Author: Adrian Baddeley
Diff between spatstat versions 1.14-10 dated 2009-02-03 and 1.15-0 dated 2009-03-02
Title: Spatial Point Pattern analysis, model-fitting, simulation, tests
Description: A package for analysing spatial data,
mainly Spatial Point Patterns, including multitype/marked points
and spatial covariates, in any two-dimensional spatial region.
Contains functions for plotting spatial data,
exploratory data analysis, model-fitting, simulation,
spatial sampling, model diagnostics,
and formal inference. Data types include point patterns,
line segment patterns, spatial windows, and
pixel images. Point process models can be
fitted to point pattern data. Cluster type models are fitted
by the method of minimum contrast. Very general Gibbs point
process models can be fitted to point pattern data
using a function ppm similar to lm or glm. Models may
include dependence on covariates, interpoint interaction
and dependence on marks. Fitted models can be simulated automatically.
Also provides facilities for formal inference (such as chi-squared
tests) and model diagnostics (including simulation
envelopes, residuals, residual plots and Q-Q plots).
.Rbuildindex.5392 |only
R/affine.S | 36 +++--
R/alltypes.R | 35 +++--
R/colour.R |only
R/deldir.R | 116 ++++++++++++++----
R/envelope.R | 29 ++--
R/plot.owin.S | 25 +++
R/plot.ppp.S | 27 ++--
R/ripras.S | 6
R/rotate.S | 15 +-
R/tess.R | 29 +++-
R/window.S | 88 ++++++--------
R/wingeom.S | 31 +++-
R/xypolygon.S | 33 +++--
data/amacrine.rda |binary
data/anemones.rda |binary
data/ants.rda |binary
data/bei.rda |binary
data/betacells.rda |binary
data/bramblecanes.rda |binary
data/cells.rda |binary
data/chorley.rda |binary
data/copper.rda |binary
data/demopat.rda |binary
data/finpines.rda |binary
data/ganglia.rda |binary
data/hamster.rda |binary
data/humberside.rda |binary
data/japanesepines.rda |binary
data/lansing.rda |binary
data/letterR.rda |binary
data/longleaf.rda |binary
data/murchison.rda |binary
data/nbfires.rda |binary
data/nztrees.rda |binary
data/ponderosa.rda |binary
data/redwood.rda |binary
data/redwoodfull.rda |binary
data/residualspaper.rda |binary
data/simdat.rda |binary
data/spruces.rda |binary
data/swedishpines.rda |binary
data/urkiola.rda |binary
demo/spatstat.R | 50 ++++++-
inst/doc/shapefiles.Rnw | 301 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------
inst/doc/shapefiles.pdf |binary
man/colourmap.Rd |only
man/envelope.Rd | 6
man/internal.Rd | 14 ++
man/lut.Rd |only
man/plot.colourmap.Rd |only
man/plot.ppp.Rd | 7 -
man/tess.Rd | 18 ++
src/trigraf.c |only
56 files changed, 624 insertions(+), 251 deletions(-)
Author: Dimitris Rizopoulos
Diff between ltm versions 0.8-9 dated 2009-01-08 and 0.9-0 dated 2009-03-02
Title: Latent Trait Models under IRT
Description: Analysis of multivariate dichotomous and polytomous data using latent trait models under the Item Response Theory approach. It includes the Rasch, the Two-Parameter Logistic, the Birnbaum's Three-Parameter, the Graded Response, and the Generalized Partial Credit Models.
