Just getting back from the most fun meetup I have been to in quite some time: episode 23 (by their count) of Open Source Open Mic hosted by Matt Godbolt and Joe Walnes here in Chicago. Nothing but a sequence of lightning talks. Plus beer and pizza. Sounds awesome? It was!
We had fantastic talks across at least half a dozen languages, covering both new-ish (Pony) and interesting ones such (Rust, Go, ...) plus of course some Javascript and some Python, no Java (yay!) and a few batshit crazy things like a self-hosting database in its own (shell) code, a terminal gif viewer (!!), and more. And it gave me an opportunity to quickly (one evening and morning commute) jam out a presentation about what is in the title: R for system administration.
And I am only half-joking. I had used R a couple of years ago when I needed to select, subset, modify, ... a large number of image files given some timestamp and filename patterns. And given how well R works in a vectorised manner with both regular expressions and timestamps, as well as on top of essentially all standard POSIX-style operating system / file-system functions, I picked up that thread again on the problem of ... cleaning up the file storage underlying CRANberries which by now has well over fifty-seven thousand (!!) tarballs of CRAN packages based on now ten years of CRANberries. So I showed how to prune this in essentially half a dozen lines of R (and data.table code), plus some motivation---all just right for a lightning talk. Seemingly the talk went well enough as quite a few folks gave a thumbs up and compliments over beers afterwards.
But see for yourself as the slides are now uploaded to my standard talks page.
My thanks to Matt and Joe for organizing the meetup. I think I will be back.
A good six years ago I blogged about plotOBOS()
which charts a moving average (from one of several available variants) along with shaded standard deviation bands. That post has a bit more background on the why/how and motivation, but as a teaser here is the resulting chart of the SP500 index (with ticker ^GSCP):
The code uses a few standard finance packages for R (with most of them maintained by Joshua Ulrich given that Jeff Ryan, who co-wrote chunks of these, is effectively retired from public life). Among these, xts had a recent release reflecting changes which occurred during the four (!!) years since the previous release, and covering at least two GSoC projects. With that came subtle API changes: something we all generally try to avoid but which is at times the only way forward. In this case, the shading code I used (via polygon()
from base R) no longer cooperated with the beefed-up functionality of plot.xts()
. Luckily, Ross Bennett incorporated that same functionality into a new function addPolygon
--- which even credits this same post of mine.
With that, the updated code becomes
## plotOBOS -- displaying overbough/oversold as eg in Bespoke's plots
## Copyright (C) 2010 - 2017 Dirk Eddelbuettel
## This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
suppressMessages(library(quantmod)) # for getSymbols(), brings in xts too
suppressMessages(library(TTR)) # for various moving averages
plotOBOS <- function(symbol, n=50, type=c("sma", "ema", "zlema"),
years=1, blue=TRUE, current=TRUE, title=symbol,
ticks=TRUE, axes=TRUE) {
today <- Sys.Date()
if (class(symbol) == "character") {
X <- getSymbols(symbol, from=format(today-365*years-2*n), auto.assign=FALSE)
x <- X[,6] # use Adjusted
} else if (inherits(symbol, "zoo")) {
x <- X <- as.xts(symbol)
current <- FALSE # don't expand the supplied data
n <- min(nrow(x)/3, 50) # as we may not have 50 days
sub <- ""
if (current) {
xx <- getQuote(symbol)
xt <- xts(xx$Last, order.by=as.Date(xx$`Trade Time`))
colnames(xt) <- paste(symbol, "Adjusted", sep=".")
x <- rbind(x, xt)
sub <- paste("Last price: ", xx$Last, " at ",
format(as.POSIXct(xx$`Trade Time`), "%H:%M"), sep="")
type <- match.arg(type)
xd <- switch(type, # compute xd as the central location via selected MA smoother
sma = SMA(x,n),
ema = EMA(x,n),
zlema = ZLEMA(x,n))
xv <- runSD(x, n) # compute xv as the rolling volatility
strt <- paste(format(today-365*years), "::", sep="")
x <- x[strt] # subset plotting range using xts' nice functionality
xd <- xd[strt]
xv <- xv[strt]
xyd <- xy.coords(.index(xd),xd[,1]) # xy coordinates for direct plot commands
xyv <- xy.coords(.index(xv),xv[,1])
n <- length(xyd$x)
xx <- xyd$x[c(1,1:n,n:1)] # for polygon(): from first point to last and back
if (blue) {
blues5 <- c("#EFF3FF", "#BDD7E7", "#6BAED6", "#3182BD", "#08519C") # cf brewer.pal(5, "Blues")
fairlylight <<- rgb(189/255, 215/255, 231/255, alpha=0.625) # aka blues5[2]
verylight <<- rgb(239/255, 243/255, 255/255, alpha=0.625) # aka blues5[1]
dark <<- rgb(8/255, 81/255, 156/255, alpha=0.625) # aka blues5[5]
## buglet in xts 0.10-0 requires the <<- here
} else {
fairlylight <<- rgb(204/255, 204/255, 204/255, alpha=0.5) # two suitable grays, alpha-blending at 50%
verylight <<- rgb(242/255, 242/255, 242/255, alpha=0.5)
dark <<- 'black'
plot(x, ylim=range(range(x, xd+2*xv, xd-2*xv, na.rm=TRUE)), main=title, sub=sub,
major.ticks=ticks, minor.ticks=ticks, axes=axes) # basic xts plot setup
addPolygon(xts(cbind(xyd$y+xyv$y, xyd$y+2*xyv$y), order.by=index(x)), on=1, col=fairlylight) # upper
addPolygon(xts(cbind(xyd$y-xyv$y, xyd$y+1*xyv$y), order.by=index(x)), on=1, col=verylight) # center
addPolygon(xts(cbind(xyd$y-xyv$y, xyd$y-2*xyv$y), order.by=index(x)), on=1, col=fairlylight) # lower
lines(xd, lwd=2, col=fairlylight) # central smooted location
lines(x, lwd=3, col=dark) # actual price, thicker
and the main change are the three calls to addPolygon
. To illustrate, we call plotOBOS("SPY", years=2)
with an updated plot of the ETF representing the SP500 over the last two years:
Comments and further enhancements welcome!
This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. Please report excessive re-aggregation in third-party for-profit settings.
A number of packages on CRAN use Suggests: casually.
They list other packages as "not required" in Suggests: -- as opposed to absolutely required via Imports: or the older Depends: -- yet do not test for their use in either examples or, more commonly, unit tests.
So e.g. the unit tests are bound to fail because, well, Suggests != Depends.
This has been accomodated for many years by all parties involved by treating Suggests as a Depends and installing unconditionally. As I understand it, CRAN appears to flip a switch to automatically install all Suggests from major repositories glossing over what I consider to be a packaging shortcoming. (As an aside, treatment of Additonal_repositories: is indeed optional; Brooke Anderson and I have a fine paper under review on this)
I spend a fair amount of time with reverse dependency ("revdep") checks of packages I maintain, and I will no longer accomodate these packages.
These revdep checks take long enough as it is, so I will now blacklist these packages that are guaranteed to fail when their "optional" dependencies are not present.
Writing R Extensions says in Section 1.1.3
All packages that are needed10 to successfully run R CMD check on the package must be listed in one of ‘Depends’ or ‘Suggests’ or ‘Imports’. Packages used to run examples or tests conditionally (e.g. via
should be listed in ‘Suggests’ or ‘Enhances’. (This allows checkers to ensure that all the packages needed for a complete check are installed.)In particular, packages providing “only” data for examples or vignettes should be listed in ‘Suggests’ rather than ‘Depends’ in order to make lean installations possible.
It used to be common practice to use require calls for packages listed in ‘Suggests’ in functions which used their functionality, but nowadays it is better to access such functionality via :: calls.
and continues in Section
Note that someone wanting to run the examples/tests/vignettes may not have a suggested package available (and it may not even be possible to install it for that platform). The recommendation used to be to make their use conditional via
: this is fine if that conditioning is done in examples/tests/vignettes.
I will now exercise my option to use 'lean installations' as discussed here. If you want your package included in tests I run, please make sure it tests successfully when only its required packages are present.
More and more packages, be it for R or another language, are now interfacing different application programming interfaces (API) which are exposed to the web. And many of these may require an API key, or token, or account and password.
Which traditionally poses a problem in automated tests such as those running on the popular Travis CI service which integrates so well with GitHub. A case in point is the RPushbullet package where Seth Wenchel and I have been making a few recent changes and additions.
And yesterday morning, I finally looked more closely into providing Travis CI with the required API key so that we could in fact run continuous integration with unit tests following each commit. And it turns that it is both easy and quick to do, and yet another great showcase for ad-hoc Docker use.
The rest of this post will give a quick minimal run-down, this time using the gtrendsR package by Philippe Massicotte and myself. Start by glancing at the 'encrypting files' HOWTO from Travis itself.
We assume you have Docker installed, and a suitable base package. We will need Ruby, so any base Linux image will do. In what follows, I use Ubuntu 14.04 but many other Debian, Ubunti, Fedora, ... flavours could be used provided you know how to pick the relevant packages. What is shown here should work on any recent Debian or Ubuntu flavour 'as is'.
We start by firing off the Docker engine in the repo directory for which we want to create an encrypted file. The -v $(pwd):/mnt
switch mounts the current directory as /mnt
in the Docker instance:
edd@max:~/git/gtrendsr(master)$ docker run --rm -ti -v $(pwd):/mnt ubuntu:trusty
root@38b478356439:/# apt-get update ## this takes a minute or two
Ign http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty InRelease
Get:1 http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty-updates InRelease [65.9 kB]
Get:2 http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty-security InRelease [65.9 kB]
# ... a dozen+ lines omitted ...
Get:21 http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty/restricted amd64 Packages [16.0 kB]
Get:22 http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty/universe amd64 Packages [7589 kB]
Fetched 22.4 MB in 6min 40s (55.8 kB/s)
Reading package lists... Done
We then install what is needed to actually install the travis
(Ruby) gem, as well as git
which is used by it:
root@38b478356439:/# apt-get install -y ruby ruby-dev gem build-essential git
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
The following extra packages will be installed:
# ... lot of output ommitted ...
Processing triggers for ureadahead (0.100.0-16) ...
Processing triggers for sgml-base (1.26+nmu4ubuntu1) ...
This too may take a few minutes, depending on the networking bandwidth and other factors, and should in general succeed without the need for any intervention. Once it has concluded, we can use the now-complete infrastructure to install the travis
command-line client:
root@38b478356439:/# gem install travis
Fetching: multipart-post-2.0.0.gem (100%)
Fetching: faraday-0.11.0.gem (100%)
Fetching: faraday_middleware- (100%)
Fetching: highline-1.7.8.gem (100%)
Fetching: backports-3.6.8.gem (100%)
Fetching: multi_json-1.12.1.gem (100%
# ... many lines omitted ...
Installing RDoc documentation for websocket-1.2.4...
Installing RDoc documentation for json-2.0.3...
Installing RDoc documentation for pusher-client-0.6.2...
Installing RDoc documentation for travis-1.8.6...
This in turn will take a moment.
Once done, we can use the travis
client to login into GitHub. In my base this requires a password and a two-factor authentication code. Also note that we switch directories first to be in the actual repo we had mounted when launching docker
root@38b478356439:/# cd /mnt/ ## change to repo directory
root@38b478356439:/mnt# travis --login
Shell completion not installed. Would you like to install it now? |y| y
We need your GitHub login to identify you.
This information will not be sent to Travis CI, only to api.github.com.
