Sun, 20 Sep 2009

Package RQDA updated to version 0.1-8 with previous version 0.1-7 dated 2009-04-28

Author: HUANG Ronggui
Title: R-based Qualitative Data Analysis
Description: R package for Qualitative Data Analysis. Current version only supports plain text.

Diff between RQDA versions 0.1-7 dated 2009-04-28 and 0.1-8 dated 2009-09-20

 RQDA-0.1-7/RQDA/R/AttributesWidge.R |only
 RQDA-0.1-7/RQDA/R/GUIHandler.R      |only
 RQDA-0.1-8/RQDA/ChangeLog           |  224 +++++++++-
 RQDA-0.1-8/RQDA/DESCRIPTION         |   14 
 RQDA-0.1-8/RQDA/NAMESPACE           |   11 
 RQDA-0.1-8/RQDA/R/Attributes.R      |  402 +++++++++++++++++++
 RQDA-0.1-8/RQDA/R/CaseButton.R      |  178 +++++---
 RQDA-0.1-8/RQDA/R/CaseFun.R         |   59 +-
 RQDA-0.1-8/RQDA/R/CodeCatButton.R   |  106 ++---
 RQDA-0.1-8/RQDA/R/CodesFun.R        |  737 ++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 RQDA-0.1-8/RQDA/R/Coding_Buttons.R  |  556 +++++++++++++++------------
 RQDA-0.1-8/RQDA/R/FileButton.R      |   95 ++--
 RQDA-0.1-8/RQDA/R/FileCatButton.R   |   93 +++-
 RQDA-0.1-8/RQDA/R/FilesFun.R        |  369 ++++++++++++------
 RQDA-0.1-8/RQDA/R/Image.R           |only
 RQDA-0.1-8/RQDA/R/Journal.R         |   75 ++-
 RQDA-0.1-8/RQDA/R/ProjectButton.R   |   55 +-
 RQDA-0.1-8/RQDA/R/ProjectFun.R      |   86 +++-
 RQDA-0.1-8/RQDA/R/Setting.R         |  185 +++++----
 RQDA-0.1-8/RQDA/R/merger.R          |   59 +-
 RQDA-0.1-8/RQDA/R/root_gui.R        |  316 ++++++++++-----
 RQDA-0.1-8/RQDA/R/sysdata.rda       |binary
 RQDA-0.1-8/RQDA/R/utils.R           |  280 +++++++++----
 RQDA-0.1-8/RQDA/THANKS              |only
 RQDA-0.1-8/RQDA/TODO                |   11 
 RQDA-0.1-8/RQDA/inst                |only
 RQDA-0.1-8/RQDA/man/ExportCoding.Rd |only
 RQDA-0.1-8/RQDA/man/GetAttr.Rd      |    7 
 RQDA-0.1-8/RQDA/man/GetFileId.rd    |   11 
 RQDA-0.1-8/RQDA/man/Query.Rd        |only
 RQDA-0.1-8/RQDA/man/RQDA-package.Rd |    8 
 RQDA-0.1-8/RQDA/man/RQDAQuery.rd    |    6 
 RQDA-0.1-8/RQDA/man/SearchFiles.rd  |   10 
 RQDA-0.1-8/RQDA/man/gselect.list.rd |    7 
 RQDA-0.1-8/RQDA/man/retrieval.Rd    |    6 
 35 files changed, 2713 insertions(+), 1253 deletions(-)

More information about RQDA at CRAN
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Package nFactors updated to version 2.3 with previous version 2.2 dated 2009-02-06

Author: Gilles Raiche (UQAM) and David Magis (KU Leuven)
Title: Parallel Analysis and Non Graphical Solutions to the Cattell Scree Test
Description: Indices, heuristics and strategies to help to determine the number of factors/components to retain: 1. Acceleration factor (af with or without Parallel Analysis); 2. Optimal Coordinates (noc with or without Parallel Analysis); 3. Parallel analysis (components, factors and bootstrap); 4. lambda > mean(lambda) (Kaiser, CFA and related); 5. Cattell-Nelson-Gorsuch (CNG); 6. Zoski and Jurs multiple regression (b, t and p); 7. Zoski and Jurs standard error of the regression coeffcient (sescree); 8. Nelson R2; 9. Bartlett khi-2; 10. Anderson khi-2; 11. Lawley khi-2 and 12. Bentler-Yuan khi-2.

