Fri, 16 Oct 2009

Package sampleSelection updated to version 0.6-8 with previous version 0.6-6 dated 2009-07-18

Author: Arne Henningsen , Ott Toomet
Title: Sample Selection Models
Description: Estimation of Sample Selection Models

Diff between sampleSelection versions 0.6-6 dated 2009-07-18 and 0.6-8 dated 2009-10-16

 sampleSelection-0.6-6/sampleSelection/R/coef.probit.R           |only
 sampleSelection-0.6-6/sampleSelection/R/coef.summary.probit.R   |only
 sampleSelection-0.6-6/sampleSelection/R/vcov.probit.R           |only
 sampleSelection-0.6-6/sampleSelection/man/coef.probit.Rd        |only
 sampleSelection-0.6-6/sampleSelection/man/vcov.probit.Rd        |only
 sampleSelection-0.6-8/sampleSelection/DESCRIPTION               |    8 
 sampleSelection-0.6-8/sampleSelection/INDEX                     |    2 
 sampleSelection-0.6-8/sampleSelection/R/print.summary.probit.R  |    2 
 sampleSelection-0.6-8/sampleSelection/inst/doc/selection.pdf    |  947 ++++------
 sampleSelection-0.6-8/sampleSelection/man/vcov.selection.Rd     |    2 
 sampleSelection-0.6-8/sampleSelection/tests/ |   88 
 11 files changed, 467 insertions(+), 582 deletions(-)

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Package randomForest updated to version 4.5-32 with previous version 4.5-31 dated 2009-10-15

Author: Fortran original by Leo Breiman and Adele Cutler, R port by Andy Liaw and Matthew Wiener.
Title: Breiman and Cutler's random forests for classification and regression
Description: Classification and regression based on a forest of trees using random inputs.

Diff between randomForest versions 4.5-31 dated 2009-10-15 and 4.5-32 dated 2009-10-16

 DESCRIPTION                 |    8 ++++----
 R/predict.randomForest.R    |    2 +-
 inst/NEWS                   |    5 +++++
 man/predict.randomForest.Rd |   14 ++++++++++----
 4 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

More information about randomForest at CRAN
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Package pheno updated to version 1.5 with previous version 1.4 dated 2009-01-18

Author: Joerg Schaber
Title: Auxiliary functions for phenological data analysis
Description: Provides some easy-to-use functions for time series analyses of (plant-) phenological data sets. These functions mainly deal with the estimation of combined phenological time series and are usually wrappers for functions that are already implemented in other R packages adapted to the special structure of phenological data and the needs of phenologists. Some date conversion functions to handle Julian dates are also provided.

Diff between pheno versions 1.4 dated 2009-01-18 and 1.5 dated 2009-10-16

 DESCRIPTION             |   36 ++++++++-------
 R/date2jul1.R           |    4 -
 R/date2jul2.R           |    4 -
 R/daylength.R           |    3 -
 R/daysbetween.R         |    4 -
 R/getConnectedSets.R    |only
 R/jul2date1.R           |    4 -
 R/jul2date2.R           |    4 -
 R/maxConnectedSet.R     |   12 +++--
 R/maxdaylength.R        |    3 -
 R/pheno.ddm.R           |   72 +++++++++++++++++-------------
 R/       |  112 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 R/       |   63 ++++++++++++++-------------
 R/       |    4 -
 R/zzz.R                 |    2 
 man/connectedSets.Rd    |    5 +-
 man/getConnectedSets.Rd |only
 man/maxConnectedSet.Rd  |    1 
 man/pheno.ddm.Rd        |   10 ++--
 man/    |   18 +++++--
 man/    |   14 +++---
 man/    |    3 +
 src/pheno.c             |   50 +++++++++++++++------
 23 files changed, 255 insertions(+), 173 deletions(-)

More information about pheno at CRAN
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Package maxLik updated to version 0.6-0 with previous version 0.5-12 dated 2009-07-18

Author: Ott Toomet , Arne Henningsen , with contributions from Spencer Graves
Title: Maximum Likelihood Estimation
Description: Tools for Maximum Likelihood Estimation

