Thu, 11 May 2023

crc32c 0.0.2 on CRAN: Build Fixes

A first follow-up to the initial announcement just days ago of the new crc32c package. The package offers cyclical checksum with parity in hardware-accelerated form on (recent enough) intel cpus as well as on arm64.

This follow-up was needed because I missed, when switching to a default static library build, that newest compilers would complain if -fPIC was not set. gcc-12 on my box was happy, gcc-13 on recent Fedora as used at CRAN was not. A second error was assuming that saying SystemRequirements: cmake would suffice. But hold on whippersnapper: macOS always has a surprise for you! As described at the end of the appropriate section in Writing R Extensions, on that OS you have to go the basement, open four cupboards, rearrange three shelves and then you get to use it. And then in doing so (from an added configure script) I failed to realize Windows needed a fallback. Gee.

The NEWS entry for this (as well the initial release) follows.

Changes in version 0.0.2 (2023-05-11)

  • Explicitly set cmake property for position-independent code

  • Help macOS find its cmake binary as detailed also in WRE

  • Help Windows with a non-conditional pointing at cmake

  • Add more badges to

Changes in version 0.0.1 (2023-05-07)

  • Initial release version and CRAN upload

If you like this or other open-source work I do, you can now sponsor me at GitHub.

This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. Please report excessive re-aggregation in third-party for-profit settings.

/code/crc32c | permanent link

Mon, 08 May 2023

crc32c 0.0.1 on CRAN: New Package

Happy to announce a new package: crc32c. This arose out of a user request to add crc32c (which is related to but differnt from crc32 without the trailing c) to my digest package. Which I did (for now in a branch), using the software-fallback version of crc32c from the reference implementation by Google at their crc32c repo.

However, the Google repo also offers hardware-accelerated versions and switches at run-time. So I pondered a little about how to offer the additional performance without placing a dependency burden on all users of digest.

Lo and behold, I think I found a solution by reusing what R offers. First off, the crc32c package wraps the Google repo cleanly and directly. We include all the repo code – but not the logging or benchmarking code. This keeps external dependencies down to just cmake. Which while still rare in the CRAN world is at least not entirely uncommon. So now each time you build the crc32c R package, the upstream hardware detection is added transparently thanks in part to cmake. We build libcrc32c.a as a static library and include it in the R package and its own shared library.

And we added exporting of three key functions, directly at the C level, along with exporting one C level function of package that other packages can call. The distinction matters. The second step of offering a function R can call (also from other packages) is used and documented. By means of an Imports: statement to instantiate the package providing the functionality, the client package obtains access to a compiled functions its R code can then call. A number of other R packages use this.

But what is less well known is that we can do the same with C level functions. Again, it takes an imports statement but once that is done we can call ‘C to C’. Which is quite nice. I am working currently on the branch in digest which motivated this, and it can import the automagically hardware-accelerated functionality on the suitable hardware. Stay tuned for a change in digest.

I also won and lost the CRAN lottery for once: the package made it through the ‘new package’ checks without any revisions. Only to then immediately fail on the CRAN machines using gcc-13 as a -fPIC was seen as missing when making the shared library. Even though both my CI and the r-universe builds were all green. Ah well. So a 0.0.2 release will be coming in a day or two.

If you like this or other open-source work I do, you can now sponsor me at GitHub.

This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. Please report excessive re-aggregation in third-party for-profit settings.

/code/crc32c | permanent link