Thu, 27 Aug 2009

Package mice updated to version 2.0 with previous version 1.21 dated 2009-03-17

Author: Stef van Buuren & Karin Groothuis-Oudshoorn
Title: Multivariate Imputation by Chained Equations
Description: Multiple Imputation using Fully Conditional Specification

Diff between mice versions 1.21 dated 2009-03-17 and 2.0 dated 2009-08-27

 mice-1.21/mice/inst/COPYING                     |only
 mice-1.21/mice/inst/ChangeLog                   |only
 mice-1.21/mice/inst/doc/Manual.pdf              |only
 mice-1.21/mice/inst/doc/Manual.sxw              |only
 mice-1.21/mice/man/mice.impute.logreg2.Rd       |only
 mice-1.21/mice/man/mice.impute.norm.improper.Rd |only
 mice-2.0/mice/DESCRIPTION                       |   21 
 mice-2.0/mice/NAMESPACE                         |only
 mice-2.0/mice/R/mice.R                          | 1595 +++++++++++++++++-------
 mice-2.0/mice/R/zzz.R                           |only
 mice-2.0/mice/data/boys.rda                     |only
 mice-2.0/mice/data/popmis.rda                   |only
 mice-2.0/mice/data/windspeed.rda                |only
 mice-2.0/mice/inst/CITATION                     |only
 mice-2.0/mice/inst/NEWS                         |only
 mice-2.0/mice/inst/doc/JSScode.r                |only
 mice-2.0/mice/man/boys.rd                       |only
 mice-2.0/mice/man/cbind.mids.rd                 |only
 mice-2.0/mice/man/complete.Rd                   |   46 
 mice-2.0/mice/man/glm.mids.Rd                   |    9 
 mice-2.0/mice/man/ibind.rd                      |only
 mice-2.0/mice/man/lm.mids.Rd                    |   17 
 mice-2.0/mice/man/md.pairs.Rd                   |only
 mice-2.0/mice/man/md.pattern.Rd                 |    9 
 mice-2.0/mice/man/mice-internal.Rd              |   25 
 mice-2.0/mice/man/mice.Rd                       |  149 +-
 mice-2.0/mice/man/mice.impute.2l.norm.rd        |only
 mice-2.0/mice/man/mice.impute.lda.Rd            |   32 
 mice-2.0/mice/man/mice.impute.logreg.Rd         |   30 
 mice-2.0/mice/man/mice.impute.mean.Rd           |   22 
 mice-2.0/mice/man/mice.impute.norm.Rd           |   30 
 mice-2.0/mice/man/mice.impute.norm.nob.rd       |only
 mice-2.0/mice/man/mice.impute.passive.Rd        |   28 
 mice-2.0/mice/man/mice.impute.pmm.Rd            |   55 
 mice-2.0/mice/man/mice.impute.polyreg.Rd        |   20 
 mice-2.0/mice/man/mice.impute.sample.Rd         |   24 
 mice-2.0/mice/man/mice.mids.Rd                  |   22 
 mice-2.0/mice/man/mids.Rd                       |   23 
 mice-2.0/mice/man/mipo.Rd                       |   17 
 mice-2.0/mice/man/mira.Rd                       |   15 
 mice-2.0/mice/man/nhanes.Rd                     |    4 
 mice-2.0/mice/man/nhanes2.Rd                    |    4 
 mice-2.0/mice/man/pool.Rd                       |  101 +
 mice-2.0/mice/man/               |only
 mice-2.0/mice/man/pool.r.squared.Rd             |only
 mice-2.0/mice/man/pool.scalar.rd                |only
 mice-2.0/mice/man/popmis.rd                     |only
 mice-2.0/mice/man/quickpred.Rd                  |only
 mice-2.0/mice/man/rbind.mids.rd                 |only
 mice-2.0/mice/man/windspeed.rd                  |only
 mice-2.0/mice/man/with.mids.Rd                  |only
 51 files changed, 1562 insertions(+), 736 deletions(-)

More information about mice at CRAN
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Package sculpt3d updated to version 0.2-1 with previous version 0.2 dated 2009-07-31

Author: Justin Donaldson
Title: A simple toolbar GUI for brushing RGL plots
Description: sculpt3d is a GTK+ toolbar that allows for more interactive control of a dataset inside the RGL plot window. Controls for simple brushing, highlighting, labeling, and mouseMode changes are provided by point-and-click rather than through the R terminal interface.