Diff between maxLik versions 0.5-12 dated 2009-07-18 and 0.6-0 dated 2009-10-16

 DESCRIPTION                   |    8 -
 INDEX                         |    2 
 NAMESPACE                     |    4 
 NEWS                          |only
 R/checkFuncArgs.R             |only
 R/coef.maxLik.R               |    9 +
 R/maxBFGS.R                   |  172 +++++++++++++++++++---
 R/maxBHHH.R                   |   87 +++++++----
 R/maxLik.R                    |   66 +++++---
 R/maxNM.R                     |  146 ++++++++++++++++--
 R/maxNR.R                     |  326 ++++++------------------------------------
 R/maxNRCompute.R              |only
 R/maxSANN.R                   |  118 +++++++++++++--
 R/maximMessage.R              |only
 R/numericGradient.R           |   18 +-
 R/numericHessian.R            |   18 +-
 R/stdEr.R                     |only
 R/summary.maxLik.R            |   41 ++---
 R/summary.maxim.R             |   10 +
 R/sumt.R                      |only
 R/vcov.maxLik.R               |   11 +
 man/hessian.Rd                |    6 
 man/maxBFGS.Rd                |   46 +++++
 man/maxLik-internal.Rd        |    4 
 man/maxLik-methods.Rd         |    1 
 man/maxLik.Rd                 |   21 ++
 man/maxNR.Rd                  |   62 ++++++-
 man/numericGradient.Rd        |   10 -
 man/stdEr.Rd                  |only
 man/summary.maxLik.Rd         |   12 +
 man/summary.maxim.Rd          |    8 -
 man/sumt.Rd                   |only
 man/vcov.maxLik.Rd            |    6 
 tests/constraints.R           |only
 tests/   |only
 tests/examples.R              |   11 -
 tests/      |  123 ++++++++-------
 tests/fitNormalDist.R         |only
 tests/ |only
 tests/methods.R               |only
 tests/       |only
 41 files changed, 828 insertions(+), 518 deletions(-)

More information about maxLik at CRAN
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Package magic updated to version 1.4-6 with previous version 1.4-4 dated 2009-03-30

Author: Robin K. S. Hankin
Title: create and investigate magic squares
Description: a collection of efficient, vectorized algorithms for the creation and investigation of magic squares and hypercubes, including a variety of functions for the manipulation and analysis of arbitrarily dimensioned arrays. The package includes methods for creating normal magic squares of any order greater than 2. The ultimate intention is for the package to be a computerized embodiment all magic square knowledge, including direct numerical verification of properties of magic squares (such as recent results on the determinant of odd-ordered semimagic squares). Some antimagic functionality is included. The package also serves as a rebuttal to the often-heard comment "I thought R was just for statistics".

Diff between magic versions 1.4-4 dated 2009-03-30 and 1.4-6 dated 2009-10-16

 DESCRIPTION                  |    6 -
 R/magic.R                    |  193 +++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 inst/doc/magicpaper.pdf      |   26 ++---
 man/adiag.Rd                 |    5 -
 man/allsums.Rd               |   31 ++++--
 man/apl.Rd                   |    4 
 man/fnsd.Rd                  |    5 -
 man/hudson.Rd                |   15 +--
 man/is.magic.Rd              |   26 ++---
 man/is.magichypercube.Rd     |   32 +++----
 man/is.square.palindromic.Rd |   23 ++---
 man/latin.Rd                 |    4 
 man/magic.2np1.Rd            |    4 
 man/magic.constant.Rd        |    2 
 man/recurse.Rd               |   18 +++-
 man/strachey.Rd              |    7 -
 man/subsums.Rd               |   10 +-
 tests/aaa.R                  |   61 +++++++++++--
 18 files changed, 285 insertions(+), 187 deletions(-)

More information about magic at CRAN
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Package ks updated to version 1.6.8 with previous version 1.6.7 dated 2009-10-05

Author: Tarn Duong
Title: Kernel smoothing
Description: Kernel density estimators and kernel discriminant analysis for multivariate data

Diff between ks versions 1.6.7 dated 2009-10-05 and 1.6.8 dated 2009-10-16

 DESCRIPTION      |    8 ++++----
 NAMESPACE        |    2 +-
 R/selector.R     |   46 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 README           |   42 ++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 inst/doc/kde.pdf |binary
 man/Hlscv.Rd     |   21 ++++++++++-----------
 6 files changed, 64 insertions(+), 55 deletions(-)

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Package epicalc updated to version with previous version dated 2009-10-11

Author: Virasakdi Chongsuvivatwong
Title: Epidemiological calculator
Description: Functions making R easy for epidemiological calculation.

