Thu, 13 Aug 2009

Package REEMtree updated to version 0.81 with previous version 0.8 dated 2009-07-18

Author: Rebecca Sela and Jeffrey Simonoff
Title: Regression Trees with Random Effects for Longitudinal (Panel) Data
Description: This package estimates regression trees with random effects as a way to use data mining techniques to describe longitudinal or panel data.

Diff between REEMtree versions 0.8 dated 2009-07-18 and 0.81 dated 2009-08-13

 DESCRIPTION                  |    8 ++++----
 man/AutoCorrelationLRtest.Rd |    1 +
 man/REEMtree.Rd              |    2 +-
 man/is.Rd                    |    2 +-
 man/plot.Rd                  |    2 +-
 man/print.Rd                 |    2 +-
 man/ranef.REEMtree.Rd        |    2 +-
 man/tree.Rd                  |    2 +-
 8 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

More information about REEMtree at CRAN
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New package RBerkeley with initial version 0.7-0
Package: RBerkeley
Type: Package
Title: R API to Oracle Berkeley DB
Version: 0.7-0
Date: 2009-08-11
Author: Jeffrey A. Ryan
SystemRequirements: BerkeleyDB 4.7.25
Maintainer: Jeffrey A. Ryan
Description: Provides R Interface to Embedded Oracle Berkeley DB(tm)
License: GPL-3
Packaged: 2009-08-13 14:38:02 UTC; jryan
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2009-08-13 14:48:39

More information about RBerkeley at CRAN
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Package FEST updated to version 0.06 with previous version 0.05 dated 2009-07-31

Author: Øivind Skare
Title: Identification of Family Relations using linked markers
Description: Identification of Family Relations using linked markers.

Diff between FEST versions 0.05 dated 2009-07-31 and 0.06 dated 2009-08-13

 DESCRIPTION                 |    6 +++---
 R/functions.R               |    7 ++++---
 data                        |only
 man/SimulationStudy.Rd      |   17 +++++++++++------
 man/SortMerlinInputFiles.Rd |   14 +++++++-------
 man/ThinMerlinInputFiles.Rd |   17 +++++++----------
 man/affy.Rd                 |    1 +
 man/affy.subset.Rd          |only
 8 files changed, 33 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)

More information about FEST at CRAN
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Package slam updated to version 0.1-3 with previous version 0.1-2 dated 2009-08-08

Author: Kurt Hornik, David Meyer, Christian Buchta
Title: Sparse Lightweight Arrays and Matrices
Description: Data structures and algorithms for sparse arrays and matrices, based on index arrays and simple triplet representations, respectively.

Diff between slam versions 0.1-2 dated 2009-08-08 and 0.1-3 dated 2009-08-13

 DESCRIPTION |    8 ++++----
 NAMESPACE   |   47 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 R/matrix.R  |   60 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 R/stm.R     |    2 +-
 4 files changed, 71 insertions(+), 46 deletions(-)

More information about slam at CRAN
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Package rjags updated to version 1.0.3-10 with previous version 1.0.3-9 dated 2009-05-29

Author: Martyn Plummer
Title: Bayesian graphical models using MCMC
Description: Interface to the JAGS MCMC library

Diff between rjags versions 1.0.3-9 dated 2009-05-29 and 1.0.3-10 dated 2009-08-13

 DESCRIPTION     |    8 ++++----
 R/mcarray.R     |    5 +++--
 R/windows/zzz.R |   19 +++++++++++--------
 3 files changed, 18 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

More information about rjags at CRAN
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New package skmeans with initial version 0.1
Package: skmeans
Type: Package
Title: Spherical k-Means Clustering
Version: 0.1
Author: Kurt Hornik, Ingo Feinerer, Martin Kober
Maintainer: Kurt Hornik
Description: Algorithms to compute spherical k-means partitions. Features several methods, including a genetic and a simple fixed-point algorithm and an interface to the CLUTO vcluster program.
License: GPL-2
Imports: slam (>= 0.1-3), clue (>= 0.3-29)
Enhances: Matrix
Packaged: 2009-08-13 10:31:58 UTC; hornik
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2009-08-13 10:38:29

More information about skmeans at CRAN
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Package ouch updated to version 2.5-7 with previous version 2.5-6 dated 2009-07-21

Author: Aaron A. King and Marguerite A. Butler
Title: Ornstein-Uhlenbeck models for phylogenetic comparative hypotheses
Description: Fit and compare Ornstein-Uhlenbeck models for evolution along a phylogenetic tree.

Diff between ouch versions 2.5-6 dated 2009-07-21 and 2.5-7 dated 2009-08-13

 ouch-2.5-6/ouch/inst/SVN-REVISION |only
 ouch-2.5-7/ouch/DESCRIPTION       |   10 ++++++----
 ouch-2.5-7/ouch/R/ouchtree.R      |   20 +++++++++++++++++++-
 ouch-2.5-7/ouch/inst/ChangeLog    |   10 ++++++++++
 ouch-2.5-7/ouch/man/hansen.Rd     |    2 +-
 5 files changed, 36 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

More information about ouch at CRAN
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Package foreign updated to version 0.8-37 with previous version 0.8-36 dated 2009-06-09

Author: R-core members, Saikat DebRoy , Roger Bivand and others: see COPYRIGHTS file in the sources.
Title: Read Data Stored by Minitab, S, SAS, SPSS, Stata, Systat, dBase, ...
Description: Functions for reading and writing data stored by statistical packages such as Minitab, S, SAS, SPSS, Stata, Systat, ..., and for reading and writing .dbf (dBase) files.

