Title: Sparse Linear Algebra
Diff between SparseM versions 0.86 dated 2010-08-12 and 0.87 dated 2011-04-06
Description: Basic linear algebra for sparse matrices
Author: Roger Koenker
Maintainer: Roger Koenker
SparseM-0.86/SparseM/data/lsq.out |only
SparseM-0.86/SparseM/data/lsq.rra |only
SparseM-0.86/SparseM/data/rua_32_ax.rua |only
SparseM-0.86/SparseM/inst/doc/Rplots.pdf |only
SparseM-0.87/SparseM/DESCRIPTION | 6 +++---
SparseM-0.87/SparseM/inst/ChangeLog | 4 ++++
SparseM-0.87/SparseM/inst/doc/Makefile | 9 ++-------
SparseM-0.87/SparseM/inst/doc/SparseM.pdf |binary
SparseM-0.87/SparseM/inst/textdata |only
SparseM-0.87/SparseM/man/SparseM.hb.Rd | 18 +++++++++---------
10 files changed, 18 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)
Title: AquaEnv - an integrated development toolbox for aquatic chemical
model generation
Diff between AquaEnv versions 1.0-1 dated 2010-04-09 and 1.0-2 dated 2011-04-06
Description: AquaEnv is an integrated development toolbox for aquatic
chemical model generation focused on (ocean) acidification and
CO2 air-water exchange. It contains all elements necessary to
model the pH, the related CO2 air-water exchange, as well as
aquatic acid-base chemistry in general for an arbitrary marine,
estuarine or freshwater system. Also chemical batches can be
modelled. Next to the routines necessary to calculate desired
information, AquaEnv also contains a suite of tools to
visualize this information. Furthermore, AquaEnv can not only
be used to build dynamic models of aquatic systems, but it can
also serve as a simple desktop tool for the experimental
aquatic chemist to generate and visualize all possible derived
information from a set of measurements with one single easy to
use R function. Additionally, the sensitivity of the system to
variations in the input variables can be visualized. The
corresponding publication in Aquatic Geochemistry can be found
at http://www.springerlink.com/content/l4747417w0k50463/
Author: Andreas F. Hofmann, Karline Soetaert, Filip J.R. Meysman
Maintainer: Andreas F. Hofmann
AquaEnv-1.0-1/AquaEnv/inst/doc/.build.timestamp |only
AquaEnv-1.0-1/AquaEnv/inst/doc/AquaEnv.tex |only
AquaEnv-1.0-2/AquaEnv/DESCRIPTION | 10
AquaEnv-1.0-2/AquaEnv/inst/doc/AquaEnv-ConstantsAndFormulae.pdf |binary
AquaEnv-1.0-2/AquaEnv/inst/doc/AquaEnv-PrivateFunctions.pdf |binary
AquaEnv-1.0-2/AquaEnv/inst/doc/AquaEnv.pdf |16842 ++++++----
AquaEnv-1.0-2/AquaEnv/inst/doc/Makefile | 2
7 files changed, 11181 insertions(+), 5673 deletions(-)
Title: Quantile Regression
Diff between quantreg versions 4.57 dated 2011-02-27 and 4.62 dated 2011-04-06
Description: Quantile regression and related methods.
Author: Roger Koenker
Maintainer: Roger Koenker
quantreg-4.57/quantreg/inst/doc/engelcoef.eps |only
quantreg-4.62/quantreg/DESCRIPTION | 10
quantreg-4.62/quantreg/R/crq.R | 2
quantreg-4.62/quantreg/R/quantreg.R | 6
quantreg-4.62/quantreg/R/rqss.R | 12
quantreg-4.62/quantreg/inst/Changelog | 14
quantreg-4.62/quantreg/inst/doc/Makefile | 6
quantreg-4.62/quantreg/inst/doc/engelcoef.pdf | 1624 ++++++++++++++------------
quantreg-4.62/quantreg/inst/doc/rq.Rnw | 12
quantreg-4.62/quantreg/inst/doc/rq.pdf |binary
quantreg-4.62/quantreg/tests/panel.R |only
quantreg-4.62/quantreg/tests/rq.fit.panel.R |only
12 files changed, 953 insertions(+), 733 deletions(-)
Title: Procedures for Psychological, Psychometric, and Personality
Diff between psych versions 1.0-95 dated 2011-03-31 and 1.0-96 dated 2011-04-06
Description: A number of routines for personality, psychometrics and
experimental psychology. Functions are primarily for scale
construction using factor analysis, cluster analysis and
reliability analysis, although others provide basic descriptive
statistics. Item Response Theory is done using factor analysis
of tetrachoric and polychoric correlations. Functions for
simulating particular item and test structures are included.
