Mon, 30 May 2011

Package spBayes updated to version 0.2-2 with previous version 0.2-1 dated 2011-05-23

Title: Univariate and Multivariate Spatial Modeling
Description: spBayes fits univariate and multivariate models with Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC).
Author: Andrew O. Finley , Sudipto Banerjee , Bradley P. Carlin
Maintainer: Andrew O. Finley

Diff between spBayes versions 0.2-1 dated 2011-05-23 and 0.2-2 dated 2011-05-30

 spBayes-0.2-1/spBayes/data/              |only
 spBayes-0.2-1/spBayes/data/            |only
 spBayes-0.2-1/spBayes/data/          |only
 spBayes-0.2-1/spBayes/data/WEF.dat.csv              |only
 spBayes-0.2-1/spBayes/data/           |only
 spBayes-0.2-1/spBayes/data/         |only
 spBayes-0.2-1/spBayes/data/          |only
 spBayes-0.2-1/spBayes/data/          |only
 spBayes-0.2-2/spBayes/DESCRIPTION                   |    8 
 spBayes-0.2-2/spBayes/data/           |only
 spBayes-0.2-2/spBayes/data/         |only
 spBayes-0.2-2/spBayes/data/       |only
 spBayes-0.2-2/spBayes/data/WEF.dat.csv.gz           |only
 spBayes-0.2-2/spBayes/data/        |only
 spBayes-0.2-2/spBayes/data/      |only
 spBayes-0.2-2/spBayes/data/       |only
 spBayes-0.2-2/spBayes/data/       |only
 spBayes-0.2-2/spBayes/inst/doc/spBayes-vignette.Rnw |   12 -
 spBayes-0.2-2/spBayes/inst/doc/spBayes-vignette.pdf |binary
 spBayes-0.2-2/spBayes/man/adaptMetropGibbs.Rd       |  182 +++++++++-----------
 spBayes-0.2-2/spBayes/man/bayesGeostatExact.Rd      |    2 
 spBayes-0.2-2/spBayes/man/covInvLogDet.Rd           |    4 
 spBayes-0.2-2/spBayes/man/mvCovInvLogDet.Rd         |    4 
 spBayes-0.2-2/spBayes/man/spGGT.Rd                  |   14 -
 spBayes-0.2-2/spBayes/man/spGLM.Rd                  |    2 
 spBayes-0.2-2/spBayes/man/spLM.Rd                   |    2 
 spBayes-0.2-2/spBayes/man/spMvGLM.Rd                |    2 
 spBayes-0.2-2/spBayes/man/spMvLM.Rd                 |    2 
 28 files changed, 109 insertions(+), 125 deletions(-)

More information about spBayes at CRAN
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Package mvoutlier updated to version 1.9 with previous version 1.8 dated 2011-04-06

Title: Multivariate outlier detection based on robust methods
Description: This packages was made for multivariate outlier detection.
Author: Moritz Gschwandtner and Peter Filzmoser
Maintainer: Peter Filzmoser

Diff between mvoutlier versions 1.8 dated 2011-04-06 and 1.9 dated 2011-05-30

 DESCRIPTION               |    8 +++----
 R/mvoutlier.CoDa.R        |   27 +++++++++++++++++--------
 R/plot.mvoutlierCoDa.R    |    8 +++----
 man/mvoutlier.CoDa.Rd     |    3 +-
 man/plot.mvoutlierCoDa.Rd |   48 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 5 files changed, 71 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)

More information about mvoutlier at CRAN
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New package gwerAM with initial version 1.0
Package: gwerAM
Version: 1.0
Date: 2011-30-05
Title: Controlling the genome-wide type I error rate in association mapping experiments
Author: Benjamin Stich , Bettina Mueller , Hans-Peter Piepho
Maintainer: Benjamin Stich
Depends: R (>= 2.10.0), MASS, Matrix
Description: This package provides functions to calculate the significance threshold for controlling the type I error rate in mixed-model association mapping analyses.
License: GPL (>= 2)
Packaged: 2011-05-30 13:50:19 UTC; stich
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2011-05-30 19:07:57

More information about gwerAM at CRAN
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New package MEWMA with initial version 1.0
Package: MEWMA
Type: Package
Title: Multivariate Exponentially Weighted Moving Average (MEWMA) Control Chart
Version: 1.0
Date: 2011-05-25
Author: Edgar Santos Fernandez
Maintainer: Edgar Santos Fernandez
Depends: MASS
Description: mewma package perform the Multivariate Exponentially Weighted Moving Average (MEWMA) Control Chart
License: GPL (>= 2)
LazyLoad: yes
Packaged: 2011-05-27 21:15:51 UTC; edgars
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2011-05-30 19:04:35

