Thu, 18 Jul 2024

New package tidydelta with initial version 0.1.0
Package: tidydelta
Title: Estimation of Standard Errors using Delta Method
Version: 0.1.0
Description: Delta Method implementation to estimate standard errors with known asymptotic properties within the 'tidyverse' workflow. The Delta Method is a statistical tool that approximates an estimator’s behaviour using a Taylor Expansion. For a comprehensive explanation, please refer to Chapter 3 of van der Vaart (1998, ISBN: 9780511802256).
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Imports: dplyr, numDeriv, purrr, rlang, tibble, cli
Suggests: testthat (>= 3.0.0), tidyverse
Encoding: UTF-8
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-07-16 13:58:31 UTC; javiermtz
Author: Javier Martinez-Rodriguez [aut, cre, cph]
Maintainer: Javier Martinez-Rodriguez <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-07-18 23:20:02 UTC

More information about tidydelta at CRAN
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New package piecenorms with initial version 1.0.0
Package: piecenorms
Title: Calculate a Piecewise Normalised Score Using Class Intervals
Version: 1.0.0
Author: David Hammond [aut, cre]
Maintainer: David Hammond <>
Description: Provides an implementation of piecewise normalisation techniques useful when dealing with the communication of skewed and highly skewed data.
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Suggests: testthat (>= 3.0.0)
Encoding: UTF-8
Imports: dplyr, rlang, scales
Depends: R (>= 2.10)
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-07-16 09:25:16 UTC; david
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-07-18 23:10:02 UTC

More information about piecenorms at CRAN
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New package LMPdata with initial version 0.1.0
Package: LMPdata
Title: Easy Import of the EU Labour Market Policy Data
Version: 0.1.0
Author: Aleksander Rutkowski [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Aleksander Rutkowski <>
Description: European Commission's Labour Market Policy (LMP) database (<>) provides information on labour market interventions, which are government actions to help and support the unemployed and other disadvantaged groups in the transition from unemployment or inactivity to work. It covers the EU countries and Norway. This package provides functions for downloading and importing the LMP data and metadata (codelists).
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Encoding: UTF-8
Imports: magrittr, data.table
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-07-16 07:30:38 UTC; alekr
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-07-18 23:10:10 UTC

More information about LMPdata at CRAN
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New package EWOC.Comb with initial version 1.0
Package: EWOC.Comb
Title: Escalation with Overdose Control using 2 Drug Combinations
Version: 1.0
Date: 2024-07-01
Maintainer: Yujie Cui <>
Description: Implements Escalation With Overdose Control trial designs using two drug combinations described by this paper <doi:10.1002/sim.6961>(Tighiouart et al., 2016). It calculates the recommended dose for next cohorts and perform simulations to obtain operating characteristics.
License: GPL (>= 2)
Depends: rjags
Imports: MASS
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-07-16 16:22:02 UTC; CuiY
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-07-18 23:30:02 UTC
SystemRequirements: JAGS (>= 4.0.0). For installation instructions, see
Author: Yujie Cui [aut, cre], Quanlin Li [aut], Mourad Tighiouart [aut]

More information about EWOC.Comb at CRAN
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New package cooltools with initial version 2.4
Package: cooltools
Title: Practical Tools for Scientific Computations and Visualizations
Version: 2.4
Description: Collection of routines for efficient scientific computations in physics and astrophysics. These routines include utility functions, numerical computation tools, as well as visualisation tools. They can be used, for example, for generating random numbers from spherical and custom distributions, information and entropy analysis, special Fourier transforms, two-point correlation estimation (e.g. as in Landy & Szalay (1993) <doi:10.1086/172900>), binning & gridding of point sets, 2D interpolation, Monte Carlo integration, vector arithmetic and coordinate transformations. Also included is a non-exhaustive list of important constants and cosmological conversion functions. The graphics routines can be used to produce and export publication-ready scientific plots and movies, e.g. as used in Obreschkow et al. (2020, MNRAS Vol 493, Issue 3, Pages 4551–4569). These routines include special color scales, projection functions, and bitmap handling routines.
Imports: plotrix, celestial, data.table, pracma, utils, png, jpeg, MASS, raster, sp, cubature, bit64, randtoolbox, Rcpp, FNN
Suggests: EBImage
LinkingTo: Rcpp
License: GPL-3
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: true
NeedsCompilation: yes
Packaged: 2024-07-16 08:19:46 UTC; 00077389
Author: Danail Obreschkow [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Danail Obreschkow <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-07-18 23:10:05 UTC

More information about cooltools at CRAN
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Package wallace updated to version 2.1.3 with previous version 2.1.2 dated 2024-03-08

Title: A Modular Platform for Reproducible Modeling of Species Niches and Distributions
Description: The 'shiny' application Wallace is a modular platform for reproducible modeling of species niches and distributions. Wallace guides users through a complete analysis, from the acquisition of species occurrence and environmental data to visualizing model predictions on an interactive map, thus bundling complex workflows into a single, streamlined interface. An extensive vignette, which guides users through most package functionality can be found on the package's GitHub Pages website: <>.
Author: Bethany A. Johnson [aut], Jamie M. Kass [aut], Gonzalo E. Pinilla-Buitrago [aut], Andrea Paz [aut], Valentina Grisales-Betancur [aut], Dean Attali [aut], Matthew E. Aiello-Lammens [aut], Cory Merow [aut], Mary E. Blair [aut, cre], Robert P. Anderson [...truncated...]
Maintainer: Mary E. Blair <>

Diff between wallace versions 2.1.2 dated 2024-03-08 and 2.1.3 dated 2024-07-18

 DESCRIPTION                             |   54 +++++-----
 MD5                                     |   94 +++++++++----------                                 |   13 ++
 R/envs_worldclim.R                      |   41 ++++++--
 R/model_bioclim.R                       |    8 -
 R/model_maxent.R                        |    8 -
 R/occs_queryDb.R                        |   28 ++---
 R/part_partitionOccs.R                  |    6 -
 R/penvs_bgSample.R                      |    4 
 R/poccs_selectOccs.R                    |    4 
 R/run_wallace.R                         |    4 
 R/vis_bioclimPlot.R                     |    4 
 R/xfer_area.R                           |    5 -
 R/xfer_mess.R                           |    4 
 R/xfer_time.R                           |    2 
 R/xfer_userEnvs.R                       |    5 -                               |    4 
 inst/shiny/Rmd/text_about.Rmd           |    2 
 inst/shiny/Rmd/text_intro_tab.Rmd       |    2 
 inst/shiny/Rmd/text_team.Rmd            |   14 +-
 inst/shiny/Rmd/userReport_intro.Rmd     |    2 
 inst/shiny/modules/envs_userEnvs.R      |   15 ++-
 inst/shiny/modules/     |    4 
 inst/shiny/modules/envs_worldclim.R     |    8 -
 inst/shiny/modules/envs_worldclim.Rmd   |    2 
 inst/shiny/modules/    |   12 +-
 inst/shiny/modules/envs_worldclim.yml   |    4 
 inst/shiny/modules/model_bioclim.Rmd    |    2 
 inst/shiny/modules/vis_bioclimPlot.R    |    5 -
 inst/shiny/modules/vis_maxentEvalPlot.R |    4 
 inst/shiny/modules/vis_responsePlot.R   |    7 -
 inst/shiny/modules/vis_responsePlot.Rmd |   15 ++-
 inst/shiny/modules/xfer_area.R          |   10 +-
 inst/shiny/modules/xfer_time.R          |  158 ++++++++++++++++++++------------
 inst/shiny/modules/xfer_time.Rmd        |   94 ++++++++++---------
 inst/shiny/modules/         |   10 +-
 inst/shiny/modules/xfer_time.yml        |    2 
 inst/shiny/modules/xfer_user.R          |    4 
 inst/shiny/server.R                     |    6 -
 man/envs_worldclim.Rd                   |    4 
 man/model_bioclim.Rd                    |    2 
 man/model_maxent.Rd                     |    2 
 man/run_wallace.Rd                      |    2 
 man/vis_bioclimPlot.Rd                  |    2 
 man/xfer_area.Rd                        |    4 
 man/xfer_mess.Rd                        |    2 
 man/xfer_time.Rd                        |    2 
 man/xfer_userEnvs.Rd                    |    4 
 48 files changed, 407 insertions(+), 287 deletions(-)

More information about wallace at CRAN
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Package o2plsda updated to version 0.0.25 with previous version 0.0.22 dated 2024-07-17

Title: Multiomics Data Integration
Description: Provides functions to do 'O2PLS-DA' analysis for multiple omics data integration. The algorithm came from "O2-PLS, a two-block (X±Y) latent variable regression (LVR) method with an integral OSC filter" which published by Johan Trygg and Svante Wold at 2003 <doi:10.1002/cem.775>. 'O2PLS' is a bidirectional multivariate regression method that aims to separate the covariance between two data sets (it was recently extended to multiple data sets) (Löfstedt and Trygg, 2011 <doi:10.1002/cem.1388>; Löfstedt et al., 2012 <doi:10.1016/j.aca.2013.06.026>) from the systematic sources of variance being specific for each data set separately.
Author: Kai Guo [aut, cre], Junguk Hur [aut], Eva Feldman [aut]
Maintainer: Kai Guo <>

Diff between o2plsda versions 0.0.22 dated 2024-07-17 and 0.0.25 dated 2024-07-18

 DESCRIPTION           |    6 +--
 MD5                   |   18 +++++-----
 R/o2plscv.R           |   18 ++++++----
 R/plot.R              |   27 ++++++++++++----             |   64 ++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 inst/doc/o2plsda.R    |   36 +++------------------
 inst/doc/o2plsda.Rmd  |   44 ++++----------------------
 inst/doc/o2plsda.html |   82 +++++++++++++++-----------------------------------
 man/plot.o2plsda.Rd   |    3 -
 vignettes/o2plsda.Rmd |   44 ++++----------------------
 10 files changed, 120 insertions(+), 222 deletions(-)

More information about o2plsda at CRAN
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Package mimsy updated to version 0.6.5 with previous version 0.6.4 dated 2024-02-22

Title: Calculate MIMS Dissolved Gas Concentrations Without Getting a Headache
Description: Calculate dissolved gas concentrations from raw MIMS (Membrane Inlet Mass Spectrometer) signal data. Use mimsy() on a formatted CSV file to return dissolved gas concentrations (mg and microMole) of N2, O2, Ar based on gas solubility at temperature, pressure, and salinity. See references Benson and Krause (1984), Garcia and Gordon (1992), Stull (1947), and Hamme and Emerson (2004) for more information. Easily save the output to a nicely-formatted multi-tab 'Excel' workbook with Supports dual-temperature standard calibration for dual-bath MIMS setups.
Author: Michelle Catherine Kelly [aut, cre], Kevin Nevorski [ctb], Amy M. Marcarelli [ctb]
Maintainer: Michelle Catherine Kelly <>

Diff between mimsy versions 0.6.4 dated 2024-02-22 and 0.6.5 dated 2024-07-18

 DESCRIPTION         |    8 ++--
 MD5                 |    8 ++--             |    6 +++
 R/mimsy.R           |    2 -
 inst/doc/mimsy.html |  100 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
 5 files changed, 65 insertions(+), 59 deletions(-)

More information about mimsy at CRAN
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Package gamsel updated to version 1.8-4 with previous version 1.8-3 dated 2024-06-25

Title: Fit Regularization Path for Generalized Additive Models
Description: Using overlap grouped-lasso penalties, 'gamsel' selects whether a term in a 'gam' is nonzero, linear, or a non-linear spline (up to a specified max df per variable). It fits the entire regularization path on a grid of values for the overall penalty lambda, both for gaussian and binomial families. See <doi:10.48550/arXiv.1506.03850> for more details.
Author: Alexandra Chouldechova [aut], Trevor Hastie [aut, cre], Balasubramanian Narasimhan [ctb], Vitalie Spinu [ctb], Matt Wand [ctb]
Maintainer: Trevor Hastie <>

Diff between gamsel versions 1.8-3 dated 2024-06-25 and 1.8-4 dated 2024-07-18

 gamsel-1.8-3/gamsel/inst/doc/gamselVignette.pdf |only
 gamsel-1.8-4/gamsel/DESCRIPTION                 |   12 +++++++-----
 gamsel-1.8-4/gamsel/MD5                         |   12 ++++++++----
 gamsel-1.8-4/gamsel/build                       |only
 gamsel-1.8-4/gamsel/cleanup                     |only
 gamsel-1.8-4/gamsel/inst/doc/gamsel.Rmd         |only
 gamsel-1.8-4/gamsel/inst/doc/gamsel.html        |only
 gamsel-1.8-4/gamsel/man/gamsel-package.Rd       |    7 +++++++
 gamsel-1.8-4/gamsel/src/gamsel.c                |   16 ++++++++--------
 gamsel-1.8-4/gamsel/vignettes                   |only
 10 files changed, 30 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

