Rmd       |  113 +++---
 vignettes/spatial-1.png                 |binary
 71 files changed, 2398 insertions(+), 1686 deletions(-)

More information about climaemet at CRAN
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Package tidysdm updated to version 0.9.5 with previous version 0.9.4 dated 2024-03-05

Title: Species Distribution Models with Tidymodels
Description: Fit species distribution models (SDMs) using the 'tidymodels' framework, which provides a standardised interface to define models and process their outputs. 'tidysdm' expands 'tidymodels' by providing methods for spatial objects, models and metrics specific to SDMs, as well as a number of specialised functions to process occurrences for contemporary and palaeo datasets. The full functionalities of the package are described in Leonardi et al. (2023) <doi:10.1101/2023.07.24.550358>.
Author: Michela Leonardi [aut], Margherita Colucci [aut], Andrea Pozzi [aut], Andrea Manica [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Andrea Manica <>

Diff between tidysdm versions 0.9.4 dated 2024-03-05 and 0.9.5 dated 2024-06-23

 tidysdm-0.9.4/tidysdm/R/dist_pres_vs_abs.R                          |only
 tidysdm-0.9.4/tidysdm/R/plot_pres_vs_abs.R                          |only
 tidysdm-0.9.4/tidysdm/R/tidysdm.R                                   |only
 tidysdm-0.9.4/tidysdm/man/tidysdm.Rd                                |only
 tidysdm-0.9.4/tidysdm/tests/testthat/Rplots.pdf                     |only
 tidysdm-0.9.4/tidysdm/tests/testthat/test_filter_high_cor.R         |only
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/DESCRIPTION                                   |   24 
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/MD5                                           |  188 
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/NAMESPACE                                     |   19 
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/                                       |    6 
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/R/add_member.R                                |    1 
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/R/add_repeat.R                                |    1 
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/R/autoplot_simple_ensemble.R                  |    2 
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/R/blockcv2rsample.R                           |   11 
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/R/calib_class_thresh.R                        |    5 
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/R/clamp_predictors.R                          |only
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/R/datasets_docs.R                             |   14 
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/R/dist_pres_vs_bg.R                           |only
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/R/explain_tidysdm.R                           |    3 
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/R/extrapol_mess.R                             |only
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/R/filter_caret.R                              |only
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/R/filter_collinear.R                          |only
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/R/filter_high_cor.R                           |  180 
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/R/filter_vif.R                                |only
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/R/geom_split_violin.R                         |    4 
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/R/maxent.R                                    |    8 
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/R/niche_overlap.R                             |only
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/R/plot_pres_vs_bg.R                           |only
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/R/predict_raster.R                            |   13 
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/R/predict_repeat_ensemble.R                   |    2 
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/R/predict_simple_ensemble.R                   |    4 
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/R/prob_metrics.R                              |   13 
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/R/recipe_sf.R                                 |    8 
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/R/sample_background.R                         |only
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/R/sample_background_time.R                    |only
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/R/sample_pseudoabs.R                          |   20 
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/R/sample_pseudoabs_time.R                     |   38 
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/R/sdm_spec_boost_tree.R                       |    1 
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/R/sdm_spec_gam.R                              |    1 
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/R/sdm_spec_glm.R                              |    1 
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/R/sdm_spec_maxent.R                           |    5 
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/R/sdm_spec_rand_forest.R                      |    1 
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/R/simple_ensemble.R                           |    4 
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/R/spatial_initial_split.R                     |   10 
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/R/sysdata.rda                                 |only
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/R/tidysdm-package.R                           |only
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/R/zzz.R                                       |   16 
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/build/partial.rdb                             |binary
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/build/vignette.rds                            |binary
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/data/lacerta.rda                              |binary
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/data/lacerta_ensemble.rda                     |binary
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/data/lacertidae_background.rda                |only
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/inst/WORDLIST                                 |   28 
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/inst/doc/a0_tidysdm_overview.R                |  127 
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/inst/doc/a0_tidysdm_overview.Rmd              |  540 +-
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/inst/doc/a0_tidysdm_overview.html             | 2163 ++++++++--
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/inst/doc/a1_palaeodata_application.R          |    6 
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/inst/doc/a1_palaeodata_application.Rmd        |    6 
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/inst/doc/a1_palaeodata_application.html       |   30 
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/inst/doc/a2_tidymodels_additions.R            |    2 
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/inst/doc/a2_tidymodels_additions.Rmd          |    2 
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/inst/doc/a2_tidymodels_additions.html         |  465 +-
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/inst/doc/a3_troubleshooting.R                 |    2 
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/inst/doc/a3_troubleshooting.Rmd               |    4 
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/inst/doc/a3_troubleshooting.html              |   62 
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/inst/extdata/    |binary
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/man/add_member.Rd                             |    1 
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/man/add_repeat.Rd                             |    1 
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/man/autoplot.simple_ensemble.Rd               |    6 
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/man/calib_class_thresh.Rd                     |    5 
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/man/clamp_predictors.Rd                       |only
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/man/dist_pres_vs_bg.Rd                        |    2 
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/man/extrapol_mess.Rd                          |only
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/man/filter_collinear.Rd                       |only
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/man/filter_high_cor.Rd                        |   11 
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/man/geom_split_violin.Rd                      |   51 
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/man/lacertidae_background.Rd                  |only
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/man/maxent.Rd                                 |    8 
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/man/niche_overlap.Rd                          |only
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/man/plot_pres_vs_bg.Rd                        |    2 
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/man/predict.repeat_ensemble.Rd                |    1 
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/man/predict.simple_ensemble.Rd                |    3 
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/man/predict_raster.Rd                         |    7 
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/man/prob_metrics_sf.Rd                        |   14 
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/man/recipe.sf.Rd                              |    8 
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/man/sample_background.Rd                      |only
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/man/sample_background_time.Rd                 |only
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/man/sample_pseudoabs.Rd                       |   20 
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/man/sample_pseudoabs_time.Rd                  |   20 
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/man/sdm_spec_boost_tree.Rd                    |    8 
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/man/sdm_spec_gam.Rd                           |    8 
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/man/sdm_spec_glm.Rd                           |    8 
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/man/sdm_spec_maxent.Rd                        |   12 
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/man/sdm_spec_rand_forest.Rd                   |    8 
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/man/simple_ensemble.Rd                        |    4 
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/man/spatial_initial_split.Rd                  |    4 
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/man/tidysdm-package.Rd                        |only
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/tests/testthat/test_blockcv2rsample.R         |    4 
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/tests/testthat/test_clamp_predictors.R        |only
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/tests/testthat/test_extrapol_mess.R           |only
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/tests/testthat/test_filter_collinear.R        |only
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/tests/testthat/test_initial_spatial_split.R   |only
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/tests/testthat/test_overlap_niche.R           |only
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/tests/testthat/test_predict_simple_ensemble.R |    1 
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/tests/testthat/test_prob_metrics_sf.R         |   16 
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/tests/testthat/test_recipe_sf.R               |    3 
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/tests/testthat/test_sample_background.R       |only
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/tests/testthat/test_sample_background_time.R  |only
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/vignettes/a0_tidysdm_overview.Rmd             |  540 +-
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/vignettes/a1_palaeodata_application.Rmd       |    6 
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/vignettes/a2_tidymodels_additions.Rmd         |    2 
 tidysdm-0.9.5/tidysdm/vignettes/a3_troubleshooting.Rmd              |    4 
 112 files changed, 3352 insertions(+), 1476 deletions(-)

