Mon, 05 Jan 2015

BH release 1.55.0-3

Right on the heels of yesterday's BH release 1.55.0-2 bringing Boost Fusion, we now have release 1.55.0-3 bringing Boost Graph. To recap, BH is our CRAN package providing (a large part of the) Boost C++ libraries as a set of template headers for use by R and of course Rcpp.

And as a small project I am working on--and which should now be so much closer to release--needed not only Boost Fusion but also Boost Graph, I had to bother the CRAN maintainers twice in two days. This new version closes issue ticket 9, and may be of interest to other packages such as the venerable RBGL formerly on CRAN and now a BioConductor package which includes its own copy of this graph library (plus depends).

A brief summary of changes from the NEWS file is below.

Changes in version 1.55.0-3 (2015-01-04)

  • Added Boost Graph requested in GH ticket #9 by Dirk for RcppStreams

Courtesy of CRANberries, there is also a diffstat report for the most recent release.

Comments and suggestions are welcome via the mailing list or the issue tracker at the GitHubGitHub repo.

This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. Please report excessive re-aggregation in third-party for-profit settings.

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