Diff between epicalc versions dated 2009-10-11 and dated 2009-10-16

 DESCRIPTION              |    8 ++--
 R/epicalc.R              |   80 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 man/addMissingRecords.rd |   24 +++++++++++---
 3 files changed, 72 insertions(+), 40 deletions(-)

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Package eha updated to version 1.2-12 with previous version 1.2-4 dated 2009-01-13

Author: Göran Broström
Title: Event History Analysis
Description: A package for survival and event history analysis

Diff between eha versions 1.2-4 dated 2009-01-13 and 1.2-12 dated 2009-10-16

 eha-1.2-12/eha/ChangeLog           |   20 +
 eha-1.2-12/eha/DESCRIPTION         |    8 
 eha-1.2-12/eha/R/aftreg.R          |   28 +
 eha-1.2-12/eha/R/      |  177 ++++++-----
 eha-1.2-12/eha/R/check.dist.R      |    7 
 eha-1.2-12/eha/R/coxreg.R          |   24 +
 eha-1.2-12/eha/R/      |   41 ++
 eha-1.2-12/eha/R/mlreg.R           |    2 
 eha-1.2-12/eha/R/phreg.R           |    4 
 eha-1.2-12/eha/R/print.coxreg.R    |    3 
 eha-1.2-12/eha/man/aftreg.Rd       |    5 
 eha-1.2-12/eha/man/   |    3 
 eha-1.2-12/eha/man/coxreg.Rd       |    4 
 eha-1.2-12/eha/man/   |    5 
 eha-1.2-12/eha/man/phreg.Rd        |    6 
 eha-1.2-12/eha/man/plot.coxreg.Rd  |    2 
 eha-1.2-12/eha/man/plot.hazdata.Rd |    2 
 eha-1.2-12/eha/man/weibreg.Rd      |    2 
 eha-1.2-12/eha/src/aftexpreg.c     |  476 +++++--------------------------
 eha-1.2-12/eha/src/aftreg.c        |  566 ++++++++-----------------------------
 eha-1.2-12/eha/src/aftreg.h        |   33 --
 eha-1.2-12/eha/src/coxfun.c        |  155 +++++++---
 eha-1.2-12/eha/src/sup.c           |   66 +++-
 eha-1.2-12/eha/src/sup.h           |   10 
 eha-1.2-4/eha/src/loglik_aft.c     |only
 eha-1.2-4/eha/src/loglik_aft.h     |only
 26 files changed, 627 insertions(+), 1022 deletions(-)

More information about eha at CRAN
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Package deSolve updated to version 1.5 with previous version 1.3 dated 2009-06-25

Author: Karline Soetaert , Thomas Petzoldt , R. Woodrow Setzer
Title: General solvers for initial value problems of ordinary differential equations (ODE), partial differential equations (PDE) and differential algebraic equations (DAE)
Description: Functions that solve initial value problems of a system of first-order ordinary differential equations (ODE), of partial differential equations (PDE) and of differential algebraic equations (DAE). The functions provide an interface to the FORTRAN functions lsoda, lsodar, lsode, lsodes of the ODEPACK collection, to the FORTRAN functions dvode and daspk and a C-implementation of solvers of the Runge-Kutta family with fixed or variable time steps. The package contains routines designed for solving ODEs resulting from 1-D, 2-D and 3-D partial differential equations (PDE) that have been converted to ODEs by numerical differencing.