More information about tidysdm at CRAN
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Package mmirestriktor updated to version 0.3.0 with previous version 0.2.1 dated 2023-12-18

Title: Informative Hypothesis Testing Web Applications
Description: Offering enhanced statistical power compared to traditional hypothesis testing methods, informative hypothesis testing allows researchers to explicitly model their expectations regarding the relationships among parameters. An important software tool for this framework is 'restriktor'. The 'mmirestriktor' package provides 'shiny' web applications to implement some of the basic functionality of 'restriktor'. The mmirestriktor() function launches a 'shiny' application for fitting and analyzing models with constraints. The FbarCards() function launches a card game application which can help build intuition about informative hypothesis testing. The iht_interpreter() helps interpret informative hypothesis testing results based on guidelines in Vanbrabant and Rosseel (2020) <doi:10.4324/9780429273872-14>.
Author: Mackson Ncube [aut, cre], mightymetrika, LLC [cph, fnd]
Maintainer: Mackson Ncube <>

Diff between mmirestriktor versions 0.2.1 dated 2023-12-18 and 0.3.0 dated 2024-06-23

 DESCRIPTION                               |   11 
 MD5                                       |   30 -
 NAMESPACE                                 |    1 
 R/app.R                                   |  500 +++++++++----------
 R/interpreters.R                          |  255 +++++-----
 R/replext.R                               |  210 ++++----
 R/replext_funcs.R                         |  758 +++++++++++++++---------------
 R/replext_helpers.R                       |  392 ++++++++-------
 R/replext_helpers_pgsql.R                 |only
 R/replext_pgsql.R                         |only                                 |    1 
 man/appendInputParams_pgsql.Rd            |only
 man/getUIParams_pgsql.Rd                  |only
 man/iht_interpreter.Rd                    |    1 
 man/replext.Rd                            |    3 
 man/replext_pgsql.Rd                      |only
 man/rm_interpreter.Rd                     |    4 
 man/runSimulation_pgsql.Rd                |only
 tests/testthat/test-replext_table_cells.R |   34 -
 19 files changed, 1120 insertions(+), 1080 deletions(-)

