Tue, 15 Oct 2024

Package qwraps2 updated to version 0.6.1 with previous version 0.6.0 dated 2023-11-09

Title: Quick Wraps 2
Description: A collection of (wrapper) functions the creator found useful for quickly placing data summaries and formatted regression results into '.Rnw' or '.Rmd' files. Functions for generating commonly used graphics, such as receiver operating curves or Bland-Altman plots, are also provided by 'qwraps2'. 'qwraps2' is a updated version of a package 'qwraps'. The original version 'qwraps' was never submitted to CRAN but can be found at <https://github.com/dewittpe/qwraps/>. The implementation and limited scope of the functions within 'qwraps2' <https://github.com/dewittpe/qwraps2/> is fundamentally different from 'qwraps'.
Author: Peter DeWitt [aut, cre] , Tell Bennett [ctb]
Maintainer: Peter DeWitt <dewittpe@gmail.com>

Diff between qwraps2 versions 0.6.0 dated 2023-11-09 and 0.6.1 dated 2024-10-15

 DESCRIPTION                                        |    8 
 MD5                                                |   37 -
 NEWS.md                                            |    5 
 R/confusion_matrix.R                               |   23 -
 R/qroc.R                                           |    6 
 build/vignette.rds                                 |binary
 data/mtcars2.rda                                   |binary
 data/pefr.rda                                      |binary
 data/spambase.rda                                  |binary
 inst/doc/qwraps2-data-sets.html                    |   28 -
 inst/doc/qwraps2-formatted-summary-statistics.html |   24 -
 inst/doc/qwraps2-graphics.html                     |  426 ++++++++++-----------
 inst/doc/qwraps2-summary-table.html                |   40 -
 man/confusion_matrix.Rd                            |   23 -
 man/figures                                        |only
 man/stat_stepribbon.Rd                             |   47 +-
 tests/test-confusion_matrix.R                      |    3 
 tests/test-file-check.R                            |    2 
 tests/test-qable.R                                 |    8 
 19 files changed, 372 insertions(+), 308 deletions(-)

More information about qwraps2 at CRAN
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Package broom.mixed updated to version with previous version dated 2024-04-01

Title: Tidying Methods for Mixed Models
Description: Convert fitted objects from various R mixed-model packages into tidy data frames along the lines of the 'broom' package. The package provides three S3 generics for each model: tidy(), which summarizes a model's statistical findings such as coefficients of a regression; augment(), which adds columns to the original data such as predictions, residuals and cluster assignments; and glance(), which provides a one-row summary of model-level statistics.
Author: Ben Bolker [aut, cre] , David Robinson [aut], Dieter Menne [ctb], Jonah Gabry [ctb], Paul Buerkner [ctb], Christopher Hua [ctb], William Petry [ctb] , Joshua Wiley [ctb] , Patrick Kennedy [ctb], Eduard Szoecs [ctb] , Indrajeet Patil [ctb], Vincent Are [...truncated...]
Maintainer: Ben Bolker <bolker@mcmaster.ca>

Diff between broom.mixed versions dated 2024-04-01 and dated 2024-10-15

 DESCRIPTION                      |   12 +++----
 MD5                              |   35 ++++++++++++----------
 NAMESPACE                        |    6 +++
 R/brms_tidiers.R                 |   60 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------
 R/glmmTMB_tidiers.R              |    7 +++-
 R/glmm_tidiers.R                 |only
 R/lme4_tidiers.R                 |    2 -
 R/ordinal_tidiers.R              |only
 R/rstanarm_tidiers.R             |   11 +++----
 build/vignette.rds               |binary
 inst/doc/broom_mixed_intro.R     |    1 
 inst/doc/broom_mixed_intro.html  |   46 ++++++++++++++---------------
 inst/doc/broom_mixed_intro.rmd   |    1 
 man/augment.clmm.Rd              |only
 man/brms_tidiers.Rd              |   23 +++++++++-----
 man/rstanarm_tidiers.Rd          |    2 -
 tests/testthat/test-alltibbles.R |    6 +++
 tests/testthat/test-brms.R       |    3 +
 tests/testthat/test-rstanarm.R   |   13 ++++----
 vignettes/broom_mixed_intro.rmd  |    1 
 20 files changed, 145 insertions(+), 84 deletions(-)

More information about broom.mixed at CRAN
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Package tfrmt updated to version 0.1.3 with previous version 0.1.2 dated 2024-07-06

Title: Applies Display Metadata to Analysis Results Datasets
Description: Creates a framework to store and apply display metadata to Analysis Results Datasets (ARDs). The use of 'tfrmt' allows users to define table format and styling without the data, and later apply the format to the data.
Author: Becca Krouse [aut, cre], Christina Fillmore [aut] , GlaxoSmithKline Research & Development Limited [cph, fnd], Atorus Research LLC [cph, fnd], Ellis Hughes [aut] , Karima Ahmad [aut] , Shannon Haughton [aut]
Maintainer: Becca Krouse <becca.z.krouse@gsk.com>

Diff between tfrmt versions 0.1.2 dated 2024-07-06 and 0.1.3 dated 2024-10-15

 DESCRIPTION                          |    8 +--
 MD5                                  |   26 +++++-----
 NAMESPACE                            |    2 
 NEWS.md                              |    9 +++
 R/apply_tfrmt.R                      |    4 -
 R/frmt_utils.R                       |   18 ++++++-
 R/mock_tbl.R                         |   90 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 README.md                            |    8 ++-
 inst/create_json_example_tfrmts.R    |    6 +-
 inst/json_examples/tfrmt_demog.json  |    9 +++
 tests/testthat/_snaps/JSON.md        |   36 ++++++++++++++
 tests/testthat/test-JSON.R           |   26 ++++++++++
 tests/testthat/test-big_ns.R         |    3 -
 tests/testthat/test-make_mock_data.R |   56 +++++++++++++++++++++
 14 files changed, 249 insertions(+), 52 deletions(-)

More information about tfrmt at CRAN
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Package ssMutPA updated to version 0.1.2 with previous version 0.1.1 dated 2024-10-10

Title: Single-Sample Mutation-Based Pathway Analysis
Description: A systematic bioinformatics tool to perform single-sample mutation-based pathway analysis by integrating somatic mutation data with the Protein-Protein Interaction (PPI) network. In this method, we use local and global weighted strategies to evaluate the effects of network genes from mutations according to the network topology and then calculate the mutation-based pathway enrichment score (ssMutPES) to reflect the accumulated effect of mutations of each pathway. Subsequently, the ssMutPES profiles are used for unsupervised spectral clustering to identify cancer subtypes.
Author: Junwei Han [aut, cre, cph], Yalan He [aut], Qian Wang [aut]
Maintainer: Junwei Han <hanjunwei1981@163.com>

Diff between ssMutPA versions 0.1.1 dated 2024-10-10 and 0.1.2 dated 2024-10-15

 DESCRIPTION           |    6 +++---
 MD5                   |   15 ++++++++-------
 R/plot.R              |   15 ++++++++++-----
 inst/doc/ssMutPA.R    |    7 ++++++-
 inst/doc/ssMutPA.Rmd  |    7 ++++++-
 inst/doc/ssMutPA.html |   17 ++++++++++++++---
 man/Oncoplot.Rd       |   12 ++++++++++--
 man/figure            |only
 vignettes/ssMutPA.Rmd |    7 ++++++-
 9 files changed, 63 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)

More information about ssMutPA at CRAN
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New package OmopSketch with initial version 0.1.1
Package: OmopSketch
Title: Characterise Tables of an OMOP Common Data Model Instance
Version: 0.1.1
Maintainer: Marta Alcalde-Herraiz <marta.alcaldeherraiz@ndorms.ox.ac.uk>
Description: Summarises key information in data mapped to the Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership (OMOP) common data model. Assess suitability to perform specific epidemiological studies and explore the different domains to obtain feasibility counts and trends.
License: Apache License (>= 2)
Encoding: UTF-8
Suggests: CodelistGenerator, DBI, duckdb, flextable, gt, here, knitr, odbc, remotes, rmarkdown, RPostgres, testthat (>= 3.0.0), withr
Imports: CDMConnector (>= 1.3.0), cli, clock, CohortCharacteristics (>= 0.3.0), CohortConstructor (>= 0.3.1), dplyr, ggplot2, omock (>= 0.3.0), omopgenerics (>= 0.3.1), PatientProfiles (>= 1.2.0), purrr, rlang, stringr, tibble, tidyr, visOmopResults (>= 0.4.0)
Depends: R (>= 2.10)
URL: https://OHDSI.github.io/OmopSketch/
BugReports: https://github.com/OHDSI/OmopSketch/issues
VignetteBuilder: knitr
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-10-15 10:06:23 UTC; martaa
Author: Marta Alcalde-Herraiz [aut, cre] , Kim Lopez-Guell [aut] , Elin Rowlands [aut] , Edward Burn [aut] , Marti Catala [aut]
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-10-15 22:00:18 UTC

More information about OmopSketch at CRAN
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Package MixtureMissing updated to version 3.0.3 with previous version 3.0.2 dated 2024-03-19

Title: Robust and Flexible Model-Based Clustering for Data Sets with Missing Values at Random
Description: Implementations of various robust and flexible model-based clustering methods for data sets with missing values at random. Two main models are: Multivariate Contaminated Normal Mixture (MCNM, Tong and Tortora, 2022, <doi:10.1007/s11634-021-00476-1>) and Multivariate Generalized Hyperbolic Mixture (MGHM, Wei et al., 2019, <doi:10.1016/j.csda.2018.08.016>). Mixtures via some special or limiting cases of the multivariate generalized hyperbolic distribution are also included: Normal-Inverse Gaussian, Symmetric Normal-Inverse Gaussian, Skew-Cauchy, Cauchy, Skew-t, Student's t, Normal, Symmetric Generalized Hyperbolic, Hyperbolic Univariate Marginals, Hyperbolic, and Symmetric Hyperbolic.
Author: Hung Tong [aut, cre], Cristina Tortora [aut, ths, dgs]
Maintainer: Hung Tong <hungtongmx@gmail.com>

Diff between MixtureMissing versions 3.0.2 dated 2024-03-19 and 3.0.3 dated 2024-10-15

 DESCRIPTION                |    6 +++---
 MD5                        |   12 ++++++------
 R/MCNM.R                   |   38 +++-----------------------------------
 R/MGHM.R                   |   42 +++++++-----------------------------------
 R/MixtureMissing.R         |    4 ++--
 R/utils.R                  |   10 +++++-----
 man/initialize_clusters.Rd |    5 +++++
 7 files changed, 31 insertions(+), 86 deletions(-)

More information about MixtureMissing at CRAN
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Package iglu updated to version 4.2.0 with previous version 4.1.6 dated 2024-06-14

Title: Interpreting Glucose Data from Continuous Glucose Monitors
Description: Implements a wide range of metrics for measuring glucose control and glucose variability based on continuous glucose monitoring data. The list of implemented metrics is summarized in Rodbard (2009) <doi:10.1089/dia.2009.0015>. Additional visualization tools include time-series plots, lasagna plots and ambulatory glucose profile report.
Author: Elizabeth Chun [aut], Steve Broll [aut], David Buchanan [aut], John Muschelli [aut] , Nathaniel Fernandes [aut] , Jung Hoon Seo [ctb], Johnathan Shih [ctb], Jacek Urbanek [ctb], John Schwenck [ctb], Marielle Hicban [ctb], Mary Martin [ctb], Pratik Pa [...truncated...]
Maintainer: Irina Gaynanova <irinagn@umich.edu>

Diff between iglu versions 4.1.6 dated 2024-06-14 and 4.2.0 dated 2024-10-15

 DESCRIPTION                       |    8 -
 MD5                               |   89 +++++++-----
 NAMESPACE                         |    4 
 NEWS.md                           |    6 
 R/active_percent.R                |   76 ++++++----
 R/agp.R                           |    2 
 R/agp_metrics.R                   |    8 -
 R/all_metrics.R                   |    8 -
 R/gri.R                           |   14 +
 R/heatmap.R                       |    7 
 R/hyper_index.R                   |    2 
 R/hypo_index.R                    |    2 
 R/lasagna_plots.R                 |    4 
 R/m_value.R                       |    2 
 R/mage_ma_single.R                |    3 
 R/plot_meals.R                    |   12 -
 R/sd_measures.R                   |    2 
 R/utils.R                         |    4 
 build/partial.rdb                 |binary
 build/vignette.rds                |binary
 inst/doc/AGP_and_Episodes.html    |    6 
 inst/doc/MAGE.Rmd                 |    4 
 inst/doc/MAGE.html                |   66 ++++-----
 inst/doc/iglu.html                |  274 +++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 inst/doc/lasagna_plots.html       |   40 ++---
 inst/shiny_iglu/server.R          |    5 
 man/active_percent.Rd             |   13 +
 man/agp_metrics.Rd                |    4 
 man/gri.Rd                        |    6 
 man/hyper_index.Rd                |    2 
 man/hypo_index.Rd                 |    2 
 man/m_value.Rd                    |    2 
 man/metrics_heatmap.Rd            |    7 
 man/plot_lasagna.Rd               |    4 
 man/plot_lasagna_1subject.Rd      |    4 
 man/plot_meals.Rd                 |    8 -
 tests/testthat/test-agp.R         |only
 tests/testthat/test-agp_metrics.R |only
 tests/testthat/test-cogi.R        |only
 tests/testthat/test-ea1c.R        |only
 tests/testthat/test-gmi.R         |only
 tests/testthat/test-grade.R       |only
 tests/testthat/test-grade_eugly.R |only
 tests/testthat/test-grade_hyper.R |only
 tests/testthat/test-grade_hypo.R  |only
 tests/testthat/test-hbgi.R        |only
 tests/testthat/test-hyper_index.R |only
 tests/testthat/test-hypo_index.R  |only
 tests/testthat/test-igc.R         |only
 tests/testthat/test-m_value.R     |only
 tests/testthat/test-mad_glu.R     |only
 tests/testthat/test-modd.R        |only
 tests/testthat/test-range_glu.R   |only
 vignettes/MAGE.Rmd                |    4 
 54 files changed, 392 insertions(+), 312 deletions(-)

More information about iglu at CRAN
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Package coro updated to version 1.0.5 with previous version 1.0.4 dated 2024-10-02

