Thu, 14 Aug 2003

Got papers

Very pleasant surprise today at the Secretary of State facility. Not only did I not owe 'real' sales tax -- bikes are treated differently in Illinois, a flat $25 applies -- but the whole process was supersmooth. Needed to see three people, all of which were available when I got around to see them. In total probably took less that 30 minutes, and I walked out with new plates. A lot better than I what I used to experience back in Germany in the mid/late Eighties.

/motorcycle | permanent link

New quantian location at U of Washington

The files have moved at the University of Washingstin site and are now at

They are also available via rsync, try rsync for the directory listing, and e.g. rsync . for the README file.

Thanks as always to Tony Rossini for the hosting space on his workstation.

/computers/linux/debian/quantix | permanent link