More information about mmirestriktor at CRAN
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Package digest updated to version 0.6.36 with previous version 0.6.35 dated 2024-03-11

Title: Create Compact Hash Digests of R Objects
Description: Implementation of a function 'digest()' for the creation of hash digests of arbitrary R objects (using the 'md5', 'sha-1', 'sha-256', 'crc32', 'xxhash', 'murmurhash', 'spookyhash', 'blake3', 'crc32c', 'xxh3_64', and 'xxh3_128' algorithms) permitting easy comparison of R language objects, as well as functions such as'hmac()' to create hash-based message authentication code. Please note that this package is not meant to be deployed for cryptographic purposes for which more comprehensive (and widely tested) libraries such as 'OpenSSL' should be used.
Author: Dirk Eddelbuettel <> with contributions by Antoine Lucas, Jarek Tuszynski, Henrik Bengtsson, Simon Urbanek, Mario Frasca, Bryan Lewis, Murray Stokely, Hannes Muehleisen, Duncan Murdoch, Jim Hester, Wush Wu, Qiang Kou, Thierry Onkelinx, [...truncated...]
Maintainer: Dirk Eddelbuettel <>

Diff between digest versions 0.6.35 dated 2024-03-11 and 0.6.36 dated 2024-06-23

 ChangeLog                   |   41 +++++++++
 DESCRIPTION                 |    8 -
 MD5                         |   26 +++---
 NAMESPACE                   |    2                   |    2 
 build/vignette.rds          |binary
 inst/tinytest/test_digest.R |  183 +++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 man/digest.Rd               |    4 
 src/SpookyV2.cpp            |    2 
 src/blake3.c                |    2 
 src/blake3_impl.h           |   19 ++++
 src/blake3_portable.c       |   10 --
 src/digest.c                |   29 ++++++
 src/spooky_serialize.cpp    |   32 ++++---
 14 files changed, 221 insertions(+), 139 deletions(-)

More information about digest at CRAN
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Package RMaCzek updated to version 1.6.0 with previous version 1.5.1 dated 2023-08-19

Title: Czekanowski's Diagrams
Description: Allows for production of Czekanowski's Diagrams with clusters. See K. Bartoszek, A. Vasterlund (2020) <doi:10.2478/bile-2020-0008> and K. Bartoszek, Y. Luo (2023) <doi:10.14708/ma.v51i2.7259>.
Author: Albin Vasterlund [aut], Krzysztof Bartoszek [cre, aut, ths], Ying Luo [aut], Piotr Jaskulski [ctb]
Maintainer: Krzysztof Bartoszek <>

Diff between RMaCzek versions 1.5.1 dated 2023-08-19 and 1.6.0 dated 2024-06-23

 DESCRIPTION        |   13 +--
 MD5                |    8 +-
 R/czek_matrix.R    |  211 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 inst/CITATION      |   15 +++
 man/czek_matrix.Rd |   12 +++
 5 files changed, 167 insertions(+), 92 deletions(-)

More information about RMaCzek at CRAN
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Package occCite updated to version 0.5.7 with previous version 0.5.6 dated 2022-08-05

Title: Querying and Managing Large Biodiversity Occurrence Datasets
Description: Facilitates the gathering of biodiversity occurrence data from disparate sources. Metadata is managed throughout the process to facilitate reporting and enhanced ability to repeat analyses.
Author: Hannah L. Owens [aut, cre] , Cory Merow [aut] , Brian Maitner [aut] , Jamie M. Kass [aut] , Vijay Barve [aut] , Robert P. Guralnick [aut] , Damiano Oldoni [rev] for rOpenSci, see <>)
Maintainer: Hannah L. Owens <>

Diff between occCite versions 0.5.6 dated 2022-08-05 and 0.5.7 dated 2024-06-23

 DESCRIPTION                            |   12 -
 MD5                                    |   66 +++---
 NAMESPACE                              |    2                                |    8 
 R/GBIFtableCleanup.R                   |   28 +-
 R/getBIENpoints.R                      |   10 
 R/occCitation.R                        |   17 -
 R/occCiteData.R                        |    2 
 R/occCitePrint.R                       |   18 +
 R/occCite_plotting.R                   |   39 +--
 R/occQuery.R                           |   10 
 R/occSum.R                             |    8 
 R/studyTaxonList.R                     |    6 
 R/tabGBIF.R                            |   29 +-
 R/taxonRectification.R                 |    6 
 build/vignette.rds                     |binary
 data/myOccCiteObject.rda               |binary
 inst/doc/a_Simple.html                 |  287 +++++++++++++-------------
 inst/doc/b_Advanced.html               |  356 ++++++++++++++++-----------------
 man/occCiteData-class.Rd               |    2 
 man/occQuery.Rd                        |    8 
 man/studyTaxonList.Rd                  |    6 
 man/taxonRectification.Rd              |    6 
 tests/testthat/test-GBIFLoginManager.R |    2 
 tests/testthat/test-GBIFtableCleanup.R |   37 ++-
 tests/testthat/test-getBIENpoints.R    |    7 
 tests/testthat/test-getGBIFpoints.R    |    6 
 tests/testthat/test-map.R              |   25 --
 tests/testthat/test-occCitation.R      |   11 -
 tests/testthat/test-occSum.R           |    4 
 tests/testthat/test-prevGBIFdownload.R |    4 
 tests/testthat/test-sumFig.R           |   28 --
 tests/testthat/test-tabGBIF.R          |   18 -
 tests/testthat/test-tabulate.R         |   21 -
 34 files changed, 549 insertions(+), 540 deletions(-)

