Title: Fit Dynamic Structural Equation Models
Description: Applies dynamic structural equation models to time-series data
with generic and simplified specification for simultaneous and lagged
effects. Methods are described in Thorson et al. (2024)
"Dynamic structural equation models synthesize ecosystem dynamics
constrained by ecological mechanisms."
Author: James Thorson [aut, cre] ,
Maurice Goodman [ctb]
Maintainer: James Thorson <James.Thorson@noaa.gov>
Diff between dsem versions 1.4.0 dated 2025-01-13 and 1.4.1 dated 2025-02-01
DESCRIPTION | 19 ++-- MD5 | 30 +++--- NEWS.md | 5 + R/dsem.R | 8 - R/make_dsem_ram.R | 42 ++++++--- R/make_matrices.R | 2 R/read_model.R | 13 +- R/utility.R | 2 README.md | 4 inst/doc/vignette.Rmd | 2 inst/doc/vignette.html | 4 man/cAIC.Rd | 110 ++++++++++++------------ man/dsemRTMB.Rd | 182 ++++++++++++++++++++--------------------- man/read_model.Rd | 54 ++++++------ tests/testthat/test-platform.R | 41 +++++++++ vignettes/vignette.Rmd | 2 16 files changed, 295 insertions(+), 225 deletions(-)
Title: Thematic Plots for Mazama Spatial Datasets
Description: A suite of convenience functions for generating US state and county
thematic maps using datasets from the MazamaSpatialUtils package.
Author: Jonathan Callahan [aut, cre],
Rachel Carroll [aut],
Eli Grosman [aut]
Maintainer: Jonathan Callahan <jonathan.s.callahan@gmail.com>
Diff between MazamaSpatialPlots versions 0.2.0 dated 2022-11-15 and 0.3.0 dated 2025-02-01
MazamaSpatialPlots-0.2.0/MazamaSpatialPlots/vignettes/articles/Opportunity_Insights.Rmd |only MazamaSpatialPlots-0.3.0/MazamaSpatialPlots/DESCRIPTION | 13 MazamaSpatialPlots-0.3.0/MazamaSpatialPlots/MD5 | 31 - MazamaSpatialPlots-0.3.0/MazamaSpatialPlots/NEWS.md | 6 MazamaSpatialPlots-0.3.0/MazamaSpatialPlots/R/countyMap.R | 141 ++++--- MazamaSpatialPlots-0.3.0/MazamaSpatialPlots/R/stateMap.R | 178 +++++----- MazamaSpatialPlots-0.3.0/MazamaSpatialPlots/README.md | 2 MazamaSpatialPlots-0.3.0/MazamaSpatialPlots/inst/doc/MazamaSpatialPlots.R | 2 MazamaSpatialPlots-0.3.0/MazamaSpatialPlots/inst/doc/MazamaSpatialPlots.Rmd | 2 MazamaSpatialPlots-0.3.0/MazamaSpatialPlots/inst/doc/MazamaSpatialPlots.html | 40 +- MazamaSpatialPlots-0.3.0/MazamaSpatialPlots/man/countyMap.Rd | 73 ++-- MazamaSpatialPlots-0.3.0/MazamaSpatialPlots/man/stateMap.Rd | 62 +-- MazamaSpatialPlots-0.3.0/MazamaSpatialPlots/tests/testthat/test-countyMap.R | 2 MazamaSpatialPlots-0.3.0/MazamaSpatialPlots/tests/testthat/test-stateMap.R | 2 MazamaSpatialPlots-0.3.0/MazamaSpatialPlots/vignettes/MazamaSpatialPlots.Rmd | 2 MazamaSpatialPlots-0.3.0/MazamaSpatialPlots/vignettes/articles/Creating_State_Maps.Rmd | 9 MazamaSpatialPlots-0.3.0/MazamaSpatialPlots/vignettes/articles/Customizing_State_Maps.Rmd | 55 +-- 17 files changed, 334 insertions(+), 286 deletions(-)
More information about MazamaSpatialPlots at CRAN
Permanent link
Title: Clustering of Functional Data Based on Measures of Change
Description: Implements a three-step procedure in the spirit of Leffondre et al. (2004) to identify clusters of individual longitudinal trajectories. The procedure involves (1) computing a number of "measures of change" capturing various features of the trajectories; (2) using a Principal Component Analysis based dimension reduction algorithm to select a subset of measures and (3) using the k-medoids or k-means algorithm to identify clusters of trajectories.
Author: Marie-Pierre Sylvestre [aut],
Laurence Boulanger [aut, cre],
Gillis Delmas Tchouangue Dinkou [ctb],
Dan Vatnik [ctb]
Maintainer: Laurence Boulanger <laurence.boulanger@umontreal.ca>
Diff between traj versions 2.2.0 dated 2024-07-04 and 2.2.1 dated 2025-02-01
DESCRIPTION | 8 - MD5 | 30 ++-- NAMESPACE | 2 NEWS.md | 10 + R/Step1Measures.R | 201 ++++++++++++++++++--------------- R/Step3Clusters.R | 44 ------- R/plot.trajClusters.R | 225 +++++++++++++++++------------------- README.md | 4 inst/doc/traj_vignette.R | 20 +-- inst/doc/traj_vignette.Rmd | 116 +++++++++---------- inst/doc/traj_vignette.html | 268 ++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------- man/Step1Measures.Rd | 17 +- man/Step3Clusters.Rd | 16 -- man/plot.trajClusters.Rd | 15 +- man/traj-package.Rd | 2 vignettes/traj_vignette.Rmd | 116 +++++++++---------- 16 files changed, 538 insertions(+), 556 deletions(-)
Title: Remote Sensing Data Analysis
Description: Toolbox for remote sensing image processing and analysis such as
calculating spectral indexes, principal component transformation, unsupervised
and supervised classification or fractional cover analyses.
Author: Benjamin Leutner [aut] ,
Ned Horning [aut],
Jakob Schwalb-Willmann [aut] ,
Robert J. Hijmans [ctb] ,
Konstantin Mueller [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Konstantin Mueller <konstantinfinn.mueller@gmx.de>
Diff between RStoolbox versions 1.0.1 dated 2025-02-01 and 1.0.2 dated 2025-02-01
RStoolbox-1.0.1/RStoolbox/src/tinyexpr.c |only RStoolbox-1.0.1/RStoolbox/src/tinyexpr.h |only RStoolbox-1.0.2/RStoolbox/DESCRIPTION | 6 RStoolbox-1.0.2/RStoolbox/MD5 | 12 - RStoolbox-1.0.2/RStoolbox/NEWS.md | 6 RStoolbox-1.0.2/RStoolbox/R/spectralIndices.R | 3 RStoolbox-1.0.2/RStoolbox/man/spectralIndices.Rd | 27 +++ RStoolbox-1.0.2/RStoolbox/src/spectralIndices.cpp | 160 ++++++++++++++++------ 8 files changed, 166 insertions(+), 48 deletions(-)
Title: Convenience Functions for Psychology
Description: Make your workflow faster and easier. Easily customizable
plots (via 'ggplot2'), nice APA tables (following the style of the
*American Psychological Association*) exportable to Word (via
'flextable'), easily run statistical tests or check assumptions, and
automatize various other tasks.
