Tue, 04 Mar 2025

#46: Adding arm64 to r2u

Welcome to post 46 in the $R^4 series!

r2u, introduced less than three years ago in post #37, has become a runaway success. When I last tabulated downloads in early January, we were already at 33 million downloads of binary CRAN packages across the three Ubuntu LTS releases we support. These were exclusively for the ‘amd64’ platform of standard (Intel or AMD made) x64_64 cpus. Now we are happy to announce that arm64 support has been added and is available!

Why arm64?

The arm64 platform is already popular on (cloud) servers and is being pushed quite actively by the cloud vendors. AWS calls their cpu ‘graviton’, GCS calls it ‘axion’. General servers call the cpu ‘ampere’; on laptop / desktops it is branded ‘snapdragon’ or ‘cortex’ or something else. Apple calls their variant M1, M2, … up to M4 by now (and Linux support exists for the brave, it is less straightforward). What these have in common is a generally more favourable ‘power consumed to ops provided’ ratio. That makes these cheaper to run or rent on cloud providers. And in laptops they tend to last longer on a single charge too.

Distributions such as Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora had arm64 for many years. In fact, the CRAN binaries of R, being made as builds at launchpad.net long provided arm64 in Michael’s repo, we now also mirror these to CRAN. Similarly, Docker has long supported containers. And last but not least two issue tickets (#40, #55) had asked a while back.

So Why Now?

Good question. I still do not own any hardware with it, and I have not (yet?) bothered with the qemu-based emulation layer. The real difference maker was the recent availability of GitHub Actions instances of ‘ubuntu-24.04-arm’ (and now apparently also for 22.04).

So I started some simple experiments … which made it clear this was viable.

What Does It Mean for a CRAN Repo?

Great question. As is commonly known, of the (currently) 22.1k CRAN packages, a little under 5k are ‘compiled’. Why does this matter? Because the Linux distributions know what they are doing. The 17k (give or take) packages that do not contain compiled code can be used as is (!!) on another platform. Debian and Ubuntu call these builds ‘binary: all’ as they work all platforms ‘as is’. The others go by ‘binary: any’ and will work on ‘any’ platform for which they have been built. So we are looking at roughly 5k new binaries.

So How Many Are There?

As I write this in early March, roughly 4.5k of the 5k. Plus the 17.1k ‘binary: all’ and we are looking at near complete coverage!

So What Is The Current State?

Pretty complete. Compare to the amd64 side of things, we do not (yet ?) have BioConductor support; this may be added. A handful of packages do not compile because their builds seem to assume ‘Linux so must be amd64’ and fail over cpu instructions. Similarly, a few packages want to download binary build blobs (my own Rblpapi among them) but none exist for arm64. Such is life. We will try to fix builds as time permits and report build issues to the respective upstream repos. Help in that endeavour would be most welcome.

But all the big and slow compiles one may care about (hello duckdb, hello arrow, …) are there. Which is pretty exciting!

How Does One Get Started?

In GitHub Actions, just pick ubuntu-24.04-arm as the platform, and use the r-ci or r2u-setup actiions. A first test yaml exists worked (though this last version had the arm64 runner commented out again). (And no, arm64 was not faster than amd64. More tests needed.)

For simple tests, Docker. The rocker/r-ubuntu:24.04 container exists for arm64 (see here), and one can add r2u support as is done in this Dockerfile which is used by the builds and available as eddelbuettel/r2u_build:noble. I will add the standard rocker/r2u:24.04 container (or equally rocker/r2u:noble) in a day or two, I had not realised I wasn’t making them for arm64.

One a real machine such as a cloud instance or a proper instance, just use the standard r2u script for noble aka 24.04 available here. The key lines are the two lines

echo "deb [arch=amd64,arm64] https://r2u.stat.illinois.edu/ubuntu noble main" \
    > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cranapt.list

# ...

echo "deb [arch=amd64,arm64] https://cloud.r-project.org/bin/linux/ubuntu noble-cran40/" \
     > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cran_r.list

creating the apt entry and which are now arm64-aware. After that, apt works as usual, and of course r2u works as usual thanks also to bspm so you can just do, say

install.packages(c("tidyverse", "brms", "rstan", "sf", "terra"))

and enjoy the binaries rolling in. So give it a whirl if you have access to such hardware. We look forward to feedback, suggestes, feature requests or bug reports. Let us know how it goes!

This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. If you like this or other open-source work I do, you can now sponsor me at GitHub.

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