More information about occCite at CRAN
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Package lrstat updated to version 0.2.9 with previous version 0.2.8 dated 2024-06-19

Title: Power and Sample Size Calculation for Non-Proportional Hazards and Beyond
Description: Performs power and sample size calculation for non-proportional hazards model using the Fleming-Harrington family of weighted log-rank tests. The sequentially calculated log-rank test score statistics are assumed to have independent increments as characterized in Anastasios A. Tsiatis (1982) <doi:10.1080/01621459.1982.10477898>. The mean and variance of log-rank test score statistics are calculated based on Kaifeng Lu (2021) <doi:10.1002/pst.2069>. The boundary crossing probabilities are calculated using the recursive integration algorithm described in Christopher Jennison and Bruce W. Turnbull (2000, ISBN:0849303168). The package can also be used for continuous, binary, and count data. For continuous data, it can handle missing data through mixed-model for repeated measures (MMRM). In crossover designs, it can estimate direct treatment effects while accounting for carryover effects. For binary data, it can design Simon's 2-stage, modified toxicity probability-2 (mTPI-2), a [...truncated...]
Author: Kaifeng Lu [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Kaifeng Lu <>

Diff between lrstat versions 0.2.8 dated 2024-06-19 and 0.2.9 dated 2024-06-23

 lrstat-0.2.8/lrstat/src/liferegr.cpp          |only
 lrstat-0.2.8/lrstat/src/phregr.cpp            |only
 lrstat-0.2.9/lrstat/DESCRIPTION               |    8 
 lrstat-0.2.9/lrstat/MD5                       |   52 -
 lrstat-0.2.9/lrstat/NAMESPACE                 |    2 
 lrstat-0.2.9/lrstat/                   |    9 
 lrstat-0.2.9/lrstat/R/RcppExports.R           | 1157 +++++++++++++++++---------
 lrstat-0.2.9/lrstat/R/data.R                  |   25 
 lrstat-0.2.9/lrstat/data/immdef.rda           |only
 lrstat-0.2.9/lrstat/man/binary_tte_sim.Rd     |only
 lrstat-0.2.9/lrstat/man/fwgtmat.Rd            |    2 
 lrstat-0.2.9/lrstat/man/immdef.Rd             |only
 lrstat-0.2.9/lrstat/man/lrsim.Rd              |    4 
 lrstat-0.2.9/lrstat/man/lrsim2e.Rd            |    2 
 lrstat-0.2.9/lrstat/man/lrsim2e3a.Rd          |    2 
 lrstat-0.2.9/lrstat/man/lrsim3a.Rd            |    2 
 lrstat-0.2.9/lrstat/man/rpsft.Rd              |only
 lrstat-0.2.9/lrstat/man/updateGraph.Rd        |    2 
 lrstat-0.2.9/lrstat/src/RcppExports.cpp       |  242 +++--
 lrstat-0.2.9/lrstat/src/basket.cpp            |   36 
 lrstat-0.2.9/lrstat/src/binary_tte_sim.cpp    |only
 lrstat-0.2.9/lrstat/src/kmstat.cpp            |  520 +----------
 lrstat-0.2.9/lrstat/src/lrsim.cpp             |  456 +++++-----
 lrstat-0.2.9/lrstat/src/lrstat.cpp            |  570 ------------
 lrstat-0.2.9/lrstat/src/misc.cpp              |  298 +++---
 lrstat-0.2.9/lrstat/src/nbstat.cpp            |   61 -
 lrstat-0.2.9/lrstat/src/rmstat.cpp            |   95 +-
 lrstat-0.2.9/lrstat/src/rpsft.cpp             |only
 lrstat-0.2.9/lrstat/src/survival_analysis.cpp |only
 lrstat-0.2.9/lrstat/src/survival_analysis.h   |only
 lrstat-0.2.9/lrstat/src/utilities.cpp         |   73 -
 lrstat-0.2.9/lrstat/src/utilities.h           |    3 
 32 files changed, 1668 insertions(+), 1953 deletions(-)

More information about lrstat at CRAN
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Package ganGenerativeData updated to version 2.0.2 with previous version 2.0.1 dated 2024-06-17