Title: 'Coroutines' for R
Description: Provides 'coroutines' for R, a family of functions that can be suspended and resumed later on. This includes 'async' functions (which await) and generators (which yield). 'Async' functions are based on the concurrency framework of the 'promises' package. Generators are based on a dependency free iteration protocol defined in 'coro' and are compatible with iterators from the 'reticulate' package.
Author: Lionel Henry [aut, cre], Posit Software, PBC [cph, fnd]
Maintainer: Lionel Henry <lionel@posit.co>

Diff between coro versions 1.0.4 dated 2024-10-02 and 1.0.5 dated 2024-10-15

 DESCRIPTION                           |   12 
 MD5                                   |   26 -
 NEWS.md                               |    8 
 R/async.R                             |    2 
 R/generator.R                         |    2 
 README.md                             |   77 ++-
 inst/doc/generator.html               |  667 ++++++++++++++++++++++------------
 man/async.Rd                          |    2 
 tests/testthat/_snaps/parser-block.md |  110 -----
 tests/testthat/helper-flowery.R       |   15 
 tests/testthat/test-async.R           |   11 
 tests/testthat/test-generator.R       |   13 
 tests/testthat/test-parser-block.R    |    4 
 tests/testthat/test-parser-if.R       |    1 
 14 files changed, 551 insertions(+), 399 deletions(-)

More information about coro at CRAN
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Package CFO updated to version 2.1.0 with previous version 2.0.0 dated 2024-09-10

Title: CFO-Type Designs in Phase I/II Clinical Trials
Description: In phase I clinical trials, the primary objective is to ascertain the maximum tolerated dose (MTD) corresponding to a specified target toxicity rate. The subsequent phase II trials are designed to examine the potential efficacy of the drug based on the MTD obtained from the phase I trials, with the aim of identifying the optimal biological dose (OBD). The 'CFO' package facilitates the implementation of dose-finding trials by utilizing calibration-free odds type (CFO-type) designs. Specifically, it encompasses the calibration-free odds (CFO) (Jin and Yin (2022) <doi:10.1177/09622802221079353>), randomized CFO (rCFO), two-dimensional CFO (2dCFO) (Wang et al. (2023) <doi:10.3389/fonc.2023.1294258>), time-to-event CFO (TITE-CFO) (Jin and Yin (2023) <doi:10.1002/pst.2304>), fractional CFO (fCFO), accumulative CFO (aCFO), TITE-aCFO, and f-aCFO designs (Fang and Yin (2024) <doi: 10.1002/sim.10127>). It supports phase I/II trials for the CFO design and only phase I tria [...truncated...]
Author: Jialu Fang [aut, cre], Ninghao Zhang [aut], Wenliang Wang [aut], Guosheng Yin [aut]
Maintainer: Jialu Fang <u3008682@connect.hku.hk>

Diff between CFO versions 2.0.0 dated 2024-09-10 and 2.1.0 dated 2024-10-15

 DESCRIPTION             |   15 +
 MD5                     |   78 +++++-----
 NAMESPACE               |    6 
 R/CFO.next.R            |   49 +++---
 R/CFO.oc.R              |   17 +-
 R/CFO.selectmtd.R       |    2 
 R/CFO.simu.R            |   56 +++++--
 R/CFO2d.next.R          |   59 +++++--
 R/CFO2d.oc.R            |   27 ++-
 R/CFO2d.selectmtd.R     |    2 
 R/CFO2d.simu.R          |   40 +++--
 R/CFOeff.next.R         |   85 +++++------
 R/CFOeff.oc.R           |  370 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 R/CFOeff.selectobd.R    |only
 R/CFOeff.simu.R         |   26 ++-
 R/aCFO.next.R           |   25 ++-
 R/gammatable.R          |only
 R/lateonset.next.R      |   47 ++++--
 R/lateonset.simu.R      |   19 +-
 R/plot.cfo.R            |   39 ++++-
 R/print.cfo.R           |   10 -
 R/rCFO.next.R           |only
 R/summury.cfo.R         |  125 +++++++++++-----
 man/CFO.next.Rd         |    9 -
 man/CFO.oc.Rd           |   13 +
 man/CFO.selectmtd.Rd    |    2 
 man/CFO.simu.Rd         |   25 ++-
 man/CFO2d.next.Rd       |   16 +-
 man/CFO2d.oc.Rd         |    2 
 man/CFO2d.selectmtd.Rd  |    2 
 man/CFO2d.simu.Rd       |    6 
 man/CFOeff.next.Rd      |   28 +--
 man/CFOeff.oc.Rd        |    6 
 man/CFOeff.selectobd.Rd |only
 man/CFOeff.simu.Rd      |    4 
 man/aCFO.next.Rd        |    7 
 man/gammatable.Rd       |only
 man/lateonset.next.Rd   |   24 +--
 man/lateonset.simu.Rd   |    6 
 man/plot.cfo.Rd         |    6 
 man/print.cfo.Rd        |   10 -
 man/rCFO.next.Rd        |only
 man/summary.cfo.Rd      |   10 -
 43 files changed, 784 insertions(+), 489 deletions(-)

More information about CFO at CRAN
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Package riverdist updated to version 0.17.0 with previous version 0.16.3 dated 2024-01-11

Title: River Network Distance Computation and Applications
Description: Reads river network shape files and computes network distances. Also included are a variety of computation and graphical tools designed for fisheries telemetry research, such as minimum home range, kernel density estimation, and clustering analysis using empirical k-functions with a bootstrap envelope. Tools are also provided for editing the river networks, meaning there is no reliance on external software.
Author: Matt Tyers [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Matt Tyers <matttyersstat@gmail.com>

Diff between riverdist versions 0.16.3 dated 2024-01-11 and 0.17.0 dated 2024-10-15

 DESCRIPTION                      |   10 +-
 MD5                              |   36 +++++----
 NAMESPACE                        |    2 
 NEWS.md                          |   14 +++
 R/plotdensity.R                  |  148 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 R/riverdist_1.R                  |   57 +++++++++++++--
 README.md                        |    4 -
 build/vignette.rds               |binary
 inst/doc/riverdist_vignette.R    |    6 +
 inst/doc/riverdist_vignette.Rmd  |   11 ++
 inst/doc/riverdist_vignette.html |   87 ++++++++++++----------
 man/densityanomaly.Rd            |only
 man/makeriverdensity.Rd          |    2 
 man/plot.riverdensity.Rd         |   16 ++--
 man/pointshp2segvert.Rd          |    6 +
 man/riverdist-package.Rd         |    4 -
 man/segvert2xy.Rd                |only
 man/xy2segvert.Rd                |    6 +
 tests/testthat/test_riverdist.R  |   12 ++-
 vignettes/riverdist_vignette.Rmd |   11 ++
 20 files changed, 336 insertions(+), 96 deletions(-)

More information about riverdist at CRAN
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Package gRim updated to version 0.3.4 with previous version 0.3.3 dated 2024-07-19

Title: Graphical Interaction Models
Description: Provides the following types of models: Models for contingency tables (i.e. log-linear models) Graphical Gaussian models for multivariate normal data (i.e. covariance selection models) Mixed interaction models. Documentation about 'gRim' is provided by vignettes included in this package and the book by Højsgaard, Edwards and Lauritzen (2012, <doi:10.1007/978-1-4614-2299-0>); see 'citation("gRim")' for details.
Author: Soeren Hoejsgaard [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Soeren Hoejsgaard <sorenh@math.aau.dk>

Diff between gRim versions 0.3.3 dated 2024-07-19 and 0.3.4 dated 2024-10-15

 DESCRIPTION            |   14 +++++++++-----
 MD5                    |   30 +++++++++++++++---------------
 NAMESPACE              |   10 ++++------
 R/NAMESPACE.R          |    6 +++---
 R/citest_array.R       |    4 ++--
 R/imodel_update.R      |    2 +-
 R/loglin_dim.R         |    6 +++---
 R/mi_dimension.R       |    6 +++---
 R/mi_fit.R             |    8 ++++----
 R/mi_parm_conversion.R |   16 ++++++++--------
 R/mi_weakdata.R        |    8 ++++----
 R/mi_weakmodel.R       |    4 ++--
 R/models_grips.R       |    4 ++--
 R/test_single_edges.R  |    2 +-
 build/vignette.rds     |binary
 inst/doc/grim.html     |   43 +++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 16 files changed, 82 insertions(+), 81 deletions(-)

More information about gRim at CRAN
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Package DanielBiostatistics10th updated to version 0.2.6 with previous version 0.2.5 dated 2024-10-05

Title: Functions for Wayne W. Daniel's Biostatistics, Tenth Edition
Description: Functions to accompany Wayne W. Daniel's Biostatistics: A Foundation for Analysis in the Health Sciences, Tenth Edition.
Author: Tingting Zhan [aut, cre, cph]
Maintainer: Tingting Zhan <tingtingzhan@gmail.com>

Diff between DanielBiostatistics10th versions 0.2.5 dated 2024-10-05 and 0.2.6 dated 2024-10-15

 DESCRIPTION         |   16 ++++++++--------
 MD5                 |   10 +++++-----
 NAMESPACE           |    2 ++
 R/Gosset_Welch.R    |   33 +++++++++++++++++----------------
 R/binTab.R          |   25 +++++++++++++++++++------
 man/Gosset_Welch.Rd |   31 ++++++++++++++++---------------
 6 files changed, 67 insertions(+), 50 deletions(-)

More information about DanielBiostatistics10th at CRAN
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Package qlcal updated to version 0.0.13 with previous version 0.0.12 dated 2024-07-23

Title: R Bindings to the Calendaring Functionality of 'QuantLib'
Description: 'QuantLib' bindings are provided for R using 'Rcpp' via an evolved version of the initial header-only 'Quantuccia' project offering an subset of 'QuantLib' (now maintained separately just for the calendaring subset). See the included file 'AUTHORS' for a full list of contributors to 'QuantLib' (and hence also 'Quantuccia').
Author: Dirk Eddelbuettel [aut, cre] , QuantLib Authors [aut]
Maintainer: Dirk Eddelbuettel <edd@debian.org>

Diff between qlcal versions 0.0.12 dated 2024-07-23 and 0.0.13 dated 2024-10-15

 qlcal-0.0.12/qlcal/src/ql/optional.cpp                  |only
 qlcal-0.0.13/qlcal/ChangeLog                            |   17 ++++++
 qlcal-0.0.13/qlcal/DESCRIPTION                          |   16 +++--
 qlcal-0.0.13/qlcal/MD5                                  |   39 ++++++-------
 qlcal-0.0.13/qlcal/README.md                            |    2 
 qlcal-0.0.13/qlcal/build/partial.rdb                    |binary
 qlcal-0.0.13/qlcal/inst/NEWS.Rd                         |    7 ++
 qlcal-0.0.13/qlcal/src/Makevars.in                      |    1 
 qlcal-0.0.13/qlcal/src/Makevars.win.in                  |    1 
 qlcal-0.0.13/qlcal/src/ql/errors.cpp                    |    2 
 qlcal-0.0.13/qlcal/src/ql/optional.hpp                  |   10 ---
 qlcal-0.0.13/qlcal/src/ql/patterns/observable.hpp       |    4 -
 qlcal-0.0.13/qlcal/src/ql/patterns/singleton.hpp        |   16 -----
 qlcal-0.0.13/qlcal/src/ql/shared_ptr.hpp                |    6 --
 qlcal-0.0.13/qlcal/src/ql/time/calendar.hpp             |   16 +++++
 qlcal-0.0.13/qlcal/src/ql/time/calendars/poland.cpp     |   34 ++++++++++--
 qlcal-0.0.13/qlcal/src/ql/time/calendars/poland.hpp     |   16 ++++-
 qlcal-0.0.13/qlcal/src/ql/time/calendars/southkorea.cpp |    1 
 qlcal-0.0.13/qlcal/src/ql/time/date.hpp                 |   32 ++++-------
 qlcal-0.0.13/qlcal/src/ql/utilities/dataformatters.cpp  |    6 --
 qlcal-0.0.13/qlcal/src/ql/utilities/null.hpp            |   45 ++++++----------
 21 files changed, 151 insertions(+), 120 deletions(-)

More information about qlcal at CRAN
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Package puremoe updated to version 1.0.2 with previous version 1.0.1 dated 2024-05-13

Title: Pubmed Unified REtrieval for Multi-Output Exploration
Description: Access a variety of 'PubMed' data through a single, user-friendly interface, including abstracts <https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/>, bibliometrics from 'iCite' <https://icite.od.nih.gov/>, pubtations from 'PubTator3' <https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/research/pubtator3/>, and full-text records from 'PMC' <https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/>.
Author: Jason Timm [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Jason Timm <JaTimm@salud.unm.edu>

Diff between puremoe versions 1.0.1 dated 2024-05-13 and 1.0.2 dated 2024-10-15

 DESCRIPTION           |    8 ++++----
 MD5                   |   18 +++++++++---------
 NAMESPACE             |    3 ++-
 NEWS.md               |    8 ++++++++
 R/data_pmc_list.R     |   18 ++++++++++++------
 R/get_records.R       |    2 +-
 R/source_pubtations.R |    2 ++
 README.md             |   34 ++++++++++++++++++----------------
 man/data_pmc_list.Rd  |    8 ++++++--
 man/get_records.Rd    |    2 +-
 10 files changed, 63 insertions(+), 40 deletions(-)

More information about puremoe at CRAN
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Package GPvam updated to version 3.1-1 with previous version 3.1-0 dated 2024-04-05

Title: Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Multiple Membership Mixed Models Used in Value-Added Modeling
Description: An EM algorithm, Karl et al. (2013) <doi:10.1016/j.csda.2012.10.004>, is used to estimate the generalized, variable, and complete persistence models, Mariano et al. (2010) <doi:10.3102/1076998609346967>. These are multiple-membership linear mixed models with teachers modeled as "G-side" effects and students modeled with either "G-side" or "R-side" effects.
Author: Andrew Karl [cre, aut] , Yan Yang [aut], Sharon Lohr [aut]
Maintainer: Andrew Karl <akarl@asu.edu>

Diff between GPvam versions 3.1-0 dated 2024-04-05 and 3.1-1 dated 2024-10-15

 DESCRIPTION             |   10 +++++-----
 MD5                     |   20 +++++++++++---------
 NAMESPACE               |   30 +++++++++++++++++++++++-------
 NEWS                    |    3 +++
 R/GP.un.R               |   16 +++++++++++++++-
 R/GPvam.R               |   12 +++++++-----
 R/VP.CP.ZP.un.r         |   17 ++++++++++++++++-
 R/bias.test.custom.R    |only
 R/print.GPvam.R         |    2 +-
 R/rGP.un.R              |   16 +++++++++++++++-
 man/GPvam-package.Rd    |    6 ++++--
 man/bias.test.custom.Rd |only
 12 files changed, 100 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-)