Several functions serve as a useful front end for structural
equation modeling. Graphical displays of path diagrams, factor
analysis and structural equation models are created using basic
graphics. Some of the functions are written to support a book
on psychometrics as well as publications in personality
research. For more information, see the
personality-project.org/r webpage.
Author: William Revelle
Maintainer: William Revelle
DESCRIPTION | 8 +++---
R/fa.R | 10 +++++---
R/fa.extension.R | 31 +++++++++++++++++++------
R/factor.scores.R | 4 ++-
R/omega.R | 4 ++-
R/schmid.R | 2 -
R/score.multiple.choice.R | 48 +++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
inst/NEWS.Rd | 24 +++++++++++++++++---
inst/doc/overview.pdf |binary
inst/doc/psych_for_sem.pdf |binary
man/00.psych-package.Rd | 4 +--
man/Gorsuch.Rd | 2 -
man/dwyer.Rd | 2 -
man/fa.Rd | 17 ++++++++++----
man/fa.extension.Rd | 54 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------
man/guttman.Rd | 8 ++++--
man/score.items.Rd | 5 ++--
man/sim.hierarchical.Rd | 9 ++++++-
18 files changed, 167 insertions(+), 65 deletions(-)
Title: Iterative Bias Reduction
Diff between ibr versions 1.3.1 dated 2011-01-06 and 1.3.2 dated 2011-04-06
Description: an R package for multivariate smoothing
Author: Pierre-Andre Cornillon, Nicolas Hengartner, Eric Matzner-Lober
Maintainer: Pierre-Andre Cornillon
DESCRIPTION | 9 +++++----
NAMESPACE | 10 +++++++++-
R/BIC.ibr.R | 16 ----------------
R/GCV.ibr.R |only
4 files changed, 14 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)
Title: GLM model selection and multimodel inference made easy
Diff between glmulti versions 0.7 dated 2011-01-31 and 1.0 dated 2011-04-06
Description: Automated model selection and model-averaging. Provides a
wrapper for glm and similar functions, automatically generating
all possible models (under constraints set by the user) with
the specified response and explanatory variables, and finding
the best models in terms of some Information Criterion (AIC,
AICc or BIC). Can handle very large numbers of candidate
models. Features a Genetic Algorithm to find the best models
when an exhaustive screening of the candidates is not feasible.
Author: Vincent Calcagno
Maintainer: Vincent Calcagno
ChangeLog | 16 +++
R/glmulti.r | 228 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
man/coef.glmulti.Rd | 30 +++---
man/consensus.Rd | 1
man/glmulti-class.Rd | 1
man/glmulti-methods.Rd | 2
man/glmulti.Rd | 3
man/summary.glmulti.Rd | 5 -
9 files changed, 239 insertions(+), 55 deletions(-)
Title: Fitting Generalized Linear Models Subject to Constraints
Diff between glmc versions 0.2-2 dated 2008-11-26 and 0.2-3 dated 2011-04-06
Description: Fits generalized linear models where the parameters are
subject to linear constraints. The model is specified by giving
a symbolic description of the linear predictor, a description
of the error distribution, and a matrix of constraints on the
Author: Sanjay Chaudhuri
Maintainer: Sanjay Chaudhuri
glmc-0.2-2/glmc/INDEX |only
glmc-0.2-3/glmc/DESCRIPTION | 28 ++++++++++++++++++++--------
glmc-0.2-3/glmc/R/glmc.r | 2 +-
glmc-0.2-3/glmc/man/glmc-internal.Rd | 2 +-
glmc-0.2-3/glmc/man/glmc.Rd | 30 ++++++------------------------
5 files changed, 28 insertions(+), 34 deletions(-)
Title: EPoC (Endogenous Perturbation analysis of Cancer)
Diff between epoc versions 0.2.3-1 dated 2011-04-06 and 0.2.3-2 dated 2011-04-06
Description: Estimates sparse matrices A or G using fast lasso
regression from mRNA transcript levels Y and CNA profiles U.
Two models are provided, EPoC A where AY + U + R = 0 and EPoC G
where Y = GU + E, the matrices R and E are so far treated as
noise. For details see the reference and the manual page of
Author: Tobias Abenius
Maintainer: Tobias Abenius
R/epoc.R | 99 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
R/zzz.R |only
3 files changed, 64 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-)
Title: Cairo-based cross-platform antialiased graphics device driver.