Diff between foreign versions 0.8-36 dated 2009-06-09 and 0.8-37 dated 2009-08-13

 ChangeLog           |   11 +++++++++++
 DESCRIPTION         |    8 ++++----
 man/read.S.Rd       |    4 ++--
 man/read.dta.Rd     |    2 +-
 man/read.epiinfo.Rd |    2 +-
 man/read.spss.Rd    |    4 ++--
 man/read.ssd.Rd     |    2 +-
 man/write.dta.Rd    |    4 +++-
 src/stataread.c     |   26 ++++++++++++++++++++++----
 9 files changed, 47 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)

More information about foreign at CRAN
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Package clue updated to version 0.3-29 with previous version 0.3-28 dated 2009-08-10

Author: Kurt Hornik, with contributions from Walter Boehm
Title: Cluster ensembles
Description: CLUster Ensembles

Diff between clue versions 0.3-28 dated 2009-08-10 and 0.3-29 dated 2009-08-13

 DESCRIPTION       |    8 ++++----
 R/pclust.R        |    4 +++-
 R/utilities.R     |   21 +++++++++++++++++----
 inst/doc/clue.pdf |binary
 man/pclust.Rd     |   24 +++++++++++++++++++-----
 5 files changed, 43 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

More information about clue at CRAN
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Package FrF2 updated to version 0.97 with previous version 0.96-1 dated 2009-08-04

Author: Ulrike Groemping
Title: Fractional Factorial designs with 2-level factors
Description: This package creates regular and non-regular Fractional Factorial designs. Furthermore, analysis tools for Fractional Factorial designs with 2-level factors are offered (main effects and interaction plots for all factors simultaneously, cube plot for looking at the simultaneous effects of three factors, full or half normal plot, alias structure in a more readable format than with the built-in function alias). The package is currently subject to intensive development. While much of the intended functionality is already available, some changes and improvements are still to be expected. Suggestions are welcome.

Diff between FrF2 versions 0.96-1 dated 2009-08-04 and 0.97 dated 2009-08-13

 FrF2-0.96-1/FrF2/R/DesignAccessors.R         |only
 FrF2-0.97/FrF2/DESCRIPTION                   |    8 ++--
 FrF2-0.97/FrF2/NAMESPACE                     |    6 ++-
 FrF2-0.97/FrF2/R/FrF2.R                      |   50 +++++++++++++++++++++++----
 FrF2-0.97/FrF2/R/                |only
 FrF2-0.97/FrF2/R/aliases.R                   |   23 ++++++++++--
 FrF2-0.97/FrF2/R/aliasprint.R                |only
 FrF2-0.97/FrF2/R/estimable2fis.R             |    3 +
 FrF2-0.97/FrF2/R/               |only
 FrF2-0.97/FrF2/R/iscube.R                    |only
 FrF2-0.97/FrF2/R/pb.R                        |   19 +++++++++-
 FrF2-0.97/FrF2/R/print.aliases.R             |only
 FrF2-0.97/FrF2/inst/NEWS                     |   24 ++++++++++++
 FrF2-0.97/FrF2/man/FrF2.Rd                   |   25 ++++++++++---
 FrF2-0.97/FrF2/man/             |only
 FrF2-0.97/FrF2/man/aliases.Rd                |   25 +++++++++++--
 FrF2-0.97/FrF2/man/            |only
 FrF2-0.97/FrF2/man/pb.Rd                     |   12 +++++-
 FrF2-0.97/FrF2/man/utilitiesCat.Rd           |    1 
 FrF2-0.97/FrF2/man/utilitiesPB.Rd            |    1 
 FrF2-0.97/FrF2/tests/      |   18 +++++----
 FrF2-0.97/FrF2/tests/addcentertest.R         |only
 FrF2-0.97/FrF2/tests/ |only
 FrF2-0.97/FrF2/tests/foldtest.R              |only
 FrF2-0.97/FrF2/tests/      |only
 25 files changed, 178 insertions(+), 37 deletions(-)

More information about FrF2 at CRAN
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Package rioja updated to version 0.5-3 with previous version 0.5-2 dated 2009-08-08

Author: Steve Juggins
Title: An R package for the analysis of Quaternary science data
Description: Functions for the analysis of Quaternary science data, including constrained clustering, WA, WAPLS, IKFA, MLRC and MAT transfer functions, and stratigraphic diagrams.