More information about GPvam at CRAN
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Package bbotk updated to version 1.1.1 with previous version 1.1.0 dated 2024-09-09

Title: Black-Box Optimization Toolkit
Description: Features highly configurable search spaces via the 'paradox' package and optimizes every user-defined objective function. The package includes several optimization algorithms e.g. Random Search, Iterated Racing, Bayesian Optimization (in 'mlr3mbo') and Hyperband (in 'mlr3hyperband'). bbotk is the base package of 'mlr3tuning', 'mlr3fselect' and 'miesmuschel'.
Author: Marc Becker [cre, aut] , Jakob Richter [aut] , Michel Lang [aut] , Bernd Bischl [aut] , Martin Binder [aut], Olaf Mersmann [ctb]
Maintainer: Marc Becker <marcbecker@posteo.de>

Diff between bbotk versions 1.1.0 dated 2024-09-09 and 1.1.1 dated 2024-10-15

 DESCRIPTION                                           |    6 ++---
 MD5                                                   |   20 +++++++++---------
 NEWS.md                                               |    2 +
 R/OptimInstance.R                                     |    4 ++-
 R/Optimizer.R                                         |   15 ++++++-------
 build/partial.rdb                                     |binary
 man/OptimInstance.Rd                                  |    5 +++-
 tests/testthat/helper.R                               |    1 
 tests/testthat/test_ArchiveAsync.R                    |    2 -
 tests/testthat/test_OptimInstanceAsyncSingleCrit.R    |    4 +--
 tests/testthat/test_TerminatorStagnationHypervolume.R |    2 +
 11 files changed, 34 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-)

More information about bbotk at CRAN
Permanent link

Package xts updated to version 0.14.1 with previous version 0.14.0 dated 2024-06-05

Title: eXtensible Time Series
Description: Provide for uniform handling of R's different time-based data classes by extending zoo, maximizing native format information preservation and allowing for user level customization and extension, while simplifying cross-class interoperability.
Author: Jeffrey A. Ryan [aut, cph], Joshua M. Ulrich [cre, aut], Ross Bennett [ctb], Corwin Joy [ctb]
Maintainer: Joshua M. Ulrich <josh.m.ulrich@gmail.com>

Diff between xts versions 0.14.0 dated 2024-06-05 and 0.14.1 dated 2024-10-15

 DESCRIPTION                  |    6 +--
 MD5                          |   55 +++++++++++++++----------------
 NEWS.md                      |   19 ++++++++++
 R/lag.xts.R                  |    2 -
 R/merge.R                    |    4 +-
 R/plot.R                     |   37 +++++++++-----------
 R/print.R                    |    2 -
 R/split.R                    |    9 ++---
 R/tclass.R                   |    2 -
 R/tformat.R                  |    2 -
 R/tzone.R                    |    4 +-
 R/xts.R                      |    4 +-
 build/vignette.rds           |binary
 inst/doc/xts-faq.pdf         |binary
 inst/doc/xts.pdf             |binary
 inst/tinytest/test-merge.R   |    9 +++++
 inst/tinytest/test-reclass.R |    6 +++
 man/as.xts.Rd                |    2 -
 man/diff.xts.Rd              |    2 -
 man/merge.xts.Rd             |    4 +-
 man/print.xts.Rd             |    2 -
 man/split.xts.Rd             |    9 ++---
 man/tclass.Rd                |    2 -
 man/tformat.Rd               |    2 -
 man/tzone.Rd                 |    2 -
 man/xts.Rd                   |    2 -
 src/merge.c                  |   76 ++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 src/tryXts.c                 |   12 +++---
 src/xts.c                    |only
 29 files changed, 153 insertions(+), 123 deletions(-)

More information about xts at CRAN
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Package roxytypes updated to version 0.1.2 with previous version 0.1.1 dated 2024-09-20

Title: Typed Parameter Tags for Integration with 'roxygen2'
Description: Provides typed parameter documentation tags for integration with 'roxygen2'. Typed parameter tags provide a consistent interface for annotating expected types for parameters and returned values. Tools for converting from existing styles are also provided to easily adapt projects which implement typed documentation by convention rather than tag. Use the default format or provide your own.
Author: Doug Kelkhoff [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Doug Kelkhoff <doug.kelkhoff@gmail.com>

Diff between roxytypes versions 0.1.1 dated 2024-09-20 and 0.1.2 dated 2024-10-15

 DESCRIPTION         |    8 ++++----
 MD5                 |    8 ++++----
 NEWS.md             |    5 +++++
 R/tag_typed.R       |    2 +-
 R/tag_typedreturn.R |    2 +-
 5 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

More information about roxytypes at CRAN
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Package Certara.NLME8 updated to version 3.0.1 with previous version 1.2.4 dated 2023-06-15

Title: Utilities for Certara's Nonlinear Mixed-Effects Modeling Engine
Description: Perform Nonlinear Mixed-Effects (NLME) Modeling using Certara's NLME-Engine. Access the same Maximum Likelihood engines used in the Phoenix platform, including algorithms for parametric methods, individual, and pooled data analysis <https://www.certara.com/app/uploads/2020/06/BR_PhoenixNLME-v4.pdf>. The Quasi-Random Parametric Expectation-Maximization Method (QRPEM) is also supported <https://www.page-meeting.org/default.asp?abstract=2338>. Execution is supported both locally or on remote machines. Remote execution includes support for Linux Sun Grid Engine (SGE), Terascale Open-source Resource and Queue Manager (TORQUE) grids, Linux and Windows multicore, and individual runs.
Author: Soltanshahi Fred [aut], Michael Tomashevskiy [aut], James Craig [aut, cre], Shuhua Hu [ctb], Certara USA, Inc. [cph, fnd]
Maintainer: James Craig <james.craig@certara.com>

Diff between Certara.NLME8 versions 1.2.4 dated 2023-06-15 and 3.0.1 dated 2024-10-15

 DESCRIPTION                            |    8 
 MD5                                    |   68 +++---
 R/UpdateMDLfrom_dmptxt.R               |  115 +++++++----
 R/checkHostParams.R                    |  335 +++++++++++++++++++--------------
 R/collateTables.R                      |   15 -
 R/collectJobResultsGeneric.R           |   11 +
 R/copy_InputFiles.R                    |    3 
 R/generateEtaSpreadsheet.R             |   20 +
 R/generateGenericTable.R               |   46 ++--
 R/generateJobResults.R                 |    2 
 R/generateNLMEScriptAndRun.R           |    6 
 R/generateNonparamSummary.R            |   14 -
 R/generateResiduals.R                  |   17 -
 R/generateSecondary.R                  |  179 ++++++-----------
 R/generateThetaCovCorFiles.R           |   16 -
 R/get_VIFs.R                           |   76 +++----
 R/multiCoreGeneric.R                   |    2 
 R/parallel_utl.r                       |   96 +++++++--
 R/parse_outputFile.R                   |    2 
 R/performEstimationOnSortColumns.R     |    1 
 R/performParallelNLMERun.R             |   10 
 R/performProfileEstimation.R           |    1 
 R/readEtaCovTxtFile.R                  |    6 
 R/readStrCovTxtFile.R                  |    4 
 R/runNLMEGenericSample.R               |    4 
 R/runNLMESample.R                      |   20 -
 R/sortByColumnAndGenerateControlFile.R |  120 +++++++++--
 R/summarizeProfileEstimation.R         |  101 +++++----
 R/summarizeSimpleEstimation.R          |   14 -
 R/updateInitialStatus.R                |    2 
 man/UpdateMDLfrom_dmptxt.Rd            |   34 ++-
 man/checkLicenseFile.Rd                |   20 +
 man/getTableNames.Rd                   |   19 +
 man/performParallelNLMERun.Rd          |    4 
 tests/testthat/test_VPC.r              |    4 
 35 files changed, 803 insertions(+), 592 deletions(-)

More information about Certara.NLME8 at CRAN
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Package tclust updated to version 2.0-5 with previous version 2.0-4 dated 2024-05-09

Title: Robust Trimmed Clustering
Description: Provides functions for robust trimmed clustering. The methods are described in Garcia-Escudero (2008) <doi:10.1214/07-AOS515>, Fritz et al. (2012) <doi:10.18637/jss.v047.i12>, Garcia-Escudero et al. (2011) <doi:10.1007/s11222-010-9194-z> and others.
Author: Valentin Todorov [aut, cre] , Luis Angel Garcia Escudero [aut], Agustin Mayo Iscar [aut], Javier Crespo Guerrero [aut], Heinrich Fritz [aut]
Maintainer: Valentin Todorov <valentin.todorov@chello.at>

Diff between tclust versions 2.0-4 dated 2024-05-09 and 2.0-5 dated 2024-10-15

 tclust-2.0-4/tclust/data/LG5data.RData    |only
 tclust-2.0-4/tclust/data/M5data.RData     |only
 tclust-2.0-5/tclust/ChangeLog             |   13 +++++
 tclust-2.0-5/tclust/DESCRIPTION           |   12 ++--
 tclust-2.0-5/tclust/MD5                   |   38 ++++++++-------
 tclust-2.0-5/tclust/NAMESPACE             |    9 +++
 tclust-2.0-5/tclust/R/DiscrFact.R         |    2 
 tclust-2.0-5/tclust/R/ctlcurves.R         |    8 ++-
 tclust-2.0-5/tclust/R/data.R              |   29 +++++++++++
 tclust-2.0-5/tclust/R/print.tclust.R      |    4 +
 tclust-2.0-5/tclust/R/tclust.R            |   73 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 tclust-2.0-5/tclust/R/tclustIC.R          |only
 tclust-2.0-5/tclust/R/tkmeans.R           |    5 +-
 tclust-2.0-5/tclust/data/LG5data.rda      |only
 tclust-2.0-5/tclust/data/flea.rda         |only
 tclust-2.0-5/tclust/data/wholesale.rda    |binary
 tclust-2.0-5/tclust/man/ctlcurves.Rd      |    2 
 tclust-2.0-5/tclust/man/flea.Rd           |only
 tclust-2.0-5/tclust/man/plot.ctlcurves.Rd |    3 +
 tclust-2.0-5/tclust/man/plot.tclustIC.Rd  |only
 tclust-2.0-5/tclust/man/tclust.Rd         |   16 +++++-
 tclust-2.0-5/tclust/man/tclustIC.Rd       |only
 tclust-2.0-5/tclust/src/tclust.cpp        |   41 +++++++++-------
 tclust-2.0-5/tclust/src/tclust_types.h    |    2 
 24 files changed, 201 insertions(+), 56 deletions(-)

More information about tclust at CRAN
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Package starter updated to version 0.1.16 with previous version 0.1.15 dated 2024-03-05

Title: Starter Kit for New Projects
Description: Get started with new projects by dropping a skeleton of a new project into a new or existing directory, initialise git repositories, and create reproducible environments with the 'renv' package. The package allows for dynamically named files, folders, file content, as well as the functionality to drop individual template files into existing projects.
Author: Daniel D. Sjoberg [aut, cre] , Emily Vertosick [ctb]
Maintainer: Daniel D. Sjoberg <danield.sjoberg@gmail.com>

Diff between starter versions 0.1.15 dated 2024-03-05 and 0.1.16 dated 2024-10-15

 DESCRIPTION                  |    8 ++++----
 MD5                          |   20 ++++++++++----------
 NEWS.md                      |    4 ++++
 R/create_symlink.R           |   20 ++++++++------------
 README.md                    |    6 +++---
 build/vignette.rds           |binary
 inst/doc/create_project.R    |   26 +++++++++++++-------------
 inst/doc/create_project.Rmd  |   26 +++++++++++++-------------
 inst/doc/create_project.html |   16 ++++++++--------
 man/create_symlink.Rd        |   21 ++++++++-------------
 vignettes/create_project.Rmd |   26 +++++++++++++-------------
 11 files changed, 84 insertions(+), 89 deletions(-)

More information about starter at CRAN
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Package mlr3fselect updated to version 1.1.1 with previous version 1.1.0 dated 2024-09-09

Title: Feature Selection for 'mlr3'
Description: Feature selection package of the 'mlr3' ecosystem. It selects the optimal feature set for any 'mlr3' learner. The package works with several optimization algorithms e.g. Random Search, Recursive Feature Elimination, and Genetic Search. Moreover, it can automatically optimize learners and estimate the performance of optimized feature sets with nested resampling.
Author: Marc Becker [aut, cre] , Patrick Schratz [aut] , Michel Lang [aut] , Bernd Bischl [aut] , John Zobolas [aut]
Maintainer: Marc Becker <marcbecker@posteo.de>

Diff between mlr3fselect versions 1.1.0 dated 2024-09-09 and 1.1.1 dated 2024-10-15

 DESCRIPTION                           |    6 +++---
 MD5                                   |   14 +++++++-------
 NEWS.md                               |    4 ++++
 R/FSelectInstanceBatchMultiCrit.R     |    4 +++-
 R/FSelectInstanceBatchSingleCrit.R    |    4 +++-
 build/partial.rdb                     |binary
 man/FSelectInstanceBatchMultiCrit.Rd  |    5 ++++-
 man/FSelectInstanceBatchSingleCrit.Rd |    5 ++++-
 8 files changed, 28 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

More information about mlr3fselect at CRAN
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New package svyVarSel with initial version 1.0.1
Package: svyVarSel
Title: Variable Selection for Complex Survey Data
Version: 1.0.1
Maintainer: Amaia Iparragirre <amaia.iparragirre@ehu.eus>
Description: Fit design-based linear and logistic elastic nets with complex survey data considering the sampling design when defining training and test sets using replicate weights. Methods implemented in this package are described in: A. Iparragirre, T. Lumley, I. Barrio, I. Arostegui (2024) <doi:10.1002/sta4.578>.
License: GPL (>= 3)
Encoding: UTF-8
Imports: survey, glmnet
Depends: R (>= 2.10)
LazyData: true
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-10-11 08:38:21 UTC; amaiaiparragirre
Author: Amaia Iparragirre [aut, cre, cph] , Thomas Lumley [aut], Irantzu Barrio [aut], Inmaculada Arostegui [aut]
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-10-15 15:10:02 UTC

