Fri, 30 Aug 2024

Package plotmo updated to version 3.6.4 with previous version 3.6.3 dated 2024-02-26

Title: Plot a Model's Residuals, Response, and Partial Dependence Plots
Description: Plot model surfaces for a wide variety of models using partial dependence plots and other techniques. Also plot model residuals and other information on the model.
Author: Stephen Milborrow [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Stephen Milborrow <>

Diff between plotmo versions 3.6.3 dated 2024-02-26 and 3.6.4 dated 2024-08-30

 plotmo-3.6.3/plotmo/inst/slowtests/x1                       |only
 plotmo-3.6.4/plotmo/DESCRIPTION                             |   12 
 plotmo-3.6.4/plotmo/MD5                                     |   87 ++---
 plotmo-3.6.4/plotmo/                                 |    7 
 plotmo-3.6.4/plotmo/R/gbm.R                                 |   19 -
 plotmo-3.6.4/plotmo/inst/doc/modguide.pdf                   |binary
 plotmo-3.6.4/plotmo/inst/doc/plotmo-notes.pdf               |binary
 plotmo-3.6.4/plotmo/inst/doc/plotres-notes.pdf              |binary
 plotmo-3.6.4/plotmo/inst/slowtests/make.README.bat          |    2 
 plotmo-3.6.4/plotmo/inst/slowtests/test.c50.bat             |    2 
 plotmo-3.6.4/plotmo/inst/slowtests/test.caret.bat           |    2 
 plotmo-3.6.4/plotmo/inst/slowtests/          |    2 
 plotmo-3.6.4/plotmo/inst/slowtests/          |    2 
 plotmo-3.6.4/plotmo/inst/slowtests/test.dots.bat            |    2 
 plotmo-3.6.4/plotmo/inst/slowtests/test.fac.bat             |    2 
 plotmo-3.6.4/plotmo/inst/slowtests/test.gbm.R               |  127 +++++++
 plotmo-3.6.4/plotmo/inst/slowtests/       |  195 +++++++++++-
 plotmo-3.6.4/plotmo/inst/slowtests/test.gbm.bat             |    2 
 plotmo-3.6.4/plotmo/inst/slowtests/    |    2 
 plotmo-3.6.4/plotmo/inst/slowtests/test.glmnet.bat          |    2 
 plotmo-3.6.4/plotmo/inst/slowtests/test.glmnetUtils.bat     |    2 
 plotmo-3.6.4/plotmo/inst/slowtests/test.linmod.bat          |    2 
 plotmo-3.6.4/plotmo/inst/slowtests/       |   16 
 plotmo-3.6.4/plotmo/inst/slowtests/test.mlr.bat             |    2 
 plotmo-3.6.4/plotmo/inst/slowtests/test.modguide.bat        |    2 
 plotmo-3.6.4/plotmo/inst/slowtests/ |    4 
 plotmo-3.6.4/plotmo/inst/slowtests/       |    2 
 plotmo-3.6.4/plotmo/inst/slowtests/   |   26 +
 plotmo-3.6.4/plotmo/inst/slowtests/test.parsnip.bat         |    2 
 plotmo-3.6.4/plotmo/inst/slowtests/test.partdep.R           |    2 
 plotmo-3.6.4/plotmo/inst/slowtests/   |    4 
 plotmo-3.6.4/plotmo/inst/slowtests/test.partdep.bat         |    2 
 plotmo-3.6.4/plotmo/inst/slowtests/test.partykit.bat        |    2 
 plotmo-3.6.4/plotmo/inst/slowtests/    |    2 
 plotmo-3.6.4/plotmo/inst/slowtests/test.plotmo.args.bat     |    2 
 plotmo-3.6.4/plotmo/inst/slowtests/test.plotmo.bat          |    2 
 plotmo-3.6.4/plotmo/inst/slowtests/test.plotmo.dots.bat     |    2 
 plotmo-3.6.4/plotmo/inst/slowtests/test.plotmo.x.bat        |    2 
 plotmo-3.6.4/plotmo/inst/slowtests/   |    2 
 plotmo-3.6.4/plotmo/inst/slowtests/test.plotmo3.bat         |    2 
 plotmo-3.6.4/plotmo/inst/slowtests/   |    2 
 plotmo-3.6.4/plotmo/inst/slowtests/test.plotres.bat         |    2 
 plotmo-3.6.4/plotmo/inst/slowtests/test.pre.bat             |    2 
 plotmo-3.6.4/plotmo/inst/slowtests/test.printcall.bat       |    2 
 plotmo-3.6.4/plotmo/inst/slowtests/test.unusual.vars.bat    |    2 
 45 files changed, 444 insertions(+), 115 deletions(-)

More information about plotmo at CRAN
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Package valr updated to version 0.8.2 with previous version 0.8.1 dated 2024-04-22

Title: Genome Interval Arithmetic
Description: Read and manipulate genome intervals and signals. Provides functionality similar to command-line tool suites within R, enabling interactive analysis and visualization of genome-scale data. Riemondy et al. (2017) <doi:10.12688/f1000research.11997.1>.
Author: Jay Hesselberth [aut] , Kent Riemondy [aut, cre] , RNA Bioscience Initiative [fnd, cph]
Maintainer: Kent Riemondy <>

Diff between valr versions 0.8.1 dated 2024-04-22 and 0.8.2 dated 2024-08-30

 DESCRIPTION          |   14 +++++++-------
 MD5                  |   18 +++++++++---------              |    6 ++++++
 R/bed_map.r          |    2 +-
 R/bed_partition.r    |    2 +-            |   18 ++++++++++++------
 build/vignette.rds   |binary
 inst/doc/valr.html   |   14 +++++++-------
 man/bed_map.Rd       |    2 +-
 man/bed_partition.Rd |    2 +-
 10 files changed, 45 insertions(+), 33 deletions(-)

More information about valr at CRAN
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Package PRNG updated to version with previous version dated 2024-08-17

Title: A Pseudo-Random Number Generator
Description: Provides functions for generating pseudo-random numbers that follow a uniform distribution [0,1]. Randomness tests were conducted using the National Institute of Standards and Technology test suite<>, along with additional tests. The sequence generated depends on the initial values and parameters. The package includes a linear congruence map as the decision map and three chaotic maps to generate the pseudo-random sequence, which follow a uniform distribution. Other distributions can be generated from the uniform distribution using the Inversion Principle Method and BOX-Muller transformation. Small perturbations in seed values result in entirely different sequences of numbers due to the sensitive nature of the maps being used. The chaotic nature of the maps helps achieve randomness in the generator. Additionally, the generator is capable of producing random bits.
Author: Sajad Ahmad Mir [aut, cre] , Dr. Puneet Sharma [aut]
Maintainer: Sajad Ahmad Mir <>

Diff between PRNG versions dated 2024-08-17 and dated 2024-08-30

 PRNG-               |   10 +--
 PRNG-                       |   21 +++---
 PRNG-                 |   12 +--
 PRNG-                  |   86 +++++++++++++-------------
 PRNG-                 |only
 PRNG-             |only
 PRNG-           |only
 PRNG-              |only
 PRNG-             |only
 PRNG-              |only
 PRNG-              |only
 PRNG- |   36 +++++-----
 PRNG-                |only
 PRNG-              |only
 PRNG-                 |only
 PRNG-                |only
 PRNG-                 |only
 PRNG-                 |only
 18 files changed, 83 insertions(+), 82 deletions(-)

More information about PRNG at CRAN
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Package protr updated to version 1.7-3 with previous version 1.7-2 dated 2024-07-21

Title: Generating Various Numerical Representation Schemes for Protein Sequences
Description: Comprehensive toolkit for generating various numerical features of protein sequences described in Xiao et al. (2015) <DOI:10.1093/bioinformatics/btv042>. For full functionality, the software 'ncbi-blast+' is needed, see <> for more information.
Author: Nan Xiao [aut, cre] , Qing-Song Xu [aut], Dong-Sheng Cao [aut], Sebastian Mueller [ctb]
Maintainer: Nan Xiao <>

Diff between protr versions 1.7-2 dated 2024-07-21 and 1.7-3 dated 2024-08-30

 DESCRIPTION          |    6 +-
 MD5                  |   17 +++---
 NAMESPACE            |    1              |   11 +++
 R/par-01-parSeqSim.R |   12 ++--
 R/utils.R            |only
 inst/doc/protr.Rmd   |    4 -
 inst/doc/protr.html  |  144 +++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
 man/twoSeqSim.Rd     |    2 
 vignettes/protr.Rmd  |    4 -
 10 files changed, 110 insertions(+), 91 deletions(-)

More information about protr at CRAN
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Package LMest updated to version 3.2.0 with previous version 3.1.2 dated 2023-08-27

Title: Generalized Latent Markov Models
Description: Latent Markov models for longitudinal continuous and categorical data. See Bartolucci, Pandolfi, Pennoni (2017)<doi:10.18637/jss.v081.i04>.
Author: Francesco Bartolucci [aut, cre], Silvia Pandolfi [aut], Fulvia Pennoni [aut], Alessio Farcomeni [ctb], Alessio Serafini [ctb]
Maintainer: Francesco Bartolucci <>