The password will not be displayed.
Try running with --github-token or --auto if you don't want to enter your password anyway.
Username: eddelbuettel
Password for eddelbuettel: ****************
Two-factor authentication code for eddelbuettel: xxxxxx
Successfully logged in as eddelbuettel!
Now the actual work of encrypting. For this particular package, we need a file .Rprofile
containing a short option()
segment setting a user-id and password:
root@38b478356439:/mnt# travis encrypt-file .Rprofile
Detected repository as PMassicotte/gtrendsR, is this correct? |yes|
encrypting .Rprofile for PMassicotte/gtrendsR
storing result as .Rprofile.enc
storing secure env variables for decryption
Please add the following to your build script (before_install stage in your .travis.yml, for instance):
openssl aes-256-cbc -K $encrypted_988d19a907a0_key -iv $encrypted_988d19a907a0_iv -in .Rprofile.enc -out .Rprofile -d
Pro Tip: You can add it automatically by running with --add.
Make sure to add .Rprofile.enc to the git repository.
Make sure not to add .Rprofile to the git repository.
Commit all changes to your .travis.yml.
That's it. Now we just need to follow-through as indicated, committing the .Rprofile.enc
file, making sure to not commit its input file .Rprofile
, and adding the proper openssl
invocation with the keys known only to Travis to the file .travis.yml
During useR! 2016, Nick Tierney had asked on Twitter about rmarkdown and metropolis and whether folks had used RMarkdown-driven LaTeX Beamer presentations. My firm hell yeah answer, based on having used mtheme outright or in local mods for quite some time (see my talks page), lead to this blog post of mine describing this GitHub repo I had quickly set up during breaks at useR! 2016. The corresponding blog post and the repo have some more details on how I do this, in particular about local packages (also with sources on GitHub) for the non-standard fonts I use.
This week I got around to updating the repo / example a little by making the default colours (in my example) a little less awful, and a page on blocks and, most importantly, turning the example into the animated gif below:
And thanks to the beautiful tint package -- see its repo and CRAN package --- I now know how to create a template package. So if there is interest (and spare time), we could build a template package for RStudio too.
With that, may I ask a personal favour of anybody still reading the post? Please do not hit my twitter handle with questions for support. All my code is an GitHub, and issue tickets there are much preferred. Larger projects like Rcpp also have their own mailing lists, and it is much better to use those. And if you like neither, maybe ask on StackOverflow. But please don't spam my Twitter handle. Thank you.
Nick Tierney asked on Twitter about rmarkdown and metropolis about whether folks had used RMarkdown-driven LaTeX Beamer presentations. And the answer is a firm hell yeah. I have been using mtheme (and/or a local variant I called 'm2') as well as the newer (renamed) release mtheme for the last year or two for all my RMarkdown-based presentations as you can see from my presentations page.
And earlier this year back I cleaned this up and wrote myself local Ubuntu packages which are here on Launchpad. I also have two GitHub repos for the underlying .deb package code: - the pkg-latex-metropolis package for the LaTeX part (which is also in TeXlive in an older version) - the pkg-fonts-fira for the underlying (free) font (and this sadly cannot build on launchpad as it needs a download step).
To round things up, I now also created a public 'sample' repo on GitHub. It is complete for all but the custom per-presenteation header.tex
that modifies colours, add local definitions etc as needed for each presentation.
With that, Happy Canada Day (tomorrow, though) -- never felt better to be part of something Glorious and Free, and also free of Brexit, Drumpf and other nonsense.
Hadley is a popular figure, and rightly so as he successfully introduced many newcomers to the wonders offered by R. His approach strikes some of us old greybeards as wrong---I particularly take exception with some of his writing which frequently portrays a particular approach as both the best and only one. Real programming, I think, is often a little more nuanced and aware of tradeoffs which need to be balanced. As a book on another language once popularized: "There is more than one way to do things." But let us leave this discussion for another time.
As the reach of the Hadleyverse keeps spreading, we sometimes find ourselves at the receiving end of a cost/benefit tradeoff. That is what this post is about, and it uses a very concrete case I encountered yesterday.
As blogged earlier, the RcppZiggurat package was updated. I had not touched it in a year, but Brian Ripley had sent a brief and detailed note concerning something flagged by the Solaris compiler (correctly suggesting I replace fabs()
with abs()
on integer types). (Allow me to stray from the main story line here for a second to stress just how insane a work load he is carrying, essentially for all of us. R and the R community are so just so indebted to him for all his work---which makes the usual social media banter about him so unfortunate. But that too shall be left for another time.) Upon making the simple fix, and submitting to GitHub the usual Travis CI was triggered. And here is what I saw:
All happy, all green. Previous build a year ago, most recent build yesterday, both passed. But hold on: test time went from 2:54 minutes to 7:47 minutes for an increase of almost five minutes! And I knew that I had not added any new dependencies, or altered any build options. What did happen was that among the dependencies of my package, one had decided to now also depend on ggplot2. Which leads to a chain of sixteen additional packages being loaded besides the four I depend upon---when it used to be just one. And that took five minutes as all those packages are installed from source, and some are big and take a long time to compile.
There is however and easy alternative, and for that we have to praise Michael Rutter who looks after a number of things for R on Ubuntu. Among these are the R builds for Ubuntu but also the rrutter PPA as well as the c2d4u PPA. If you have not heard this alphabet soup before, a PPA is a package repository for Ubuntu where anyone (who wants to sign up) can upload (properly setup) source files which are then turned into Ubuntu binaries. With full dependency resolution and all other goodies we have come to expect from the Debian / Ubuntu universe. And Michael uses this facility with great skill and calm to provide us all with Ubuntu binaries for R itself (rebuilding what yours truly uploads into Debian), as well as a number of key packages available via the CRAN mirrors. Less know however is this "c2d4u" which stands for CRAN to Debian for Ubuntu. And this builds on something Charles Blundell once built under my mentorship in a Google Summer of Code. And Michael does a tremdous job covering well over a thousand CRAN source packages---and providing binaries for all. Which we can use for Travis!
What all that means is that I could now replace the line
- ./travis-tool.sh install_r RcppGSL rbenchmark microbenchmark highlight
which implies source builds of the four listed packages and all their dependencies with the following line implying binary installations of already built packages:
- ./travis-tool.sh install_aptget libgsl0-dev r-cran-rcppgsl r-cran-rbenchmark r-cran-microbenchmark r-cran-highlight
In this particular case I also needed to build a binary package of my RcppGSL package as this one is not (yet) handled by Michael. I happen to have (re-)discovered the beauty of PPAs for Travis earlier this year and revitalized an older and largely dormant launchpad account I had for this PPA of mine. How to build a simple .deb package will also have to left for a future post to keep this more concise.
This can be used with the existing r-travis setup---but one needs to use the older, initial variant in order to have the ability to install .deb packages. So in the .travis.yml
of RcppZiggurat I just use
## PPA for Rcpp and some other packages
- sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:edd/misc
## r-travis by Craig Citro et al
- curl -OL http://raw.github.com/craigcitro/r-travis/master/scripts/travis-tool.sh
- chmod 755 ./travis-tool.sh
- ./travis-tool.sh bootstrap
to add my own PPA and all is good. If you do not have a PPA, or do not want to create your own packages you can still benefit from the PPAs by Michael and "mix and match" by installing from binary what is available, and from source what is not.
Here we were able to use an all-binary approach, so let's see the resulting performance:
Now we are at 1:03 to 1:15 minutes---much better.
So to conclude, while the every expanding universe of R packages is fantastic for us as users, it can be seen to be placing a burden on us as developers when installing and testing. Fortunately, the packaging infrastructure built on top of Debian / Ubuntu packages can help and dramatically reduce build (and hence test) times. Learning about PPAs can be a helpful complement to learning about Travis and continued integration. So maybe now I need a new reason to blame Hadley? Well, there is always snake case ...
Follow-up: The post got some pretty immediate feedback shortly after I posted it. Craig Citro pointed out (quite correctly) that I could use r_binary_install
which would also install the Ubuntu binaries based on their R packages names. Having built R/CRAN packages for Debian for so long, I am simply more used to the r-cran-*
notations, and I think I was also the one contributing install_aptget
to r-travis ... Yihui Xie spoke up for the "new" Travis approach deploying containers, caching of packages and explicit whitelists. It was in that very (GH-based) discussion that I started to really lose faith in the new Travis approach as they want use to whitelist each and every package. With 6900 and counting at CRAN I fear this simply does not scale. But different approaches are certainly welcome. I posted my 1:03 to 1:15 minutes result. If the "New School" can do it faster, I'd be all ears.
This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. Please report excessive re-aggregation in third-party for-profit settings.
The CRAN Task View system is a fine project which Achim Zeileis initiated almost a decade ago. It is described in a short R Journal article in Volume 5, Number 1. I have been editor / maintainer of the Finance task view essentially since the very beginning of these CRAN Task Views, and added the High-Performance Computing one in the fall of 2008. Many, many people have helped by sending suggestions or even patches; email continues to be the main venue for the changes.
The maintainers of the Web Technologies task view were, at least as far as I know, the first to make the jump to maintaining the task view on GitHub. Karthik and I briefly talked about this when he was in town a few weeks ago for our joint Software Carpentry workshop at Northwestern.
So the topic had been on my mind, but it was only today that I realized that the near-limitless amount of awesome that is pandoc can probably help with maintenance. The task view code by Achim neatly converts the very regular, very XML, very boring original format into somewhat-CRAN-website-specific html. Pandoc, being as versatile as it is, can then make (GitHub-flavoured) markdown out of this, and with a minimal amount of sed magic, we get what we need.
And hence we now have these two new repos:
Contributions are now most welcome by pull request. You can run the included converter scripts, it differs between both repos only by one constant for the task view / file name. As an illustration, the one for Finance is below.
## if you do not have /usr/bin/r from littler, just use Rscript
ctv <- "Finance"
ctvfile <- paste0(ctv, ".ctv")
htmlfile <- paste0(ctv, ".html")
mdfile <- "README.md"
## load packages
suppressMessages(library(XML)) # called by ctv
r <- getOption("repos") # set CRAN mirror
r["CRAN"] <- "http://cran.rstudio.com"
check_ctv_packages(ctvfile) # run the check
## create html file from ctv file
ctv2html(read.ctv(ctvfile), htmlfile)
### these look atrocious, but are pretty straight forward. read them one by one
### - start from the htmlfile
cmd <- paste0("cat ", htmlfile,
### - in lines of the form ^<a href="Word">Word.html</a>
### - capture the 'Word' and insert it into a larger URL containing an absolute reference to task view 'Word'
" | sed -e 's|^<a href=\"\\([a-zA-Z]*\\)\\.html|<a href=\"http://cran.rstudio.com/web/views/\\1.html\"|' | ",
### - call pandoc, specifying html as input and github-flavoured markdown as output
"pandoc -s -r html -w markdown_github | ",
### - deal with the header by removing extra ||, replacing |** with ** and **| with **:
"sed -e's/||//g' -e's/|\\*\\*/\\*\\*/g' -e's/\\*\\*|/\\*\\* /g' -e's/|$/ /g' ",
### - make the implicit URL to packages explicit
"-e's|../packages/|http://cran.rstudio.com/web/packages/|g' ",
### - write out mdfile
"> ", mdfile)
system(cmd) # run the conversion
unlink(htmlfile) # remove temporary html file
I am quite pleased with this setup---so a quick thanks towards the maintainers of the Web Technologies task view; of course to Achim for creating CRAN Task Views in the first place, and maintaining them all those years; as always to John MacFarlance for the magic that is pandoc; and last but not least of course to anybody who has contributed to the CRAN Task Views.