Title: Generate Generative Data for a Data Source
Description: Generative Adversarial Networks are applied to generate generative data for a data source. A generative model consisting of a generator and a discriminator network is trained. During iterative training the distribution of generated data is converging to that of the data source. Direct applications of generative data are the created functions for data classifying and missing data completion. A software service for accelerated training of generative models on graphics processing units is available. Reference: Goodfellow et al. (2014) <doi:10.48550/arXiv.1406.2661>.
Author: Werner Mueller
Maintainer: Werner Mueller <>

Diff between ganGenerativeData versions 2.0.1 dated 2024-06-17 and 2.0.2 dated 2024-06-23

 DESCRIPTION                      |    8 ++++----
 MD5                              |    4 ++--
 man/ganGenerativeData-package.Rd |    8 +++++---
 3 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

More information about ganGenerativeData at CRAN
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Package eph updated to version 1.0.2 with previous version 1.0.1 dated 2024-06-19

Title: Argentina's Permanent Household Survey Data and Manipulation Utilities
Description: Tools to download and manipulate the Permanent Household Survey from Argentina (EPH is the Spanish acronym for Permanent Household Survey). e.g: get_microdata() for downloading the datasets, get_poverty_lines() for downloading the official poverty baskets, calculate_poverty() for the calculation of stating if a household is in poverty or not, following the official methodology. organize_panels() is used to concatenate observations from different periods, and organize_labels() adds the official labels to the data. The implemented methods are based on INDEC (2016) <>. As this package works with the argentinian Permanent Household Survey and its main audience is from this country, the documentation was written in Spanish.
Author: Carolina Pradier [aut, cre] , Diego Kozlowski [aut] , Pablo Tiscornia [aut], Guido Weksler [aut], Natsumi Shokida [aut], German Rosati [aut] , Juan Gabriel Juara [ctb]
Maintainer: Carolina Pradier <>

Diff between eph versions 1.0.1 dated 2024-06-19 and 1.0.2 dated 2024-06-23

 DESCRIPTION                            |   10 ++++-----
 MD5                                    |   16 +++++++--------                                |    3 ++
 R/get_eahu.R                           |   12 +++++++----
 R/get_microdata.R                      |   12 +++++++----
 R/get_poverty_lines.R                  |   18 +++++++++++------
 R/get_total_urbano.R                   |   12 +++++++----
 inst/doc/eph.html                      |   34 ++++++++++++++++-----------------
 tests/testthat/test-get_total_urbano.R |   22 ++++++---------------
 9 files changed, 76 insertions(+), 63 deletions(-)

More information about eph at CRAN
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New package imanr with initial version 1.0.2
Package: imanr
Title: Identify the Racial Complex of Native Corns from Mexico
Version: 1.0.2
Maintainer: Rafael Nieves-Alvarez <>
Description: A model that provides researchers with a powerful tool for the classification and study of native corn by aiding in the identification of racial complexes which are fundamental to Mexico's agriculture and culture. This package has been developed based on data collected by "Proyecto Global de Maíces Nativos México", which has conducted exhaustive surveys across the country to document the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of different types of native maize. The trained model uses a robust and diverse dataset, enabling it to achieve an 80% accuracy in classifying maize racial complexes. The characteristics included in the analysis comprise geographic location, grain and cob colors, as well as various physical measurements, such as lengths and widths.
License: GPL (>= 3)
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: true
LazyDataCompression: xz
Imports: missForest, caret, ranger, dplyr, parallel, doParallel, foreach
Suggests: testthat (>= 3.0.0), knitr, rmarkdown
VignetteBuilder: knitr
Depends: R (>= 3.5.0)
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-06-16 16:28:06 UTC; rafa
Author: Rafael Nieves-Alvarez [aut, cre] , Arturo Sanchez-Porras [aut, cph] , Aline Romero-Natale [aut] , Otilio Arturo Acevedo-Sandoval [aut]
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-06-23 14:30:02 UTC

More information about imanr at CRAN
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Package canvasXpress updated to version 1.50.5 with previous version 1.46.9-1 dated 2023-11-08

Title: Visualization Package for CanvasXpress in R
Description: Enables creation of visualizations using the CanvasXpress framework in R. CanvasXpress is a standalone JavaScript library for reproducible research with complete tracking of data and end-user modifications stored in a single PNG image that can be played back. See <> for more information.
Author: Isaac Neuhaus [aut], Connie Brett [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Connie Brett <>