Diff between LMest versions 3.1.2 dated 2023-08-27 and 3.2.0 dated 2024-08-30

 LMest-3.1.2/LMest/man/drawLMbasic.Rd             |only
 LMest-3.1.2/LMest/man/drawLMbasiccont.Rd         |only
 LMest-3.1.2/LMest/man/drawLMlatent.Rd            |only
 LMest-3.1.2/LMest/man/drawLMlatentcont.Rd        |only
 LMest-3.1.2/LMest/man/drawLMmixed.Rd             |only
 LMest-3.2.0/LMest/DESCRIPTION                    |    8 
 LMest-3.2.0/LMest/MD5                            |  139 ++---
 LMest-3.2.0/LMest/NAMESPACE                      |   10 
 LMest-3.2.0/LMest/R/bootstrap.R                  |   97 ++--
 LMest-3.2.0/LMest/R/complk_cont.R                |   45 +
 LMest-3.2.0/LMest/R/complk_cont_miss.R           |   17 
 LMest-3.2.0/LMest/R/complk_covmanifest.cont.R    |   23 
 LMest-3.2.0/LMest/R/draw.R                       |  547 ++++++++++-------------
 LMest-3.2.0/LMest/R/draw_lm_basic_cont.R         |    3 
 LMest-3.2.0/LMest/R/est_multilogit.R             |    6 
 LMest-3.2.0/LMest/R/est_old.R                    |    2 
 LMest-3.2.0/LMest/R/functions.R                  |   25 -
 LMest-3.2.0/LMest/R/lk_comp_latent.R             |    3 
 LMest-3.2.0/LMest/R/lk_comp_latent_cont.R        |   19 
 LMest-3.2.0/LMest/R/lk_obs_cont.R                |  189 ++++---
 LMest-3.2.0/LMest/R/lk_obs_cont_miss.R           |   62 +-
 LMest-3.2.0/LMest/R/lk_obs_covmanifest.cont.R    |   59 +-
 LMest-3.2.0/LMest/R/lk_obs_latent_cont.R         |   39 -
 LMest-3.2.0/LMest/R/lmbasic.R                    |   19 
 LMest-3.2.0/LMest/R/lmbasic.cont.R               |  107 ++--
 LMest-3.2.0/LMest/R/lmcovlatent.R                |  169 +++----
 LMest-3.2.0/LMest/R/lmcovlatent.cont.R           |  214 ++++----
 LMest-3.2.0/LMest/R/lmcovmanifest.R              |    3 
 LMest-3.2.0/LMest/R/lmcovmanifest.cont.R         |   89 +--
 LMest-3.2.0/LMest/R/lmest.R                      |    8 
 LMest-3.2.0/LMest/R/lmestCont.R                  |   29 -
 LMest-3.2.0/LMest/R/lmestDecoding.R              |   32 +
 LMest-3.2.0/LMest/R/lmestMc.R                    |   11 
 LMest-3.2.0/LMest/R/lmestSearch.R                |  190 +++----
 LMest-3.2.0/LMest/R/lmmixed.R                    |    2 
 LMest-3.2.0/LMest/R/marg_param.R                 |    2 
 LMest-3.2.0/LMest/R/mcbasic.R                    |   19 
 LMest-3.2.0/LMest/R/mccov.R                      |    8 
 LMest-3.2.0/LMest/R/plot.LMbasic.R               |    8 
 LMest-3.2.0/LMest/R/plot.LMlatent.R              |   14 
 LMest-3.2.0/LMest/R/print.R                      |   98 ++--
 LMest-3.2.0/LMest/R/prob_multilogit.R            |   23 
 LMest-3.2.0/LMest/R/prob_post_cov.R              |    6 
 LMest-3.2.0/LMest/R/prob_post_cov_cont.R         |   88 +--
 LMest-3.2.0/LMest/R/se.R                         |  363 ++++++++-------
 LMest-3.2.0/LMest/R/sq.R                         |    2 
 LMest-3.2.0/LMest/R/stationary.R                 |    2 
 LMest-3.2.0/LMest/R/summary.LMlatent.R           |   20 
 LMest-3.2.0/LMest/R/summary.LMlatentcont.R       |   16 
 LMest-3.2.0/LMest/R/summary.LMmanifest.R         |    3 
 LMest-3.2.0/LMest/R/summary.LMmanifestcont.R     |    3 
 LMest-3.2.0/LMest/R/summary.MCcov.R              |    6 
 LMest-3.2.0/LMest/R/summary.MClatent.R           |    8 
 LMest-3.2.0/LMest/build/vignette.rds             |binary
 LMest-3.2.0/LMest/data/data_employment_sim.rda   |only
 LMest-3.2.0/LMest/data/data_heart_sim.rda        |only
 LMest-3.2.0/LMest/data/data_market_sim.rda       |only
 LMest-3.2.0/LMest/inst/doc/vignetteLMest.R       |   20 
 LMest-3.2.0/LMest/inst/doc/vignetteLMest.Rmd     |  211 ++++++--
 LMest-3.2.0/LMest/inst/doc/vignetteLMest.html    |  268 ++++++++---
 LMest-3.2.0/LMest/man/LMbasic-class.Rd           |    8 
 LMest-3.2.0/LMest/man/LMest-package.Rd           |    2 
 LMest-3.2.0/LMest/man/bootstrap.Rd               |    5 
 LMest-3.2.0/LMest/man/data_employment_sim.Rd     |only
 LMest-3.2.0/LMest/man/data_heart_sim.Rd          |only
 LMest-3.2.0/LMest/man/data_market_sim.Rd         |only
 LMest-3.2.0/LMest/man/draw.Rd                    |only
 LMest-3.2.0/LMest/man/draw_lm_basic.Rd           |    2 
 LMest-3.2.0/LMest/man/draw_lm_basic_cont.Rd      |    2 
 LMest-3.2.0/LMest/man/draw_lm_cov_latent.Rd      |    2 
 LMest-3.2.0/LMest/man/draw_lm_cov_latent_cont.Rd |    2 
 LMest-3.2.0/LMest/man/draw_lm_mixed.Rd           |    2 
 LMest-3.2.0/LMest/man/lmest.Rd                   |   32 +
 LMest-3.2.0/LMest/man/lmestCont.Rd               |    6 
 LMest-3.2.0/LMest/src/LMest_init.c               |    6 
 LMest-3.2.0/LMest/src/prodnormw.f                |only
 LMest-3.2.0/LMest/vignettes/vignetteLMest.Rmd    |  211 ++++++--
 77 files changed, 2052 insertions(+), 1582 deletions(-)

More information about LMest at CRAN
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Package rscorecard updated to version 0.29.0 with previous version 0.28.1 dated 2024-05-28

Title: A Method to Download Department of Education College Scorecard Data
Description: A method to download Department of Education College Scorecard data using the public API <>. It is based on the 'dplyr' model of piped commands to select and filter data in a single chained function call. An API key from the U.S. Department of Education is required.
Author: Benjamin Skinner [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Benjamin Skinner <>

Diff between rscorecard versions 0.28.1 dated 2024-05-28 and 0.29.0 dated 2024-08-30

 DESCRIPTION       |   12 ++++-----
 MD5               |   12 ++++-----           |   72 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
 R/select_year.R   |    2 -
 R/sysdata.rda     |binary
 man/rscorecard.Rd |    2 -
 man/sc_year.Rd    |    2 -
 7 files changed, 53 insertions(+), 49 deletions(-)

More information about rscorecard at CRAN
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Package pkgKitten updated to version 0.2.4 with previous version 0.2.3 dated 2023-03-11

Title: Create Simple Packages Which Do not Upset R Package Checks
Description: Provides a function kitten() which creates cute little packages which pass R package checks. This sets it apart from package.skeleton() which it calls, and which leaves imperfect files behind. As this is not exactly helpful for beginners, kitten() offers an alternative. Unit test support can be added via the 'tinytest' package (if present), and documentation-creation support can be added via 'roxygen2' (if present).
Author: Dirk Eddelbuettel [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Dirk Eddelbuettel <>

Diff between pkgKitten versions 0.2.3 dated 2023-03-11 and 0.2.4 dated 2024-08-30

 ChangeLog                      |   47 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 DESCRIPTION                    |   14 ++++++------
 MD5                            |   17 +++++++-------
 R/pkgKitten.R                  |   31 ++++++++++++++++++++-------                      |    2 -
 inst/NEWS.Rd                   |   11 +++++++++
 inst/replacements/hello.R      |    2 -
 inst/replacements/test_hello.R |only
 inst/skel/R.gitignore          |   37 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 inst/skel/dot.Rbuildignore     |    1 
 10 files changed, 139 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)

More information about pkgKitten at CRAN
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New package antaresRead with initial version 2.7.1
Package: antaresRead
Title: Import, Manipulate and Explore the Results of an 'Antares' Simulation
Version: 2.7.1
Description: Import, manipulate and explore results generated by 'Antares', a powerful open source software developed by RTE (Réseau de Transport d’Électricité) to simulate and study electric power systems (more information about 'Antares' here : <>).
License: GPL (>= 2) | file LICENSE
Imports: data.table (>= 1.9.6), bit64, lubridate (>= 1.7.1), plyr, methods, stats, stringr, stringi, shiny, pbapply, doParallel, jsonlite, httr, utils, memuse, purrr, lifecycle, assertthat
Suggests: testthat, covr, knitr, rmarkdown, foreach, parallel, htmltools
VignetteBuilder: knitr
Encoding: UTF-8
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-08-30 08:44:54 UTC; berthetcle
Author: Tatiana Vargas [aut, cre], Jalal-Edine ZAWAM [aut], Frederic Breant [ctb], Francois Guillem [aut], Benoit Thieurmel [aut], Titouan Robert [aut], Victor Perrier [ctb], Etienne Sanchez [ctb], Assil Mansouri [ctb], Clement Berthet [ctb], Kamel Kemiha [c [...truncated...]
Maintainer: Tatiana Vargas <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-08-30 16:30:02 UTC

More information about antaresRead at CRAN
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Package LPCM updated to version 0.47-6 with previous version 0.47-4 dated 2024-03-06

Title: Local Principal Curve Methods
Description: Fitting multivariate data patterns with local principal curves, including tools for data compression (projection) and measuring goodness-of-fit; with some additional functions for mean shift clustering. See Einbeck, Tutz and Evers (2005) <doi:10.1007/s11222-005-4073-8> and Ameijeiras-Alonso and Einbeck (2023) <doi:10.1007/s11634-023-00575-1>.
Author: Jochen Einbeck [aut, cre], Ludger Evers [aut]
Maintainer: Jochen Einbeck <>

Diff between LPCM versions 0.47-4 dated 2024-03-06 and 0.47-6 dated 2024-08-30

 DESCRIPTION         |   17 ++++---
 MD5                 |   17 ++++---             |    8 +++
 R/ms.rep.r          |  117 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 build               |only
 man/LPCM-package.Rd |    4 -
 man/followx.Rd      |    2 
 man/ms.Rd           |    4 -
 man/ms.rep.Rd       |   20 ++++----
 man/plot.lpc.Rd     |    2 
 10 files changed, 132 insertions(+), 59 deletions(-)

More information about LPCM at CRAN
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Package CorrBin updated to version 1.6.2 with previous version 1.6.1 dated 2023-09-29

Title: Nonparametrics with Clustered Binary and Multinomial Data
Description: Implements non-parametric analyses for clustered binary and multinomial data. The elements of the cluster are assumed exchangeable, and identical joint distribution (also known as marginal compatibility, or reproducibility) is assumed for clusters of different sizes. A trend test based on stochastic ordering is implemented. Szabo A, George EO. (2010) <doi:10.1093/biomet/asp077>; George EO, Cheon K, Yuan Y, Szabo A (2016) <doi:10.1093/biomet/asw009>.
Author: Aniko Szabo [aut, cre, cph]
Maintainer: Aniko Szabo <>

Diff between CorrBin versions 1.6.1 dated 2023-09-29 and 1.6.2 dated 2024-08-30

 DESCRIPTION                  |   16 ++++++++--------
 MD5                          |   26 +++++++++++++-------------
 NAMESPACE                    |    7 +++----
 R/CBData.R                   |   18 +++++++++++-------
 R/CMData.R                   |    8 ++++----
 R/ExchMultinomial.R          |    6 +++---
 R/aaa-generics1.R            |    4 ++--
 inst/doc/CorrBinVignette.pdf |binary
 man/GEE.trend.test.Rd        |    8 +++++---
 man/jointprobs.Rd            |    4 ++--
 man/mc.est.Rd                |    4 ++--
 man/multinom.gen.Rd          |    2 +-
 man/read.CMData.Rd           |    2 +-
 src/ReprodCalcs.c            |   24 ++++++++++++------------
 14 files changed, 67 insertions(+), 62 deletions(-)

More information about CorrBin at CRAN
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Package Goodreader updated to version 0.1.1 with previous version 0.1.0 dated 2024-08-27

Title: Scrape and Analyze 'Goodreads' Book Data
Description: A comprehensive toolkit for scraping and analyzing book data from <>. This package provides functions to search for books, scrape book details and reviews, perform sentiment analysis on reviews, and conduct topic modeling. It's designed for researchers, data analysts, and book enthusiasts who want to gain insights from 'Goodreads' data.
Author: Chao Liu [aut, cre, cph]
Maintainer: Chao Liu <>

Diff between Goodreader versions 0.1.0 dated 2024-08-27 and 0.1.1 dated 2024-08-30

 DESCRIPTION                       |   12 ++++++------
 MD5                               |    4 ++--
 inst/doc/Intro_to_Goodreader.html |    6 +++---
 3 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

More information about Goodreader at CRAN
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Package ggfacto updated to version 0.3.1 with previous version 0.3.0 dated 2024-03-08