More information about gamsel at CRAN
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Package rstac updated to version 1.0.1 with previous version 1.0.0 dated 2024-02-14

Title: Client Library for SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog
Description: Provides functions to access, search and download spacetime earth observation data via SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog (STAC). This package supports the version 1.0.0 (and older) of the STAC specification (<>). For further details see Simoes et al. (2021) <doi:10.1109/IGARSS47720.2021.9553518>.
Author: Rolf Simoes [aut], Felipe Carvalho [aut, cre], Brazil Data Cube Team [aut], National Institute for Space Research [cph]
Maintainer: Felipe Carvalho <>

Diff between rstac versions 1.0.0 dated 2024-02-14 and 1.0.1 dated 2024-07-18

 DESCRIPTION                  |   15 +++++++------
 MD5                          |   36 +++++++++++++++++---------------
 NAMESPACE                    |    4 +++                      |    9 ++++++++
 R/assets-funs.R              |   25 ++++++++++++++--------
 R/assets-utils.R             |   37 ++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
 R/check-utils.R              |    8 +++++++
 R/collections-funs.R         |only
 R/collections-query.R        |    9 ++++++--
 R/ext_filter.R               |    6 +++++
 R/items-funs.R               |   48 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 R/parse-utils.R              |    5 +---
 R/static-funs.R              |    6 +----                    |    2 -
 build/partial.rdb            |binary
 man/assets_functions.Rd      |   12 +++++++++-
 man/collections.Rd           |    5 +++-
 man/collections_functions.Rd |only
 man/ext_filter.Rd            |    9 ++++++++
 man/items_functions.Rd       |   28 +++++++++++++++++--------
 20 files changed, 186 insertions(+), 78 deletions(-)

More information about rstac at CRAN
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Package respirometry updated to version 2.0.0 with previous version 1.5.0 dated 2024-02-09

Title: Tools for Conducting and Analyzing Respirometry Experiments
Description: Provides tools to enable the researcher to more precisely conduct respirometry experiments. Strong emphasis is on aquatic respirometry. Tools focus on helping the researcher setup and conduct experiments. Functions for analysis of resulting respirometry data are also provided. This package provides tools for intermittent, flow-through, and closed respirometry techniques.
Author: Matthew A. Birk
Maintainer: Matthew A. Birk <>

Diff between respirometry versions 1.5.0 dated 2024-02-09 and 2.0.0 dated 2024-07-18

 DESCRIPTION                         |    8 -
 MD5                                 |   50 +++++-----
 NAMESPACE                           |    5 +
 NEWS                                |   10 ++
 R/Q10.R                             |   10 +-
 R/calc_MO2.R                        |   40 +++++---
 R/calc_pcrit.R                      |  166 +++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 R/closed.R                          |    2 
 R/conv_nh4.R                        |    2 
 R/conv_o2.R                         |   14 ++-
 R/import_pyroscience_workbench.R    |    8 -
 R/make_bins.R                       |   27 +++--
 R/max_MO2.R                         |    7 +
 R/scale_MO2.R                       |    8 +
 inst/extdata/pcrit_run              |only
 man/Q10.Rd                          |    6 +
 man/calc_MO2.Rd                     |   17 +++
 man/calc_pcrit.Rd                   |   27 +++--
 man/closed.Rd                       |    2 
 man/conv_nh4.Rd                     |    2 
 man/conv_o2.Rd                      |    1 
 man/import_pyroscience_workbench.Rd |    2 
 man/make_bins.Rd                    |   22 ++--
 man/max_MO2.Rd                      |   10 ++
 man/plot_pcrit.Rd                   |   40 ++++----
 man/scale_MO2.Rd                    |    5 -
 26 files changed, 323 insertions(+), 168 deletions(-)

More information about respirometry at CRAN
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Package ROI.plugin.osqp updated to version 1.0-2 with previous version 1.0-1 dated 2023-07-06

Title: 'osqp' Plugin for the 'R' Optimization Infrastructure
Description: Enhances the 'R' Optimization Infrastructure ('ROI') package with the quadratic solver 'OSQP'. More information about 'OSQP' can be found at <>.
Author: Florian Schwendinger [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Florian Schwendinger <>

Diff between ROI.plugin.osqp versions 1.0-1 dated 2023-07-06 and 1.0-2 dated 2024-07-18

 DESCRIPTION |    9 +++++----
 MD5         |    4 ++--
 R/plugin.R  |   17 ++++++++---------
 3 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

More information about ROI.plugin.osqp at CRAN
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Package ntsDatasets updated to version 0.2.0 with previous version 0.1.0 dated 2024-07-03

Title: Neutrosophic Data Sets
Description: Provides a collection of datasets related to neutrosophic sets for statistical modeling and analysis.
Author: Amin Roshani [aut, cre] , Mina Norouzirad [aut] , Danial Mazarei [aut] , FCT, I.P. [fnd] )
Maintainer: Amin Roshani <>

Diff between ntsDatasets versions 0.1.0 dated 2024-07-03 and 0.2.0 dated 2024-07-18

 DESCRIPTION               |    6 +-
 MD5                       |   45 +++++++++++++-------
 R/AGSTimes.R              |   38 ++++++++---------
 R/CRPK.R                  |   36 ++++++++--------
 R/ChildMortalitySA.R      |only
 R/ICUcovidPK.R            |   60 +++++++++++++--------------
 R/MRcovidNL.R             |   44 +++++++++----------
 R/NOx.R                   |   38 ++++++++---------
 R/PopVillUSA.R            |only
 R/alloy.R                 |   44 +++++++++----------
 R/balls.R                 |   48 ++++++++++-----------
 R/batteries.R             |   42 +++++++++---------
 R/debt.R                  |   36 ++++++++--------
 R/dioxins.R               |only
 R/failure.R               |only
 R/remission.R             |   44 +++++++++----------
 R/tempLahor.R             |only                 |  102 +++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 data/ChildMortalitySA.rda |only
 data/PopVillUSA.rda       |only
 data/dioxins.rda          |only
 data/failure.rda          |only
 data/remission.rda        |binary
 data/tempLahor.rda        |only
 man/ChildMortalitySA.Rd   |only
 man/PopVillUSA.Rd         |only
 man/balls.Rd              |   48 ++++++++++-----------
 man/dioxins.Rd            |only
 man/failure.Rd            |only
 man/remission.Rd          |   46 ++++++++++----------
 man/tempLahor.Rd          |only
 31 files changed, 346 insertions(+), 331 deletions(-)

More information about ntsDatasets at CRAN
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Package clock updated to version 0.7.1 with previous version 0.7.0 dated 2023-05-15

Title: Date-Time Types and Tools
Description: Provides a comprehensive library for date-time manipulations using a new family of orthogonal date-time classes (durations, time points, zoned-times, and calendars) that partition responsibilities so that the complexities of time zones are only considered when they are really needed. Capabilities include: date-time parsing, formatting, arithmetic, extraction and updating of components, and rounding.
Author: Davis Vaughan [aut, cre], Posit Software, PBC [cph, fnd]
Maintainer: Davis Vaughan <>

Diff between clock versions 0.7.0 dated 2023-05-15 and 0.7.1 dated 2024-07-18

 DESCRIPTION                          |   11 ++--
 MD5                                  |   76 ++++++++++++++---------------
 NAMESPACE                            |   18 +++++++                              |   89 ++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 R/gregorian-year-day.R               |    3 +
 R/gregorian-year-month-day.R         |    3 +
 R/gregorian-year-month-weekday.R     |    3 +
 R/iso-year-week-day.R                |    3 +
 R/quarterly-year-quarter-day.R       |    4 +
 R/week-year-week-day.R               |    3 +                            |    1 
 build/vignette.rds                   |binary
 inst/doc/clock.R                     |   14 ++---
 inst/doc/faq.R                       |   14 ++---
 inst/doc/faq.html                    |    6 +-
 inst/doc/recipes.R                   |   10 +--
 inst/doc/recipes.html                |   10 +--
 man/Date-arithmetic.Rd               |    2 
 man/clock-arithmetic.Rd              |    2 
 man/date_build.Rd                    |    2 
 man/date_time_build.Rd               |    2 
 man/duration-arithmetic.Rd           |    2 
 man/iso-year-week-day-arithmetic.Rd  |    2 
 man/iso_year_week_day.Rd             |    2 
 man/posixt-arithmetic.Rd             |    2 
 man/time-point-arithmetic.Rd         |    2 
 man/weekday-arithmetic.Rd            |    2 
 man/year-day-arithmetic.Rd           |    2 
 man/year-month-day-arithmetic.Rd     |    2 
 man/year-month-weekday-arithmetic.Rd |    2 
 man/year-quarter-day-arithmetic.Rd   |    2 
 man/year-week-day-arithmetic.Rd      |    2 
 man/year_day.Rd                      |    2 
 man/year_month_day.Rd                |    2 
 man/year_month_weekday.Rd            |    2 
 man/year_quarter_day.Rd              |    2 
 man/year_week_day.Rd                 |    2 
 src/quarterly.h                      |   36 +++++++-------
 src/utils.h                          |    9 +--
 39 files changed, 197 insertions(+), 156 deletions(-)

More information about clock at CRAN
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Package ctrdata updated to version 1.19.1 with previous version 1.19.0 dated 2024-06-30

Title: Retrieve and Analyze Clinical Trials in Public Registers
Description: A system for querying, retrieving and analyzing protocol- and results-related information on clinical trials from four public registers, the 'European Union Clinical Trials Register' ('EUCTR', <>), '' (<> and also translating queries the retired classic interface), the 'ISRCTN' (<>) and the 'European Union Clinical Trials Information System' ('CTIS', <>). Trial information is downloaded, converted and stored in a database ('PostgreSQL', 'SQLite', 'DuckDB' or 'MongoDB'; via package 'nodbi'). Documents in registers associated with trials can also be downloaded. Other functions identify deduplicated records, easily find and extract variables (fields) of interest even from complex nested data as used by the registers, merge variables and update queries. The package can be used for meta-analysis and trend-analysis of the design and cond [...truncated...]
Author: Ralf Herold [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Ralf Herold <>

Diff between ctrdata versions 1.19.0 dated 2024-06-30 and 1.19.1 dated 2024-07-18

 DESCRIPTION                    |    8 ++++----
 MD5                            |   28 ++++++++++++++--------------                        |    5 +++++
 R/ctrGetQueryUrl.R             |    1 -
 R/ctrLoadQueryIntoDb.R         |    3 ++-
 R/ctrLoadQueryIntoDbCtgov2.R   |   24 +++++++++++++++++++++++-
 R/ctrLoadQueryIntoDbCtis.R     |    4 ++--
 R/ctrdata-registers.R          |    4 ++--                      |   23 ++++++++++-------------
 build/vignette.rds             |binary
 inst/doc/ctrdata_install.pdf   |binary
 inst/doc/ctrdata_retrieve.pdf  |binary
 inst/doc/ctrdata_summarise.pdf |binary
 inst/tinytest/ctrdata_ctgov2.R |    2 +-
 man/ctrdata-registers.Rd       |    4 ++--
 15 files changed, 65 insertions(+), 41 deletions(-)

More information about ctrdata at CRAN
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Package warbleR updated to version 1.1.31 with previous version 1.1.30 dated 2024-01-23

Title: Streamline Bioacoustic Analysis
Description: Functions aiming to facilitate the analysis of the structure of animal acoustic signals in 'R'. 'warbleR' makes use of the basic sound analysis tools from the packages 'tuneR' and 'seewave', and offers new tools for acoustic structure analysis. The main features of the package are the use of loops to apply tasks through acoustic signals referenced in a selection (annotation) table and the production of spectrograms in image files that allow to organize data and verify acoustic analyzes. The package offers functions to explore, organize and manipulate multiple sound files, explore and download 'Xeno-Canto' recordings, create spectrograms of complete recordings or individual signals, run different measures of acoustic signal structure, evaluate the performance of measurement methods, catalog signals, characterize different structural levels in acoustic signals, run statistical analysis of duet coordination and consolidate databases and annotation tables, among others.
Author: Marcelo Araya-Salas [aut, cre] , Grace Smith-Vidaurre [aut]
Maintainer: Marcelo Araya-Salas <>

