Author: Thomas Lumley
Title: analysis of complex survey samples
Description: Summary statistics, generalised linear models, cumulative
link models, Cox models, loglinear models, and general maximum
pseudolikelihood estimation for multistage stratified,
cluster-sampled, unequally weighted survey samples. Variances
by Taylor series linearisation or replicate weights.
Post-stratification, calibration, and raking. Two-phase
subsampling designs. Graphics. Predictive margins by direct
standardization. PPS sampling without replacement.
Diff between survey versions 3.17 dated 2009-09-18 and 3.18 dated 2009-09-22
DESCRIPTION | 22 +++--- INDEX | 10 +- R/multistage.R | 2 R/surveyrep.R | 2 R/svymi.R | 15 ++-- TODO | 8 +- inst/NEWS | 7 ++ inst/doc/domain.pdf |binary inst/doc/epi.pdf |binary inst/doc/phase1.pdf | 182 +++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------- inst/doc/pps.pdf |binary inst/doc/survey.pdf |binary man/svrepdesign.Rd | 4 - 13 files changed, 131 insertions(+), 121 deletions(-)
Author: Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani, Balasubramanian Narasimhan,
Gilbert Chu
Title: impute: Imputation for microarray data
Description: Imputation for microarray data (currently KNN only)
Diff between impute versions 1.16.0 dated 2009-05-10 and 1.18.0 dated 2009-09-22
DESCRIPTION | 6 +++--- R/allknnimp.R | 2 +- man/impute.knn.Rd | 4 ++++ man/khanmiss.Rd | 2 -- 4 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
Author: Reinhard Furrer, Douglas Nychka and Stephen Sain
Title: Tools for spatial data
Description: Fields is for curve, surface and function fitting with an
emphasis on splines, spatial data and spatial statistics. The
major methods include cubic, robust, and thin plate splines,
multivariate Kriging and Kriging for large data sets. A major
feature is that any covariance function implemented in R can be
used for spatial prediction. There are also many useful
functions for plotting and working with spatial data as images.
This package also contains an implementation of a sparse matrix
methods for large data sets and currently requires the sparse
matrix (spam) package for testing (but not for the standard
spatial functions.) Use help(fields) to get started and for an
Diff between fields versions 5.02 dated 2009-02-09 and 6.01 dated 2009-09-22
DESCRIPTION | 34 - INDEX | 9 R/BD.R | 104 +-- R/COR.R | 5 R/D4transform.image.R | 6 R/Exponential.R | 27 R/Krig.Amatrix.R | 50 - R/Krig.R | 742 ++++++++++++-------------- R/Krig.check.xY.R | 145 ++--- R/Krig.coef.R | 184 ++---- R/Krig.cor.Y.R | 27 R/ | 7 R/Krig.engine.default.R | 308 +++++----- R/Krig.engine.fixed.R | 269 ++++----- R/Krig.engine.knots.R | 162 ++--- R/Krig.fdf.R | 7 R/Krig.fgcv.R | 36 - R/Krig.fgcv.model.R | 16 R/ | 21 R/Krig.find.REML.R | 22 R/Krig.find.gcvmin.R | 15 R/Krig.flplike.R | 36 - R/Krig.fs2hat.R | 27 R/Krig.ftrace.R | 7 R/Krig.make.W.R | 74 +- R/Krig.make.Wi.R | 43 - R/Krig.make.u.R | 89 +-- R/Krig.null.function.R | 27 R/Krig.parameters.R | 39 - R/Krig.replicates.R | 77 +- R/Krig.transform.xY.R | 55 - R/Krig.updateY.R | 167 ++--- R/Krig.which.lambda.R | 97 +-- R/Krig.ynew.R | 121 +--- R/Matern.R | 54 - R/Matern.parameters.R |only R/RMprecip.R | 955 +++++++++++++++++----------------- R/RadialBasis.R | 30 - R/ | 5 R/Tps.R | 15 R/US.R | 17 R/ | 587 +++++++++----------- R/WD4.R | 5 R/WD42d.R | 5 R/WD42di.R | 5 R/WD4i.R | 5 R/WQS.R | 5 R/WQS.T.R | 5 R/WQS.basis.R | 7 R/WQS2d.R | 5 R/WQS2di.R | 5 R/WQSdi.R | 5 R/WQSi.R | 5 R/WQSi.T.R | 5 R/Wimage.cov.R | 62 +- R/ | 58 -- R/Wimage.sim.R | 30 - R/Wtransform.R | 41 - R/ | 147 ++--- R/Wtransform.image.R | 15 R/Wtransform.image.cov.R | 65 -- R/add.image.R | 56 - R/arrow.plot.R | 7 R/as.image.R | 183 ++---- R/as.surface.R | 43 - R/ | 6 R/bplot.R | 10 R/bplot.obj.R | 58 +- R/bplot.xy.R | 8 R/cat.matrix.R | 5 R/ | 5 R/ceiling2.R | 5 R/coef.Krig.R | 7 R/colorbar.plot.R | 113 +--- R/conjugate.gradient.R | 13 R/ | 72 +- R/cubic.cov.R | 60 -- R/describe.R | 5 R/describe.bplot.R | 25 R/diag.multiply.R | 47 - R/discretize.image.R | 92 +-- R/double.exp.R | 9 R/drape.color.R | 62 -- R/drape.plot.R | 104 +-- R/draw.bplot.R | 10 R/draw.bplot.obj.R | 26 R/dyadic.2check.R | 36 - R/dyadic.check.R | 30 - R/evlpoly.R | 26 R/evlpoly2.R | 37 - R/exp.cov.R | 52 - R/ | 5 R/exp.image.cov.R | 6 R/exp.simple.cov.R | 85 +-- R/fast.1way.R | 51 - R/fastTps.R | 21 R/fields.color.picker.R | 73 +- R/fields.convert.grid.R | 35 - R/fields.derivative.poly.R | 50 - R/fields.diagonalize.R | 69 +- R/fields.duplicated.matrix.R | 5 R/fields.mkpoly.R | 13 R/fields.rdist.near.R | 50 - R/ | 11 R/ | 40 - R/find.upcross.R | 6 R/fitted.Krig.R | 7 R/flame.R | 47 - R/gauss.cov.R | 6 R/gcv.Krig.R | 189 ++---- R/ | 9 R/grey.level.R | 6 R/image.plot.R | 250 +++----- R/ | 142 ++--- R/image.plot.plt.R | 26 R/image.smooth.R | 114 +--- R/image2lz.R | 265 ++++----- R/in.poly.R | 59 +- R/interp.surface.R | 108 +-- R/interp.surface.grid.R | 23 R/krig.image.R | 14 R/krig.image.parameters.R | 11 R/lonlat2xy.R | 5 R/ | 449 +++++++++------ R/make.surface.grid.R | 42 - R/matern.image.cov.R | 23 R/minimax.crit.R | 5 R/minitri.R | 104 +-- R/ozone.R | 71 +- R/parse.grid.list.R | 72 +- R/periodic.cov.1d.R | 5 R/periodic.cov.cyl.R | 6 R/periodic.plane.3d.R | 6 R/plot.Krig.R | 39 - R/plot.Wimage.R | 50 - R/plot.krig.image.R | 17 R/plot.sim.krig.image.R | 9 R/ | 6 R/plot.sreg.R | 85 +-- R/plot.surface.R | 19 R/plot.vgram.matrix.R | 37 - R/poisson.cov.R | 27 R/poly.image.R | 131 ++-- R/predict.Krig.R | 211 +++---- R/predict.derivatives.Krig.R |only R/predict.interp.surface.R | 8 R/predict.krig.image.R | 7 R/ | 231 +++----- R/ | 224 +++---- R/ | 5 R/ |only R/predict.sreg.R | 18 R/predict.surface.R | 109 ++- R/ | 142 ++--- R/print.Krig.R | 30 - R/print.krig.image.R | 5 R/print.qsreg.R | 7 R/ | 5 R/print.sreg.R | 62 +- R/print.summary.Krig.R | 69 +- R/print.summary.krig.image.R | 5 R/ | 6 R/print.summary.sreg.R | 92 +-- R/qr.q2ty.R | 5 R/qr.yq2.R | 5 R/ | 279 ++++----- R/qsreg.trace.R | 44 - R/quilt.plot.R | 59 -- R/rad.cov.R | 120 ++-- R/rad.image.cov.R | 6 R/rad.simple.cov.R | 44 - R/radbas.constant.R | 38 - R/ | 36 - R/rdist.R | 12 R/ | 34 - R/replace.args.function.R | 5 R/residuals.Krig.R | 7 R/ribbon.plot.R | 35 - R/set.panel.R | 5 R/setup.image.smooth.R | 21 R/sim.Krig.grid.R | 255 +++------ R/sim.Krig.standard.R | 257 ++++----- R/sim.krig.image.R | 5 R/sim.rf.R | 5 R/smooth.2d.R | 15 R/spam_2lz.R | 91 +-- R/splint.R | 71 +- R/ | 655 +++++++++-------------- R/stationary.cov.R | 126 ++-- R/stationary.image.cov.R | 80 +- R/stationary.taper.cov.R | 233 ++++---- R/stats.R | 5 R/stats.bin.R | 5 R/stats.bplot.R | 6 R/stats.sim.krig.image.R | 5 R/summary.Krig.R | 36 - R/summary.gcv.Krig.R | 13 R/summary.gcv.sreg.R | 53 - R/summary.krig.image.R | 8 R/summary.ncdf.R | 28 R/summary.qsreg.R | 10 R/ | 8 R/summary.sreg.R | 46 - R/surface.Krig.R | 45 - R/surface.R | 7 R/surface.default.R | 7 R/surface.krig.image.R | 10 R/surface.mKrig.R | 45 - R/surface.surface.R | 9 R/ | 40 - R/tim.colors.R | 62 -- R/transformx.R | 6 R/unscale.R | 5 R/vgram.R | 56 - R/vgram.matrix.R | 135 ++-- R/ | 493 +++++++++++------ R/world.R | 166 ++--- R/xline.R | 5 R/yline.R | 5 R/zzz.R | 11 data/CO2.rda |only data/COmonthlyMet.rda |binary data/ozone2.rda |only man/CO.Rd | 150 +++++ man/CO2.Rd |only man/Exponential.Rd | 64 +- man/Krig.Rd | 65 +- man/RMprecip.Rd | 3 man/Tps.Rd | 99 ++- man/Wendland.Rd | 86 ++- man/arrow.plot.Rd | 5 man/exp.cov.Rd | 359 ++++++------ man/fields-internal.Rd | 6 man/fields.Rd | 49 + man/fields.grid.Rd |only man/fields.hints.Rd | 41 + man/gcv.Krig.Rd | 4 man/grid.list.Rd | 30 - man/image.cov.Rd | 5 man/image.plot.Rd | 24 man/image2lz.Rd | 125 +++- man/mKrig.Rd | 186 ++++-- man/predict.Krig.Rd | 20 man/ | 28 man/predict.surface.Rd | 15 man/quilt.plot.Rd | 22 man/set.panel.Rd | 2 man/world.Rd | 8 src/derrb.f |only src/igpoly.f |only src/inpoly.f | 55 + src/mltdrb.f | 4 src/radfn2.f |only src/radfun.f | 5 tests/ | 20 tests/ | 20 tests/ | 20 tests/ | 20 tests/ | 20 tests/ | 20 tests/Tps.test.R | 64 ++ tests/ |only tests/Wend.test.R | 6 tests/ | 20 tests/cov.test.R |only tests/ |only tests/derivative.test.R | 40 + tests/ | 25 tests/ | 20 tests/ | 20 tests/mKrig.parameters.test.R |only tests/ |only tests/ |only tests/ |only tests/mKrig.test.R | 46 + tests/ | 37 - tests/ | 20 tests/spam.test.R | 8 tests/ | 20 tests/sreg.test.R | 2 tests/ |only tests/ | 22 tests/ |only 283 files changed, 8011 insertions(+), 8447 deletions(-)
Author: Michael Donohue, Ronghui Xu
Title: Proportional Hazards Mixed-effects Model (PHMM)
Description: Fits proportional hazards model incorporating random
effects using an EM agorithm using Markov Chain Monte Carlo at
Diff between phmm versions 0.6 dated 2009-09-03 and 0.6.1 dated 2009-09-22
DESCRIPTION | 6 +++--- R/phmm.R | 6 ++++-- src/ludcmp.c | 7 +++---- src/myludcmp.c | 7 +++---- 4 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)
Author: Aaron A. King, Edward L. Ionides, Carles Martinez Breto, Steve
Ellner, Bruce Kendall
Title: Statistical inference for partially observed Markov processes
Description: Inference methods for partially-observed Markov processes