Author: Remi Theriault [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Remi Theriault <remi.theriault@mail.mcgill.ca>
Diff between rempsyc versions 0.1.8 dated 2024-07-01 and 0.1.9 dated 2025-02-01
rempsyc-0.1.8/rempsyc/inst/doc/circles.R |only rempsyc-0.1.8/rempsyc/inst/doc/circles.Rmd |only rempsyc-0.1.8/rempsyc/inst/doc/circles.html |only rempsyc-0.1.8/rempsyc/inst/doc/randomize.R |only rempsyc-0.1.8/rempsyc/inst/doc/randomize.Rmd |only rempsyc-0.1.8/rempsyc/inst/doc/randomize.html |only rempsyc-0.1.8/rempsyc/vignettes/circles.Rmd |only rempsyc-0.1.8/rempsyc/vignettes/randomize.Rmd |only rempsyc-0.1.9/rempsyc/DESCRIPTION | 12 rempsyc-0.1.9/rempsyc/MD5 | 56 -- rempsyc-0.1.9/rempsyc/NEWS.md | 14 rempsyc-0.1.9/rempsyc/R/best_duplicate.R | 2 rempsyc-0.1.9/rempsyc/R/cormatrix_excel.R | 399 ---------------- rempsyc-0.1.9/rempsyc/R/nice_density.R | 4 rempsyc-0.1.9/rempsyc/R/nice_lm.R | 8 rempsyc-0.1.9/rempsyc/R/nice_t_test.R | 17 rempsyc-0.1.9/rempsyc/R/plot_means_over_time.R | 107 ++-- rempsyc-0.1.9/rempsyc/build/vignette.rds |binary rempsyc-0.1.9/rempsyc/inst/WORDLIST | 18 rempsyc-0.1.9/rempsyc/inst/doc/assumptions.Rmd | 2 rempsyc-0.1.9/rempsyc/inst/doc/assumptions.html | 38 - rempsyc-0.1.9/rempsyc/inst/doc/contrasts.html | 18 rempsyc-0.1.9/rempsyc/inst/doc/moderation.Rmd | 2 rempsyc-0.1.9/rempsyc/inst/doc/moderation.html | 30 - rempsyc-0.1.9/rempsyc/inst/doc/scatter.html | 50 +- rempsyc-0.1.9/rempsyc/inst/doc/t-test.html | 28 - rempsyc-0.1.9/rempsyc/inst/doc/table.html | 93 ++- rempsyc-0.1.9/rempsyc/inst/doc/violin.html | 34 - rempsyc-0.1.9/rempsyc/man/cormatrix_excel.Rd | 7 rempsyc-0.1.9/rempsyc/man/plot_means_over_time.Rd | 7 rempsyc-0.1.9/rempsyc/tests/testthat/test-nice_t_test.R | 2 rempsyc-0.1.9/rempsyc/vignettes/assumptions.Rmd | 2 rempsyc-0.1.9/rempsyc/vignettes/moderation.Rmd | 2 33 files changed, 315 insertions(+), 637 deletions(-)
More information about RegrCoeffsExplorer at CRAN
Permanent link
Title: Cross-Platform 'zip' Compression
Description: Cross-Platform 'zip' Compression Library. A replacement for
the 'zip' function, that does not require any additional external
tools on any platform.
Author: Gabor Csardi [aut, cre],
Kuba Podgorski [ctb],
Rich Geldreich [ctb],
Posit Software, PBC [cph, fnd]
Maintainer: Gabor Csardi <csardi.gabor@gmail.com>
Diff between zip versions 2.3.1 dated 2024-01-27 and 2.3.2 dated 2025-02-01
DESCRIPTION | 8 +-- MD5 | 19 ++++---- NEWS.md | 5 ++ R/compat-vctrs.R |only R/utils.R | 15 ++---- R/zip.R | 6 +- README.md | 105 ++++++++---------------------------------------- man/zip-package.Rd | 2 src/rzip.c | 4 - src/zip.c | 2 tests/testthat/helper.R | 3 - 11 files changed, 51 insertions(+), 118 deletions(-)
Title: Sorted L1 Penalized Estimation
Description: Efficient implementations for Sorted L-One Penalized Estimation
(SLOPE): generalized linear models regularized with the sorted L1-norm
(Bogdan et al. 2015). Supported models include
ordinary least-squares regression, binomial regression, multinomial
regression, and Poisson regression. Both dense and sparse predictor
matrices are supported. In addition, the package features predictor
screening rules that enable fast and efficient solutions to high-dimensional
Author: Johan Larsson [aut, cre] ,
Jonas Wallin [aut] ,
Malgorzata Bogdan [aut],
Ewout van den Berg [aut],
Chiara Sabatti [aut],
Emmanuel Candes [aut],
Evan Patterson [aut],
Weijie Su [aut],
Jakub Kala [aut],
Krystyna Grzesiak [aut],
Michal Burdukiewicz [aut [...truncated...]
Maintainer: Johan Larsson <johanlarsson@outlook.com>
Diff between SLOPE versions 0.5.1 dated 2024-07-09 and 0.5.2 dated 2025-02-01
DESCRIPTION | 6 +-- MD5 | 38 ++++++++++----------- NEWS.md | 7 ++++ R/trainSLOPE.R | 27 ++++++++------- build/vignette.rds |binary inst/doc/introduction.html | 17 +++++---- inst/doc/prox-algs.html | 10 ++--- src/Results.cpp | 3 + src/SolverResults.cpp | 3 + src/families/binomial.h | 3 + src/families/family.h | 23 ++++++------- src/families/gaussian.h | 5 +- src/families/multinomial.h | 11 +++--- src/families/poisson.h | 3 + src/lambdaSequence.cpp | 2 - src/prox.h | 2 - src/rcppSLOPE.cpp | 78 ++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------- src/regularizationPath.h | 2 - src/rescale.h | 1 src/utils.h | 2 - 20 files changed, 129 insertions(+), 114 deletions(-)
Title: Image Processing for Simulated Cameras
Description: Uses convolution-based techniques to generate simulated camera bokeh, depth of field, and other camera effects, using an image and an optional depth map. Accepts both filename inputs and in-memory array representations of images and matrices. Includes functions to perform 2D convolutions, reorient and resize images/matrices, add image and text overlays, generate camera vignette effects, and add titles to images.
Author: Tyler Morgan-Wall [aut, cph, cre]
Sean Barrett [ctb, cph]
Maintainer: Tyler Morgan-Wall <tylermw@gmail.com>
Diff between rayimage versions 0.11.0 dated 2024-07-13 and 0.15.1 dated 2025-02-01
rayimage-0.11.0/rayimage/R/add_image_overlay.R |only rayimage-0.11.0/rayimage/R/add_title.R |only rayimage-0.11.0/rayimage/R/add_vignette.R |only rayimage-0.15.1/rayimage/DESCRIPTION | 15 +- rayimage-0.15.1/rayimage/MD5 | 65 +++++++----- rayimage-0.15.1/rayimage/NAMESPACE | 7 + rayimage-0.15.1/rayimage/R/add_padding.R | 70 ++++++------- rayimage-0.15.1/rayimage/R/get_string_dimensions.R |only rayimage-0.15.1/rayimage/R/handle_image_output.R |only rayimage-0.15.1/rayimage/R/plot_asp_native_raster.R | 47 +++++---- rayimage-0.15.1/rayimage/R/plot_image.R | 29 +++-- rayimage-0.15.1/rayimage/R/plot_image_grid.R | 9 + rayimage-0.15.1/rayimage/R/ray_read_image.R | 13 +- rayimage-0.15.1/rayimage/R/ray_write_image.R | 32 +++--- rayimage-0.15.1/rayimage/R/render_bokeh.R | 17 --- rayimage-0.15.1/rayimage/R/render_bw.R | 18 --- rayimage-0.15.1/rayimage/R/render_convolution.R | 11 -- rayimage-0.15.1/rayimage/R/render_convolution_fft.R | 11 -- rayimage-0.15.1/rayimage/R/render_image_overlay.R |only rayimage-0.15.1/rayimage/R/render_reorient.R | 16 --- rayimage-0.15.1/rayimage/R/render_resized.R | 19 --- rayimage-0.15.1/rayimage/R/render_text_image.R |only rayimage-0.15.1/rayimage/R/render_title.R |only rayimage-0.15.1/rayimage/R/render_vignette.R |only rayimage-0.15.1/rayimage/man/add_image_overlay.Rd | 31 ------ rayimage-0.15.1/rayimage/man/add_multi_padding.Rd | 6 - rayimage-0.15.1/rayimage/man/add_padding.Rd | 6 - rayimage-0.15.1/rayimage/man/add_title.Rd | 87 +---------------- rayimage-0.15.1/rayimage/man/add_vignette.Rd | 48 --------- rayimage-0.15.1/rayimage/man/get_string_dimensions.Rd |only rayimage-0.15.1/rayimage/man/handle_image_output.Rd |only rayimage-0.15.1/rayimage/man/plot_asp_native_raster.Rd | 8 + rayimage-0.15.1/rayimage/man/plot_image.Rd | 8 + rayimage-0.15.1/rayimage/man/plot_image_grid.Rd | 10 + rayimage-0.15.1/rayimage/man/render_bw.Rd | 2 rayimage-0.15.1/rayimage/man/render_image_overlay.Rd |only rayimage-0.15.1/rayimage/man/render_resized.Rd | 8 - rayimage-0.15.1/rayimage/man/render_text_image.Rd |only rayimage-0.15.1/rayimage/man/render_title.Rd |only rayimage-0.15.1/rayimage/man/render_vignette.Rd |only rayimage-0.15.1/rayimage/man/trim_padding.Rd | 6 - 41 files changed, 229 insertions(+), 370 deletions(-)
Title: Genetic Analysis of Pooled Samples
Description: Analyzing genetic data obtained from pooled samples.