This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. Please report excessive re-aggregation in third-party for-profit settings.
This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. Please report excessive re-aggregation in third-party for-profit settings.
We as R community members owe a great deal of thanks to the CRAN maintainers, and the R Core team. The tight integration between the language and the contributed code repository is unique among programming languages, and one of the many reasons why CRAN has been such a success and driver of growth and adoption for R. And the amount of work the CRAN maintainers put into this is substantial, and we owe them.
Yet there is some friction between the repo maintainers, and the community of developers. There have numerous discussions on the main developer list about various aspect of how CRAN maintains the impeccable quality of the code in the archive. One particular aspect which has bugging (at least me) is the lack of communication when policy changes are made. It would be trivial to posts a set of changes to the developer list, and I suggested as much. Only to be soundly ignored.
But changes to text (or html) files can monitored rather easily, and when such changes occur an alert can be sent. So I cooked up rather simple system for this which I called the CRAN Policy Watch. In essence, a simple cronjob monitors changes, and records new versions in a Github repo (which you can follow or star). Alternatively, the cronjob now also tweets from the @CRANPolicyWatch account which I invite everyone to subscribe to as well.
If someone knows of a simple tool to summarize diffs of html or text files in static html pages, I'd be interested to expand the service to some github.io pages. Alernatively I could also just commit to a single file too and let Github summarize the changes.
This was an itch I needed to scratch, and I hope some other people will fine this useful too.
As that post notes, BH is still pretty new and rough, and we probably missed some other useful Boost packages. If so, let one of us know.
One key aspect is the use of the plugins for the inline package. They provide something akin to a callback mechanism so that compilation and linking steps can be informed about header and library locations and names. We are going to illustrate this with an example from GNU Scientific Library (GSL). The example I picked uses B-Spline estimation from the GSL. This is a little redundant as R has its own spline routines and package, but serves well as a simple illustration---and, by reproducing an existing example, followed an established path. So we will look at Section 39.7 of the GSL manual which has a complete example as a standalone C program, generating both the data and the fit via cubic B-splines.
We can decompose this two parts: data generation, and fitting. We will provide one function each, and then use both from R. These two function will follow the aforementioned example from Section 39.7 somewhat closely.
We start with the first function to generate the data.
We include a few header files, define (in what is common for C programs) a few constants and then define a single function// [[Rcpp::depends(RcppGSL)]] #include <RcppGSL.h> #include <gsl/gsl_bspline.h> #include <gsl/gsl_multifit.h> #include <gsl/gsl_rng.h> #include <gsl/gsl_randist.h> #include <gsl/gsl_statistics.h> const int N = 200; // number of data points to fit const int NCOEFFS = 12; // number of fit coefficients */ const int NBREAK = (NCOEFFS - 2); // nbreak = ncoeffs + 2 - k = ncoeffs - 2 since k = 4 */ // [[Rcpp::export]] Rcpp::List genData() { const size_t n = N; size_t i; double dy; gsl_rng *r; RcppGSL::vector<double> w(n), x(n), y(n); gsl_rng_env_setup(); r = gsl_rng_alloc(gsl_rng_default); //printf("#m=0,S=0\n"); /* this is the data to be fitted */ for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { double sigma; double xi = (15.0 / (N - 1)) * i; double yi = cos(xi) * exp(-0.1 * xi); sigma = 0.1 * yi; dy = gsl_ran_gaussian(r, sigma); yi += dy; gsl_vector_set(x, i, xi); gsl_vector_set(y, i, yi); gsl_vector_set(w, i, 1.0 / (sigma * sigma)); //printf("%f %f\n", xi, yi); } Rcpp::DataFrame res = Rcpp::DataFrame::create(Rcpp::Named("x") = x, Rcpp::Named("y") = y, Rcpp::Named("w") = w); x.free(); y.free(); w.free(); gsl_rng_free(r); return(res); }
which returns and Rcpp::List
as a list object to R. A primary importance here are the two attributes:
one to declare a dependence on the RcppGSL package, and one to declare the
export of the data generator function. That is all it takes! The plugin of the
RcppGSL will provide information about the headers and library, and Rcpp
Attributes will do the rest.
The core of the function is fairly self-explanatory, and closely follows the
original example. Space gets
allocated, the RNG is setup and a simple functional form generates some data plus noise (see below). In the original, the data is written to
the standard output; here we return it to R as three columns in a data.frame
object familiar to R users. We then free the GSL
vectors; this manual step is needed as they are implemented as C vectors which do not have a destructor.
Next, we can turn the fitting function.
// [[Rcpp::export]] Rcpp::List fitData(Rcpp::DataFrame ds) { const size_t ncoeffs = NCOEFFS; const size_t nbreak = NBREAK; const size_t n = N; size_t i, j; Rcpp::DataFrame D(ds); // construct the data.frame object RcppGSL::vector<double> y = D["y"]; // access columns by name, RcppGSL::vector<double> x = D["x"]; // assigning to GSL vectors RcppGSL::vector<double> w = D["w"]; gsl_bspline_workspace *bw; gsl_vector *B; gsl_vector *c; gsl_matrix *X, *cov; gsl_multifit_linear_workspace *mw; double chisq, Rsq, dof, tss; bw = gsl_bspline_alloc(4, nbreak); // allocate a cubic bspline workspace (k = 4) B = gsl_vector_alloc(ncoeffs); X = gsl_matrix_alloc(n, ncoeffs); c = gsl_vector_alloc(ncoeffs); cov = gsl_matrix_alloc(ncoeffs, ncoeffs); mw = gsl_multifit_linear_alloc(n, ncoeffs); gsl_bspline_knots_uniform(0.0, 15.0, bw); // use uniform breakpoints on [0, 15] for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { // construct the fit matrix X double xi = gsl_vector_get(x, i); gsl_bspline_eval(xi, B, bw); // compute B_j(xi) for all j for (j = 0; j < ncoeffs; ++j) { // fill in row i of X double Bj = gsl_vector_get(B, j); gsl_matrix_set(X, i, j, Bj); } } gsl_multifit_wlinear(X, w, y, c, cov, &chisq, mw); // do the fit dof = n - ncoeffs; tss = gsl_stats_wtss(w->data, 1, y->data, 1, y->size); Rsq = 1.0 - chisq / tss; Rcpp::NumericVector FX(151), FY(151); // output the smoothed curve double xi, yi, yerr; for (xi = 0.0, i=0; xi < 15.0; xi += 0.1, i++) { gsl_bspline_eval(xi, B, bw); gsl_multifit_linear_est(B, c, cov, &yi, &yerr); FX[i] = xi; FY[i] = yi; } Rcpp::List res = Rcpp::List::create(Rcpp::Named("X")=FX, Rcpp::Named("Y")=FY, Rcpp::Named("chisqdof")=Rcpp::wrap(chisq/dof), Rcpp::Named("rsq")=Rcpp::wrap(Rsq)); gsl_bspline_free(bw); gsl_vector_free(B); gsl_matrix_free(X); gsl_vector_free(c); gsl_matrix_free(cov); gsl_multifit_linear_free(mw); y.free(); x.free(); w.free(); return(res); }
The second function closely follows the second part of the GSL example and, given the input data, fits the output data. Data structures are setup, the spline basis is created, data is fit and then the fit is evaluated at a number of points. These two vectors are returned along with two goodness of fit measures.
We only need to load the Rcpp package and source a file containing the two snippets shown above, and we are ready to deploy this:
library(Rcpp) sourceCpp("bSpline.cpp") # compile two functions dat <- genData() # generate the data fit <- fitData(dat) # fit the model, returns matrix and gof measures
And with that, we generate a chart such as
via a simple four lines, or as much as it took to create the C++ functions, generate the data and fit it!
op <- par(mar=c(3,3,1,1)) plot(dat[,"x"], dat[,"y"], pch=19, col="#00000044") lines(fit[[1]], fit[[2]], col="orange", lwd=2) par(op)
The RcppArmadillo and RcppEigen package support plugin use in the same way. Add an attribute to export a function, and an attribute for the depends -- and you're done. Extending R with (potentially much faster) C++ code has never been easier, and opens a whole new set of doors.
But because few things beat a nice example, this post tries to build some more excitement. We will illustrate how Rcpp attributes makes it really easy to add C++ code to R session, and that that code is as easy to grasp as R code.
Our motivating example is everybody's favourite introduction to Monte Carlo simulation: estimating π. A common method uses the fact
the unit circle has a surface area equal to π. We draw two uniform random numbers x
and y
, each between zero
and one. We then check for the distance of the corresponding point (x,y)
relative to the origin. If less than one (or equal),
it is in the circle (or on it); if more than one it is outside. As the first quadrant is a quarter of a square of area one, the area of
the whole circle is π -- so our first quadrant approximates π over four. The following figure, kindly borrowed from Wikipedia
with full attribution and credit, illustrates this:
Now, a vectorized version (drawing N
such pairs at once) of this approach is provided by the following R function.
piR <- function(N) { x <- runif(N) y <- runif(N) d <- sqrt(x^2 + y^2) return(4 * sum(d < 1.0) / N) }
And in C++ we can write almost exactly the same function thanks the Rcpp sugar vectorisation available via Rcpp:
Sure, there are small differences: C++ is statically typed, R is not. We need one include file for declaration, and we need one instantiation of the#include <Rcpp.h> using namespace Rcpp; // [[Rcpp::export]] double piSugar(const int N) { RNGScope scope; // ensure RNG gets set/reset NumericVector x = runif(N); NumericVector y = runif(N); NumericVector d = sqrt(x*x + y*y); return 4.0 * sum(d < 1.0) / N; }
object to ensure random number draws remain coordinated between the calling R process and the C++ function
calling into its (compiled C-code based) random number generators. That way we even get the exact same draws for the same seed.
But the basic approach is identical: draw a vector x
and vector y
, compute the distance to the origin and then
obtain the proportion within the unit circle -- which we scale by four. Same idea, same vectorised implementation in C++.
But the real key here is the one short line with the [[Rcpp::export]]
attribute. This is all it takes (along with
from Rcpp 0.10.0) to get the C++ code into R.
The full example (which assumes the C++ file is saved as piSugar.cpp
in the same directory) is now:
and it does a few things: set up the R function, source the C++ function (and presto: we have a callable C++ function just like that), compute two simulations given the same seed and ensure they are in fact identical -- and proceed to compare the timing in a benchmarking exercise. That last aspect is not even that important -- we end up being almost-but-not-quite twice as fast on my machine for different values of#!/usr/bin/r library(Rcpp) library(rbenchmark) piR <- function(N) { x <- runif(N) y <- runif(N) d <- sqrt(x^2 + y^2) return(4 * sum(d < 1.0) / N) } sourceCpp("piSugar.cpp") N <- 1e6 set.seed(42) resR <- piR(N) set.seed(42) resCpp <- piSugar(N) ## important: check results are identical with RNG seeded stopifnot(identical(resR, resCpp)) res <- benchmark(piR(N), piSugar(N), order="relative") print(res[,1:4])
The real takeaway here is the ease with which we can get a C++ function into R --- and the new process completely takes care of passing parameters in, results out, and does the compilation, linking and loading.
More details about Rcpp attributes are in the new vignette. Now enjoy the π.
Update:One somewhat bad typo fixed.
Update:Corrected one background tag.
-- and illustrate one of the
key features (Rcpp attributes) in passing.