Diff between warbleR versions 1.1.30 dated 2024-01-23 and 1.1.31 dated 2024-07-18

 warbleR-1.1.30/warbleR/R/auto_detec.R                                    |only
 warbleR-1.1.30/warbleR/R/find_peaks.R                                    |only
 warbleR-1.1.30/warbleR/R/lbh_selec_table2-data.R                         |only
 warbleR-1.1.30/warbleR/R/new_function_names.R                            |only
 warbleR-1.1.30/warbleR/R/selec.table-data.R                              |only
 warbleR-1.1.30/warbleR/R/try_na.R                                        |only
 warbleR-1.1.30/warbleR/data/lbh_selec_table2.rda                         |only
 warbleR-1.1.30/warbleR/data/new_function_names.rda                       |only
 warbleR-1.1.30/warbleR/data/selec.table.rda                              |only
 warbleR-1.1.30/warbleR/inst/doc/Intro_to_warbleR.R                       |only
 warbleR-1.1.30/warbleR/inst/doc/Intro_to_warbleR.Rmd                     |only
 warbleR-1.1.30/warbleR/inst/doc/Intro_to_warbleR.html                    |only
 warbleR-1.1.30/warbleR/man/auto_detec.Rd                                 |only
 warbleR-1.1.30/warbleR/man/autodetec.Rd                                  |only
 warbleR-1.1.30/warbleR/man/check_wavs.Rd                                 |only
 warbleR-1.1.30/warbleR/man/checksels.Rd                                  |only
 warbleR-1.1.30/warbleR/man/color.spectro.Rd                              |only
 warbleR-1.1.30/warbleR/man/coor.graph.Rd                                 |only
 warbleR-1.1.30/warbleR/man/coor.test.Rd                                  |only
 warbleR-1.1.30/warbleR/man/dfDTW.Rd                                      |only
 warbleR-1.1.30/warbleR/man/df_DTW.Rd                                     |only
 warbleR-1.1.30/warbleR/man/duration_wavs.Rd                              |only
 warbleR-1.1.30/warbleR/man/filtersels.Rd                                 |only
 warbleR-1.1.30/warbleR/man/find_peaks.Rd                                 |only
 warbleR-1.1.30/warbleR/man/fixwavs.Rd                                    |only
 warbleR-1.1.30/warbleR/man/frange.Rd                                     |only
 warbleR-1.1.30/warbleR/man/frange.detec.Rd                               |only
 warbleR-1.1.30/warbleR/man/info_wavs.Rd                                  |only
 warbleR-1.1.30/warbleR/man/lbh_selec_table2.Rd                           |only
 warbleR-1.1.30/warbleR/man/lspec.Rd                                      |only
 warbleR-1.1.30/warbleR/man/lspec2pdf.Rd                                  |only
 warbleR-1.1.30/warbleR/man/move_imgs.Rd                                  |only
 warbleR-1.1.30/warbleR/man/mp3_2_wav.Rd                                  |only
 warbleR-1.1.30/warbleR/man/new_function_names.Rd                         |only
 warbleR-1.1.30/warbleR/man/ovlp_sels.Rd                                  |only
 warbleR-1.1.30/warbleR/man/print.autodetec.output.Rd                     |only
 warbleR-1.1.30/warbleR/man/print.find_peaks.output.Rd                    |only
 warbleR-1.1.30/warbleR/man/rename_waves_est.Rd                           |only
 warbleR-1.1.30/warbleR/man/resample_est_waves.Rd                         |only
 warbleR-1.1.30/warbleR/man/rm_channels.Rd                                |only
 warbleR-1.1.30/warbleR/man/rm_sil.Rd                                     |only
 warbleR-1.1.30/warbleR/man/selec.table.Rd                                |only
 warbleR-1.1.30/warbleR/man/seltailor.Rd                                  |only
 warbleR-1.1.30/warbleR/man/signal_2_noise.Rd                             |only
 warbleR-1.1.30/warbleR/man/sim_songs.Rd                                  |only
 warbleR-1.1.30/warbleR/man/snr_specs.Rd                                  |only
 warbleR-1.1.30/warbleR/man/snrspecs.Rd                                   |only
 warbleR-1.1.30/warbleR/man/song_param.Rd                                 |only
 warbleR-1.1.30/warbleR/man/spec_param.Rd                                 |only
 warbleR-1.1.30/warbleR/man/specan.Rd                                     |only
 warbleR-1.1.30/warbleR/man/specreator.Rd                                 |only
 warbleR-1.1.30/warbleR/man/split_wavs.Rd                                 |only
 warbleR-1.1.30/warbleR/man/trackfreqs.Rd                                 |only
 warbleR-1.1.30/warbleR/man/try_na.Rd                                     |only
 warbleR-1.1.30/warbleR/man/wav_dur.Rd                                    |only
 warbleR-1.1.30/warbleR/man/wav_info.Rd                                   |only
 warbleR-1.1.30/warbleR/man/xcmaps.Rd                                     |only
 warbleR-1.1.30/warbleR/man/xcorr.Rd                                      |only
 warbleR-1.1.30/warbleR/vignettes/Intro_to_warbleR.Rmd                    |only
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/DESCRIPTION                                       |   15 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/MD5                                               |  357 +---
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/NAMESPACE                                         |   44 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/                                           |   11 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/R/RcppExports.R                                   |    1 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/R/by_element_est.R                                |    9 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/R/catalog.R                                       |   23 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/R/catalog2pdf.R                                   |   10 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/R/check_sels.R                                    |   21 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/R/check_sound_files.R                             |   12 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/R/color_spectro.R                                 |   18 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/R/compare_methods.R                               |  331 +--
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/R/consolidate.R                                   |   11 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/R/cross_correlation.R                             |   79 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/R/cut_sels.R                                      |   22 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/R/deprec_funs.R                                   |  240 ++
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/R/duration_sound_files.R                          |   32 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/R/filter_sels.R                                   |   14 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/R/find_clipping.R                                 |    3 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/R/fix_wavs.R                                      |   16 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/R/freq_DTW.R                                      |   97 -
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/R/freq_range.R                                    |   30 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/R/freq_range_detec.R                              |   18 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/R/freq_ts.R                                       |   20 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/R/full_spectrogram2pdf.R                          |   20 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/R/full_spectrograms.R                             |  190 +-
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/R/gaps.R                                          |    9 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/R/image_to_wave.R                                 |    2 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/R/inflections.R                                   |   11 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/R/info_sound_files.R                              |   21 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/R/internal_functions.R                            |  840 +++++++++-
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/R/lbh_selec_table-data.R                          |   12 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/R/mfcc_stats.R                                    |   15 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/R/move_images.R                                   |   23 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/R/mp32wav.R                                       |   21 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/R/multi_DTW.R                                     |   60 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/R/open_wd.R                                       |    3 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/R/overlapping_sels.R                              |   40 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/R/phylo_spectro.R                                 |    3 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/R/plot_coordination.R                             |   12 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/R/query_xc.R                                      |    2 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/R/read_sound_file.R                               |   10 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/R/read_wave.R                                     |    9 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/R/remove_channels.R                               |   21 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/R/remove_silence.R                                |   32 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/R/rename_est_waves.R                              |   13 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/R/resample_est.R                                  |   21 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/R/selection_table.R                               |  128 -
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/R/sig2noise.R                                     |   22 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/R/simulate_songs.R                                |   16 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/R/snr_spectrograms.R                              |   34 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/R/song_analysis.R                                 |   22 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/R/sort_colms.R                                    |   11 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/R/sound_pressure_level.R                          |   12 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/R/spectro_analysis.R                              |   23 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/R/spectrograms.R                                  |   25 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/R/split_sound_files.R                             |   24 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/R/sth_annotations-data.R                          |only
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/R/tailor_sels.R                                   |   18 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/R/test_coordination.R                             |   19 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/R/track_freq_contour.R                            |   95 -
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/R/track_harmonic.R                                |   14 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/R/tweak_spectro.R                                 |   13 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/R/warbleR-package.R                               |   19 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/R/warbleR_options.R                               |    1 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/R/wav_2_flac.R                                    |   44 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/R/wpd_features.R                                  |   13 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/R/xc_maps.R                                       |   12 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/R/zzz.R                                           |    4 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/                                         |    4 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/build/vignette.rds                                |binary
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/data/sth_annotations.rda                          |only
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/inst/doc/annotation_data_format.R                 |only
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/inst/doc/annotation_data_format.Rmd               |only
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/inst/doc/annotation_data_format.html              |only
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/inst/doc/warbleR.R                                |only
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/inst/doc/warbleR.Rmd                              |only
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/inst/doc/warbleR.html                             |only
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/inst/doc/warbleR_workflow_01.R                    |   52 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/inst/doc/warbleR_workflow_01.Rmd                  |   84 -
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/inst/doc/warbleR_workflow_01.html                 |   89 -
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/inst/doc/warbleR_workflow_02.R                    |   24 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/inst/doc/warbleR_workflow_02.Rmd                  |   29 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/inst/doc/warbleR_workflow_02.html                 |   20 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/inst/doc/warbleR_workflow_03.R                    |   43 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/inst/doc/warbleR_workflow_03.Rmd                  |   49 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/inst/doc/warbleR_workflow_03.html                 |   57 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/man/by_element_est.Rd                             |    2 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/man/catalog.Rd                                    |   57 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/man/catalog2pdf.Rd                                |   11 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/man/check_sels.Rd                                 |   14 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/man/color_spectro.Rd                              |   35 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/man/compare_methods.Rd                            |   38 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/man/consolidate.Rd                                |   12 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/man/cross_correlation.Rd                          |   30 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/man/cut_sels.Rd                                   |    9 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/man/duration_sound_files.Rd                       |    8 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/man/envelope.Rd                                   |    3 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/man/ffDTW.Rd                                      |    4 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/man/figures                                       |only
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/man/filter_sels.Rd                                |   14 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/man/fix_wavs.Rd                                   |   12 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/man/freq_DTW.Rd                                   |   39 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/man/freq_range.Rd                                 |   37 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/man/freq_range_detec.Rd                           |   23 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/man/freq_ts.Rd                                    |   28 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/man/full_spectrogram2pdf.Rd                       |    9 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/man/full_spectrograms.Rd                          |   36 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/man/image_to_wave.Rd                              |   10 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/man/info_sound_files.Rd                           |   10 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/man/lbh_selec_table.Rd                            |   11 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/man/make.selection.table.Rd                       |    1 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/man/map_xc.Rd                                     |   13 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/man/mfcc_stats.Rd                                 |   17 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/man/move_images.Rd                                |   16 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/man/mp32wav.Rd                                    |   11 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/man/multi_DTW.Rd                                  |   13 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/man/open_wd.Rd                                    |    2 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/man/overlapping_sels.Rd                           |   20 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/man/phylo_spectro.Rd                              |   17 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/man/plot_coordination.Rd                          |   13 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/man/print.extended_selection_table.Rd             |    2 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/man/print.selection_table.Rd                      |    2 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/man/query_xc.Rd                                   |   11 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/man/read_sound_file.Rd                            |   11 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/man/read_wave.Rd                                  |   11 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/man/remove_channels.Rd                            |    2 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/man/remove_silence.Rd                             |   17 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/man/resample_est.Rd                               |   12 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/man/selection_table.Rd                            |   29 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/man/sig2noise.Rd                                  |   19 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/man/simulate_songs.Rd                             |   30 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/man/snr_spectrograms.Rd                           |   31 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/man/song_analysis.Rd                              |   17 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/man/sort_colms.Rd                                 |   10 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/man/sound_pressure_level.Rd                       |   15 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/man/spectro_analysis.Rd                           |   23 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/man/spectrograms.Rd                               |   42 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/man/split_sound_files.Rd                          |   14 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/man/sth_annotations.Rd                            |only
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/man/tailor_sels.Rd                                |   35 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/man/test_coordination.Rd                          |   15 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/man/track_freq_contour.Rd                         |  119 -
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/man/track_harmonic.Rd                             |    8 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/man/tweak_spectro.Rd                              |   14 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/man/warbleR.Rd                                    |   19 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/man/wav2flac.Rd                                   |only
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/man/wav_2_flac.Rd                                 |   66 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/man/wavdur.Rd                                     |    2 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/man/wpd_features.Rd                               |   14 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/vignettes/Phaethornis-eurynome-15607-labeled.jpeg |only
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/vignettes/annotation_data_format.Rmd              |only
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/vignettes/function_descrip_table.csv              |   11 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/vignettes/warbleR.Rmd                             |only
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/vignettes/warbleR_workflow_01.Rmd                 |   84 -
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/vignettes/warbleR_workflow_02.Rmd                 |   29 
 warbleR-1.1.31/warbleR/vignettes/warbleR_workflow_03.Rmd                 |   49 
 216 files changed, 3001 insertions(+), 2181 deletions(-)

More information about warbleR at CRAN
Permanent link

Package tinytex updated to version 0.52 with previous version 0.51 dated 2024-05-06

Title: Helper Functions to Install and Maintain TeX Live, and Compile LaTeX Documents
Description: Helper functions to install and maintain the 'LaTeX' distribution named 'TinyTeX' (<>), a lightweight, cross-platform, portable, and easy-to-maintain version of 'TeX Live'. This package also contains helper functions to compile 'LaTeX' documents, and install missing 'LaTeX' packages automatically.
Author: Yihui Xie [aut, cre, cph] , Posit Software, PBC [cph, fnd], Christophe Dervieux [ctb] , Devon Ryan [ctb] , Ethan Heinzen [ctb], Fernando Cagua [ctb]
Maintainer: Yihui Xie <>