This package can read in Fragment Analysis output files, process the data,
and score peaks, as well as facilitate various analyses, including cluster
analysis, calculation of genetic distances and diversity indices,
as well as bootstrap resampling for statistical inference. Specifically
tailored to handle genetic data efficiently, researchers can explore
population structure, genetic differentiation, and genetic relatedness
among samples. We updated some functions from Covarrubias-Pazaran et al.
(2016) <doi:10.1186/s12863-016-0365-6> to allow for the use of new file formats
and referenced the following to write our genetic analysis functions:
Long et al. (2022) <doi:10.1038/s41598-022-04776-0>, Jost (2008)
<doi:10.1111/j.1365-294x.2008.03887.x>, Nei (1973)
<doi:10.1073/pnas.70.12.3321>, Foulley et al. (2006)
<doi:10.1016/j.livprodsci.2005.10.021>, Chao et al. (2008)
<doi:10.1111/j.1541-0420.2008.01010 [...truncated...]
Author: Kathleen Kuesters [aut, cre, cph]
Jeffrey Long [aut],
Jessica Blanton [aut],
Walter Blank [ctb],
Jeffrey Kovach [ctb],
Ronald Blanton [ctb]
Maintainer: Kathleen Kuesters <kathleen.kuesters@gmail.com>
Diff between pooledpeaks versions 1.0.7 dated 2024-11-19 and 1.1.0 dated 2025-02-01
DESCRIPTION | 9 ++++---- MD5 | 17 ++++++++++++--- NEWS.md | 2 + README.md | 50 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------- build/vignette.rds |only inst/doc |only inst/paper.html |only inst/paper.md |only inst/pooledpeaks_paper.bib |only vignettes |only 10 files changed, 61 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)
Title: Gene by Environment Interaction and Conditional Gene Tests for
Nuclear Families
Description: Does family-based gene by environment interaction tests, joint gene, gene-environment interaction test, and a test of a set of genes conditional on another set of genes.
Author: Thomas Hoffmann [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Thomas Hoffmann <tjhoffm@gmail.com>
Diff between fbati versions 1.0-9 dated 2024-02-02 and 1.0-11 dated 2025-02-01
fbati-1.0-11/fbati/DESCRIPTION | 17 +- fbati-1.0-11/fbati/MD5 | 30 ++-- fbati-1.0-11/fbati/NAMESPACE | 2 fbati-1.0-11/fbati/R/cpp_cgFbat.R |only fbati-1.0-11/fbati/R/cpp_datamatrix.R |only fbati-1.0-11/fbati/R/cpp_fbatdist.R |only fbati-1.0-11/fbati/R/cpp_joint.R |only fbati-1.0-11/fbati/R/cpp_nuclify.R |only fbati-1.0-11/fbati/R/fbatcStrategyStep.R | 2 fbati-1.0-11/fbati/R/fbati.R | 215 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--- fbati-1.0-11/fbati/R/ibat.R | 6 fbati-1.0-11/fbati/R/joint.R | 59 ++++++-- fbati-1.0-11/fbati/R/merge.R | 111 ++++++++-------- fbati-1.0-11/fbati/man/fbatge.Rd | 10 - fbati-1.0-11/fbati/man/fbati.Rd | 10 - fbati-1.0-11/fbati/man/launchpad.Rd | 1 fbati-1.0-11/fbati/src/fbati_init.c | 4 fbati-1.0-9/fbati/man/fbatj.Rd |only fbati-1.0-9/fbati/src/fbati.cpp |only fbati-1.0-9/fbati/src/fbati.h |only 20 files changed, 350 insertions(+), 117 deletions(-)
Title: Centered Isotonic Regression and Dose-Response Utilities
Description: Isotonic regression (IR) and its improvement: centered isotonic regression (CIR). CIR is recommended in particular with small samples. Also, interval estimates for both, and additional utilities such as plotting dose-response data. For dev version and change history, see GitHub assaforon/cir.
Author: Assaf P. Oron [cre, aut]
Maintainer: Assaf P. Oron <assaf.oron@gmail.com>
Diff between cir versions 2.5.0 dated 2024-12-02 and 2.5.1 dated 2025-02-01
DESCRIPTION | 8 ++++---- MD5 | 8 ++++---- R/invCIR.r | 14 ++++---------- inst/doc/BenHamou03.html | 4 ++-- man/doseFind.Rd | 4 ++-- 5 files changed, 16 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)
Title: Various Methods for the Two Sample Problem
Description: The routine twosample_test() in this package runs the
two sample test using various test statistic. The p values are
found via permutation or large sample theory. The routine twosample_power() allows the
calculation of the power in various cases, and plot_power() draws the corresponding power graphs.
The routine run.studies allows a user to quickly study the power of a new method and
how it compares to some of the standard ones.
Author: Wolfgang Rolke [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Wolfgang Rolke <wolfgang.rolke@upr.edu>
Diff between R2sample versions 2.2.0 dated 2024-10-21 and 3.0.0 dated 2025-02-01
R2sample-2.2.0/R2sample/inst/extdata |only R2sample-3.0.0/R2sample/DESCRIPTION | 18 R2sample-3.0.0/R2sample/MD5 | 54 +- R2sample-3.0.0/R2sample/NAMESPACE | 28 + R2sample-3.0.0/R2sample/NEWS.md | 4 R2sample-3.0.0/R2sample/R/R2sample-package.R |only R2sample-3.0.0/R2sample/R/RcppExports.R | 11 R2sample-3.0.0/R2sample/R/case.studies.R |only R2sample-3.0.0/R2sample/R/chi_power.R | 4 R2sample-3.0.0/R2sample/R/chi_test.R | 8 R2sample-3.0.0/R2sample/R/data.R |only R2sample-3.0.0/R2sample/R/plot_power.R | 2 R2sample-3.0.0/R2sample/R/power_newtest.R |only R2sample-3.0.0/R2sample/R/run.studies.R |only R2sample-3.0.0/R2sample/R/twosample_power.R | 27 - R2sample-3.0.0/R2sample/build/vignette.rds |binary R2sample-3.0.0/R2sample/data |only R2sample-3.0.0/R2sample/inst/doc/R2sample.R | 85 ++- R2sample-3.0.0/R2sample/inst/doc/R2sample.Rmd | 150 ++++++ R2sample-3.0.0/R2sample/inst/doc/R2sample.html | 228 ++++++++-- R2sample-3.0.0/R2sample/inst/shiny-example/r2sample_shiny/server.R | 6 R2sample-3.0.0/R2sample/inst/shiny-example/r2sample_shiny/ui.R | 4 R2sample-3.0.0/R2sample/man/R2sample-package.Rd |only R2sample-3.0.0/R2sample/man/case.studies.Rd |only R2sample-3.0.0/R2sample/man/myTS2.Rd |only R2sample-3.0.0/R2sample/man/plot_power.Rd | 2 R2sample-3.0.0/R2sample/man/power_newtest.Rd |only R2sample-3.0.0/R2sample/man/power_studies_results.Rd |only R2sample-3.0.0/R2sample/man/pvaluecdf.Rd |only R2sample-3.0.0/R2sample/man/run.studies.Rd |only R2sample-3.0.0/R2sample/man/twosample_power.Rd | 4 R2sample-3.0.0/R2sample/src/RcppExports.cpp | 14 R2sample-3.0.0/R2sample/src/TS_cont.cpp | 2 R2sample-3.0.0/R2sample/src/myTS2.cpp |only R2sample-3.0.0/R2sample/vignettes/R2sample.Rmd | 150 ++++++ 35 files changed, 656 insertions(+), 145 deletions(-)
Title: Constrained, Covariance-Matching Constrained and Universal Point
or Block Kriging
Description: Provides functions for efficient computation of non-linear spatial predictions with local change of support (Hofer, C. and Papritz, A. (2011) "constrainedKriging: An R-package for customary, constrained and covariance-matching constrained point or block kriging" <doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2011.02.009>). This package supplies functions for two-dimensional spatial interpolation by constrained (Cressie, N. (1993) "Aggregation in geostatistical problems" <doi:10.1007/978-94-011-1739-5_3>), covariance-matching constrained (Aldworth, J. and Cressie, N. (2003) "Prediction of nonlinear spatial functionals" <doi:10.1016/S0378-3758(02)00321-X>) and universal (external drift) Kriging for points or blocks of any shape from data with a non-stationary mean function and an isotropic weakly stationary covariance function. The linear spatial interpolation methods, constrained and covariance-matching constrained Kriging, provide approximately unbiased prediction for non-linear target value [...truncated...]
