Mon, 24 Aug 2009

Package vegetarian updated to version 1.1 with previous version 1.0 dated 2009-08-09

Author: Noah Charney, Sydne Record
Title: Jost Diversity Measures for Community Data
Description: This package computes diversity for community data sets using the methods outlined by Jost (2006, 2007). While there are differing opinions on the ideal way to calculate diversity (e.g. Magurran 2004), this method offers the advantage of providing diversity numbers equivalents, independent alpha and beta diversities, and the ability to incorporate 'order' (q) as a continuous measure of the importance of rare species in the metrics. The functions provided in this package largely correspond with the equations offered by Jost in the cited papers. The package computes alpha diversities, beta diversities, gamma diversities, and similarity indices. Confidence intervals for diversity measures are calculated using a bootstrap method described by Chao et al. (2008). For datasets with many samples (sites, plots), sim.table creates tables of all pairwise comparisons possible, and for grouped samples sim.groups calculates pairwise combinations of within- and between-group comparisons.

Diff between vegetarian versions 1.0 dated 2009-08-09 and 1.1 dated 2009-08-24

 DESCRIPTION               |    6 +++---
 R/vegetarian.R            |   11 +++++------
 man/H.Rd                  |    4 +++-
 man/M.homog.Rd            |    2 ++
 man/bootstrap.Rd          |    9 ++++-----
 man/d.Rd                  |    4 +++-
 man/normalize.rows.Rd     |    2 ++
 man/turnover.Rd           |    1 +
 man/vegetarian-package.Rd |   10 +++++++---
 9 files changed, 30 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)

More information about vegetarian at CRAN
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Package STAR updated to version 0.3-2 with previous version 0.2-2 dated 2009-01-01

Author: Christophe Pouzat
Title: Spike Train Analysis with R
Description: Functions to analyze neuronal spike trains from a single neuron or from several neurons recorded simultaneously.

Diff between STAR versions 0.2-2 dated 2009-01-01 and 0.3-2 dated 2009-08-24

 STAR-0.2-2/STAR/inst/doc/PouzatChaffiol_STARdraft.Rnw |only
 STAR-0.2-2/STAR/inst/doc/PouzatChaffiol_STARdraft.bib |only
 STAR-0.2-2/STAR/inst/doc/PouzatChaffiol_STARdraft.pdf |only
 STAR-0.2-2/STAR/inst/doc/sc1.png                      |only
 STAR-0.2-2/STAR/inst/doc/sc2.png                      |only
 STAR-0.2-2/STAR/inst/doc/sc3.png                      |only
 STAR-0.2-2/STAR/inst/doc/summaryMC.rda                |only
 STAR-0.3-2/STAR/ChangeLog                             |   17 +++++-
 STAR-0.3-2/STAR/DESCRIPTION                           |   13 ++--
 STAR-0.3-2/STAR/NAMESPACE                             |   24 ++++++++
 STAR-0.3-2/STAR/R/plot.ssanova.R                      |only
 STAR-0.3-2/STAR/R/plotEtAlquickPredict.R              |only
 STAR-0.3-2/STAR/R/predictLogProb.R                    |only
 STAR-0.3-2/STAR/R/quickPredict.R                      |only
 STAR-0.3-2/STAR/R/reportHTML.spikeTrain.R             |    9 ++-
 STAR-0.3-2/STAR/R/variableTransformation.R            |only
 STAR-0.3-2/STAR/inst/doc/IEwSTARshort.Rnw             |only
 STAR-0.3-2/STAR/inst/doc/IEwSTARshort.pdf             |only
 STAR-0.3-2/STAR/inst/doc/auto                         |only
 STAR-0.3-2/STAR/man/changeScale.Rd                    |only
 STAR-0.3-2/STAR/man/mkAR.Rd                           |only
 STAR-0.3-2/STAR/man/mkGLMdf.Rd                        |   51 +++++++++---------
 STAR-0.3-2/STAR/man/mkM2U.Rd                          |only
 STAR-0.3-2/STAR/man/plot.quickPredict.Rd              |only
 STAR-0.3-2/STAR/man/plot.ssanova.Rd                   |only
 STAR-0.3-2/STAR/man/predictLogProb.Rd                 |only
 STAR-0.3-2/STAR/man/quickPredict.Rd                   |only
 STAR-0.3-2/STAR/man/reportHTML.Rd                     |    1 
 STAR-0.3-2/STAR/man/rexpMLE.Rd                        |    1 
 29 files changed, 80 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-)

More information about STAR at CRAN
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Package FrF2 updated to version 0.97-7 with previous version 0.97-6 dated 2009-08-21

Author: Ulrike Groemping
Title: Fractional Factorial designs with 2-level factors
Description: This package creates regular and non-regular Fractional Factorial designs. Furthermore, analysis tools for Fractional Factorial designs with 2-level factors are offered (main effects and interaction plots for all factors simultaneously, cube plot for looking at the simultaneous effects of three factors, full or half normal plot, alias structure in a more readable format than with the built-in function alias). The package is currently subject to intensive development. While much of the intended functionality is already available, some changes and improvements are still to be expected. Suggestions are welcome.