Diff between sculpt3d versions 0.2 dated 2009-07-31 and 0.2-1 dated 2009-08-27

 DESCRIPTION                 |    8 ++++----
 NEWS                        |    5 ++++-
 R/sculpt3d-internal.R       |    7 +++++--
 R/sculpt3d.R                |   16 +++++++++++-----
 man/sculpt3d-package.Rd     |   15 ++++-----------
 man/sculpt3d.Rd             |   10 +++++++---
 man/sculpt3d.setCallback.Rd |    5 +++--
 7 files changed, 38 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)

More information about sculpt3d at CRAN
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Package gmm updated to version 1.1-0 with previous version 1.0-7 dated 2009-07-02

Author: Pierre Chausse
Title: Generalized Method of Moments and Generalized Empirical Likelihood
Description: It is a complete suite to estimate models based on moment conditions. It includes the two step Generalized method of moments (GMM) of Hansen(1982), the iterated GMM and continuous updated estimator (CUE) of Hansen-Eaton-Yaron(1996) and several methods that belong to the Generalized Empirical Likelihood (GEL) family of estimators, as presented by Smith(1997), Kitamura(1997), Newey-Smith(2004) and Anatolyev(2005).

Diff between gmm versions 1.0-7 dated 2009-07-02 and 1.1-0 dated 2009-08-27

 gmm-1.0-7/gmm/man/lintest.Rd           |only
 gmm-1.1-0/gmm/DESCRIPTION              |   11 
 gmm-1.1-0/gmm/NAMESPACE                |   24 
 gmm-1.1-0/gmm/NEWS                     |   21 
 gmm-1.1-0/gmm/R/gel.R                  |  116 
 gmm-1.1-0/gmm/R/gel_tools.R            |  158 
 gmm-1.1-0/gmm/R/gmm.R                  |  143 
 gmm-1.1-0/gmm/R/gmm_tools.R            |  204 
 gmm-1.1-0/gmm/R/plot.gmm.R             |only
 gmm-1.1-0/gmm/inst/doc/empir.bib       |   60 
 gmm-1.1-0/gmm/inst/doc/gmm_with_R.pdf  |11463 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
 gmm-1.1-0/gmm/inst/doc/gmm_with_R.rnw  |  758 +-
 gmm-1.1-0/gmm/man/charStable.Rd        |only
 gmm-1.1-0/gmm/man/coef.gel.Rd          |only
 gmm-1.1-0/gmm/man/coef.gmm.Rd          |only
 gmm-1.1-0/gmm/man/confint.gel.Rd       |only
 gmm-1.1-0/gmm/man/confint.gmm.Rd       |only
 gmm-1.1-0/gmm/man/fitted.gel.Rd        |only
 gmm-1.1-0/gmm/man/fitted.gmm.Rd        |only
 gmm-1.1-0/gmm/man/formula.gel.Rd       |only
 gmm-1.1-0/gmm/man/formula.gmm.Rd       |only
 gmm-1.1-0/gmm/man/gel.Rd               |   47 
 gmm-1.1-0/gmm/man/get_dat.Rd           |    5 
 gmm-1.1-0/gmm/man/get_lamb.Rd          |    3 
 gmm-1.1-0/gmm/man/gmm.Rd               |   51 
 gmm-1.1-0/gmm/man/plot.gel.Rd          |only
 gmm-1.1-0/gmm/man/plot.gmm.Rd          |only
 gmm-1.1-0/gmm/man/print.gel.Rd         |only
 gmm-1.1-0/gmm/man/print.gmm.Rd         |only
 gmm-1.1-0/gmm/man/print.summary.gel.Rd |only
 gmm-1.1-0/gmm/man/print.summary.gmm.Rd |only
 gmm-1.1-0/gmm/man/residuals.gel.Rd     |only
 gmm-1.1-0/gmm/man/residuals.gmm.Rd     |only
 gmm-1.1-0/gmm/man/summary.gel.Rd       |   12 
 gmm-1.1-0/gmm/man/summary.gmm.Rd       |   12 
 gmm-1.1-0/gmm/man/vcov.gel.Rd          |only
 gmm-1.1-0/gmm/man/vcov.gmm.Rd          |only
 gmm-1.1-0/gmm/man/weightsAndrews2.Rd   |    2 
 38 files changed, 10158 insertions(+), 2932 deletions(-)

More information about gmm at CRAN
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Package dcemri updated to version 0.1.4 with previous version 0.10 dated 2009-08-13

Author: Brandon Whitcher and Volker Schmid , with contributions from Andrew Thornton
Title: A Package for Medical Image Analysis
Description: A collection of routines and documentation that allows one to perform a quantitative analysis of dynamic contrast-enhanced or diffusion-weighted MRI data. Medical imaging data should be organized using either the Analyze or NIfTI data formats.

