Wed, 19 Sep 2018

binb 0.0.1: binb is not Beamer

Following a teaser tweet two days ago, we are thrilled to announce that binb version 0.0.1 arrived on CRAN earlier this evening.

binb extends a little running joke^Htradition I created a while back and joins three other CRAN packages offering RMarkdown integration:

  • tint for tint is not Tufte : pdf or html papers with a fresher variant of the famed Tufte style;
  • pinp for pinp is not PNAS : two-column pdf vignettes in the PNAS style (which we use for several of our packages);
  • linl for linl is not Letter : pdf letters

All four offer easy RMarkdown integration, leaning heavily on the awesome super-power of pandoc as well as general R glue.

This package (finally) wraps something I had offered for Metropolis via a simpler GitHub repo – a repo I put together more-or-less spur-of-the-moment-style when asked for it during the useR! 2016 conference. It also adds the lovely IQSS Beamer theme by Ista Zahn which offers a rather sophisticated spin on the original Metropolis theme by Matthias Vogelgesang.

We put two simple teasers on the GitHub repo.


Consider the following minimal example, adapted from the original minimal example at the bottom of the Metropolis page:

title: A minimal example
author: Matthias Vogelgesang
date: \today
institute: Centre for Modern Beamer Themes
output: binb::metropolis

# First Section

## First Frame

Hello, world!

It creates a three-page pdf file which we converted into this animated gif (which loses font crispness, sadly):


Similarly, for IQSS we use the following input adapting the example above but showing sections and subsections for the nice headings it generates:

title: A minimal example
author: Ista Zahn
date: \today
institute: IQSS
output: binb::iqss

# First Section

## First Sub-Section

### First Frame

Hello, world!

# Second Section

## Second Subsection

### Second Frame

Another planet!

This creates this pdf file which we converted into this animated gif (also losing font crispness):

The initial (short) NEWS entry follows:

Changes in binb version 0.0.1 (2018-09-19)

  • Initial CRAN release supporting Metropolis and IQSS

For questions or comments use the issue tracker off the GitHub repo.

This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. Please report excessive re-aggregation in third-party for-profit settings.

/code/binb | permanent link