Diff between cairoDevice versions 2.14 dated 2010-10-05 and 2.14-2 dated 2011-04-06
Description: Cairo/GTK graphics device driver with output to screen,
file (png, svg, pdf, and ps) or memory (arbitrary GdkDrawable
or Cairo context). The screen device may be embedded into RGtk2
interfaces. Supports all interactive features of other graphics
devices, including getGraphicsEvent().
Author: Michael Lawrence
Maintainer: Michael Lawrence
DESCRIPTION | 8 ++++----
src/Makevars.win | 6 +-----
2 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
Title: Additive mixed models with lme4
Diff between amer versions 0.6.9 dated 2011-03-24 and 0.6.10 dated 2011-04-06
Description: Fitting generalized additive mixed models based on the
mixed model algorithm of lme4
Author: Fabian Scheipl
Maintainer: Fabian Scheipl
amer-0.6.10/amer/ChangeLog | 5
amer-0.6.10/amer/DESCRIPTION | 9
amer-0.6.10/amer/R/indsF.R | 2
amer-0.6.10/amer/R/subAZ.R | 2
amer-0.6.10/amer/TODO | 2
amer-0.6.10/amer/inst/doc/GAMMsUsingLME4-compareTPTPU.pdf |only
amer-0.6.10/amer/inst/doc/GAMMsUsingLME4-dogPlot.pdf |only
amer-0.6.10/amer/inst/doc/GAMMsUsingLME4-dogPlotBy.pdf |only
amer-0.6.10/amer/inst/doc/GAMMsUsingLME4-ethanolCIs.pdf |only
amer-0.6.10/amer/inst/doc/GAMMsUsingLME4-ethanolMCMC.pdf |only
amer-0.6.10/amer/inst/doc/GAMMsUsingLME4-ethanolPlot.pdf |only
amer-0.6.10/amer/inst/doc/GAMMsUsingLME4-unionPlot.pdf |only
amer-0.6.10/amer/inst/doc/GAMMsUsingLME4.Rnw | 10 -
amer-0.6.10/amer/inst/doc/GAMMsUsingLME4.bbl | 130 +++++++-------
amer-0.6.10/amer/inst/doc/GAMMsUsingLME4.blg | 48 ++++-
amer-0.6.10/amer/inst/doc/GAMMsUsingLME4.pdf |binary
amer-0.6.10/amer/inst/doc/amer.bib | 12 -
amer-0.6.10/amer/inst/doc/amerApplications.Rnw |only
amer-0.6.10/amer/inst/doc/amerApplications.pdf |only
amer-0.6.9/amer/inst/doc/GAMMsUsingLME4.map |only
amer-0.6.9/amer/inst/doc/GAMMsUsingLME4.sh |only
21 files changed, 137 insertions(+), 83 deletions(-)
Title: R graphics device using cairo graphics library for creating
high-quality bitmap (PNG, JPEG, TIFF), vector (PDF, SVG,
PostScript) and display (X11 and Win32) output.
Diff between Cairo versions 1.4-8 dated 2011-03-08 and 1.4-9 dated 2011-04-06
Description: This package provides a Cairo graphics device that can be
use to create high-quality vector (PDF, PostScript and SVG) and
bitmap output (PNG,JPEG,TIFF), and high-quality rendering in
displays (X11 and Win32). Since it uses the same back-end for
all output, copying across formats is WYSIWYG. Files are
created without the dependence on X11 or other external
programs. This device supports alpha channel (semi-transparent
drawing) and resulting images can contain transparent and
semi-transparent regions. It is ideal for use in server
environemnts (file output) and as a replacement for other
devices that don't have Cairo's capabilities such as alpha
support or anti-aliasing. Backends are modular such that any
subset of backends is supported.
Author: Simon Urbanek
Maintainer: Simon Urbanek
NEWS | 4 ++++
src/Makevars.win | 5 +++--
src/cairogd.h | 2 +-
4 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
Title: Global optimization by differential evolution
Diff between DEoptim versions 2.0-9 dated 2011-03-01 and 2.1-0 dated 2011-04-06
Description: This package provides the DEoptim function which performs
global optimization by differential evolution.