Diff between deSolve versions 1.3 dated 2009-06-25 and 1.5 dated 2009-10-16

 deSolve-1.3/deSolve/demo/nonlinreg.R               |only
 deSolve-1.3/deSolve/inst/dynload/daspkdll.r        |only
 deSolve-1.3/deSolve/inst/dynload/lsodardll.r       |only
 deSolve-1.3/deSolve/inst/dynload/odedll.r          |only
 deSolve-1.3/deSolve/inst/dynload/satres.c          |only
 deSolve-1.3/deSolve/inst/dynload/satres.r          |only
 deSolve-1.3/deSolve/inst/wishlist.txt              |only
 deSolve-1.3/deSolve/src/Aquaphy.f                  |only
 deSolve-1.3/deSolve/src/CCL4model.f                |only
 deSolve-1.3/deSolve/src/call_dvode.c               |only
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/DESCRIPTION                    |   12 
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/NAMESPACE                      |    7 
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/R/Aquaphy.R                    |   37 
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/R/DLLfunc.R                    |only
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/R/SCOC.R                       |only
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/R/Utilities.R                  |only
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/R/ccl4model.R                  |   28 
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/R/daspk.R                      |  826 -
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/R/diagnostics.R                |  310 
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/R/euler.R                      |  104 
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/R/forcings.R                   |only
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/R/functions.R                  |only
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/R/lsoda.R                      |  219 
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/R/lsodar.R                     |  202 
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/R/lsode.R                      |  242 
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/R/lsodes.R                     |  252 
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/R/ode.R                        |  417 
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/R/printmessage.R               |   38 
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/R/rk.R                         |  150 
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/R/rk4.R                        |  113 
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/R/rkMethod.R                   |  382 
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/R/vode.R                       |  608 -
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/R/zvode.R                      |only
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/demo/00Index                   |    7 
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/demo/CCL4model.R               |  127 
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/demo/odedim.R                  |  367 
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/demo/rk_solvers.R              |  253 
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/inst/doc/compiledCode.Rnw      | 1916 ++--
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/inst/doc/compiledCode.pdf      | 9438 ++++++++++++++++++---
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/inst/doc/deSolve.Rnw           | 1616 +--
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/inst/doc/deSolve.pdf           | 3384 ++++---
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/inst/doc/index.html            |   29 
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/inst/doc/integration.bib       |  148 
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/inst/doc/mymod.c               |   82 
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/inst/doc/mymod.f               |   86 
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/inst/dynload/Aquaphy.f         |  258 
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/inst/dynload/AquaphyForcing.R  |only
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/inst/dynload/AquaphyForcing.f  |only
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/inst/dynload/ChemicalDAE.f     |only
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/inst/dynload/Forcing_lv.R      |only
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/inst/dynload/Forcing_lv.c      |only
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/inst/dynload/SCOC.f            |only
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/inst/dynload/daspkdll.R        |only
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/inst/dynload/daspkfor.f        |  148 
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/inst/dynload/intakes.RData     |only
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/inst/dynload/lsodardll.R       |only
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/inst/dynload/lsodarfor.f       |  110 
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/inst/dynload/odedll.R          |only
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/inst/dynload/odefor.f          |  102 
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/inst/dynload/odefor2.f         |   92 
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/inst/dynload/satres.R          |only
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/inst/dynload/satres.f          |   91 
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/inst/dynload/satresC.c         |only
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/inst/dynload/zvodedll.R        |only
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/inst/dynload/zvodedll.f        |only
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/inst/examples/Nand.R           |  665 -
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/inst/examples/Pollution.R      |  472 -
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/inst/examples/Schelde_DSA.R    |  327 
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/inst/examples/Schelde_FKA.R    |  383 
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/inst/examples/Schelde_FNA.R    |  337 
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/inst/examples/Schelde_OSA.R    |  325 
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/inst/examples/Schelde_pars.R   |  255 
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/inst/examples/examples_paper.R |  581 -
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/inst/source/vodecomments.txt   | 2042 ++--
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/man/DLLfunc.Rd                 |only
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/man/DLLres.Rd                  |only
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/man/SCOC.Rd                    |only
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/man/aquaphy.Rd                 |  106 
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/man/ccl4model.Rd               |    2 
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/man/daspk.Rd                   |  234 
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/man/deSolve.Rd                 |  238 
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/man/diagnostics.Rd             |   93 
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/man/forcings.Rd                |only
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/man/lsoda.Rd                   |  169 
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/man/lsodar.Rd                  |  167 
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/man/lsode.Rd                   |  179 
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/man/lsodes.Rd                  |  177 
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/man/ode.1D.Rd                  |   14 
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/man/ode.2D.Rd                  |   14 
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/man/ode.3D.Rd                  |   10 
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/man/ode.Rd                     |   91 
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/man/                |   16 
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/man/plot.deSolve.Rd            |only
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/man/rk.Rd                      |  681 -
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/man/rk4.Rd                     |   51 
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/man/rkMethod.Rd                |  456 -
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/man/vode.Rd                    |  222 
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/man/zvode.Rd                   |only
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/src/DLLutil.c                  |only
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/src/call_daspk.c               |   95 
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/src/call_euler.c               |   13 
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/src/call_lsoda.c               |  380 
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/src/call_rk4.c                 |   15 
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/src/call_rkAuto.c              |   59 
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/src/call_rkFixed.c             |   78 
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/src/call_zvode.c               |only
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/src/deSolve.h                  |   56 
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/src/deSolve_utils.c            |  218 
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/src/ex_Aquaphy.f               |only
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/src/ex_CCL4model.f             |only
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/src/ex_ChemicalDAE.c           |only
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/src/ex_SCOC.f                  |only
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/src/forcings.c                 |only
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/src/opkda1.f                   |    6 
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/src/rk_util.c                  |   58 
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/src/rk_util.h                  |   11 
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/src/zvode.f                    |only
 deSolve-1.5/deSolve/src/zvode.h                    |only
 118 files changed, 19744 insertions(+), 11753 deletions(-)