ltm-0.8-9/ltm/man/GoF.rasch.Rd |only
ltm-0.9-0/ltm/DESCRIPTION | 10 +++---
ltm-0.9-0/ltm/NAMESPACE | 40 +++++++++++++++++--------
ltm-0.9-0/ltm/R/GoF.gpcm.R |only
ltm-0.9-0/ltm/R/anova.gpcm.R |only
ltm-0.9-0/ltm/R/betas.gpcm.R |only
ltm-0.9-0/ltm/R/chisq.irt.R |only
ltm-0.9-0/ltm/R/coef.gpcm.R |only
ltm-0.9-0/ltm/R/crf.GPCM.R |only
ltm-0.9-0/ltm/R/crf.GPCM2.R |only
ltm-0.9-0/ltm/R/factor.scores.gpcm.R |only
ltm-0.9-0/ltm/R/factor.scores.grm.R | 2 -
ltm-0.9-0/ltm/R/fitted.gpcm.R |only
ltm-0.9-0/ltm/R/fitted.grm.R | 4 +-
ltm-0.9-0/ltm/R/fitted.ltm.R | 1
ltm-0.9-0/ltm/R/fitted.rasch.R | 1
ltm-0.9-0/ltm/R/fitted.tpm.R | 1
ltm-0.9-0/ltm/R/fscores.g.R | 2 -
ltm-0.9-0/ltm/R/ |only
ltm-0.9-0/ltm/R/gpcm.R |only
ltm-0.9-0/ltm/R/infoGPCM.R |only
ltm-0.9-0/ltm/R/information.R | 5 +--
ltm-0.9-0/ltm/R/linpred.GPCM.R |only
ltm-0.9-0/ltm/R/logLik.gpcm.R |only
ltm-0.9-0/ltm/R/loglikgpcm.R |only
ltm-0.9-0/ltm/R/margins.gpcm.R |only
ltm-0.9-0/ltm/R/observedFreqs.R | 4 +-
ltm-0.9-0/ltm/R/onAttach.R | 2 -
ltm-0.9-0/ltm/R/plot.aov.gpcm.R |only
ltm-0.9-0/ltm/R/plot.gpcm.R |only
ltm-0.9-0/ltm/R/plot.grm.R | 14 +++++----
ltm-0.9-0/ltm/R/print.GoF.gpcm.R |only
ltm-0.9-0/ltm/R/print.aov.gpcm.R |only
ltm-0.9-0/ltm/R/print.gpcm.R |only
ltm-0.9-0/ltm/R/print.margins.gpcm.R |only
ltm-0.9-0/ltm/R/print.summ.gpcm.R |only
ltm-0.9-0/ltm/R/residuals.gpcm.R |only
ltm-0.9-0/ltm/R/rmvordlogis.R | 54 +++++++++++++++++++++++------------
ltm-0.9-0/ltm/R/scoregpcm.R |only
ltm-0.9-0/ltm/R/scoregpcmSNW.R |only
ltm-0.9-0/ltm/R/simulate.gpcm.R |only
ltm-0.9-0/ltm/R/simulate.grm.R |only
ltm-0.9-0/ltm/R/start.val.gpcm.R |only
ltm-0.9-0/ltm/R/summary.gpcm.R |only
ltm-0.9-0/ltm/R/vcov.gpcm.R |only
ltm-0.9-0/ltm/inst/NEWS | 18 +++++++++++
ltm-0.9-0/ltm/man/GoF.Rd |only
ltm-0.9-0/ltm/man/anova.Rd | 33 ++++++++++++++++++---
ltm-0.9-0/ltm/man/biserial.cor.Rd | 2 -
ltm-0.9-0/ltm/man/coef.Rd | 5 ++-
ltm-0.9-0/ltm/man/factor.scores.Rd | 13 +++++---
ltm-0.9-0/ltm/man/fitted.Rd | 7 +++-
ltm-0.9-0/ltm/man/gpcm.Rd |only
ltm-0.9-0/ltm/man/grm.Rd | 2 -
ltm-0.9-0/ltm/man/information.Rd | 3 +
ltm-0.9-0/ltm/man/ | 3 +
ltm-0.9-0/ltm/man/ltm-package.Rd | 11 +++----
ltm-0.9-0/ltm/man/ltm.Rd | 4 +-
ltm-0.9-0/ltm/man/margins.Rd | 13 +++-----
ltm-0.9-0/ltm/man/mult.choice.Rd | 13 ++++----
ltm-0.9-0/ltm/man/ | 3 +
ltm-0.9-0/ltm/man/plot.Rd | 17 +++++++++--
ltm-0.9-0/ltm/man/plot.fscores.Rd | 2 -
ltm-0.9-0/ltm/man/residuals.Rd | 6 +++
ltm-0.9-0/ltm/man/rmvlogis.Rd | 38 ++++++++++++++++--------
ltm-0.9-0/ltm/man/summary.Rd | 9 ++++-
ltm-0.9-0/ltm/man/tpm.Rd | 2 -
ltm-0.9-0/ltm/man/vcov.Rd | 14 +++++----
68 files changed, 247 insertions(+), 111 deletions(-)
Author: J. O. Ramsay
Diff between fda versions 2.1.0 dated 2009-01-03 and 2.1.1 dated 2009-03-02
Title: Functional Data Analysis
Description: These functions were developed to support
functional data analysis as described in Ramsay, J. O.
and Silverman, B. W. (2005) Functional Data Analysis.
