Title: Robust Bayesian T-Test
Description: An implementation of Bayesian model-averaged t-tests that allows
users to draw inferences about the presence versus absence of an effect,
variance heterogeneity, and potential outliers. The 'RoBTT' package estimates
ensembles of models created by combining competing hypotheses and applies
Bayesian model averaging using posterior model probabilities. Users can
obtain model-averaged posterior distributions and inclusion Bayes factors,
accounting for uncertainty in the data-generating process
(Maier et al., 2024, <doi:10.3758/s13423-024-02590-5>). The package also
provides a truncated likelihood version of the model-averaged t-test,
enabling users to exclude potential outliers without introducing bias
(Godmann et al., 2024, <doi:10.31234/osf.io/j9f3s>). Users can specify
a wide range of informative priors for all parameters of interest.
The package offers convenient functions for summary, visualization,
and fit diagnostics.
Author: Frantisek Bartos [aut, cre] ,
Maximilian Maier [aut] ,
Henrik R Godmann [aut]
Maintainer: Frantisek Bartos <f.bartos96@gmail.com>
Diff between RoBTT versions 1.3.0 dated 2024-04-04 and 1.3.1 dated 2024-11-09
DESCRIPTION | 31 +++++++++++--------- MD5 | 34 +++++++++++----------- NEWS.md | 3 + R/utilities.R | 1 README.md | 14 +++++---- build/partial.rdb |binary build/vignette.rds |binary inst/CITATION | 3 + inst/REFERENCES.bib | 13 ++++---- inst/doc/Introduction_to_RoBTT.Rmd | 2 - inst/doc/Introduction_to_RoBTT.html | 18 ++++++----- inst/doc/Truncated_t_test.Rmd | 4 +- inst/doc/Truncated_t_test.html | 55 ++++++++---------------------------- man/RoBTT-package.Rd | 1 man/check_RoBTT.Rd | 40 +++++++++++++------------- man/rho2logsdr.Rd | 40 +++++++++++++------------- vignettes/Introduction_to_RoBTT.Rmd | 2 - vignettes/Truncated_t_test.Rmd | 4 +- 18 files changed, 124 insertions(+), 141 deletions(-)
Title: Joint Estimation of Latent Groups and Group-Specific
Coefficients in Panel Data Models
Description: Latent group structures are a common challenge in panel data analysis. Disregarding group-level heterogeneity can introduce bias. Conversely, estimating individual coefficients for each cross-sectional unit is inefficient and may lead to high uncertainty.
This package addresses the issue of unobservable group structures by implementing the pairwise adaptive group fused Lasso (PAGFL) by Mehrabani (2023) <doi:10.1016/j.jeconom.2022.12.002>. PAGFL identifies latent group structures and group-specific coefficients in a single step.
On top of that, we extend the PAGFL to time-varying coefficient functions.
Author: Paul Haimerl [aut, cre] ,
Stephan Smeekes [ctb] ,
Ines Wilms [ctb] ,
Ali Mehrabani [ctb]
Maintainer: Paul Haimerl <paul.haimerl@econ.au.dk>
Diff between PAGFL versions 1.1.1 dated 2024-07-23 and 1.1.2 dated 2024-11-09
PAGFL-1.1.1/PAGFL/R/checks.R |only PAGFL-1.1.1/PAGFL/R/sim.R |only PAGFL-1.1.2/PAGFL/DESCRIPTION | 12 PAGFL-1.1.2/PAGFL/MD5 | 68 +- PAGFL-1.1.2/PAGFL/NAMESPACE | 88 +-- PAGFL-1.1.2/PAGFL/NEWS.md | 12 PAGFL-1.1.2/PAGFL/R/Checks.R |only PAGFL-1.1.2/PAGFL/R/PAGFL-package.R | 24 PAGFL-1.1.2/PAGFL/R/RcppExports.R | 8 PAGFL-1.1.2/PAGFL/R/Sim.R |only PAGFL-1.1.2/PAGFL/R/grouped_plm.R | 7 PAGFL-1.1.2/PAGFL/R/grouped_tv_plm.R | 8 PAGFL-1.1.2/PAGFL/R/helper.R | 111 ++-- PAGFL-1.1.2/PAGFL/R/pagfl.R | 4 PAGFL-1.1.2/PAGFL/R/pagfl_tv.R | 8 PAGFL-1.1.2/PAGFL/R/s3_methods.R | 23 PAGFL-1.1.2/PAGFL/R/s3_methods_grouped_plm.R | 25 PAGFL-1.1.2/PAGFL/R/s3_methods_grouped_tv_plm.R | 21 PAGFL-1.1.2/PAGFL/R/s3_methods_tv.R | 26 - PAGFL-1.1.2/PAGFL/R/sim_tv.R | 406 ++++++++-------- PAGFL-1.1.2/PAGFL/README.md | 93 ++- PAGFL-1.1.2/PAGFL/build/partial.rdb |binary PAGFL-1.1.2/PAGFL/man/grouped_plm.Rd | 283 +++++------ PAGFL-1.1.2/PAGFL/man/grouped_tv_plm.Rd | 254 +++++----- PAGFL-1.1.2/PAGFL/man/pagfl.Rd | 2 PAGFL-1.1.2/PAGFL/man/sim_DGP.Rd | 190 +++---- PAGFL-1.1.2/PAGFL/man/sim_tv_DGP.Rd | 204 ++++---- PAGFL-1.1.2/PAGFL/man/tv_pagfl.Rd | 304 +++++------ PAGFL-1.1.2/PAGFL/src/PAGFL-package.cpp | 53 +- PAGFL-1.1.2/PAGFL/src/RcppExports.cpp | 18 PAGFL-1.1.2/PAGFL/tests/testthat.R | 8 PAGFL-1.1.2/PAGFL/tests/testthat/_snaps/methods.md | 40 - PAGFL-1.1.2/PAGFL/tests/testthat/fixtures/test_helper.R | 2 PAGFL-1.1.2/PAGFL/tests/testthat/test-methods.R | 400 +++++++-------- PAGFL-1.1.2/PAGFL/tests/testthat/test-oracle.R | 276 +++++----- PAGFL-1.1.2/PAGFL/tests/testthat/test-pagfl_results.R | 230 ++++----- PAGFL-1.1.2/PAGFL/tests/testthat/test-sim.R | 214 ++++---- 37 files changed, 1754 insertions(+), 1668 deletions(-)
Title: Working with Audio and Video in R
Description: Bindings to 'FFmpeg' <http://www.ffmpeg.org/> AV library for working with
audio and video in R. Generates high quality video from images or R graphics with
custom audio. Also offers high performance tools for reading raw audio, creating
'spectrograms', and converting between countless audio / video formats. This package
interfaces directly to the C API and does not require any command line utilities.