Diff between nFactors versions 2.2 dated 2009-02-06 and 2.3 dated 2009-09-20

 nFactors-2.2/nFactors/PACKAGES                         |only
 nFactors-2.2/nFactors/PACKAGES.gz                      |only
 nFactors-2.3/nFactors/.R                               |only
 nFactors-2.3/nFactors/DESCRIPTION                      |   40 +++--
 nFactors-2.3/nFactors/NAMESPACE                        |   44 ++++-
 nFactors-2.3/nFactors/NEWS                             |only
 nFactors-2.3/nFactors/R/bentlerParameters.r            |only
 nFactors-2.3/nFactors/R/corFA.r                        |only
 nFactors-2.3/nFactors/R/eigenBootParallel.r            |only
 nFactors-2.3/nFactors/R/eigenComputes.r                |only
 nFactors-2.3/nFactors/R/eigenFrom.r                    |only
 nFactors-2.3/nFactors/R/generateStructure.r            |only
 nFactors-2.3/nFactors/R/iterativePrincipalAxis.r       |    5 
 nFactors-2.3/nFactors/R/makeCor.r                      |only
 nFactors-2.3/nFactors/R/moreStats.r                    |only
 nFactors-2.3/nFactors/R/nBartlett.r                    |only
 nFactors-2.3/nFactors/R/nBentler.r                     |only
 nFactors-2.3/nFactors/R/nCng.r                         |only
 nFactors-2.3/nFactors/R/nFactorsObjectMethods.r        |only
 nFactors-2.3/nFactors/R/nMreg.r                        |only
 nFactors-2.3/nFactors/R/nScree.R                       |   55 +++---
 nFactors-2.3/nFactors/R/nScreeObjectMethods.r          |only
 nFactors-2.3/nFactors/R/nSeScree.r                     |only
 nFactors-2.3/nFactors/R/parallel.R                     |   22 +-
 nFactors-2.3/nFactors/R/plotParallel.R                 |   29 ++-
 nFactors-2.3/nFactors/R/plotnScree.R                   |   31 ++-
 nFactors-2.3/nFactors/R/plotuScree.R                   |   18 +-
 nFactors-2.3/nFactors/R/principalAxis.r                |    7 
 nFactors-2.3/nFactors/R/rRecovery.r                    |    4 
 nFactors-2.3/nFactors/R/structureSim.r                 |only
 nFactors-2.3/nFactors/R/structureSimObjectMethods.r    |only
 nFactors-2.3/nFactors/inst                             |only
 nFactors-2.3/nFactors/man/bentlerParameters.rd         |only
 nFactors-2.3/nFactors/man/componentAxis.rd             |   32 ++--
 nFactors-2.3/nFactors/man/corFA.rd                     |only
 nFactors-2.3/nFactors/man/dFactors.Rd                  |   50 +++---
 nFactors-2.3/nFactors/man/diagReplace.rd               |   14 +
 nFactors-2.3/nFactors/man/eigenBootParallel.rd         |only
 nFactors-2.3/nFactors/man/eigenComputes.rd             |only
 nFactors-2.3/nFactors/man/eigenFrom.rd                 |only
 nFactors-2.3/nFactors/man/generateStructure.rd         |only
 nFactors-2.3/nFactors/man/iterativePrincipalAxis.rd    |   58 ++++---
 nFactors-2.3/nFactors/man/makeCor.rd                   |only
 nFactors-2.3/nFactors/man/moreStats.rd                 |only
 nFactors-2.3/nFactors/man/nBartlett.rd                 |only
 nFactors-2.3/nFactors/man/nBentler.rd                  |only
 nFactors-2.3/nFactors/man/nCng.rd                      |only
 nFactors-2.3/nFactors/man/nFactors-package.rd          |only
 nFactors-2.3/nFactors/man/nFactors-parameters.rd       |only
 nFactors-2.3/nFactors/man/nFactorsObjectMethods.rd     |only
 nFactors-2.3/nFactors/man/nMreg.rd                     |only
 nFactors-2.3/nFactors/man/nScree.Rd                    |  134 ++++++++---------
 nFactors-2.3/nFactors/man/nScreeObjectMethods.rd       |only
 nFactors-2.3/nFactors/man/nSeScree.rd                  |only
 nFactors-2.3/nFactors/man/parallel.Rd                  |   92 +++++------
 nFactors-2.3/nFactors/man/plotParallel.Rd              |   36 +++-
 nFactors-2.3/nFactors/man/plotnScree.Rd                |   20 +-
 nFactors-2.3/nFactors/man/plotuScree.Rd                |   35 ++--
 nFactors-2.3/nFactors/man/principalAxis.rd             |   34 ++--
 nFactors-2.3/nFactors/man/principalComponents.rd       |   23 ++
 nFactors-2.3/nFactors/man/rRecovery.rd                 |   45 +++--
 nFactors-2.3/nFactors/man/structureSim.rd              |only
 nFactors-2.3/nFactors/man/structureSimObjectMethods.rd |only
 nFactors-2.3/nFactors/vignette.R                       |only
 64 files changed, 485 insertions(+), 343 deletions(-)

More information about nFactors at CRAN
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Package modTempEff updated to version 1.1 with previous version 1.0 dated 2009-07-18

Author: Vito M. R. Muggeo
Title: Modelling temperature effects using time series data
Description: Fits a Constrained Segmented Distributed Lag regression model to epidemiological time series of mortality, temperature, and other confounders.