Diff between canvasXpress versions 1.46.9-1 dated 2023-11-08 and 1.50.5 dated 2024-06-23

 canvasXpress-1.46.9-1/canvasXpress/                                           |only
 canvasXpress-1.46.9-1/canvasXpress/vignettes/images/R-BoxPlot1.png                     |only
 canvasXpress-1.46.9-1/canvasXpress/vignettes/images/R-Boxplot.png                      |only
 canvasXpress-1.46.9-1/canvasXpress/vignettes/images/R-ClusteredBar1.png                |only
 canvasXpress-1.46.9-1/canvasXpress/vignettes/images/R-Heatmap.png                      |only
 canvasXpress-1.46.9-1/canvasXpress/vignettes/images/R-Scatter2D.png                    |only
 canvasXpress-1.46.9-1/canvasXpress/vignettes/images/R-Scatter2DMatrix.png              |only
 canvasXpress-1.46.9-1/canvasXpress/vignettes/images/R-Scatter3D.png                    |only
 canvasXpress-1.46.9-1/canvasXpress/vignettes/images/R-StackedBar.png                   |only
 canvasXpress-1.46.9-1/canvasXpress/vignettes/images/R-Venn.png                         |only
 canvasXpress-1.46.9-1/canvasXpress/vignettes/images/hexagon.png                        |only
 canvasXpress-1.46.9-1/canvasXpress/vignettes/images/piping1.png                        |only
 canvasXpress-1.46.9-1/canvasXpress/vignettes/images/piping2.png                        |only
 canvasXpress-1.46.9-1/canvasXpress/vignettes/images/piping3.png                        |only
 canvasXpress-1.50.5/canvasXpress/DESCRIPTION                                           |    8 
 canvasXpress-1.50.5/canvasXpress/MD5                                                   |  105 
 canvasXpress-1.50.5/canvasXpress/                                               |    5 
 canvasXpress-1.50.5/canvasXpress/R/ggplot_as_list.R                                    |    2 
 canvasXpress-1.50.5/canvasXpress/R/html_functionality.R                                |   18 
 canvasXpress-1.50.5/canvasXpress/build/vignette.rds                                    |binary
 canvasXpress-1.50.5/canvasXpress/inst/doc/additional_examples.Rmd                      |   14 
 canvasXpress-1.50.5/canvasXpress/inst/doc/additional_examples.html                     |   18 
 canvasXpress-1.50.5/canvasXpress/inst/doc/getting_started.Rmd                          |   12 
 canvasXpress-1.50.5/canvasXpress/inst/doc/getting_started.html                         |   16 
 canvasXpress-1.50.5/canvasXpress/inst/htmlwidgets/canvasXpress.yaml                    |    2 
 canvasXpress-1.50.5/canvasXpress/inst/htmlwidgets/lib/canvasXpress/canvasXpress.css    |10918 ++++------
 canvasXpress-1.50.5/canvasXpress/inst/htmlwidgets/lib/canvasXpress/canvasXpress.min.js |    8 
 canvasXpress-1.50.5/canvasXpress/inst/shiny-examples/example2/server.R                 |    2 
 canvasXpress-1.50.5/canvasXpress/inst/shiny-examples/example3/customPlots.R            |   54 
 canvasXpress-1.50.5/canvasXpress/inst/ui-examples/cX-function.R.gz                     |binary
 canvasXpress-1.50.5/canvasXpress/man/canvasXpress-package.Rd                           |    1 
 canvasXpress-1.50.5/canvasXpress/tests/testthat/setup.R                                |   14 
 canvasXpress-1.50.5/canvasXpress/tests/testthat/test-other--BASE.R                     |   62 
 canvasXpress-1.50.5/canvasXpress/tests/testthat/test-other-boxplot-grouping.R          |    2 
 canvasXpress-1.50.5/canvasXpress/tests/testthat/test-other-data-url.R                  |    2 
 canvasXpress-1.50.5/canvasXpress/tests/testthat/test-other-decorations.R               |   30 
 canvasXpress-1.50.5/canvasXpress/tests/testthat/test-other-differentiated-groups.R     |    6 
 canvasXpress-1.50.5/canvasXpress/tests/testthat/test-other-duplicated-labels.R         |    8 
 canvasXpress-1.50.5/canvasXpress/tests/testthat/test-other-ggplot.R                    |    2 
 canvasXpress-1.50.5/canvasXpress/tests/testthat/test-other-ggplot_as_list.R            |only
 canvasXpress-1.50.5/canvasXpress/tests/testthat/test-other-html-functionality.R        |only
 canvasXpress-1.50.5/canvasXpress/tests/testthat/test-other-logical-groups.R            |   30 
 canvasXpress-1.50.5/canvasXpress/tests/testthat/test-other-network-localfile.R         |    6 
 canvasXpress-1.50.5/canvasXpress/tests/testthat/test-other-null-data.R                 |    2 
 canvasXpress-1.50.5/canvasXpress/tests/testthat/test-other-piping.R                    |   75 
 canvasXpress-1.50.5/canvasXpress/tests/testthat/test-other-precalculated-barplot.R     |   20 
 canvasXpress-1.50.5/canvasXpress/tests/testthat/test-other-precalculated-boxplot.R     |   20 
 canvasXpress-1.50.5/canvasXpress/tests/testthat/test-other-segregation-ordering.R      |    2 
 canvasXpress-1.50.5/canvasXpress/tests/testthat/test-other-segregation-title.R         |    4 
 canvasXpress-1.50.5/canvasXpress/tests/testthat/test-other-segregation-tooltips.R      |    2 
 canvasXpress-1.50.5/canvasXpress/tests/testthat/test-other-toolbartype.R               |    2 
 canvasXpress-1.50.5/canvasXpress/tests/testthat/test-ui-meter.R                        |    4 
 canvasXpress-1.50.5/canvasXpress/tests/testthat/test-ui-sankey.R                       |    4 
 canvasXpress-1.50.5/canvasXpress/vignettes/additional_examples.Rmd                     |   14 
 canvasXpress-1.50.5/canvasXpress/vignettes/getting_started.Rmd                         |   12 
 canvasXpress-1.50.5/canvasXpress/vignettes/images/R-BoxPlot1.jpg                       |only
 canvasXpress-1.50.5/canvasXpress/vignettes/images/R-Boxplot.jpg                        |only
 canvasXpress-1.50.5/canvasXpress/vignettes/images/R-ClusteredBar1.jpg                  |only
 canvasXpress-1.50.5/canvasXpress/vignettes/images/R-Heatmap.jpg                        |only
 canvasXpress-1.50.5/canvasXpress/vignettes/images/R-Scatter2D.jpg                      |only
 canvasXpress-1.50.5/canvasXpress/vignettes/images/R-Scatter2DMatrix.jpg                |only
 canvasXpress-1.50.5/canvasXpress/vignettes/images/R-Scatter3D.jpg                      |only
 canvasXpress-1.50.5/canvasXpress/vignettes/images/R-StackedBar.jpg                     |only
 canvasXpress-1.50.5/canvasXpress/vignettes/images/R-Venn.jpg                           |only
 canvasXpress-1.50.5/canvasXpress/vignettes/images/hexagon.jpg                          |only
 canvasXpress-1.50.5/canvasXpress/vignettes/images/piping1.jpg                          |only
 canvasXpress-1.50.5/canvasXpress/vignettes/images/piping2.jpg                          |only
 canvasXpress-1.50.5/canvasXpress/vignettes/images/piping3.jpg                          |only
 68 files changed, 5455 insertions(+), 6051 deletions(-)