Author: Jeroen Ooms [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Jeroen Ooms <jeroenooms@gmail.com>
Diff between av versions 0.9.2 dated 2024-10-04 and 0.9.3 dated 2024-11-09
DESCRIPTION | 6 +++--- MD5 | 12 ++++++------ NEWS | 4 ++++ configure | 21 ++------------------- src/avcompat.h | 5 +++++ src/formats.c | 31 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++---- src/video.c | 9 ++++++--- 7 files changed, 53 insertions(+), 35 deletions(-)
Title: Compact Package Representations
Description: A tool, grammar, and standard to represent and exchange
R package source code as text files. Converts one or more source
packages to a text file and restores the package structures from the file.
Author: Nan Xiao [aut, cre] ,
Yilong Zhang [aut],
Keaven Anderson [aut],
Amin Shirazi [ctb],
Jeff Cheng [ctb],
Danfeng Fu [ctb],
Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, NJ, USA and its affiliates [cph]
Maintainer: Nan Xiao <nan.xiao1@merck.com>
Diff between pkglite versions 0.2.3 dated 2024-09-25 and 0.2.4 dated 2024-11-09
DESCRIPTION | 6 - MD5 | 22 ++--- NAMESPACE | 1 NEWS.md | 11 ++ R/dictionary.R | 25 +++++- R/templates.R | 9 +- build/vignette.rds |binary man/file_name_patterns.Rd | 3 tests/testthat/test-independent-test_dictionary.R | 11 +- tests/testthat/test-independent-test_templates.R | 90 +++++++++++++++------- tests/testthat/test-independent_test_collate.R | 2 tests/testthat/test-independent_test_collection.R | 5 - 12 files changed, 132 insertions(+), 53 deletions(-)
Title: Read and Write 'jamovi' Files ('.omv')
Description: The free and open a statistical spreadsheet 'jamovi'
(<https://www.jamovi.org>) aims to make statistical analyses easy and
intuitive. 'jamovi' produces syntax that can directly be used in R (in
connection with the R-package 'jmv'). Having import / export routines for
the data files 'jamovi' produces ('.omv') permits an easy transfer of
data and analyses between 'jamovi' and R.
Author: Sebastian Jentschke [aut, cre, cph]
Maintainer: Sebastian Jentschke <sebastian.jentschke@uib.no>
Diff between jmvReadWrite versions 0.4.7 dated 2024-07-09 and 0.4.8 dated 2024-11-09
DESCRIPTION | 8 MD5 | 57 ++- NAMESPACE | 1 NEWS.md | 13 R/describe_omv.R | 4 R/distances_omv.R |only R/globals.R | 58 +-- R/read_omv.R | 2 R/write_omv.R | 249 ++++++++--------- README.md | 105 +++---- inst/CITATION | 2 inst/WORDLIST | 16 + inst/doc/jmvReadWrite.R | 6 inst/doc/jmvReadWrite.Rmd | 13 inst/doc/jmvReadWrite.html | 481 +++++++++++++++++++-------------- inst/extdata/ToothGrowth.omv |binary man/distances_omv.Rd |only tests/ToothGrowth.omv |binary tests/testthat/test-arrange_cols_omv.R | 8 tests/testthat/test-describe_omv.R | 2 tests/testthat/test-distances_omv.R |only tests/testthat/test-globals.R | 83 +++-- tests/testthat/test-label_vars_omv.R | 8 tests/testthat/test-long2wide_omv.R | 10 tests/testthat/test-merge_cols_omv.R | 10 tests/testthat/test-read_omv.R | 26 - tests/testthat/test-replace_omv.R | 2 tests/testthat/test-sort_omv.R | 8 tests/testthat/test-transpose_omv.R | 2 tests/testthat/test-write_omv.R | 62 +++- vignettes/jmvReadWrite.Rmd | 13 31 files changed, 710 insertions(+), 539 deletions(-)
Title: Viewscape Analysis
Description: A collection of functions to make R a more effective viewscape analysis
tool for calculating viewscape metrics based on computing the viewable area for
given a point/multiple viewpoints and a digital elevation model.The method of calculating
viewscape metrics implemented in this package are based on the work of
Tabrizian et al. (2020) <doi:10.1016/j.landurbplan.2019.103704>. The algorithm of computing
viewshed is based on the work of
Franklin & Ray. (1994) <https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/document?repid=rep1&type=pdf&doi=555780f6f5d7e537eb1edb28862c86d1519af2be>.