More information about svyVarSel at CRAN
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New package MDPIexploreR with initial version 0.2.0
Package: MDPIexploreR
Title: Web Scraping and Bibliometric Analysis of MDPI Journals
Version: 0.2.0
URL: https://pgomba.github.io/MDPI_explorer/
Description: Provides comprehensive tools to scrape and analyze data from the MDPI journals. It allows users to extract metrics such as submission-to-acceptance times, article types, and whether articles are part of special issues. The package can also visualize this information through plots. Additionally, 'MDPIexploreR' offers tools to explore patterns of self-citations within articles and provides insights into guest-edited special issues.
VignetteBuilder: knitr
License: CC BY 4.0
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: true
Imports: dplyr, ggplot2, lubridate, magrittr, rvest, scales, stringr
Suggests: knitr, rmarkdown
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-10-11 11:14:24 UTC; pg05wk
Author: Pablo Gomez Barreiro [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Pablo Gomez Barreiro <pablogomezbr@hotmail.es>
Depends: R (>= 3.5.0)
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-10-15 15:10:09 UTC

More information about MDPIexploreR at CRAN
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Package lmhelprs updated to version 0.4.0 with previous version 0.3.0 dated 2024-02-18

Title: Helper Functions for Linear Model Analysis
Description: A collection of helper functions for multiple regression models fitted by lm(). Most of them are simple functions for simple tasks which can be done with coding, but may not be easy for occasional users of R. Most of the tasks addressed are those sometimes needed when using the 'manymome' package (Cheung and Cheung, 2023, <doi:10.3758/s13428-023-02224-z>) and 'stdmod' package (Cheung, Cheung, Lau, Hui, and Vong, 2022, <doi:10.1037/hea0001188>). However, they can also be used in other scenarios.
Author: Shu Fai Cheung [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Shu Fai Cheung <shufai.cheung@gmail.com>

Diff between lmhelprs versions 0.3.0 dated 2024-02-18 and 0.4.0 dated 2024-10-15

 DESCRIPTION                               |   10 
 MD5                                       |   26 +-
 NAMESPACE                                 |    1 
 NEWS.md                                   |   26 ++
 R/hierarchical_lm_check.R                 |   20 -
 R/many_lm.R                               |  347 ++++++++++++++++++------------
 R/many_lm_to_partable.R                   |only
 R/summary_lm_list_helprs.R                |   19 +
 README.md                                 |    2 
 build/vignette.rds                        |binary
 inst/doc/lmhelprs.html                    |  216 +++++++++---------
 inst/tinytest/test_hierarchical_lm_drop.R |only
 inst/tinytest/test_semPlotModel.R         |only
 inst/tinytest/test_test_many_lm.R         |  163 ++++++++------
 man/lm_list_to_partable.Rd                |only
 man/many_lm.Rd                            |   23 +
 16 files changed, 526 insertions(+), 327 deletions(-)

More information about lmhelprs at CRAN
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New package LearnNonparam with initial version 1.2.3
Package: LearnNonparam
Title: R6-Based Flexible Framework for Permutation Tests
Version: 1.2.3
Description: Implements non-parametric tests from Higgins (2004, ISBN:0534387756), including tests for one-sample, two-sample, k-sample, paired, randomized complete block design, correlation and contingency tables. Built with 'Rcpp' for efficiency and 'R6' for flexible, object-oriented design, the package provides a unified framework for performing or creating custom permutation tests.
BugReports: https://github.com/qddyy/LearnNonparam/issues
URL: https://github.com/qddyy/LearnNonparam, https://qddyy.github.io/LearnNonparam/
License: GPL (>= 2)
Depends: R (>= 3.5.0)
LinkingTo: Rcpp (>= 1.0.10)
Imports: R6 (>= 2.5.0), Rcpp (>= 1.0.10), stats, graphics, compiler
Suggests: ggplot2
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: true
NeedsCompilation: yes
Packaged: 2024-10-11 12:12:32 UTC; dy
Author: Yan Du [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Yan Du <isduyan@outlook.com>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-10-15 15:10:13 UTC

More information about LearnNonparam at CRAN
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New package hollr with initial version 1.0.0
Package: hollr
Title: Chat Completion and Text Annotation with Local and OpenAI Models
Version: 1.0.0
Maintainer: Jason Timm <JaTimm@salud.unm.edu>
Description: Enables chat completion and text annotation with local and 'OpenAI' <https://openai.com/> language models, supporting batch processing, multiple annotators, and consistent output formats.
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Encoding: UTF-8
Depends: R (>= 3.5)
Imports: data.table, httr, jsonlite, pbapply, reticulate
URL: https://github.com/jaytimm/hollr
BugReports: https://github.com/jaytimm/hollr/issues
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-10-11 16:22:19 UTC; jtimm
Author: Jason Timm [aut, cre]
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-10-15 15:30:05 UTC

More information about hollr at CRAN
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New package glossa with initial version 1.0.0
Package: glossa
Title: User-Friendly 'shiny' App for Bayesian Species Distribution Models
Version: 1.0.0
Description: A user-friendly 'shiny' application for Bayesian machine learning analysis of marine species distributions. GLOSSA (Global Species Spatiotemporal Analysis) uses Bayesian Additive Regression Trees (BART; Chipman, George, and McCulloch (2010) <doi:10.1214/09-AOAS285>) to model species distributions with intuitive workflows for data upload, processing, model fitting, and result visualization. It supports presence-absence and presence-only data (with pseudo-absence generation), spatial thinning, cross-validation, and scenario-based projections. GLOSSA is designed to facilitate ecological research by providing easy-to-use tools for analyzing and visualizing marine species distributions across different spatial and temporal scales.
License: GPL-3
URL: https://github.com/iMARES-group/glossa, https://iMARES-group.github.io/glossa/
BugReports: https://github.com/iMARES-group/glossa/issues
Depends: bs4Dash, R (>= 4.0.0), shiny
Imports: dbarts, dplyr, DT, GeoThinneR, ggplot2, htmltools, jsonlite, leaflet, markdown, mcp, pROC, sf, shinyWidgets, sparkline, svglite, terra, tidyterra, waiter, zip
Suggests: knitr, matrixStats, rmarkdown, testthat (>= 3.0.0), tidyr, tidyverse
Encoding: UTF-8
Language: en-US
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-10-11 07:35:34 UTC; jorge
Author: Jorge Mestre-Tomas [aut, cre] , Alba Fuster-Alonso [aut]
Maintainer: Jorge Mestre-Tomas <jorge.mestre.tomas@csic.es>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-10-15 15:10:06 UTC

More information about glossa at CRAN
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Package IBMPopSim updated to version 1.1.0 with previous version 1.0.0 dated 2024-02-08

Title: Individual Based Model Population Simulation
Description: Simulation of the random evolution of heterogeneous populations using stochastic Individual-Based Models (IBMs) <doi:10.48550/arXiv.2303.06183>. The package enables users to simulate population evolution, in which individuals are characterized by their age and some characteristics, and the population is modified by different types of events, including births/arrivals, death/exit events, or changes of characteristics. The frequency at which an event can occur to an individual can depend on their age and characteristics, but also on the characteristics of other individuals (interactions). Such models have a wide range of applications. For instance, IBMs can be used for simulating the evolution of a heterogeneous insurance portfolio with selection or for validating mortality forecasts. This package overcomes the limitations of time-consuming IBMs simulations by implementing new efficient algorithms based on thinning methods, which are compiled using the 'Rcpp' package while provid [...truncated...]
Author: Daphne Giorgi [aut, cre], Sarah Kaakai [aut], Vincent Lemaire [aut]
Maintainer: Daphne Giorgi <daphne.giorgi@sorbonne-universite.fr>

Diff between IBMPopSim versions 1.0.0 dated 2024-02-08 and 1.1.0 dated 2024-10-15

 IBMPopSim-1.0.0/IBMPopSim/R/roxygen_description.R                               |only
 IBMPopSim-1.1.0/IBMPopSim/DESCRIPTION                                           |   10 
 IBMPopSim-1.1.0/IBMPopSim/MD5                                                   |  123 +++++----
 IBMPopSim-1.1.0/IBMPopSim/NEWS.md                                               |   11 
 IBMPopSim-1.1.0/IBMPopSim/R/IBMPopSim-package.R                                 |only
 IBMPopSim-1.1.0/IBMPopSim/R/mkcpp_from_template.R                               |    9 
 IBMPopSim-1.1.0/IBMPopSim/R/pyramid.R                                           |    2 
 IBMPopSim-1.1.0/IBMPopSim/build/partial.rdb                                     |only
 IBMPopSim-1.1.0/IBMPopSim/build/vignette.rds                                    |binary
 IBMPopSim-1.1.0/IBMPopSim/inst/doc/IBMPopSim.Rmd                                |   67 ++---
 IBMPopSim-1.1.0/IBMPopSim/inst/doc/IBMPopSim.pdf                                |binary
 IBMPopSim-1.1.0/IBMPopSim/inst/doc/IBMPopSim_cpp.Rmd                            |   10 
 IBMPopSim-1.1.0/IBMPopSim/inst/doc/IBMPopSim_cpp.pdf                            |binary
 IBMPopSim-1.1.0/IBMPopSim/inst/doc/IBMPopSim_human_pop.Rmd                      |   99 +++----
 IBMPopSim-1.1.0/IBMPopSim/inst/doc/IBMPopSim_human_pop.pdf                      |binary
 IBMPopSim-1.1.0/IBMPopSim/inst/doc/IBMPopSim_human_pop_IMD.R                    |    3 
 IBMPopSim-1.1.0/IBMPopSim/inst/doc/IBMPopSim_human_pop_IMD.Rmd                  |  127 ++++++----
 IBMPopSim-1.1.0/IBMPopSim/inst/doc/IBMPopSim_human_pop_IMD.pdf                  |binary
 IBMPopSim-1.1.0/IBMPopSim/inst/doc/IBMPopSim_insurance_portfolio.Rmd            |   50 +--
 IBMPopSim-1.1.0/IBMPopSim/inst/doc/IBMPopSim_insurance_portfolio.pdf            |binary
 IBMPopSim-1.1.0/IBMPopSim/inst/doc/IBMPopSim_interaction.Rmd                    |   98 +++----
 IBMPopSim-1.1.0/IBMPopSim/inst/doc/IBMPopSim_interaction.pdf                    |binary
 IBMPopSim-1.1.0/IBMPopSim/inst/include/event_full_interaction_template.cpp      |    6 
 IBMPopSim-1.1.0/IBMPopSim/inst/include/event_individual_template.cpp            |    4 
 IBMPopSim-1.1.0/IBMPopSim/inst/include/event_inhomogeneous_poisson_template.cpp |    2 
 IBMPopSim-1.1.0/IBMPopSim/inst/include/event_poisson_template.cpp               |    2 
 IBMPopSim-1.1.0/IBMPopSim/inst/include/event_random_interaction_template.cpp    |    6 
 IBMPopSim-1.1.0/IBMPopSim/inst/include/popsim_algorithm.hpp                     |    4 
 IBMPopSim-1.1.0/IBMPopSim/inst/include/popsim_template.cpp                      |    4 
 IBMPopSim-1.1.0/IBMPopSim/man/IBMPopSim-package.Rd                              |only
 IBMPopSim-1.1.0/IBMPopSim/vignettes/IBMPopSim.Rmd                               |   67 ++---
 IBMPopSim-1.1.0/IBMPopSim/vignettes/IBMPopSim_cpp.Rmd                           |   10 
 IBMPopSim-1.1.0/IBMPopSim/vignettes/IBMPopSim_human_pop.Rmd                     |   99 +++----
 IBMPopSim-1.1.0/IBMPopSim/vignettes/IBMPopSim_human_pop_IMD.Rmd                 |  127 ++++++----
 IBMPopSim-1.1.0/IBMPopSim/vignettes/IBMPopSim_human_pop_IMD.Rmd.orig            |    2 
 IBMPopSim-1.1.0/IBMPopSim/vignettes/IBMPopSim_insurance_portfolio.Rmd           |   50 +--
 IBMPopSim-1.1.0/IBMPopSim/vignettes/IBMPopSim_insurance_portfolio.Rmd.orig      |    3 
 IBMPopSim-1.1.0/IBMPopSim/vignettes/IBMPopSim_interaction.Rmd                   |   98 +++----
 IBMPopSim-1.1.0/IBMPopSim/vignettes/hpIMD_birth_intensities-1.png               |binary
 IBMPopSim-1.1.0/IBMPopSim/vignettes/hpIMD_compo_fem-1.png                       |binary
 IBMPopSim-1.1.0/IBMPopSim/vignettes/hpIMD_compo_fem2-1.png                      |binary
 IBMPopSim-1.1.0/IBMPopSim/vignettes/hpIMD_compo_fem2-2.png                      |binary
 IBMPopSim-1.1.0/IBMPopSim/vignettes/hpIMD_death_rate-1.png                      |binary
 IBMPopSim-1.1.0/IBMPopSim/vignettes/hpIMD_df-1.png                              |binary
 IBMPopSim-1.1.0/IBMPopSim/vignettes/hpIMD_pyramids-1.png                        |binary
 IBMPopSim-1.1.0/IBMPopSim/vignettes/hpIMD_pyramids-2.png                        |only
 IBMPopSim-1.1.0/IBMPopSim/vignettes/hp_birth_distrib-1.png                      |binary
 IBMPopSim-1.1.0/IBMPopSim/vignettes/hp_death_rate_1-1.png                       |binary
 IBMPopSim-1.1.0/IBMPopSim/vignettes/hp_pop_init-1.png                           |binary
 IBMPopSim-1.1.0/IBMPopSim/vignettes/hp_pop_init_1e6-1.png                       |binary
 IBMPopSim-1.1.0/IBMPopSim/vignettes/hp_pyramid_50-1.png                         |binary
 IBMPopSim-1.1.0/IBMPopSim/vignettes/hp_pyramids-1.png                           |binary
 IBMPopSim-1.1.0/IBMPopSim/vignettes/hp_pyramids2-1.png                          |binary
 IBMPopSim-1.1.0/IBMPopSim/vignettes/insur_LeeCarter_risk1-1.png                 |binary
 IBMPopSim-1.1.0/IBMPopSim/vignettes/insur_cohort-1.png                          |binary
 IBMPopSim-1.1.0/IBMPopSim/vignettes/insur_evol_mortality-1.png                  |binary
 IBMPopSim-1.1.0/IBMPopSim/vignettes/insur_mortality_rates-1.png                 |binary
 IBMPopSim-1.1.0/IBMPopSim/vignettes/insur_pyr_group-1.png                       |binary
 IBMPopSim-1.1.0/IBMPopSim/vignettes/insur_pyramid-1.png                         |binary
 IBMPopSim-1.1.0/IBMPopSim/vignettes/inter_output-1.png                          |binary
 IBMPopSim-1.1.0/IBMPopSim/vignettes/inter_output2-1.png                         |binary
 IBMPopSim-1.1.0/IBMPopSim/vignettes/inter_output3-1.png                         |binary
 IBMPopSim-1.1.0/IBMPopSim/vignettes/inter_pyramid-1.png                         |binary
 IBMPopSim-1.1.0/IBMPopSim/vignettes/interaction_test.R                          |only
 IBMPopSim-1.1.0/IBMPopSim/vignettes/main_plot_30-1.png                          |binary
 IBMPopSim-1.1.0/IBMPopSim/vignettes/test.R                                      |only
 66 files changed, 597 insertions(+), 496 deletions(-)