Title: Graphs for Correspondence Analysis
Description: Readable, complete and pretty graphs for correspondence analysis made with 'FactoMineR'. They can be rendered as interactive 'HTML' plots, showing useful informations at mouse hover. The interest is not mainly visual but statistical: it helps the reader to keep in mind the data contained in the cross-table or Burt table while reading the correspondence analysis, thus preventing over-interpretation. Most graphs are made with 'ggplot2', which means that you can use the + syntax to manually add as many graphical pieces you want, or change theme elements. 3D graphs are made with 'plotly'.
Author: Brice Nocenti [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Brice Nocenti <>

Diff between ggfacto versions 0.3.0 dated 2024-03-08 and 0.3.1 dated 2024-08-30

 DESCRIPTION                   |    8 ++---
 MD5                           |   14 ++++----                       |   67 ++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 R/geometrical_data_analysis.R |   62 +++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 man/ggca.Rd                   |    8 ++---
 man/ggmca.Rd                  |    8 ++---
 man/ggmca_initial_dims.Rd     |    4 +-
 man/ggmca_with_base_ref.Rd    |    4 +-
 8 files changed, 94 insertions(+), 81 deletions(-)

More information about ggfacto at CRAN
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Package FieldSimR updated to version 1.4.0 with previous version 1.3.0 dated 2024-04-03

Title: Simulation of Plot Errors and Phenotypes in Plant Breeding Field Trials
Description: Simulates plot data in multi-environment field trials with one or more traits. Its core function generates plot errors that capture spatial trend, random error (noise), and extraneous variation, which are combined at a user-defined ratio. Phenotypes can be generated by combining the plot errors with simulated genetic values that capture genotype-by-environment (GxE) interaction using wrapper functions for the R package `AlphaSimR`.
Author: Christian Werner [aut, cre] , Daniel Tolhurst [aut] , Jon Bancic [ctb]
Maintainer: Christian Werner <>

Diff between FieldSimR versions 1.3.0 dated 2024-04-03 and 1.4.0 dated 2024-08-30

 DESCRIPTION                              |   24 +-
 MD5                                      |   60 +++--
 NAMESPACE                                |    6                                  |   20 +
 R/compound_symmetry_gxe.R                |   14 -
 R/data.R                                 |    2 
 R/field_trial_error.R                    |    6 
 R/make_phenotypes.R                      |  204 +++++++++++++++---
 R/multiplicative_gxe.R                   |  107 ++++++---
 R/plot_effects.R                         |  144 +++++++++---
 R/random_correlation_matrix.R            |  349 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 R/random_diagonal_matrix.R               |only
 R/sample_met.R                           |only
 R/unstructured_gxe.R                     |   15 -
 data/gv_df_unstr.rda                     |binary
 inst/doc/compound_symmetry_GxE_demo.html |   16 -
 inst/doc/spatial_variation_demo.html     |   26 +-
 inst/doc/unstructured_GxE_demo.html      |   28 +-
 man/compsym_asr_output.Rd                |    4 
 man/group_cor_mat.Rd                     |only
 man/gv_df_unstr.Rd                       |    2 
 man/make_phenotypes.Rd                   |   29 +-
 man/multi_asr_input.Rd                   |    6 
 man/multi_asr_output.Rd                  |   14 -
 man/plot_hist.Rd                         |only
 man/plot_matrix.Rd                       |    7 
 man/qq_plot.Rd                           |    5 
 man/rand_cor_mat.Rd                      |   25 +-
 man/rand_diag_mat.Rd                     |only
 man/sample_met.Rd                        |only
 man/sample_variogram.Rd                  |    2 
 man/skew_diag_mat.Rd                     |only
 man/struc_cor_mat.Rd                     |only
 man/theoretical_variogram.Rd             |    2 
 man/unstr_asr_output.Rd                  |    8 
 35 files changed, 873 insertions(+), 252 deletions(-)

More information about FieldSimR at CRAN
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Package statGraph updated to version 1.0.5 with previous version 1.0.4 dated 2024-08-23

Title: Statistical Methods for Graphs
Description: Contains statistical methods to analyze graphs, such as graph parameter estimation, model selection based on the Graph Information Criterion, statistical tests to discriminate two or more populations of graphs, correlation between graphs, and clustering of graphs. References: Takahashi et al. (2012) <doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0049949>, Fujita et al. (2017) <doi:10.3389/fnins.2017.00066>, Fujita et al. (2017) <doi:10.1016/j.csda.2016.11.016>, Fujita et al. (2019) <doi:10.1093/comnet/cnz028>.
Author: Grover E. Castro Guzman [aut], Diogo R. da Costa [aut], Taiane C. Ramos [aut], Suzana S. Santos [aut], Eduardo S. Lira [aut], Andre Fujita [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Andre Fujita <>

Diff between statGraph versions 1.0.4 dated 2024-08-23 and 1.0.5 dated 2024-08-30

 DESCRIPTION                |    8 ++--
 MD5                        |   38 ++++++++++----------
 R/GIC.R                    |    9 ++--
 R/anogva.R                 |    3 +
 R/graph.acf.R              |    3 +
 R/graph.cem.R              |   14 ++++---
 R/graph.cor.test.R         |    4 +-
 R/graph.dist.R             |   21 +++++++----
 R/graph.entropy.R          |    6 ++-
 R/graph.hclust.R           |    5 +-
 R/graph.kmeans.R           |   11 +++---
 R/graph.model.selection.R  |    9 +++-
 R/graph.models.R           |   75 +++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 R/graph.mult.scaling.R     |    3 +
 R/graph.param.estimator.R  |   43 ++++++++++++-----------
 R/graph.spectral.density.R |   37 +++++++-------------
 R/graph.takahashi.test.R   |    6 +--
 R/sp.anogva.R              |   13 +++----
 R/summary.statGraph.R      |   82 ++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 R/utils.R                  |   18 ++++-----
 20 files changed, 213 insertions(+), 195 deletions(-)

More information about statGraph at CRAN
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Package processmapR updated to version 0.5.5 with previous version 0.5.4 dated 2024-07-15

Title: Construct Process Maps Using Event Data
Description: Visualize event logs using directed graphs, i.e. process maps. Part of the 'bupaR' framework.
Author: Gert Janssenswillen [aut, cre], Gerard van Hulzen [ctb], Benoît Depaire [ctb], Felix Mannhardt [ctb], Thijs Beuving [ctb], urvikalia [ctb], Hasselt University [cph]
Maintainer: Gert Janssenswillen <>

Diff between processmapR versions 0.5.4 dated 2024-07-15 and 0.5.5 dated 2024-08-30

 processmapR-0.5.4/processmapR/inst/htmlwidgets/processanimateR.js   |only
 processmapR-0.5.4/processmapR/inst/htmlwidgets/processanimateR.yaml |only
 processmapR-0.5.5/processmapR/DESCRIPTION                           |    6 +++---
 processmapR-0.5.5/processmapR/MD5                                   |   10 +++++-----
 processmapR-0.5.5/processmapR/R/render_map.R                        |    4 ++--
 processmapR-0.5.5/processmapR/inst/doc/processmapr.html             |    4 ++--
 processmapR-0.5.5/processmapR/inst/htmlwidgets/processmapR.js       |only
 processmapR-0.5.5/processmapR/inst/htmlwidgets/processmapR.yaml     |only
 8 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

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Package mvtnorm updated to version 1.3-0 with previous version 1.2-6 dated 2024-08-17

Title: Multivariate Normal and t Distributions
Description: Computes multivariate normal and t probabilities, quantiles, random deviates, and densities. Log-likelihoods for multivariate Gaussian models and Gaussian copulae parameterised by Cholesky factors of covariance or precision matrices are implemented for interval-censored and exact data, or a mix thereof. Score functions for these log-likelihoods are available. A class representing multiple lower triangular matrices and corresponding methods are part of this package.
Author: Alan Genz [aut], Frank Bretz [aut], Tetsuhisa Miwa [aut], Xuefei Mi [aut], Friedrich Leisch [ctb], Fabian Scheipl [ctb], Bjoern Bornkamp [ctb] , Martin Maechler [ctb] , Torsten Hothorn [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Torsten Hothorn <>

Diff between mvtnorm versions 1.2-6 dated 2024-08-17 and 1.3-0 dated 2024-08-30

 DESCRIPTION                     |    8 
 MD5                             |   42 
 NAMESPACE                       |   19 
 R/interface.R                   |only
 R/lpmvnorm.R                    |  432 +++++
 R/ltMatrices.R                  |  559 ++-----
 build/partial.rdb               |binary
 build/vignette.rds              |binary
 cleanup                         |    3 
 inst/NEWS.Rd                    |   31 
 inst/doc/MVT_Rnews.pdf          |binary
 inst/doc/lmvnorm_src.R          |  536 +++++-
 inst/doc/lmvnorm_src.Rnw        | 3173 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 inst/doc/lmvnorm_src.pdf        |binary
 inst/litdb.bib                  |   11 
 man/interface.Rd                |only
 man/ltMatrices.Rd               |   39 
 src/lpmvnorm.c                  |    5 
 src/ltMatrices.c                |   31 
 tests/regtest-aperm.R           |only
 tests/regtest_mvnorm.R          |only
 vignettes/litdb.bib             |   11 
 vignettes/lmvnorm_src.Rnw       | 3173 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 vignettes/ |  454 ++++-
 24 files changed, 6271 insertions(+), 2256 deletions(-)

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Package cmocean updated to version 0.3-2 with previous version 0.3-1 dated 2020-11-18

Title: Beautiful Colour Maps for Oceanography
Description: Perceptually uniform palettes for commonly used variables in oceanography as functions taking an integer and producing character vectors of colours. See Thyng, K.M., Greene, C.A., Hetland, R.D., Zimmerle, H.M. and S.F. DiMarco (2016) <doi:10.5670/oceanog.2016.66> for the guidelines adhered to when creating the palettes.
Author: Kristen Thyng [aut] , Clark Richards [ctb] , Ilja Kocken [ctb] , Ivan Krylov [cre]
Maintainer: Ivan Krylov <>

Diff between cmocean versions 0.3-1 dated 2020-11-18 and 0.3-2 dated 2024-08-30

 DESCRIPTION           |   29 ++++----
 MD5                   |   20 +++---             |    2 
 build/partial.rdb     |binary
 build/vignette.rds    |binary
 inst/NEWS.Rd          |    9 +-
 inst/doc/cmocean.R    |    2 
 inst/doc/cmocean.Rmd  |    4 -
 inst/doc/cmocean.html |  164 ++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
 man/cmocean.Rd        |    5 -
 vignettes/cmocean.Rmd |    4 -
 11 files changed, 119 insertions(+), 120 deletions(-)

More information about cmocean at CRAN
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Package campsis updated to version 1.5.4 with previous version 1.5.3 dated 2024-07-01

Title: Generic PK/PD Simulation Platform CAMPSIS
Description: A generic, easy-to-use and intuitive pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) simulation platform based on R packages 'rxode2' and 'mrgsolve'. CAMPSIS provides an abstraction layer over the underlying processes of writing a PK/PD model, assembling a custom dataset and running a simulation. CAMPSIS has a strong dependency to the R package 'campsismod', which allows to read/write a model from/to files and adapt it further on the fly in the R environment. Package 'campsis' allows the user to assemble a dataset in an intuitive manner. Once the user’s dataset is ready, the package is in charge of preparing the simulation, calling 'rxode2' or 'mrgsolve' (at the user's choice) and returning the results, for the given model, dataset and desired simulation settings.
Author: Nicolas Luyckx [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Nicolas Luyckx <>