Diff between rioja versions 0.5-2 dated 2009-08-08 and 0.5-3 dated 2009-08-13

 rioja-0.5-2/rioja/man/IKFA.rd                            |only
 rioja-0.5-2/rioja/man/MLRC.rd                            |only
 rioja-0.5-2/rioja/man/PTF.rd                             |only
 rioja-0.5-2/rioja/man/Ponds.rd                           |only
 rioja-0.5-2/rioja/man/compare.datasets.rd                |only
 rioja-0.5-2/rioja/man/interp.dataset.rd                  |only
 rioja-0.5-3/rioja/DESCRIPTION                            |    8 
 rioja-0.5-3/rioja/R/IKFA.r                               |    2 
 rioja-0.5-3/rioja/R/MAT.r                                |   12 
 rioja-0.5-3/rioja/R/PTF.r                                |   12 
 rioja-0.5-3/rioja/R/WAPLS.r                              |    2 
 rioja-0.5-3/rioja/R/cep.r                                |   27 
 rioja-0.5-3/rioja/R/inkspot.r                            |   15 
 rioja-0.5-3/rioja/R/readC2Model.r                        |   79 
 rioja-0.5-3/rioja/R/sp.plot.r                            |only
 rioja-0.5-3/rioja/R/utils.r                              |   46 
 rioja-0.5-3/rioja/inst/ChangeLog                         |   15 
 rioja-0.5-3/rioja/inst/example.datasets/RLGHLongCore.cep | 2826 +++++++--------
 rioja-0.5-3/rioja/man/IKFA.Rd                            |only
 rioja-0.5-3/rioja/man/MLRC.Rd                            |only
 rioja-0.5-3/rioja/man/PTF.Rd                             |only
 rioja-0.5-3/rioja/man/Ponds.Rd                           |only
 rioja-0.5-3/rioja/man/WAPLS.Rd                           |    2 
 rioja-0.5-3/rioja/man/chclust.Rd                         |    6 
 rioja-0.5-3/rioja/man/compare.datasets.Rd                |only
 rioja-0.5-3/rioja/man/inkspot.Rd                         |   14 
 rioja-0.5-3/rioja/man/interp.dataset.Rd                  |only
 rioja-0.5-3/rioja/man/read.C2Model.Rd                    |    4 
 rioja-0.5-3/rioja/man/read.CEP.Rd                        |   23 
 rioja-0.5-3/rioja/man/read.Tilia.Rd                      |    2 
 rioja-0.5-3/rioja/man/rioja.package.Rd                   |   10 
 rioja-0.5-3/rioja/man/sp.plot.Rd                         |only
 rioja-0.5-3/rioja/man/strat.plot.simple.Rd               |    4 
 rioja-0.5-3/rioja/man/utils.Rd                           |    2 
 rioja-0.5-3/rioja/src/analog.c                           |   12 
 rioja-0.5-3/rioja/src/chclust.cpp                        |   27 
 rioja-0.5-3/rioja/src/mat.cpp                            |  134 
 rioja-0.5-3/rioja/src/mlrc.cpp                           |    4 
 rioja-0.5-3/rioja/src/mlrc.h                             |    2 
 rioja-0.5-3/rioja/src/newcin2.cpp                        |   69 
 rioja-0.5-3/rioja/src/open.c                             |    2 
 rioja-0.5-3/rioja/src/tilia.cpp                          |   27 
 42 files changed, 1767 insertions(+), 1621 deletions(-)

More information about rioja at CRAN
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New package simFrame with initial version 0.1
Package: simFrame
Version: 0.1
Date: 2009-08-12
Title: Simulation Framework
Author: Andreas Alfons
Maintainer: Andreas Alfons
Depends: R (>= 2.8.0), lattice, snow
Imports: lattice, methods, stats4
Suggests: MASS
Description: A general framework for statistical simulation.
License: GPL (>= 2)
LazyLoad: yes
Packaged: 2009-08-12 18:45:59 UTC; alfons
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2009-08-13 08:59:43

More information about simFrame at CRAN
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Package rgrs updated to version 0.2-13 with previous version 0.2-11 dated 2009-07-01

Author: Julien Barnier
Title: Functions to make R usage in social sciences easier (in french)
Description: This package provides functions for beginners and social sciences students or researchers. Currently it includes functions for cross-tabulation, weighting, results export, and maps plotting. The documentation and help pages are written in french.

Diff between rgrs versions 0.2-11 dated 2009-07-01 and 0.2-13 dated 2009-08-13

 DESCRIPTION         |   10 +++++-----
 R/carte.eff.R       |    3 ++-
 R/carte.prop.R      |    9 +++++----
 R/carte.qual.R      |    3 ++-
 man/Cartographie.Rd |   12 +++++++++---
 5 files changed, 23 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

More information about rgrs at CRAN
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Package rgenoud updated to version 5.6-6 with previous version 5.6-5 dated 2009-08-07

Author: Walter R. Mebane, Jr. , Jasjeet Singh Sekhon
Title: R version of GENetic Optimization Using Derivatives
Description: A genetic algorithm plus derivative optimizer

Diff between rgenoud versions 5.6-5 dated 2009-08-07 and 5.6-6 dated 2009-08-13

 ChangeLog             |   12 ++++++++----
 DESCRIPTION           |    8 ++++----
 inst/doc/rgenoud.pdf  |binary
 man/genoud.Rd         |   29 +++++++++++++++--------------
 tests/ |   22 +++++++++++-----------
 5 files changed, 38 insertions(+), 33 deletions(-)

More information about rgenoud at CRAN
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Package random updated to version 0.2.1 with previous version 0.2.0 dated 2009-01-05

Author: Dirk Eddelbuettel
Title: True random numbers using
Description: This package provides an interface to the true random number service provided by the website created by Mads Haahr. The web service samples atmospheric noise via radio tuned to an unused broadcasting frequency together with a skew correction algorithm due to John von Neumann. More background is available in the included vignette based on an essay by Mads Haahr. In its current form, the package offers functions to retrieve random integers, randomized sequences and random strings.