Diff between tinytex versions 0.51 dated 2024-05-06 and 0.52 dated 2024-07-18

 tinytex-0.51/tinytex/tests/test-travis   |only
 tinytex-0.51/tinytex/tests/test-travis.R |only
 tinytex-0.52/tinytex/DESCRIPTION         |    8 ++++----
 tinytex-0.52/tinytex/MD5                 |   10 +++++-----
 tinytex-0.52/tinytex/R/tlmgr.R           |    2 +-
 tinytex-0.52/tinytex/tests/test-ci       |only
 tinytex-0.52/tinytex/tests/test-ci.R     |only
 7 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

More information about tinytex at CRAN
Permanent link

Package scellpam updated to version with previous version dated 2024-07-03

Title: Applying Partitioning Around Medoids to Single Cell Data with High Number of Cells
Description: PAM (Partitioning Around Medoids) algorithm application to samples of single cell sequencing techniques with a high number of cells (as many as the computer memory allows). The package uses a binary format to store matrices (either full, sparse or symmetric) in files written in the disk that can contain any data type (not just double) which allows its manipulation when memory is sufficient to load them as int or float, but not as double. The PAM implementation is done in parallel, using several/all the cores of the machine, if it has them. This package shares a great part of its code with packages 'jmatrix' and 'parallelpam' but their functionality is included here so there is no need to install them.
Author: Juan Domingo [aut, cre] , Guillermo Ayala [ctb] , Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, MCIN/AEI <doi:10.13039/501100011033> [fnd]
Maintainer: Juan Domingo <>

Diff between scellpam versions dated 2024-07-03 and dated 2024-07-18

 DESCRIPTION                 |    8 -
 MD5                         |   12 +-
 NEWS                        |    4 
 inst/doc/jmatrixsc.html     |  148 ++++++++++++++++-----------------
 inst/doc/parallelpamsc.html |  148 +++++++++++++++++----------------
 inst/doc/scellpam.html      |  196 +++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 inst/include/sparsematrix.h |    4 
 7 files changed, 264 insertions(+), 256 deletions(-)

More information about scellpam at CRAN
Permanent link

Package mapscanner updated to version 0.1.1 with previous version 0.0.6 dated 2021-11-25

Title: Print Maps, Draw on Them, Scan Them Back in
Description: Enables preparation of maps to be printed and drawn on. Modified maps can then be scanned back in, and hand-drawn marks converted to spatial objects.
Author: Mark Padgham [aut, cre], Michael D. Sumner [aut], Kelly Hondula [rev] , Nicholas Potter [rev] , Stanislaw Adaszewski [cph]
Maintainer: Mark Padgham <>

Diff between mapscanner versions 0.0.6 dated 2021-11-25 and 0.1.1 dated 2024-07-18

 DESCRIPTION                           |    9 
 MD5                                   |   56 +-
 R/aggregate_polys.R                   |   42 +-
 R/file-manipulation.R                 |  103 ++---
 R/generate-maps.R                     |  435 ++++++++++++-----------
 R/rectify-maps.R                      |  291 ++++++++-------
 R/tokens.R                            |   49 +-
 R/utils.R                             |   10 
 build/vignette.rds                    |binary
 inst/doc/mapscanner.R                 |  142 ++++---
 inst/doc/mapscanner.Rmd               |  140 ++++---
 inst/doc/mapscanner.html              |  643 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
 inst/doc/mapstyles.R                  |   39 +-
 inst/doc/mapstyles.Rmd                |   45 +-
 inst/doc/mapstyles.html               |  402 ++++++++++++++++-----
 man/mapscanner-package.Rd             |    2 
 man/ms_aggregate_polys.Rd             |   28 -
 man/ms_generate_map.Rd                |    5 
 man/ms_rectify_map.Rd                 |   23 +
 src/RcppExports.cpp                   |    4 
 src/concaveman.cpp                    |    5 
 src/concaveman.h                      |  188 ++++++++-
 tests/testthat.R                      |    6 
 tests/testthat/test-aggregate-polys.R |   26 -
 tests/testthat/test-file-manip.R      |   32 -
 tests/testthat/test-generate.R        |  138 ++++---
 tests/testthat/test-rectify.R         |  223 ++++++-----
 vignettes/mapscanner.Rmd              |  140 ++++---
 vignettes/mapstyles.Rmd               |   45 +-
 29 files changed, 2112 insertions(+), 1159 deletions(-)

More information about mapscanner at CRAN
Permanent link

Package RSpectra updated to version 0.16-2 with previous version 0.16-1 dated 2022-04-24

Title: Solvers for Large-Scale Eigenvalue and SVD Problems
Description: R interface to the 'Spectra' library <> for large-scale eigenvalue and SVD problems. It is typically used to compute a few eigenvalues/vectors of an n by n matrix, e.g., the k largest eigenvalues, which is usually more efficient than eigen() if k << n. This package provides the 'eigs()' function that does the similar job as in 'Matlab', 'Octave', 'Python SciPy' and 'Julia'. It also provides the 'svds()' function to calculate the largest k singular values and corresponding singular vectors of a real matrix. The matrix to be computed on can be dense, sparse, or in the form of an operator defined by the user.
Author: Yixuan Qiu [aut, cre], Jiali Mei [aut] , Gael Guennebaud [ctb] , Jitse Niesen [ctb]
Maintainer: Yixuan Qiu <>

Diff between RSpectra versions 0.16-1 dated 2022-04-24 and 0.16-2 dated 2024-07-18

 DESCRIPTION                                     |    8 
 MD5                                             |   10 -
 build/vignette.rds                              |binary
 inst/NEWS.Rd                                    |    8 
 inst/doc/introduction.html                      |  204 ++++++++++++------------
 inst/include/Spectra/MatOp/internal/ArnoldiOp.h |    2 
 6 files changed, 120 insertions(+), 112 deletions(-)

More information about RSpectra at CRAN
Permanent link

Package Epi updated to version 2.53 with previous version 2.52 dated 2024-07-10

Title: Statistical Analysis in Epidemiology
Description: Functions for demographic and epidemiological analysis in the Lexis diagram, i.e. register and cohort follow-up data. In particular representation, manipulation, rate estimation and simulation for multistate data - the Lexis suite of functions, which includes interfaces to 'mstate', 'etm' and 'cmprsk' packages. Contains functions for Age-Period-Cohort and Lee-Carter modeling and a function for interval censored data and some useful functions for tabulation and plotting, as well as a number of epidemiological data sets.
Author: Bendix Carstensen [aut, cre], Martyn Plummer [aut], Esa Laara [ctb], Michael Hills [ctb]
Maintainer: Bendix Carstensen <>

Diff between Epi versions 2.52 dated 2024-07-10 and 2.53 dated 2024-07-18

 Epi-2.52/Epi/build                  |only
 Epi-2.52/Epi/inst/doc/addLexis.rnw  |only
 Epi-2.52/Epi/inst/doc/crisk.rnw     |only
 Epi-2.52/Epi/inst/doc/flup.rnw      |only
 Epi-2.52/Epi/inst/doc/simLexis.rnw  |only
 Epi-2.52/Epi/inst/doc/yll.rnw       |only
 Epi-2.53/Epi/CHANGES                |    6 
 Epi-2.53/Epi/DESCRIPTION            |    8 
 Epi-2.53/Epi/MD5                    |   43 
 Epi-2.53/Epi/NAMESPACE              |    1 
 Epi-2.53/Epi/R/ci.eta.R             |   19 
 Epi-2.53/Epi/inst/doc/addLexis.pdf  |binary
 Epi-2.53/Epi/inst/doc/crisk.R       |   14 
 Epi-2.53/Epi/inst/doc/crisk.pdf     |binary
 Epi-2.53/Epi/inst/doc/flup.R        |   16 
 Epi-2.53/Epi/inst/doc/flup.pdf      | 4595 ++++++++++++++++++------------------
 Epi-2.53/Epi/inst/doc/simLexis.R    |    6 
 Epi-2.53/Epi/inst/doc/simLexis.pdf  |binary
 Epi-2.53/Epi/inst/doc/yll.R         |    5 
 Epi-2.53/Epi/inst/doc/yll.pdf       |binary
 Epi-2.53/Epi/man/ci.eta.Rd          |   29 
 Epi-2.53/Epi/man/ci.lin.Rd          |   18 
 Epi-2.53/Epi/man/plotCIF.Rd         |    4 
 Epi-2.53/Epi/vignettes/addLexis.tex |only
 Epi-2.53/Epi/vignettes/crisk.tex    |only
 Epi-2.53/Epi/vignettes/flup.tex     |only
 Epi-2.53/Epi/vignettes/simLexis.tex |only
 Epi-2.53/Epi/vignettes/yll.tex      |only
 28 files changed, 2376 insertions(+), 2388 deletions(-)

More information about Epi at CRAN
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Package tidytable updated to version 0.11.1 with previous version 0.11.0 dated 2024-02-09

Title: Tidy Interface to 'data.table'
Description: A tidy interface to 'data.table', giving users the speed of 'data.table' while using tidyverse-like syntax.
Author: Mark Fairbanks [aut, cre], Abdessabour Moutik [ctb], Matt Carlson [ctb], Ivan Leung [ctb], Ross Kennedy [ctb], Robert On [ctb], Alexander Sevostianov [ctb], Koen ter Berg [ctb]
Maintainer: Mark Fairbanks <>

Diff between tidytable versions 0.11.0 dated 2024-02-09 and 0.11.1 dated 2024-07-18

 DESCRIPTION                         |   10 +++++-----
 MD5                                 |   36 ++++++++++++++++++------------------
 NAMESPACE                           |   35 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------                             |   13 +++++++++++++
 R/dt.R                              |   14 ++++++++------
 R/group_by.R                        |    2 +-
 R/nest_by.R                         |    4 ----
 R/new_tidytable.R                   |    2 +-
 R/print.R                           |   34 ++--------------------------------
 R/purrr-pmap.R                      |   17 +++++++++++------
 R/select.R                          |    6 +++---
 R/utils-general.R                   |   11 +++++------
 R/utils-tidyselect.R                |   12 ++++++------
 man/dt.Rd                           |    8 ++++++--
 tests/testthat/test-as_tidytable.R  |    1 +
 tests/testthat/test-filter.R        |   11 +++++++++++
 tests/testthat/test-group_by.R      |   10 ++++++++++
 tests/testthat/test-new_tidytable.R |    1 +
 tests/testthat/test-purrr.R         |   11 +++++++++++
 19 files changed, 142 insertions(+), 96 deletions(-)

More information about tidytable at CRAN
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Package syrup updated to version 0.1.1 with previous version 0.1.0 dated 2024-07-09

Title: Measure Memory and CPU Usage for Parallel R Code
Description: Measures memory and CPU usage of R code by regularly taking snapshots of calls to the system command 'ps'. The package provides an entry point (albeit coarse) to profile usage of system resources by R code run in parallel.
Author: Simon Couch [aut, cre] , Posit Software, PBC [cph, fnd]
Maintainer: Simon Couch <>

Diff between syrup versions 0.1.0 dated 2024-07-09 and 0.1.1 dated 2024-07-18

 DESCRIPTION                 |    6 +++---
 MD5                         |    6 +++---                     |    4 ++++
 tests/testthat/test-syrup.R |    5 +++++
 4 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

More information about syrup at CRAN
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Package partykit updated to version 1.2-21 with previous version 1.2-20 dated 2023-04-14

Title: A Toolkit for Recursive Partytioning
Description: A toolkit with infrastructure for representing, summarizing, and visualizing tree-structured regression and classification models. This unified infrastructure can be used for reading/coercing tree models from different sources ('rpart', 'RWeka', 'PMML') yielding objects that share functionality for print()/plot()/predict() methods. Furthermore, new and improved reimplementations of conditional inference trees (ctree()) and model-based recursive partitioning (mob()) from the 'party' package are provided based on the new infrastructure. A description of this package was published by Hothorn and Zeileis (2015) <>.
Author: Torsten Hothorn [aut, cre] , Heidi Seibold [ctb] , Achim Zeileis [aut]
Maintainer: Torsten Hothorn <>

Diff between partykit versions 1.2-20 dated 2023-04-14 and 1.2-21 dated 2024-07-18

 partykit-1.2-20/partykit/inst/doc/constparty.R.R       |only
 partykit-1.2-21/partykit/DESCRIPTION                   |    8 
 partykit-1.2-21/partykit/MD5                           |   25 +-
 partykit-1.2-21/partykit/build/partial.rdb             |binary
 partykit-1.2-21/partykit/build/vignette.rds            |binary
 partykit-1.2-21/partykit/inst/NEWS.Rd                  |    9 
 partykit-1.2-21/partykit/inst/doc/constparty.pdf       |binary
 partykit-1.2-21/partykit/inst/doc/ctree.pdf            |binary
 partykit-1.2-21/partykit/inst/doc/mob.pdf              |binary
 partykit-1.2-21/partykit/inst/doc/partykit.pdf         |binary
 partykit-1.2-21/partykit/man/cforest.Rd                |    3 
 partykit-1.2-21/partykit/man/model.frame.rpart.Rd      |    4 
 partykit-1.2-21/partykit/tests/regtest-party.R         |    1 
 partykit-1.2-21/partykit/tests/ |  155 +++++++----------
 14 files changed, 103 insertions(+), 102 deletions(-)