Diff between campsis versions 1.5.3 dated 2024-07-01 and 1.5.4 dated 2024-08-30

 DESCRIPTION                            |   24 +++++++++----------
 MD5                                    |   20 ++++++++--------                                |    5 ++++
 R/dataset.R                            |   10 ++++----
 R/simulate.R                           |   11 +++++++-
 R/simulate_preprocess.R                |    2 -                              |    7 ++---
 man/Dataset.Rd                         |    4 ++-
 man/simulate.Rd                        |   10 ++++----
 tests/testthat/testSimulateBolus.R     |   17 +++++++++++++
 tests/testthat/testSimulateScenarios.R |   41 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 11 files changed, 112 insertions(+), 39 deletions(-)

More information about campsis at CRAN
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Package WordListsAnalytics updated to version 0.2.4 with previous version 0.2.3 dated 2024-07-01

Title: Multiple Data Analysis Tools for Property Listing Tasks
Description: Application to estimate statistical values using properties provided by a group of individuals to describe concepts using 'shiny'. It estimates the underlying distribution to generate new descriptive words Canessa et al. (2023) <doi:10.3758/s13428-022-01811-w>, applies a new clustering model, and uses simulations to estimate the probability that two persons describe the same words based on their descriptions Canessa et al. (2022) <doi:10.3758/s13428-022-02030-z>.
Author: Sebastian Moreno [aut, cre], Cristobal Heredia [aut], Enrique Canessa [ths], Sergio Chaigneau [ths]
Maintainer: Sebastian Moreno <>

Diff between WordListsAnalytics versions 0.2.3 dated 2024-07-01 and 0.2.4 dated 2024-08-30

 DESCRIPTION              |   14 ++---
 MD5                      |   11 ++-
 R/PLT_server.R           |  130 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
 R/PLT_ui.R               |    4 +
 R/fun_tca_calculator.R   |only
 R/fun_threshold_graph.R  |    3 -
 R/tab_cosine_distance.R  |only
 R/tab_t_c_a_calculator.R |only
 8 files changed, 128 insertions(+), 34 deletions(-)

More information about WordListsAnalytics at CRAN
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Package mvord updated to version 1.2.5 with previous version 1.2.4 dated 2024-07-07

Title: Multivariate Ordinal Regression Models
Description: A flexible framework for fitting multivariate ordinal regression models with composite likelihood methods. Methodological details are given in Hirk, Hornik, Vana (2020) <doi:10.18637/jss.v093.i04>.
Author: Rainer Hirk [aut], Kurt Hornik [aut] , Laura Vana [aut, cre] , Alan Gentz [ctb]
Maintainer: Laura Vana <>

Diff between mvord versions 1.2.4 dated 2024-07-07 and 1.2.5 dated 2024-08-30

 DESCRIPTION                         |   29 ++-
 MD5                                 |   55 ++---
 NEWS                                |    6 
 R/fit_fast.R                        |    1 
 R/predict.R                         |  346 +++++++++++++++++++++---------------
 build/partial.rdb                   |binary
 build/vignette.rds                  |binary
 data/data_cr.rda                    |binary
 data/data_cr_panel.rda              |binary
 data/data_mvord.rda                 |binary
 data/data_mvord2.rda                |binary
 data/data_mvord_panel.rda           |binary
 data/data_mvord_toy.rda             |binary
 data/essay_data.rda                 |binary
 inst/doc/vignette_mvord.R           |   44 ++--
 inst/doc/vignette_mvord.Rnw         |   11 -
 inst/doc/vignette_mvord.pdf         |binary
 inst/doc/vignette_mvord2.R          |   41 +++-
 inst/doc/vignette_mvord2.Rmd        |   56 ++++-
 inst/doc/vignette_mvord2.html       |  200 ++++++++++++--------
 man/joint_probabilities.Rd          |   21 +-
 man/marginal_predict.Rd             |   17 -
 man/predict.mvord.Rd                |   16 -
 tests/check_methods.R               |    9 
 tests/check_toy_example.R           |   13 -
 vignettes/jp.rda                    |binary
 vignettes/res_cor_logit_3raters.rda |only
 vignettes/vignette_mvord.Rnw        |   11 -
 vignettes/vignette_mvord2.Rmd       |   56 ++++-
 29 files changed, 569 insertions(+), 363 deletions(-)

More information about mvord at CRAN
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Package mstDIF updated to version 0.1.8 with previous version 0.1.7 dated 2022-12-02

Title: A Collection of DIF Tests for Multistage Tests
Description: A collection of statistical tests for the detection of differential item functioning (DIF) in multistage tests. Methods entail logistic regression, an adaptation of the simultaneous item bias test (SIBTEST), and various score-based tests. The presented tests provide itemwise test for DIF along categorical, ordinal or metric covariates. Methods for uniform and non-uniform DIF effects are available depending on which method is used.
Author: Rudolf Debelak [aut, cre], Dries Debeer [aut], Sebastian Appelbaum [ctb], Mark J. Gierl [ctb]
Maintainer: Rudolf Debelak <>

Diff between mstDIF versions 0.1.7 dated 2022-12-02 and 0.1.8 dated 2024-08-30

 DESCRIPTION            |    8 
 MD5                    |   18                |    4 
 R/mstDIF-package.R     |    7 
 build/vignette.rds     |binary
 inst/doc/mstDIF.R      |    2 
 inst/doc/mstDIF.html   |  918 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------
 man/mstDIF-package.Rd  |   16 
 tests/Rsctest.R        |   18 
 tests/testthat/test1.R |  220 +++++------
 10 files changed, 621 insertions(+), 590 deletions(-)

More information about mstDIF at CRAN
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Package gggenomes updated to version 1.0.1 with previous version 1.0.0 dated 2024-06-28

Title: A Grammar of Graphics for Comparative Genomics
Description: An extension of 'ggplot2' for creating complex genomic maps. It builds on the power of 'ggplot2' and 'tidyverse' adding new 'ggplot2'-style geoms & positions and 'dplyr'-style verbs to manipulate the underlying data. It implements a layout concept inspired by 'ggraph' and introduces tracks to bring tidiness to the mess that is genomics data.
Author: Thomas Hackl [aut, cre], Markus J. Ankenbrand [aut], Bart van Adrichem [aut], Kristina Haslinger [ctb, sad]
Maintainer: Thomas Hackl <>

Diff between gggenomes versions 1.0.0 dated 2024-06-28 and 1.0.1 dated 2024-08-30

 gggenomes-1.0.0/gggenomes/tests/find_missing.R    |only
 gggenomes-1.0.1/gggenomes/DESCRIPTION             |    6 
 gggenomes-1.0.1/gggenomes/MD5                     |   21 +--
 gggenomes-1.0.1/gggenomes/               |    2 
 gggenomes-1.0.1/gggenomes/build/partial.rdb       |binary
 gggenomes-1.0.1/gggenomes/build/vignette.rds      |binary
 gggenomes-1.0.1/gggenomes/inst/doc/emales.html    |  139 +++++++++-------------
 gggenomes-1.0.1/gggenomes/inst/doc/flip.html      |  106 ++++++++--------
 gggenomes-1.0.1/gggenomes/inst/doc/gggenomes.R    |    3 
 gggenomes-1.0.1/gggenomes/inst/doc/gggenomes.Rmd  |    3 
 gggenomes-1.0.1/gggenomes/inst/doc/gggenomes.pdf  |binary
 gggenomes-1.0.1/gggenomes/vignettes/gggenomes.Rmd |    3 
 12 files changed, 142 insertions(+), 141 deletions(-)

More information about gggenomes at CRAN
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New package SurfRough with initial version
Package: SurfRough
Title: Calculate Surface/Image Texture Indexes
Description: Methods for the computation of surface/image texture indices using a geostatistical based approach (Trevisani et al. (2023) <doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2023.108838>). It provides various functions for the computation of surface texture indices (e.g., omnidirectional roughness and roughness anisotropy), including the ones based on the robust MAD estimator. The kernels included in the software permit also to calculate the surface/image texture indices directly from the input surface (i.e., without de-trending) using increments of order 2. It also provides the new radial roughness index (RRI), representing the improvement of the popular topographic roughness index (TRI). The framework can be easily extended with ad-hoc surface/image texture indices.
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: true
Depends: R (>= 3.5.0), terra
Suggests: tinytest
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-08-27 05:24:49 UTC; x
Maintainer: Sebastiano Trevisani <>
Author: Sebastiano Trevisani [aut, cre] , Ilich Alexander [ctb]
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-08-30 10:40:14 UTC

More information about SurfRough at CRAN
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New package sdsfun with initial version 0.1.0
Package: sdsfun
Title: Spatial Data Science Complementary Features
Version: 0.1.0
Description: Wrapping and supplementing commonly used functions in the R ecosystem related to spatial data science, while serving as a basis for other packages maintained by Wenbo Lv.
License: GPL-3
Encoding: UTF-8
Depends: R (>= 4.1.0)
Imports: dplyr, geosphere, magrittr, sf, spdep, stats, tibble
Suggests: ggplot2, testthat (>= 3.0.0)
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-08-27 12:18:26 UTC; dell
Author: Wenbo Lv [aut, cre, cph]
Maintainer: Wenbo Lv <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-08-30 10:50:02 UTC

More information about sdsfun at CRAN
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New package psvmSDR with initial version 1.0.1
Package: psvmSDR
Title: Unified Principal Sufficient Dimension Reduction Package
Version: 1.0.1
Maintainer: Jungmin Shin <>
Description: A unified and user-friendly framework for applying the principal sufficient dimension reduction methods for both linear and nonlinear cases. The package has an extendable power by varying loss functions for the support vector machine, even for an user-defined arbitrary function, unless those are convex and differentiable everywhere over the support (Li et al. (2011) <doi:10.1214/11-AOS932>). Also, it provides a real-time sufficient dimension reduction update procedure using the principal least squares support vector machine (Artemiou et al. (2021) <doi:10.1016/j.patcog.2020.107768>).
License: GPL-2
Encoding: UTF-8
Imports: stats, graphics
Suggests: testthat
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-08-26 15:04:39 UTC; shin
Author: Jungmin Shin [aut, cre], Seung Jun Shin [aut], Andreas Artemiou [aut]
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-08-30 10:20:03 UTC

More information about psvmSDR at CRAN
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New package minesweeper with initial version 1.0.0
Package: minesweeper
Title: Play Minesweeper
Version: 1.0.0
Description: Play and record games of minesweeper using a graphics device that supports event handling. Replay recorded games and save GIF animations of them. Based on classic minesweeper as detailed by Crow P. (1997) <>.
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Encoding: UTF-8
Imports: grid
Suggests: gifski
Depends: R (>= 2.10)
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-08-27 01:43:15 UTC; hrtho
Author: Harry Thompson [aut, cre, cph]
Maintainer: Harry Thompson <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-08-30 10:40:02 UTC