More information about IBMPopSim at CRAN
Permanent link

Package FDX updated to version 2.0.0 with previous version 1.0.6 dated 2022-10-18

Title: False Discovery Exceedance Controlling Multiple Testing Procedures
Description: Multiple testing procedures for heterogeneous and discrete tests as described in Döhler and Roquain (2020) <doi:10.1214/20-EJS1771>. The main algorithms of the paper are available as continuous, discrete and weighted versions. They take as input the results of a test procedure from package 'DiscreteTests', or a set of observed p-values and their discrete support under their nulls. A shortcut function to obtain such p-values and supports is also provided, along with wrappers allowing to apply discrete procedures directly to data.
Author: Sebastian Doehler [aut], Florian Junge [aut, cre], Etienne Roquain [ctb]
Maintainer: Florian Junge <florian.junge@h-da.de>

Diff between FDX versions 1.0.6 dated 2022-10-18 and 2.0.0 dated 2024-10-15

 FDX-1.0.6/FDX/R/FDX.R                |only
 FDX-1.0.6/FDX/R/amnesia.R            |only
 FDX-1.0.6/FDX/data                   |only
 FDX-1.0.6/FDX/man/amnesia.Rd         |only
 FDX-1.0.6/FDX/src/kernel_fun.cpp     |only
 FDX-2.0.0/FDX/DESCRIPTION            |   38 +-
 FDX-2.0.0/FDX/MD5                    |  103 +++---
 FDX-2.0.0/FDX/NAMESPACE              |   40 ++
 FDX-2.0.0/FDX/NEWS.md                |   67 +++-
 FDX-2.0.0/FDX/R/DGR_fun.R            |only
 FDX-2.0.0/FDX/R/DLR_fun.R            |only
 FDX-2.0.0/FDX/R/DPB_fun.R            |only
 FDX-2.0.0/FDX/R/FDX-package.R        |only
 FDX-2.0.0/FDX/R/NDGR_fun.R           |only
 FDX-2.0.0/FDX/R/NDLR_fun.R           |only
 FDX-2.0.0/FDX/R/NDPB_fun.R           |only
 FDX-2.0.0/FDX/R/RcppExports.R        |  237 +++++++-------
 FDX-2.0.0/FDX/R/continuousGR.R       |  296 +++++++++---------
 FDX-2.0.0/FDX/R/continuousLR.R       |  294 +++++++++--------
 FDX-2.0.0/FDX/R/discreteGR_fun.R     |  390 ++++++++++++++---------
 FDX-2.0.0/FDX/R/discreteLR_fun.R     |  486 ++++++++++++++++-------------
 FDX-2.0.0/FDX/R/discretePB_fun.R     |  450 +++++++++++++++++----------
 FDX-2.0.0/FDX/R/fast_discrete.R      |  468 +++++++++++++++++++++-------
 FDX-2.0.0/FDX/R/internal.R           |only
 FDX-2.0.0/FDX/R/plot_funs.R          |  573 +++++++++++++++++++++++------------
 FDX-2.0.0/FDX/R/print_fun.R          |  162 +++++----
 FDX-2.0.0/FDX/R/summary_funs.R       |  242 ++++++++------
 FDX-2.0.0/FDX/R/weightedGR_fun.R     |  369 +++++++++++-----------
 FDX-2.0.0/FDX/R/weightedLR_fun.R     |  348 ++++++++++-----------
 FDX-2.0.0/FDX/R/weightedPB_fun.R     |  361 ++++++++++------------
 FDX-2.0.0/FDX/build                  |only
 FDX-2.0.0/FDX/man/DGR.Rd             |only
 FDX-2.0.0/FDX/man/DLR.Rd             |only
 FDX-2.0.0/FDX/man/DPB.Rd             |only
 FDX-2.0.0/FDX/man/FDX-package.Rd     |   74 +++-
 FDX-2.0.0/FDX/man/NDGR.Rd            |only
 FDX-2.0.0/FDX/man/NDLR.Rd            |only
 FDX-2.0.0/FDX/man/NDPB.Rd            |only
 FDX-2.0.0/FDX/man/continuous.GR.Rd   |  102 ++++--
 FDX-2.0.0/FDX/man/continuous.LR.Rd   |  101 ++++--
 FDX-2.0.0/FDX/man/direct.discrete.Rd |only
 FDX-2.0.0/FDX/man/discrete.GR.Rd     |  131 ++++----
 FDX-2.0.0/FDX/man/discrete.LR.Rd     |  168 +++++-----
 FDX-2.0.0/FDX/man/discrete.PB.Rd     |  182 ++++++-----
 FDX-2.0.0/FDX/man/fast.Discrete.Rd   |   99 +++---
 FDX-2.0.0/FDX/man/figures            |only
 FDX-2.0.0/FDX/man/hist.FDX.Rd        |   48 +-
 FDX-2.0.0/FDX/man/kernel.Rd          |  127 ++++---
 FDX-2.0.0/FDX/man/match.pvals.Rd     |only
 FDX-2.0.0/FDX/man/plot.FDX.Rd        |   88 +++--
 FDX-2.0.0/FDX/man/print.FDX.Rd       |   16 
 FDX-2.0.0/FDX/man/rejection.path.Rd  |   26 -
 FDX-2.0.0/FDX/man/summary.FDX.Rd     |   40 +-
 FDX-2.0.0/FDX/man/weighted.GR.Rd     |  105 ++++--
 FDX-2.0.0/FDX/man/weighted.LR.Rd     |   98 ++++-
 FDX-2.0.0/FDX/man/weighted.PB.Rd     |  104 ++++--
 FDX-2.0.0/FDX/src/RcppExports.cpp    |  147 ++++----
 FDX-2.0.0/FDX/src/dist_fun.cpp       |   15 
 FDX-2.0.0/FDX/src/dist_fun.h         |    5 
 FDX-2.0.0/FDX/src/helper.cpp         |only
 FDX-2.0.0/FDX/src/helper.h           |only
 FDX-2.0.0/FDX/src/kernel.h           |only
 FDX-2.0.0/FDX/src/kernel_DGR.cpp     |only
 FDX-2.0.0/FDX/src/kernel_DLR.cpp     |only
 FDX-2.0.0/FDX/src/kernel_DPB.cpp     |only
 FDX-2.0.0/FDX/src/kernel_weight.cpp  |only
 66 files changed, 3932 insertions(+), 2668 deletions(-)

More information about FDX at CRAN
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Package equateMultiple updated to version 1.1.1 with previous version 1.1.0 dated 2024-10-07

Title: Equating of Multiple Forms
Description: Equating of multiple forms using Item Response Theory (IRT) methods (Battauz M. (2017) <doi:10.1007/s11336-016-9517-x>, Battauz and 'Leoncio' (2023) <doi:10.1177/01466216231151702>, Haberman S. J. (2009) <doi:10.1002/j.2333-8504.2009.tb02197.x>).
Author: Michela Battauz [aut, cre], Waldir Leoncio [ctb]
Maintainer: Michela Battauz <michela.battauz@uniud.it>

Diff between equateMultiple versions 1.1.0 dated 2024-10-07 and 1.1.1 dated 2024-10-15

 DESCRIPTION                           |    6 +++---
 MD5                                   |    8 ++++----
 R/EqMult.r                            |    3 ++-
 inst/doc/equateMultiple_tutorial.html |    2 +-
 man/plot.mlteqc.Rd                    |    2 +-
 5 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

More information about equateMultiple at CRAN
Permanent link

Package cocons updated to version 0.1.3 with previous version 0.1.2 dated 2024-09-06

Title: Covariate-Based Covariance Functions for Nonstationary Spatial Modeling
Description: Estimation, prediction, and simulation of nonstationary Gaussian process with modular covariate-based covariance functions. Sources of nonstationarity, such as trend, variance, geometric anisotropy, smoothness, and nugget, can be considered based on spatial characteristics. An induced compact-supported nonstationary covariance function is provided, enabling fast and memory-efficient computations when handling densely sampled domains.
Author: Federico Blasi [aut, cre] , Reinhard Furrer [ctb]
Maintainer: Federico Blasi <federico.blasi@math.uzh.ch>

Diff between cocons versions 0.1.2 dated 2024-09-06 and 0.1.3 dated 2024-10-15

 cocons-0.1.2/cocons/man/getCondNumber.Rd                    |only
 cocons-0.1.2/cocons/man/getPen.Rd                           |only
 cocons-0.1.2/cocons/man/print-methods.Rd                    |only
 cocons-0.1.3/cocons/DESCRIPTION                             |   10 
 cocons-0.1.3/cocons/MD5                                     |   75 +-
 cocons-0.1.3/cocons/NEWS.md                                 |only
 cocons-0.1.3/cocons/R/checkFunctions.R                      |  235 ++++++---
 cocons-0.1.3/cocons/R/cocons.R                              |   38 +
 cocons-0.1.3/cocons/R/data.R                                |   20 
 cocons-0.1.3/cocons/R/getFunctions.R                        |  227 ++++----
 cocons-0.1.3/cocons/R/isFunctions.R                         |    8 
 cocons-0.1.3/cocons/R/methods.R                             |  233 ++++-----
 cocons-0.1.3/cocons/R/neg2loglikelihood.R                   |  150 +++--
 cocons-0.1.3/cocons/R/optim.R                               |  309 +++++-------
 cocons-0.1.3/cocons/R/plot.R                                |    6 
 cocons-0.1.3/cocons/R/predict.R                             |  112 ++--
 cocons-0.1.3/cocons/R/sim.R                                 |   73 +-
 cocons-0.1.3/cocons/data/holes_bm.rda                       |only
 cocons-0.1.3/cocons/inst/doc/cocons.pdf                     |binary
 cocons-0.1.3/cocons/man/GetNeg2loglikelihood.Rd             |    4 
 cocons-0.1.3/cocons/man/GetNeg2loglikelihoodProfile.Rd      |    4 
 cocons-0.1.3/cocons/man/GetNeg2loglikelihoodTaper.Rd        |    4 
 cocons-0.1.3/cocons/man/GetNeg2loglikelihoodTaperProfile.Rd |    6 
 cocons-0.1.3/cocons/man/coco-class.Rd                       |   15 
 cocons-0.1.3/cocons/man/coco.Rd                             |    6 
 cocons-0.1.3/cocons/man/cocoOptim.Rd                        |   39 -
 cocons-0.1.3/cocons/man/cocoPredict.Rd                      |   68 +-
 cocons-0.1.3/cocons/man/cocoSim.Rd                          |   35 -
 cocons-0.1.3/cocons/man/cocons-package.Rd                   |    2 
 cocons-0.1.3/cocons/man/getCIs.Rd                           |    8 
 cocons-0.1.3/cocons/man/getCRPS.Rd                          |    2 
 cocons-0.1.3/cocons/man/getCovMatrix.Rd                     |   27 +
 cocons-0.1.3/cocons/man/getHessian.Rd                       |    2 
 cocons-0.1.3/cocons/man/getLogScore.Rd                      |    4 
 cocons-0.1.3/cocons/man/getSpatEffects.Rd                   |    2 
 cocons-0.1.3/cocons/man/holes_bm.Rd                         |only
 cocons-0.1.3/cocons/man/is.formula.Rd                       |    6 
 cocons-0.1.3/cocons/man/plot-methods.Rd                     |   21 
 cocons-0.1.3/cocons/man/plotOptimInfo.Rd                    |    3 
 cocons-0.1.3/cocons/man/show-methods.Rd                     |    2 
 cocons-0.1.3/cocons/man/summary-methods.Rd                  |only
 cocons-0.1.3/cocons/src/cocons_taper.cpp                    |   18 
 42 files changed, 1024 insertions(+), 750 deletions(-)

More information about cocons at CRAN
Permanent link

Package omock updated to version 0.3.1 with previous version 0.3.0 dated 2024-09-20

Title: Creation of Mock Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership Common Data Model
Description: Creates mock data for testing and package development for the Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership common data model. The package offers functions crafted with pipeline-friendly implementation, enabling users to effortlessly include only the necessary tables for their testing needs.
Author: Mike Du [aut, cre] , Marti Catala [aut] , Edward Burn [aut] , Nuria Mercade-Besora [aut] , Xihang Chen [aut]
Maintainer: Mike Du <mike.du@ndorms.ox.ac.uk>

Diff between omock versions 0.3.0 dated 2024-09-20 and 0.3.1 dated 2024-10-15

 DESCRIPTION                                          |    6 +++---
 MD5                                                  |   14 +++++++-------
 NEWS.md                                              |   16 +++++++++-------
 R/checkInputs.R                                      |    5 ++---
 R/mockCdmFromTables.R                                |   18 +++++++++++++++---
 R/sysdata.rda                                        |binary
 README.md                                            |   14 +++++++-------
 inst/doc/a01_Creating_synthetic_clinical_tables.html |   14 +++++++-------
 8 files changed, 50 insertions(+), 37 deletions(-)

More information about omock at CRAN
Permanent link

Package dawai updated to version 1.2.7 with previous version 1.2.6 dated 2024-01-11