Author: David Ardia, Katharine Mullen, Brian Peterson, Joshua Ulrich
Maintainer: Katharine Mullen
NEWS | 5 ++
R/DEoptim.R | 63 ++++++++++++++++------------
R/zzz.R | 2
inst/CITATION | 77 +++++++++++++++-------------------
inst/doc/DEoptim.Rnw | 108 +++++++++----------------------------------------
inst/doc/DEoptim.bbl |only
inst/doc/DEoptim.bib | 73 ++++++++++++++-------------------
inst/doc/DEoptim.blg |only
inst/doc/DEoptim.dvi |only
inst/doc/DEoptim.pdf |binary
man/DEoptim-methods.Rd | 18 ++++----
man/DEoptim.Rd | 26 +++++------
man/DEoptim.control.Rd | 46 +++++++++++++-------
man/SMI.Rd | 10 ++--
man/xrrData.Rd | 10 ++--
src/de4_0.c | 85 +++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
17 files changed, 247 insertions(+), 282 deletions(-)
Title: Rmetrics - Chronological and Calendarical Objects
Diff between timeDate versions 2130.92 dated 2011-02-10 and 2130.93 dated 2011-04-06
Description: Environment for teaching "Financial Engineering and
Computational Finance"
Author: Diethelm Wuertz and Yohan Chalabi with contributions from
Martin Maechler, Joe W. Byers, and others
Maintainer: Rmetrics Core Team
timeDate-2130.92/timeDate/inst/doc |only
timeDate-2130.93/timeDate/ChangeLog | 13 +++++
timeDate-2130.93/timeDate/DESCRIPTION | 10 ++--
timeDate-2130.93/timeDate/R/calendar-isBizday.R | 50 ++++++++++----------
timeDate-2130.93/timeDate/R/calendar-isWeekday.R | 10 ++--
timeDate-2130.93/timeDate/man/calendar-isBizday.Rd | 8 ++-
timeDate-2130.93/timeDate/man/calendar-isWeekday.Rd | 29 ++++++-----
7 files changed, 70 insertions(+), 50 deletions(-)
Title: Statistical inference on populations of weighted or unweighted
Diff between NetworkAnalysis versions 0.2-1 dated 2010-12-04 and 0.3-1 dated 2011-04-06
More information about NetworkAnalysis at CRAN
Description: Network analysis refers to the utilization of graph theory
for the analysis of a range of different types of connectivity
data. The set of objects contained in this package will be
particularly useful for the analysis of groups of networks in
neuroimaging, where several populations of subject-specific
networks are available. Future versions will include the
derivation of SPNs (statistical parametric networks). This
revised version of the package now includes C++ codes, which
permit to speed up the computational cost of the main
cost-integration routines.
Author: Cedric E Ginestet
Maintainer: Cedric E Ginestet
NetworkAnalysis-0.2-1/NetworkAnalysis/R/ge.R |only
NetworkAnalysis-0.2-1/NetworkAnalysis/R/le.R |only
NetworkAnalysis-0.3-1/NetworkAnalysis/DESCRIPTION | 32 ++---
NetworkAnalysis-0.3-1/NetworkAnalysis/NAMESPACE |only
NetworkAnalysis-0.3-1/NetworkAnalysis/R/cost.int.metric.R | 14 ++
NetworkAnalysis-0.3-1/NetworkAnalysis/R/lipschitz.R |only
NetworkAnalysis-0.3-1/NetworkAnalysis/R/metrics.R |only
NetworkAnalysis-0.3-1/NetworkAnalysis/R/sym2vec.R | 26 ++--
NetworkAnalysis-0.3-1/NetworkAnalysis/data/Con10.rda |only
NetworkAnalysis-0.3-1/NetworkAnalysis/data/Con100.rda |only
NetworkAnalysis-0.3-1/NetworkAnalysis/data/Con1000.rda |only
NetworkAnalysis-0.3-1/NetworkAnalysis/data/Dis10.rda |only
NetworkAnalysis-0.3-1/NetworkAnalysis/data/Dis100.rda |only
NetworkAnalysis-0.3-1/NetworkAnalysis/data/Dis1000.rda |only
NetworkAnalysis-0.3-1/NetworkAnalysis/man/NetworkAnalysis-internal.Rd | 30 ++++-
NetworkAnalysis-0.3-1/NetworkAnalysis/man/NetworkAnalysis-package.Rd | 46 ++++---
NetworkAnalysis-0.3-1/NetworkAnalysis/man/adjacency.matrix.Rd | 4
NetworkAnalysis-0.3-1/NetworkAnalysis/man/bound.standard.Rd | 4
NetworkAnalysis-0.3-1/NetworkAnalysis/man/int.metric.Rd | 60 ++++------
NetworkAnalysis-0.3-1/NetworkAnalysis/man/naDensity.Rd | 3
NetworkAnalysis-0.3-1/NetworkAnalysis/man/naHeatmap.Rd | 30 +++--
NetworkAnalysis-0.3-1/NetworkAnalysis/man/shortestpaths_matrices.Rd |only
NetworkAnalysis-0.3-1/NetworkAnalysis/man/vec2sym.Rd | 4
NetworkAnalysis-0.3-1/NetworkAnalysis/src |only
24 files changed, 150 insertions(+), 103 deletions(-)
Permanent link
Title: Multivariate outlier detection based on robust methods
Diff between mvoutlier versions 1.7 dated 2011-02-08 and 1.8 dated 2011-04-06
Description: This packages was made for multivariate outlier detection.