Diff between modTempEff versions 1.0 dated 2009-07-18 and 1.1 dated 2009-09-20

 DESCRIPTION               |    8 ++++----
 NAMESPACE                 |only
 R/fit.control.R           |    4 ++--
 R/plot.modTempEff.R       |   12 ++++++------
 R/summary.modTempEff.R    |    8 ++++----
 R/tempeff.R               |    2 +-
 R/           |   24 ++++++++++++------------
 man/fit.control.Rd        |    6 +++---
 man/modTempEff-package.Rd |   12 ++++++------
 man/tempeff.Rd            |   41 +++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 10 files changed, 61 insertions(+), 56 deletions(-)

More information about modTempEff at CRAN
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New package coxme with initial version 2.0
Title: Mixed Effects Cox Models.
Maintainer: Terry Therneau
Priority: optional
Package: coxme
Version: 2.0
Date: 2009-03-01
Depends: survival, bdsmatrix, R (>= 2.0.0)
LinkingTo: bdsmatrix
LazyData: Yes
LazyLoad: Yes
Author: Terry Therneau
Description: Cox proportional hazards models containing Gaussian random effects, also known as frailty models.
License: GPL-2
Packaged: 2009-09-14 11:04:31 UTC; therneau
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2009-09-20 20:07:34

More information about coxme at CRAN
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Package condGEE updated to version 0.1-1 with previous version 0.1-0 dated 2009-09-06

Author: David Clement
Title: Parameter estimation in conditional GEE for recurrent event gap times
Description: Solves for the mean parameters, the variance parameter, and their asymptotic variance in a conditional GEE for recurrent event gap times, as described by Clement and Strawderman (2009) in the journal Biostatistics. Makes a parametric assumption for the length of the censored gap time.

Diff between condGEE versions 0.1-0 dated 2009-09-06 and 0.1-1 dated 2009-09-20

 DESCRIPTION   |   10 +++++-----
 data          |only
 demo          |only
 man/asthma.Rd |only
 4 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

More information about condGEE at CRAN
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New package bdsmatrix with initial version 1.0
Package: bdsmatrix
Title: Routines for Block Diagonal Symmetric matrices
Maintainer: Terry Therneau
Version: 1.0
Date: 2009-03-05
Depends: methods, R (>= 2.0.0)
LazyData: Yes
LazyLoad: Yes
Author: Terry Therneau
Description: This is a special case of sparse matrices, used by coxme and kinship
License: GPL-2
Collate: bdsmatrix.R gchol.R gchol.bdsmatrix.R as.matrix.bdsmatrix.R bdsBlock.R bdsI.R bdsmatrix.ibd.R bdsmatrix.reconcile.R diag.bdsmatrix.R listbdsmatrix.R multiply.bdsmatrix.R solve.bdsmatrix.R solve.gchol.R solve.gchol.bdsmatrix.R
Packaged: 2009-09-14 11:12:11 UTC; therneau
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2009-09-20 20:07:30

More information about bdsmatrix at CRAN
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New package RInside with initial version 0.1.0
Package: RInside
Title: C++ classes to embed R in C++ applications
Version: 0.1.0
Date: $Date: 2009-01-07 20:00:52 -0600 (Wed, 07 Jan 2009) $
Author: Dirk Eddelbuettel
Maintainer: Dirk Eddelbuettel
Description: C++ classes to embed R in C++ applications The RInside packages makes it easier to have 'R inside' your C++ application by providing a few wrapper classes. As R itself is embedded, a shared library build of R is required. This works on Linux and OS X, but not necessarily on Windows due to the way R is built on Windows.
Depends: R (>= 2.8.0), Rcpp
SystemRequirements: None
OS_type: unix
License: GPL-2
Packaged: 2009-09-19 12:21:41 UTC; edd
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2009-09-20 19:35:13

More information about RInside at CRAN
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New package CORElearn with initial version 0.9.22
Package: CORElearn
Title: CORElearn - classification, regression, feature evaluation and ordinal evaluation
Version: 0.9.22
Date: 2009-08-17
Author: Marko Robnik-Sikonja , Petr Savicky
Maintainer: Marko Robnik-Sikonja
Description: CORElearn is machine learning suite ported to R from standalone C++ package. It contains several model learning techniques in classification and regression, for example decision and regression trees with optional constructive induction and models in the leafs, random forests, kNN, naive Bayes, and locally weighted regression. It is especially strong in feature evaluation algorithms where it contains several variants of Relief algorithm and many impurity based attribute evaluation functions, e.g., Gini, information gain, MDL, DKM, ... Its additional strength is ordEval algorithm and its visualization used for ordinal features and class. The top level documentation is reachable through ?CORElearn.
License: GPL
Packaged: 2009-09-20 19:06:04 UTC; rmarko
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2009-09-20 20:07:24

More information about CORElearn at CRAN
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