More information about partykit at CRAN
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Package party updated to version 1.3-16 with previous version 1.3-15 dated 2024-04-29

Title: A Laboratory for Recursive Partytioning
Description: A computational toolbox for recursive partitioning. The core of the package is ctree(), an implementation of conditional inference trees which embed tree-structured regression models into a well defined theory of conditional inference procedures. This non-parametric class of regression trees is applicable to all kinds of regression problems, including nominal, ordinal, numeric, censored as well as multivariate response variables and arbitrary measurement scales of the covariates. Based on conditional inference trees, cforest() provides an implementation of Breiman's random forests. The function mob() implements an algorithm for recursive partitioning based on parametric models (e.g. linear models, GLMs or survival regression) employing parameter instability tests for split selection. Extensible functionality for visualizing tree-structured regression models is available. The methods are described in Hothorn et al. (2006) <doi:10.1198/106186006X133933>, Zeileis et al. (2008) <d [...truncated...]
Author: Torsten Hothorn [aut, cre] , Kurt Hornik [aut] , Carolin Strobl [aut] , Achim Zeileis [aut]
Maintainer: Torsten Hothorn <>

Diff between party versions 1.3-15 dated 2024-04-29 and 1.3-16 dated 2024-07-18

 DESCRIPTION               |   20 ++++++++++++--------
 MD5                       |   18 +++++++++---------
 build/partial.rdb         |binary
 build/vignette.rds        |binary
 inst/CITATION             |    1 +
 inst/NEWS                 |    4 ++++
 inst/doc/MOB.pdf          |binary
 inst/doc/party.pdf        |binary
 man/RandomForest-class.Rd |    2 +-
 man/mob.Rd                |    2 +-
 10 files changed, 28 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)

More information about party at CRAN
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Package multichull updated to version 3.0.0 with previous version 1.0.1 dated 2023-10-26

Title: A Generic Convex-Hull-Based Model Selection Method
Description: Given a set of models for which a measure of model (mis)fit and model complexity is provided, CHull(), developed by Ceulemans and Kiers (2006) <doi:10.1348/000711005X64817>, determines the models that are located on the boundary of the convex hull and selects an optimal model by means of the scree test values.
Author: Marlies Vervloet [aut, cre, trl], Tom Wilderjans [aut], Jeffrey Durieux [aut], Eva Ceulemans [aut]
Maintainer: Kristof Meers <>

Diff between multichull versions 1.0.1 dated 2023-10-26 and 3.0.0 dated 2024-07-18

 DESCRIPTION                       |   11 +-
 MD5                               |   42 +++++---
 NAMESPACE                         |    7 +                           |   12 ++
 R/CHull.R                         |   28 +++--
 R/CHull.default.R                 |   34 +++---
 R/MultiCHull.R                    |   21 ++--
 R/MultiCHull.default.R            |  131 ++++++++++++++++----------
 R/chulldata.R                     |only
 R/chulldataboot.R                 |only
 R/plot.CHull.R                    |   52 ++++++++--
 R/plot.MultiCHull.R               |  137 ++++++++++++++++++++-------
 R/plot.MultiCHullcom.R            |only
 R/print.MultiCHull.R              |    4 
 R/runShinyApp.R                   |    6 -
 R/summary.CHull.R                 |    4 
 R/summary.MultiCHull.R            |   14 +-
 R/summary.MultiCHullcom.R         |only
 data                              |only
 inst/ShinyApp/multichull/server.R |  169 ++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 inst/ShinyApp/multichull/ui.R     |  190 +++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
 man/CHull.Rd                      |    8 +
 man/MultiCHull.Rd                 |   38 +++++--
 man/chulldata.Rd                  |only
 man/chulldataboot.Rd              |only
 25 files changed, 589 insertions(+), 319 deletions(-)

More information about multichull at CRAN
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Package multcomp updated to version 1.4-26 with previous version 1.4-25 dated 2023-06-20

Title: Simultaneous Inference in General Parametric Models
Description: Simultaneous tests and confidence intervals for general linear hypotheses in parametric models, including linear, generalized linear, linear mixed effects, and survival models. The package includes demos reproducing analyzes presented in the book "Multiple Comparisons Using R" (Bretz, Hothorn, Westfall, 2010, CRC Press).
Author: Torsten Hothorn [aut, cre] , Frank Bretz [aut], Peter Westfall [aut], Richard M. Heiberger [ctb], Andre Schuetzenmeister [ctb], Susan Scheibe [ctb]
Maintainer: Torsten Hothorn <>

Diff between multcomp versions 1.4-25 dated 2023-06-20 and 1.4-26 dated 2024-07-18

 DESCRIPTION                    |   12 ++++++------
 MD5                            |   20 ++++++++++----------
 build/vignette.rds             |binary
 data/cholesterol.rda           |binary
 data/litter.rda                |binary
 inst/NEWS                      |   11 +++++++++--
 inst/doc/chfls1.pdf            |binary
 inst/doc/generalsiminf.pdf     |binary
 inst/doc/multcomp-examples.pdf |binary
 man/mmm.Rd                     |    2 +-
 man/plot.cld.Rd                |    2 +-
 11 files changed, 27 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)

More information about multcomp at CRAN
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Package fdasrvf updated to version 2.3.1 with previous version 2.3.0 dated 2024-07-16

Title: Elastic Functional Data Analysis
Description: Performs alignment, PCA, and modeling of multidimensional and unidimensional functions using the square-root velocity framework (Srivastava et al., 2011 <doi:10.48550/arXiv.1103.3817> and Tucker et al., 2014 <DOI:10.1016/j.csda.2012.12.001>). This framework allows for elastic analysis of functional data through phase and amplitude separation.
Author: J. Derek Tucker [aut, cre] , Aymeric Stamm [ctb]
Maintainer: J. Derek Tucker <>

Diff between fdasrvf versions 2.3.0 dated 2024-07-16 and 2.3.1 dated 2024-07-18

 DESCRIPTION                              |    8 ++++----
 MD5                                      |   20 ++++++++++----------                                  |    3 +++                                |    2 +-
 man/figures/README-1d_aligned_plot-1.png |binary
 man/figures/README-1d_aligned_plot-2.png |binary
 man/figures/README-1d_aligned_plot-3.png |binary
 man/figures/README-1d_aligned_plot-4.png |binary
 man/figures/README-1d_aligned_plot-5.png |binary
 man/figures/README-1d_curve_plot-1.png   |binary
 tests/testthat/test-refactoring.R        |    6 +++---
 11 files changed, 21 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)

More information about fdasrvf at CRAN
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Package exiftoolr updated to version 0.2.5 with previous version 0.2.4 dated 2024-03-28

Title: ExifTool Functionality from R
Description: Reads, writes, and edits EXIF and other file metadata using ExifTool <>, returning read results as a data frame. ExifTool supports many different metadata formats including EXIF, GPS, IPTC, XMP, JFIF, GeoTIFF, ICC Profile, Photoshop IRB, FlashPix, AFCP and ID3, Lyrics3, as well as the maker notes of many digital cameras by Canon, Casio, DJI, FLIR, FujiFilm, GE, GoPro, HP, JVC/Victor, Kodak, Leaf, Minolta/Konica-Minolta, Motorola, Nikon, Nintendo, Olympus/Epson, Panasonic/Leica, Pentax/Asahi, Phase One, Reconyx, Ricoh, Samsung, Sanyo, Sigma/Foveon and Sony.
Author: Joshua O'Brien [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Joshua O'Brien <>

Diff between exiftoolr versions 0.2.4 dated 2024-03-28 and 0.2.5 dated 2024-07-18

 DESCRIPTION                |   10 ++---
 MD5                        |   16 ++++-----                    |    6 +++
 R/exif_read.R              |   76 ++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------
 R/install.R                |   42 +++++++++++-------------
 R/utils.R                  |   27 +++++++--------
 man/configure_exiftoolr.Rd |    8 +---
 man/exif_read.Rd           |   76 ++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------
 man/install_exiftool.Rd    |   31 ++++++++----------
 9 files changed, 138 insertions(+), 154 deletions(-)

More information about exiftoolr at CRAN
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Package cotram updated to version 0.5-0 with previous version 0.4-4 dated 2023-05-25

Title: Count Transformation Models
Description: Count transformation models featuring parameters interpretable as discrete hazard ratios, odds ratios, reverse-time discrete hazard ratios, or transformed expectations. An appropriate data transformation for a count outcome and regression coefficients are simultaneously estimated by maximising the exact discrete log-likelihood using the computational framework provided in package 'mlt', technical details are given in Siegfried & Hothorn (2020) <DOI:10.1111/2041-210X.13383>. The package also contains an experimental implementation of multivariate count transformation models with an application to multi-species distribution models <DOI:10.48550/arXiv.2201.13095>.
Author: Sandra Siegfried [aut, cre] , Luisa Barbanti [aut] , Torsten Hothorn [aut]
Maintainer: Sandra Siegfried <>

Diff between cotram versions 0.4-4 dated 2023-05-25 and 0.5-0 dated 2024-07-18

 cotram-0.4-4/cotram/inst/application/ex_DVC.R          |only
 cotram-0.4-4/cotram/inst/simulation/countDGP.R         |only
 cotram-0.5-0/cotram/DESCRIPTION                        |   18 ++--
 cotram-0.5-0/cotram/MD5                                |   48 ++++++------
 cotram-0.5-0/cotram/NAMESPACE                          |    9 +-
 cotram-0.5-0/cotram/R/mcotram.R                        |only
 cotram-0.5-0/cotram/R/methods.R                        |    6 -
 cotram-0.5-0/cotram/R/models.R                         |    6 +
 cotram-0.5-0/cotram/build/partial.rdb                  |binary
 cotram-0.5-0/cotram/build/vignette.rds                 |binary
 cotram-0.5-0/cotram/cleanup                            |   28 -------
 cotram-0.5-0/cotram/demo                               |only
 cotram-0.5-0/cotram/inst/CITATION                      |    2 
 cotram-0.5-0/cotram/inst/NEWS.Rd                       |    9 ++
 cotram-0.5-0/cotram/inst/README                        |    4 -
 cotram-0.5-0/cotram/inst/application/Ex_DVC.R          |only
 cotram-0.5-0/cotram/inst/doc/cotram.Rnw                |    4 -
 cotram-0.5-0/cotram/inst/doc/cotram.pdf                |binary
 cotram-0.5-0/cotram/inst/simulation/SIM_countDGP.R     |only
 cotram-0.5-0/cotram/man/confband.Rd                    |    2 
 cotram-0.5-0/cotram/man/cotram-methods.Rd              |    2 
 cotram-0.5-0/cotram/man/cotram.Rd                      |    8 +-
 cotram-0.5-0/cotram/man/mcotram.Rd                     |only
 cotram-0.5-0/cotram/tests/Examples/ |   56 +++++++++++---
 cotram-0.5-0/cotram/tests/        |   10 +-
 cotram-0.5-0/cotram/tests/models-Ex.R                  |   67 ++++++++++++-----
 cotram-0.5-0/cotram/tests/predict-Ex.R                 |   15 +--
 cotram-0.5-0/cotram/vignettes/cotram.Rnw               |    4 -
 28 files changed, 176 insertions(+), 122 deletions(-)

More information about cotram at CRAN
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New package adass with initial version 1.0.1
Package: adass
Title: Adaptive Smoothing Spline (AdaSS) Estimator for the Function-on-Function Linear Regression
Version: 1.0.1
Description: Implements the adaptive smoothing spline estimator for the function-on-function linear regression model described in Centofanti et al. (2023) <doi:10.1007/s00180-022-01223-6>.
License: GPL (>= 3)
Encoding: UTF-8
Imports: fda, parallel, matrixcalc, SparseM, mvtnorm, Rfast, plot3D
SystemRequirements: GNU make
Suggests: knitr, rmarkdown, testthat
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-07-17 15:34:03 UTC; fabio
Author: Fabio Centofanti [cre, aut], Antonio Lepore [aut], Alessandra Menafoglio [aut], Biagio Palumbo [aut], Simone Vantini [aut]
Maintainer: Fabio Centofanti <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-07-18 13:30:06 UTC

More information about adass at CRAN
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Package Rdune updated to version 1.1.0 with previous version 1.0.2 dated 2024-07-08

Title: 'Creates Color Palettes Inspired by Dune'
Description: Enables the use of color palettes inspired by the 'Dune' movies. These palettes are compatible with 'ggplot2'. See Wickham (2016) <doi:10.1007/978-3-319-24277-4> for more details on 'ggplot2'.
Author: Nicholas Vietto [aut, cre, cph]
Maintainer: Nicholas Vietto <>