More information about canvasXpress at CRAN
Permanent link

Package clrng (with last version 0.0.3) was removed from CRAN

Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:

2024-06-17 0.0.3

Permanent link
Package ichimoku updated to version 1.5.3 with previous version 1.5.2 dated 2024-06-04

Title: Visualization and Tools for Ichimoku Kinko Hyo Strategies
Description: An implementation of 'Ichimoku Kinko Hyo', also commonly known as 'cloud charts'. Static and interactive visualizations with tools for creating, backtesting and development of quantitative 'ichimoku' strategies. As described in Sasaki (1996, ISBN:4925152009), the technique is a refinement on candlestick charting, originating from Japan and now in widespread use in technical analysis worldwide. Translating as 'one-glance equilibrium chart', it allows the price action and market structure of financial securities to be determined 'at-a-glance'. Incorporates an interface with the OANDA fxTrade API <> for retrieving historical and live streaming price data for major currencies, metals, commodities, government bonds and stock indices.
Author: Charlie Gao [aut, cre] , Hibiki AI Limited [cph]
Maintainer: Charlie Gao <>

Diff between ichimoku versions 1.5.2 dated 2024-06-04 and 1.5.3 dated 2024-06-23

 DESCRIPTION             |    8 -
 MD5                     |   14 -                 |    8 +               |   32 ++--
 build/vignette.rds      |binary
 inst/doc/reference.html |   38 ++--
 inst/doc/utilities.html |  380 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 src/shikokuchuo.c       |   11 -
 8 files changed, 252 insertions(+), 239 deletions(-)

More information about ichimoku at CRAN
Permanent link

Package autocart (with last version 1.4.5) was removed from CRAN

Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:

2021-05-27 1.4.5
2021-05-17 1.4.4

Permanent link
Package CARlasso (with last version 0.1.2) was removed from CRAN

Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:

2021-08-11 0.1.2
2021-07-21 0.1.1
2021-07-20 0.1

Permanent link
Package seqest (with last version 1.0.1) was removed from CRAN

Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:

2020-06-17 1.0.1
2020-05-16 1.0.0

Permanent link
Package mlrv (with last version 0.1.1) was removed from CRAN

Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:

2024-01-08 0.1.1
2023-11-08 0.1.0

Permanent link
Package fractalRegression (with last version 1.2) was removed from CRAN

Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:

