A new minor release of RcppFastFloat just arrived on CRAN. The package wraps fast_float, another nice library by Daniel Lemire. For details, see the arXiv preprint or published paper showing that one can convert character representations of ‘numbers’ into floating point at rates at or exceeding one gigabyte per second.
This release updates the underlying fast_float
version to the current version 7.0.0, and updates a few packaging
Changes in version 0.0.5 (2025-01-15)
No longer set a compilation standard
Updates to continuous integration, badges, URLs, DESCRIPTION
Update to fast_float 7.0.0
Per CRAN Policy comment-out compiler 'diagnostic ignore' instances
Courtesy of my CRANberries, there is also a diffstat report for this release. For questions, suggestions, or issues please use the [issue tracker][issue tickets] at the GitHub repo.
This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. If you like this or other open-source work I do, you can now sponsor me at GitHub.