Author: Andrea Peters and Torsten Hothorn
Title: Improved Predictors
Description: Improved predictive models by indirect classification and
bagging for classification, regression and survival problems as
well as resampling based estimators of prediction error.
Diff between ipred versions 0.8-6 dated 2008-08-07 and 0.8-7 dated 2009-03-28
CHANGES | 6 + DESCRIPTION | 14 +-- R/predict.bagging.R | 4 R/sbrier.R | 4 inst/doc/ipred-examples.pdf |binary man/DLBCL.Rd | 2 man/GBSG2.Rd | 2 man/sbrier.Rd | 8 - tests/ | 11 +- tests/ipred-segfault.R | 2 tests/ | 179 ++++++++++++++++------------------------ tests/ |only tests/ipred-tests.R | 12 +- tests/ | 23 ++--- 14 files changed, 122 insertions(+), 145 deletions(-)
Author: Adrian Dusa
Diff between QCA versions 0.5-2 dated 2009-02-09 and 0.5-3 dated 2009-03-28
Title: Qualitative Comparative Analysis
Description: Performs the Quine-McCluskey algorithm for Qualitative
Comparative Analysis, as described in Ragin, Charles C. 1987
"The Comparative Method. Moving beyond qualitative and
quantitative strategies", Berkeley: University of California
Press. In the classical approach it currently handles about 15
conditions and one outcome, but since version 0.4-5 the package
has an enhanced, faster function that obtains the same exact
solutions with a substantially lower memory consumption, and it
handles even more causal conditions. The next versions of this
algorithm will be oriented towards multi-value and fuzzy-set
functions. Also, in the near future the current functions will
deal with missing values in the data
DESCRIPTION | 21 +++++++++++++++++----
R/truthTable.R | 18 ++++++++++--------
R/verifyQCA.R | 8 --------
inst/CHANGES | 13 ++++++++++---
man/QCA.package.Rd | 4 ++--
5 files changed, 39 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)
Author: Markus Gesmann
Title: Mack-, Bootstrap and Munich-chain-ladder methods for insurance
claims reserving
Description: The package contains the Mack-, Munich-, and Bootstrap
chain-ladder methods which are used in insurance claims
Diff between ChainLadder versions 0.1.2-10 dated 2009-03-27 and 0.1.2-11 dated 2009-03-28
DESCRIPTION | 8 ++++---- NEWS | 10 ++++++++-- R/MackChainLadderFunctions.R | 11 +++++++---- man/MackChainLadder.Rd | 2 +- 4 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
Author: Matti Pastell
Diff between Animal versions 1.0 dated 2009-03-18 and 1.01 dated 2009-03-28
Title: Analyze time-coded animal behavior data
Description: The Animal package is a collection of functions for
analyzing animal (including humans) behavior data originating
from a variety of sources. The package has functions to analyze
time coded behaviors from CowLog (open source software for
coding behaviors from digital video) data files and observation
files with similar format. Other features include hourly,
daily, weekly and monthly summaries of time coded data,
analysis of RIC (roughage intake system, Insentec automation)
data files and labeling measurement data according to
behavioral observations for e.g model building purpose.
DESCRIPTION | 26 ++++++++++++++++----------
R/bouts.RIC.R |only
R/clean.RIC.R |only
R/daily.R |only
R/day.R |only
R/day.string.R |only
R/hour.R |only
R/hourly.R |only
R/ |only
R/month.R |only
R/monthly.R |only
R/nunique.R |only
R/partOfDay.R |only
R/read.RIC.R |only
R/week.R |only
R/weekly.R |only
data |only
inst |only
man/RIC.Rd |only
man/bouts.RIC.Rd |only
man/clean.RIC.Rd |only
man/cowAnalyze.Rd | 21 ++++++++++-----------
man/daily.Rd |only
man/day.Rd |only
man/day.string.Rd |only
man/hour.Rd |only
man/hourly.Rd |only
man/ |only
man/month.Rd |only
man/monthly.Rd |only
man/nunique.Rd |only
man/partOfDay.Rd |only
man/read.RIC.Rd |only
man/week.Rd |only
man/weekly.Rd |only
35 files changed, 26 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)