More information about minesweeper at CRAN
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New package kmeRtone with initial version 1.0
Package: kmeRtone
Version: 1.0
Date: 2024-08-26
Title: Multi-Purpose and Flexible k-Meric Enrichment Analysis Software
Description: A multi-purpose and flexible k-meric enrichment analysis software. 'kmeRtone' measures the enrichment of k-mers by comparing the population of k-mers in the case loci with a carefully devised internal negative control group, consisting of k-mers from regions close to, yet sufficiently distant from, the case loci to mitigate any potential sequencing bias. This method effectively captures both the local sequencing variations and broader sequence influences, while also correcting for potential biases, thereby ensuring more accurate analysis. The core functionality of 'kmeRtone' is the SCORE() function, which calculates the susceptibility scores for k-mers in case and control regions. Case regions are defined by the genomic coordinates provided in a file by the user and the control regions can be constructed relative to the case regions or provided directly. The k-meric susceptibility scores are calculated by using a one-proportion z-statistic. 'kmeRtone' is highly flexible by allowing use [...truncated...]
SystemRequirements: GNU make
Imports: data.table (>= 1.15.0), R6 (>= 2.5.1), Rcpp (>= 1.0.12), R.utils (>= 2.12.3), openxlsx (>=, png (>= 0.1-8), RcppSimdJson (>= 0.1.11), venneuler (>= 1.1-4), stringi, curl, future, future.apply, jsonlite, progressr, Biostrings, seqLogo
Depends: R (>= 4.2)
LinkingTo: Rcpp, stringi
Encoding: UTF-8
License: GPL-3
LazyData: true
Suggests: rmarkdown, testthat (>= 3.0.0)
NeedsCompilation: yes
Packaged: 2024-08-26 14:25:31 UTC; paddy
Author: Adib Abdullah [aut], Patrick Pflughaupt [aut], Aleksandr Sahakyan [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Aleksandr Sahakyan <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-08-30 10:50:06 UTC

More information about kmeRtone at CRAN
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New package imputeMissings with initial version 0.0.4
Package: imputeMissings
Title: Impute Missing Values in a Predictive Context
Version: 0.0.4
Date: 2024-08-24
Imports: randomForest,stats
Description: Compute missing values on a training data set and impute them on a new data set. Current available options are median/mode and random forest.
License: GPL (>= 2)
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-08-26 20:41:45 UTC; mballin2
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-08-30 10:40:08 UTC
Author: Matthijs Meire [aut], Michel Ballings [aut, cre], Dirk Van den Poel [aut]
Maintainer: Michel Ballings <>

More information about imputeMissings at CRAN
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New package hrtlFMC with initial version 0.1.0
Package: hrtlFMC
Title: Half Replicate of Two Level Factorial Run Order with Minimum Level Changes
Version: 0.1.0
Maintainer: Bijoy Chanda <>
Description: It is used to construct run sequences with minimum changes for half replicate of two level factorial run order. Experimenter can save time and resources by minimizing the number of changes in levels of individual factor and therefore the total number of changes. It consists of the function minimal_hrtlf(). This technique can be employed to any half replicate of two level factorial run order where the number of factors are greater than two. In Design of Experiments (DOE) theory, two level of a factor can be represented as integers e.g. - 1 for low and 1 for high. User is expected to enter total number of factors to be considered in the experiment. minimal_hrtlf() provides the required run sequences for the input number of factors. The output also gives the number of changes of each factor along with total number of changes in the run sequence. Due to restricted randomization the minimally changed run sequences of half replicate of two level factorial run order will be affected by trend [...truncated...]
License: GPL-3
Imports: FMC
Encoding: UTF-8
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-08-27 12:24:57 UTC; PC
Author: Arpan Bhowmik [aut, ctb, cph], Eldho Varghese [aut, ctb, cph], Seema Jaggi [aut, ctb, cph], Bijoy Chanda [aut, cre, cph], Anindita Datta [aut, ctb, cph], Tanuj Misra [aut, cph]
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-08-30 10:50:11 UTC

More information about hrtlFMC at CRAN
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New package ggreveal with initial version 0.1.3
Package: ggreveal
Title: Reveal a 'ggplot' Incrementally
Version: 0.1.3
Description: Provides functions that make it easy to reveal 'ggplot2' graphs incrementally. The functions take a plot produced with 'ggplot2' and return a list of plots showing data incrementally by panels, layers, groups, the values in an axis or any arbitrary aesthetic.
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Encoding: UTF-8
Imports: cli, dplyr, ggplot2, ggplotify, lemon, rlang, stringr, tidyr
Suggests: testthat (>= 3.0.0), withr, vdiffr, mockery
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-08-26 17:34:37 UTC; Macha010
Author: Weverthon Machado [aut, cre, cph]
Maintainer: Weverthon Machado <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-08-30 10:20:07 UTC

More information about ggreveal at CRAN
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New package flowmapper with initial version 0.1.1
Package: flowmapper
Title: Draw Flows (Migration, Goods, Money, Information) on 'ggplot2' Plots
Version: 0.1.1
Description: Adds flow maps to 'ggplot2' plots. The flow maps consist of 'ggplot2' layers which visualize the nodes as circles and the bilateral flows between the nodes as bidirectional half-arrows.
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Encoding: UTF-8
Imports: dplyr, ggplot2, tidyr, forcats, scales
Depends: R (>= 2.10)
LazyData: true
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-08-26 14:42:51 UTC; johan
Author: Johannes Mast [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Johannes Mast <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-08-30 10:20:12 UTC

More information about flowmapper at CRAN
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New package dotty with initial version 0.1.0
Package: dotty
Title: The Unpacking Dot Operator
Version: 0.1.0
Description: Provides a `.` object which can be used for unpacking assignments. For example, `.[rows, columns] <- dim(cars)` could be used to pull the number of rows and number of columns from `dim(cars)` into individual variables `rows` and `columns` in a single step.
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Encoding: UTF-8
Suggests: codetools, testthat (>= 3.0.0)
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-08-26 18:03:11 UTC; kevin
Author: Kevin Ushey [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Kevin Ushey <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-08-30 10:30:02 UTC

More information about dotty at CRAN
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Package tabxplor updated to version 1.2.0 with previous version 1.1.3 dated 2024-03-08

Title: User-Friendly Tables with Color Helpers for Data Exploration
Description: Make it easy to deal with multiple cross-tables in data exploration, by creating them, manipulating them, and adding color helpers to highlight important informations (differences from totals, comparisons between lines or columns, contributions to variance, confidence intervals, odds ratios, etc.). All functions are pipe-friendly and render data frames which can be easily manipulated. In the same time, time-taking operations are done with 'data.table' to go faster with big dataframes. Tables can be exported with formats and colors to 'Excel', plot and html.
Author: Brice Nocenti [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Brice Nocenti <>

Diff between tabxplor versions 1.1.3 dated 2024-03-08 and 1.2.0 dated 2024-08-30

 tabxplor-1.1.3/tabxplor/man/   |only
 tabxplor-1.1.3/tabxplor/man/get_diff_type.default.Rd      |only
 tabxplor-1.1.3/tabxplor/man/get_diff_type.tabxplor_fmt.Rd |only
 tabxplor-1.2.0/tabxplor/DESCRIPTION                       |   29 
 tabxplor-1.2.0/tabxplor/MD5                               |   83 
 tabxplor-1.2.0/tabxplor/NAMESPACE                         |   16 
 tabxplor-1.2.0/tabxplor/                           |   11 
 tabxplor-1.2.0/tabxplor/R/fmt_class.R                     |  516 
 tabxplor-1.2.0/tabxplor/R/jmvtab.b.R                      |only
 tabxplor-1.2.0/tabxplor/R/jmvtab.h.R                      |only
 tabxplor-1.2.0/tabxplor/R/tab.R                           |  955 +
 tabxplor-1.2.0/tabxplor/R/tab_classes.R                   |  856 +
 tabxplor-1.2.0/tabxplor/R/tab_xl.R                        | 7920 +++++++-------
 tabxplor-1.2.0/tabxplor/R/utils.R                         |  179 
 tabxplor-1.2.0/tabxplor/                         |  112 
 tabxplor-1.2.0/tabxplor/build/vignette.rds                |binary
 tabxplor-1.2.0/tabxplor/inst/doc/tabxplor.R               |    6 
 tabxplor-1.2.0/tabxplor/inst/doc/tabxplor.Rmd             |  731 -
 tabxplor-1.2.0/tabxplor/inst/doc/tabxplor.html            | 2524 ++--
 tabxplor-1.2.0/tabxplor/inst/i18n                         |only
 tabxplor-1.2.0/tabxplor/inst/tab.css                      |only
 tabxplor-1.2.0/tabxplor/man/fmt.Rd                        |   40 
 tabxplor-1.2.0/tabxplor/man/format.tabxplor_fmt.Rd        |    5 
 tabxplor-1.2.0/tabxplor/man/    |only
 tabxplor-1.2.0/tabxplor/man/get_ref_type.default.Rd       |only
 tabxplor-1.2.0/tabxplor/man/get_ref_type.tabxplor_fmt.Rd  |only
 tabxplor-1.2.0/tabxplor/man/jmvtab.Rd                     |only
 tabxplor-1.2.0/tabxplor/man/mutate.tabxplor_fmt.Rd        |    2 
 tabxplor-1.2.0/tabxplor/man/new_fmt.Rd                    |   82 
 tabxplor-1.2.0/tabxplor/man/print.tabxplor_grouped_tab.Rd |    6 
 tabxplor-1.2.0/tabxplor/man/print.tabxplor_tab.Rd         |    6 
 tabxplor-1.2.0/tabxplor/man/     |only
 tabxplor-1.2.0/tabxplor/man/set_display.default.Rd        |only
 tabxplor-1.2.0/tabxplor/man/set_display.tabxplor_fmt.Rd   |only
 tabxplor-1.2.0/tabxplor/man/tab.Rd                        |  538 
 tabxplor-1.2.0/tabxplor/man/tab_ci.Rd                     |    6 
 tabxplor-1.2.0/tabxplor/man/tab_get_wrapped_dimensions.Rd |only
 tabxplor-1.2.0/tabxplor/man/tab_kable.Rd                  |   17 
 tabxplor-1.2.0/tabxplor/man/tab_many.Rd                   |  210 
 tabxplor-1.2.0/tabxplor/man/tab_num.Rd                    |  300 
 tabxplor-1.2.0/tabxplor/man/tab_pct.Rd                    |   26 
 tabxplor-1.2.0/tabxplor/man/tab_plain.Rd                  |  295 
 tabxplor-1.2.0/tabxplor/man/tab_plot.Rd                   |only
 tabxplor-1.2.0/tabxplor/man/tab_prepare.Rd                |   13 
 tabxplor-1.2.0/tabxplor/man/tab_spread.Rd                 |    2 
 tabxplor-1.2.0/tabxplor/man/tab_totaltab.Rd               |    4 
 tabxplor-1.2.0/tabxplor/man/tab_wrap_text.Rd              |only
 tabxplor-1.2.0/tabxplor/po                                |only
 tabxplor-1.2.0/tabxplor/tests/testthat/test-fmt_class.R   |    2 
 tabxplor-1.2.0/tabxplor/tests/testthat/test-tab.R         |   51 
 tabxplor-1.2.0/tabxplor/vignettes/tabxplor.Rmd            |  731 -
 51 files changed, 9264 insertions(+), 7010 deletions(-)

More information about tabxplor at CRAN
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Package jackstraw updated to version 1.3.15 with previous version 1.3.9 dated 2024-02-07