More information about deSolve at CRAN
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Package contfrac updated to version 1.1-8 with previous version 1.1-7 dated 2009-02-15

Author: Robin K. S. Hankin
Title: Continued fractions
Description: Various utilities for evaluating continued fractions

Diff between contfrac versions 1.1-7 dated 2009-02-15 and 1.1-8 dated 2009-10-16

 DESCRIPTION             |    8 +++++---
 man/contfrac-package.Rd |    2 +-
 2 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

More information about contfrac at CRAN
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Package approximator updated to version 1.1-6 with previous version 1.1-5 dated 2009-07-18

Author: Robin K. S. Hankin
Title: Bayesian prediction of complex computer codes
Description: Performs Bayesian prediction of complex computer codes when fast approximations are available: M. C. Kennedy and A. O'Hagan 2000, Biometrika 87(1):1-13

Diff between approximator versions 1.1-5 dated 2009-07-18 and 1.1-6 dated 2009-10-16

 DESCRIPTION                 |    8 ++++----
 inst/doc/apprex.pdf         |    6 +++---
 man/A.Rd                    |    2 +-
 man/approximator.package.Rd |    6 +++---
 man/                |    4 ++--
 man/genie.Rd                |    4 ++--
 man/            |    2 +-
 man/object.Rd               |    8 ++++----
 man/toyapps.Rd              |    4 ++--
 9 files changed, 22 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)

More information about approximator at CRAN
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New package adaptTest with initial version 1.0
Package: adaptTest
Type: Package
Title: Adaptive two-stage tests
Version: 1.0
Date: 2009-10-14
Author: Marc Vandemeulebroecke
Maintainer: Marc Vandemeulebroecke
Description: The functions defined in this program serve for implementing adaptive two-stage tests. Currently, four tests are included: Bauer and Koehne (1994), Lehmacher and Wassmer (1999), Vandemeulebroecke (2006), and the horizontal conditional error function. User-defined tests can also be implemented. Reference: Vandemeulebroecke, An investigation of two-stage tests, Statistica Sinica 2006.
Depends: lattice
License: GPL (>= 2)
LazyLoad: yes
Packaged: Thu Oct 15 13:12:39 2009; hackni1
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2009-10-16 10:38:55

More information about adaptTest at CRAN
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Package SpatialExtremes updated to version 1.4-0 with previous version 1.3-0 dated 2009-05-28

Author: Mathieu Ribatet
Title: Modelling Spatial Extremes
Description: This package proposes several approaches for spatial extremes modelling.

Diff between SpatialExtremes versions 1.3-0 dated 2009-05-28 and 1.4-0 dated 2009-10-16

 SpatialExtremes |only
 1 file changed

More information about SpatialExtremes at CRAN
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Package SpatialNP updated to version 1.0-1 with previous version 1.00 dated 2009-04-22

Author: Seija Sirkia, Klaus Nordhausen, Hannu Oja
Title: Multivariate nonparametric methods based on spatial signs and ranks
Description: This package contains test and estimates of location, tests of independence, tests of sphericity and several estimates of shape all based on spatial signs, symmetrized signs, ranks and signed ranks.