Author: Xiaohao Yang [aut, cre, cph],
Nathan Fox [aut],
Derek Van Berkel [aut],
Mark Lindquist [aut]
Maintainer: Xiaohao Yang <xiaohaoy@umich.edu>
Diff between viewscape versions 1.0.0 dated 2024-02-04 and 2.0.0 dated 2024-11-09
DESCRIPTION | 10 MD5 | 60 +-- NAMESPACE | 4 R/Class-Viewshed.R | 3 R/RcppExports.R | 16 R/calculate_diversity.R | 15 R/calculate_feature.R | 7 R/calculate_viewmetrics.R | 2 R/compute_viewshed.R | 65 ++- R/sector_mask.R |only R/utils.R | 16 R/visual_magnitude.R |only R/visualize_viewshed.R | 3 R/zzz.R | 26 - inst/doc/viewscape.R | 170 ++++---- inst/doc/viewscape.Rmd | 49 +- inst/doc/viewscape.html | 73 +-- man/calculate_diversity.Rd | 11 man/calculate_feature.Rd | 7 man/calculate_viewmetrics.Rd | 2 man/compute_viewshed.Rd | 40 +- man/fov_mask.Rd |only man/visual_magnitude.Rd |only src/Makevars.txt | 17 src/Makevars.win | 17 src/RcppExports.cpp | 59 ++- src/VM.cpp |only src/sectorMask.cpp |only src/visibleLabel.cpp | 543 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++- tests/testthat/test-calculate_diversity.R | 4 tests/testthat/test-calculate_viewmetrics.R | 3 tests/testthat/test-compute_viewshed.R | 3 tests/testthat/test_sector_mask.R |only tests/testthat/test_visual_magnitude.R |only vignettes/viewscape.Rmd | 49 +- 35 files changed, 994 insertions(+), 280 deletions(-)
Title: Necessary Condition Analysis
Description: Performs a Necessary Condition Analysis (NCA). (Dul, J. 2016. Necessary Condition Analysis (NCA). ''Logic and Methodology of 'Necessary but not Sufficient' causality." Organizational Research Methods 19(1), 10-52) <doi:10.1177/1094428115584005>.
NCA identifies necessary (but not sufficient) conditions in datasets, where x causes (e.g. precedes) y. Instead of drawing a regression line ''through the middle of the data'' in an xy-plot, NCA draws the ceiling line. The ceiling line y = f(x) separates the area with observations from the area without observations.
(Nearly) all observations are below the ceiling line: y <= f(x). The empty zone is in the upper left hand corner of the xy-plot (with the convention that the x-axis is ''horizontal'' and the y-axis is ''vertical'' and that values increase ''upwards'' and ''to the right''). The ceiling line is a (piecewise) linear non-decreasing line: a linear step function or a straight line. It indicates which level of x (e.g. an effort or [...truncated...]
Author: Jan Dul [aut],
Govert Buijs [cre]
Maintainer: Govert Buijs <buijs@rsm.nl>
Diff between NCA versions 4.0.1 dated 2024-02-23 and 4.0.2 dated 2024-11-09
DESCRIPTION | 21 +++++++++++++++------ MD5 | 10 +++++----- NEWS.md | 4 ++++ R/nca_power.R | 37 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- build/partial.rdb |binary man/NCA-package.Rd | 4 ++-- 6 files changed, 62 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)
Title: Functional Data Analysis and Utilities for Statistical Computing
Description: Routines for exploratory and descriptive analysis of functional data such as depth measurements, atypical curves detection, regression models, supervised classification, unsupervised classification and functional analysis of variance.
Author: Manuel Febrero Bande [aut] ,
Manuel Oviedo de la Fuente [aut, cre]
Pedro Galeano [ctb],
Alicia Nieto [ctb],
Eduardo Garcia-Portugues [ctb]
Maintainer: Manuel Oviedo de la Fuente <manuel.oviedo@udc.es>
Diff between fda.usc versions 2.1.0 dated 2022-10-17 and 2.2.0 dated 2024-11-09
fda.usc-2.1.0/fda.usc/NEWS |only fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/DESCRIPTION | 24 - fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/MD5 | 344 +++++++++---------- fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/NAMESPACE | 2 fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/NEWS.md | 408 ++++++++++++----------- fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/Adot.R | 2 fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/CV.S.R | 198 +++++------ fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/Descriptive.R | 2 fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/FDR.R | 9 fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/GCCV.S.R | 339 +++++++++---------- fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/GCV.S.R | 218 ++++++------ fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/LMDC.select.R | 78 ++-- fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/Outliers.fdata.R | 35 + fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/S.np.R | 40 +- fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/TestFunctions.R | 24 - fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/accuracy.R | 45 +- fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/auxiliar_VS.R | 14 fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/classif.DD.aux.r | 6 fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/classif.DD.r | 141 ++++--- fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/classif.ML.R | 33 - fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/classif.depth.R | 22 - fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/classif.gkam.R | 16 fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/classif.glm.R | 32 - fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/classif.gsam.R | 22 - fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/classif.kfold.R | 102 ----- fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/classif.np.r | 40 -- fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/classif.univariate.R | 15 fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/cond.F.R | 12 fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/cond.mode.R | 8 fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/create.fdata.basis.R | 10 fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/datasets.R | 14 fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/dcor.xy.r | 16 fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/depth.fdata.r | 69 +-- fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/depth.mdata.R | 17 fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/depth.mfdata.r | 63 +-- fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/dfv.test.R | 26 - fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/dis.cos.cor.R | 94 ++--- fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/fanova.RPm.R | 40 +- fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/fanova.hetero.R | 9 fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/fanova.onefactor.R | 10 fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/fda.usc-package.R | 5 fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/fdata.bootstrap.r | 29 - fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/fdata.deriv.R | 8 fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/fdata2basis.R | 11 fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/fdata2fd.R | 2 fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/fdata2pc.R | 37 +- fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/flm.Ftest.R | 19 - fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/flm.test.R | 66 +-- fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/fregre.basis.R | 42 +- fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/fregre.basis.cv.R | 13 fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/fregre.basis.fr.r | 36 +- fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/fregre.bootstrap.r | 18 - fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/fregre.gkam.r | 37 +- fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/fregre.glm.R | 42 +- fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/fregre.gls.r | 48 +- fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/fregre.gsam.R | 65 +-- fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/fregre.gsam.vs.R | 27 - fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/fregre.igls.r | 4 fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/fregre.lm.r | 44 +- fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/fregre.np.cv.r | 30 - fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/fregre.np.r | 24 - fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/fregre.pc.R | 83 ++-- fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/fregre.plm.R | 39 +- fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/influence.fregre.fd.R | 6 fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/influence.quan.R | 350 +++++++++---------- fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/kmeans.assig.groups.R | 2 fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/kmeans.centers.update.R | 2 fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/kmeans.fd.R | 67 +-- fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/kmeans.fd.dist.R | 2 fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/metric.ldata.R | 6 fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/norm.fdata.r | 4 fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/optim.basis.R | 29 - fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/optim.np.r | 16 fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/outliers.depth.pond.r | 5 fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/outliers.depth.trim.r | 2 fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/plot.depth.R | 2 fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/plot.fdata.R | 263 ++++++++------ fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/plot.lfdata.R | 23 - fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/predict.classif.DD.R | 5 fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/predict.classif.R | 61 +-- fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/predict.fregre.fd.r | 8 fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/predict.fregre.gkam.R | 11 fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/predict.fregre.gls.r | 4 fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/predict.fregre.lm.R | 14 fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/predict.gls.nlme.r | 37 -- fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/predict.mfregre.r | 48 -- fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/quantile.outliers.pond.r | 37 +- fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/quantile.outliers.trim.r | 2 fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/rp.flm.test.R | 70 ++- fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/rproc2fdata.R | 270 +++++++-------- fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/semimetric.basis.R | 8 fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/summary.fregre.fd.r | 6 fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/summary.fregre.gkam.R | 5 fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/weights4class.R | 5 fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/R/zzz.r | 10 fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/README.md | 40 +- fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/build/partial.rdb |binary fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/data/MCO.rda |binary fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/data/aemet.rda |binary fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/inst/CITATION | 31 - fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/inst/pkgdown.yml |only fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/man/FDR.Rd | 5 fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/man/GCCV.S.Rd | 26 - fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/man/LMDC.select.Rd | 60 +-- fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/man/MCO.Rd | 5 fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/man/Outliers.fdata.Rd | 31 + fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/man/PCvM.statistic.Rd | 2 fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/man/S.np.Rd | 38 +- fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/man/accuracy.Rd | 45 +- fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/man/aemet.Rd | 1 fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/man/classif.DD.Rd | 112 +++--- fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/man/classif.ML.Rd | 30 - fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/man/classif.depth.Rd | 20 - fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/man/classif.gkam.Rd | 16 fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/man/classif.glm.Rd | 20 - fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/man/classif.gsam.Rd | 22 - fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/man/classif.np.Rd | 29 - fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/man/cond.F.Rd | 12 fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/man/cond.mode.Rd | 8 fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/man/create.fdata.basis.Rd | 10 fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/man/dcor.xy.Rd | 16 fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/man/depth.fdata.Rd | 65 +-- fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/man/depth.mdata.Rd | 17 fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/man/depth.mfdata.Rd | 19 - fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/man/dfv.test.Rd | 24 - fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/man/fEqDistrib.test.Rd | 8 fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/man/fEqMoments.test.Rd | 12 fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/man/fanova.RPm.Rd | 40 +- fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/man/fanova.hetero.Rd | 8 fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/man/fanova.onefactor.Rd | 6 fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/man/fda.usc-package.Rd | 4 fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/man/fdata.bootstrap.Rd | 29 - fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/man/fdata.deriv.Rd | 8 fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/man/fdata2basis.Rd | 11 fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/man/fdata2fd.Rd | 2 fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/man/fdata2pc.Rd | 18 - fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/man/fdata2pls.Rd | 22 - fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/man/flm.Ftest.Rd | 14 fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/man/flm.test.Rd | 69 +-- fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/man/fregre.basis.Rd | 41 +- fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/man/fregre.basis.cv.Rd | 13 fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/man/fregre.basis.fr.Rd | 36 +- fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/man/fregre.bootstrap.Rd | 18 - fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/man/fregre.gkam.Rd | 34 - fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/man/fregre.glm.Rd | 16 fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/man/fregre.gls.Rd | 46 +- fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/man/fregre.gsam.Rd | 64 +-- fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/man/fregre.gsam.vs.Rd | 26 - fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/man/fregre.igls.Rd | 4 fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/man/fregre.lm.Rd | 24 - fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/man/fregre.np.Rd | 24 - fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/man/fregre.np.cv.Rd | 30 - fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/man/fregre.pc.Rd | 34 - fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/man/fregre.pc.cv.Rd | 8 fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/man/fregre.plm.Rd | 39 +- fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/man/fregre.pls.Rd | 32 - fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/man/fregre.pls.cv.Rd | 9 fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/man/influence.fregre.fd.Rd | 6 fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/man/influence_quan.Rd | 12 fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/man/kmeans.fd.Rd | 24 - fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/man/norm.fdata.Rd | 4 fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/man/optim.basis.Rd | 33 - fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/man/optim.np.Rd | 16 fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/man/plot.fdata.Rd | 9 fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/man/poblenou.Rd | 2 fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/man/predict.classif.DD.Rd | 5 fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/man/predict.fregre.fd.Rd | 8 fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/man/predict.fregre.lm.Rd | 14 fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/man/rp.flm.statistic.Rd | 8 fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/man/rp.flm.test.Rd | 55 +-- fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/man/semimetric.basis.Rd | 8 fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/man/summary.fregre.fd.Rd | 6 fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/man/summary.fregre.gkam.Rd | 5 fda.usc-2.2.0/fda.usc/man/tecator.Rd | 4 174 files changed, 3176 insertions(+), 3204 deletions(-)
Title: Exploratory Graph Analysis – a Framework for Estimating the
Number of Dimensions in Multivariate Data using Network
Description: Implements the Exploratory Graph Analysis (EGA) framework for dimensionality
and psychometric assessment. EGA estimates the number of dimensions in
psychological data using network estimation methods and community detection
algorithms. A bootstrap method is provided to assess the stability of dimensions
and items. Fit is evaluated using the Entropy Fit family of indices. Unique
Variable Analysis evaluates the extent to which items are locally dependent (or
redundant). Network loadings provide similar information to factor loadings and
can be used to compute network scores. A bootstrap and permutation approach are
available to assess configural and metric invariance. Hierarchical structures
can be detected using Hierarchical EGA. Time series and intensive longitudinal
data can be analyzed using Dynamic EGA, supporting individual, group, and
population level assessments.
Author: Hudson Golino [aut, cre] ,
Alexander Christensen [aut] ,
Robert Moulder [ctb] ,
Luis E. Garrido [ctb] ,
Laura Jamison [ctb] ,
Dingjing Shi [ctb]
Maintainer: Hudson Golino <hfg9s@virginia.edu>
Diff between EGAnet versions 2.0.8 dated 2024-09-27 and 2.1.0 dated 2024-11-09
DESCRIPTION | 8 MD5 | 29 +- NAMESPACE | 12 + NEWS | 9 R/EBICglasso.qgraph.R | 4 R/EGA.R | 93 ++++---- R/EGAnet.R | 44 ++-- R/EGM.R |only R/EGM.compare.R |only R/helpers.R | 20 + R/net.loads.R | 11 - R/network.estimation.R | 36 ++- R/simEGM.R | 535 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------ inst/CITATION | 2 man/EGAnet-package.Rd | 8 man/EGM.Rd |only man/EGM.compare.Rd |only man/simEGM.Rd |only 18 files changed, 584 insertions(+), 227 deletions(-)
Title: Biological Entity Dictionary (BED)
Description: An interface for the 'Neo4j' database providing
mapping between different identifiers of biological entities.
This Biological Entity Dictionary (BED)
has been developed to address three main challenges.
The first one is related to the completeness of identifier mappings.
Indeed, direct mapping information provided by the different systems
are not always complete and can be enriched by mappings provided by other
More interestingly, direct mappings not identified by any of these
resources can be indirectly inferred by using mappings to a third reference.
For example, many human Ensembl gene ID are not directly mapped to any
Entrez gene ID but such mappings can be inferred using respective mappings
to HGNC ID. The second challenge is related to the mapping of deprecated
identifiers. Indeed, entity identifiers can change from one resource
release to another. The identifier history is provided by some resources,
such as Ensembl or the NCBI, but it is generally not used by mapping [...truncated...]
Author: Patrice Godard [aut, cre, cph]
Maintainer: Patrice Godard <patrice.godard@gmail.com>
Diff between BED versions 1.5.2 dated 2024-05-22 and 1.6.0 dated 2024-11-09
DESCRIPTION | 8 MD5 | 68 +++--- NAMESPACE | 1 R/beidsModule.R | 251 ++++++++++++++++++++++--- R/dumpEnsCore.R | 8 R/exploreBe.R | 79 ++++--- R/exploreConvPath.R | 58 +++-- R/getBeIdConvTable.R | 1 R/getBeIdDescription.R | 10 - R/getBeIdNameTable.R | 4 R/getBeIdNames.R | 4 R/getBeIdSymbolTable.R | 1 R/getBeIdSymbols.R | 1 R/getBeIds.R | 1 R/loadBENames.R | 19 + R/loadCorrespondsTo.R | 3 R/searchBeid.R | 90 +++++++-- build/vignette.rds |binary inst/Documentation/BED-Model/BED.html | 9 inst/Documentation/BED-Model/BED.png |binary inst/doc/BED.R | 64 +++--- inst/doc/BED.html | 339 +++++++++++++++++----------------- inst/pkgdown.yml | 7 man/beidsServer.Rd | 23 ++ man/exploreBe.Rd | 11 + man/exploreConvPath.Rd | 3 man/getBeIdConvTable.Rd | 1 man/getBeIdNameTable.Rd | 1 man/getBeIdNames.Rd | 3 man/getBeIdSymbolTable.Rd | 1 man/getBeIdSymbols.Rd | 1 man/getBeIds.Rd | 1 man/loadBENames.Rd | 3 man/searchBeid.Rd | 31 +-- vignettes/img/BED-data-model.png |binary 35 files changed, 723 insertions(+), 382 deletions(-)
Title: Manipulate and Play 'ProTracker' Modules
Description: 'ProTracker' is a popular music tracker to sequence
music on a Commodore Amiga machine. This package offers the
opportunity to import, export, manipulate and play 'ProTracker'
module files. Even though the file format could be considered
archaic, it still remains popular to this date. This package
intends to contribute to this popularity and therewith
keeping the legacy of 'ProTracker' and the Commodore Amiga
alive. This package is the successor of 'ProTrackR' providing
better performance.
