Mark Walker sent me a complimentary copy of the
Quantian dvds his company is offering. I didn't expect that to come all the way
from Boulogne Billancourt, France. Merci bien, en tout cas!
A new release has just completed uploading to the server at the University of
This is a maintenance upgrade over, but still contains a rather large
number of changes:
Expanded bioinformatics support with (most of) BioConductor release 1.4 as well as
Debian packages for bioperl, biopython, hmmer and emboss from Matt Hope's
Debian repository at UNSW
Included for the first time are four pre-release Debian packages
from Diethelm Wuertz'
Rmetrics project for
financial engineering and computational finance: fBasics, fSeries,
fOptions, fExtremes.
Other new packages include the qemu emulator as well as a variety of science
packages such as kalzium, celestia, starplot, openbabel, chemtool,
xtide, viewmol, achilles and blast2.
Upgraded throughout -- 430 updated packages mostly from Debian testing
(with a few from unstable), including x11, gcc et al, perl,
apt/dpkg/dselect, R, lam, cernlib, geant, gretl
An error was fixed in r-cran-rsprng which had not been compiled built
Updated custom artwork in an improved background image, thanks again to
Ed Pegg, Jr.
Total size is now 1.2gb for the compressed iso image, corresponding to
more than 3.5gb of uncompressed software.