Title: Statistical Inference for Unsupervised Learning
Description: Test for association between the observed data and their estimated latent variables. The jackstraw package provides a resampling strategy and testing scheme to estimate statistical significance of association between the observed data and their latent variables. Depending on the data type and the analysis aim, the latent variables may be estimated by principal component analysis (PCA), factor analysis (FA), K-means clustering, and related unsupervised learning algorithms. The jackstraw methods learn over-fitting characteristics inherent in this circular analysis, where the observed data are used to estimate the latent variables and used again to test against that estimated latent variables. When latent variables are estimated by PCA, the jackstraw enables statistical testing for association between observed variables and latent variables, as estimated by low-dimensional principal components (PCs). This essentially leads to identifying variables that are significantly associated with PC [...truncated...]
Author: Neo Christopher Chung [aut, cre] , John D. Storey [aut] , Wei Hao [aut], Alejandro Ochoa [aut]
Maintainer: Neo Christopher Chung <>

Diff between jackstraw versions 1.3.9 dated 2024-02-07 and 1.3.15 dated 2024-08-30

 DESCRIPTION                      |   43 ++-
 MD5                              |   75 +++--
 NAMESPACE                        |    2                          |   66 +++-
 R/Jurkat293T.R                   |    2 
 R/find_k.R                       |    6 
 R/generic.R                      |    4 
 R/jackstraw.R                    |    6 
 R/jackstraw_MiniBatchKmeans.R    |   15 -
 R/jackstraw_alstructure.R        |only
 R/jackstraw_cluster.R            |    2 
 R/jackstraw_irlba.R              |    4 
 R/jackstraw_kmeans.R             |    2 
 R/jackstraw_kmeanspp.R           |    2 
 R/jackstraw_lfa.R                |only
 R/jackstraw_pam.R                |    3 
 R/jackstraw_pca.R                |    4 
 R/jackstraw_rpca.R               |    4 
 R/jackstraw_subspace.R           |    4 
 R/likelihood.R                   |only
 R/permute_alleles_from_geno.R    |only
 R/pip.R                          |    5                        |   86 ++++--
 build                            |only
 man/Jurkat293T.Rd                |    2 
 man/efron_Rsq.Rd                 |only
 man/find_k.Rd                    |    2 
 man/jackstraw.Rd                 |   10 
 man/jackstraw_MiniBatchKmeans.Rd |    2 
 man/jackstraw_alstructure.Rd     |only
 man/jackstraw_cluster.Rd         |    2 
 man/jackstraw_irlba.Rd           |    4 
 man/jackstraw_kmeans.Rd          |    2 
 man/jackstraw_kmeanspp.Rd        |    2 
 man/jackstraw_lfa.Rd             |only
 man/jackstraw_pam.Rd             |    2 
 man/jackstraw_pca.Rd             |    4 
 man/jackstraw_rpca.Rd            |    4 
 man/jackstraw_subspace.Rd        |    4 
 man/permutationPA.Rd             |    4 
 man/pip.Rd                       |    6 
 man/pseudo_Rsq.Rd                |only
 tests/testthat/test-jackstraw.R  |  538 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 43 files changed, 739 insertions(+), 184 deletions(-)

More information about jackstraw at CRAN
Permanent link

Package tidyfinance updated to version 0.4.0 with previous version 0.3.0 dated 2024-07-23

Title: Tidy Finance Helper Functions
Description: Helper functions for empirical research in financial economics, addressing a variety of topics covered in Scheuch, Voigt, and Weiss (2023) <doi:10.1201/b23237>. The package is designed to provide shortcuts for issues extensively discussed in the book, facilitating easier application of its concepts. For more information and resources related to the book, visit <>.
Author: Christoph Scheuch [aut, cre] , Stefan Voigt [aut] , Patrick Weiss [aut] , Maximilian Muecke [ctb]
Maintainer: Christoph Scheuch <>

Diff between tidyfinance versions 0.3.0 dated 2024-07-23 and 0.4.0 dated 2024-08-30

 tidyfinance-0.3.0/tidyfinance/R/check_if_package_installed.R                   |only
 tidyfinance-0.3.0/tidyfinance/R/download_data_stocks.R                         |only
 tidyfinance-0.3.0/tidyfinance/man/check_if_package_installed.Rd                |only
 tidyfinance-0.3.0/tidyfinance/man/download_data_stocks.Rd                      |only
 tidyfinance-0.3.0/tidyfinance/man/download_data_stocks_yf.Rd                   |only
 tidyfinance-0.3.0/tidyfinance/man/list_supported_types_stocks.Rd               |only
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/DESCRIPTION                                      |   22 -
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/MD5                                              |  150 +++++-----
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/NAMESPACE                                        |   26 +
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/                                          |   31 ++
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/R/assign_portfolio.R                             |  109 +++----
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/R/breakpoint_options.R                           |only
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/R/check_supported_type.R                         |    4 
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/R/compute_breakpoints.R                          |only
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/R/compute_long_short_returns.R                   |only
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/R/compute_portfolio_returns.R                    |only
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/R/create_summary_statistics.R                    |   18 -
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/R/create_wrds_dummy_database.R                   |   11 
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/R/data_options.R                                 |only
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/R/disconnect_connection.R                        |    4 
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/R/download_data.R                                |   24 +
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/R/download_data_constituents.R                   |only
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/R/download_data_factors.R                        |   48 +--
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/R/download_data_fred.R                           |only
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/R/download_data_macro_predictors.R               |   45 +--
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/R/download_data_osap.R                           |only
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/R/download_data_stock_prices.R                   |only
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/R/download_data_wrds.R                           |    8 
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/R/download_data_wrds_ccm_links.R                 |    4 
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/R/download_data_wrds_clean_trace.R               |   20 -
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/R/download_data_wrds_compustat.R                 |   18 -
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/R/download_data_wrds_crsp.R                      |   30 +-
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/R/download_data_wrds_fisd.R                      |    4 
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/R/estimate_betas.R                               |only
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/R/estimate_fama_macbeth.R                        |only
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/R/estimate_model.R                               |   54 +--
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/R/get_random_user_agent.R                        |only
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/R/get_wrds_connection.R                          |    9 
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/R/global_variables.R                             |   13 
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/R/lag_column.R                                   |only
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/R/list_supported_indexes.R                       |only
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/R/list_supported_types.R                         |   27 -
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/R/list_tidy_finance_chapters.R                   |    2 
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/R/open_tidy_finance_website.R                    |    2 
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/R/set_wrds_credentials.R                         |   34 +-
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/R/tidyfinance-package.R                          |    9 
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/R/trim.R                                         |    8 
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/R/winsorize.R                                    |    4 
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/                                        |    5 
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/build/vignette.rds                               |binary
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/inst/doc/dates-in-tidyfinance.Rmd                |    2 
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/inst/doc/dates-in-tidyfinance.html               |   20 -
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/inst/doc/using-tidyfinance.R                     |    2 
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/inst/doc/using-tidyfinance.Rmd                   |    2 
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/inst/doc/using-tidyfinance.html                  |   68 ++--
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/man/assign_portfolio.Rd                          |   59 ++-
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/man/breakpoint_options.Rd                        |only
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/man/compute_breakpoints.Rd                       |only
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/man/compute_long_short_returns.Rd                |only
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/man/compute_portfolio_returns.Rd                 |only
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/man/data_options.Rd                              |only
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/man/download_data.Rd                             |    8 
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/man/download_data_constituents.Rd                |only
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/man/download_data_factors.Rd                     |    2 
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/man/download_data_factors_ff.Rd                  |    2 
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/man/download_data_factors_q.Rd                   |    6 
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/man/download_data_fred.Rd                        |only
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/man/download_data_macro_predictors.Rd            |   11 
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/man/download_data_osap.Rd                        |only
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/man/download_data_stock_prices.Rd                |only
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/man/download_data_wrds.Rd                        |    2 
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/man/download_data_wrds_clean_trace.Rd            |    2 
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/man/download_data_wrds_compustat.Rd              |    4 
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/man/download_data_wrds_crsp.Rd                   |    4 
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/man/estimate_betas.Rd                            |only
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/man/estimate_fama_macbeth.Rd                     |only
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/man/estimate_model.Rd                            |   14 
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/man/get_random_user_agent.Rd                     |only
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/man/lag_column.Rd                                |only
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/man/list_supported_indexes.Rd                    |only
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/man/list_supported_types_other.Rd                |only
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/man/list_supported_types_q.Rd                    |    2 
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/man/list_tidy_finance_chapters.Rd                |    1 
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/man/open_tidy_finance_website.Rd                 |    1 
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/man/tidyfinance-package.Rd                       |    5 
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/man/trim.Rd                                      |    1 
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/man/winsorize.Rd                                 |    1 
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/tests/testthat/test-assign_portfolio.R           |   41 ++
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/tests/testthat/test-download_data_constituents.R |only
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/tests/testthat/test-download_data_fred.R         |only
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/tests/testthat/test-estimate_betas.R             |only
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/tests/testthat/test-estimate_fama_macbeth.R      |only
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/tests/testthat/test-estimate_model.R             |   33 ++
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/tests/testthat/test-lag_column.R                 |only
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/vignettes/dates-in-tidyfinance.Rmd               |    2 
 tidyfinance-0.4.0/tidyfinance/vignettes/using-tidyfinance.Rmd                  |    2 
 96 files changed, 635 insertions(+), 405 deletions(-)

More information about tidyfinance at CRAN
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Package openxlsx updated to version 4.2.7 with previous version 4.2.6 dated 2024-07-23

Title: Read, Write and Edit xlsx Files
Description: Simplifies the creation of Excel .xlsx files by providing a high level interface to writing, styling and editing worksheets. Through the use of 'Rcpp', read/write times are comparable to the 'xlsx' and 'XLConnect' packages with the added benefit of removing the dependency on Java.
Author: Philipp Schauberger [aut], Alexander Walker [aut], Luca Braglia [ctb], Joshua Sturm [ctb], Jan Marvin Garbuszus [ctb, cre], Jordan Mark Barbone [ctb] , David Zimmermann [ctb], Reinhold Kainhofer [ctb]
Maintainer: Jan Marvin Garbuszus <>