Title: Discriminant Analysis with Additional Information
Description: In applications it is usual that some additional information is available. This package dawai (an acronym for Discriminant Analysis With Additional Information) performs linear and quadratic discriminant analysis with additional information expressed as inequality restrictions among the populations means. It also computes several estimations of the true error rate.
Author: David Conde [aut, cre], Miguel A. Fernandez [aut], Bonifacio Salvador [aut]
Maintainer: David Conde <daconrio@gmail.com>

Diff between dawai versions 1.2.6 dated 2024-01-11 and 1.2.7 dated 2024-10-15

 DESCRIPTION                   |   26 ++++++++++++++------------
 MD5                           |   10 ++++++----
 inst/doc/GPL.txt              |only
 inst/doc/dawai.pdf            |binary
 inst/doc/manualdawai.pdf.asis |only
 man/dawai-package.Rd          |    4 ++--
 src/lsConstrain.c             |   28 ++++++++++++++--------------
 7 files changed, 36 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-)

More information about dawai at CRAN
Permanent link

Package mlr3torch updated to version 0.1.2 with previous version 0.1.1 dated 2024-09-12

Title: Deep Learning with 'mlr3'
Description: Deep Learning library that extends the mlr3 framework by building upon the 'torch' package. It allows to conveniently build, train, and evaluate deep learning models without having to worry about low level details. Custom architectures can be created using the graph language defined in 'mlr3pipelines'.
Author: Sebastian Fischer [cre, aut] , Bernd Bischl [ctb] , Lukas Burk [ctb] , Martin Binder [aut], Florian Pfisterer [ctb]
Maintainer: Sebastian Fischer <sebf.fischer@gmail.com>

Diff between mlr3torch versions 0.1.1 dated 2024-09-12 and 0.1.2 dated 2024-10-15

 DESCRIPTION                            |    6 ++---
 MD5                                    |   38 ++++++++++++++++-----------------
 NAMESPACE                              |    1 
 NEWS.md                                |    4 +++
 R/DataBackendLazy.R                    |   15 +++----------
 R/LearnerTorch.R                       |    1 
 R/TaskClassif_mnist.R                  |    3 --
 R/TaskClassif_tiny_imagenet.R          |    3 --
 R/zzz.R                                |    1 
 man/mlr_backends_lazy.Rd               |   12 +---------
 man/mlr_learners.mlp.Rd                |    1 
 man/mlr_learners.tab_resnet.Rd         |    1 
 man/mlr_learners.torch_featureless.Rd  |    1 
 man/mlr_learners.torchvision.Rd        |    7 +++---
 man/mlr_learners_torch.Rd              |    1 
 man/mlr_learners_torch_image.Rd        |    1 
 man/mlr_learners_torch_model.Rd        |    1 
 tests/testthat/test_DataBackendLazy.R  |   15 ++++---------
 tests/testthat/test_LearnerTorch.R     |    8 ++++--
 tests/testthat/test_PipeOpTorchModel.R |    2 -
 20 files changed, 57 insertions(+), 65 deletions(-)

More information about mlr3torch at CRAN
Permanent link

Package autonewsmd updated to version 0.0.9 with previous version 0.0.8 dated 2024-05-30

Title: Auto-Generate Changelog using Conventional Commits
Description: Automatically generate a changelog file (NEWS.md / CHANGELOG.md) from the git history using conventional commit messages (<https://www.conventionalcommits.org/en/v1.0.0/>).
Author: Lorenz A. Kapsner [cre, aut, cph]
Maintainer: Lorenz A. Kapsner <lorenz.kapsner@gmail.com>

Diff between autonewsmd versions 0.0.8 dated 2024-05-30 and 0.0.9 dated 2024-10-15

 autonewsmd-0.0.8/autonewsmd/inst/doc/autonewsmd.R               |only
 autonewsmd-0.0.8/autonewsmd/inst/doc/autonewsmd.Rmd             |only
 autonewsmd-0.0.8/autonewsmd/inst/doc/autonewsmd.html            |only
 autonewsmd-0.0.8/autonewsmd/vignettes/autonewsmd.Rmd            |only
 autonewsmd-0.0.9/autonewsmd/DESCRIPTION                         |   14 
 autonewsmd-0.0.9/autonewsmd/MD5                                 |   38 
 autonewsmd-0.0.9/autonewsmd/NAMESPACE                           |   14 
 autonewsmd-0.0.9/autonewsmd/R/autonewsmd.R                      |  588 +++---
 autonewsmd-0.0.9/autonewsmd/R/generate_autonewsmd.R             |  404 ++--
 autonewsmd-0.0.9/autonewsmd/R/init_autonewsmd.R                 |  158 -
 autonewsmd-0.0.9/autonewsmd/R/mdtemplate_tags_decreasing.R      |   90 
 autonewsmd-0.0.9/autonewsmd/R/prepare_rda.R                     |   66 
 autonewsmd-0.0.9/autonewsmd/R/write_autonewsmd.R                |  257 +-
 autonewsmd-0.0.9/autonewsmd/R/zzz.R                             |   10 
 autonewsmd-0.0.9/autonewsmd/build/vignette.rds                  |binary
 autonewsmd-0.0.9/autonewsmd/inst/doc/autonews.R                 |only
 autonewsmd-0.0.9/autonewsmd/inst/doc/autonews.html              |only
 autonewsmd-0.0.9/autonewsmd/inst/doc/autonews.qmd               |only
 autonewsmd-0.0.9/autonewsmd/inst/templates/news-md-template.qmd |   75 
 autonewsmd-0.0.9/autonewsmd/man/autonewsmd.Rd                   |  939 +++++-----
 autonewsmd-0.0.9/autonewsmd/tests/testthat.R                    |   24 
 autonewsmd-0.0.9/autonewsmd/tests/testthat/test-autonewsmd.R    |  437 ++--
 autonewsmd-0.0.9/autonewsmd/tests/testthat/test-lints.R         |   58 
 autonewsmd-0.0.9/autonewsmd/vignettes/autonews.qmd              |only
 24 files changed, 1625 insertions(+), 1547 deletions(-)

More information about autonewsmd at CRAN
Permanent link

Package texor updated to version 1.5.0 with previous version 1.3.0 dated 2023-09-27

Title: Converting 'LaTeX' 'R Journal' Articles into 'RJ-web-articles'
Description: Articles in the 'R Journal' were first authored in 'LaTeX', which performs admirably for 'PDF' files but is less than ideal for modern online interfaces. The 'texor' package does all the transitional chores and conversions necessary to move to the online versions.
Author: Abhishek Ulayil [aut, cre, cph] , Heather Turner [ctb] , Christophe Dervieux [ctb] , Mitchell O'Hara-Wild [ctb] , Dianne Cook [ctb] , Yinxiang Huang [ctb]
Maintainer: Abhishek Ulayil <perricoq@outlook.com>

Diff between texor versions 1.3.0 dated 2023-09-27 and 1.5.0 dated 2024-10-15

 texor-1.3.0/texor/inst/examples/article/texor-figure-meta.yaml         |only
 texor-1.5.0/texor/DESCRIPTION                                          |   22 
 texor-1.5.0/texor/LICENSE                                              |    2 
 texor-1.5.0/texor/MD5                                                  |   76 +-
 texor-1.5.0/texor/NAMESPACE                                            |    2 
 texor-1.5.0/texor/NEWS.md                                              |   46 +
 texor-1.5.0/texor/R/article-tools.R                                    |  307 ++++++++-
 texor-1.5.0/texor/R/automation-tools.R                                 |   24 
 texor-1.5.0/texor/R/rnw-tools.R                                        |only
 texor-1.5.0/texor/R/table-tools.R                                      |   71 ++
 texor-1.5.0/texor/build/vignette.rds                                   |binary
 texor-1.5.0/texor/inst/algorithm_reader.lua                            |only
 texor-1.5.0/texor/inst/algorithm_remove.lua                            |only
 texor-1.5.0/texor/inst/auto_number_equations.lua                       |only
 texor-1.5.0/texor/inst/bookdown_ref.lua                                |   39 -
 texor-1.5.0/texor/inst/doc/How-texor-convert-Sweave-to-R-Markdown.Rmd  |only
 texor-1.5.0/texor/inst/doc/How-texor-convert-Sweave-to-R-Markdown.html |only
 texor-1.5.0/texor/inst/doc/environment-handling.R                      |    6 
 texor-1.5.0/texor/inst/doc/environment-handling.Rmd                    |  183 ++++-
 texor-1.5.0/texor/inst/doc/environment-handling.html                   |  320 +++++-----
 texor-1.5.0/texor/inst/doc/introduction-to-texor.R                     |    2 
 texor-1.5.0/texor/inst/doc/introduction-to-texor.Rmd                   |   72 +-
 texor-1.5.0/texor/inst/doc/introduction-to-texor.html                  |  179 +++--
 texor-1.5.0/texor/inst/equation_filter.lua                             |    1 
 texor-1.5.0/texor/inst/examples/sweave_article                         |only
 texor-1.5.0/texor/inst/extdata/Metafix.sty                             |   23 
 texor-1.5.0/texor/inst/extdata/auto-number-sec-js.html                 |only
 texor-1.5.0/texor/inst/extdata/pseudocodejs-latest.html                |only
 texor-1.5.0/texor/inst/fig_code_chunk.lua                              |only
 texor-1.5.0/texor/inst/latex_body_reader.lua                           |only
 texor-1.5.0/texor/inst/r_code_chunk_patcher.lua                        |only
 texor-1.5.0/texor/inst/sec_depth.lua                                   |only
 texor-1.5.0/texor/inst/sweave_code_reader.lua                          |only
 texor-1.5.0/texor/inst/sweave_code_remove.lua                          |only
 texor-1.5.0/texor/inst/table_code_chunk.lua                            |only
 texor-1.5.0/texor/man/convert_to_markdown.Rd                           |   22 
 texor-1.5.0/texor/man/convert_to_native.Rd                             |    6 
 texor-1.5.0/texor/man/figures/texor-hex-sticker.png                    |only
 texor-1.5.0/texor/man/figures/texor-hex-sticker.svg                    |only
 texor-1.5.0/texor/man/generate_rmd.Rd                                  |    2 
 texor-1.5.0/texor/man/latex_to_web.Rd                                  |   21 
 texor-1.5.0/texor/man/patch_table_env.Rd                               |    2 
 texor-1.5.0/texor/man/produce_html.Rd                                  |    6 
 texor-1.5.0/texor/man/rnw_generate_rmd.Rd                              |only
 texor-1.5.0/texor/man/rnw_to_rmd.Rd                                    |only
 texor-1.5.0/texor/tests/testthat/test-rnw-tools.R                      |only
 texor-1.5.0/texor/vignettes/How-texor-convert-Sweave-to-R-Markdown.Rmd |only
 texor-1.5.0/texor/vignettes/environment-handling.Rmd                   |  183 ++++-
 texor-1.5.0/texor/vignettes/introduction-to-texor.Rmd                  |   72 +-
 texor-1.5.0/texor/vignettes/texor.bib                                  |only
 50 files changed, 1294 insertions(+), 395 deletions(-)

More information about texor at CRAN
Permanent link

Package MetaIntegrator (with last version 2.1.3) was removed from CRAN

Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:

2020-02-26 2.1.3

Permanent link
Package rebib updated to version 0.5.0 with previous version 0.3.2 dated 2023-09-08

Title: Convert and Aggregate Bibliographies
Description: Authors working with 'LaTeX' articles use the built-in bibliography options and 'BibTeX' files. While this might work with 'LaTeX', it does not function well with Web articles. As a way out, 'rebib' offers tools to convert and combine bibliographies from both sources.
Author: Abhishek Ulayil [aut, cre, cph] , Heather Turner [ctb] , Christophe Dervieux [ctb] , Mitchell O'Hara-Wild [ctb] , Dianne Cook [ctb] , Yinxiang Huang [ctb]
Maintainer: Abhishek Ulayil <perricoq@outlook.com>

Diff between rebib versions 0.3.2 dated 2023-09-08 and 0.5.0 dated 2024-10-15

 rebib-0.3.2/rebib/inst/WORDLIST                    |only
 rebib-0.3.2/rebib/tests/spelling.R                 |only
 rebib-0.5.0/rebib/DESCRIPTION                      |   18 ++++--
 rebib-0.5.0/rebib/MD5                              |   28 ++++------
 rebib-0.5.0/rebib/NEWS.md                          |   10 +++
 rebib-0.5.0/rebib/R/parser.R                       |   56 ++++++++++++++++++---
 rebib-0.5.0/rebib/R/tools.R                        |   18 +++++-
 rebib-0.5.0/rebib/R/util.R                         |    3 -
 rebib-0.5.0/rebib/build/vignette.rds               |binary
 rebib-0.5.0/rebib/inst/doc/general-Introduction.R  |    2 
 rebib-0.5.0/rebib/inst/doc/general-usage.R         |    2 
 rebib-0.5.0/rebib/inst/doc/general-usage.html      |    6 +-
 rebib-0.5.0/rebib/inst/doc/parser-mechanics.R      |    2 
 rebib-0.5.0/rebib/inst/doc/parser-mechanics.html   |    2 
 rebib-0.5.0/rebib/inst/doc/use-with-rjarticle.R    |    2 
 rebib-0.5.0/rebib/inst/doc/use-with-rjarticle.html |    2 
 16 files changed, 109 insertions(+), 42 deletions(-)

More information about rebib at CRAN
Permanent link

Package tau updated to version 0.0-26 with previous version 0.0-25 dated 2023-11-29

Title: Text Analysis Utilities
Description: Utilities for text analysis.
Author: Christian Buchta [aut], Kurt Hornik [aut, cre] , Ingo Feinerer [aut], David Meyer [aut]
Maintainer: Kurt Hornik <Kurt.Hornik@R-project.org>

Diff between tau versions 0.0-25 dated 2023-11-29 and 0.0-26 dated 2024-10-15

 DESCRIPTION   |    6 +++---
 MD5           |    6 +++---
 R/sysdata.rda |binary
 src/textcnt.c |    7 ++++++-
 4 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

More information about tau at CRAN
Permanent link

Package slam updated to version 0.1-54 with previous version 0.1-53 dated 2024-09-02

Title: Sparse Lightweight Arrays and Matrices
Description: Data structures and algorithms for sparse arrays and matrices, based on index arrays and simple triplet representations, respectively.
Author: Kurt Hornik [aut, cre] , David Meyer [aut] , Christian Buchta [aut]
Maintainer: Kurt Hornik <Kurt.Hornik@R-project.org>