Diff between FrF2 versions 0.97-6 dated 2009-08-21 and 0.97-7 dated 2009-08-24

 DESCRIPTION |    8 ++++----
 R/FrF2.R    |   26 +++++++++++++++++++++-----
 R/pb.R      |    8 +++++++-
 inst/NEWS   |    8 ++++++++
 man/FrF2.Rd |   15 +++++++++++----
 man/pb.Rd   |   11 ++++++++++-
 6 files changed, 61 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

More information about FrF2 at CRAN
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Package bnlearn updated to version 1.6 with previous version 1.5 dated 2009-07-21

Author: Marco Scutari
Title: Bayesian network structure learning
Description: Bayesian network structure learning via constraint-based (also known as 'conditional independence'), score-based and hybrid algorithms. This package implements the Grow-Shrink (GS) algorithm, the Incremental Association (IAMB) algorithm, the Interleaved-IAMB (Inter-IAMB) algorithm, the Fast-IAMB (Fast-IAMB) algorithm, the Max-Min Parents and Children (MMPC) algorithm, the Hill-Climbing (HC) greedy search algorithm, the Max-Min Hill-Climbing (MMHC) algorithm for both discrete and Gaussian networks, along with many score functions and conditional independence tests. Some utility functions (model comparison and manipulation, random data generation, arc orientation testing, simple and advanced plots) are included, as well as basic parametric and bootstrap inference functions.

Diff between bnlearn versions 1.5 dated 2009-07-21 and 1.6 dated 2009-08-24

 Changelog                |   21 +
 DESCRIPTION              |   27 +-
 NAMESPACE                |    2 
 R/backend-indep.R        |  350 ++++++++++++++------------------
 R/backend-score.R        |  378 +---------------------------------
 R/choose.direction.R     |   10 
 R/cpdag.R                |    2 
 R/fit.R                  |   12 -
 R/frontend-amat.R        |    2 
 R/frontend-arcs.R        |    2 
 R/frontend-fit.R         |    2 
 R/frontend-graph.R       |    4 
 R/frontend-lattice.R     |   10 
 R/frontend-learning.R    |   27 ++
 R/frontend-plot.R        |    4 
 R/frontend-print.R       |   22 +-
 R/frontend-score.R       |   11 -
 R/frontend-strength.R    |   15 -
 R/globals.R              |    9 
 R/graphviz.R             |    4 
 R/hill-climbing.R        |  514 +++++++++++++----------------------------------
 R/inter-iamb.R           |   16 -
 R/lattice.R              |   12 -
 R/learning-algorithms.R  |   89 ++++++--
 R/scores.R               |    2 
 R/utils-arcs.R           |   12 -
 R/utils-graph.R          |    6 
 R/utils-misc.R           |   11 +
 R/utils-sanitization.R   |   15 +
 R/utils-tests.R          |    4 
 inst/bibtex/bnlearn.bib  |    2 
 man/alarm.Rd             |    4 
 man/arc.strength.Rd      |   22 +-
 man/arcops.Rd            |   82 -------
 man/bn.class.Rd          |   16 +
 man/      |    4 
 man/    |   60 ++---
 man/      |   18 -
 man/bn.strength-class.Rd |    4 
 man/bnboot.Rd            |    8 
 man/bnlearn-package.Rd   |   55 +++--
 man/choose.direction.Rd  |    6 
 man/constraint.Rd        |    3 
 man/cpdag.Rd             |    8 
 man/gaussian-test.Rd     |    4 
 man/graphviz.plot.Rd     |    2 
 man/hc.Rd                |    3 
 man/hybrid.Rd            |only
 man/lizards.Rd           |    8 
 man/mb.Rd                |    2 
 man/mmpc.Rd              |    3 
 man/score.Rd             |    2 
 man/strength.plot.Rd     |    2 
 src/bind.c               |only
 src/cache.structure.c    |   11 -
 src/common.h             |    2 
 src/graph.generation.c   |   11 -
 src/hc.cache.lookup.c    |  503 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 src/linear.correlation.c |    3 
 59 files changed, 1196 insertions(+), 1247 deletions(-)

More information about bnlearn at CRAN
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Package rjson updated to version 0.1.6 with previous version 0.1.5 dated 2009-04-26

Author: Alex Couture-Beil
Title: JSON for R
Description: Converts R object into JSON objects and vice-versa

Diff between rjson versions 0.1.5 dated 2009-04-26 and 0.1.6 dated 2009-08-24

 DESCRIPTION                  |    6 +++---
 R/json.R                     |   16 +++++++++++++---
 inst/changelog.txt           |only
 inst/doc/json_rpc_server.pdf |binary
 man/toJSON.Rd                |    5 +++++
 5 files changed, 21 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

More information about rjson at CRAN
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Package rcdk updated to version 2.9.4 with previous version 2.9.3 dated 2009-07-18

Author: Rajarshi Guha
Title: rcdk - Interface to the CDK Libraries
Description: This package allows the user to access functionality in the CDK, a Java framework for cheminformatics. This allows the user to load molecules, evaluate fingerprints, calculate molecular descriptors and so on. In addition the CDK API allows the user to view structures in 2D.

Diff between rcdk versions 2.9.3 dated 2009-07-18 and 2.9.4 dated 2009-08-24

 DESCRIPTION        |    8 -
 inst/cont/rcdk.jar |binary
 inst/doc/rcdk.pdf  |  234 +++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------------
 3 files changed, 117 insertions(+), 125 deletions(-)

More information about rcdk at CRAN
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Package dataframes2xls updated to version 0.4.4 with previous version 0.4.3 dated 2009-08-20

Author: Guido van Steen
Title: dataframes2xls writes data frames to xls files
Description: dataframes2xls writes data frames to xls files. It supports multiple sheets and basic formatting.

Diff between dataframes2xls versions 0.4.3 dated 2009-08-20 and 0.4.4 dated 2009-08-24

 DESCRIPTION            |    8 ++++----
 LICENSE                |    4 +++-
 R/write.xls.R          |   14 +++++++-------
 inst/doc/LICENSE       |    2 +-
 inst/doc/README        |    2 +-
 inst/python/ |    4 +++-
 6 files changed, 19 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

More information about dataframes2xls at CRAN
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