Diff between random versions 0.2.0 dated 2009-01-05 and 0.2.1 dated 2009-08-13

 DESCRIPTION               |   27 +++++++++++++++------------
 R/random.R                |    5 +++--
 inst/ChangeLog            |   10 +++++++++-
 inst/doc/random-essay.pdf |binary
 inst/doc/random-intro.pdf |binary
 man/random.Rd             |    2 +-
 6 files changed, 28 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)

More information about random at CRAN
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Package qpcR updated to version 1.2-1 with previous version 1.2-0 dated 2009-07-21

Author: Andrej-Nikolai Spiess , Christian Ritz
Title: Modelling and analysis of real-time PCR data
Description: Model fitting, optimal model selection and calculation of various features that are essential in the analysis of quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR).

Diff between qpcR versions 1.2-0 dated 2009-07-21 and 1.2-1 dated 2009-08-13

 qpcR-1.2-0/qpcR/R/pcropt2.R             |only
 qpcR-1.2-0/qpcR/R/pcrpred.r             |only
 qpcR-1.2-0/qpcR/man/pcropt2.rd          |only
 qpcR-1.2-0/qpcR/man/pcrplot.Rd          |only
 qpcR-1.2-0/qpcR/man/pcrpred.rd          |only
 qpcR-1.2-1/qpcR/DESCRIPTION             |    8 +++---
 qpcR-1.2-1/qpcR/NAMESPACE               |   14 ++++++++---
 qpcR-1.2-1/qpcR/R/BIC.r                 |only
 qpcR-1.2-1/qpcR/R/PRESS.R               |    7 ++++-
 qpcR-1.2-1/qpcR/R/batchstat.r           |only
 qpcR-1.2-1/qpcR/R/curvemean.R           |   39 ++++++++++++++++---------------
 qpcR-1.2-1/qpcR/R/meanlist.r            |only
 qpcR-1.2-1/qpcR/R/modlist.R             |    2 -
 qpcR-1.2-1/qpcR/R/pcrGOF.R              |    2 -
 qpcR-1.2-1/qpcR/R/pcrboot.r             |only
 qpcR-1.2-1/qpcR/R/pcrfit.r              |   39 +++++++++++++++++--------------
 qpcR-1.2-1/qpcR/R/pcrplot.R             |   40 --------------------------------
 qpcR-1.2-1/qpcR/R/pcrpred.R             |only
 qpcR-1.2-1/qpcR/R/pcrsim.r              |only
 qpcR-1.2-1/qpcR/R/plot.pcrfit.R         |only
 qpcR-1.2-1/qpcR/R/predict.pcrfit.r      |only
 qpcR-1.2-1/qpcR/R/replist.r             |only
 qpcR-1.2-1/qpcR/R/update.pcrfit.r       |only
 qpcR-1.2-1/qpcR/data/qpcR_functions.rda |binary
 qpcR-1.2-1/qpcR/man/BIC.Rd              |only
 qpcR-1.2-1/qpcR/man/Cy0.rd              |    4 +--
 qpcR-1.2-1/qpcR/man/S27.Rd              |    2 -
 qpcR-1.2-1/qpcR/man/batchstat.rd        |only
 qpcR-1.2-1/qpcR/man/calib.Rd            |    2 +
 qpcR-1.2-1/qpcR/man/calib2.rd           |    4 ++-
 qpcR-1.2-1/qpcR/man/curvemean.Rd        |    9 +++----
 qpcR-1.2-1/qpcR/man/guescini1.Rd        |    4 ++-
 qpcR-1.2-1/qpcR/man/meanlist.rd         |only
 qpcR-1.2-1/qpcR/man/midpoint.rd         |    2 -
 qpcR-1.2-1/qpcR/man/outlier.rd          |    2 -
 qpcR-1.2-1/qpcR/man/pcrGOF.Rd           |    6 +++-
 qpcR-1.2-1/qpcR/man/pcrbatch.Rd         |    2 +
 qpcR-1.2-1/qpcR/man/pcrboot.rd          |only
 qpcR-1.2-1/qpcR/man/pcrfit.Rd           |   11 +++++++-
 qpcR-1.2-1/qpcR/man/pcropt1.Rd          |    2 +
 qpcR-1.2-1/qpcR/man/pcrsim.rd           |only
 qpcR-1.2-1/qpcR/man/plot.pcrfit.Rd      |only
 qpcR-1.2-1/qpcR/man/predict.pcrfit.rd   |only
 qpcR-1.2-1/qpcR/man/propagate.Rd        |    3 ++
 qpcR-1.2-1/qpcR/man/qpcR_functions.rd   |    4 +--
 qpcR-1.2-1/qpcR/man/ratiocalc.Rd        |    6 ++++
 qpcR-1.2-1/qpcR/man/replist.rd          |only
 qpcR-1.2-1/qpcR/man/reps.Rd             |    2 -
 qpcR-1.2-1/qpcR/man/reps2.Rd            |    2 -
 qpcR-1.2-1/qpcR/man/reps3.Rd            |    2 -
 qpcR-1.2-1/qpcR/man/rutledge.Rd         |    2 -
 qpcR-1.2-1/qpcR/man/update.pcrfit.rd    |only
 52 files changed, 115 insertions(+), 107 deletions(-)