R, as a statistical language and environment, has very well written and tested statistical distribution functions providing
probability density, cumulative distribution, quantiles and random number draws for dozens of common and not so common distribution functions.
This code is used inside R, and available for use from standalone C or C++ programs via the standalone R math library which Debian /
Ubuntu have as a package r-mathlib
(and which can be built from R sources).
User sometimes write code against this interface, and then want to combine the code with other code, possibly even with Rcpp. We allowed
for this, but it required a bit of an ugly interface. R provides a C interface; these have no namespaces. Identifiers can clash, and to be
safe one can enable a generic prefix Rf_
. So functions which could clash such as length
or error
become Rf_length
and Rf_error
and are less likely to conflict with symbols from other libraries. Unfortunately, the side-effect
is that calling, say, the probability distribution function for the Normal distribution becomes Rf_pnorm5()
(with the 5
denoting the five parameters: quantile, mean, std.deviation, lowerTail, logValue). Not pretty, and not obvious.
So one of the things we added was another layer of indirection by adding a namespace R
with a bunch of inline'd wrapper
functions (as well as several handful of unit tests to make sure we avoided typos and argument transposition and what not).
The short example below shows this for a simple function taking a vector, and returning its pnorm
computed three different ways:
This example also uses the new Rcpp attributes described briefly in the announcement blog post and of course in more detail in the corresponding vignette. Let us just state here that we simply provide a complete C++ function, using standard Rcpp types -- along with one 'attribute' declaration of an export via Rcpp. That's it -- even easier than using inline.#include <Rcpp.h> // [[Rcpp::export]] Rcpp::DataFrame mypnorm(Rcpp::NumericVector x) { int n = x.size(); Rcpp::NumericVector y1(n), y2(n), y3(n); for (int i=0; i<n; i++) { // the way we used to do this y1[i] = ::Rf_pnorm5(x[i], 0.0, 1.0, 1, 0); // the way we can do it now y2[i] = R::pnorm(x[i], 0.0, 1.0, 1, 0); } // or using Rcpp sugar in one go y3 = Rcpp::pnorm(x); return Rcpp::DataFrame::create(Rcpp::Named("Rold") = y1, Rcpp::Named("Rnew") = y2, Rcpp::Named("sugar") = y3); }
Now in R we simply do
to obtain a callable R function with the C++ code just shown behind it. No Makefile, no command-line tool invocation -- nothing but a single call toR> sourceCpp("mypnorm.cpp")
which takes care of things --- and brings us a compiled C++ function to R just given the source file with
its attribute declaration.
We can now use the new function to compute the probaility distribution both the old way, the new way with the 'cleaner'
, and of course the Rcpp sugar way in a single call. We build a data frame in C++, and assert that all
three variants are the same:
This example hopefully helped to illustrate how Rcpp 0.10.0 brings both something really powerful (Rcpp attributes -- more on this another time, hopefully) and convenient in the new namespace for statistical functions.R> x <- seq(0, 1, length=1e3) R> res <- mypnorm(x) R> head(res) Rold Rnew sugar 1 0.500000 0.500000 0.500000 2 0.500399 0.500399 0.500399 3 0.500799 0.500799 0.500799 4 0.501198 0.501198 0.501198 5 0.501597 0.501597 0.501597 6 0.501997 0.501997 0.501997 R> all.equal(res[,1], res[,2], res[,3]) [1] TRUE R>
In this context, I have a nice new example. And for once, it is work-related. I generally cannot share too much of what we do there as this is, well, proprietary, but I have this nice new example. The other day, I was constructing (large) time series of implied volatilities. Implied volatilities can be thought of as the complement to an option's price: given a price (and all other observables which can be thought of as fixed), we compute an implied volatility price (typically via the standard Black-Scholes model). Given a changed implied volatility, we infer a new price -- see this Wikipedia page for more details. In essence, it opens the door to all sorts of arbitrage and relative value pricing adventures.
Now, we observe prices fairly frequently to create somewhat sizeable time series of option prices. And each price corresponds to one matching implied volatility, and for each such price we have to solve a small and straightforward optimization problem: to compute the implied volatility given the price. This is usually done with an iterative root finder.
The problem comes from the fact that we have to do this (i) over and over and over for large data sets, and (ii) that there are a number of callbacks from the (generic) solver to the (standard) option pricer.
So our first approach was to just call the corresponding function GBSVolatility
from the
fOption package from the trusted
Rmetrics project by Diethelm Wuertz et al. This worked fine, but even with the usual tricks of splitting over
multiple cores/machines, it simply took too long for the resolution and data amount we desired. One of the problems is that this function (which
uses the proper uniroot
optimizer in R) is not inefficient per se, but simply makes to many function call back to the option pricer as
can be seen from a quick glance at the code. The helper function .fGBSVolatility
gets called time and time again:
R> GBSVolatility function (price, TypeFlag = c("c", "p"), S, X, Time, r, b, tol = .Machine$double.eps, maxiter = 10000) { TypeFlag = TypeFlag[1] volatility = uniroot(.fGBSVolatility, interval = c(-10, 10), price = price, TypeFlag = TypeFlag, S = S, X = X, Time = Time, r = r, b = b, tol = tol, maxiter = maxiter)$root volatility } <environment: namespace:fOptions> R> R> .fGBSVolatility function (x, price, TypeFlag, S, X, Time, r, b, ...) { GBS = GBSOption(TypeFlag = TypeFlag, S = S, X = X, Time = Time, r = r, b = b, sigma = x)@price price - GBS } <environment: namespace:fOptions>
So the next idea was to try the corresponding function from my RQuantLib package which brings (parts of) QuantLib to R. That was seen as been lots faster already. Now, QuantLib is pretty big and so is RQuantLib, and we felt it may not make sense to install it on a number of machines just for this simple problem. So one evening this week I noodled around for an hour or two and combined (i) a basic Black/Scholes calculation and (ii) a standard univariate zero finder (both of which can be found or described in numerous places) to minimize the difference between the observed price and the price given an implied volatility. With about one hundred lines in C++, I had something which felt fast enough. So today I hooked this into R via a two-line wrapper in quickly-created package using Rcpp.
I had one more advantage here. For our time series problem, the majority of the parameters (strike, time to maturity, rate, ...) are fixed, so we can
structure the problem to be vectorised right from the start. I cannot share the code or more the details of my new implementation. However, both
and EuropeanOprionImpliedVolatility
are on CRAN (and as I happen to maintain these for
Debian, also just one sudo apt-get install r-cran-foptions r-cran-rquantlib
away if you're
on Debian or Ubuntu). And writing the other solver is really not that
Anyway, here is the result, courtesy of a quick run via the rbenchmark package. We create a vector of length 500; the implied volatility computation will be performed at each point (and yes, our time series are much longer indeed). This is replicated 100 times (as is the default for rbenchmark) for each of the three approaches:
The new local solution is denoted byxyz@xxxxxxxx:~$ r xxxxR/packages/xxxxOptions/demo/timing.R test replications elapsed relative user.self sys.self user.child sys.child 3 zzz(X) 100 0.038 1.000 0.040 0.000 0 0 2 RQL(X) 100 3.657 96.237 3.596 0.060 0 0 1 fOp(X) 100 448.060 11791.053 446.644 1.436 0 0 xyz@xxxxxxxx:~$
. It is already orders of magnitude faster than the RQL(x)
function using
RQuantLib (which is, I presume, due to my custom solution internalising the loop). And
the new approach is a laughable amount faster than the basic approach (shown as fOp
) via
fOptions. For one hundred replications of solving implied volatilities for
all elements of a vector of size 500, the slow solution takes about 7.5 minutes --- while the fast solution takes 38 milliseconds. Which comes to a
relative gain of over 11,000.
So sitting down with your C++ compiler to craft a quick one-hundred lines, combining two well-known and tested methods, can reap sizeable benefits. And Rcpp makes it trivial to call this from R.
The post also fell short of a good aggregated timing comparison for which we love the rbenchmark package. So in order to rectify this, and to see what we can do here with Rcpp, a quick post revisiting the issue.
As preliminaries, we need to load three packages: inline to create compiled code on the fly (which, I should mention, is also used together with Rcpp by the Stan / RStan MCMC sampler which is creating some buzz this week), the compiler package included with R to create byte-compiled code and lastly the aforementioned rbenchmark package to do the timings. We also set row and column dimension, and set them a little higher than the original example to actually have something measurable:
The first suggestion was the one by Scott himself. We will wrap this one, and all the following ones, in a function so that all approaches are comparable as being in a function of two dimension arguments:library(inline) library(compiler) library(rbenchmark) n <- 500 k <- 100
We also immediatly compute a byte-compiled version (just because we now can) to see if this helps at all with the code. As there are no (explicit !) loops, we do not expect a big pickup. Scott's function works, but sweeps thescott <- function(N, K) { mm <- matrix(0, N, K) apply(mm, c(1, 2), function(x) sample(c(0, 1), 1)) } scottComp <- cmpfun(scott)
function across all rows and columns which is probably going to be (relatively) expensive.
Next is the first improvement suggested to Scott which came from Ted Hart.
This is quite a bit smarter as it vectorises the approach, generating N times K elements at once which are then reshaped into a matrix.ted <- function(N, K) { matrix(rbinom(N * K, 1, 0.5), ncol = K, nrow = N) }
Another suggestion came from David Smith as well as Rafael Maia. We rewrite it slightly to make it a function with two arguments for the desired dimensions:
This is very clever as it usesdavid <- function(m, n) { matrix(sample(0:1, m * n, replace = TRUE), m, n) }
over zero and one rather than making (expensive) draws from random
number generator.
Next we have a version from Luis Apiolaza:
It draws from a random uniform and rounds to zero and one, rather than deploying the binomial.luis <- function(m, n) { round(matrix(runif(m * n), m, n)) }
Then we have the version using RcppArmadillo hinted at by Scott, but with actual arguments and a correction for row/column dimensions. Thanks to inline we can write the C++ code as an R character string; inline takes care of everything and we end up with C++-based solution directly callable from R:
This works, and is pretty fast. The only problem is that it answers the wrong question as it returns U(0,1) draws and not binomials. We need to truncate or round. So a corrected version isarma <- cxxfunction(signature(ns="integer", ks="integer"), plugin = "RcppArmadillo", body=' int n = Rcpp::as<int>(ns); int k = Rcpp::as<int>(ks); return wrap(arma::randu(n, k)); ')
which uses the the old rounding approximation of adding 1/2 before truncating.armaFloor <- cxxfunction(signature(ns="integer", ks="integer"), plugin = "RcppArmadillo", body=' int n = Rcpp::as<int>(ns); int k = Rcpp::as<int>(ks); return wrap(arma::floor(arma::randu(n, k) + 0.5)); ')
With Armadillo in the picture, we do wonder how Rcpp sugar would do. Rcpp sugar, described in one of the eight vignettes of the Rcpp package, is using template meta-programming to provide R-like expressiveness (aka "syntactic sugar") at the C++ level. In particular, it gives access to R's RNG functions using the exact same RNGs as R making the results directly substitutable (whereas Armadillo uses its own RNG).
Heresugar <- cxxfunction(signature(ns="integer", ks="integer"), plugin = "Rcpp", body=' int n = Rcpp::as<int>(ns); int k = Rcpp::as<int>(ks); Rcpp::RNGScope tmp; Rcpp::NumericVector draws = Rcpp::runif(n*k); return Rcpp::NumericMatrix(n, k, draws.begin()); ')
deals with setting/resetting the R RNG state. This draws a vector of N time K uniforms
similar to Luis' function -- and just like Luis' R function does so without looping -- and then shapes a matrix of dimension N by K from it.