Diff between pomp versions 0.24-7 dated 2009-06-24 and 0.25-4 dated 2009-09-22
DESCRIPTION | 10 NAMESPACE | 8 R/aaa.R | 10 R/mif.R | 73 +- R/pomp-methods.R | 66 ++ R/slice.R |only R/trajmatch.R |only data/euler.sir.rda |binary data/ou2.rda |binary data/rw2.rda |binary data/verhulst.rda |only inst/ChangeLog | 52 + inst/doc/advanced_topics_in_pomp.pdf |binary inst/doc/intro_to_pomp.Rnw | 1 inst/doc/intro_to_pomp.pdf |binary man/mif.Rd | 12 man/pomp-methods.Rd | 14 man/slice.Rd |only man/trajmatch.Rd |only man/verhulst.Rd |only src/euler.c | 19 tests/ | 5 tests/ | 3 tests/ou2-mif.R | 157 +++-- tests/ | 202 ++++--- tests/ou2-nlf.R | 35 + tests/ | 141 ++++- tests/ | 7 tests/ou2-trajmatch.R |only tests/ |only tests/rw2.R | 98 +++ tests/ | 354 ++++++++++--- tests/sir.R | 11 tests/ | 932 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- 34 files changed, 1880 insertions(+), 330 deletions(-)
Author: Emmanuel Paradis, Ben Bolker, Julien Claude, Hoa Sien Cuong,
Richard Desper, Benoit Durand, Julien Dutheil, Olivier Gascuel,
Gangolf Jobb, Christoph Heibl, Daniel Lawson, Vincent Lefort,
Pierre Legendre, Jim Lemon, Yvonnick Noel, Johan Nylander,
Rainer Opgen-Rhein, Korbinian Strimmer, Damien de Vienne
Title: Analyses of Phylogenetics and Evolution
Description: ape provides functions for reading, writing, plotting, and
manipulating phylogenetic trees, analyses of comparative data
in a phylogenetic framework, analyses of diversification and
macroevolution, computing distances from allelic and nucleotide
data, reading nucleotide sequences, and several tools such as
Mantel's test, computation of minimum spanning tree, the
population parameter theta based on various approaches,
nucleotide diversity, generalized skyline plots, estimation of
absolute evolutionary rates and clock-like trees using mean
path lengths, non-parametric rate smoothing and penalized
likelihood. Phylogeny estimation can be done with the NJ,
BIONJ, and ME methods.
Diff between ape versions 2.3-2 dated 2009-07-21 and 2.3-3 dated 2009-09-22
ChangeLog | 25 +++++++++++++++++++++++++ DESCRIPTION | 8 ++++---- R/Cheverud.R | 4 +++- R/DNA.R | 12 ++++++++---- R/compar.ou.R | 4 +++- R/dist.topo.R | 2 +- R/drop.tip.R | 7 ++++--- R/root.R | 11 ++++++++--- R/rtree.R | 2 +- R/scales.R | 41 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------ R/ | 6 +++--- R/zoom.R | 4 ++-- Thanks | 7 ++++--- inst/doc/MoranI.pdf |binary man/ | 12 ++++++------ man/dist.gene.Rd | 2 +- man/ | 2 +- man/yule.time.Rd | 2 +- man/zoom.Rd | 6 +++--- src/nj.c | 2 +- 20 files changed, 114 insertions(+), 45 deletions(-)
Author: Kenneth Knoblauch and Laurence T. Maloney
Title: Maximum Likelihood Conjoint Measurement
Description: Conjoint measurement is a psychophysical procedure in
which stimulus pairs are presented that vary along 2 or more
dimensions and the observer is required to compare the stimuli
along one of them. This package contains functions to estimate
the contribution of the n scales to the judgment by a maximum
likelihood method under several hypotheses of how the
perceptual dimensions interact.