Author: Christoph Hofer [aut],
Andreas Papritz [ctb, cre]
Maintainer: Andreas Papritz <papritz@retired.ethz.ch>
Diff between constrainedKriging versions 0.2-9 dated 2025-01-07 and 0.2-10 dated 2025-02-01
DESCRIPTION | 10 MD5 | 26 - R/f.pixelgrid.sfc.R | 9 R/f.point.rec.covmat.R | 7 inst/ChangeLog.txt | 18 man/CKrige.Rd | 42 +- man/ckcolors.Rd | 2 man/covmodel.Rd | 11 src/covariancefunctions.h | 656 ++++++++++++++++--------------- src/freqdist.h | 219 +++++----- src/init.c | 20 src/intboundaries.h | 916 ++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------- src/point_block_cov.c | 951 +++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------- src/scalePixelCoord.h | 127 +++--- 14 files changed, 1562 insertions(+), 1452 deletions(-)
More information about constrainedKriging at CRAN
Permanent link
Title: Spatiotemporal Arrays, Raster and Vector Data Cubes
Description: Reading, manipulating, writing and plotting
spatiotemporal arrays (raster and vector data cubes) in 'R', using 'GDAL'
bindings provided by 'sf', and 'NetCDF' bindings by 'ncmeta' and 'RNetCDF'.
Author: Edzer Pebesma [aut, cre] ,
Michael Sumner [ctb] ,
Etienne Racine [ctb],
Adriano Fantini [ctb],
David Blodgett [ctb],
Krzysztof Dyba [ctb]
Maintainer: Edzer Pebesma <edzer.pebesma@uni-muenster.de>
Diff between stars versions 0.6-7 dated 2024-11-07 and 0.6-8 dated 2025-02-01
DESCRIPTION | 6 +- MD5 | 94 +++++++++++++++++++++---------------------- NEWS.md | 10 ++++ R/dimensions.R | 11 +++-- R/plot.R | 7 +-- R/proxy.R | 4 + R/spatstat.R | 8 +++ R/stars.R | 21 ++++++--- R/tidyverse.R | 2 R/warp.R | 11 +---- build/vignette.rds |binary inst/doc/stars1.html | 6 +- inst/doc/stars2.R | 12 ++--- inst/doc/stars2.html | 12 ++--- inst/doc/stars4.R | 2 inst/doc/stars4.html | 2 man/plot.Rd | 2 tests/aggregate.Rout.save | 8 +-- tests/align.Rout.save | 6 +- tests/area.Rout.save | 6 +- tests/crop.Rout.save | 6 +- tests/curvilinear.Rout.save | 6 +- tests/datasets.Rout.save | 6 +- tests/dimensions.Rout.save | 6 +- tests/downsample.Rout.save | 6 +- tests/ee.Rout.save | 6 +- tests/extract.Rout.save | 6 +- tests/gridtypes.Rout.save | 6 +- tests/mdim.Rout.save | 6 +- tests/nc.Rout.save | 6 +- tests/plot.Rout.save | 6 +- tests/predict.Rout.save | 10 ++-- tests/proxy.Rout.save | 22 +++++----- tests/raster.Rout.save | 6 +- tests/rasterize.Rout.save | 6 +- tests/rectilinear.Rout.save | 6 +- tests/redimension.Rout.save | 6 +- tests/sf.Rout.save | 6 +- tests/sp.Rout.save | 6 +- tests/spacetime.Rout.save | 6 +- tests/spatstat.Rout.save | 6 +- tests/stars.Rout.save | 6 +- tests/subset.Rout.save | 6 +- tests/testthat/test-cubble.R | 4 + tests/tidy.Rout.save | 6 +- tests/transform.Rout.save | 8 +-- tests/warp.Rout.save | 6 +- tests/write.Rout.save | 6 +- 48 files changed, 222 insertions(+), 196 deletions(-)
Title: 1d Goodness of Fit Tests
Description: Routines that allow the user to run a large number of goodness-of-fit tests.
It allows for data to be continuous or discrete. It includes routines to estimate
the power of the tests and display them as a power graph.
The routine run.studies allows a user to quickly study the power of a new method and
how it compares to some of the standard ones.
Author: Wolfgang Rolke [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Wolfgang Rolke <wolfgang.rolke@upr.edu>
Diff between Rgof versions 2.1.1 dated 2024-10-21 and 3.0.0 dated 2025-02-01
Rgof-2.1.1/Rgof/inst/extdata |only Rgof-3.0.0/Rgof/DESCRIPTION | 17 - Rgof-3.0.0/Rgof/MD5 | 91 +++--- Rgof-3.0.0/Rgof/NAMESPACE | 26 + Rgof-3.0.0/Rgof/NEWS.md | 4 Rgof-3.0.0/Rgof/R/RcppExports.R | 43 +-- Rgof-3.0.0/Rgof/R/Rgof-package.R |only Rgof-3.0.0/Rgof/R/case.studies.R |only Rgof-3.0.0/Rgof/R/check.functions.R | 4 Rgof-3.0.0/Rgof/R/data.R |only Rgof-3.0.0/Rgof/R/gof_power.R | 6 Rgof-3.0.0/Rgof/R/gof_power_cont.R | 49 +-- Rgof-3.0.0/Rgof/R/gof_power_disc.R | 29 -- Rgof-3.0.0/Rgof/R/gof_test.R | 7 Rgof-3.0.0/Rgof/R/gof_test_cont.R | 25 - Rgof-3.0.0/Rgof/R/gof_test_cont_adj.R | 67 +--- Rgof-3.0.0/Rgof/R/gof_test_disc.R | 14 Rgof-3.0.0/Rgof/R/gof_test_disc_adj.R | 42 +- Rgof-3.0.0/Rgof/R/make_bins_cont.R | 4 Rgof-3.0.0/Rgof/R/make_bins_disc.R | 2 Rgof-3.0.0/Rgof/R/power_newtest.R |only Rgof-3.0.0/Rgof/R/run.studies.R |only Rgof-3.0.0/Rgof/build/vignette.rds |binary Rgof-3.0.0/Rgof/data |only Rgof-3.0.0/Rgof/inst/doc/Rgof.R | 100 ++++--- Rgof-3.0.0/Rgof/inst/doc/Rgof.Rmd | 214 ++++++++++++--- Rgof-3.0.0/Rgof/inst/doc/Rgof.html | 381 ++++++++++++++++++++------- Rgof-3.0.0/Rgof/man/Rgof-package.Rd |only Rgof-3.0.0/Rgof/man/TS_cont.Rd | 7 Rgof-3.0.0/Rgof/man/TS_disc.Rd | 7 Rgof-3.0.0/Rgof/man/TSw_cont.Rd | 6 Rgof-3.0.0/Rgof/man/TSw_disc.Rd | 6 Rgof-3.0.0/Rgof/man/case.studies.Rd |only Rgof-3.0.0/Rgof/man/newTSdisc.Rd |only Rgof-3.0.0/Rgof/man/power_newtest.Rd |only Rgof-3.0.0/Rgof/man/power_studies_results.Rd |only Rgof-3.0.0/Rgof/man/pvaluecdf.Rd |only Rgof-3.0.0/Rgof/man/run.studies.Rd |only Rgof-3.0.0/Rgof/src/RcppExports.cpp | 66 ++-- Rgof-3.0.0/Rgof/src/TS_cont.cpp | 29 +- Rgof-3.0.0/Rgof/src/TS_cont.h | 2 Rgof-3.0.0/Rgof/src/TS_disc.cpp | 22 + Rgof-3.0.0/Rgof/src/TS_disc.h | 3 Rgof-3.0.0/Rgof/src/TSw_cont.cpp | 14 Rgof-3.0.0/Rgof/src/TSw_cont.h | 2 Rgof-3.0.0/Rgof/src/TSw_disc.cpp | 21 + Rgof-3.0.0/Rgof/src/TSw_disc.h | 5 Rgof-3.0.0/Rgof/src/gof_cont.cpp | 18 - Rgof-3.0.0/Rgof/src/gof_disc.cpp | 23 - Rgof-3.0.0/Rgof/src/newTSdisc.cpp |only Rgof-3.0.0/Rgof/src/newTSdisc.h |only Rgof-3.0.0/Rgof/src/power_cont.cpp | 10 Rgof-3.0.0/Rgof/src/power_disc.cpp | 7 Rgof-3.0.0/Rgof/vignettes/Rgof.Rmd | 214 ++++++++++++--- 54 files changed, 1104 insertions(+), 483 deletions(-)
Title: Knowledge Graphs Constructions and Visualizations
Description: Knowledge graphs enable to efficiently visualize and gain insights into large-scale data analysis results, as p-values from multiple studies or embedding data matrices. The usual workflow is a user providing a data frame of association studies results and specifying target nodes, e.g. phenotypes, to visualize. The knowledge graph then shows all the features which are significantly associated with the phenotype, with the edges being proportional to the association scores. As the user adds several target nodes and grouping information about the nodes such as biological pathways, the construction of such graphs soon becomes complex. The 'kgraph' package aims to enable users to easily build such knowledge graphs, and provides two main features: first, to enable building a knowledge graph based on a data frame of concepts relationships, be it p-values or cosine similarities; second, to enable determining an appropriate cut-off on cosine similarities from a complete embedding matrix, to enab [...truncated...]