Author: Moritz Gschwandtner
Maintainer: Peter Filzmoser
DESCRIPTION | 10 +++++-----
R/mvoutlier.CoDa.R |only
R/plot.mvoutlierCoDa.R |only
man/mvoutlier.CoDa.Rd |only
man/plot.mvoutlierCoDa.Rd |only
5 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
Title: Latent Class Discriminant Analysis
Diff between lcda versions 0.2 dated 2009-10-15 and 0.3 dated 2011-04-06
Description: Local Discrimination via Latent Class Models
Author: Michael Buecker
Maintainer: Michael Buecker
DESCRIPTION | 8 ++++----
man/cclcda.Rd | 4 ++--
man/cclcda2.Rd | 4 ++--
man/predict.cclcda.Rd | 4 ++--
man/predict.cclcda2.Rd | 4 ++--
5 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
Title: Forecasting functions for time series
Diff between forecast versions 2.16 dated 2011-03-07 and 2.17 dated 2011-04-06
Description: Methods and tools for displaying and analysing univariate
time series forecasts including exponential smoothing via state
space models and automatic ARIMA modelling.
Author: Rob J Hyndman
Maintainer: Rob J Hyndman
ChangeLog | 7 +
R/arfima.R | 2
R/arima.R | 41 +++++++++--
R/ets.R | 7 +
R/forecast.R | 12 ++-
R/lm.R | 7 +
R/newarima2.R | 8 +-
R/season.R | 48 +++++++++++++
R/simulate.R | 194 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
man/decompose.Rd |only
12 files changed, 273 insertions(+), 65 deletions(-)
Title: EPoC (Endogenous Perturbation analysis of Cancer)
Diff between epoc versions 0.2.2-2 dated 2011-04-05 and 0.2.3-1 dated 2011-04-06
Description: Estimates sparse matrices A or G using fast lasso
regression from mRNA transcript levels Y and CNA profiles U.
Two models are provided, EPoC A where AY + U + R = 0 and EPoC G
where Y = GU + E, the matrices R and E are so far treated as
noise. For details see the reference and the manual page of
Author: Tobias Abenius
Maintainer: Tobias Abenius
ChangeLog |only
DESCRIPTION | 8 ++++----
INDEX | 1 +
R/epoc.R | 50 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
man/epoc.Rd | 25 ++++++++++++++-----------
man/plapply.Rd |only
7 files changed, 52 insertions(+), 33 deletions(-)
Title: Interface between R and GGobi
Diff between rggobi versions 2.1.16 dated 2010-09-02 and 2.1.17 dated 2011-04-06
Description: The rggobi package provides a command-line interface to
GGobi, an interactive and dynamic graphics package. Rggobi
complements GGobi's graphical user interface, providing a way
to fluidly transition between analysis and exploration, as well
as automating common tasks.
Author: Duncan Temple Lang
Maintainer: Hadley Wickham
DESCRIPTION | 6 +++---
NEWS |only
src/Makevars.win | 5 +++--
4 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
Title: Partial least squares Regression for generalized linear models
Diff between plsRglm versions 0.7.0 dated 2011-03-29 and 0.7.2 dated 2011-04-06
Description: This packages provides Partial least squares Regression
for generalized linear models and kfold crossvalidation of such
models using various criteria. It allows for missing data in
the eXplanatory variables. Bootstrap confidence intervals
constructions are also available.