Diff between Rdune versions 1.0.2 dated 2024-07-08 and 1.1.0 dated 2024-07-18

 DESCRIPTION                       |    6 +-
 MD5                               |   19 ++++---                           |    6 ++
 R/Rdune-package.R                 |only                         |   15 +++++
 build/partial.rdb                 |only
 inst/doc/my-vignette.R            |    8 ---
 inst/doc/my-vignette.Rmd          |   14 -----
 inst/doc/my-vignette.html         |   97 ++++++++++++++++----------------------
 man/Rdune-package.Rd              |only
 man/figures/README-example2-1.png |binary
 vignettes/my-vignette.Rmd         |   14 -----
 12 files changed, 77 insertions(+), 102 deletions(-)

More information about Rdune at CRAN
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Package ipred updated to version 0.9-15 with previous version 0.9-14 dated 2023-03-09

Title: Improved Predictors
Description: Improved predictive models by indirect classification and bagging for classification, regression and survival problems as well as resampling based estimators of prediction error.
Author: Andrea Peters [aut], Torsten Hothorn [aut, cre], Brian D. Ripley [ctb], Terry Therneau [ctb], Beth Atkinson [ctb]
Maintainer: Torsten Hothorn <>

Diff between ipred versions 0.9-14 dated 2023-03-09 and 0.9-15 dated 2024-07-18

 DESCRIPTION                 |    8 ++++----
 MD5                         |   10 +++++-----
 build/vignette.rds          |binary
 inst/NEWS                   |    4 ++++
 inst/doc/ipred-examples.pdf |binary
 man/bagging.Rd              |    2 +-
 6 files changed, 14 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

More information about ipred at CRAN
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Package cubble updated to version 0.3.2 with previous version 0.3.1 dated 2024-07-02

Title: A Vector Spatio-Temporal Data Structure for Data Analysis
Description: A spatiotemperal data object in a relational data structure to separate the recording of time variant/ invariant variables.
Author: H. Sherry Zhang [aut, cre] , Dianne Cook [aut] , Ursula Laa [aut] , Nicolas Langrene [aut] , Patricia Menendez [aut]
Maintainer: H. Sherry Zhang <>

Diff between cubble versions 0.3.1 dated 2024-07-02 and 0.3.2 dated 2024-07-18

 DESCRIPTION                  |    6 +++---
 MD5                          |   26 +++++++++++++-------------                      |    4 ++++
 R/as-cubble.R                |   10 ++++++----
 R/cubble-print.R             |   13 +++++++++----                    |    2 +-
 inst/doc/cb1class.html       |    2 +-
 inst/doc/cb2create.html      |   38 +++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 inst/doc/cb3tsibblesf.html   |   19 +++++++++----------
 inst/doc/cb4glyph.html       |    2 +-
 inst/doc/cb5match.html       |    6 +++---
 inst/doc/cb6interactive.html |    2 +-
 inst/doc/cb7misc.html        |    2 +-
 man/as_cubble.Rd             |    4 +++-
 14 files changed, 74 insertions(+), 62 deletions(-)

More information about cubble at CRAN
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Package singleRcapture updated to version with previous version dated 2023-10-23

Title: Single-Source Capture-Recapture Models
Description: Implementation of single-source capture-recapture methods for population size estimation using zero-truncated, zero-one truncated and zero-truncated one-inflated Poisson, Geometric and Negative Binomial regression as well as Zelterman's and Chao's regression. Package includes point and interval estimators for the population size with variances estimated using analytical or bootstrap method. Details can be found in: van der Heijden et all. (2003) <doi:10.1191/1471082X03st057oa>, Böhning and van der Heijden (2019) <doi:10.1214/18-AOAS1232>, Böhning et al. (2020) Capture-Recapture Methods for the Social and Medical Sciences or Böhning and Friedl (2021) <doi:10.1007/s10260-021-00556-8>.
Author: Piotr Chlebicki [aut, cre], Maciej Beresewicz [aut, ctb]
Maintainer: Piotr Chlebicki <>

Diff between singleRcapture versions dated 2023-10-23 and dated 2024-07-18

 singleRcapture-                           |only
 singleRcapture-                        |only
 singleRcapture-                           |   10 
 singleRcapture-                                   |   89 
 singleRcapture-                               |   12 
 singleRcapture-                              |    8 
 singleRcapture-                         |   40 
 singleRcapture-                           |    5 
 singleRcapture-                |    3 
 singleRcapture-                   |  172 
 singleRcapture-                     |only
 singleRcapture-                          |   68 
 singleRcapture-                   |only
 singleRcapture-                        |only
 singleRcapture-            |only
 singleRcapture-               |only
 singleRcapture-                           |only
 singleRcapture-                   |    2 
 singleRcapture-           |only
 singleRcapture-                          |only
 singleRcapture-                      |only
 singleRcapture-                  |only
 singleRcapture-                           |only
 singleRcapture-                           |only
 singleRcapture-                         |    8 
 singleRcapture-                           |    4 
 singleRcapture-                        |   10 
 singleRcapture-                    |    8 
 singleRcapture-                            |    4 
 singleRcapture-                          |    2 
 singleRcapture-                        |   14 
 singleRcapture-                         |    8 
 singleRcapture-                             |    6 
 singleRcapture-              |binary
 singleRcapture-                     |binary
 singleRcapture-    |only
 singleRcapture-   |only
 singleRcapture-  | 3932 +++++++---
 singleRcapture-          |    2 
 singleRcapture-         |only
 singleRcapture-   |  199 
 singleRcapture-    |  482 +
 singleRcapture- |    2 
 singleRcapture-                  |    5 
 singleRcapture-                     |    2 
 singleRcapture- |    7 
 singleRcapture-              |    9 
 singleRcapture-                 |   26 
 singleRcapture-                       |    2 
 singleRcapture-                |    8 
 singleRcapture- |    9 
 singleRcapture-    |    4 
 singleRcapture-  |    2 
 singleRcapture-                      |    3 
 54 files changed, 3533 insertions(+), 1634 deletions(-)

More information about singleRcapture at CRAN
Permanent link

Package recurse updated to version 1.4.0 with previous version 1.3.0 dated 2024-02-18

Title: Computes Revisitation Metrics for Trajectory Data
Description: Computes revisitation metrics for trajectory data, such as the number of revisitations for each location as well as the time spent for that visit and the time since the previous visit. Also includes functions to plot data.
Author: Chloe Bracis [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Chloe Bracis <>

Diff between recurse versions 1.3.0 dated 2024-02-18 and 1.4.0 dated 2024-07-18

 DESCRIPTION                                 |   12 
 LICENSE                                     |    2 
 MD5                                         |  101 -
 NAMESPACE                                   |   49                                     |   73 -
 R/RcppExports.R                             |   38 
 R/calculateCrossingPercentage.R             |  158 +-
 R/calculateIntervalResidenceTime.R          |  186 +-
 R/drawCircle.R                              |   88 -
 R/getRecursions.R                           |  126 +-
 R/                |   76 -
 R/getRecursions.move.R                      |   66 -
 R/getRecursions.move2.R                     |only
 R/getRecursions.movestack.R                 |   36 
 R/getRecursions3D.R                         |  126 +-
 R/              |   78 -
 R/getRecursions3DAtLocations.R              |  134 +-
 R/   |   72 -
 R/getRecursionsAtLocations.R                |  134 +-
 R/     |   70 -
 R/getRecursionsAtLocations.move.R           |   60 
 R/getRecursionsAtLocations.move2.R          |only
 R/getRecursionsAtLocations.movestack.R      |   32 
 R/getRecursionsInPolygon.Move.R             |   66 -
 R/getRecursionsInPolygon.R                  |  127 +-
 R/       |  382 +++---
 R/getRecursionsInPolygon.move2.R            |only
 R/getRecursionsInPolygon.movestack.R        |   36 
 R/plot.recurse.R                            |  186 +-
 R/recurse.R                                 |  139 +-                                   |   46 
 build/vignette.rds                          |binary
 inst/CITATION                               |   16 
 inst/doc/recurse.R                          |  330 ++---
 inst/doc/recurse.Rmd                        |  650 +++++-----
 inst/doc/recurse.html                       | 1752 ++++++++++++++--------------
 man/calculateIntervalResidenceTime.Rd       |   98 -
 man/dot-calculateCrossingPercentageCmplx.Rd |   42 
 man/drawCircle.Rd                           |   98 -
 man/getRecursions.Rd                        |  239 +--
 man/getRecursions3D.Rd                      |  184 +-
 man/getRecursions3DAtLocations.Rd           |  202 +--
 man/getRecursionsAtLocations.Rd             |  264 ++--
 man/getRecursionsInPolygon.Rd               |  248 ++-
 man/martin.Rd                               |   48 
 man/plot.recurse.Rd                         |   88 -
 man/recurse.Rd                              |   39 
 man/track.Rd                                |   48 
 man/wren.Rd                                 |   48 
 tests/testthat.R                            |    8 
 tests/testthat/test_crossing.R              |  140 +-
 tests/testthat/test_recurse.R               |  435 +++---
 vignettes/recurse.Rmd                       |  650 +++++-----
 53 files changed, 4208 insertions(+), 4118 deletions(-)

More information about recurse at CRAN
Permanent link

Package performance updated to version 0.12.2 with previous version 0.12.1 dated 2024-07-15

Title: Assessment of Regression Models Performance
Description: Utilities for computing measures to assess model quality, which are not directly provided by R's 'base' or 'stats' packages. These include e.g. measures like r-squared, intraclass correlation coefficient (Nakagawa, Johnson & Schielzeth (2017) <doi:10.1098/rsif.2017.0213>), root mean squared error or functions to check models for overdispersion, singularity or zero-inflation and more. Functions apply to a large variety of regression models, including generalized linear models, mixed effects models and Bayesian models. References: Lüdecke et al. (2021) <doi:10.21105/joss.03139>.
Author: Daniel Luedecke [aut, cre] , Dominique Makowski [aut, ctb] , Mattan S. Ben-Shachar [aut, ctb] , Indrajeet Patil [aut, ctb] , Philip Waggoner [aut, ctb] , Brenton M. Wiernik [aut, ctb] , Remi Theriault [aut, ctb] , Vincent Arel-Bundock [ctb] , Martin J [...truncated...]
Maintainer: Daniel Luedecke <>

Diff between performance versions 0.12.1 dated 2024-07-15 and 0.12.2 dated 2024-07-18

 DESCRIPTION                                      |    6 -
 MD5                                              |   24 ++--                                          |    5 
 R/check_heterogeneity_bias.R                     |    5 
 man/check_heterogeneity_bias.Rd                  |    2 
 tests/testthat/_snaps/     |  120 +++++++++++------------
 tests/testthat/_snaps/      |   74 +++++++-------
 tests/testthat/_snaps/                 |   44 ++++----
 tests/testthat/_snaps/   |   14 +-
 tests/testthat/_snaps/             |   24 ++--
 tests/testthat/_snaps/               |   22 ++--
 tests/testthat/_snaps/windows/ |   48 ++++-----
 tests/testthat/test-check_heterogeneity_bias.R   |    1 
 13 files changed, 200 insertions(+), 189 deletions(-)

More information about performance at CRAN
Permanent link

Package HiveR updated to version 0.4.0 with previous version 0.3.63 dated 2020-06-09

Title: 2D and 3D Hive Plots for R
Description: Creates and plots 2D and 3D hive plots. Hive plots are a unique method of displaying networks of many types in which node properties are mapped to axes using meaningful properties rather than being arbitrarily positioned. The hive plot concept was invented by Martin Krzywinski at the Genome Science Center ( Keywords: networks, food webs, linnet, systems biology, bioinformatics.
Author: Bryan A. Hanson [aut, cre] , Vesna Memisevic [ctb], Jonathan Chung [ctb]
Maintainer: Bryan A. Hanson <>

Diff between HiveR versions 0.3.63 dated 2020-06-09 and 0.4.0 dated 2024-07-18

 HiveR-0.3.63/HiveR/build               |only
 HiveR-0.3.63/HiveR/inst/CITATION       |only
 HiveR-0.3.63/HiveR/inst/doc            |only
 HiveR-0.3.63/HiveR/vignettes           |only
 HiveR-0.4.0/HiveR/DESCRIPTION          |   16 +++---
 HiveR-0.4.0/HiveR/MD5                  |   39 ++++------------
 HiveR-0.4.0/HiveR/              |    4 +
 HiveR-0.4.0/HiveR/R/HiveR-package.R    |    2 
 HiveR-0.4.0/HiveR/R/adj2HPD.R          |   80 ++++++++++++++++-----------------
 HiveR-0.4.0/HiveR/R/chkHPD.R           |   30 ++++++------
 HiveR-0.4.0/HiveR/data/Arroyo.RData    |binary
 HiveR-0.4.0/HiveR/data/HEC.RData       |binary
 HiveR-0.4.0/HiveR/data/Safari.RData    |binary
 HiveR-0.4.0/HiveR/man/HiveR-package.Rd |    8 +++
 HiveR-0.4.0/HiveR/man/adj2HPD.Rd       |   80 ++++++++++++++++-----------------
 HiveR-0.4.0/HiveR/man/plotHive.Rd      |    6 +-
 16 files changed, 132 insertions(+), 133 deletions(-)