Author: Thomas Charlon [aut, cre] ,
Hongyi Yuan [ctb] ,
CELEHS [aut] ,
PARSE Health [aut]
Maintainer: Thomas Charlon <charlon@protonmail.com>
Diff between kgraph versions 1.0.0 dated 2024-09-20 and 1.0.1 dated 2025-02-01
kgraph-1.0.0/kgraph/inst/extdata |only kgraph-1.0.0/kgraph/inst/scripts |only kgraph-1.0.1/kgraph/DESCRIPTION | 8 ++--- kgraph-1.0.1/kgraph/MD5 | 37 +++++++++++---------------- kgraph-1.0.1/kgraph/R/df_cuis_pairs.R | 5 ++- kgraph-1.0.1/kgraph/R/df_embeds_dict.R | 2 + kgraph-1.0.1/kgraph/R/df_pval.R | 2 + kgraph-1.0.1/kgraph/R/df_pval_dict.R | 2 + kgraph-1.0.1/kgraph/R/m_embeds.R | 2 + kgraph-1.0.1/kgraph/R/sparse_encodes.R | 4 -- kgraph-1.0.1/kgraph/R/svd_pmi.R | 30 +++++++++++++++++++-- kgraph-1.0.1/kgraph/inst/doc/kgraph.Rmd | 15 ++++++++++ kgraph-1.0.1/kgraph/inst/doc/kgraph.html | 41 ++++++++++++++++++------------ kgraph-1.0.1/kgraph/man/df_cuis_pairs.Rd | 5 ++- kgraph-1.0.1/kgraph/man/df_embeds_dict.Rd | 2 + kgraph-1.0.1/kgraph/man/df_pval.Rd | 2 + kgraph-1.0.1/kgraph/man/df_pval_dict.Rd | 2 + kgraph-1.0.1/kgraph/man/m_embeds.Rd | 2 + kgraph-1.0.1/kgraph/vignettes/kgraph.Rmd | 15 ++++++++++ 19 files changed, 123 insertions(+), 53 deletions(-)
Title: Advanced Toolset for Efficient Time Series Dissimilarity
Description: Fast C++ implementation of Dynamic Time Warping for time series dissimilarity analysis, with applications in environmental monitoring and sensor data analysis, climate science, signal processing and pattern recognition, and financial data analysis. Built upon the ideas presented in Benito and Birks (2020) <doi:10.1111/ecog.04895>, provides tools for analyzing time series of varying lengths and structures, including irregular multivariate time series. Key features include individual variable contribution analysis, restricted permutation tests for statistical significance, and imputation of missing data via GAMs. Additionally, the package provides an ample set of tools to prepare and manage time series data.
Author: Blas M. Benito [aut, cre, cph]
Maintainer: Blas M. Benito <blasbenito@gmail.com>
Diff between distantia versions 2.0.1 dated 2025-01-23 and 2.0.2 dated 2025-02-01
DESCRIPTION | 6 +- MD5 | 14 ++--- NEWS.md | 4 + R/zoo_plot.R | 13 +--- README.md | 96 +++++++++++++++++------------------ inst/CITATION | 2 man/zoo_plot.Rd | 3 + tests/testthat/test-utils_new_time.R | 9 ++- 8 files changed, 77 insertions(+), 70 deletions(-)
Title: Predictions, Comparisons, Slopes, Marginal Means, and Hypothesis
Description: Compute and plot predictions, slopes, marginal means, and comparisons (contrasts, risk ratios, odds, etc.) for over 100 classes of statistical and machine learning models in R. Conduct linear and non-linear hypothesis tests, or equivalence tests. Calculate uncertainty estimates using the delta method, bootstrapping, or simulation-based inference. Details can be found in Arel-Bundock, Greifer, and Heiss (2024) <doi:10.18637/jss.v111.i09>.
Author: Vincent Arel-Bundock [aut, cre, cph]
Noah Greifer [ctb] ,
Etienne Bacher [ctb] ,
Grant McDermott [ctb] ,
Andrew Heiss [ctb]
Maintainer: Vincent Arel-Bundock <vincent.arel-bundock@umontreal.ca>
Diff between marginaleffects versions 0.24.0 dated 2024-11-25 and 0.25.0 dated 2025-02-01
marginaleffects-0.24.0/marginaleffects/R/deprecated.R |only marginaleffects-0.24.0/marginaleffects/R/get_hypothesis.R |only marginaleffects-0.24.0/marginaleffects/R/get_term_labels.R |only marginaleffects-0.24.0/marginaleffects/R/hypothesis_helper.R |only marginaleffects-0.24.0/marginaleffects/man/datagridcf.Rd |only marginaleffects-0.24.0/marginaleffects/man/deltamethod.Rd |only marginaleffects-0.24.0/marginaleffects/man/marginal_means.Rd |only marginaleffects-0.24.0/marginaleffects/man/marginaleffects.Rd |only marginaleffects-0.24.0/marginaleffects/man/marginalmeans.Rd |only marginaleffects-0.24.0/marginaleffects/man/meffects.Rd |only marginaleffects-0.25.0/marginaleffects/DESCRIPTION | 62 +- marginaleffects-0.25.0/marginaleffects/MD5 | 145 +++--- marginaleffects-0.25.0/marginaleffects/NAMESPACE | 23 - marginaleffects-0.25.0/marginaleffects/NEWS.md | 83 ++- marginaleffects-0.25.0/marginaleffects/R/bootstrap_boot.R | 24 - marginaleffects-0.25.0/marginaleffects/R/broom.R | 15 marginaleffects-0.25.0/marginaleffects/R/ci.R | 12 marginaleffects-0.25.0/marginaleffects/R/comparisons.R | 46 -- marginaleffects-0.25.0/marginaleffects/R/conformal.R | 2 marginaleffects-0.25.0/marginaleffects/R/datagrid.R | 28 - marginaleffects-0.25.0/marginaleffects/R/get_coef.R | 14 marginaleffects-0.25.0/marginaleffects/R/get_contrasts.R | 20 marginaleffects-0.25.0/marginaleffects/R/get_dataset.R |only marginaleffects-0.25.0/marginaleffects/R/get_draws.R | 15 marginaleffects-0.25.0/marginaleffects/R/get_labels.R |only marginaleffects-0.25.0/marginaleffects/R/get_model_matrix_attribute.R | 2 marginaleffects-0.25.0/marginaleffects/R/get_modeldata.R | 14 marginaleffects-0.25.0/marginaleffects/R/get_se_delta.R | 15 marginaleffects-0.25.0/marginaleffects/R/get_vcov.R | 29 + marginaleffects-0.25.0/marginaleffects/R/hypotheses.R | 129 ++--- marginaleffects-0.25.0/marginaleffects/R/hypotheses_joint.R | 5 marginaleffects-0.25.0/marginaleffects/R/hypothesis.R |only marginaleffects-0.25.0/marginaleffects/R/hypothesis_formula.R |only marginaleffects-0.25.0/marginaleffects/R/hypothesis_function.R |only marginaleffects-0.25.0/marginaleffects/R/hypothesis_matrix.R |only marginaleffects-0.25.0/marginaleffects/R/hypothesis_string.R |only marginaleffects-0.25.0/marginaleffects/R/matrix_apply.R |only marginaleffects-0.25.0/marginaleffects/R/methods.R | 30 - marginaleffects-0.25.0/marginaleffects/R/methods_MCMCglmm.R | 4 marginaleffects-0.25.0/marginaleffects/R/methods_gamlss.R | 2 marginaleffects-0.25.0/marginaleffects/R/methods_glmmTMB.R | 143 +++--- marginaleffects-0.25.0/marginaleffects/R/methods_lme4.R | 35 - marginaleffects-0.25.0/marginaleffects/R/methods_mclogit.R | 16 marginaleffects-0.25.0/marginaleffects/R/methods_quantreg.R | 2 marginaleffects-0.25.0/marginaleffects/R/methods_rstpm2.R | 2 marginaleffects-0.25.0/marginaleffects/R/multcomp.R |only marginaleffects-0.25.0/marginaleffects/R/package.R | 8 marginaleffects-0.25.0/marginaleffects/R/plot_build.R | 12 marginaleffects-0.25.0/marginaleffects/R/plot_comparisons.R | 28 - marginaleffects-0.25.0/marginaleffects/R/plot_predictions.R | 30 + marginaleffects-0.25.0/marginaleffects/R/plot_slopes.R | 15 marginaleffects-0.25.0/marginaleffects/R/predictions.R | 55 -- marginaleffects-0.25.0/marginaleffects/R/print.R | 168 +++---- marginaleffects-0.25.0/marginaleffects/R/recall.R | 19 marginaleffects-0.25.0/marginaleffects/R/sanitize_hypothesis.R | 12 marginaleffects-0.25.0/marginaleffects/R/sanitize_hypothesis_formula.R | 62 ++ marginaleffects-0.25.0/marginaleffects/R/sanitize_newdata.R | 157 ++---- marginaleffects-0.25.0/marginaleffects/R/sanitize_variables.R | 11 marginaleffects-0.25.0/marginaleffects/R/sanity.R | 7 marginaleffects-0.25.0/marginaleffects/R/sanity_dots.R | 32 - marginaleffects-0.25.0/marginaleffects/R/slopes.R | 82 +-- marginaleffects-0.25.0/marginaleffects/R/sort.R | 10 marginaleffects-0.25.0/marginaleffects/R/type_dictionary.R | 6 marginaleffects-0.25.0/marginaleffects/R/unpack_matrix_cols.R | 14 marginaleffects-0.25.0/marginaleffects/R/utils.R | 17 marginaleffects-0.25.0/marginaleffects/README.md | 3 marginaleffects-0.25.0/marginaleffects/build/vignette.rds |only marginaleffects-0.25.0/marginaleffects/inst/WORDLIST | 229 +++++----- marginaleffects-0.25.0/marginaleffects/inst/doc |only marginaleffects-0.25.0/marginaleffects/man/comparisons.Rd | 87 ++- marginaleffects-0.25.0/marginaleffects/man/get_coef.Rd | 2 marginaleffects-0.25.0/marginaleffects/man/get_dataset.Rd |only marginaleffects-0.25.0/marginaleffects/man/get_draws.Rd | 3 marginaleffects-0.25.0/marginaleffects/man/get_vcov.Rd | 2 marginaleffects-0.25.0/marginaleffects/man/hypotheses.Rd | 69 +-- marginaleffects-0.25.0/marginaleffects/man/knit_print.marginaleffects.Rd | 2 marginaleffects-0.25.0/marginaleffects/man/plot_comparisons.Rd | 12 marginaleffects-0.25.0/marginaleffects/man/plot_predictions.Rd | 11 marginaleffects-0.25.0/marginaleffects/man/plot_slopes.Rd | 11 marginaleffects-0.25.0/marginaleffects/man/posterior_draws.Rd | 4 marginaleffects-0.25.0/marginaleffects/man/predictions.Rd | 84 ++- marginaleffects-0.25.0/marginaleffects/man/print.marginaleffects.Rd | 2 marginaleffects-0.25.0/marginaleffects/man/slopes.Rd | 85 ++- marginaleffects-0.25.0/marginaleffects/vignettes |only 84 files changed, 1175 insertions(+), 1093 deletions(-)
More information about marginaleffects at CRAN
Permanent link
Title: Spatial Empirical Dynamic Modeling
Description: Inferring causal associations in cross-sectional earth system data with extensions to convergent cross mapping from Sugihara et al. (2012) <doi:10.1126/science.1227079> and partial cross mapping as described in Ma et al. (2020) <doi:10.1038/s41467-020-16238-0>.
Author: Wenbo Lv [aut, cre, cph]
Maintainer: Wenbo Lv <lyu.geosocial@gmail.com>
Diff between spEDM versions 1.2 dated 2025-01-14 and 1.3 dated 2025-02-01
spEDM-1.2/spEDM/R/ccm_formatoutput.R |only spEDM-1.2/spEDM/R/variable_check.R |only spEDM-1.3/spEDM/DESCRIPTION | 14 spEDM-1.3/spEDM/MD5 | 89 +++-- spEDM-1.3/spEDM/NAMESPACE | 6 spEDM-1.3/spEDM/NEWS.md | 28 + spEDM-1.3/spEDM/R/RcppExports.R | 116 ++++++- spEDM-1.3/spEDM/R/detectThreads.R |only spEDM-1.3/spEDM/R/embedded.R |only spEDM-1.3/spEDM/R/formatoutput_s3.R |only spEDM-1.3/spEDM/R/gccm.R | 67 ++-- spEDM-1.3/spEDM/R/globals.R | 2 spEDM-1.3/spEDM/R/scpcm.R |only spEDM-1.3/spEDM/R/simplex.R |only spEDM-1.3/spEDM/R/smap.R |only spEDM-1.3/spEDM/R/variable_check_prepare.R |only spEDM-1.3/spEDM/R/xmapdf.R | 42 ++ spEDM-1.3/spEDM/inst/doc/GCCM.Rmd | 203 ++++++++---- spEDM-1.3/spEDM/inst/doc/GCCM.html | 306 +++++++++++------- spEDM-1.3/spEDM/man/detectThreads.Rd |only spEDM-1.3/spEDM/man/embedded.Rd |only spEDM-1.3/spEDM/man/figures/gccm/fig1-1.png |binary spEDM-1.3/spEDM/man/figures/gccm/fig3-1.png |binary spEDM-1.3/spEDM/man/gccm.Rd | 35 +- spEDM-1.3/spEDM/man/simplex.Rd |only spEDM-1.3/spEDM/man/smap.Rd |only spEDM-1.3/spEDM/src/CppGridUtils.cpp | 137 ++++++-- spEDM-1.3/spEDM/src/CppGridUtils.h | 26 + spEDM-1.3/spEDM/src/CppLatticeUtils.cpp | 191 +++++++---- spEDM-1.3/spEDM/src/CppLatticeUtils.h | 12 spEDM-1.3/spEDM/src/CppStats.cpp | 459 +++++++++++++++++++++++++--- spEDM-1.3/spEDM/src/CppStats.h | 37 ++ spEDM-1.3/spEDM/src/Forecast4Grid.cpp |only spEDM-1.3/spEDM/src/Forecast4Grid.h |only spEDM-1.3/spEDM/src/Forecast4Lattice.cpp |only spEDM-1.3/spEDM/src/Forecast4Lattice.h |only spEDM-1.3/spEDM/src/GCCM4Grid.cpp | 107 +++++- spEDM-1.3/spEDM/src/GCCM4Grid.h | 12 spEDM-1.3/spEDM/src/GCCM4Lattice.cpp | 75 ++-- spEDM-1.3/spEDM/src/GCCM4Lattice.h | 22 - spEDM-1.3/spEDM/src/GridExp.cpp | 278 ++++++++++++++++ spEDM-1.3/spEDM/src/HelperFuns.cpp |only spEDM-1.3/spEDM/src/HelperFuns.h |only spEDM-1.3/spEDM/src/LatticeExp.cpp | 303 ++++++++++++++++-- spEDM-1.3/spEDM/src/Makevars | 6 spEDM-1.3/spEDM/src/Makevars.win | 6 spEDM-1.3/spEDM/src/RcppExports.cpp | 433 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-- spEDM-1.3/spEDM/src/SCPCM4Grid.cpp |only spEDM-1.3/spEDM/src/SCPCM4Grid.h |only spEDM-1.3/spEDM/src/SCPCM4Lattice.cpp |only spEDM-1.3/spEDM/src/SCPCM4Lattice.h |only spEDM-1.3/spEDM/src/SMap.cpp |only spEDM-1.3/spEDM/src/SMap.h |only spEDM-1.3/spEDM/src/SimplexProjection.cpp | 83 ++++- spEDM-1.3/spEDM/src/SimplexProjection.h | 34 +- spEDM-1.3/spEDM/src/StatsExp.cpp |only spEDM-1.3/spEDM/src/spEDMDataStruct.h |only spEDM-1.3/spEDM/vignettes/GCCM.Rmd | 203 ++++++++---- spEDM-1.3/spEDM/vignettes/GCCM.Rmd.orig | 51 ++- 59 files changed, 2733 insertions(+), 650 deletions(-)
Title: R and C++ Interfaces to 'spdlog' C++ Header Library for Logging
Description: The mature and widely-used C++ logging library 'spdlog' by Gabi Melman provides
many desirable features. This package bundles these header files for easy use by R packages
from both their R and C or C++ code. Explicit use via 'LinkingTo:' is also supported. Also
see the 'spdl' package which enhanced this package with a consistent R and C++ interface.