Diff between slam versions 0.1-53 dated 2024-09-02 and 0.1-54 dated 2024-10-15

 DESCRIPTION  |    6 +++---
 MD5          |    4 ++--
 src/sparse.c |    9 +++++++++
 3 files changed, 14 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

More information about slam at CRAN
Permanent link

Package shiny.telemetry updated to version 0.3.1 with previous version 0.3.0 dated 2024-07-17

Title: 'Shiny' App Usage Telemetry
Description: Enables instrumentation of 'Shiny' apps for tracking user session events such as input changes, browser type, and session duration. These events can be sent to any of the available storage backends and analyzed using the included 'Shiny' app to gain insights about app usage and adoption.
Author: Andre Verissimo [aut, cre], Kamil Zyla [aut], Krystian Igras [aut], Recle Vibal [aut], Arun Kodati [aut], Wahaduzzaman Khan [aut], Appsilon Sp. z o.o. [cph]
Maintainer: Andre Verissimo <opensource+andre@appsilon.com>

Diff between shiny.telemetry versions 0.3.0 dated 2024-07-17 and 0.3.1 dated 2024-10-15

 DESCRIPTION                                      |   18 +-
 MD5                                              |   22 +--
 NEWS.md                                          |   11 +
 R/prepare-admin-panel.R                          |   10 +
 R/telemetry.R                                    |  145 ++++++++++++-----------
 README.md                                        |    2 
 build/vignette.rds                               |binary
 inst/doc/databases.html                          |    2 
 inst/doc/rhino.html                              |   44 +++---
 inst/doc/tracking-specific-input-id.html         |    2 
 inst/examples/app/instrumentation/user_stats.txt |   46 +------
 man/Telemetry.Rd                                 |   23 +++
 12 files changed, 175 insertions(+), 150 deletions(-)

More information about shiny.telemetry at CRAN
Permanent link

Package naflex updated to version 0.1.1 with previous version 0.1.0 dated 2022-01-26

Title: Flexible Options for Handling Missing Values
Description: For use in summary functions to omit missing values conditionally using specified checks.
Author: Danny Parsons [aut, cre] , Shadrack Kibet [aut], Lily Clements [ctb]
Maintainer: Danny Parsons <danny@idems.international>

Diff between naflex versions 0.1.0 dated 2022-01-26 and 0.1.1 dated 2024-10-15

 DESCRIPTION                          |   15 -
 MD5                                  |   14 
 NEWS.md                              |    6 
 R/naflex.R                           |    1 
 README.md                            |   15 -
 build/vignette.rds                   |binary
 inst/doc/introduction-to-naflex.html |  508 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
 man/naflex.Rd                        |   18 +
 8 files changed, 440 insertions(+), 137 deletions(-)

More information about naflex at CRAN
Permanent link

Package gRc updated to version 0.5.1 with previous version 0.5.0 dated 2024-03-28

Title: Inference in Graphical Gaussian Models with Edge and Vertex Symmetries
Description: Estimation, model selection and other aspects of statistical inference in Graphical Gaussian models with edge and vertex symmetries (Graphical Gaussian models with colours). Documentation about 'gRc' is provided in the paper by Hojsgaard and Lauritzen (2007, <doi:10.18637/jss.v023.i06>) and the paper by Hojsgaard and Lauritzen (2008, <doi:10.1111/j.1467-9868.2008.00666.x>).
Author: Steffen Lauritzen [aut, cph], Soeren Hoejsgaard [aut, cre, cph]
Maintainer: Soeren Hoejsgaard <sorenh@math.aau.dk>

Diff between gRc versions 0.5.0 dated 2024-03-28 and 0.5.1 dated 2024-10-15

 DESCRIPTION          |   17 ++++++++++++-----
 MD5                  |   16 ++++++++--------
 R/fit_doc.R          |    2 +-
 R/fit_rcon_ipm.R     |    8 ++++----
 R/fit_rcor_ipm.R     |    2 +-
 R/fit_rcox_scoring.R |    2 +-
 R/rcox.R             |   14 +++++++-------
 R/update.R           |    4 ++--
 man/fit-doc.Rd       |    2 +-
 9 files changed, 37 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-)

More information about gRc at CRAN
Permanent link

Package counterfactuals updated to version 0.1.5 with previous version 0.1.4 dated 2024-05-14

Title: Counterfactual Explanations
Description: Modular and unified R6-based interface for counterfactual explanation methods. The following methods are currently implemented: Burghmans et al. (2022) <doi:10.48550/arXiv.2104.07411>, Dandl et al. (2020) <doi:10.1007/978-3-030-58112-1_31> and Wexler et al. (2019) <doi:10.1109/TVCG.2019.2934619>. Optional extensions allow these methods to be applied to a variety of models and use cases. Once generated, the counterfactuals can be analyzed and visualized by provided functionalities.
Author: Susanne Dandl [aut, cre] , Andreas Hofheinz [aut], Martin Binder [ctb], Giuseppe Casalicchio [ctb]
Maintainer: Susanne Dandl <dandls.datascience@gmail.com>

Diff between counterfactuals versions 0.1.4 dated 2024-05-14 and 0.1.5 dated 2024-10-15

 DESCRIPTION                             |    8 
 MD5                                     |   34 -
 NEWS.md                                 |    3 
 R/Counterfactuals.R                     |    2 
 R/MOCClassif.R                          |    2 
 R/MOCRegr.R                             |    2 
 R/RandomSearchClassif.R                 |    2 
 R/RandomSearchRegr.R                    |    2 
 R/moc_algo.R                            |    2 
 build/partial.rdb                       |binary
 build/vignette.rds                      |binary
 inst/doc/how-to-add-new-cf-methods.html |  798 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
 inst/doc/introduction.html              |  345 ++++++-------
 inst/doc/other_models.html              |  269 +++++-----
 man/MOCClassif.Rd                       |    2 
 man/MOCRegr.Rd                          |    2 
 man/RandomSearchClassif.Rd              |    2 
 man/RandomSearchRegr.Rd                 |    2 
 18 files changed, 989 insertions(+), 488 deletions(-)

More information about counterfactuals at CRAN
Permanent link

Package OmopSketch (with last version 0.1.0) was removed from CRAN

Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:

2024-09-26 0.1.0

Permanent link
Package MultiATSM updated to version 1.0.0 with previous version 0.3.6 dated 2024-04-29

Title: Multicountry Term Structure of Interest Rates Models
Description: Estimation routines for several classes of affine term structure of interest rates models. All the models are based on the single-country unspanned macroeconomic risk framework from Joslin, Priebsch, and Singleton (2014, JF) <doi:10.1111/jofi.12131>. Multicountry extensions such as the ones of Jotikasthira, Le, and Lundblad (2015, JFE) <doi:10.1016/j.jfineco.2014.09.004>, Candelon and Moura (2023, EM) <doi:10.1016/j.econmod.2023.106453>, and Candelon and Moura (Forthcoming, JFEC) <doi:10.1093/jjfinec/nbae008> are also available.
Author: Rubens Moura [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Rubens Moura <rubens.gtmoura@gmail.com>

Diff between MultiATSM versions 0.3.6 dated 2024-04-29 and 1.0.0 dated 2024-10-15

 MultiATSM-0.3.6/MultiATSM/R/A0N__computeBnAn.R                                 |only
 MultiATSM-0.3.6/MultiATSM/R/AuxiliarBootstrapFunctions.R                       |only
 MultiATSM-0.3.6/MultiATSM/R/CM_Factors_2023.R                                  |only
 MultiATSM-0.3.6/MultiATSM/R/CM_Factors_GVAR_2023.R                             |only
 MultiATSM-0.3.6/MultiATSM/R/CholRestrictionsJLL.R                              |only
 MultiATSM-0.3.6/MultiATSM/R/EstimationSigma_Ye.R                               |only
 MultiATSM-0.3.6/MultiATSM/R/FeedbackMatrixRestrictionsJLL.R                    |only
 MultiATSM-0.3.6/MultiATSM/R/Functionf.R                                        |only
 MultiATSM-0.3.6/MultiATSM/R/GaussianDensity.R                                  |only
 MultiATSM-0.3.6/MultiATSM/R/InputsForMLEdensity.R                              |only
 MultiATSM-0.3.6/MultiATSM/R/K1XQStationary.R                                   |only
 MultiATSM-0.3.6/MultiATSM/R/ListModelInputs.R                                  |only
 MultiATSM-0.3.6/MultiATSM/R/Maturities.R                                       |only
 MultiATSM-0.3.6/MultiATSM/R/Reg__OLSconstrained.R                              |only
 MultiATSM-0.3.6/MultiATSM/R/StarFactors.R                                      |only
 MultiATSM-0.3.6/MultiATSM/R/VariableLabelsOptimization.R                       |only
 MultiATSM-0.3.6/MultiATSM/R/df__dx.R                                           |only
 MultiATSM-0.3.6/MultiATSM/R/llk_JLL_Sigma.R                                    |only
 MultiATSM-0.3.6/MultiATSM/R/logdet.R                                           |only
 MultiATSM-0.3.6/MultiATSM/R/mult_Set_Functions.R                               |only
 MultiATSM-0.3.6/MultiATSM/data/CM_Factors_GVAR_2023.rda                        |only
 MultiATSM-0.3.6/MultiATSM/inst/doc/my-vignette.R                               |only
 MultiATSM-0.3.6/MultiATSM/inst/doc/my-vignette.Rmd                             |only
 MultiATSM-0.3.6/MultiATSM/inst/doc/my-vignette.html                            |only
 MultiATSM-0.3.6/MultiATSM/man/A0N_MLEdensity_WOE__jointQ_Bootstrap.Rd          |only
 MultiATSM-0.3.6/MultiATSM/man/A0N_MLEdensity_WOE__jointQ_sepSigma_Bootstrap.Rd |only
 MultiATSM-0.3.6/MultiATSM/man/A0N_MLEdensity_WOE__sepQ_Bootstrap.Rd            |only
 MultiATSM-0.3.6/MultiATSM/man/A0N__computeBnAn_jointQ.Rd                       |only
 MultiATSM-0.3.6/MultiATSM/man/A0N__computeBnAn_sepQ.Rd                         |only
 MultiATSM-0.3.6/MultiATSM/man/ForecastYieldsJointQ.Rd                          |only
 MultiATSM-0.3.6/MultiATSM/man/ForecastYieldsSepQ.Rd                            |only
 MultiATSM-0.3.6/MultiATSM/man/Functionf_Boot.Rd                                |only
 MultiATSM-0.3.6/MultiATSM/man/GVARFactors.Rd                                   |only
 MultiATSM-0.3.6/MultiATSM/man/InputsForMLEdensity.Rd                           |only
 MultiATSM-0.3.6/MultiATSM/man/InputsForMLEdensity_BS.Rd                        |only
 MultiATSM-0.3.6/MultiATSM/man/ListModelInputs.Rd                               |only
 MultiATSM-0.3.6/MultiATSM/man/MLEdensity_jointQ.Rd                             |only
 MultiATSM-0.3.6/MultiATSM/man/MLEdensity_jointQ_sepSigma.Rd                    |only
 MultiATSM-0.3.6/MultiATSM/man/MLEdensity_sepQ.Rd                               |only
 MultiATSM-0.3.6/MultiATSM/man/Optimization_Boot.Rd                             |only
 MultiATSM-0.3.6/MultiATSM/man/ParaLabels.Rd                                    |only
 MultiATSM-0.3.6/MultiATSM/man/PdynamicsSet_BS.Rd                               |only
 MultiATSM-0.3.6/MultiATSM/vignettes/build                                      |only
 MultiATSM-0.3.6/MultiATSM/vignettes/my-vignette.Rmd                            |only
 MultiATSM-0.3.6/MultiATSM/vignettes/my-vignette.nb.html                        |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/DESCRIPTION                                          |   17 
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/MD5                                                  |  309 -
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/NAMESPACE                                            |   12 
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/R/A0N__BnAn.R                                        |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/R/BiasCorrection.R                                   |  255 -
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/R/Bootstrap.R                                        |  920 ++-
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/R/CM_DomMacroFactors.R                               |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/R/CM_DomMacroFactors_2023.R                          |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/R/CM_Factors.R                                       |    2 
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/R/CM_Factors_GVAR.R                                  |    2 
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/R/CM_GlobalMacroFactors.R                            |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/R/CM_GlobalMacro_2023.R                              |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/R/CM_Trade.R                                         |    2 
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/R/CM_Trade_2023.R                                    |    2 
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/R/CM_Yields.R                                        |    2 
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/R/CM_Yields_2023.R                                   |    2 
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/R/ConfidenceBoundsBootstrap.R                        |  102 
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/R/DataForEstimation.R                                |   75 
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/R/DatabasePrep.R                                     |   40 
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/R/FMN__Rotate.R                                      |   26 
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/R/Folder_Creation.R                                  |   14 
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/R/ForecastYields.R                                   |  647 +-
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/R/GVAR.R                                             |  838 ++-
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/R/GraphicalOutputs.R                                 |  209 
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/R/InputsForOpt.R                                     |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/R/InputsForOutputs.R                                 |   77 
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/R/JLL.R                                              |  968 ++--
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/R/LabFac.R                                           |   23 
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/R/MLEdensity.R                                       | 2303 +++-------
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/R/MinorOptimizationFunctions.R                       |    1 
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/R/NumOutputs.R                                       |  217 
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/R/NumOutputsBootstrap.R                              |  158 
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/R/Optimization.R                                     |  670 +-
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/R/Reg_K1Q.R                                          |   66 
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/R/RiskFactorsPrep.R                                  |   11 
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/R/Spanned_Factors.R                                  |   13 
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/R/Transition_Matrix.R                                |   46 
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/R/VAR.R                                              |   77 
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/R/f_with_vectorized_parameters.R                     |   57 
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/R/getx.R                                             |    5 
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/R/pca_weights_one_country.R                          |   12 
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/build/vignette.rds                                   |binary
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/data/BR_jps_gro_R3.rda                               |binary
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/data/CM_DomMacroFactors.rda                          |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/data/CM_DomMacro_2023.rda                            |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/data/CM_GlobalMacroFactors.rda                       |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/data/CM_GlobalMacro_2023.rda                         |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/data/CM_Yields.rda                                   |binary
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/inst/doc/Guidelines.R                                |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/inst/doc/Guidelines.Rmd                              |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/inst/doc/Guidelines.html                             |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/inst/doc/Paper-Replications.R                        |  381 -
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/inst/doc/Paper-Replications.Rmd                      |  421 -
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/inst/doc/Paper-Replications.html                     |  518 --
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/A0N__BnAn.Rd                                     |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/AdjustOptm_BS.Rd                                 |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/AdjustYieldsDates.Rd                             |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/Bias_Correc_VAR.Rd                               |   65 
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/Bootstrap.Rd                                     |   42 
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/BuildATSM_RiskFactors.Rd                         |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/BuildGVAR.Rd                                     |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/BuildLinkMat.Rd                                  |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/BuildRiskFactors_BS.Rd                           |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/BuildYields_BS.Rd                                |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/CheckInputsForMLE.Rd                             |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/CheckInputsGVAR.Rd                               |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/CheckJLLinputs.Rd                                |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/Check_comparison__OLS.Rd                         |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/Check_label_consistency.Rd                       |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/ChecksOOS.Rd                                     |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/CholRestrictionsJLL.Rd                           |    2 
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/CleanOrthoJLL_Boot.Rd                            |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/Compute_BnX_AnX.Rd                               |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/DataForEstimation.Rd                             |   33 
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/DataSet_BS.Rd                                    |    2 
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/DatabasePrep.Rd                                  |   30 
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/DomMacro.Rd                                      |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/DomesticMacroVar.Rd                              |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/EstimationSigma_Ye.Rd                            |    2 
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/FF.Rd                                            |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/FFtemporary.Rd                                   |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/FactorsGVAR.Rd                                   |    2 
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/Factors_NonOrtho.Rd                              |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/FeedbackMat_BS.Rd                                |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/FeedbackMatrixRestrictionsJLL.Rd                 |    2 
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/FolderCreationPoint.Rd                           |    8 
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/ForecastYields.Rd                                |   34 
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/Functionf.Rd                                     |   16 
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/GVAR.Rd                                          |   48 
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/GVAR_PrepFactors.Rd                              |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/Gather_Forecasts.Rd                              |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/GaussianDensity.Rd                               |    2 
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/Gen_Artificial_Series.Rd                         |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/Gen_Forecast_Yields.Rd                           |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/GeneralMLEInputs.Rd                              |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/GetLabels_JLL.Rd                                 |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/GetLabels_sepQ.Rd                                |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/GetPdynPara.Rd                                   |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/GetPdynPara_BC.Rd                                |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/GetPdynPara_NoBC.Rd                              |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/GetYields_AllCountries.Rd                        |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/Get_As.Rd                                        |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/Get_BFull.Rd                                     |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/Get_Bs.Rd                                        |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/Get_G0G1Sigma.Rd                                 |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/Get_Gy1.Rd                                       |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/Get_Sigama_JLL.Rd                                |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/Get_SigmaYields.Rd                               |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/Get_Unspanned.Rd                                 |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/Get_V_tilde_BC.Rd                                |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/Get_a0.Rd                                        |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/Get_llk.Rd                                       |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/Get_r0.Rd                                        |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/Getdt.Rd                                         |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/GlobalMacro.Rd                                   |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/GlobalMacroVar.Rd                                |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/GraphicalOutputs.Rd                              |    8 
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/Idx_UnspanFact.Rd                                |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/InputsForOpt.Rd                                  |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/InputsForOutputs.Rd                              |   66 
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/JLL.Rd                                           |   47 
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/K1XQStationary.Rd                                |   14 
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/LabFac.Rd                                        |   16 
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/LoadData.Rd                                      |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/MLEdensity.Rd                                    |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/MarginalModelPara.Rd                             |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/Maturities.Rd                                    |    8 
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/NoOrthoVAR_JLL.Rd                                |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/NumOutputs.Rd                                    |   25 
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/NumOutputs_Bootstrap.Rd                          |   10 
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/OOS_Forecast.Rd                                  |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/OptOutputs.Rd                                    |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/Optimization.Rd                                  |   72 
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/OptimizationSetup_ATSM.Rd                        |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/Optimization_PE.Rd                               |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/OrthoReg_JLL.Rd                                  |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/OrthoVAR_JLL.Rd                                  |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/Outputs2exportMLE.Rd                             |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/ParaATSM_opt_ALL.Rd                              |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/ParaLabelsOpt.Rd                                 |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/PdynResid_BS.Rd                                  |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/RMSEjoint.Rd                                     |    2 
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/RMSEsep.Rd                                       |    1 
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/Reg_K1Q.Rd                                       |   13 
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/Reg__OLSconstrained.Rd                           |    2 
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/ResampleResiduals_BS.Rd                          |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/RiskFactors.Rd                                   |   12 
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/RiskFactorsPrep.Rd                               |   11 
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/Spanned_Factors.Rd                               |   12 
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/SpecificMLEInputs.Rd                             |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/StarFactors.Rd                                   |    9 
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/TradeFlows.Rd                                    |    2 
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/Trade_Flows.Rd                                   |    2 
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/Transition_Matrix.Rd                             |   30 
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/Update_SSZ_JLL.Rd                                |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/VAR.Rd                                           |   16 
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/VARX.Rd                                          |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/YieldFor.Rd                                      |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/Yields.Rd                                        |    4 
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/df__dx.Rd                                        |    2 
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/genVARbrw.Rd                                     |    2 
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/getx.Rd                                          |    6 
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/llk_JLL_Sigma.Rd                                 |    2 
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/logdet.Rd                                        |    2 
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/mult__inv.Rd                                     |    2 
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/mult__prod.Rd                                    |    2 
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/mult_inv_large.Rd                                |    2 
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/mult_inv_small.Rd                                |    2 
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/mult_logabsdet.Rd                                |    2 
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/multiprod_2terms.Rd                              |    2 
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/pca_weights_one_country.Rd                       |   10 
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/man/residY_original.Rd                               |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/vignettes/Guidelines.Rmd                             |only
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/vignettes/Paper-Replications.Rmd                     |  421 -
 MultiATSM-1.0.0/MultiATSM/vignettes/references.bib                             |   14 
 220 files changed, 5256 insertions(+), 5385 deletions(-)