Diff between dcemri versions 0.10 dated 2009-08-13 and 0.1.4 dated 2009-08-27

 DESCRIPTION                        |   12 -
 R/aif.R                            |    2 
 R/dcemri_bayes.R                   |  123 +++++++++-------
 R/dcemri_lm.R                      |    2 
 R/dcemri_map.R                     |only
 R/dcemri_spline.R                  |   76 ++++++----
 R/firstlib.R                       |    9 +
 R/flipangle.R                      |    2 
 R/hotmetal.R                       |    1 
 R/kineticmodel.R                   |    2 
 R/read.R                           |  272 ++++++++++++-------------------------
 R/tim_colors.R                     |    1 
 R/zzz.R                            |only
 inst/doc/dcemri.Rnw                |   85 +++++++----
 inst/doc/dcemri.pdf                |binary
 man/aif.Rd                         |    2 
 man/buckley.Rd                     |    2 
 man/conv_fft.Rd                    |    2 
 man/dam.Rd                         |    2 
 man/dce_bayes.Rd                   |   16 +-
 man/dce_map.Rd                     |only
 man/dce_spline.Rd                  |   12 -
 man/dcemri-package.Rd              |only
 man/dcemri.Rd                      |    6 
 man/extract.Rd                     |    2 
 man/flipangle.Rd                   |    2 
 man/ftm.Rd                         |    2 
 man/hotmetal.Rd                    |    2 
 man/kineticmodel.Rd                |    2 
 man/miscellaneous.Rd               |    2 
 man/read.Rd                        |   12 +
 man/read_analyze.Rd                |    2 
 man/read_nifti.Rd                  |    8 -
 man/shift3D.Rd                     |    2 
 man/tim_colors.Rd                  |    2 
 man/write.Rd                       |    6 
 src/baymri.c                       |   12 -
 tests/Examples/ |  146 ++++++++++++-------
 38 files changed, 433 insertions(+), 398 deletions(-)

More information about dcemri at CRAN
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New package bestglm with initial version 0.10
Package: bestglm
Type: Package
Title: Best Subset GLM
Version: 0.10
Date: 2009-08-26
Author: A.I. McLeod and Changjiang Xu
Maintainer: A.I. McLeod
Depends: R (>= 2.0.0), leaps
Suggests: xtable
Description: Best subset glm using AIC, BIC, EBIC, BICq or Cross-Validation. For the normal case, the 'leaps' is used. Otherwise, a slower exhaustive search. The 'xtable' package is needed for vignette 'SimExperimentBICq.Rnw' accompanying this package.
License: GPL (>= 2)
Packaged: 2009-08-26 21:27:16 UTC; aim
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2009-08-27 07:37:30

More information about bestglm at CRAN
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Package YourCast updated to version 1.1-1 with previous version 0.9-7 dated 2009-01-16

Author: Federico Girosi Gary King Jon Bischof
Title: YourCast
Description: YourCast makes time series cross-sectional forecasts with multiple cross-sections based on your assumptions. It allows a variety of smoothing assumptions based on similarities among the levels, trends, or interactions in the expected value of the dependent variable rather than the coefficients. YourCast implements ideas in the book Federico Girosi and Gary King. DEMOGRAPHIC FORECASTING. Princeton University Press, 2008; see

Diff between YourCast versions 0.9-7 dated 2009-01-16 and 1.1-1 dated 2009-08-27

 YourCast-0.9-7/YourCast/inst/doc/yourcast.idx |only
 YourCast-1.1-1/YourCast/DESCRIPTION           |   33 
 YourCast-1.1-1/YourCast/LICENSE               |only
 YourCast-1.1-1/YourCast/NAMESPACE             |    2 
 YourCast-1.1-1/YourCast/R/fede.funcs.R        |    2 
 YourCast-1.1-1/YourCast/R/lag.gen.R           |only
 YourCast-1.1-1/YourCast/R/plot.yourcast.R     |   11 
 YourCast-1.1-1/YourCast/R/std.MAP.R           |   10 
 YourCast-1.1-1/YourCast/R/yourcast.R          |    7 
 YourCast-1.1-1/YourCast/R/yourprep.R          |  132 -
 YourCast-1.1-1/YourCast/inst/doc/copyRd.Rout  |    6 
 YourCast-1.1-1/YourCast/inst/doc/index.shtml  |   16 
 YourCast-1.1-1/YourCast/inst/doc/yourcast.Rnw |    8 
 YourCast-1.1-1/YourCast/inst/doc/yourcast.pdf | 2706 ++++++++++++--------------
 YourCast-1.1-1/YourCast/man/yourprep.Rd       |   56 
 15 files changed, 1499 insertions(+), 1490 deletions(-)

More information about YourCast at CRAN
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Package KFAS updated to version 0.3.3 with previous version 0.3.2 dated 2009-08-21

Author: Jouni Lehtonen
Title: Multivariate Kalman filter and smoother, simulation smoother and forecasting
Description: Fast multivariate Kalman filter, smoother, simulation smoother and forecasting. Uses exact diffuse initialisation when distributions of some or all elements of initial state vector are unknown.

Diff between KFAS versions 0.3.2 dated 2009-08-21 and 0.3.3 dated 2009-08-27

 DESCRIPTION         |    8 ++++----
 R/KFAS.R            |   18 ++++++++++++------
 man/simsmoother.Rd  |    8 ++------
 src/simsmoother.f90 |   49 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
 4 files changed, 52 insertions(+), 31 deletions(-)

More information about KFAS at CRAN
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