Author: Dirk Eddelbuettel [aut, cre] ,
Gabi Melman [aut] ,
Victor Zverovic [aut]
Maintainer: Dirk Eddelbuettel <edd@debian.org>
Diff between RcppSpdlog versions 0.0.19 dated 2024-11-11 and 0.0.20 dated 2025-02-01
ChangeLog | 11 DESCRIPTION | 8 MD5 | 69 build/partial.rdb |binary inst/NEWS.Rd | 7 inst/examples/exampleFour.cpp |only inst/include/spdlog/cfg/env.h | 4 inst/include/spdlog/common.h | 7 inst/include/spdlog/details/file_helper-inl.h | 3 inst/include/spdlog/details/os-inl.h | 12 inst/include/spdlog/details/os.h | 4 inst/include/spdlog/fmt/bin_to_hex.h | 2 inst/include/spdlog/fmt/bundled/args.h | 48 inst/include/spdlog/fmt/bundled/base.h | 3316 ++++++++++----------- inst/include/spdlog/fmt/bundled/chrono.h | 846 ++--- inst/include/spdlog/fmt/bundled/color.h | 42 inst/include/spdlog/fmt/bundled/compile.h | 70 inst/include/spdlog/fmt/bundled/format-inl.h | 109 inst/include/spdlog/fmt/bundled/format.h | 2373 ++++++--------- inst/include/spdlog/fmt/bundled/os.h | 98 inst/include/spdlog/fmt/bundled/ostream.h | 131 inst/include/spdlog/fmt/bundled/printf.h | 237 - inst/include/spdlog/fmt/bundled/ranges.h | 228 - inst/include/spdlog/fmt/bundled/std.h | 121 inst/include/spdlog/fmt/bundled/xchar.h | 143 inst/include/spdlog/sinks/ansicolor_sink-inl.h | 18 inst/include/spdlog/sinks/ansicolor_sink.h | 7 inst/include/spdlog/sinks/basic_file_sink-inl.h | 6 inst/include/spdlog/sinks/basic_file_sink.h | 1 inst/include/spdlog/sinks/daily_file_sink.h | 1 inst/include/spdlog/sinks/null_sink.h | 2 inst/include/spdlog/sinks/rotating_file_sink-inl.h | 6 inst/include/spdlog/sinks/rotating_file_sink.h | 1 inst/include/spdlog/sinks/stdout_sinks-inl.h | 9 inst/include/spdlog/tweakme.h | 7 inst/include/spdlog/version.h | 2 36 files changed, 3802 insertions(+), 4147 deletions(-)
Title: Superefficient Estimation of Future Conditional Hazards Based on
Marker Information
Description: Provides a nonparametric smoothed kernel estimator for the future conditional hazard rate function when time-dependent covariates are present, a bandwidth selector for the estimator's implementation and pointwise and uniform confidence bands. Methods used in the package refer to Bagkavos, Isakson, Mammen, Nielsen and Proust-Lima (2025) <doi:10.1093/biomet/asaf008>.
Author: Dimitrios Bagkavos [aut, cre],
Alex Isakson [ctb],
Enno Mammen [ctb],
Jens Nielsen [ctb],
Cecile Proust-Lima [ctb]
Maintainer: Dimitrios Bagkavos <dimitrios.bagkavos@gmail.com>
Diff between HQM versions 0.1.4 dated 2024-12-12 and 1.0 dated 2025-02-01
DESCRIPTION | 8 ++++---- MD5 | 2 +- 2 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
Title: Clean and Analyze Continuous Glucose Monitor Data
Description: This code provides several different functions for cleaning and analyzing continuous glucose monitor data. Currently it works with 'Dexcom', 'iPro 2', 'Diasend', 'Libre', or 'Carelink' data. The cleandata() function takes a directory of CGM data files and prepares them for analysis. cgmvariables() iterates through a directory of cleaned CGM data files and produces a single spreadsheet with data for each file in either rows or columns. The column format of this spreadsheet is compatible with REDCap data upload. cgmreport() also iterates through a directory of cleaned data, and produces PDFs of individual and aggregate AGP plots. Please visit <https://github.com/childhealthbiostatscore/R-Packages/> to download the new-user guide.
Author: Tim Vigers [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Tim Vigers <timothy.vigers@cuanschutz.edu>
Diff between cgmanalysis versions 3.0 dated 2025-01-30 and 3.0.1 dated 2025-02-01
DESCRIPTION | 6 +++--- MD5 | 4 ++-- R/cgmvariables.R | 17 ++++++++++++++++- 3 files changed, 21 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
Title: Wrapper for the 'CVD Prevent' Application Programming Interface
Description: Provides an R wrapper to the 'CVD Prevent' application
programming interface (API). Users can make API requests through
built-in R functions. The Cardiovascular Disease Prevention Audit
(CVDPREVENT) is an England-wide primary care audit that automatically
extracts routinely held GP health data.
Author: Craig Parylo [aut, cre, cph] ,
Cardiovascular Disease Prevention Audit [ant]
Maintainer: Craig Parylo <craig.parylo2@nhs.net>
Diff between cvdprevent versions 0.2.0 dated 2024-10-16 and 0.2.1 dated 2025-02-01
DESCRIPTION | 7 MD5 | 20 NEWS.md | 2 R/cvd_api_functions.R | 4112 +-- README.md | 128 build/vignette.rds |binary inst/doc/using_cvdprevent.R | 608 inst/doc/using_cvdprevent.Rmd | 1196 - inst/doc/using_cvdprevent.html |33327 ++++++++++++++++---------------- tests/testthat/test-cvd_api_functions.R | 496 vignettes/using_cvdprevent.Rmd | 1196 - 11 files changed, 20665 insertions(+), 20427 deletions(-)
Title: Classes and Methods for Spatial Data
Description: Classes and methods for spatial
data; the classes document where the spatial location information
resides, for 2D or 3D data. Utility functions are provided, e.g. for
plotting data as maps, spatial selection, as well as methods for
retrieving coordinates, for subsetting, print, summary, etc. From this
version, 'rgdal', 'maptools', and 'rgeos' are no longer used at all,
see <https://r-spatial.org/r/2023/05/15/evolution4.html> for details.
Author: Edzer Pebesma [aut, cre],
Roger Bivand [aut],
Barry Rowlingson [ctb],
Virgilio Gomez-Rubio [ctb],
Robert Hijmans [ctb],
Michael Sumner [ctb],
Don MacQueen [ctb],
Jim Lemon [ctb],
Finn Lindgren [ctb],
Josh O'Brien [ctb],
Joseph O'Rourke [ctb],
Patrick [...truncated...]