More information about qpcR at CRAN
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Package plan updated to version 0.3-1 with previous version 0.1.0 dated 2009-04-26

Author: Dan Kelley
Title: Tools for project planning
Description: Supports the creation of burndown charts and gantt diagrams.

Diff between plan versions 0.1.0 dated 2009-04-26 and 0.3-1 dated 2009-08-13

 DESCRIPTION          |   11 ++++++-----
 NEWS                 |    7 +++++--
 R/burndown.R         |    8 ++++++--
 R/misc.R             |    9 +++------
 inst/doc/plan.pdf    |binary
 man/plot.burndown.Rd |    7 +++++--
 6 files changed, 25 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

More information about plan at CRAN
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Package pedigreemm updated to version 0.2-4 with previous version 0.2-3 dated 2009-07-02

Author: Douglas Bates and Ana Ines Vazquez
Title: Pedigree-based mixed-effects models
Description: Fit pedigree-based mixed-effects models.

Diff between pedigreemm versions 0.2-3 dated 2009-07-02 and 0.2-4 dated 2009-08-13

 DESCRIPTION  |    8 ++++----
 R/pedigree.R |   13 +++++++++----
 2 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

More information about pedigreemm at CRAN
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Package mixAK updated to version 0.5 with previous version 0.4 dated 2009-06-25

Author: Arnost Komarek
Title: Mixture of methods including mixtures
Description: This package contains a mixture of statistical methods including the MCMC methods to analyze normal mixtures

Diff between mixAK versions 0.4 dated 2009-06-25 and 0.5 dated 2009-08-13

 DESCRIPTION                          |   10 -
 R/GLMM_MCMC.R                        |only
 R/GLMM_MCMCdata.R                    |only
 R/GLMM_MCMCifit.R                    |only
 R/GLMM_MCMCprior.b.R                 |only
 R/GLMM_MCMCprior.beta.R              |only
 R/GLMM_MCMCprior.eps.R               |only
 R/GLMM_MCMCscale.b.R                 |only
 R/GLMM_longitClust.R                 |only
 R/NMixMCMC.R                         |    5 
 R/NMixPlugCondDensJoint2.GLMM_MCMC.R |only
 R/NMixPlugCondDensMarg.GLMM_MCMC.R   |only
 R/NMixPlugDensJoint2.GLMM_MCMC.R     |only
 R/NMixPlugDensMarg.GLMM_MCMC.R       |only
 R/NMixPredCDFMarg.GLMM_MCMC.R        |only
 R/NMixPredCondDensJoint2.GLMM_MCMC.R |only
 R/NMixPredCondDensMarg.GLMM_MCMC.R   |only
 R/NMixPredDensJoint2.GLMM_MCMC.R     |only
 R/NMixPredDensMarg.GLMM_MCMC.R       |only
 R/print.GLMM_MCMC.R                  |only
 inst/CITATION                        |    2 
 inst/doc/Faithful.pdf                |binary
 inst/doc/Galaxy.pdf                  |binary
 inst/doc/Tandmob.pdf                 |binary
 man/GLMMMCMC.Rd                      |only
 man/GLMMMCMCdata.Rd                  |only
 man/GLMMMCMCifit.Rd                  |only
 man/GLMMMCMCprior.b.Rd               |only
 man/GLMMMCMCprior.beta.Rd            |only
 man/GLMMMCMCprior.eps.Rd             |only
 man/GLMMMCMCscale.b.Rd               |only
 man/GLMMlongitClust.Rd               |only
 man/NMixMCMC.Rd                      |    6 
 man/NMixMCMCwrapper.Rd               |    2 
 man/NMixPlugCondDensJoint2.Rd        |    8 +
 man/NMixPlugCondDensMarg.Rd          |    8 +
 man/NMixPlugDensJoint2.Rd            |    8 +
 man/NMixPlugDensMarg.Rd              |    9 +
 man/NMixPredCDFMarg.Rd               |    8 +
 man/NMixPredCondDensJoint2.Rd        |    8 +
 man/NMixPredCondDensMarg.Rd          |    8 +
 man/NMixPredDensJoint2.Rd            |    9 +
 man/NMixPredDensMarg.Rd              |    8 +
 src/AK_BLAS.cpp                      |  221 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/AK_BLAS.h                        |  197 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 src/AK_BSTAT.cpp                     |   30 ++++
 src/AK_BSTAT.h                       |   28 +++-
 src/AK_Basic.h                       |   81 ++++++++++--
 src/AK_LAPACK.cpp                    |   76 ++++++++++++
 src/AK_LAPACK.h                      |   19 +++
 src/GLMM.h                           |only
 src/GLMM_MCMC.cpp                    |only
 src/GLMM_MCMC.h                      |only
 src/GLMM_create_ZiS.cpp              |only
 src/GLMM_create_ZiS.h                |only
 src/GLMM_linear_predictors.cpp       |only
 src/GLMM_linear_predictors.h         |only
 src/GLMM_longitClust.cpp             |only
 src/GLMM_longitClust.h               |only
 src/GLMM_longitPred_nmix_gauss.cpp   |only
 src/GLMM_longitPred_nmix_gauss.h     |only
 src/GLMM_scale_ZitZi.cpp             |only
 src/GLMM_scale_ZitZi.h               |only
 src/GLMM_updateFixEf_gauss.cpp       |only
 src/GLMM_updateFixEf_gauss.h         |only
 src/GLMM_updateHyperVars_eps.cpp     |only
 src/GLMM_updateHyperVars_eps.h       |only
 src/GLMM_updateRanEf_nmix_gauss.cpp  |only
 src/GLMM_updateRanEf_nmix_gauss.h    |only
 src/GLMM_updateVars_eps.cpp          |only
 src/GLMM_updateVars_eps.h            |only
 src/NMix.h                           |    2 
 src/NMix_MCMC.cpp                    |  209 ++++++---------------------------
 src/NMix_MCMC.h                      |    2 
 src/NMix_Utils.cpp                   |  214 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/NMix_Utils.h                     |  109 +++++++++++++++++
 76 files changed, 1042 insertions(+), 245 deletions(-)