More information about HiveR at CRAN
Permanent link

Package dtts updated to version 0.1.3 with previous version 0.1.2 dated 2024-01-31

Title: 'data.table' Time-Series
Description: High-frequency time-series support via 'nanotime' and 'data.table'.
Author: Dirk Eddelbuettel and Leonardo Silvestri
Maintainer: Dirk Eddelbuettel <>

Diff between dtts versions 0.1.2 dated 2024-01-31 and 0.1.3 dated 2024-07-18

 ChangeLog                 |   21 +++++++++++++++++++++
 DESCRIPTION               |    8 ++++----
 MD5                       |   12 ++++++------                 |    2 +-
 inst/NEWS.Rd              |   10 ++++++++++
 inst/tinytest/test_dtts.R |   20 ++++++++++++++++----
 src/align.cpp             |    4 ++--
 7 files changed, 60 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

More information about dtts at CRAN
Permanent link

Package CruzPlot updated to version 1.4.9 with previous version 1.4.8 dated 2022-06-01

Title: Plot Shipboard DAS Data
Description: A utility program oriented to create maps, plot data, and do basic data summaries of DAS data files. These files are typically, but do not have to be DAS <> data produced by the Southwest Fisheries Science Center (SWFSC) program 'WinCruz'.
Author: Sam Woodman [aut, cre] , Tim Gerrodette [aut]
Maintainer: Sam Woodman <>

Diff between CruzPlot versions 1.4.8 dated 2022-06-01 and 1.4.9 dated 2024-07-18

 CruzPlot-1.4.8/CruzPlot/inst/shiny/server_files/drawInteractive.R |only
 CruzPlot-1.4.8/CruzPlot/inst/shiny/server_files/drawStatic.R      |only
 CruzPlot-1.4.9/CruzPlot/DESCRIPTION                               |   24 ++--
 CruzPlot-1.4.9/CruzPlot/MD5                                       |   28 ++--
 CruzPlot-1.4.9/CruzPlot/                                   |   15 ++
 CruzPlot-1.4.9/CruzPlot/R/CruzPlot-package.R                      |    8 -
 CruzPlot-1.4.9/CruzPlot/R/cruzplot_gui.R                          |    2 
 CruzPlot-1.4.9/CruzPlot/                                 |   58 ++--------
 CruzPlot-1.4.9/CruzPlot/inst/shiny/app.R                          |   52 +++++---
 CruzPlot-1.4.9/CruzPlot/inst/shiny/rsconnect                      |only
 CruzPlot-1.4.9/CruzPlot/inst/shiny/server_1_map/cruzMapSave.R     |   11 +
 CruzPlot-1.4.9/CruzPlot/inst/shiny/server_files/cruzDraw.R        |only
 CruzPlot-1.4.9/CruzPlot/inst/shiny/ui_files/ui_createMap.R        |   28 +++-
 CruzPlot-1.4.9/CruzPlot/inst/shiny/ui_files/ui_dasPlot.R          |    2 
 CruzPlot-1.4.9/CruzPlot/man/CruzPlot-package.Rd                   |    5 
 CruzPlot-1.4.9/CruzPlot/man/cruzplot_gui.Rd                       |    3 
 16 files changed, 121 insertions(+), 115 deletions(-)

More information about CruzPlot at CRAN
Permanent link

Package jsmodule updated to version 1.5.6 with previous version 1.5.5 dated 2024-06-05

Title: 'RStudio' Addins and 'Shiny' Modules for Medical Research
Description: 'RStudio' addins and 'Shiny' modules for descriptive statistics, regression and survival analysis.
Author: Jinseob Kim [aut, cre] , Zarathu [cph, fnd], Hyunki Lee [aut], Changwoo Lim [aut], Jinhwan Kim [aut] , Yoonkyoung Jeon [aut], Jaewoong Heo [aut]
Maintainer: Jinseob Kim <>

Diff between jsmodule versions 1.5.5 dated 2024-06-05 and 1.5.6 dated 2024-07-18

 DESCRIPTION            |   10 +++++-----
 MD5                    |   10 +++++-----                |    6 ++++++
 R/utils.R              |    5 ++++-
 build/vignette.rds     |binary
 inst/doc/jsmodule.html |    6 +++---
 6 files changed, 23 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

More information about jsmodule at CRAN
Permanent link

Package iimi updated to version 1.1.0 with previous version 1.0.2 dated 2024-03-07

Title: Identifying Infection with Machine Intelligence
Description: A novel machine learning method for plant viruses diagnostic using genome sequencing data. This package includes three different machine learning models, random forest, XGBoost, and elastic net, to train and predict mapped genome samples. Mappability profile and unreliable regions are introduced to the algorithm, and users can build a mappability profile from scratch with functions included in the package. Plotting mapped sample coverage information is provided.
Author: Haochen Ning [aut], Ian Boyes [aut], Ibrahim Numanagic [aut] , Michael Rott [aut], Li Xing [aut] , Xuekui Zhang [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Xuekui Zhang <>

Diff between iimi versions 1.0.2 dated 2024-03-07 and 1.1.0 dated 2024-07-18

 DESCRIPTION                    |   11 
 MD5                            |   29 +-
 NAMESPACE                      |    2 
 R/convert_bam_to_rle.R         |    1 
 R/data.R                       |    1 
 R/predict_iimi.R               |   25 +-
 R/train_iimi.R                 |   16 -
 data/example_cov.rda           |binary
 data/example_diag.rda          |binary
 data/trained_xgb.rda           |binary
 inst/REFERENCES                |only
 inst/doc/package_vignette.R    |  108 ++++++--
 inst/doc/package_vignette.Rmd  |  334 ++++++++++++++++++---------
 inst/doc/package_vignette.html |  504 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 man/trained_xgb.Rd             |    2 
 vignettes/package_vignette.Rmd |  334 ++++++++++++++++++---------
 16 files changed, 924 insertions(+), 443 deletions(-)

More information about iimi at CRAN
Permanent link

Package raters updated to version 2.1.0 with previous version 2.0.4 dated 2024-05-29

Title: A Modification of Fleiss' Kappa in Case of Nominal and Ordinal Variables
Description: The kappa statistic implemented by Fleiss is a very popular index for assessing the reliability of agreement among multiple observers. It is used both in the psychological and in the psychiatric field. Other fields of application are typically medicine, biology and engineering. Unfortunately,the kappa statistic may behave inconsistently in case of strong agreement between raters, since this index assumes lower values than it would have been expected. We propose a modification kappa implemented by Fleiss in case of nominal and ordinal variables. Monte Carlo simulations are used both to testing statistical hypotheses and to calculating percentile bootstrap confidence intervals based on proposed statistic in case of nominal and ordinal data.
Author: Daniele Giardiello [cre], Piero Quatto [aut], Enrico Ripamonti [aut], Stefano Vigliani [ctb]
Maintainer: Daniele Giardiello <>

Diff between raters versions 2.0.4 dated 2024-05-29 and 2.1.0 dated 2024-07-18

 DESCRIPTION           |    6 -
 MD5                   |   10 -
 R/concordance.R       |  289 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 R/wlin.conc.R         |  110 +++++++------------
 R/wquad.conc.R        |  101 ++++++-----------
 man/raters-package.Rd |    2 
 6 files changed, 248 insertions(+), 270 deletions(-)

More information about raters at CRAN
Permanent link

Package shadowtext updated to version 0.1.4 with previous version 0.1.3 dated 2024-01-19

Title: Shadow Text Grob and Layer
Description: Implement shadowtextGrob() for 'grid' and geom_shadowtext() layer for 'ggplot2'. These functions create/draw text grob with background shadow.
Author: Guangchuang Yu [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Guangchuang Yu <>

Diff between shadowtext versions 0.1.3 dated 2024-01-19 and 0.1.4 dated 2024-07-18

 DESCRIPTION               |    8 ++---
 MD5                       |   14 +++++---                   |    4 ++
 R/element_shadowtext.R    |   72 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 R/shadowtext-package.R    |only
 build/vignette.rds        |binary
 inst/doc/shadowtext.html  |   14 ++++----
 man/element_shadowtext.Rd |    9 +++++
 man/shadowtext-package.Rd |only
 9 files changed, 74 insertions(+), 47 deletions(-)

More information about shadowtext at CRAN
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Package malariaAtlas updated to version 1.6.1 with previous version 1.5.1 dated 2023-10-27

Title: An R Interface to Open-Access Malaria Data, Hosted by the 'Malaria Atlas Project'
Description: A suite of tools to allow you to download all publicly available parasite rate survey points, mosquito occurrence points and raster surfaces from the 'Malaria Atlas Project' <> servers as well as utility functions for plotting the downloaded data.
Author: Mauricio van den Berg [aut, cre], Sarah Connor [aut], Daniel Pfeffer [aut] , Tim Lucas [aut] , Daniel May [aut] , Suzanne Keddie [aut] , Jen Rozier [aut] , Oliver Watson [aut] , Harry Gibson [aut] , Nick Golding [ctb], David Smith [ctb]
Maintainer: Mauricio van den Berg <>

Diff between malariaAtlas versions 1.5.1 dated 2023-10-27 and 1.6.1 dated 2024-07-18

 DESCRIPTION                                    |    8 +-
 MD5                                            |   49 +++++++-------                                        |    7 ++
 R/autoplot.MAPraster.R                         |    2 
 R/autoplot.SpatRaster.R                        |    2 
 R/autoplot.SpatRasterCollection.R              |    4 -
 R/                         |    2 
 R/autoplot.vector.points.R                     |    2 
 R/autoplotRasterHelper.R                       |   32 +++++++--
 R/getRaster.R                                  |   87 ++++++++++++++-----------
 R/getShp.R                                     |   53 ++++++++-------
 R/maskedRasterHelper.R                         |only
 R/ows4r_utils.R                                |   11 +--
 inst/doc/overview.html                         |   16 ++--
 man/autoplot.MAPraster.Rd                      |    2 
 man/autoplot.SpatRaster.Rd                     |    2 
 man/autoplot.SpatRasterCollection.Rd           |    2 
 man/                      |    2 
 man/autoplot.vector.points.Rd                  |    2 
 man/download_rst.Rd                            |only
 man/get_wcs_client_from_raster_id.Rd           |    2 
 man/get_wcs_coverage_summary_from_raster_id.Rd |    2 
 man/isMaskedRaster.Rd                          |only
 tests/testthat/test_autoplot.MAPraster.R       |    4 -
 tests/testthat/test_extractRaster.R            |   22 +++---
 tests/testthat/test_getRaster.R                |   49 ++++++++------
 tests/testthat/test_getShp.R                   |    7 ++
 27 files changed, 216 insertions(+), 155 deletions(-)

More information about malariaAtlas at CRAN
Permanent link

Package morse (with last version 3.3.2) was removed from CRAN

Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:

2022-10-28 3.3.2

Permanent link
Package OptiSembleForecasting (with last version 0.1.0) was removed from CRAN

Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:

2022-09-20 0.1.0

Permanent link
Package Multiaovbay (with last version 0.1.0) was removed from CRAN

Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:

2023-03-17 0.1.0

Permanent link
Package xfun updated to version 0.46 with previous version 0.45 dated 2024-06-16

Title: Supporting Functions for Packages Maintained by 'Yihui Xie'
Description: Miscellaneous functions commonly used in other packages maintained by 'Yihui Xie'.
Author: Yihui Xie [aut, cre, cph] , Wush Wu [ctb], Daijiang Li [ctb], Xianying Tan [ctb], Salim Brueggemann [ctb] , Christophe Dervieux [ctb], Posit Software, PBC [cph, fnd]
Maintainer: Yihui Xie <>

Diff between xfun versions 0.45 dated 2024-06-16 and 0.46 dated 2024-07-18

 DESCRIPTION        |    6 +++---
 MD5                |   18 +++++++++---------            |    6 ++++++
 R/app.R            |    2 +-
 R/cache.R          |    2 +-
 R/markdown.R       |   19 ++++++++++---------
 R/paths.R          |    4 ++--
 R/session.R        |    8 +++++---
 inst/doc/xfun.html |    8 ++++----
 man/cache_exec.Rd  |    2 +-
 10 files changed, 42 insertions(+), 33 deletions(-)

More information about xfun at CRAN
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Package spmodel updated to version 0.7.0 with previous version 0.6.0 dated 2024-04-16

Title: Spatial Statistical Modeling and Prediction
Description: Fit, summarize, and predict for a variety of spatial statistical models applied to point-referenced and areal (lattice) data. Parameters are estimated using various methods. Additional modeling features include anisotropy, non-spatial random effects, partition factors, big data approaches, and more. Model-fit statistics are used to summarize, visualize, and compare models. Predictions at unobserved locations are readily obtainable. For additional details, see Dumelle et al. (2023) <doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0282524>.
Author: Michael Dumelle [aut, cre] , Matt Higham [aut] , Ryan A. Hill [ctb] , Jay M. Ver Hoef [aut]
Maintainer: Michael Dumelle <>

