Mon, 11 Jan 2021

BH 1.75.0-0: New upstream release, added Beast


Boost is a very large and comprehensive set of (peer-reviewed) libraries for the C++ programming language, containing well over 100 individual libraries. The BH package provides a sizeable subset of header-only libraries for use by R.

Version 1.75.0 of Boost was released in December, right on schedule with their April, August and December releases. I now try to follow these releases at a lower (annual) cadence and prepared BH 1.75.0-0 in mid-December. Extensive reverse-depends checks revealed a need for changes in a handful of packages whose maintainers I contacted then. With one exception, everybody responded in kind and brought updated packages to CRAN which permitted us to upload the package there two days ago. And thanks to this planned and coordinated upload, the package is now available on CRAN a mere two days later. My thanks to the maintainers of these packages for helping it along; this prompt responses really are appreciated. The version on CRAN is the same as the one the drat announced in this tweet asking for testing help. If you installed that version, you are still current as no changes were required since December and CRAN now contains same file.

This release adds one new library: Boost Beast, an http and websocket library built on top of Boost Asio. Other changes are highlighed below.

Changes in version 1.75.0-0 (2020-12-12)

  • Removed file NAMESPACE as the package has neither R code, nor a shared library to load

  • The file LICENSE_1_0.txt is now included (as requested in #73)

  • Added new beast library (as requested in #74)

  • Upgraded to Boost 1.75.0 (#75)

Via CRANberries, there is a diffstat report relative to the previous release. Its final line is quite impressive: 3485 files changed, 100838 insertions(+), 84890 deletions(-). Wow.

Comments and suggestions about BH are welcome via the issue tracker at the GitHub repo.

If you like this or other open-source work I do, you can now sponsor me at GitHub.

This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. Please report excessive re-aggregation in third-party for-profit settings.

/code/bh | permanent link