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Package mi updated to version 0.08-04.01 with previous version 0.08-04 dated 2009-07-24

Author: Andrew Gelman , Jennifer Hill , Masanao Yajima , Yu-Sung Su , Maria Grazia Pittau
Title: Missing Data Imputation and Model Checking
Description: Missing-data imputation and model checking

Diff between mi versions 0.08-04 dated 2009-07-24 and 0.08-04.01 dated 2009-08-13

 DESCRIPTION                 |    8 ++++----
 man/convergence.plot.Rd     |    9 ++++-----
 man/mi.Rd                   |   10 +++-------
 man/mi.binary.Rd            |    4 ++--
 man/mi.categorical.Rd       |    4 ++--
 man/mi.completed.Rd         |    6 +++---
 man/mi.continuous.Rd        |    9 +++++++--
 man/mi.count.Rd             |    8 ++++++--
 man/mi.fixed.Rd             |    2 +-
 man/mi.hist.Rd              |    8 ++++----
 man/              |    8 +++-----
 man/       |    8 ++++----
 man/mi.method.Rd            |    6 +++---
 man/mi.polr.Rd              |    6 +++++-
 man/mi.pooled.Rd            |    2 +-
 man/mi.preprocess.Rd        |    8 ++++++++
 man/mi.scatterplot.Rd       |   10 +++++-----
 man/missing.pattern.plot.Rd |    8 ++++----
 man/noise.control.Rd        |    9 ++++++++-
 man/plot.mi.Rd              |    8 ++++----
 man/type.models.Rd          |    6 ++++++
 man/typecast.Rd             |   10 +++++-----
 man/write.mi.Rd             |   15 +++++++++++++++
 23 files changed, 107 insertions(+), 65 deletions(-)

More information about mi at CRAN
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Package gnm updated to version 0.10-0 with previous version 0.9-9 dated 2009-04-29

Author: Heather Turner and David Firth
Title: Generalized Nonlinear Models
Description: Functions to specify and fit generalized nonlinear models, including models with multiplicative interaction terms such as the UNIDIFF model from sociology and the AMMI model from crop science, and many others. Over-parameterized representations of models are used throughout; functions are provided for inference on estimable parameter combinations, as well as standard methods for diagnostics etc.

Diff between gnm versions 0.9-9 dated 2009-04-29 and 0.10-0 dated 2009-08-13

 gnm-0.10-0/gnm/DESCRIPTION                               |    8 
 gnm-0.10-0/gnm/R/expandCategorical.R                     |   43 
 gnm-0.10-0/gnm/R/gnm.R                                   |    8 
 gnm-0.10-0/gnm/R/gnmFit.R                                |   74 
 gnm-0.10-0/gnm/R/print.profile.gnm.R                     |    6 
 gnm-0.10-0/gnm/inst/NEWS                                 |   22 
 gnm-0.10-0/gnm/inst/doc/gnmOverview-Rotate_and_scale.pdf |only
 gnm-0.10-0/gnm/inst/doc/gnmOverview.Rnw                  |  316 
 gnm-0.10-0/gnm/inst/doc/gnmOverview.pdf                  | 5484 ++++++++-------
 gnm-0.10-0/gnm/man/backPain.Rd                           |    9 
 gnm-0.10-0/gnm/man/expandCategorical.Rd                  |  182 
 gnm-0.10-0/gnm/man/gnm.Rd                                |    4 
 gnm-0.9-9/gnm/data/occupationalStatus.R                  |only
 gnm-0.9-9/gnm/man/occupationalStatus.Rd                  |only
 14 files changed, 3373 insertions(+), 2783 deletions(-)

More information about gnm at CRAN
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Package descr updated to version 0.3.1 with previous version 0.3.0 dated 2009-06-08

Author: Jakson Aquino and Dirk Enzmann
Title: Descriptive statistics
Description: This package contains functions to describe weighted categorical variables and functions to facilitate the character encoding conversion of objects.

