Mon, 04 Aug 2014

BH release 1.54.0-3

A new release of our BH package providing Boost headers for use by R is now on the CRAN mirrors. max-heap image This release is the third based on Boost 1.54.0.

At the request of the maintainer of the recent added RcppMLPACK package, it adds the Boost.Heap library. Boost.Heap implements priority queues which extend beyond the corresponding (and somewhat simpler) class in the STL. Key features of the Boost.Heap priority queues are mutability, iterators, ability to merge, stable sort, and comparison.

No other changes were made.

Changes in version 1.54.0-3 (2014-08-03)

  • Added Boost Heap library which will be needed by the next version of RcppMLPACK

Courtesy of CRANberries, there is also a diffstat report for the most recent release.

Comments and suggestions are welcome via the mailing list or issue tracker at the GitHub repo.

This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. Please report excessive re-aggregation in third-party for-profit settings.

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