New York: Springer. They were ported from earlier
versions in Matlab and S-PLUS. A manual that describes
the use of these functions is available in this
library. The library also contains a number of the
data sets used in the book along with R code for the
analyses that produced many of the figures in the book.
NEWS | 19 +
R/AmpPhaseDecomp.R |only
R/df.residual.fRegress.R |only
R/eigen.pda.R | 36 +++
R/fRegress.CV.R | 113 +++++++---
R/fRegress.numeric.R | 20 +
R/fdPar.R | 8
R/inprod.R | 30 +-
R/lmWinsor.R | 373 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
R/pda.overlay.r |only
R/predict.fRegress.R |only
R/predict.lmWinsor.R | 53 +++-
R/subscript.R | 6
R/varmx.pca.fd.R | 2
data/MontrealTemp.rda |only
data/ReginaPrecip.rda |only
data/StatSciChinese.rda |only
data/dateAccessories.rda |binary
data/infantGrowth.rda |only
data/pinchraw.rda |only
demo/weatherlm.R | 3
inst/scripts/fda-script-progress.xls |binary
inst/scripts/fdarm-ch01.R |only
inst/scripts/fdarm-ch02.R |only
inst/scripts/fdarm-ch03.R |only
inst/scripts/fdarm-ch04.R |only
inst/scripts/fdarm-ch05.R |only
inst/scripts/fdarm-ch06.R |only
inst/scripts/fdarm-ch07.R |only
inst/scripts/fdarm-ch08.R |only
inst/scripts/fdarm-ch09.R |only
inst/scripts/fdarm-ch10.R |only
inst/scripts/fdarm-ch11.R |only
man/AmpPhaseDecomp.Rd |only
man/CanadianWeather.Rd | 4
man/MontrealTemp.Rd |only
man/ReginaPrecip.Rd |only
man/StatSciChinese.Rd |only
man/dateAccessories.Rd | 7
man/density.fd.Rd | 3
man/df.residual.fRegress.Rd |only
man/eigen.pda.rd | 8
man/fRegress.CV.Rd | 94 ++++++++
man/fRegress.Rd | 96 +++++----
man/fRegress.stderr.Rd | 31 +-
man/fdPar.Rd | 8
man/infantGrowth.Rd |only
man/int2Lfd.Rd | 40 +++
man/lmWinsor.Rd | 105 ++++++---
man/lmWinsor12.Rd |only
man/pda.overlay.Rd |only
man/pinch.Rd | 30 +-
man/predict.fRegress.Rd |only
man/predict.lmWinsor.Rd | 52 ++++
man/resid.fRegress.Rd |only
56 files changed, 858 insertions(+), 287 deletions(-)
Author: Dirk Eddelbuettel with contributions by
Simon Urbanek and David Reiss
Title: Rcpp R/C++ interface package
Description: R/C++ interface classes and examples
The Rcpp library maps data types betweeen R and
C++, and includes support for R types real, integer,
character, vector, matrix, Date, datetime (i.e.
POSIXct) at microsecond resolution, data frame,
and function. It also supports calling R functions
from C++.
Diff between Rcpp versions 0.6.3 dated 2009-01-11 and 0.6.4 dated 2009-03-02
Rcpp-0.6.3/Rcpp/debian |only Rcpp-0.6.3/Rcpp/src/ |only Rcpp-0.6.4/Rcpp/DESCRIPTION | 6 Rcpp-0.6.4/Rcpp/cleanup | 3 Rcpp-0.6.4/Rcpp/doxyfile |only Rcpp-0.6.4/Rcpp/inst/ChangeLog | 55 +++- Rcpp-0.6.4/Rcpp/inst/doc/RcppAPI.pdf |binary Rcpp-0.6.4/Rcpp/inst/doc/html |only Rcpp-0.6.4/Rcpp/inst/doc/latex |only Rcpp-0.6.4/Rcpp/inst/doc/man |only Rcpp-0.6.4/Rcpp/src/ |only Rcpp-0.6.4/Rcpp/src/Rcpp.cpp | 478 +++++++++++++++++------------------ Rcpp-0.6.4/Rcpp/src/Rcpp.h | 165 ++++++------ Rcpp-0.6.4/Rcpp/src/RcppExample.cpp | 50 +-- 14 files changed, 395 insertions(+), 362 deletions(-)