Author: Pepijn de Vries [aut, cre] ,
Olav Soerensen [aut]
Maintainer: Pepijn de Vries <pepijn.devries@outlook.com>
Diff between ProTrackR2 versions 0.0.4 dated 2024-10-28 and 0.0.5 dated 2024-11-09
DESCRIPTION | 18 +- MD5 | 126 ++++++++------- NAMESPACE | 19 ++ NEWS.md | 39 ++-- R/cell.R | 20 ++ R/command.R |only R/cpp11.R | 32 +++ R/data.R |only R/demo.R |only R/instrument.R |only R/io.R | 4 R/mod_info.R | 2 R/modplug.R | 48 ++--- R/note.R |only R/pattern.R | 78 ++++----- R/render.R | 260 ++++++++++++++++---------------- R/s3.R | 104 +++++++++++- R/samples.R | 2 R/select_ops.R | 141 ++++++++++++++++- R/validate.R | 46 ++--- README.md | 4 build/vignette.rds |binary data |only inst/doc/ProTrackR_vs_ProTrackR2.R | 22 ++ inst/doc/ProTrackR_vs_ProTrackR2.Rmd | 77 ++++++++- inst/doc/ProTrackR_vs_ProTrackR2.html | 187 ++++++++++++++++++++++- inst/doc/effect_commands.R |only inst/doc/effect_commands.Rmd |only inst/doc/effect_commands.html |only inst/doc/s3class.R | 4 inst/doc/s3class.Rmd | 22 ++ inst/doc/s3class.html | 96 ++++++++++- inst/doc/sel_assign.R | 2 inst/doc/sel_assign.Rmd | 5 inst/doc/sel_assign.html | 8 man/ProTrackR2-package.Rd | 2 man/as_modplug_pattern.Rd | 56 +++--- man/effect_commands.Rd |only man/figures/object-tree.svg | 71 ++++++++ man/mod_info.Rd | 112 ++++++------- man/mod_io.Rd | 68 ++++---- man/play.Rd | 82 +++++----- man/pt2_cell.Rd | 2 man/pt2_command.Rd |only man/pt2_demo.Rd |only man/pt2_duration.Rd | 2 man/pt2_instrument.Rd |only man/pt2_new_mod.Rd | 50 +++--- man/pt2_note.Rd |only man/pt2_note_to_period.Rd |only man/pt2_pattern.Rd | 60 +++---- man/pt2_render.Rd | 90 +++++------ man/pt2_render_options.Rd | 78 ++++----- man/pt2_sample.Rd | 60 +++---- man/pt2_validate.Rd | 2 man/s3methods.Rd | 22 ++ man/samp_io.Rd | 74 ++++----- man/select_assign.Rd | 18 ++ src/cpp11.cpp | 116 +++++++++++--- src/mod_header.cpp | 8 src/mod_render.cpp | 21 -- src/patterns.cpp | 32 +-- src/pt2-clone/pt2_replayer_light.c | 9 - src/pt2-clone/pt2_replayer_light.h | 1 src/pt2-clone/smploaders/pt2_load_iff.c | 2 src/pt_cell.cpp | 201 +++++++++++++++++++++++- src/samp_io.cpp | 34 ++-- src/samples.cpp | 24 +- vignettes/ProTrackR_vs_ProTrackR2.Rmd | 77 ++++++++- vignettes/effect_commands.Rmd |only vignettes/s3class.Rmd | 22 ++ vignettes/sel_assign.Rmd | 5 72 files changed, 1915 insertions(+), 852 deletions(-)
Title: Embedding FusionCharts in R
Description: FusionCharts provides awesome and minimalist functions to make beautiful interactive charts <https://www.fusioncharts.com/>.