Author: Frederic Bertrand
Maintainer: Frederic Bertrand
NEWS | 2
R/OLD_PLS_v2_vc.R | 10 +-
R/PLS_glm.R | 32 ++++---
R/PLS_glm_formula.R | 34 ++++---
R/PLS_glm_kfoldcv.R | 16 ++-
R/PLS_glm_kfoldcv_formula.R | 6 +
R/PLS_glm_wvc.R | 51 +++++++----
R/PLS_lm.R | 194 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
R/PLS_lm_formula.R | 179 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
R/PLS_lm_kfoldcv.R | 20 +++-
R/PLS_lm_kfoldcv_formula.R | 13 ++
R/PLS_lm_wvc.R | 48 ++++++----
R/PLS_v1.R | 45 ++++------
R/PLS_v1_wvc.R | 10 +-
R/PLS_v2.R | 23 ++---
R/PLS_v2_wvc.R | 10 +-
R/kfolds2Chisq.R | 18 +++-
R/kfolds2Chisqind.R | 16 +++
R/kfolds2Mclassed.R | 13 ++
R/kfolds2Mclassedind.R | 13 ++
R/kfolds2Press.R | 8 +
R/kfolds2Pressind.R | 8 +
man/PLS_glm_kfoldcv.Rd | 5 -
man/PLS_glm_wvc.Rd | 5 -
man/PLS_lm_kfoldcv.Rd | 5 -
man/PLS_lm_wvc.Rd | 5 -
27 files changed, 600 insertions(+), 197 deletions(-)
Title: Quality speedy graphics compilation and caching with Sweave
Diff between pgfSweave versions 1.1.4 dated 2011-03-29 and 1.2.1 dated 2011-04-06
Description: pgfSweave provides a number of improvements to the speed
and quality of Sweave output including: (1) capabilities for
'caching' graphics generated with Sweave on top of the caching
mechanisms provided by cacheSweave, (2) an interface to the
tikzDevice package which provides graphics with consistent font
style, sizing and quality as the main document and (3)
highlighting of echo'd source code via the highlight package.
pgfSweave provides a new driver for Sweave (pgfSweaveDriver)
with new chunk options tikz, external, sanitize, highlight and
tidy on top of the cache option provided by cacheSweave.
Author: Cameron Bracken
Maintainer: Cameron Bracken
ChangeLog | 385 +++++++++++++++++++
NEWS | 42 +-
R/cacheSweaveUnexportedFunctions.R | 73 +++
R/pgfSweave.R | 57 +-
R/pgfSweaveDriver.R | 289 ++++++--------
R/utilities.R | 209 +---------
R/zzz.R | 15
README.md | 4
exec/pgfsweave-script.R | 126 ++----
inst/doc/figs/fig-normalSweave.pdf | 90 +---
inst/doc/figs/fig-pgfSweave-hist.pdf |binary
inst/doc/figs/fig-pgfSweave-hist.pgf |only
inst/doc/figs/fig-pgfSweave-tikz-hist.pdf |binary
inst/doc/figs/fig-pgfSweave-tikz-hist.tikz |only
inst/doc/pgfSweave-example-Rnw.in | 9
inst/doc/pgfSweave-example-tex.in | 33 +
inst/doc/pgfSweave-example.pdf |binary
inst/doc/pgfSweave.Rnw | 222 +++++++---
inst/doc/pgfSweave.pdf |binary
inst/doc/pgfSweave_hans.Rnw | 2
inst/doc/pgfSweave_hans.pdf |binary
inst/example/Makefile | 10
inst/example/caching.Rnw | 2
inst/example/pgfSweave-example.Rnw | 9
inst/example/pgfSweave-latex-example.Rnw |only
inst/example/pgfSweave-xelatex-example.Rnw |only
inst/misc/vignette-src/Makefile | 27 -
inst/misc/vignette-src/pgfSweave-vignette-source.Rnw | 183 ++++++---
inst/tests/Makefile | 2
inst/tests/tidy.Rnw | 2
man/pgfSweave.Rd | 35 -
man/pgfSweaveDriver.Rd | 6
34 files changed, 1166 insertions(+), 705 deletions(-)
Title: Statistical Methods for the Item Count Technique and List
Diff between list versions 2.3 dated 2011-03-09 and 3.0 dated 2011-04-06
Description: list is a publicly available R package that allows
researchers to conduct multivariate statistical analyses of
survey data with list experiments. In addition, the package
implements the statistical test that is designed to detect
certain failures of list experiments. This survey methodology
is also known as the item count technique or the unmatched
count technique and is an alternative to the commonly used
randomized response method. The package implements the methods
developed by Imai (2010) and Blair and Imai (2010).