Maintainer: Edzer Pebesma <edzer.pebesma@uni-muenster.de>
Diff between sp versions 2.1-4 dated 2024-04-30 and 2.2-0 dated 2025-02-01
sp-2.1-4/sp/demo/webmap.R |only sp-2.1-4/sp/inst/include |only sp-2.2-0/sp/DESCRIPTION | 10 sp-2.2-0/sp/MD5 | 59 ++-- sp-2.2-0/sp/build/vignette.rds |binary sp-2.2-0/sp/demo/00Index | 1 sp-2.2-0/sp/inst/NEWS.Rd | 11 sp-2.2-0/sp/inst/doc/CRS_warnings.html | 204 ++++++++-------- sp-2.2-0/sp/inst/doc/csdacm.R | 31 +- sp-2.2-0/sp/inst/doc/csdacm.Rnw | 5 sp-2.2-0/sp/inst/doc/csdacm.pdf |binary sp-2.2-0/sp/inst/doc/intro_sp.pdf |binary sp-2.2-0/sp/inst/doc/retiring_rgdal_geos_1.html | 295 ++++++++++++++---------- sp-2.2-0/sp/inst/doc/sp_gallery.R |only sp-2.2-0/sp/inst/doc/sp_gallery.Rmd |only sp-2.2-0/sp/inst/doc/sp_gallery.html |only sp-2.2-0/sp/man/GridsDatums.Rd | 4 sp-2.2-0/sp/man/bubble.Rd | 4 sp-2.2-0/sp/man/image.Rd | 2 sp-2.2-0/sp/man/mapasp.Rd | 2 sp-2.2-0/sp/man/spplot.Rd | 12 sp-2.2-0/sp/man/stack.Rd | 2 sp-2.2-0/sp/src/gcdist.c | 2 sp-2.2-0/sp/src/init.c | 2 sp-2.2-0/sp/src/pip.c | 8 sp-2.2-0/sp/src/pip2.c | 22 - sp-2.2-0/sp/src/sp.h | 62 ++--- sp-2.2-0/sp/src/sp_xports.c | 234 +++++++++---------- sp-2.2-0/sp/src/zerodist.c | 10 sp-2.2-0/sp/tests/grid.R | 6 sp-2.2-0/sp/tests/grid.Rout.save | 75 ------ sp-2.2-0/sp/vignettes/csdacm.Rnw | 5 sp-2.2-0/sp/vignettes/sp_gallery.Rmd |only 33 files changed, 549 insertions(+), 519 deletions(-)
Title: Remote Sensing Data Analysis
Description: Toolbox for remote sensing image processing and analysis such as
calculating spectral indexes, principal component transformation, unsupervised
and supervised classification or fractional cover analyses.
Author: Benjamin Leutner [aut] ,
Ned Horning [aut],
Jakob Schwalb-Willmann [aut] ,
Robert J. Hijmans [ctb] ,
Konstantin Mueller [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Konstantin Mueller <konstantinfinn.mueller@gmx.de>
Diff between RStoolbox versions 1.0.0 dated 2024-04-25 and 1.0.1 dated 2025-02-01
DESCRIPTION | 13 MD5 | 235 +- NAMESPACE | 228 +- NEWS.md | 553 ++--- R/RStoolbox-package.R | 274 +- R/RcppExports.R | 110 - R/classifyQA.R | 216 - R/cloudMask.R | 308 +- R/coregisterImages.R | 416 +-- R/encodeQA.R | 196 - R/estimateHaze.R | 268 +- R/fCover.R | 456 ++-- R/fortify-raster.R | 32 R/getMeta.R | 180 - R/getValidation.R | 144 - R/ggR.R | 392 +-- R/ggRGB.R | 470 ++-- R/histMatch.R | 280 +- R/internalFunctions.R | 895 ++++---- R/mesma.R | 355 +-- R/mlc.R | 166 - R/normImage.R | 102 R/oneHotEncode.R | 88 R/panSharpen.R | 188 - R/pifMatch.R | 238 +- R/radCor.R | 576 ++--- R/rasterCVA.R | 210 - R/rasterEntropy.R | 50 R/rasterPCA.R | 174 - R/readEE.R | 108 R/readMeta.R | 694 +++--- R/readSLI.R | 334 +-- R/rescaleImage.R | 212 - R/rsOpts.R | 38 R/sam.R | 126 - R/saveRSTBX.R | 178 - R/spectralIndices.R | 508 ++-- R/stackMeta.R | 204 - R/superClass.R | 1091 +++++----- R/tasseledCap.R | 138 - R/topCor.R | 512 ++-- R/unsuperClass.R | 358 +-- R/utils-pipe.R | 28 R/validateMap.R | 166 - R/zzz.R | 38 README.md | 460 ++-- inst/CITATION |only inst/external/EarthExplorer_LS8.txt | 106 inst/external/vegSpec.sli.hdr | 44 man/RStoolbox.Rd | 1 man/fortifySpatRaster.Rd | 46 man/lsat.Rd | 34 man/mesma.Rd | 4 man/pipe.Rd | 40 man/rlogo.Rd | 32 man/rsOpts.Rd | 6 man/sen2.Rd | 32 man/spectralIndices.Rd | 40 man/srtm.Rd | 32 man/srtm_sen2.Rd | 32 man/superClass.Rd | 1 src/RcppExports.cpp | 7 src/init.c | 4 src/spectralIndices.cpp | 86 src/tinyexpr.c |only src/tinyexpr.h |only tests/testthat.R | 12 tests/testthat/helper-testUtils.R | 34 tests/testthat/test-classifyQA.R | 56 tests/testthat/test-cloudMask.R | 30 tests/testthat/test-coregisterImages.R | 22 tests/testthat/test-encodeQA.R | 202 - tests/testthat/test-entropy.R | 32 tests/testthat/test-estimateHaze.R | 54 tests/testthat/test-fCover.R | 70 tests/testthat/test-gainOffsetRescale.R | 38 tests/testthat/test-getMeta.R | 52 tests/testthat/test-getValidation.R | 46 tests/testthat/test-ggplot.R | 188 - tests/testthat/test-histMatch.R | 24 tests/testthat/test-internalFunctions.R | 28 tests/testthat/test-mesma.R | 146 - tests/testthat/test-mlc.R | 50 tests/testthat/test-multicore.R | 78 tests/testthat/test-normImage.R | 92 tests/testthat/test-oneHotEncode.R | 52 tests/testthat/test-panSharpen.R | 34 tests/testthat/test-pifMatch.R | 38 tests/testthat/test-radCor.R | 146 - tests/testthat/test-rasterCVA.R | 58 tests/testthat/test-rasterPCA.R | 60 tests/testthat/test-readEE.R | 26 tests/testthat/test-readMeta.R | 24 tests/testthat/test-rescaleImage.R | 68 tests/testthat/test-rsOpts.R | 22 tests/testthat/test-sam.R | 70 tests/testthat/test-saveReadRSTBX.R | 34 tests/testthat/test-sli.R | 78 tests/testthat/test-spectralIndices.R | 161 - tests/testthat/test-stackMeta.R | 16 tests/testthat/test-superClass.R | 330 +-- tests/testthat/test-tasseledCap.R | 22 tests/testthat/test-topCor.R | 48 tests/testthat/test-unsuperClass.R | 152 - tests/testthat/test-validateMap.R | 74 tests/testthat/testdata/earthexplorer/EE_LANDSAT_5.txt | 202 - tests/testthat/testdata/earthexplorer/EE_LANDSAT_7.txt | 202 - tests/testthat/testdata/earthexplorer/EE_LANDSAT_8.txt | 168 - tests/testthat/testdata/earthexplorer/EE_LANDSAT_NEWFORMAT.csv | 6 tests/testthat/testdata/metadata/LC08_L1TP_193024_20180824_20200831_02_T1_MTL.txt | 568 ++--- tests/testthat/testdata/metadata/LC80980762015235LGN00.xml | 348 +-- tests/testthat/testdata/metadata/LE07_L1TP_160031_20110416_20161210_01_T1.xml | 452 ++-- tests/testthat/testdata/metadata/LE07_L1TP_160031_20110416_20161210_01_T1_MTL.TXT | 482 ++-- tests/testthat/testdata/metadata/LT05_L1TP_047027_20101006_20160512_01_T1_MTL.txt | 386 +-- tests/testthat/testdata/metadata/LT05_L1TP_218072_20100801_20161015_01_T1_MTL.txt | 388 +-- tests/testthat/testdata/metadata/mss_MTL.txt | 284 +- tests/testthat/testdata/sli/a.sli.hdr | 46 tests/testthat/testdata/sli/b.sli.hdr | 44 tests/testthat/testdata/sli/c.sli.hdr | 42 tests/testthat/testdata/sli/d.sli.hdr | 44 120 files changed, 10067 insertions(+), 9915 deletions(-)