Sat, 04 Sep 2004


udunits is a tool and library for physical unit conversion, written by the folks at UCAR, the University Consortium for Atmospheric Research. Udunits is used by an eponymous CRAN package for R, as well as by other tools such as NetCDF, also with its own CRAN package.

To cut a long story short, udunits code is a little old-ish and its Makefiles would need an overhaul. I have made a local package you can find here for now, and would like for someone to adopt this and make it a proper Debian package. The Makefiles needs a rewrite: only a static library is built, prefix indirection doesn't work completely, the manual pages go into the old locations of /usr/man and possibly more little things.

So the package is there, I'll put it into the next Quantian release, but I can't maintain it beyond that. This would make a nice project for a sciences grad student who actually uses NetCDF, and hence udunits.

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