Diff between MLCM versions 0.0-2 dated 2009-09-18 and 0.0-3 dated 2009-09-22
DESCRIPTION | 8 ++++---- NAMESPACE | 1 + R/plot.mlcm.df.R |only data/BumpyGlossy.rda |binary data/GlossyBumpy.rda |binary inst/NEWS | 11 ++++++++++- man/BumpyGlossy.Rd | 2 ++ man/mlcm.Rd | 11 +++++++++++ man/plot.mlcm.df.Rd |only 9 files changed, 28 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
Author: Peter Solymos
Title: Multivariate Data Handling in Ecology and Biogeography
Description: A framework package aimed to provide standardized
computational environment for specialist work via object
classes to represent the data coded by samples, taxa and
segments (i.e. subpopulations, repeated measures). It supports
easy processing of the data along with cross tabulation and
relational data tables for samples and taxa. An object of class
`mefa' is a project specific compendium of the data and can be
easily used in further analyses. Methods are provided for
extraction, aggregation, conversion, plotting, summary and
reporting of `mefa' objects. Reports can be generated in plain
text or LaTeX format. Vignette contains worked examples.
Diff between mefa versions 3.1-0 dated 2009-06-17 and 3.1-2 dated 2009-09-22
mefa-3.1-0/mefa/R/dist2vec.R |only mefa-3.1-0/mefa/R/inflate.R |only mefa-3.1-0/mefa/man/dist2vec.Rd |only mefa-3.1-2/mefa/DESCRIPTION | 10 +++++----- mefa-3.1-2/mefa/R/ | 12 +++++++++--- mefa-3.1-2/mefa/R/ | 9 ++++++++- mefa-3.1-2/mefa/R/ |only mefa-3.1-2/mefa/R/stcs.R | 3 ++- mefa-3.1-2/mefa/inst/ChangeLog | 18 +++++++++++++++++- mefa-3.1-2/mefa/inst/doc/mefa.pdf |binary mefa-3.1-2/mefa/man/ |only mefa-3.1-2/mefa/man/as.mefa.Rd | 12 ++++++------ mefa-3.1-2/mefa/man/dolina.Rd | 2 +- mefa-3.1-2/mefa/man/ | 3 ++- mefa-3.1-2/mefa/man/inflate.Rd | 18 ++++++++++-------- mefa-3.1-2/mefa/man/mefaCrosstab.Rd | 2 +- mefa-3.1-2/mefa/man/stcs.Rd | 2 +- 17 files changed, 62 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)
Author: Charles J. Geyer
Diff between mcmc versions 0.6 dated 2009-04-14 and 0.7-2 dated 2009-09-22
Title: Markov Chain Monte Carlo
Description: functions for Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC).