Diff between SpatialNP versions 1.00 dated 2009-04-22 and 1.0-1 dated 2009-10-16

 DESCRIPTION             |    8 ++++----
 man/spatial.location.Rd |    2 +-
 2 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

More information about SpatialNP at CRAN
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Package POT updated to version 1.1-0 with previous version 1.0-9 dated 2009-02-10

Author: Mathieu Ribatet
Title: Generalized Pareto Distribution and Peaks Over Threshold
Description: Some functions useful to perform a Peak Over Threshold analysis in univariate and bivariate cases. A user's guide is avalaible.

Diff between POT versions 1.0-9 dated 2009-02-10 and 1.1-0 dated 2009-10-16

 DESCRIPTION      |   16 
 R/bvGPD.R        |    2 
 R/fitPP.R        |    8 
 inst/doc/POT.Rnw |    2 
 inst/doc/POT.pdf |17661 ++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------------------
 man/confint.Rd   |   12 
 man/diplot.Rd    |    2 
 man/fitGPD.Rd    |    6 
 man/tcplot.Rd    |    2 
 9 files changed, 6462 insertions(+), 11249 deletions(-)

More information about POT at CRAN
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Package NestedCohort updated to version 1.1-2 with previous version 1.1-1 dated 2009-04-15

Author: Hormuzd A. Katki
Title: Survival Analysis for Cohorts with Missing Covariate Information
Description: Estimate hazard ratios, survival curves and attributable risks for cohorts with missing covariates, using Cox models or Kaplan-Meier estimated for strata. This handles studies nested within cohorts, such as case-cohort studies with stratified sampling. See

Diff between NestedCohort versions 1.1-1 dated 2009-04-15 and 1.1-2 dated 2009-10-16

 DESCRIPTION                   |   10 +++++-----
 inst/doc/NestedCohort.Rnw     |    2 +-
 inst/doc/NestedCohort.pdf     |binary
 inst/doc/Rplots.pdf           |    6 +++---
 inst/doc/auto/NestedCohort.el |    1 -
 man/NestedCohort-package.Rd   |    3 ++-
 6 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

More information about NestedCohort at CRAN
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Package CalciOMatic updated to version 1.1-3 with previous version 1.1-2 dated 2009-06-08

Author: Sebastien Joucla, Christophe Pouzat
Title: Automatic Calcium Imaging Analysis
Description: Simulate and analyse calcium imaging data obtained with ratiometric dyes

Diff between CalciOMatic versions 1.1-2 dated 2009-06-08 and 1.1-3 dated 2009-10-16

