Mon, 23 Jul 2012

RcppGSL 0.2.0

Earlier today, a minor update / maintenance release of RcppGSL---our interface package between R and the GNU GSL using our Rcpp package for seamless R and C++ integration---arrived on on CRAN. It contains a number of minor changes to accomodate changes in the CRAN Policies, as well as a few extension to the main example fastLm, a faster replacement for the standard lm function. The summary methods now provide more information, and we added a number of new regression tests.

The NEWS file entry follows below:

Changes in version 0.2.0 (2012-07-22)
  • summary() for fastLm() now displays more information

  • fastLmPure() now uses same argument order as R's

  • Added more unit tests for fastLm() and related functions

  • Export and document S3 methods in NAMESPACE and manual page as such

  • Vignettes have been moved to the vignettes/ directory

  • Main vignette renamed to RcppGSL-intro.pdf to use a filename different from the package reference manual

  • NEWS file converted to .Rd format

  • inline support function no longer uses assignInNamespace

And courtesy of CRANberries, a summary of the changes to the previous release 0.1.1 is available too.

More information is on the RcppGSL page. Questions, comments etc should go to the rcpp-devel mailing list off the R-Forge page.

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