Author: Alex Yahiaoui Martinez [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Alex Yahiaoui Martinez <yahiaoui-martinez.alex@outlook.com>
Diff between fusionchartsR versions 0.0.3 dated 2021-12-20 and 1.0.0 dated 2024-11-09
fusionchartsR-0.0.3/fusionchartsR/R/available_charts.R |only fusionchartsR-0.0.3/fusionchartsR/R/pipe.R |only fusionchartsR-0.0.3/fusionchartsR/inst/fusionchartsR_logo.png |only fusionchartsR-0.0.3/fusionchartsR/inst/htmlwidgets/lib/fusioncharts-3.14.1/license/FusionChartsLicence |only fusionchartsR-0.0.3/fusionchartsR/man/available_charts.Rd |only fusionchartsR-1.0.0/fusionchartsR/DESCRIPTION | 23 fusionchartsR-1.0.0/fusionchartsR/LICENSE | 4 fusionchartsR-1.0.0/fusionchartsR/MD5 | 78 - fusionchartsR-1.0.0/fusionchartsR/NAMESPACE | 63 fusionchartsR-1.0.0/fusionchartsR/R/fusionAnchors.R | 119 - fusionchartsR-1.0.0/fusionchartsR/R/fusionAxis.R | 120 - fusionchartsR-1.0.0/fusionchartsR/R/fusionBackground.R | 209 +-- fusionchartsR-1.0.0/fusionchartsR/R/fusionCanvas.R | 165 +- fusionchartsR-1.0.0/fusionchartsR/R/fusionCaption.R | 102 - fusionchartsR-1.0.0/fusionchartsR/R/fusionCustomAxis.R | 482 +++---- fusionchartsR-1.0.0/fusionchartsR/R/fusionCustomBoxplot.R |only fusionchartsR-1.0.0/fusionchartsR/R/fusionCustomLegend.R | 242 +-- fusionchartsR-1.0.0/fusionchartsR/R/fusionDiv.R | 177 +- fusionchartsR-1.0.0/fusionchartsR/R/fusionLegend.R | 116 - fusionchartsR-1.0.0/fusionchartsR/R/fusionLogo.R | 81 - fusionchartsR-1.0.0/fusionchartsR/R/fusionMultiPlot.R | 336 +++-- fusionchartsR-1.0.0/fusionchartsR/R/fusionPalette.R | 5 fusionchartsR-1.0.0/fusionchartsR/R/fusionPlot.R | 396 +++-- fusionchartsR-1.0.0/fusionchartsR/R/fusionSubcaption.R | 93 - fusionchartsR-1.0.0/fusionchartsR/R/fusionTheme.R | 50 fusionchartsR-1.0.0/fusionchartsR/R/fusionTooltip.R | 85 - fusionchartsR-1.0.0/fusionchartsR/R/fusionTrendline.R | 205 +-- fusionchartsR-1.0.0/fusionchartsR/R/runDemo.R | 149 +- fusionchartsR-1.0.0/fusionchartsR/R/utils-pipe.R |only fusionchartsR-1.0.0/fusionchartsR/README.md | 85 - fusionchartsR-1.0.0/fusionchartsR/inst/htmlwidgets/fusionMultiPlot.js | 625 ++++----- fusionchartsR-1.0.0/fusionchartsR/inst/htmlwidgets/fusionMultiPlot.yaml | 3 fusionchartsR-1.0.0/fusionchartsR/inst/htmlwidgets/fusionPlot.js | 669 +++++----- fusionchartsR-1.0.0/fusionchartsR/inst/htmlwidgets/fusionPlot.yaml | 31 fusionchartsR-1.0.0/fusionchartsR/inst/htmlwidgets/lib/fusioncharts-3.14.1/license/FusionChartsLicence.rtf |only fusionchartsR-1.0.0/fusionchartsR/man/figures |only fusionchartsR-1.0.0/fusionchartsR/man/fusionCaption.Rd | 15 fusionchartsR-1.0.0/fusionchartsR/man/fusionCustomAxis.Rd | 3 fusionchartsR-1.0.0/fusionchartsR/man/fusionCustomBoxplot.Rd |only fusionchartsR-1.0.0/fusionchartsR/man/fusionLegend.Rd | 2 fusionchartsR-1.0.0/fusionchartsR/man/fusionMultiPlot.Rd | 11 fusionchartsR-1.0.0/fusionchartsR/man/fusionPalette.Rd | 4 fusionchartsR-1.0.0/fusionchartsR/man/fusionPlot.Rd | 5 fusionchartsR-1.0.0/fusionchartsR/man/fusionTrendline.Rd | 8 fusionchartsR-1.0.0/fusionchartsR/man/pipe.Rd | 18 45 files changed, 2488 insertions(+), 2291 deletions(-)
Title: Models Topographic Exposure to Hurricane Winds
Description: The EXPOS model uses a digital elevation model (DEM) to estimate
exposed and protected areas for a given hurricane wind direction and
inflection angle. The resulting topographic exposure maps can be combined
with output from the HURRECON model to estimate hurricane wind damage
across a region. For details on the original version of the EXPOS model
written in 'Borland Pascal', see: Boose, Foster, and Fluet (1994)
<doi:10.2307/2937142>, Boose, Chamberlin, and Foster (2001)
<doi:10.1890/0012-9615(2001)071[0027:LARIOH]2.0.CO;2>, and Boose,
Serrano, and Foster (2004) <doi:10.1890/02-4057>.
Author: Emery Boose [aut, cre],
President and Fellows of Harvard College [cph]
Maintainer: Emery Boose <boose@fas.harvard.edu>
Diff between ExposR versions 1.1 dated 2023-06-14 and 1.2 dated 2024-11-09
ExposR-1.1/ExposR/inst/dem/dem_summary.expected |only ExposR-1.2/ExposR/DESCRIPTION | 10 +-- ExposR-1.2/ExposR/MD5 | 10 +-- ExposR-1.2/ExposR/build/vignette.rds |binary ExposR-1.2/ExposR/inst/exposure/expos-090-06.tif |binary ExposR-1.2/ExposR/tests/testthat/_snaps |only ExposR-1.2/ExposR/tests/testthat/test_ExposR.R | 60 +++++++++++++++++------ 7 files changed, 56 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)
Title: Goodness-of-Fit Methods for Complete and Right-Censored Data
Description: Graphical tools and goodness-of-fit tests for complete and right-censored data:
1. Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Cramér-von Mises, and Anderson-Darling tests,
which utilize the empirical distribution function for complete data
and are extended to handle right-censored data.
2. Generalized chi-squared-type test, which is based on the squared
differences between observed and expected counts using random
cells with right-censored data.