mcmc-0.6/mcmc/inst/doc/logit.txt |only
mcmc-0.7-2/mcmc/ChangeLog | 25 +++++++++++
mcmc-0.7-2/mcmc/DESCRIPTION | 8 +--
mcmc-0.7-2/mcmc/NAMESPACE | 3 +
mcmc-0.7-2/mcmc/R/metrop.R | 4 +
mcmc-0.7-2/mcmc/R/temper.R |only
mcmc-0.7-2/mcmc/data |only
mcmc-0.7-2/mcmc/inst/doc/Makefile | 5 +-
mcmc-0.7-2/mcmc/inst/doc/demo.Rnw | 12 ++---
mcmc-0.7-2/mcmc/inst/doc/demo.pdf |binary
mcmc-0.7-2/mcmc/inst/doc/demo.tex | 55 ++++++++++++-------------
mcmc-0.7-2/mcmc/inst/doc/metrop.pdf |binary
mcmc-0.7-2/mcmc/inst/doc/temper.pdf |only
mcmc-0.7-2/mcmc/inst/doc/temper.tex |only
mcmc-0.7-2/mcmc/man/foo.Rd |only
mcmc-0.7-2/mcmc/man/logit.Rd |only
mcmc-0.7-2/mcmc/man/metrop.Rd | 31 +++++++++++++-
mcmc-0.7-2/mcmc/man/temper.Rd |only
mcmc-0.7-2/mcmc/src/getScalarInteger.c | 6 +-
mcmc-0.7-2/mcmc/src/getScalarLogical.c | 6 +-
mcmc-0.7-2/mcmc/src/metrop.c | 10 +---
mcmc-0.7-2/mcmc/src/myutil.h | 4 -
mcmc-0.7-2/mcmc/src/temper.c |only
mcmc-0.7-2/mcmc/tests/ | 10 +---
mcmc-0.7-2/mcmc/tests/saveseed.R |only
mcmc-0.7-2/mcmc/tests/ |only
mcmc-0.7-2/mcmc/tests/temp-par-witch.R |only
mcmc-0.7-2/mcmc/tests/ |only
mcmc-0.7-2/mcmc/tests/temp-par.R |only
mcmc-0.7-2/mcmc/tests/ |only
mcmc-0.7-2/mcmc/tests/temp-ser-witch.R |only
mcmc-0.7-2/mcmc/tests/ |only
mcmc-0.7-2/mcmc/tests/temp-ser.R |only
mcmc-0.7-2/mcmc/tests/ |only
34 files changed, 119 insertions(+), 60 deletions(-)
Author: Christian Roever, Nils Raabe, Karsten Luebke, Uwe Ligges, Gero
Szepannek, Marc Zentgraf
Title: Classification and visualization
Description: Miscellaneous functions for classification and
visualization developed at the Fakultaet Statistik, Technische
Universitaet Dortmund
Diff between klaR versions 0.5-9 dated 2009-06-24 and 0.6-0 dated 2009-09-22
Changes-ToDo | 7 ++++++- DESCRIPTION | 8 ++++---- NAMESPACE | 2 +- R/NaiveBayes.R | 2 ++ R/level_shardsplot.R |only R/rerange.R |only R/shardsplot.R | 51 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------- man/NaiveBayes.Rd | 2 +- man/locpvs.Rd | 4 ++-- man/pvs.Rd | 6 +++--- man/rda.Rd | 2 +- man/rerange.Rd |only man/shardsplot.Rd | 39 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--- 13 files changed, 87 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-)
Author: Adrian Dusa
Diff between QCA versions 0.6-0 dated 2009-09-21 and 0.6-1 dated 2009-09-22
Title: Qualitative Comparative Analysis
Description: Performs the Quine-McCluskey algorithm for Qualitative
Comparative Analysis, as described in Ragin, Charles C. 1987
"The Comparative Method. Moving beyond qualitative and
quantitative strategies", Berkeley: University of California
Press. In the classical approach it currently handles about 15
conditions and one outcome, but since version 0.4-5 the package
has an enhanced, faster function that obtains the same exact
solutions with a substantially lower memory consumption, and it
handles even more causal conditions. The next versions of this
algorithm will be oriented towards fuzzy-set functions. Also,
in the near future the current functions will deal with missing
values in the data
DESCRIPTION | 14 +++++++-------
R/eqmcc.R | 25 ++++++++++++++++---------
R/findPrimes.R | 6 +++---
R/findSubsets.R | 6 +++---
inst/CHANGES | 9 ++++++++-
man/QCA.package.Rd | 16 +++++++++-------
man/createString.Rd | 2 +-
man/eqmcc.Rd | 4 ++--
man/findPrimes.Rd | 21 +++++++++++++--------
man/findSubsets.Rd | 20 +++++++++++++-------
10 files changed, 75 insertions(+), 48 deletions(-)