 CalciOMatic-1.1-2/CalciOMatic/inst                        |only
 CalciOMatic-1.1-3/CalciOMatic/DESCRIPTION                 |    8 -
 CalciOMatic-1.1-3/CalciOMatic/R/anova4Fits.R              |    2 
 CalciOMatic-1.1-3/CalciOMatic/R/caBiExp.R                 |    9 -
 CalciOMatic-1.1-3/CalciOMatic/R/caFromDf.R                |   12 -
 CalciOMatic-1.1-3/CalciOMatic/R/caFromRatio.R             |   58 ++++++--
 CalciOMatic-1.1-3/CalciOMatic/R/caMonoBiExpFromIG.R       |    2 
 CalciOMatic-1.1-3/CalciOMatic/R/caMonoExp.R               |   11 -
 CalciOMatic-1.1-3/CalciOMatic/R/directFit.R               |   39 +++---
 CalciOMatic-1.1-3/CalciOMatic/R/fluo.R                    |    6 
 CalciOMatic-1.1-3/CalciOMatic/R/getThetaRatio.R           |only
 CalciOMatic-1.1-3/CalciOMatic/R/igDirect.R                |   13 +-
 CalciOMatic-1.1-3/CalciOMatic/R/igRatio.R                 |    2 
 CalciOMatic-1.1-3/CalciOMatic/R/mkFluo4DirectFit.R        |    4 
 CalciOMatic-1.1-3/CalciOMatic/R/mkFunction4DirectFit.R    |   12 -
 CalciOMatic-1.1-3/CalciOMatic/R/mkFunction4RatioFit.R     |    4 
 CalciOMatic-1.1-3/CalciOMatic/R/plot.direct_fit.R         |    3 
 CalciOMatic-1.1-3/CalciOMatic/R/plot.fluo_rawdata.R       |   12 +
 CalciOMatic-1.1-3/CalciOMatic/R/plot.ratio_fit.R          |   29 ++--
 CalciOMatic-1.1-3/CalciOMatic/R/plot.ratio_fit_list.R     |    2 
 CalciOMatic-1.1-3/CalciOMatic/R/plotCalciOMatic.R         |    4 
 CalciOMatic-1.1-3/CalciOMatic/R/ratioExpPhysio.R          |   26 +---
 CalciOMatic-1.1-3/CalciOMatic/R/ratioExpSimul.R           |   15 +-
 CalciOMatic-1.1-3/CalciOMatic/R/ratioFitFromCa.R          |   91 ++++++++++----
 CalciOMatic-1.1-3/CalciOMatic/R/ratioFitFromDf.R          |   18 --
 CalciOMatic-1.1-3/CalciOMatic/R/transientConvexPart.R     |    2 
 CalciOMatic-1.1-3/CalciOMatic/data/inVitro.rda            |binary
 CalciOMatic-1.1-3/CalciOMatic/man/CalciOMatic-package.Rd  |   18 +-
 CalciOMatic-1.1-3/CalciOMatic/man/anova4Fits.Rd           |   21 +--
 CalciOMatic-1.1-3/CalciOMatic/man/caBiExp.Rd              |   22 +--
 CalciOMatic-1.1-3/CalciOMatic/man/caFromDf.Rd             |   36 +++--
 CalciOMatic-1.1-3/CalciOMatic/man/caFromRatio.Rd          |   49 ++++---
 CalciOMatic-1.1-3/CalciOMatic/man/caMonoBiExpFromIG.Rd    |   14 +-
 CalciOMatic-1.1-3/CalciOMatic/man/caMonoExp.Rd            |   14 +-
 CalciOMatic-1.1-3/CalciOMatic/man/directFit.Rd            |   53 +++-----
 CalciOMatic-1.1-3/CalciOMatic/man/fluo.Rd                 |   31 ++--
 CalciOMatic-1.1-3/CalciOMatic/man/getThetaRatio.Rd        |only
 CalciOMatic-1.1-3/CalciOMatic/man/igDirect.Rd             |   21 +--
 CalciOMatic-1.1-3/CalciOMatic/man/igRatio.Rd              |   50 +++----
 CalciOMatic-1.1-3/CalciOMatic/man/inVitro.Rd              |    4 
 CalciOMatic-1.1-3/CalciOMatic/man/mkFluo4DirectFit.Rd     |    8 -
 CalciOMatic-1.1-3/CalciOMatic/man/mkFunction4DirectFit.Rd |   17 +-
 CalciOMatic-1.1-3/CalciOMatic/man/mkFunction4RatioFit.Rd  |   12 -
 CalciOMatic-1.1-3/CalciOMatic/man/plot.direct_fit.Rd      |   62 ++++-----
 CalciOMatic-1.1-3/CalciOMatic/man/plot.fluo_rawdata.Rd    |   39 +++---
 CalciOMatic-1.1-3/CalciOMatic/man/plot.ratio_fit.Rd       |   38 +++--
 CalciOMatic-1.1-3/CalciOMatic/man/plot.ratio_fit_list.Rd  |   49 ++++---
 CalciOMatic-1.1-3/CalciOMatic/man/plotCalciOMatic.Rd      |   54 ++++----
 CalciOMatic-1.1-3/CalciOMatic/man/ratioExpPhysio.Rd       |   45 +++---
 CalciOMatic-1.1-3/CalciOMatic/man/ratioExpSimul.Rd        |   53 ++++----
 CalciOMatic-1.1-3/CalciOMatic/man/ratioFitFromCa.Rd       |   66 ++++++----
 CalciOMatic-1.1-3/CalciOMatic/man/ratioFitFromDf.Rd       |   46 ++-----
 CalciOMatic-1.1-3/CalciOMatic/man/transientConvexPart.Rd  |    2 
 53 files changed, 650 insertions(+), 558 deletions(-)

More information about CalciOMatic at CRAN
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