2023-08-19 1.2
2023-04-27 1.1

Permanent link
Package dibble updated to version 0.3.0 with previous version 0.2.2 dated 2022-12-24

Title: Dimensional Data Frames
Description: Provides a 'dibble' that implements data cubes (derived from 'dimensional tibble'), and allows broadcasting by dimensional names.
Author: Mizuki Uchida [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Mizuki Uchida <>

Diff between dibble versions 0.2.2 dated 2022-12-24 and 0.3.0 dated 2024-06-23

 dibble-0.2.2/dibble/man/grapes-times-grapes.Rd       |only
 dibble-0.3.0/dibble/DESCRIPTION                      |   14 
 dibble-0.3.0/dibble/MD5                              |   61 ++-
 dibble-0.3.0/dibble/NAMESPACE                        |  312 +++++++++----------
 dibble-0.3.0/dibble/                          |    7 
 dibble-0.3.0/dibble/R/apply.R                        |    4 
 dibble-0.3.0/dibble/R/broadcast.R                    |   15 
 dibble-0.3.0/dibble/R/ddf_col.R                      |   42 ++
 dibble-0.3.0/dibble/R/dibble-package.R               |    9 
 dibble-0.3.0/dibble/R/dibble.R                       |   92 +++--
 dibble-0.3.0/dibble/R/dim_names.R                    |    8 
 dibble-0.3.0/dibble/R/extremes.R                     |   12 
 dibble-0.3.0/dibble/R/ifelse.R                       |    4 
 dibble-0.3.0/dibble/R/matrix.R                       |   91 -----
 dibble-0.3.0/dibble/R/methods.R                      |   41 ++
 dibble-0.3.0/dibble/R/replace_na.R                   |    3 
 dibble-0.3.0/dibble/R/rows.R                         |    9 
 dibble-0.3.0/dibble/R/tbl_ddf.R                      |   53 ++-
 dibble-0.3.0/dibble/R/utils.R                        |   19 +
 dibble-0.3.0/dibble/R/zzz.R                          |    7 
 dibble-0.3.0/dibble/                        |   65 ++-
 dibble-0.3.0/dibble/man/dibble-package.Rd            |only
 dibble-0.3.0/dibble/man/extremes.Rd                  |   98 ++---
 dibble-0.3.0/dibble/man/reexports.Rd                 |   32 -
 dibble-0.3.0/dibble/tests/testthat/test-apply.R      |    9 
 dibble-0.3.0/dibble/tests/testthat/test-broadcast.R  |   38 +-
 dibble-0.3.0/dibble/tests/testthat/test-ddf_col.R    |only
 dibble-0.3.0/dibble/tests/testthat/test-dibble.R     |   42 +-
 dibble-0.3.0/dibble/tests/testthat/test-extremes.R   |only
 dibble-0.3.0/dibble/tests/testthat/test-ifelse.R     |    9 
 dibble-0.3.0/dibble/tests/testthat/test-matrix.R     |   41 ++
 dibble-0.3.0/dibble/tests/testthat/test-rbind.R      |only
 dibble-0.3.0/dibble/tests/testthat/test-replace_na.R |only
 dibble-0.3.0/dibble/tests/testthat/test-rows.R       |  158 ++++-----
 dibble-0.3.0/dibble/tests/testthat/test-tbl_ddf.R    |only
 35 files changed, 779 insertions(+), 516 deletions(-)

More information about dibble at CRAN
Permanent link

Package CerioliOutlierDetection updated to version 1.1.15 with previous version 1.1.13 dated 2023-10-29

Title: Outlier Detection Using the Iterated RMCD Method of Cerioli (2010)
Description: Implements the iterated RMCD method of Cerioli (2010) for multivariate outlier detection via robust Mahalanobis distances. Also provides the finite-sample RMCD method discussed in the paper, as well as the methods provided in Hardin and Rocke (2005) <doi:10.1198/106186005X77685> and Green and Martin (2017) <>. See also Chapter 2 of Green (2017) <>.
Author: Christopher G. Green [aut, cre] , R. Doug Martin [ths]
Maintainer: Christopher G. Green <>

Diff between CerioliOutlierDetection versions 1.1.13 dated 2023-10-29 and 1.1.15 dated 2024-06-23

 DESCRIPTION                    |   20 +++++++++++---------
 MD5                            |   16 ++++++++--------
 README                         |    2 +-
 build/partial.rdb              |binary
 man/CerioliOutlierDetection.Rd |   10 +++++++---
 man/cerioli2010.fsrmcd.test.Rd |   10 +++++-----
 man/cerioli2010.irmcd.test.Rd  |   10 +++++-----
 man/hr05AdjustedDF.Rd          |   10 +++++-----
 man/hr05CutoffMvnormal.Rd      |    6 +++---
 9 files changed, 45 insertions(+), 39 deletions(-)

More information about CerioliOutlierDetection at CRAN
Permanent link

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