And it does of course have the same problem as the RcppArmadillo approach earlier and we can use the same solution:
sugarFloor <- cxxfunction(signature(ns="integer", ks="integer"), plugin = "Rcpp", body=' int n = Rcpp::as<int>(ns); int k = Rcpp::as<int>(ks); Rcpp::RNGScope tmp; Rcpp::NumericVector draws = Rcpp::floor(Rcpp::runif(n*k)+0.5); return Rcpp::NumericMatrix(n, k, draws.begin()); ')
Now that we have all the pieces in place, we can compare:
With all the above code example in a small R script we call via littler, we getres <- benchmark(scott(n, k), scottComp(n,k), ted(n, k), david(n, k), luis(n, k), arma(n, k), sugar(n,k), armaFloor(n, k), sugarFloor(n, k), order="relative", replications=100) print(res[,1:4])
We can see several takeaways:edd@max:~/svn/rcpp/pkg$ r /tmp/scott.r Loading required package: methods test replications elapsed relative 7 sugar(n, k) 100 0.072 1.000000 9 sugarFloor(n, k) 100 0.088 1.222222 6 arma(n, k) 100 0.126 1.750000 4 david(n, k) 100 0.136 1.888889 8 armaFloor(n, k) 100 0.138 1.916667 3 ted(n, k) 100 0.384 5.333333 5 luis(n, k) 100 0.410 5.694444 1 scott(n, k) 100 33.045 458.958333 2 scottComp(n, k) 100 33.767 468.986111
idea by David and Rafael is very, very fast too. This proves once again that
well-written R code can be competitive. It also suggest how to make the C++ solution by foregoing (expensive)
RNG draws in favour of samplingrbinom()
Rcpp sugar
function, or implementing sample()
at the C++ level is, as the saying goes, left as an exercise to the reader.
So here is an updated version, where we limit the display to the top twenty packages counted by reverse 'Depends:', and excluding those already shipping with R such as MASS, lattice, survival, Matrix, or nlme.
The mvtnorm package is still out by a wide margin, but we can note that (cough, cough) our Rcpp package for seamless R and C++ is now tied for second with the coda package for MCMC analysis. Also of note is the fact that CRAN keeps growing relentlessly and moved from 3969 packages to 3981 packages in the space of these few days...
Lastly, I have been asked about the code and/or data behind this. It is
really pretty simply as the main data.frame
can be had from CRAN
(where I also found the initial few lines to load it). After that, one only
needs a little bit of subsetting as shown below. I look forward to seeing
other people riff on this data set.
#!/usr/bin/r ## ## Initial db downloand from http://developer.r-project.org/CRAN/Scripts/depends.R and adapted require("tools") ## this function is essentially the same as R Core's from the URL ## http://developer.r-project.org/CRAN/Scripts/depends.R getDB <- function() { contrib.url(getOption("repos")["CRAN"], "source") # trigger chooseCRANmirror() if required description <- sprintf("%s/web/packages/packages.rds", getOption("repos")["CRAN"]) con <- if(substring(description, 1L, 7L) == "file://") { file(description, "rb") } else { url(description, "rb") } on.exit(close(con)) db <- readRDS(gzcon(con)) rownames(db) <- db[,"Package"] db } db <- getDB() ## count packages getCounts <- function(db, col) { foo <- sapply(db[,col], function(s) { if (is.na(s)) NA else length(strsplit(s, ",")[[1]]) } ) } ## build a data.frame with the number of entries for reverse depends, reverse imports, ## reverse linkingto and reverse suggests; also keep Recommended status ddall <- data.frame(pkg=db[,1], RDepends=getCounts(db, "Reverse depends"), RImports=getCounts(db, "Reverse imports"), RLinkingTo=getCounts(db, "Reverse linking to"), RSuggests=getCounts(db, "Reverse suggests"), Recommended=db[,"Priority"]=="recommended" ) ## Subset to non-Recommended packages as in David Smith's follow-up post dd <- subset(ddall, is.na(ddall[,"Recommended"]) | ddall[,"Recommended"] != TRUE) labeltxt <- paste("Analysis as of", format(Sys.Date(), "%d %b %Y"), "covering", nrow(db), "total CRAN packages") cutOff <- 20 doPNG <- TRUE if (doPNG) png("/tmp/CRAN_ReverseDepends.png", width=600, heigh=600) z <- dd[head(order(dd[,2], decreasing=TRUE), cutOff),c(1,2)] dotchart(z[,2], labels=z[,1], cex=1, pch=19, main="CRAN Packages sorted by Reverse Depends:", sub=paste("Limited to top", cutOff, "packages, excluding 'Recommended' ones shipped with R"), xlab=labeltxt) if (doPNG) dev.off() if (doPNG) png("/tmp/CRAN_ReverseImports.png", width=600, heigh=600) z <- dd[head(order(dd[,3], decreasing=TRUE), cutOff),c(1,3)] dotchart(z[,2], labels=z[,1], cex=1, pch=19, main="CRAN Packages sorted by Reverse Imports:", sub=paste("Limited to top", cutOff, "packages, excluding 'Recommended' ones shipped with R"), xlab=labeltxt) if (doPNG) dev.off() # no cutOff but rather a na.omit if (doPNG) png("/tmp/CRAN_ReverseLinkingTo.png", width=600, heigh=600) z <- na.omit(dd[head(order(dd[,4], decreasing=TRUE), 30),c(1,4)]) dotchart(z[,2], labels=z[,1], pch=19, main="CRAN Packages sorted by Reverse LinkingTo:", xlab=labeltxt) if (doPNG) dev.off()
Far from it, and I immediately replied listing lattice and
Matrix as packages with way more other packages depending upon them.
But as the question seemed deserving of a bit more analysis, I spent a few minutes on this and prepared three charts listing package in order of reverse Depends, reverse Imports and reverse LinkingTo.
First off, the reverse Depends:
. This is the standard means of
declaring a dependence of one package upon another.
Unsurprisingly, the MASS package from the classic Venables and Ripley book comes first, with Deepayan Sarkar's powerful lattice package (also covered in a book) coming second. These are both recommended packages which are commonly distributed with R itself. Next are mvtnorm and survival. Our Rcpp is up there in the top-ten, but not a frontrunner.
With the advent of namespaces a few R releases ago, it became possible to
import functions from other packages. So the Imports:
now provides an alternative to the (older) Depends:
. The next
chart displays the same relationship for Imports:
Now lattice still leads, but Hadleys's plyr package grabbed the second spot just before MASS and Matrix.
It is interesting to see that the sheer number of Imports:
still not where the Depends:
are. On the other hand, we see a
number of more recent packages popping up in the second chart. This may
reflect more recent coding practices. It will be interesting to see how this
stacks up over time when we revisit this chart.
Lastly, we can also look at LinkingTo:
, a declaration used to
provide a C/C++
-level dependency at the source code level. We use
this in the
Rcpp family to
provide automatic resolution of the header files needed to compile against
our packages. And unsurprisingly, because packages using
actually use its API (rather than R functions), the package is a little ahead
of others. In the package we find three more packages of the
family, but only a limited number of other packages as
-level dependencies are still somewhat rare in the R universe.
There are also fewer packages overall making use of this mechanism.
One could of course take this one level further and sum up dependencies in a
recursive manner, or visualize the relationship differently. But these
graphs provide a first visual description of the
magnitude of Depends
, Imports
among CRAN packages for R.
This post will show a quick example, also summarized in the short pdf vignette describing the package, and provided as a demo within the package.
We first load the new package (as well as the rbenchmark package used for the benchmarking example) into R. We then create a large matrix of 100,000 rows and 50 columns. Not quite big data by any stretch, but large enough for ascii reading to be painfully slow. We also write two npy files and compress the second one.R> library(RcppCNPy) Loading required package: Rcpp R> library(rbenchmark) R> R> n <- 1e5 R> k <- 50 R> R> M <- matrix(seq(1.0, n*k, by=1.0), n, k) R> R> txtfile <- tempfile(fileext=".txt") R> write.table(M, file=txtfile) R> R> pyfile <- tempfile(fileext=".py") R> npySave(pyfile, M) R> R> pygzfile <- tempfile(fileext=".py") R> npySave(pygzfile, M) R> system(paste("gzip -9", pygzfile)) R> pygzfile <- paste(pygzfile, ".gz", sep="") R> R>
Next, we use the benchmark
function to time the three
As shown by this example, loading a numpy file directly beats the pants off reading the data from ascii: it is about 78 times faster. Reading a compressed file is somewhat slower as the data stream has to be passed through the uncompressor provide by the zlib library. So instead of reading a binary blob in one go (once the file header has been parsed) we have to operate piecemeal---which is bound to be slower. It does however save in storage space (and users can make this tradeoff between speed and size) and is still orders of magnitude faster than parsing the ascii file. Finally, and not shown here, we unlink the temporary files.R> res <- benchmark(read.table(txtfile), + npyLoad(pyfile), + npyLoad(pygzfile), + order="relative", + columns=c("test", "replications", "elapsed", "relative"), + replications=10) R> print(res) test replications elapsed relative 2 npyLoad(pyfile) 10 1.241 1.00000 3 npyLoad(pygzfile) 10 3.098 2.49637 1 read.table(txtfile) 10 96.744 77.95649 R>
Summing up, this post demonstrated how the RcppCNPy package can be a useful to access data in numpy files (which may even be compressed). Data can also be written from R to be accessed later by numpy.
connections---as well as (compressed)
numpy files.
The numpy can be read very efficiently into Python. We can do the same in R
via save()
and load()
, of course. But the trouble
is that you need to read them first. And reading hundreds of megabytes from ascii is
slow, no matter which language you use. Concerning R, I poked aound scan()
played with the colClasses
argument and looked at the recent LaF package written just for
this purpose. And all these solutions were still orders of magnitude slower than
reading numpy. Which is no surprise as it is really hard to beat binary
formats when you have to parse countless ascii tokens.
So the obvious next idea was to read the numpy file in Python, and to write a simple binary format. One helpful feature with this data set was that it contained only regular (rectangular) matrices of floats. So we could just store two integers for the dimensions, followed by the total data in either one large binary blob, or a sequence of column vectors.
But one minor trouble was that the Intertubes lead to no easy solution to unpack the numpy format. StackOverflow had plenty of question around this topic converned with, say, how to serialize in language-independent way. But no converters. And nobody local knew how to undo the "pickle" format underlying numpy.
But a remote friend did:
well-known for his Rpy2
package, pointed me towards using the struct
module and steered
me towards the solution shown below. So a shameless plug: if you need a very
experienced Python or R consultant for sciece work, consider
his consulting firm.