Author: Graeme Blair
Maintainer: Graeme Blair
ChangeLog | 4
R/ict.test.R | 519 +++++++++++++++++---------------
R/ictreg.R | 728 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
inst |only
man/ict.test.Rd | 3
man/ictreg.Rd | 30 +
man/plot.predict.ictreg.Rd | 32 +
man/predict.ictreg.Rd | 62 ++-
man/summary.ictreg.Rd | 6
src/models.c |only
src/models.h |only
src/poisbinom.c | 10
src/rand.c |only
src/rand.h |only
src/subroutines.c |only
src/subroutines.h |only
src/vector.c |only
src/vector.h |only
20 files changed, 906 insertions(+), 498 deletions(-)
Title: Less Code, More Results
Diff between lessR versions 1.8.3 dated 2011-03-17 and 1.8.5 dated 2011-04-06
Description: Each function accomplishes the work of several or more
standard R functions. For example, two function calls, rad()
and full(), together read the csv data and generate descriptive
statistics for all variables in the data frame, plus histograms
and bar charts for all respective numerical and non-numerical
variables. The function smd.t.test introduces the ODDSMD plot,
which displays the Overlapping Density Distributions of two
independent groups as well as a visual display of the mean
difference and standardized mean difference. Other functions
provide for descriptive statistics, the t-test from descriptive
statistics, a comprehensive regression analysis, color
plotting, color bar chart, color histogram, color box plot,
density curves, a calibrated power curve plotted with colors,
and the reading and display of csv formatted data. The function
help.me provides a help system that suggests specific analyses
and functions.
Author: David W. Gerbing, School of Business Administration, Portland
State University
Maintainer: David W. Gerbing
DESCRIPTION | 8 ++++----
R/color.barchart.default.R | 12 +++++++-----
R/color.hist.default.R | 8 +++++---
R/color.plot.R | 3 ---
man/color.barchart.Rd | 26 +++++++++++++++-----------
man/color.boxplot.Rd | 8 ++++----
man/color.hist.Rd | 11 ++++++-----
man/describe.Rd | 8 ++++----
man/powercurve.t.test.Rd | 4 +++-
man/rad.Rd | 2 +-
man/reg.Rd | 9 +++++----
11 files changed, 54 insertions(+), 45 deletions(-)
Title: A graphical approach to sequentially rejective multiple test
Diff between gMCP versions 0.5-0 dated 2011-03-28 and 0.6-0 dated 2011-04-06
Description: This package provides functions and a graphical user
interface for graphical described multiple test procedures.
Author: Kornelius Rohmeyer, Florian Klinglmueller
Maintainer: Kornelius Rohmeyer
gMCP-0.5-0/gMCP/inst/doc/pictures/latex.png |only
gMCP-0.5-0/gMCP/inst/doc/pictures/save.png |only
gMCP-0.5-0/gMCP/inst/java-src/org/mutoss/gui/datatable/CellValue.java |only
gMCP-0.5-0/gMCP/inst/java-src/org/mutoss/gui/graph/images/save.png |only
gMCP-0.6-0/gMCP/NEWS | 263 +++++++---
gMCP-0.6-0/gMCP/R/exampleGraphs.R | 7
gMCP-0.6-0/gMCP/R/gMCP.R | 22
gMCP-0.6-0/gMCP/R/graph2latex.R | 21
gMCP-0.6-0/gMCP/R/graphMCP.R | 70 ++
gMCP-0.6-0/gMCP/R/helperGUI.R | 11
gMCP-0.6-0/gMCP/TODO | 3
gMCP-0.6-0/gMCP/inst/CITATION | 2
gMCP-0.6-0/gMCP/inst/doc/correlated.pdf |binary
gMCP-0.6-0/gMCP/inst/doc/gMCP.Rnw | 180 +++---
gMCP-0.6-0/gMCP/inst/doc/gMCP.pdf |binary
gMCP-0.6-0/gMCP/inst/doc/pictures/filemenu.png |only
gMCP-0.6-0/gMCP/inst/java-src/org/mutoss/gui/CreateGraphGUI.java | 4
gMCP-0.6-0/gMCP/inst/java-src/org/mutoss/gui/MenuBarMGraph.java | 28 -
gMCP-0.6-0/gMCP/inst/java-src/org/mutoss/gui/datatable/CellEditorEps.java | 22
gMCP-0.6-0/gMCP/inst/java-src/org/mutoss/gui/datatable/DataTable.java | 6