More information about MultiATSM at CRAN
Permanent link

Package memoiR updated to version 1.2-10 with previous version 1.2-9 dated 2024-04-22

Title: R Markdown and Bookdown Templates to Publish Documents
Description: Producing high-quality documents suitable for publication directly from R is made possible by the R Markdown ecosystem. 'memoiR' makes it easy. It provides templates to knit memoirs, articles and slideshows with helpers to publish the documents on GitHub Pages and activate continuous integration.
Author: Eric Marcon [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Eric Marcon <eric.marcon@agroparistech.fr>

Diff between memoiR versions 1.2-9 dated 2024-04-22 and 1.2-10 dated 2024-10-15

 DESCRIPTION           |   12 ++++++------
 MD5                   |   12 ++++++------
 NEWS.md               |    8 ++++++++
 R/memoiR.R            |    8 +++++---
 README.md             |    6 +++---
 build/vignette.rds    |binary
 man/memoiR-package.Rd |    4 ++--
 7 files changed, 30 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)

More information about memoiR at CRAN
Permanent link

Package CCAMLRGIS updated to version 4.2.0 with previous version 4.1.1 dated 2024-05-27

Title: Antarctic Spatial Data Manipulation
Description: Loads and creates spatial data, including layers and tools that are relevant to the activities of the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources. Provides two categories of functions: load functions and create functions. Load functions are used to import existing spatial layers from the online CCAMLR GIS such as the ASD boundaries. Create functions are used to create layers from user data such as polygons and grids.
Author: Stephane Thanassekos [aut, cre], Keith Reid [aut], Lucy Robinson [aut], Michael D. Sumner [ctb], Roger Bivand [ctb]
Maintainer: Stephane Thanassekos <stephane.thanassekos@ccamlr.org>

Diff between CCAMLRGIS versions 4.1.1 dated 2024-05-27 and 4.2.0 dated 2024-10-15

 DESCRIPTION                   |   12 -
 MD5                           |   62 +++---
 NAMESPACE                     |   11 -
 NEWS.md                       |   10 
 R/CCAMLRGIS-package.R         |    6 
 R/CCAMLRGIS_DataDescription.R |    4 
 R/add_Legend.R                |   73 ++++++-
 R/create.R                    |   10 
 R/create_Arrow.R              |   29 ++
 R/create_CircularArrow.R      |only
 R/create_Ellipse.R            |only
 R/get_iso_polys.R             |   13 -
 R/load.R                      |   37 +--
 README.md                     |  422 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
 build/vignette.rds            |binary
 inst/doc/CCAMLRGIS.html       |    4 
 inst/extdata/SmallBathy.tif   |binary
 man/CCAMLRp.Rd                |    2 
 man/Coast.Rd                  |    2 
 man/SmallBathy.Rd             |    4 
 man/add_Legend.Rd             |   45 +++-
 man/create_Arrow.Rd           |   28 ++
 man/create_CircularArrow.Rd   |only
 man/create_Ellipse.Rd         |only
 man/create_Polys.Rd           |   10 
 man/load_ASDs.Rd              |    2 
 man/load_Bathy.Rd             |   12 -
 man/load_Coastline.Rd         |    2 
 man/load_EEZs.Rd              |    2 
 man/load_MAs.Rd               |    2 
 man/load_MPAs.Rd              |    2 
 man/load_RBs.Rd               |    2 
 man/load_SSMUs.Rd             |    2 
 man/load_SSRUs.Rd             |    2 
 34 files changed, 630 insertions(+), 182 deletions(-)

More information about CCAMLRGIS at CRAN
Permanent link

Package MHDA updated to version 1.4 with previous version 1.3 dated 2024-10-08

Title: Massive Hierarchically Data Analysis
Description: Three main functions about analyzing massive data (missing observations are allowed) considered from multiple layers of categories.
Author: Yarong Yang [aut, cre], Jacob Zhang [aut]
Maintainer: Yarong Yang <Yi.YA_yaya@hotmail.com>

Diff between MHDA versions 1.3 dated 2024-10-08 and 1.4 dated 2024-10-15

 DESCRIPTION             |    8 ++++----
 MD5                     |   14 +++++++-------
 R/MHDA.plot.R           |    7 ++++---
 man/MHDA-package.Rd     |    4 ++--
 man/MHDA.Rd             |    2 ++
 man/MHDA.plot.Rd        |    2 ++
 man/Res.mhda.1-class.Rd |    2 +-
 man/Res.mhda.2-class.Rd |    2 +-
 8 files changed, 23 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)

More information about MHDA at CRAN
Permanent link

Package baystability updated to version 0.2.0 with previous version 0.1.0 dated 2018-03-13

Title: Bayesian Stability Analysis of Genotype by Environment Interaction (GEI)
Description: Performs general Bayesian estimation method of linear–bilinear models for genotype × environment interaction. The method is explained in Perez-Elizalde, S., Jarquin, D., and Crossa, J. (2011) (<doi:10.1007/s13253-011-0063-9>).
Author: Muhammad Yaseen [aut, cre], Diego Jarquin [aut, ctb], Sergio Perez-Elizalde [aut, ctb], Juan Burgueno [aut, ctb], Jose Crossa [aut, ctb]
Maintainer: Muhammad Yaseen <myaseen208@gmail.com>

Diff between baystability versions 0.1.0 dated 2018-03-13 and 0.2.0 dated 2024-10-15

 DESCRIPTION        |   13 +--
 MD5                |   31 ++++----
 NAMESPACE          |    9 +-
 R/bayes_ammi.R     |  200 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
 R/e_eff.R          |    7 -
 R/g_eff.R          |    7 -
 R/ge_ammi.R        |    9 --
 R/ge_eff.R         |    7 -
 R/ge_mean.R        |    7 -
 R/ge_model.R       |    9 --
 R/ge_var.R         |    8 --
 R/orthnorm.R       |    5 -
 README.md          |  108 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 inst               |only
 man/bayes_ammi.Rd  |  154 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 man/cultivo2008.Rd |    4 -
 man/cultivo2009.Rd |    4 -
 17 files changed, 476 insertions(+), 106 deletions(-)

More information about baystability at CRAN
Permanent link

Package bayesammi updated to version 0.2.0 with previous version 0.1.0 dated 2018-04-12

Title: Bayesian Estimation of the Additive Main Effects and Multiplicative Interaction Model
Description: Performs Bayesian estimation of the additive main effects and multiplicative interaction (AMMI) model. The method is explained in Crossa, J., Perez-Elizalde, S., Jarquin, D., Cotes, J.M., Viele, K., Liu, G. and Cornelius, P.L. (2011) (<doi:10.2135/cropsci2010.06.0343>).
Author: Muhammad Yaseen [aut, cre], Jose Crossa [aut, ctb], Sergio Perez-Elizalde [aut, ctb], Diego Jarquin [aut, ctb], Jose Miguel Cotes [aut, ctb], Kert Viele [aut, ctb], Genzhou Liu [aut, ctb], Paul L. Cornelius [aut, ctb]
Maintainer: Muhammad Yaseen <myaseen208@gmail.com>

Diff between bayesammi versions 0.1.0 dated 2018-04-12 and 0.2.0 dated 2024-10-15

 DESCRIPTION       |   32 +++++++-------
 MD5               |   49 +++++++++++-----------
 R/Maiz.R          |    2 
 R/bayes_ammi.R    |    2 
 R/e_eff.R         |    3 -
 R/g_eff.R         |    2 
 R/ge_ammi.R       |    6 +-
 R/ge_eff.R        |    2 
 R/ge_mean.R       |    2 
 R/ge_model.R      |    2 
 R/ge_var.R        |    2 
 R/matrix_k.R      |    2 
 R/orthnorm.R      |   65 ++++++++++++++++--------------
 README.md         |  117 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 inst              |only
 man/Maiz.Rd       |    6 +-
 man/bayes_ammi.Rd |    2 
 man/e_eff.Rd      |    2 
 man/g_eff.Rd      |    2 
 man/ge_ammi.Rd    |    2 
 man/ge_eff.Rd     |    2 
 man/ge_mean.Rd    |    2 
 man/ge_model.Rd   |    2 
 man/ge_var.Rd     |    2 
 man/matrix_k.Rd   |    2 
 man/orthnorm.Rd   |    2 
 26 files changed, 213 insertions(+), 101 deletions(-)

More information about bayesammi at CRAN
Permanent link

Built and running on Debian GNU/Linux using R, littler and blosxom. Styled with Bootstrap.