Finally, to round out this post, let's show the simple solution we crafted so that the next guy searching the Intertubes will have an easier. Let us start with a minimal Python program writing numpy data to disk:
#!/usr/bin/env python # # simple example for creating numpy data to demonstrate converter import numpy as np # simple float array a = np.arange(15).reshape(3,5) * 1.1 outfile = "/tmp/data.npy" np.save(outfile, a)
Next, the simple Python converter to create a binary file containing two integers for row and column dimension, followed by row times columns of floats:
#!/usr/bin/python # # read a numpy file, and write a simple binary file containing # two integers 'n' and 'k' for rows and columns # n times k floats with the actual matrix # which can be read by any application or language that can read binary import struct import numpy as np inputfile = "/tmp/data.npy" outputfile = "/tmp/data.bin" # load from the file mat = np.load(inputfile) # create a binary file binfile = file(outputfile, 'wb') # and write out two integers with the row and column dimension header = struct.pack('2I', mat.shape[0], mat.shape[1]) binfile.write(header) # then loop over columns and write each for i in range(mat.shape[1]): data = struct.pack('%id' % mat.shape[0], *mat[:,i]) binfile.write(data) binfile.close()
Lastly, a quick littler script showing how R can read the data in a handful of lines:
That did the job---and I already used to converter to read a few weeks worth of data for further analysis in R. This obviously isn't the last word on possible solutions as the additional temporary file can be wasteful (unless it forms a cache for data read multiple times). If someone has nice solutions, please don't hold back and contact me. Thanks again to Laurent for the winning suggestion concerning#!/usr/bin/r infile <- "/tmp/data.bin" con <- file(infile, "rb") dim <- readBin(con, "integer", 2) Mat <- matrix( readBin(con, "numeric", prod(dim)), dim[1], dim[2]) close(con) print(Mat)
, and help in
getting the examples shown here to work.
output stream device. Based on a contributed
Rcpp patch by Jelper Ypma, the
output stream gets redirected to R's buffered output. In other words, R's own output and that
eminating from C++ code using Rcpp::Rcout
are now both in sync. This avoids a stern warning
from Section 5.6 in the Writing R Extensions manual:
Using C++ iostreams, as in this example, is best avoided. There is no guarantee that the output will appear in the R console, and indeed it will not on the R for Windows console. Use R code or the C entry points (*note Printing) for all I/O if at all possible.and does in fact provide exactly what is recommended: the same entry points R itself uses.
Below is a sample program, once again using the wonderful inline
package to compile, load and link C++ code into R from a simple text variable submitted to the cxxfunction
What is shown in R code to load the package, the definition of the C++ code as assigned to a variable src
and the creation of the dynamically-loadaded R function called fun
which contains the code from we
compiled, link and load via a single call to cxxfunction()
given src
We then switch to a temporary directory (as the example code, taken from one of the two examples in Conrad's Armadillo sources, creates a temporary file) and run the new function. To demontrate how it does in fact now mesh perfectly with R, we create an output 'sink' (which catches all output) and re-run.library library(inline) src <- ' Rcpp::Rcout << "Armadillo version: " << arma::arma_version::as_string() << std::endl; // directly specify the matrix size (elements are uninitialised) arma::mat A(2,3); // .n_rows = number of rows (read only) // .n_cols = number of columns (read only) Rcpp::Rcout << "A.n_rows = " << A.n_rows << std::endl; Rcpp::Rcout << "A.n_cols = " << A.n_cols << std::endl; // directly access an element (indexing starts at 0) A(1,2) = 456.0; A.print("A:"); // scalars are treated as a 1x1 matrix, // hence the code below will set A to have a size of 1x1 A = 5.0; A.print("A:"); // if you want a matrix with all elements set to a particular value // the .fill() member function can be used A.set_size(3,3); A.fill(5.0); A.print("A:"); arma::mat B; // endr indicates "end of row" B << 0.555950 << 0.274690 << 0.540605 << 0.798938 << arma::endr << 0.108929 << 0.830123 << 0.891726 << 0.895283 << arma::endr << 0.948014 << 0.973234 << 0.216504 << 0.883152 << arma::endr << 0.023787 << 0.675382 << 0.231751 << 0.450332 << arma::endr; // print to the cout stream // with an optional string before the contents of the matrix B.print("B:"); // the << operator can also be used to print the matrix // to an arbitrary stream (cout in this case) Rcpp::Rcout << "B:" << std::endl << B << std::endl; // save to disk B.save("B.txt", arma::raw_ascii); // load from disk arma::mat C; C.load("B.txt"); C += 2.0 * B; C.print("C:"); // submatrix types: // // .submat(first_row, first_column, last_row, last_column) // .row(row_number) // .col(column_number) // .cols(first_column, last_column) // .rows(first_row, last_row) Rcpp::Rcout << "C.submat(0,0,3,1) =" << std::endl; Rcpp::Rcout << C.submat(0,0,3,1) << std::endl; // generate the identity matrix arma::mat D = arma::eye<arma::mat>(4,4); D.submat(0,0,3,1) = C.cols(1,2); D.print("D:"); // transpose Rcpp::Rcout << "trans(B) =" << std::endl; Rcpp::Rcout << trans(B) << std::endl; // maximum from each column (traverse along rows) Rcpp::Rcout << "max(B) =" << std::endl; Rcpp::Rcout << max(B) << std::endl; // maximum from each row (traverse along columns) Rcpp::Rcout << "max(B,1) =" << std::endl; Rcpp::Rcout << max(B,1) << std::endl; // maximum value in B Rcpp::Rcout << "max(max(B)) = " << max(max(B)) << std::endl; // sum of each column (traverse along rows) Rcpp::Rcout << "sum(B) =" << std::endl; Rcpp::Rcout << sum(B) << std::endl; // sum of each row (traverse along columns) Rcpp::Rcout << "sum(B,1) =" << std::endl; Rcpp::Rcout << sum(B,1) << std::endl; // sum of all elements Rcpp::Rcout << "sum(sum(B)) = " << sum(sum(B)) << std::endl; Rcpp::Rcout << "accu(B) = " << accu(B) << std::endl; // trace = sum along diagonal Rcpp::Rcout << "trace(B) = " << trace(B) << std::endl; Rcpp::Rcout << std::endl; 'fun <- cxxfunction(signature(), body=src, plugin="RcppArmadillo") setwd("/tmp") # adjust on other OSs fun() # output to stdout sink("rcpparma.log.txt") # start 'sink' to output to file fun() # no output to screen sink() # stop 'sink'
This simple example demonstrated how we can use the new Rcout
output stream from
Rcpp to have dynamically-loaded C++ code cooperate more
cleanly with the (buffered) R output. It also demontrated some of the nice features in Armadillo
which we bring to R via RcppArmadillo.
The example was simple yet powerful: a reimplementation of the standard GUI application of a standard density estimate. Here the user can pick a kernel density function from a selection, and also slide a bandwidth parameter. One nice addition was an entry field already populated with a simple expression for a mixture of Normals, allowing for arbitrary random distributions over which to estimate. The example is pretty (thanks to Qt), and was added to RInside with the last CRAN release 0.2.4. The blog post has a nice screenshot.
I had long wondered how to do something similar 'on the web'. Web integration and application frameworks are of course a dime a dozen: Just about any language offers this, with more or less ease. But I wanted something simple yet powerful and fast. And I did not like the idea of a multi-tier app, or of a multi-language mix. I remember having seen something about a web-application framework not unlike Qt, and studying the very useful Wikipedia web application framework comparison I re-discovered Wt (pronounced "Witty"). So there it is, using C++ which brings us ample performance, the ability to connect to a number of libraries and applications (which is important in my quantitatively-minded workd) and avoid the whole multi-tier, multi-language combination. The Wt website has a few more good reason why this may be a suitable idea; the toolkit also offers a very decent amount of features and is amply documented with a fair number of examples.
And after just a little bit poking around during two weekends, I now have the following webapp committed in the SVN repository of RInside, and it is all implemented in in less than two hundred (generously commented) lines of code.
It is currently up and running at the address shown in the screenshot, so give it a go (though I may take it down at another point in time). I quite like it: The application is responsive: changes in the radio buttons (for the density), or the bandwidth, each trigger reestimation of the density, and a new and updated chart is displayed immediately with no noticeable delay---just like the desktop application did.
Best of all, the code logic is essentially unchanged from the Qt-based app. Signals and slots related events to actions, the layout is in terms of standard GUI boxen and containers. And best of all, I did not have to write a line of html, javascript, css or ajax: it is all handled by the Wt toolkit. I was able to drive the app from an Android phone, my tablet, various computers around the house, and had a few friends poke a stick at it from afar.
There is at one open issue. Wt launches new instances of the application object with each connection, which is a very clean model. That doesn't map perfectly with R (which is single-threaded) and RInside (which runs as a singleton for the same reason). So right now, each action sends its state back to the client. In other words, each clients own its parameters and well as vector of random numbers. Each new action sends these back to the app which passes it to R, launches the re-estimation and gets an updated chart back which is then shown by the the client. That is not perfect, and maybe a forking model as used by Simon's RServe would be better, though it would require a rewrite of RInside. Not sure if we get there anytime soon. And for simple applications not facing legions of concurrent users, the singleton should still work. It's a proof of concept at this point. Feedback welcome, and RInside and Rcpp questions should go to the rcpp-devel list as usual.
And I received a few friendly answers. My favourite, so far, was a suggestion by Lance Bachmeier who sent me a short script which used both R and C++ (via Rcpp) to simulate a first-order vector autoregressive process (and he ensured me that it worked well enough on his graduate students). It is indeed a great example as it involves (simple) matrix multiplication in an iterative fashion. Which makes it a great example not only for Rcpp but also for our RcppArmadillo package (which wraps Conrad Sanderson's wonderful Armadillo C++ templated library for linear algebra and more). And at the same time, we can also add another look at the new and shiny R compiler I also blogged about recently.
So Lance and I iterated over this a little more over email, and I now added this as a new (and initial) example file in the RcppArmadillo SVN repo. (As an aside: The newest version 0.2.19 of RcppArmadillo has been sitting in incoming at CRAN since earlier in the week while the archive maintainer takes a well-deserved vacation. It should hit the public archive within a few days, and is otherwise available too from my site.)
So let's walk through the example:
This starts with a simple enough loop. After skipping the first row, each iteration multiplies the previous row with the parameters and adds error terms.R> ## parameter and error terms used throughout R> a <- matrix(c(0.5,0.1,0.1,0.5),nrow=2) R> e <- matrix(rnorm(10000),ncol=2) R> ## Let's start with the R version R> rSim <- function(coeff, errors) { + simdata <- matrix(0, nrow(errors), ncol(errors)) + for (row in 2:nrow(errors)) { + simdata[row,] = coeff %*% simdata[(row-1),] + errors[row,] + } + return(simdata) + } R> rData <- rSim(a, e) # generated by R
We can then turn to the R compiler:
Nice and easy: We load the compiler package, create a compiled function and use it. We check the results and surely enough find them to be identical.R> ## Now let's load the R compiler (requires R 2.13 or later) R> suppressMessages(require(compiler)) R> compRsim <- cmpfun(rSim) R> compRData <- compRsim(a,e) # generated by R 'compiled' R> stopifnot(all.equal(rData, compRData)) # checking results
With that, time to turn to C++ using Armadillo via RcppArmadillo:
Here we load the inline package to compile, link and load C++ snippets. We define a short C++ function in theR> ## Now load 'inline' to compile C++ code on the fly R> suppressMessages(require(inline)) R> code <- ' + arma::mat coeff = Rcpp::as<arma::mat>(a); + arma::mat errors = Rcpp::as<arma::mat>(e); + int m = errors.n_rows; int n = errors.n_cols; + arma::mat simdata(m,n); + simdata.row(0) = arma::zeros<arma::mat>(1,n); + for (int row=1; row<m; row++) { + simdata.row(row) = simdata.row(row-1)*trans(coeff)+errors.row(row); + } + return Rcpp::wrap(simdata); + ' R> ## create the compiled function R> rcppSim <- cxxfunction(signature(a="numeric",e="numeric"), + code,plugin="RcppArmadillo") R> rcppData <- rcppSim(a,e) # generated by C++ code R> stopifnot(all.equal(rData, rcppData)) # checking results
variable, declare a signature taking a
and e
as before and ask
to deploy the plugin for RcppArmadillo so
that it and Rcpp are found during build. With that, we have a compiled function
to generate data, and we once again check the result. The C++ code is pretty straightforward as well. We can instatiate Armadillo matrices
directly from the R objects we pass down; we then run a similar loop building the result row by row.