Diff between openxlsx versions 4.2.6 dated 2024-07-23 and 4.2.7 dated 2024-08-30

 DESCRIPTION                                        |   27 -
 MD5                                                |  106 +++--
 NAMESPACE                                          |    4                                            |   15 
 R/WorkbookClass.R                                  |  204 ++++++----
 R/baseXML.R                                        |    2 
 R/borderFunctions.R                                |    2 
 R/helperFunctions.R                                |  233 ++++++++---
 R/loadWorkbook.R                                   |   75 +++
 R/openxlsx.R                                       |    4 
 R/openxlsxCoerce.R                                 |    2 
 R/readWorkbook.R                                   |    6 
 R/setWindowSize.R                                  |only
 R/sheet_data_class.R                               |    4 
 R/utils.R                                          |    7 
 R/workbook_column_widths.R                         |   10 
 R/workbook_read_workbook.R                         |    6 
 R/workbook_write_data.R                            |    4 
 R/wrappers.R                                       |  363 +++++++++++++-----
 R/writeData.R                                      |    8 
 inst/WORDLIST                                      |    5 
 inst/doc/Formatting.R                              |   19 
 inst/doc/Formatting.Rmd                            |   19 
 inst/doc/Formatting.html                           |  371 +++++++++---------
 inst/doc/Introduction.R                            |   26 -
 inst/doc/Introduction.Rmd                          |   26 -
 inst/doc/Introduction.html                         |  412 ++++++++++-----------
 inst/extdata/gh_issue_288.xlsx                     |only
 inst/extdata/na_convert.xlsx                       |only
 inst/extdata/nested_grouped_rowscols.xlsx          |only
 man/NamedRegion.Rd                                 |    2 
 man/as_POSIXct_utc.Rd                              |only
 man/auto_heights.Rd                                |only
 man/get_worksheet_entries.Rd                       |only
 man/groupColumns.Rd                                |   15 
 man/groupRows.Rd                                   |   53 ++
 man/loadWorkbook.Rd                                |    4 
 man/makeHyperlinkString.Rd                         |   22 -
 man/openxlsx.Rd                                    |    1 
 man/setRowHeights.Rd                               |   49 +-
 man/setWindowSize.Rd                               |only
 src/load_workbook.cpp                              |   14 
 src/read_workbook.cpp                              |   39 -
 src/write_data.cpp                                 |  270 ++++++-------
 src/write_file.cpp                                 |   20 -
 src/write_file_2.cpp                               |   85 +---
 tests/testthat/test-date_time_conversion.R         |   24 +
 tests/testthat/test-encoding.R                     |    2 
 tests/testthat/test-grouped_rows.R                 |only
 tests/testthat/test-load_read_file_read_equality.R |   49 ++
 tests/testthat/test-loading_workbook.R             |   53 ++
 tests/testthat/test-outlines.R                     |   77 +++
 tests/testthat/test-setColWidths.R                 |only
 tests/testthat/test-setWindowSize.R                |only
 tests/testthat/test-validate_data.R                |only
 tests/testthat/test-writeData.R                    |    7 
 tests/testthat/test-write_data_to_sheetData.R      |    2 
 tests/testthat/test-write_xlsx_vector_args.R       |    2 
 vignettes/Formatting.Rmd                           |   19 
 vignettes/Introduction.Rmd                         |   26 -
 60 files changed, 1719 insertions(+), 1076 deletions(-)

More information about openxlsx at CRAN
Permanent link

Package tidyfst updated to version 1.8.0 with previous version 1.7.9 dated 2024-06-14

Title: Tidy Verbs for Fast Data Manipulation
Description: A toolkit of tidy data manipulation verbs with 'data.table' as the backend. Combining the merits of syntax elegance from 'dplyr' and computing performance from 'data.table', 'tidyfst' intends to provide users with state-of-the-art data manipulation tools with least pain. This package is an extension of 'data.table'. While enjoying a tidy syntax, it also wraps combinations of efficient functions to facilitate frequently-used data operations.
Author: Tian-Yuan Huang [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Tian-Yuan Huang <>

Diff between tidyfst versions 1.7.9 dated 2024-06-14 and 1.8.0 dated 2024-08-30

 DESCRIPTION                    |   12 ++++-----
 MD5                            |   16 +++++++------
 NAMESPACE                      |    1 
 R/print.R                      |    2 -
 R/round0.R                     |only
 build/vignette.rds             |binary
 inst/doc/benchmark.html        |   50 ++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 inst/doc/chinese_tutorial.html |   34 +++++++++++++--------------
 man/print_options.Rd           |    2 -
 man/round0.Rd                  |only
 10 files changed, 60 insertions(+), 57 deletions(-)

More information about tidyfst at CRAN
Permanent link

Package chromote updated to version 0.3.1 with previous version 0.3.0 dated 2024-08-29

Title: Headless Chrome Web Browser Interface
Description: An implementation of the 'Chrome DevTools Protocol', for controlling a headless Chrome web browser.
Author: Winston Chang [aut, cre], Barret Schloerke [aut] , Garrick Aden-Buie [aut] , Posit Software, PBC [cph, fnd]
Maintainer: Winston Chang <>

Diff between chromote versions 0.3.0 dated 2024-08-29 and 0.3.1 dated 2024-08-30

 DESCRIPTION |    6 +++---
 MD5         |    6 +++---     |    4 ++++
 R/chrome.R  |    3 ++-
 4 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

More information about chromote at CRAN
Permanent link

Package walker updated to version 1.0.10 with previous version 1.0.8 dated 2023-09-11

Title: Bayesian Generalized Linear Models with Time-Varying Coefficients
Description: Efficient Bayesian generalized linear models with time-varying coefficients as in Helske (2022, <doi:10.1016/j.softx.2022.101016>). Gaussian, Poisson, and binomial observations are supported. The Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) computations are done using Hamiltonian Monte Carlo provided by Stan, using a state space representation of the model in order to marginalise over the coefficients for efficient sampling. For non-Gaussian models, the package uses the importance sampling type estimators based on approximate marginal MCMC as in Vihola, Helske, Franks (2020, <doi:10.1111/sjos.12492>).
Author: Jouni Helske [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Jouni Helske <>

Diff between walker versions 1.0.8 dated 2023-09-11 and 1.0.10 dated 2024-08-30

 DESCRIPTION                       |   20 
 MD5                               |   87 
 NAMESPACE                         |    2 
 R/fitted.R                        |   16 
 R/lfo.R                           |   14 
 R/plot_coefs.R                    |  121 -
 R/plot_fit.R                      |   40 
 R/plot_predict.R                  |  214 -
 R/pp_check.R                      |   75 
 R/predict.R                       |   16 
 R/predict_counterfactual.R        |   16 
 R/print_fit.R                     |  252 +-
 R/rw.R                            |    6 
 R/test_args.R                     |   28 
 R/walker.R                        | 1253 +++++------
 R/walker_rw1.R                    |  314 +-
 R/zzz.R                           |    8                         |   10 
 build/partial.rdb                 |only
 inst/CITATION                     |   45 
 inst/doc/walker.R                 |    7 
 inst/doc/walker.Rmd               |  437 +---
 inst/doc/walker.html              |  106 
 man/   |    4 
 man/fitted.walker_fit.Rd          |    2 
 man/lfo.Rd                        |    8 
 man/plot_coefs.Rd                 |    8 
 man/plot_fit.Rd                   |    6 
 man/plot_predict.Rd               |   10 
 man/pp_check.walker_fit.Rd        |   11 
 man/predict.walker_fit.Rd         |   12 
 man/predict_counterfactual.Rd     |   14 
 man/print.walker_fit.Rd           |    6 
 man/rw1.Rd                        |   10 
 man/rw2.Rd                        |   16 
 man/summary.walker_fit.Rd         |    2 
 man/walker.Rd                     |   60 
 man/walker_glm.Rd                 |   67 
 man/walker_rw1.Rd                 |   40 
 src/stanExports_rw1_model.h       | 2134 +++++++++----------
 src/stanExports_rw1_model_naive.h | 1214 +++++------
 src/stanExports_walker_glm.h      | 4145 ++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 src/stanExports_walker_lm.h       | 3295 ++++++++++++++----------------
 vignettes/walker.Rmd              |  437 +---
 vignettes/walker.bib              |  164 -
 45 files changed, 7164 insertions(+), 7588 deletions(-)

More information about walker at CRAN
Permanent link

Package Rbeast updated to version 1.0.1 with previous version 1.0.0 dated 2023-12-08

Title: Bayesian Change-Point Detection and Time Series Decomposition
Description: Interpretation of time series data is affected by model choices. Different models can give different or even contradicting estimates of patterns, trends, and mechanisms for the same data--a limitation alleviated by the Bayesian estimator of abrupt change,seasonality, and trend (BEAST) of this package. BEAST seeks to improve time series decomposition by forgoing the "single-best-model" concept and embracing all competing models into the inference via a Bayesian model averaging scheme. It is a flexible tool to uncover abrupt changes (i.e., change-points, breakpoints, structural breaks, or join-points), cyclic variations (e.g., seasonality), and nonlinear trends in time-series observations. BEAST not just tells when changes occur but also quantifies how likely the detected changes are true. It detects not just piecewise linear trends but also arbitrary nonlinear trends. BEAST is applicable to real-valued time series data of all kinds, be it for remote sensing, economics, climate sciences, [...truncated...]
Author: Tongxi Hu [aut], Yang Li [aut], Xuesong Zhang [aut], Kaiguang Zhao [aut, cre], Jack Dongarra [ctb], Cleve Moler [ctb]
Maintainer: Kaiguang Zhao <>

Diff between Rbeast versions 1.0.0 dated 2023-12-08 and 1.0.1 dated 2024-08-30

 Rbeast-1.0.0/Rbeast/src/abc_ioFlush.c                    |only
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/DESCRIPTION                          |   10 
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/MD5                                  |  167 +--
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/                              |    5 
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/R/beast.R                            |  191 ++--
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/R/beast.irreg.R                      |  183 ++--
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/R/beast123.R                         |   46 -
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/R/plot.beast.R                       |   13 
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/                            |only
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/data/datalist                        |    3 
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/man/beast.Rd                         |  209 ++--
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/man/beast.irreg.Rd                   |  158 ++-
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/man/beast123.Rd                      |   72 -
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/src/_beastv2_gui_plot.c              |    2 
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/src/_beastv2_gui_winmain.c           |    2 
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/src/abc_000_macro.h                  |  110 +-
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/src/abc_001_config.h                 |   18 
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/src/abc_blas_lapack_myl.h            |    4 
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/src/abc_blas_lapack_myl_old.h        |    8 
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/src/abc_common.c                     |  113 +-
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/src/abc_common.h                     |    6 
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/src/abc_cpu.c                        |  169 ++-
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/src/abc_cpu.h                        |   17 
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/src/abc_datatype.h                   |    2 
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/src/abc_date.c                       |   33 
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/src/abc_date.h                       |    1 
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/src/abc_dir.c                        |    2 
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/src/abc_ide_util.h                   |   21 
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/src/abc_ide_util_R.c                 |    7 
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/src/abc_ide_util_common.c            |   32 
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/src/abc_ide_util_matlab.c            |   18 
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/src/abc_ide_util_python.c            |  306 ++++++
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/src/abc_mat.c                        |  116 --
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/src/abc_mat.h                        |    6 
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/src/abc_math_avx.c                   |   12 
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/src/abc_math_avx.h                   |    2 
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/src/abc_math_avx512.c                |   10 
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/src/abc_mcmc.h                       |    5 
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/src/abc_mem.c                        |    8 
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/src/abc_mem.h                        |   10 
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/src/abc_pthread.c                    |   38 
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/src/abc_pthread.h                    |   27 
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/src/abc_rand_pcg_global.c            |    4 
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/src/abc_rand_pcg_local_avx2.c        |   12 
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/src/abc_rand_pcg_local_avx512.c      |    8 
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/src/abc_sort.c                       |  240 +----
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/src/abc_sort.h                       |   23 
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/src/abc_sort_template.h              |only
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/src/abc_system.c                     |    2 
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/src/abc_timer.c                      |   26 
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/src/abc_timer.h                      |    8 
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/src/abc_tranpose.c                   |    8 
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/src/abc_ts_func.c                    |    5 
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/src/abc_vec.h                        |    8 
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/src/abc_vec_avx2.c                   |   18 
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/src/abc_vec_avx512.c                 |   18 
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/src/abc_vec_generic.c                |    2 
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/src/abc_win32_demo.c                 |    4 
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/src/beastv2_COREV4.c                 |  649 +++++++-------
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/src/beastv2_COREV4_bic.c             |  663 +++++++--------
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/src/beastv2_COREV4_bic_mthrd.c       |  605 ++++++-------
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/src/beastv2_COREV4_gui.c             |  627 ++++++--------
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/src/beastv2_COREV4_mthrd.c           |  577 ++++++-------
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/src/beastv2_basis_allocinitmem.c     |   11 
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/src/beastv2_basis_cvtKnotsToBinVec.c |   22 
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/src/beastv2_basis_genrandbasis.c     |   35 
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/src/beastv2_basis_pickcmptId.c       |   24 
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/src/beastv2_basis_proposeNew_q.c     |  401 ++-------
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/src/beastv2_basis_updategoodvec.c    |   16 
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/src/beastv2_date.c                   |    2 
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/src/beastv2_func.h                   |   13 
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/src/beastv2_func_q.c                 |  255 +++--
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/src/beastv2_header.h                 |   50 -
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/src/beastv2_header_solaris.h         |   40 
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/src/beastv2_io_in_args.c             |   85 +
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/src/beastv2_io_out_allocmem_q.c      |   84 +
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/src/beastv2_io_out_printargs.c       |   93 +-
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/src/beastv2_io_out_write_q.c         |    6 
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/src/beastv2_model_allocinit_q.c      |   39 
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/src/beastv2_prior_precfunc.c         |  176 ++-
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/src/beastv2_prior_precfunc.h         |   12 
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/src/beastv2_xxyy_allocmem_q.c        |    6 
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/src/globalvars.c                     |    8 
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/src/globalvars.h                     |   12 
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/src/glue_code.c                      |  228 +++--
 Rbeast-1.0.1/Rbeast/src/tetris.c                         |    2 
 86 files changed, 3783 insertions(+), 3506 deletions(-)