Diff between descr versions 0.3.0 dated 2009-06-08 and 0.3.1 dated 2009-08-13

 COPYING                              |    2 
 DESCRIPTION                          |   11 -
 NAMESPACE                            |   10 +
 R/CrossTable.R                       |only
 R/UTF-8.R                            |only
 R/compmeans.R                        |only
 R/crosstab.R                         |only
 R/descr.R                            |  299 -----------------------------------
 R/freq.R                             |only
 R/fwf2csv.R                          |only
 R/xtable.R                           |only
 inst/po/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/ |binary
 man/CrossTable.Rd                    |only
 man/compmeans.Rd                     |    5 
 man/crosstab.Rd                      |   44 ++---
 man/descr.Rd                         |    2 
 man/freq.Rd                          |   23 +-
 po/R-descr.pot                       |  236 +++++++++++++++++++++++----
 po/R-pt_BR.po                        |  246 ++++++++++++++++++++++++----                         |    2 
 20 files changed, 458 insertions(+), 422 deletions(-)

More information about descr at CRAN
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New package dcemri with initial version 0.10
Package: dcemri
Version: 0.10
Date: 2009-08-12
Title: A Package for Medical Image Analysis
Author: Brandon Whitcher and Volker Schmid , with contributions from Andrew Thornton
Maintainer: Brandon Whitcher
Depends: R (>= 2.5.0), grDevices, graphics, splines
Suggests: bitops, minpack.lm, multicore
Description: A collection of routines and documentation that allows one to perform a quantitative analysis of dynamic contrast-enhanced or diffusion-weighted MRI data. Medical imaging data should be organized using either the Analyze or NIfTI data formats.
License: BSD
Packaged: Wed Aug 12 17:40:39 2009; andrew
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2009-08-13 08:58:19

More information about dcemri at CRAN
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New package cshapes with initial version 0.1-1
Package: cshapes
Version: 0.1-1
Date: 2009-08-07
Title: CShapes Dataset and Utilities
Author: Nils B. Weidmann , Doreen Kuse , Kristian Skrede Gleditsch
Maintainer: Nils B. Weidmann , Kristian Skrede Gleditsch
Depends: R (>= 2.8.0), sp, maptools, rJava
SystemRequirements: Java (>= 1.5.0)
LazyLoad: yes
Description: Package for CShapes, a GIS dataset of country boundaries (1946-2008). Includes functions for data extraction and the computation of weights matrices.
License: GPL (>= 2)
Packaged: 2009-08-10 15:53:01 UTC; nilsw
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2009-08-13 08:58:16

More information about cshapes at CRAN
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Package IBrokers updated to version 0.2-4 with previous version 0.2-2 dated 2009-06-14

Author: Jeffrey A. Ryan
Title: R API to Interactive Brokers Trader Workstation
Description: Provides native Raccess to Interactive Brokers Trader Workstation API.