gMCP-0.6-0/gMCP/inst/java-src/org/mutoss/gui/datatable/DataTableModel.java | 20
gMCP-0.6-0/gMCP/inst/java-src/org/mutoss/gui/datatable/EpsilonTableCellRenderer.java | 30 -
gMCP-0.6-0/gMCP/inst/java-src/org/mutoss/gui/datatable/RDataFrameRef.java | 27 -
gMCP-0.6-0/gMCP/inst/java-src/org/mutoss/gui/dialogs/VariableDialog.java | 2
gMCP-0.6-0/gMCP/inst/java-src/org/mutoss/gui/dialogs/VariableNameDialog.java |only
gMCP-0.6-0/gMCP/inst/java-src/org/mutoss/gui/graph/Edge.java | 22
gMCP-0.6-0/gMCP/inst/java-src/org/mutoss/gui/graph/EdgeWeight.java | 5
gMCP-0.6-0/gMCP/inst/java-src/org/mutoss/gui/graph/GraphMCP.java | 17
gMCP-0.6-0/gMCP/inst/java-src/org/mutoss/gui/graph/GraphView.java | 60 --
gMCP-0.6-0/gMCP/inst/java-src/org/mutoss/gui/graph/NetList.java | 56 +-
gMCP-0.6-0/gMCP/inst/java-src/org/mutoss/gui/graph/UpdateEdge.java | 4
gMCP-0.6-0/gMCP/inst/java/gsrmtp.jar |binary
gMCP-0.6-0/gMCP/inst/unitTests/runit.randomGraph.R | 3
gMCP-0.6-0/gMCP/man/bdiagNA.Rd | 2
gMCP-0.6-0/gMCP/man/gMCP.Rd | 9
gMCP-0.6-0/gMCP/man/graph2latex.Rd | 13
gMCP-0.6-0/gMCP/man/graphMCP.Rd | 21
gMCP-0.6-0/gMCP/man/substituteEps.Rd |only
40 files changed, 599 insertions(+), 339 deletions(-)
Title: Rcpp integration for GNU GSL vectors and matrices
Diff between RcppGSL versions 0.1.0 dated 2010-12-01 and 0.1.1 dated 2011-04-06
Description: Rcpp integration for GNU GSL vectors and matrices The GNU
Scientific Library (GSL) is a collection of numerical routines
for scientifc computing. It is particularly useful for C and
C++ programs as it provides a standard C interface to a wide
range of mathematical routines such as special functions,
permutations, combinations, fast fourier transforms,
eigensystems, random numbers, quadrature, random distributions,
quasi-random sequences, Monte Carlo integration, N-tuples,
differential equations, simulated annealing, numerical
differentiation, interpolation, series acceleration, Chebyshev
approximations, root-finding, discrete Hankel transforms
physical constants, basis splines and wavelets. There are over
1000 functions in total with an extensive test suite.
The RcppGSL package provides an easy-to-use interface between GSL data
structures and R using concepts from Rcpp which is itself a
package that eases the interfaces between R and C++.
Author: Romain Francois and Dirk Eddelbuettel
Maintainer: Dirk Eddelbuettel and Romain Francois
ChangeLog | 22 ++++++++++++++++++++
DESCRIPTION | 8 +++----
inst/NEWS | 8 +++++++
inst/doc/Makefile | 28 ++++++++++++++++++++------
inst/doc/RcppGSL-unitTests.Rnw |only
inst/doc/RcppGSL-unitTests.pdf |only
inst/doc/RcppGSL-unitTests.tex |only
inst/doc/RcppGSL.pdf |binary
inst/doc/RcppGSL/RcppGSL.Rnw | 43 ++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
inst/doc/unitTests |only
src/Makevars.in | 2 -
11 files changed, 75 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-)
Title: Search Pubmed, Make bibliographic content analyzable
Diff between RISmed versions 1.1 dated 2011-03-28 and 1.2 dated 2011-04-06
Description: Pubmed search through R, creating analyzable object from
Pubmed results and RIS files. This package replaces ris.
Author: S. A. Kovalchik
Maintainer: S. A. Kovalchik
DESCRIPTION | 10 +++++-----
R/cite.R |only
R/read.ris.R | 4 +++-
R/reference_methods.R | 20 +++++++++++++++++---
man/Reference-class.Rd | 6 ++++++
man/abstract.Rd | 2 +-
man/cite.Rd |only
man/keyword.Rd |only
9 files changed, 33 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)