Now, with all the build-up, here is the final timing comparison, using the rbenchmark package:
So in a real-world example involving looping and some algebra (which is of course already done by BLAS and LAPACK libraries), the new R compiler improves by more than a factor of two, cutting time from 4.14 seconds down to about 2 seconds. Yet, this still leaves the C++ solution, clocking in at a mere 38 milliseconds, ahead by a factor of over fifty relative to the new R compilerR> ## now load the rbenchmark package and compare all three R> suppressMessages(library(rbenchmark)) R> res <- benchmark(rcppSim(a,e), + rSim(a,e), + compRsim(a,e), + columns=c("test", "replications", "elapsed", + "relative", "user.self", "sys.self"), + order="relative") R> print(res) test replications elapsed relative user.self sys.self 1 rcppSim(a, e) 100 0.038 1.0000 0.04 0 3 compRsim(a, e) 100 2.011 52.9211 2.01 0 2 rSim(a, e) 100 4.148 109.1579 4.14 0
And compared to just R itself, the simple solution involving Rcpp and RcppArmadillo is almost 110 times faster. As I mentioned, I quite like this example ;-).
Beginning users sometimes ask about how to use RInside inside larger projects. And as I had meant to experiment with embedding inside of the powerful Qt framework anyway, I started to dabble a little. A first result is now in the SVN sources of RInside.
My starting point was the classic tkdensity
demo that comes with
R itself. It is a good point of departure as Tcl/Tk makes it very
portable---in fact it should run on every platform that runs R---and quite
expressive. And having followed some of the GUI experiments around R over
the years, I have also seen various re-implementations using different GUI frameworks. And so I am adding
mine to this body of work:
The problem I addressed first was actual buildability. For the RInside examples, Romain and I provide a Makefile that just works by making calls to R itself to learn about flags for R, Rcpp and RInside such that all required headers and libraries are found. That is actually relatively straightforward (and documented in our vignettes) but a little intimidating at first---which is why a ready-made Makefile is a good thing.
Qt of course uses qmake
and the .pro
files to encode / resolve dependencies. So task one
was to map what our Makefile does into its variables. Turns out that wasn't all that
The double dollar signs and escaping of parentheses are a little tedious, but hey it works and expands the compiler and linker flags such that everything## -*- mode: Makefile; c-indent-level: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 8; -*- ## ## Qt usage example for RInside, inspired by the standard 'density ## sliders' example for other GUI toolkits ## ## Copyright (C) 2011 Dirk Eddelbuettel and Romain Francois TEMPLATE = app HEADERS = qtdensity.h SOURCES = qtdensity.cpp main.cpp QT += svg ## comment this out if you need a different version of R, ## and set set R_HOME accordingly as an environment variable R_HOME = $$system(R RHOME) ## include headers and libraries for R RCPPFLAGS = $$system($$R_HOME/bin/R CMD config --cppflags) RLDFLAGS = $$system($$R_HOME/bin/R CMD config --ldflags) RBLAS = $$system($$R_HOME/bin/R CMD config BLAS_LIBS) RLAPACK = $$system($$R_HOME/bin/R CMD config LAPACK_LIBS) ## if you need to set an rpath to R itself, also uncomment #RRPATH = -Wl,-rpath,$$R_HOME/lib ## include headers and libraries for Rcpp interface classes RCPPINCL = $$system($$R_HOME/bin/Rscript -e \'Rcpp:::CxxFlags\(\)\') RCPPLIBS = $$system($$R_HOME/bin/Rscript -e \'Rcpp:::LdFlags\(\)\') ## for some reason when building with Qt we get this each time ## so we turn unused parameter warnings off RCPPWARNING = -Wno-unused-parameter ## include headers and libraries for RInside embedding classes RINSIDEINCL = $$system($$R_HOME/bin/Rscript -e \'RInside:::CxxFlags\(\)\') RINSIDELIBS = $$system($$R_HOME/bin/Rscript -e \'RInside:::LdFlags\(\)\') ## compiler etc settings used in default make rules QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += $$RCPPWARNING $$RCPPFLAGS $$RCPPINCL $$RINSIDEINCL QMAKE_LFLAGS += $$RLDFLAGS $$RBLAS $$RLAPACK $$RCPPLIBS $$RINSIDELIBS ## addition clean targets QMAKE_CLEAN += qtdensity Makefile
The code itself is pretty straightforward too. We instantiate the
RInside object
as well as the main Qt application
object. We then instantiate a new object of class QtDensity
will launch the main widget; it is given a reference to the
RInside object.
// -*- mode: C++; c-indent-level: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 8; -*- // // Qt usage example for RInside, inspired by the standard 'density // sliders' example for other GUI toolkits // // Copyright (C) 2011 Dirk Eddelbuettel and Romain Francois #include <QApplication> #include "qtdensity.h" int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { RInside R(argc, argv); // create an embedded R instance QApplication app(argc, argv); QtDensity qtdensity(R); return app.exec(); }
The definition of the main object is pretty simple: a few private variables, and a few functions to interact with the GUI and get values from the radio buttons, slider or input field---as well as functions to update the chart or re-draw the random variables.
// -*- mode: C++; c-indent-level: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 8; -*- // // Qt usage example for RInside, inspired by the standard 'density // sliders' example for other GUI toolkits // // Copyright (C) 2011 Dirk Eddelbuettel and Romain Francois #ifndef QTDENSITY_H #define QTDENSITY_H #include <RInside.h> #include <QMainWindow> #include <QHBoxLayout> #include <QSlider> #include <QSpinBox> #include <QLabel> #include <QTemporaryFile> #include <QSvgWidget> class QtDensity : public QMainWindow { Q_OBJECT public: QtDensity(RInside & R); private slots: void getBandwidth(int bw); void getKernel(int kernel); void getRandomDataCmd(QString txt); void runRandomDataCmd(void); private: void setupDisplay(void); // standard GUI boilderplate of arranging things void plot(void); // run a density plot in R and update the void filterFile(void); // modify the richer SVG produced by R QSvgWidget *m_svg; // the SVG device RInside & m_R; // reference to the R instance passed to constructor QString m_tempfile; // name of file used by R for plots QString m_svgfile; // another temp file, this time from Qt int m_bw, m_kernel; // parameters used to estimate the density QString m_cmd; // random draw command string }; #endif
Lastly, no big magic in the code either (apart from the standard magic provided
by RInside). A bit of standard GUI layouting, and
then some functions to pick values from the inputs as well as to compute /
update the output. One issue is worth mentioning. The screenshot and code
show the second version of this little application. I built a first one using
a standard portable network graphics (png) file. That was fine, but not
crisp as png is a pixel format so I went back and
experimented with scalable vector graphics (svg) instead. One can create svg output with
R in a number of ways, one of
which is the
package by Michael Lawrence (who also wrote
RGtk2 and good
chunks of Ggobi). Now, it turns out that
Qt displays the so-called SVG
tiny standard whereas
R creates a fuller SVG format. Some
discussion with Michael reveals that one can modify the svg file suitably (which
is what the function filterFile
below does) and it all works. Well:
almost. There is a bug (and Michael thinks it is the SVG rendering) in which
the density estimate does not get clipped to the plotting region.
// -*- mode: C++; c-indent-level: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 8; -*- // // Qt usage example for RInside, inspired by the standard 'density // sliders' example for other GUI toolkits -- this time with SVG // // Copyright (C) 2011 Dirk Eddelbuettel and Romain Francois #include <QtGui> #include "qtdensity.h" QtDensity::QtDensity(RInside & R) : m_R(R) { m_bw = 100; // initial bandwidth, will be scaled by 100 so 1.0 m_kernel = 0; // initial kernel: gaussian m_cmd = "c(rnorm(100,0,1), rnorm(50,5,1))"; // simple mixture m_R["bw"] = m_bw; // pass bandwidth to R, and have R compute a temp.file name m_tempfile = QString::fromStdString(Rcpp::as<std::string>(m_R.parseEval("tfile <- tempfile()"))); m_svgfile = QString::fromStdString(Rcpp::as<std::string>(m_R.parseEval("sfile <- tempfile()"))); m_R.parseEvalQ("library(cairoDevice)"); setupDisplay(); } void QtDensity::setupDisplay(void) { QWidget *window = new QWidget; window->setWindowTitle("Qt and RInside demo: density estimation"); QSpinBox *spinBox = new QSpinBox; QSlider *slider = new QSlider(Qt::Horizontal); spinBox->setRange(5, 200); slider->setRange(5, 200); QObject::connect(spinBox, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), slider, SLOT(setValue(int))); QObject::connect(slider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), spinBox, SLOT(setValue(int))); spinBox->setValue(m_bw); QObject::connect(spinBox, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(getBandwidth(int))); QLabel *cmdLabel = new QLabel("R command for random data creation"); QLineEdit *cmdEntry = new QLineEdit(m_cmd); QObject::connect(cmdEntry, SIGNAL(textEdited(QString)), this, SLOT(getRandomDataCmd(QString))); QObject::connect(cmdEntry, SIGNAL(editingFinished()), this, SLOT(runRandomDataCmd())); QGroupBox *kernelRadioBox = new QGroupBox("Density Estimation kernel"); QRadioButton *radio1 = new QRadioButton("&Gaussian"); QRadioButton *radio2 = new QRadioButton("&Epanechnikov"); QRadioButton *radio3 = new QRadioButton("&Rectangular"); QRadioButton *radio4 = new QRadioButton("&Triangular"); QRadioButton *radio5 = new QRadioButton("&Cosine"); radio1->setChecked(true); QVBoxLayout *vbox = new QVBoxLayout; vbox->addWidget(radio1); vbox->addWidget(radio2); vbox->addWidget(radio3); vbox->addWidget(radio4); vbox->addWidget(radio5); kernelRadioBox->setMinimumSize(260,140); kernelRadioBox->setMaximumSize(260,140); kernelRadioBox->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed); kernelRadioBox->setLayout(vbox); QButtonGroup *kernelGroup = new QButtonGroup; kernelGroup->addButton(radio1, 0); kernelGroup->addButton(radio2, 1); kernelGroup->addButton(radio3, 2); kernelGroup->addButton(radio4, 3); kernelGroup->addButton(radio5, 4); QObject::connect(kernelGroup, SIGNAL(buttonClicked(int)), this, SLOT(getKernel(int))); m_svg = new QSvgWidget(); runRandomDataCmd(); // also calls plot() QGroupBox *estimationBox = new QGroupBox("Density estimation bandwidth (scaled by 100)"); QHBoxLayout *spinners = new QHBoxLayout; spinners->addWidget(spinBox); spinners->addWidget(slider); QVBoxLayout *topright = new QVBoxLayout; topright->addLayout(spinners); topright->addWidget(cmdLabel); topright->addWidget(cmdEntry); estimationBox->setMinimumSize(360,140); estimationBox->setMaximumSize(360,140); estimationBox->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed); estimationBox->setLayout(topright); QHBoxLayout *upperlayout = new QHBoxLayout; upperlayout->addWidget(kernelRadioBox); upperlayout->addWidget(estimationBox); QHBoxLayout *svglayout = new QHBoxLayout; svglayout->addWidget(m_svg); QVBoxLayout *outer = new QVBoxLayout; outer->addLayout(upperlayout); outer->addLayout(svglayout); window->setLayout(outer); window->show(); } void QtDensity::plot(void) { const char *kernelstrings[] = { "gaussian", "epanechnikov", "rectangular", "triangular", "cosine" }; m_R["bw"] = m_bw; m_R["kernel"] = kernelstrings[m_kernel]; // that passes the string to R std::string cmd1 = "Cairo(width=6,height=6,pointsize=10,surface='svg',filename=tfile); " "plot(density(y, bw=bw/100, kernel=kernel), xlim=range(y)+c(-2,2), main=\"Kernel: "; std::string cmd2 = "\"); points(y, rep(0, length(y)), pch=16, col=rgb(0,0,0,1/4)); dev.off()"; std::string cmd = cmd1 + kernelstrings[m_kernel] + cmd2; // stick the selected kernel in the middle m_R.parseEvalQ(cmd); filterFile(); // we need to simplify the svg file for display by Qt m_svg->load(m_svgfile); } void QtDensity::getBandwidth(int bw) { if (bw != m_bw) { m_bw = bw; plot(); } } void QtDensity::getKernel(int kernel) { if (kernel != m_kernel) { m_kernel = kernel; plot(); } } void QtDensity::getRandomDataCmd(QString txt) { m_cmd = txt; } void QtDensity::runRandomDataCmd(void) { std::string cmd = "y <- " + m_cmd.toStdString(); m_R.parseEvalQ(cmd); plot(); // after each random draw, update plot with estimate } void QtDensity::filterFile() { // cairoDevice creates richer SVG than Qt can display // but per Michaele Lawrence, a simple trick is to s/symbol/g/ which we do here QFile infile(m_tempfile); infile.open(QFile::ReadOnly); QFile outfile(m_svgfile); outfile.open(QFile::WriteOnly | QFile::Truncate); QTextStream in(&infile); QTextStream out(&outfile); QRegExp rx1("<symbol"); QRegExp rx2("</symbol"); while (!in.atEnd()) { QString line = in.readLine(); line.replace(rx1, "<g"); // so '<symbol' becomes '<g ...' line.replace(rx2, "</g");// and '</symbol becomes '</g' out << line << "\n"; } infile.close(); outfile.close(); }
What the little application does is actually somewhat neat for the few lines. One key features is that the generated data can be specified directly by an R expression which allows for mixtures (as shown, and as is the default). With that it easy to see how many points are needed in the second hump to make the estimate multi-modal, and how much of a distance between both centers is needed and so on. Obviously, the effect of the chosen kernel and bandwidth can also be visualized. And with the chart the being a support vector graphics display, we can resize and scale at will and it still looks crisp.
