Thu, 30 Jun 2016

RMarkdown and Metropolis/Mtheme

Nick Tierney asked on Twitter about rmarkdown and metropolis about whether folks had used RMarkdown-driven LaTeX Beamer presentations. And the answer is a firm hell yeah. I have been using mtheme (and/or a local variant I called 'm2') as well as the newer (renamed) release mtheme for the last year or two for all my RMarkdown-based presentations as you can see from my presentations page.

And earlier this year back I cleaned this up and wrote myself local Ubuntu packages which are here on Launchpad. I also have two GitHub repos for the underlying .deb package code: - the pkg-latex-metropolis package for the LaTeX part (which is also in TeXlive in an older version) - the pkg-fonts-fira for the underlying (free) font (and this sadly cannot build on launchpad as it needs a download step).

To round things up, I now also created a public 'sample' repo on GitHub. It is complete for all but the custom per-presenteation header.tex that modifies colours, add local definitions etc as needed for each presentation.

With that, Happy Canada Day (tomorrow, though) -- never felt better to be part of something Glorious and Free, and also free of Brexit, Drumpf and other nonsense.

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