3. Graphical tools, such as probability and cumulative hazard plots,
to help guide decisions about the most appropriate parametric model for the data.
Author: Klaus Langohr [aut, cre],
Mireia Besalu [aut],
Matilde Francisco [aut],
Arnau Garcia [aut],
Guadalupe Gomez [aut]
Maintainer: Klaus Langohr <klaus.langohr@upc.edu>
Diff between GofCens versions 1.2 dated 2024-10-25 and 1.2.1 dated 2024-11-09
GofCens-1.2.1/GofCens/DESCRIPTION | 19 +++--- GofCens-1.2.1/GofCens/MD5 | 41 ++++++-------- GofCens-1.2.1/GofCens/R/KScens.default.R | 6 -- GofCens-1.2.1/GofCens/build/vignette.rds |binary GofCens-1.2.1/GofCens/inst/doc/Goodness_of_fit_Tests.html | 10 +-- GofCens-1.2.1/GofCens/man/ADcens.Rd | 6 +- GofCens-1.2.1/GofCens/man/CvMcens.Rd | 6 +- GofCens-1.2.1/GofCens/man/GofCens-package.Rd | 21 +++---- GofCens-1.2.1/GofCens/man/KScens.Rd | 15 +---- GofCens-1.2.1/GofCens/man/chisqcens.Rd | 6 +- GofCens-1.2.1/GofCens/man/cumhazPlot.Rd | 8 -- GofCens-1.2.1/GofCens/man/gofcens.Rd | 8 +- GofCens-1.2.1/GofCens/man/kmPlot.Rd | 19 ++---- GofCens-1.2.1/GofCens/man/print.ADcens.Rd | 2 GofCens-1.2.1/GofCens/man/print.CvMcens.Rd | 2 GofCens-1.2.1/GofCens/man/print.KScens.Rd | 2 GofCens-1.2.1/GofCens/man/print.chisqcens.Rd | 2 GofCens-1.2.1/GofCens/man/print.gofcens.Rd | 2 GofCens-1.2.1/GofCens/man/probPlot.Rd | 5 - GofCens-1.2/GofCens/inst/doc/Graphical_Tools.R |only GofCens-1.2/GofCens/inst/doc/Graphical_Tools.Rmd |only GofCens-1.2/GofCens/inst/doc/Graphical_Tools.html |only GofCens-1.2/GofCens/man/figures/provisional_logo.png |only GofCens-1.2/GofCens/vignettes/Graphical_Tools.Rmd |only 24 files changed, 78 insertions(+), 102 deletions(-)
Title: Bayesian Projection of Migration
Description: Producing probabilistic projections of net migration rate for all countries of the world
or for subnational units using a Bayesian hierarchical model by Azose an Raftery (2015) <doi:10.1007/s13524-015-0415-0>.
Author: Jon Azose [aut],
Hana Sevcikova [aut, cre],
Adrian Raftery [aut]
Maintainer: Hana Sevcikova <hanas@uw.edu>
Diff between bayesMig versions 0.4-6 dated 2023-10-01 and 1.0-0 dated 2024-11-09
ChangeLog | 13 ++++ DESCRIPTION | 14 ++-- MD5 | 34 ++++++----- NAMESPACE | 9 +++ R/bayesMig.R | 10 ++- R/get_outputs.R | 20 ++++++ R/mcmc_ini.R | 4 - R/mcmc_update.R | 5 + R/mig_adjust.R |only R/plot_functions.R | 104 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------- R/predict_mig.R | 82 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-- build/partial.rdb |binary man/bayesMig-package.Rd | 13 +++- man/convert.mig.trajectories.Rd |only man/get.mig.trajectories.Rd |only man/internal.Rd | 5 + man/mig.adjust.Rd |only man/mig.predict.Rd | 5 + man/mig.write.projection.summary.Rd | 6 +- man/plot-traj.Rd | 13 ++++ 20 files changed, 279 insertions(+), 58 deletions(-)
Title: Customizing Structural Equation Modelling Plots
Description: Most function focus on specific ways to customize a graph.
They use a 'qgraph' output as the first argument, and return a
modified 'qgraph' object. This allows the functions to be chained
by a pipe operator.
Author: Shu Fai Cheung [aut, cre] ,
Mark Hok Chio Lai [aut]
Maintainer: Shu Fai Cheung <shufai.cheung@gmail.com>
Diff between semptools versions 0.3.0 dated 2024-10-21 and 0.3.1 dated 2024-11-09
DESCRIPTION | 6 +++--- MD5 | 32 +++++++++++++++++--------------- NEWS.md | 17 +++++++++++++++++ R/add_rsq.R | 6 ------ R/mark_se.R | 19 ++++++++++++++----- R/mark_sig.R | 25 +++++++++++++++++-------- README.md | 2 +- build/vignette.rds |binary inst/doc/keep_or_drop_nodes.html | 4 ++-- inst/doc/layout_matrix.html | 4 ++-- inst/doc/quick_start_cfa.html | 4 ++-- inst/doc/quick_start_sem.html | 4 ++-- inst/doc/second_order.html | 4 ++-- inst/doc/semptools.html | 4 ++-- man/mark_sig.Rd | 4 ++-- tests/testthat/test-check_intercepts.R | 20 ++++++++++---------- tests/testthat/test-mark-intercepts.R |only tests/testthat/test-mark_ordinal.R |only 18 files changed, 93 insertions(+), 62 deletions(-)
Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:
2023-08-28 2.0.0
2023-07-20 1.2.3
2023-07-06 1.1.8