Author: Ross Ihaka, Paul Murrell, Kurt Hornik, Achim Zeileis
Title: Color Space Manipulation
Description: Carries out mapping between assorted color spaces
including RGB, HSV, HLS, CIEXYZ, CIELUV, HCL (polar CIELUV),
CIELAB and polar CIELAB. Qualitative, sequential, and diverging
color palettes based on HCL colors are provided.
Diff between colorspace versions 1.0-0 dated 2008-11-21 and 1.0-1 dated 2009-04-24
DESCRIPTION | 16 NEWS | 7 inst/CITATION | 11 inst/doc/color.bib | 9 inst/doc/hcl-colors.Rnw | 2 inst/doc/hcl-colors.pdf | 1439 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------ man/rainbow_hcl.Rd | 7 7 files changed, 753 insertions(+), 738 deletions(-)
Author: Philippe Grosjean
Diff between tcltk2 versions 1.0-7.1 dated 2009-02-10 and 1.0-8 dated 2009-04-24
Title: Tcl/Tk Additions
Description: A series of additional Tk widgets with style and various
functions (under Windows: DDE exchange, access to the registry
and icon manipulation) to supplement the tcltk package.
tcltk2-1.0-7.1/tcltk2/Localization.R |only
tcltk2-1.0-7.1/tcltk2/inst/bin |only
tcltk2-1.0-7.1/tcltk2/inst/doc_renamed |only
tcltk2-1.0-7.1/tcltk2/inst/tklibs/Img1.3 |only
tcltk2-1.0-7.1/tcltk2/inst/tklibs/Tktable2.9 |only
tcltk2-1.0-7.1/tcltk2/inst/tklibs/tile0.7.2 |only
tcltk2-1.0-7.1/tcltk2/inst/tklibs/tkdnd2.0 |only
tcltk2-1.0-7.1/tcltk2/inst/tklibs/tktextplus0.1 |only
tcltk2-1.0-7.1/tcltk2/inst/tklibs/treectrl2.2.3 |only
tcltk2-1.0-7.1/tcltk2/inst/tklibs/winico0.6 |only
tcltk2-1.0-7.1/tcltk2/src_torework |only
tcltk2-1.0-7.1/tcltk2/trials&demos |only
tcltk2-1.0-8/tcltk2/BinaryFiles |only
tcltk2-1.0-8/tcltk2/DESCRIPTION | 30 +++++++++---------
tcltk2-1.0-8/tcltk2/NEWS |only
tcltk2-1.0-8/tcltk2/R/tk2fonts.R | 39 ++++++++++++------------
tcltk2-1.0-8/tcltk2/R/tk2widgets.R | 23 +++++++-------
tcltk2-1.0-8/tcltk2/R/winSystemFonts.R | 8 +++-
tcltk2-1.0-8/tcltk2/TODO | 13 ++++----
tcltk2-1.0-8/tcltk2/cleanup |only
tcltk2-1.0-8/tcltk2/ |only
tcltk2-1.0-8/tcltk2/inst/doc |only
tcltk2-1.0-8/tcltk2/win |only
23 files changed, 60 insertions(+), 53 deletions(-)
Author: Matthias Burger
Diff between RUnit versions 0.4.21 dated 2009-01-15 and 0.4.22 dated 2009-04-24
Title: R Unit test framework
Description: R functions implementing a standard Unit Testing
framework, with additional code inspection and report
generation tools
ChangeLog | 416 ++++++++++
NEWS | 14
R/00Init.r | 7
R/checkFuncs.r | 59 -
R/exportHTML.r | 157 +--
R/html.r | 105 +-
R/htmlProtocol.r | 8
R/inspector.r | 110 +-
R/runit.r | 65 +
R/testLogger.r | 44 -
R/textProtocol.r | 12
inst/doc/RUnit.Rnw | 38
inst/doc/RUnit.dvi |binary
inst/doc/RUnit.pdf |binary
inst/doc/ | 1367 ++++++++++++---------------------
inst/doc/RUnit.tex | 30
inst/examples/correctTestCase.r | 32
inst/examples/runitVirtualClassTest.r | 11
inst/examples/runitVirtualClassTest2.r |only
inst/share/R/checkCode.r | 7
inst/share/R/compareRUnitTestData.r | 19
man/RUnit-internal.Rd | 18
man/RUnit-intro.Rd | 18
man/checkFuncs.Rd | 33
man/inspect.Rd | 26
man/printHTML.trackinfo.Rd | 11
man/runit.Rd | 43 -
man/textProtocol.Rd | 40
man/tracker.Rd | 13
tests/runitHTMLProtocol.r | 7
tests/runitInspect.r | 157 +++
tests/runitPlotConnection.r | 7
tests/runitRUnit.r | 7
tests/runitS4.r | 8
tests/runitSetUp.r | 7
tests/runitTearDown.r | 7
tests/runitTextProtocol.r | 7
39 files changed, 1644 insertions(+), 1301 deletions(-)