More information about Rbeast at CRAN
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Package mcradds updated to version 1.1.1 with previous version 1.1.0 dated 2023-12-04

Title: Processing and Analyzing of Diagnostics Trials
Description: Provides methods and functions to analyze the quantitative or qualitative performance for diagnostic assays, and outliers detection, reader precision and reference range are discussed. Most of the methods and algorithms refer to CLSI (Clinical & Laboratory Standards Institute) recommendations and NMPA (National Medical Products Administration) guidelines. In additional, relevant plots are constructed by 'ggplot2'.
Author: Kai Gu [aut, cre, cph]
Maintainer: Kai Gu <>

Diff between mcradds versions 1.1.0 dated 2023-12-04 and 1.1.1 dated 2024-08-30

 DESCRIPTION                                                                  |    8 -
 MD5                                                                          |   22 +--                                                                      |    4 
 R/autoplot.R                                                                 |    3 
 R/correlation.R                                                              |    2 
 build/vignette.rds                                                           |binary
 inst/doc/mcradds.html                                                        |   70 +++++-----
 man/VCAinference.Rd                                                          |    7 -
 man/spearmanTest.Rd                                                          |    2 
 tests/testthat/_snaps/autoplot/autoplot-basummary-with-relative-diff.svg     |    2 
 tests/testthat/_snaps/autoplot/autoplot-mcresult-with-default-arguments.svg  |    4 
 tests/testthat/_snaps/autoplot/autoplot-mcresult-with-multiple-arguments.svg |   16 +-
 12 files changed, 70 insertions(+), 70 deletions(-)

More information about mcradds at CRAN
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Package manynet updated to version 1.0.5 with previous version 1.0.2 dated 2024-07-22

Title: Many Ways to Make, Modify, Map, Mark, and Measure Myriad Networks
Description: Many tools for making, modifying, mapping, marking, measuring, and motifs and memberships of many different types of networks. All functions operate with matrices, edge lists, and 'igraph', 'network', and 'tidygraph' objects, and on one-mode, two-mode (bipartite), and sometimes three-mode networks. The package includes functions for importing and exporting, creating and generating networks, modifying networks and node and tie attributes, and describing and visualizing networks with sensible defaults.
Author: James Hollway [cre, aut, ctb] , Henrique Sposito [ctb]
Maintainer: James Hollway <>

Diff between manynet versions 1.0.2 dated 2024-07-22 and 1.0.5 dated 2024-08-30

 manynet-1.0.2/manynet/man/correlation.Rd                       |only
 manynet-1.0.2/manynet/man/create.Rd                            |only
 manynet-1.0.2/manynet/man/generate.Rd                          |only
 manynet-1.0.2/manynet/man/split.Rd                             |only
 manynet-1.0.5/manynet/DESCRIPTION                              |    8 
 manynet-1.0.5/manynet/MD5                                      |  115 -
 manynet-1.0.5/manynet/NAMESPACE                                |   16 
 manynet-1.0.5/manynet/                                  |   76 
 manynet-1.0.5/manynet/R/class_members.R                        |   32 
 manynet-1.0.5/manynet/R/make_create.R                          |  319 ++-
 manynet-1.0.5/manynet/R/make_generate.R                        |  172 +
 manynet-1.0.5/manynet/R/manip_as.R                             |    4 
 manynet-1.0.5/manynet/R/manip_correlation.R                    |   63 
 manynet-1.0.5/manynet/R/manip_reformed.R                       |    2 
 manynet-1.0.5/manynet/R/manip_split.R                          |   12 
 manynet-1.0.5/manynet/R/manynet-tutorials.R                    |   85 
 manynet-1.0.5/manynet/R/map_autograph.R                        |  322 +--
 manynet-1.0.5/manynet/R/mark_ties.R                            |   98 +
 manynet-1.0.5/manynet/R/measure_attributes.R                   |    7 
 manynet-1.0.5/manynet/R/measure_features.R                     |    4 
 manynet-1.0.5/manynet/R/measure_heterogeneity.R                |    4 
 manynet-1.0.5/manynet/R/member_community.R                     |   13 
 manynet-1.0.5/manynet/inst/tutorials/tutorial3/centrality.html |   82 
 manynet-1.0.5/manynet/inst/tutorials/tutorial4/community.Rmd   |  109 -
 manynet-1.0.5/manynet/inst/tutorials/tutorial4/community.html  |  490 +++--
 manynet-1.0.5/manynet/inst/tutorials/tutorial5/position.Rmd    |   31 
 manynet-1.0.5/manynet/inst/tutorials/tutorial5/position.html   |  283 +--
 manynet-1.0.5/manynet/inst/tutorials/tutorial6/topology.Rmd    |   73 
 manynet-1.0.5/manynet/inst/tutorials/tutorial6/topology.html   |  369 ++--
 manynet-1.0.5/manynet/inst/tutorials/tutorial7/diffusion.Rmd   |   78 
 manynet-1.0.5/manynet/inst/tutorials/tutorial7/diffusion.html  |  922 +++++-----
 manynet-1.0.5/manynet/man/add_nodes.Rd                         |    5 
 manynet-1.0.5/manynet/man/add_ties.Rd                          |    5 
 manynet-1.0.5/manynet/man/as.Rd                                |    5 
 manynet-1.0.5/manynet/man/data_overview.Rd                     |   10 
 manynet-1.0.5/manynet/man/from.Rd                              |    5 
 manynet-1.0.5/manynet/man/graphr.Rd                            |    8 
 manynet-1.0.5/manynet/man/grapht.Rd                            |   18 
 manynet-1.0.5/manynet/man/learning.Rd                          |    5 
 manynet-1.0.5/manynet/man/make_create.Rd                       |only
 manynet-1.0.5/manynet/man/make_explicit.Rd                     |only
 manynet-1.0.5/manynet/man/make_generate.Rd                     |only
 manynet-1.0.5/manynet/man/manip_correlation.Rd                 |only
 manynet-1.0.5/manynet/man/manip_permutation.Rd                 |only
 manynet-1.0.5/manynet/man/manip_split.Rd                       |only
 manynet-1.0.5/manynet/man/mark_diff.Rd                         |    3 
 manynet-1.0.5/manynet/man/mark_nodes.Rd                        |    3 
 manynet-1.0.5/manynet/man/mark_select.Rd                       |    3 
 manynet-1.0.5/manynet/man/mark_tie_select.Rd                   |    3 
 manynet-1.0.5/manynet/man/mark_ties.Rd                         |    3 
 manynet-1.0.5/manynet/man/mark_triangles.Rd                    |only
 manynet-1.0.5/manynet/man/measure_heterogeneity.Rd             |    4 
 manynet-1.0.5/manynet/man/miss.Rd                              |    5 
 manynet-1.0.5/manynet/man/play.Rd                              |    5 
 manynet-1.0.5/manynet/man/read.Rd                              |    5 
 manynet-1.0.5/manynet/man/reformat.Rd                          |    5 
 manynet-1.0.5/manynet/man/to_levels.Rd                         |    5 
 manynet-1.0.5/manynet/man/to_paths.Rd                          |    5 
 manynet-1.0.5/manynet/man/to_project.Rd                        |    5 
 manynet-1.0.5/manynet/man/to_scope.Rd                          |    5 
 manynet-1.0.5/manynet/man/write.Rd                             |    5 
 manynet-1.0.5/manynet/tests/testthat/test-manip_transform.R    |    4 
 manynet-1.0.5/manynet/tests/testthat/test-map_autographr.R     |   12 
 manynet-1.0.5/manynet/tests/testthat/test-map_theme.R          |   10 
 64 files changed, 2278 insertions(+), 1662 deletions(-)

More information about manynet at CRAN
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Package jstable updated to version 1.3.3 with previous version 1.3.0 dated 2024-07-06

Title: Create Tables from Different Types of Regression
Description: Create regression tables from generalized linear model(GLM), generalized estimating equation(GEE), generalized linear mixed-effects model(GLMM), Cox proportional hazards model, survey-weighted generalized linear model(svyglm) and survey-weighted Cox model results for publication.
Author: Jinseob Kim [aut, cre] , Zarathu [cph, fnd], Yoonkyoung Jeon [aut], Jaehun Shon [aut], Hyojong Myung [aut]
Maintainer: Jinseob Kim <>

Diff between jstable versions 1.3.0 dated 2024-07-06 and 1.3.3 dated 2024-08-30

 DESCRIPTION             |   14 ++--
 MD5                     |   20 +++---                 |   15 ++++
 R/CreateTableOneJS.R    |    2 
 R/cox2.R                |  159 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 R/forestcox.R           |   54 +++++++++-------
 R/forestglm.R           |    3 
 R/svyCreateTableOneJS.R |    8 +-               |    2 
 inst/doc/jstable.html   |   40 ++++++------
 man/cox2.display.Rd     |    4 -
 11 files changed, 201 insertions(+), 120 deletions(-)

More information about jstable at CRAN
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Package distrMod updated to version 2.9.3 with previous version 2.9.1 dated 2024-02-01

Title: Object Oriented Implementation of Probability Models
Description: Implements S4 classes for probability models based on packages 'distr' and 'distrEx'.
Author: Matthias Kohl [aut, cph], Peter Ruckdeschel [cre, cph], R Core Team [ctb, cph]
Maintainer: Peter Ruckdeschel <>

Diff between distrMod versions 2.9.1 dated 2024-02-01 and 2.9.3 dated 2024-08-30

 DESCRIPTION                          |   16 ++++++-------
 MD5                                  |   20 ++++++++--------
 build/partial.rdb                    |binary
 build/vignette.rds                   |binary
 inst/NEWS                            |   18 +++++++++++++++
 inst/doc/distrMod.pdf                |binary
 man/0distrMod-package.Rd             |    6 ++---
 man/distrModMASK.Rd                  |    2 +
 man/qqplot.Rd                        |    2 -
 man/returnlevelplot.Rd               |    2 -
 tests/Examples/ |   42 ++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 11 files changed, 65 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-)

More information about distrMod at CRAN
Permanent link

Built and running on Debian GNU/Linux using R, littler and blosxom. Styled with Bootstrap.