The code (for both the simpler png variant and the svg version shown here) is in the SVN repository for RInside and will be in the next release. Special thanks to Michael Lawrence for patiently working through some svg woes with me over a few emails.
Update: Some typos fixed.
Update 2: Two URLs corrected.
receive theses messages.
For the technically minded, adding this to the existing 200-line program which runs all of CRANberries was very easy. CRANberries relies only on R itself and a few Unix tools like diffstat as well as the simple blosxom txt-to-html/rss 'blog compiler'. The tweeting itself is now done by this new function
which simply pipes the message in Greg KH's bti program (which is now a new dependency). Special thanks to its Debian maintainer Gregor Herrmann for some helpful emails; I am using the newest release 0.29 which itself needs liboauth0. Once OAuth tokens are set-up (and see here for how to do that) all we need is the three-liner above.tweetNewBlogEntry <- function(curPkg, curVer, reposurl) { ## tests reveal that pipe(), cat(), close() is easiest ## to send multiple messages, may need --background option con <- pipe("bti --config bti.conf", "w") cat("New CRAN package", curPkg, "with initial version", curVer, " http://goo.gl/pgljT\n", file=con) close(con) }
At this point I am not too sure what to do about updated packages. One message per updated package seems too noisy. To be seen---comments or suggestions welcome.
It is a fine article motivated by all the usual reasons that are e.g. mentioned in the Google Tech Talk which Romain and I gave last October about our work around Rcpp. But it is just not simple.
Allow me to explain. When Jeff showed this C language file
and then needs several paragraphs to explain what is going on, what is needed to compile and then how to load it --- I simply could not resist. Almost immediately, I emailed back to him something as simple as this using both our Rcpp package as well as the wonderful inline package by Oleg which Romain and I more or less adopted:#include <R.h> #include <Rinternals.h> SEXP esoteric_rev (SEXP x) { SEXP res; int i, r, P=0; PROTECT(res = allocVector(REALSXP, length(x))); P++; for(i=length(x), r=0; i>0; i--, r++) { REAL(res)[r] = REAL(x)[i-1]; } copyMostAttrib(x, res); UNPROTECT(P); return res; }
Here we load inline, and then define a three-line C++ program using facilities from our Rcpp package. All we need to revert a vector is to first access its R object in C++ by instantiating the R vector as alibrary(inline) ## for cxxfunction() src <- 'Rcpp::NumericVector x = Rcpp::NumericVector(xs); std::reverse(x.begin(), x.end()); return(x);' fun <- cxxfunction(signature(xs="numeric"), body=src, plugin="Rcpp") fun( seq(0, 1, 0.1) )
These C++ classes then provide iterators which are compatible with the
Standard Template Library (STL). So we simply
call the STL function reverse
pointing the beginning and end
of the vector, and are done! Rcpp then allows us the return the C++ vector
which it turns into an R vector. Efficient in-place reversal, just like Jeff
had motivated, in three lines. Best of all, we can execute this from within R itself:
R> library(inline) ## for cxxfunction() R> src <- 'Rcpp::NumericVector x = Rcpp::NumericVector(xs); + std::reverse(x.begin(), x.end()); + return(x);' R> fun <- cxxfunction(signature(xs="numeric"), body=src, plugin="Rcpp") R> fun( seq(0, 1, 0.1) ) [1] 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 R>
Lastly, Jeff shows a more complete example wherein a new vector is created,
and any potential attributes are copied as well. Naturally, we can do that
too. First, we used clone()
to make a deep copy (ie forcing
creation of a new object rather than a mere proxy) and use the same R API
function he accessed---but it our case both prefixed with ::Rf_
for R remapping (to protect clashed with other functions with identical names) and a global
namespace identifier (as it is a global C function from R).
Both theR> library(inline) R> src <- 'Rcpp::NumericVector x = Rcpp::clone<Rcpp::NumericVector>(xs); + std::reverse(x.begin(), x.end()); + ::Rf_copyMostAttrib(xs, x); + return(x);' R> fun <- cxxfunction(signature(xs="numeric"), body=src, plugin="Rcpp") R> obj <- structure(seq(0, 1, 0.1), obligatory="hello, world!") R> fun(obj) [1] 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 attr(,"obligatory") [1] "hello, world!" R> obj [1] 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 attr(,"obligatory") [1] "hello, world!" R>
variable and the new copy contain the desired data
attribute, the new copy is reversed, the original is untouched---and all in
four lines of C++ called via one
inline call. I have
now been going on for over one hundred lines yet I never had to mention
memory management, pointers, PROTECT
or other components of the
R API for C. Hopefully, this short writeup provided an idea of why
Romain and I think
Rcpp is the way to
go for creating C/C++ functions for extending and enhancing
Classifying markets as overbought or oversold is a popular heuristic. It starts from computing a rolling smoothed estimate of the prices, usually via a (exponential or standard) moving average over a suitable number of days (where Bespoke uses 50 days, see here). This is typically coupled with a (simple) rolling standard deviation. Overbought and oversold regions are then constructed by taking the smoothed mean plus/minus one and two standard deviations.
Doing this is in R is pretty easy thanks to the combination of R's rich base functions and its add-on packages from CRAN. Below is a simply function I wrote a couple of months ago---and I figured I might as well release. It relies on the powerful packages quantmod and TTR by my pals Jeff Ryan and Josh Ulrich, respectively.
## plotOBOS -- displaying overbough/oversold as eg in Bespoke's plots ## ## Copyright (C) 2010 - 2011 Dirk Eddelbuettel ## ## This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it ## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ## the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or ## (at your option) any later version. suppressMessages(library(quantmod)) # for getSymbols(), brings in xts too suppressMessages(library(TTR)) # for various moving averages plotOBOS <- function(symbol, n=50, type=c("sma", "ema", "zlema"), years=1, blue=TRUE) { today <- Sys.Date() X <- getSymbols(symbol, src="yahoo", from=format(today-365*years-2*n), auto.assign=FALSE) x <- X[,6] # use Adjusted type <- match.arg(type) xd <- switch(type, # compute xd as the central location via selected MA smoother sma = SMA(x,n), ema = EMA(x,n), zlema = ZLEMA(x,n)) xv <- runSD(x, n) # compute xv as the rolling volatility strt <- paste(format(today-365*years), "::", sep="") x <- x[strt] # subset plotting range using xts' nice functionality xd <- xd[strt] xv <- xv[strt] xyd <- xy.coords(.index(xd),xd[,1]) # xy coordinates for direct plot commands xyv <- xy.coords(.index(xv),xv[,1]) n <- length(xyd$x) xx <- xyd$x[c(1,1:n,n:1)] # for polygon(): from first point to last and back if (blue) { blues5 <- c("#EFF3FF", "#BDD7E7", "#6BAED6", "#3182BD", "#08519C") # cf brewer.pal(5, "Blues") fairlylight <- rgb(189/255, 215/255, 231/255, alpha=0.625) # aka blues5[2] verylight <- rgb(239/255, 243/255, 255/255, alpha=0.625) # aka blues5[1] dark <- rgb(8/255, 81/255, 156/255, alpha=0.625) # aka blues5[5] } else { fairlylight <- rgb(204/255, 204/255, 204/255, alpha=0.5) # grays with alpha-blending at 50% verylight <- rgb(242/255, 242/255, 242/255, alpha=0.5) dark <- 'black' } plot(x, ylim=range(range(xd+2*xv, xd-2*xv, na.rm=TRUE)), main=symbol, col=fairlylight) # basic xts plot polygon(x=xx, y=c(xyd$y[1]+xyv$y[1], xyd$y+2*xyv$y, rev(xyd$y+xyv$y)), border=NA, col=fairlylight) # upper polygon(x=xx, y=c(xyd$y[1]-1*xyv$y[1], xyd$y+1*xyv$y, rev(xyd$y-1*xyv$y)), border=NA, col=verylight)# center polygon(x=xx, y=c(xyd$y[1]-xyv$y[1], xyd$y-2*xyv$y, rev(xyd$y-xyv$y)), border=NA, col=fairlylight) # lower lines(xd, lwd=2, col=fairlylight) # central smooted location lines(x, lwd=3, col=dark) # actual price, thicker invisible(NULL) }
After downloading data and computing the rolling smoothed mean and standard deviation, it really is just a matter of plotting (appropriate) filled polygons. Here I used colors from the neat RColorBrewer package with some alpha blending. Colors can be turned off via an option to the function; ranges, data length and type of smoother can also be picked.
To call this in R, simply source the file and the call, say, plotOBOS("^GSPC", years=2)
which creates a two-year plot of the SP500 as shown here:
This shows the market did indeed bounce off the oversold lows nicely on a few occassions in 2009 and 2010 --- but also continued to slide after hitting the condition. Nothing is foolproof, and certainly nothing as simple as this is, so buyer beware. But it may prove useful in conjunction with other tools.
The code for the script is here and of course available under GPL 2 or later. I'd be happy to help incorporate it into some other finance package. Lastly, if you read this post this far, also consider our R / Finance conference coming at the end of April.
Edit: Corrected several typos with thanks to Josh.