Diff between spmodel versions 0.6.0 dated 2024-04-16 and 0.7.0 dated 2024-07-18

 DESCRIPTION                           |   26 
 MD5                                   |   94 -
 NAMESPACE                             |    9                               |   18 
 R/AUROC.R                             |only
 R/BIC.R                               |only
 R/BIC_glm.R                           |only
 R/cov_initial_search.R                | 2274 +++++++++++++++++-----------------
 R/cov_initial_search_glm.R            | 2108 +++++++++++++++----------------
 R/get_data_object.R                   | 1060 ++++++++-------
 R/get_data_object_glm.R               | 1196 +++++++++--------
 R/get_local_list.R                    |  310 ++--
 R/glance.R                            |  118 -
 R/loocv_glm.R                         |  595 ++++----
 R/predict.R                           | 2267 +++++++++++++++++----------------
 R/predict_glm.R                       | 1816 +++++++++++++--------------
 R/spautor.R                           |  542 ++++----
 R/spgautor.R                          |  742 +++++------
 R/spglm.R                             |  947 +++++++-------
 R/splm.R                              |  811 ++++++------
 R/spmodel-package.R                   |   34 
 R/utils.R                             |   68 -                             |  192 +-
 build/partial.rdb                     |binary
 build/vignette.rds                    |binary
 inst/doc/introduction.Rmd             |  787 +++++------
 inst/doc/introduction.html            |   56 
 inst/extdata/exdata_Mpoly.rda         |binary
 inst/extdata/exdata_Upoly.rda         |binary
 inst/extdata/exdata_poly.rda          |binary
 inst/references.bib                   | 1478 +++++++++++-----------
 man/AUROC.Rd                          |only
 man/BIC.spmodel.Rd                    |only
 man/figures                           |only
 man/glance.spmodel.Rd                 |    9 
 man/loocv.Rd                          |   23 
 man/predict.spmodel.Rd                |   17 
 man/spautor.Rd                        |    2 
 man/spgautor.Rd                       |    2 
 man/spglm.Rd                          |    5 
 man/splm.Rd                           |    5 
 man/spmodel-package.Rd                |   11 
 tests/testthat/test-extras-spgautor.R |   10 
 tests/testthat/test-extras-spglm.R    |   20 
 tests/testthat/test-extras-splm.R     |    6 
 tests/testthat/test-extras.R          |   43 
 tests/testthat/test-spautor.R         |  810 ++++++------
 tests/testthat/test-spgautor.R        |  845 ++++++------
 tests/testthat/test-spglm.R           |  917 ++++++-------
 tests/testthat/test-splm.R            |  868 ++++++------
 vignettes/introduction.Rmd            |  787 +++++------
 51 files changed, 11129 insertions(+), 10799 deletions(-)

More information about spmodel at CRAN
Permanent link

Package phreeqc updated to version 3.8.0 with previous version 3.7.6 dated 2023-12-06

Title: R Interface to Geochemical Modeling Software
Description: A geochemical modeling program developed by the US Geological Survey that is designed to perform a wide variety of aqueous geochemical calculations, including speciation, batch-reaction, one-dimensional reactive-transport, and inverse geochemical calculations.
Author: S.R. Charlton [aut, cre], D.L. Parkhurst [aut], and C.A.J. Appelo [aut], with contributions from D. Gillespie [ctb] for Chipmunk BASIC and S.D. Cohen [ctb], A.C. Hindmarsh [ctb], R. Serban [ctb], D. Shumaker [ctb], and A.G. Taylor [ctb] for CVODE/SUN [...truncated...]
Maintainer: S.R. Charlton <>

Diff between phreeqc versions 3.7.6 dated 2023-12-06 and 3.8.0 dated 2024-07-18

 DESCRIPTION                                  |    8 
 MD5                                          |  241 +--
 R/phreeqc.R                                  |  147 +-
 build/partial.rdb                            |binary
 data/databases.rda                           |binary
 data/examples.rda                            |binary
 man/Amm.dat.Rd                               |    3 
 man/ColdChem.dat.Rd                          |    3 
 man/Kinec.v2.dat.Rd                          |only
 man/PHREEQC_ThermoddemV1.10_15Dec2020.dat.Rd |only
 man/Tipping_Hurley.dat.Rd                    |    3 
 man/core10.dat.Rd                            |    3 
 man/ex1.Rd                                   |    2 
 man/ex10.Rd                                  |    4 
 man/ex11.Rd                                  |    4 
 man/ex12.Rd                                  |    4 
 man/ex13.Rd                                  |    4 
 man/ex14.Rd                                  |    4 
 man/ex15.Rd                                  |    4 
 man/ex15.dat.Rd                              |    3 
 man/ex16.Rd                                  |    4 
 man/ex17.Rd                                  |    4 
 man/ex18.Rd                                  |    4 
 man/ex19.Rd                                  |    4 
 man/ex2.Rd                                   |    2 
 man/ex20.Rd                                  |    4 
 man/ex21.Rd                                  |    4 
 man/ex22.Rd                                  |    4 
 man/ex3.Rd                                   |    4 
 man/ex4.Rd                                   |    4 
 man/ex5.Rd                                   |    4 
 man/ex6.Rd                                   |    4 
 man/ex7.Rd                                   |    4 
 man/ex8.Rd                                   |    4 
 man/ex9.Rd                                   |    4 
 man/frezchem.dat.Rd                          |    3 
 man/iso.dat.Rd                               |    3 
 man/llnl.dat.Rd                              |    3 
 man/minteq.dat.Rd                            |    3 
 man/minteq.v4.dat.Rd                         |    3 
 man/phrGetDumpFileName.Rd                    |    2 
 man/phrGetDumpFileOn.Rd                      |    2 
 man/phrGetErrorFileName.Rd                   |    2 
 man/phrGetErrorFileOn.Rd                     |    2 
 man/phrGetLogFileName.Rd                     |    2 
 man/phrGetLogFileOn.Rd                       |    2 
 man/phrGetOutputFileName.Rd                  |    2 
 man/phrGetOutputFileOn.Rd                    |    2 
 man/phrSetDumpFileName.Rd                    |    2 
 man/phrSetDumpFileOn.Rd                      |    2 
 man/phrSetDumpStringsOn.Rd                   |    2 
 man/phrSetErrorFileName.Rd                   |    2 
 man/phrSetErrorFileOn.Rd                     |    2 
 man/phrSetErrorStringsOn.Rd                  |    2 
 man/phrSetLogFileName.Rd                     |    2 
 man/phrSetLogFileOn.Rd                       |    2 
 man/phrSetLogStringsOn.Rd                    |    2 
 man/phrSetOutputFileName.Rd                  |    2 
 man/phrSetOutputFileOn.Rd                    |    2 
 man/phrSetOutputStringsOn.Rd                 |    2 
 man/phrSetSelectedOutputFileName.Rd          |    2 
 man/phrSetSelectedOutputFileOn.Rd            |    2 
 man/phreeqc-package.Rd                       |   10 
 man/phreeqc.dat.Rd                           |    3 
 man/phreeqc_rates.dat.Rd                     |only
 man/pitzer.dat.Rd                            |    3 
 man/sit.dat.Rd                               |    3 
 man/wateq4f.dat.Rd                           |    3 
 src/CVarhxx.h                                |    2 
 src/IPhreeqc.cpp                             |   45 
 src/IPhreeqc.h                               |    8 
 src/IPhreeqchpp.h                            |    2 
 src/R.cpp                                    |  270 ++--
 src/Var.c                                    |    2 
 src/Version.h                                |   10 
 src/phreeqcpp/ChartHandler.cpp               |    9 
 src/phreeqcpp/ChartObject.cpp                |    2 
 src/phreeqcpp/Keywords.cpp                   |   20 
 src/phreeqcpp/Keywords.h                     |    4 
 src/phreeqcpp/NameDouble.cpp                 |    2 
 src/phreeqcpp/PBasic.cpp                     |  837 +++++++++++++
 src/phreeqcpp/PBasic.h                       |   14 
 src/phreeqcpp/PHRQ_io.cpp                    |    1 
 src/phreeqcpp/Phreeqc.cpp                    |   21 
 src/phreeqcpp/Phreeqc.h                      |  100 +
 src/phreeqcpp/Serializer.cpp                 |    4 
 src/phreeqcpp/Solution.cpp                   |   23 
 src/phreeqcpp/Solution.h                     |    3 
 src/phreeqcpp/SolutionIsotope.cpp            |    6 
 src/phreeqcpp/Surface.cpp                    |   35 
 src/phreeqcpp/Surface.h                      |    7 
 src/phreeqcpp/SurfaceCharge.cpp              |   45 
 src/phreeqcpp/SurfaceCharge.h                |    6 
 src/phreeqcpp/System.cpp                     |    8 
 src/phreeqcpp/Utils.cpp                      |   71 +
 src/phreeqcpp/Utils.h                        |    3 
 src/phreeqcpp/basicsubs.cpp                  | 1670 +++++++++++++++------------
 src/phreeqcpp/cl1.cpp                        |    4 
 src/phreeqcpp/gases.cpp                      |    8 
 src/phreeqcpp/global_structures.h            |   38 
 src/phreeqcpp/input.cpp                      |    7 
 src/phreeqcpp/integrate.cpp                  |  530 +++++---
 src/phreeqcpp/inverse.cpp                    |   42 
 src/phreeqcpp/isotopes.cpp                   |   23 
 src/phreeqcpp/kinetics.cpp                   |   11 
 src/phreeqcpp/mainsubs.cpp                   |   24 
 src/phreeqcpp/model.cpp                      |   12 
 src/phreeqcpp/nvector_serial.cpp             |    3 
 src/phreeqcpp/parse.cpp                      |    3 
 src/phreeqcpp/pitzer.cpp                     |   10 
 src/phreeqcpp/prep.cpp                       |   80 +
 src/phreeqcpp/print.cpp                      |  115 +
 src/phreeqcpp/read.cpp                       |  444 ++++++-
 src/phreeqcpp/spread.cpp                     |   47 
 src/phreeqcpp/step.cpp                       |    6 
 src/phreeqcpp/structures.cpp                 |    2 
 src/phreeqcpp/sundialsmath.cpp               |    2 
 src/phreeqcpp/sundialsmath.h                 |    4 
 src/phreeqcpp/sundialstypes.h                |    2 
 src/phreeqcpp/tally.cpp                      |   22 
 src/phreeqcpp/tidy.cpp                       |   76 -
 src/phreeqcpp/transport.cpp                  |  542 +++++---
 src/phreeqcpp/utilities.cpp                  |  137 --
 123 files changed, 4020 insertions(+), 1980 deletions(-)

More information about phreeqc at CRAN
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Package gam updated to version 1.22-4 with previous version 1.22-3 dated 2023-11-29

Title: Generalized Additive Models
Description: Functions for fitting and working with generalized additive models, as described in chapter 7 of "Statistical Models in S" (Chambers and Hastie (eds), 1991), and "Generalized Additive Models" (Hastie and Tibshirani, 1990).
Author: Trevor Hastie
Maintainer: Trevor Hastie <>

Diff between gam versions 1.22-3 dated 2023-11-29 and 1.22-4 dated 2024-07-18

 DESCRIPTION     |    8 ++++----
 MD5             |    4 ++--
 R/predict.gam.R |   20 ++++++++++----------
 3 files changed, 16 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)

More information about gam at CRAN
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Package BioM2 updated to version 1.0.8 with previous version 1.0.7 dated 2024-06-09

Title: Biologically Explainable Machine Learning Framework
Description: Biologically Explainable Machine Learning Framework for Phenotype Prediction using omics data described in Chen and Schwarz (2017) <doi:10.48550/arXiv.1712.00336>.Identifying reproducible and interpretable biological patterns from high-dimensional omics data is a critical factor in understanding the risk mechanism of complex disease. As such, explainable machine learning can offer biological insight in addition to personalized risk scoring.In this process, a feature space of biological pathways will be generated, and the feature space can also be subsequently analyzed using WGCNA (Described in Horvath and Zhang (2005) <doi:10.2202/1544-6115.1128> and Langfelder and Horvath (2008) <doi:10.1186/1471-2105-9-559> ) methods.
Author: Shunjie Zhang and Junfang Chen
Maintainer: Shunjie Zhang <>

Diff between BioM2 versions 1.0.7 dated 2024-06-09 and 1.0.8 dated 2024-07-18

 DESCRIPTION                     |    6 
 MD5                             |   13 -
 NAMESPACE                       |    1 
 NEWS                            |    5 
 R/BioM2.R                       |  385 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
 man/FindParaModule.Rd           |    4 
 man/HyBioM2.Rd                  |only
 man/Stage1_FeartureSelection.Rd |    4 
 8 files changed, 353 insertions(+), 65 deletions(-)

More information about BioM2 at CRAN
Permanent link

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