Diff between IBrokers versions 0.2-2 dated 2009-06-14 and 0.2-4 dated 2009-08-13

 IBrokers-0.2-2/IBrokers/R/readBin.R               |only
 IBrokers-0.2-4/IBrokers/DESCRIPTION               |    8 
 IBrokers-0.2-4/IBrokers/NAMESPACE                 |    6 
 IBrokers-0.2-4/IBrokers/R/cancelOrder.R           |   34 
 IBrokers-0.2-4/IBrokers/R/eWrapper.MktData.CSV.R  |  129 -
 IBrokers-0.2-4/IBrokers/R/eWrapper.MktDepth.CSV.R |   21 
 IBrokers-0.2-4/IBrokers/R/eWrapper.R              |   64 
 IBrokers-0.2-4/IBrokers/R/         |only
 IBrokers-0.2-4/IBrokers/R/eWrapper.snapshot.R     |only
 IBrokers-0.2-4/IBrokers/R/eventHandlers.R         |   76 
 IBrokers-0.2-4/IBrokers/R/placeOrder.R            |  108 -
 IBrokers-0.2-4/IBrokers/R/processMsg.R            |   55 
 IBrokers-0.2-4/IBrokers/R/reqAccountUpdates.R     |  101 
 IBrokers-0.2-4/IBrokers/R/reqContractDetails.R    |  133 -
 IBrokers-0.2-4/IBrokers/R/reqCurrentTime.R        |   28 
 IBrokers-0.2-4/IBrokers/R/reqIds.R                |   25 
 IBrokers-0.2-4/IBrokers/R/reqMktData.R            |  117 +
 IBrokers-0.2-4/IBrokers/R/reqOpenOrders.R         |   18 
 IBrokers-0.2-4/IBrokers/R/reqRealTimeBars.R       |  151 -
 IBrokers-0.2-4/IBrokers/R/twsComboLeg.R           |only
 IBrokers-0.2-4/IBrokers/R/twsConnect.R            |    5 
 IBrokers-0.2-4/IBrokers/R/twsContract.R           |    8 
 IBrokers-0.2-4/IBrokers/R/twsExecutionFilter.R    |only
 IBrokers-0.2-4/IBrokers/R/twsIDs.R                |    4 
 IBrokers-0.2-4/IBrokers/R/twsOrder.R              |   20 
 IBrokers-0.2-4/IBrokers/R/twsTickType.R           |    6 
 IBrokers-0.2-4/IBrokers/R/zzz.R                   |    3 
 IBrokers-0.2-4/IBrokers/inst/doc/IBrokers.pdf     | 2030 +++++++++----------
 IBrokers-0.2-4/IBrokers/inst/doc/RealTime.pdf     | 2303 ++++++++++------------
 IBrokers-0.2-4/IBrokers/man/IBrokers-package.Rd   |   11 
 IBrokers-0.2-4/IBrokers/man/eWrapper.Rd           |   30 
 IBrokers-0.2-4/IBrokers/man/internal.Rd           |    1 
 IBrokers-0.2-4/IBrokers/man/reqAccountUpdates.Rd  |   45 
 IBrokers-0.2-4/IBrokers/man/reqRealTimeBars.Rd    |    4 
 34 files changed, 2882 insertions(+), 2662 deletions(-)

More information about IBrokers at CRAN
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Package DoE.base updated to version 0.6-1 with previous version 0.5 dated 2009-07-31

Author: Ulrike Groemping
Title: Full factorials, orthogonal arrays and base utilities for DoE packages
Description: This package creates full factorial experimental designs and designs based on orthogonal arrays for (industrial) experiments. Additionally, it provides some utility functions used also by other DoE packages.

Diff between DoE.base versions 0.5 dated 2009-07-31 and 0.6-1 dated 2009-08-13

 DoE.base-0.5/DoE.base/man/utitlities.Rd            |only
 DoE.base-0.6-1/DoE.base/DESCRIPTION                |    8 -
 DoE.base-0.6-1/DoE.base/NAMESPACE                  |    4 
 DoE.base-0.6-1/DoE.base/R/DesignAccessors.r        |    2 
 DoE.base-0.6-1/DoE.base/R/           |  131 ++++++++++++++++-----
 DoE.base-0.6-1/DoE.base/R/         |only
 DoE.base-0.6-1/DoE.base/R/paramtowide.R            |   48 +++++++
 DoE.base-0.6-1/DoE.base/R/ |   16 +-
 DoE.base-0.6-1/DoE.base/R/             |only
 DoE.base-0.6-1/DoE.base/inst/NEWS                  |   34 ++++-
 DoE.base-0.6-1/DoE.base/man/class-design.Rd        |   12 -
 DoE.base-0.6-1/DoE.base/man/        |   57 ++++++---
 DoE.base-0.6-1/DoE.base/man/      |only
 DoE.base-0.6-1/DoE.base/man/           |    3 
 DoE.base-0.6-1/DoE.base/man/        |   45 +++----
 DoE.base-0.6-1/DoE.base/man/          |only
 DoE.base-0.6-1/DoE.base/man/utilities.Rd           |only
 DoE.base-0.6-1/DoE.base/tests/ |   29 +++-
 18 files changed, 289 insertions(+), 100 deletions(-)

More information about DoE.base at CRAN
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Package Amelia updated to version 1.2-13 with previous version 1.2-12 dated 2009-07-18

Author: James Honaker , Gary King , Matthew Blackwell
Title: Amelia II: A Program for Missing Data
Description: Amelia II "multiply imputes" missing data in a single cross-section (such as a survey), from a time series (like variables collected for each year in a country), or from a time-series-cross-sectional data set (such as collected by years for each of several countries). Amelia II implements our bootstrapping-based algorithm that gives essentially the same answers as the standard IP or EMis approaches, is usually considerably faster than existing approaches and can handle many more variables. Unlike Amelia I and other statistically rigorous imputation software, it virtually never crashes (but please let us know if you find to the contrary!). The program also generalizes existing approaches by allowing for trends in time series across observations within a cross-sectional unit, as well as priors that allow experts to incorporate beliefs they have about the values of missing cells in their data. Amelia II also includes useful diagnostics of the fit of multiple imputation models. The program works from the R command line or via a graphical user interface that does not require users to know R.

Diff between Amelia versions 1.2-12 dated 2009-07-18 and 1.2-13 dated 2009-08-13

 DESCRIPTION          |    8 
 R/amcheck.r          |   10 
 inst/doc/amelia.Rnw  |    2 
 inst/doc/amelia.pdf  | 7302 +++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
 inst/doc/copyRd.Rout |    4 
 inst/doc/index.shtml |    4 
 6 files changed, 3680 insertions(+), 3650 deletions(-)

More information about Amelia at CRAN
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