More information about MEWMA at CRAN
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Package Johnson updated to version 1.1 with previous version 1.0 dated 2011-04-28

Title: Johnson Transformation
Description: RE.Johnson perform the Johnson Transformation for achieve normality.
Author: Edgar Santos Fernandez
Maintainer: Edgar Santos Fernandez

Diff between Johnson versions 1.0 dated 2011-04-28 and 1.1 dated 2011-05-30

 DESCRIPTION            |    8 ++++----
 R/RE.ADT.R             |    2 +-
 R/RE.Johnson.R         |   12 ++++++++++--
 man/Johnson-package.Rd |   37 +++++++++++++++++--------------------
 man/RE.ADT.Rd          |   22 +++++++++++++++++-----
 man/RE.Johnson.Rd      |   49 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 6 files changed, 77 insertions(+), 53 deletions(-)

More information about Johnson at CRAN
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Package CDVine updated to version 1.0-3 with previous version 1.0-2 dated 2011-05-23

Title: Statistical inference of C- and D-vine copulas
Description: This package provides functions for statistical inference of canonical vine (C-vine) and D-vine copulas. It contains tools for bivariate exploratory data analysis and for bivariate as well as vine copula selection. Models can be estimated either sequentially or by joint maximum likelihood estimation. Sampling algorithms and plotting methods are also included. Data is assumed to lie in the unit hypercube (so-called copula data).
Author: Ulf Schepsmeier, Eike Christian Brechmann
Maintainer: Ulf Schepsmeier, Eike Christian Brechmann

Diff between CDVine versions 1.0-2 dated 2011-05-23 and 1.0-3 dated 2011-05-30

 CDVine.pdf            |binary
 DESCRIPTION           |    8 ++++----
 R/BiCopCDF.r          |    8 ++++----
 inst/ChangeLog        |    7 +++++++
 man/BiCopKPlot.Rd     |    2 +-
 man/CDVine-package.Rd |    6 +++---
 src/vine.c            |    8 ++++----
 7 files changed, 23 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)

More information about CDVine at CRAN
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Package automap updated to version 1.0-10 with previous version 1.0-9 dated 2010-12-21

Title: Automatic interpolation package
Description: This package performs an automatic interpolation by automatically estimating the variogram and then calling gstat.
Author: Paul Hiemstra
Maintainer: Paul Hiemstra

Diff between automap versions 1.0-9 dated 2010-12-21 and 1.0-10 dated 2011-05-30

 DESCRIPTION                  |    8 -
 HgLog                        |   14 +-
 man/autofitVariogram.rd      |   16 ++
 tests/ |    4 
 tests/automap.R              |   12 +
 tests/      |  292 +++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 6 files changed, 221 insertions(+), 125 deletions(-)

More information about automap at CRAN
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New package graphite with initial version 1.0
Package: graphite
Version: 1.0
Date: 2011-05-27
Title: GRAPH Interaction from pathway Topological Environment
Author: Gabriele Sales , Enrica Calura , Chiara Romualdi
Maintainer: Gabriele Sales
Description: Graph objects from pathway topology derived from NCI, KEGG, Biocarta and Reactome databases.
License: AGPL-3
Suggests: graph
LazyData: yes
Packaged: 2011-05-30 09:54:55 UTC; sales
Depends: R (>= 2.10)
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2011-05-30 14:03:11

More information about graphite at CRAN
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Package svmpath updated to version 0.94 with previous version 0.93 dated 2009-10-21

Title: svmpath: the SVM Path algorithm
Description: Computes the entire regularization path for the two-class svm classifier with essentialy the same cost as a single SVM fit.
Author: Trevor Hastie
Maintainer: Trevor Hastie

Diff between svmpath versions 0.93 dated 2009-10-21 and 0.94 dated 2011-05-30

 DESCRIPTION         |    8 ++++----
 R/SnapPath.R        |    2 +-
 R/summary.svmpath.R |    2 +-
 3 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

More information about svmpath at CRAN
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Package mclust updated to version 3.4.10 with previous version 3.4.9 dated 2011-05-28

Title: Model-Based Clustering / Normal Mixture Modeling
Description: Model-based clustering and normal mixture modeling including Bayesian regularization
Author: Chris Fraley and Adrian Raftery
Maintainer: Chris Fraley

Diff between mclust versions 3.4.9 dated 2011-05-28 and 3.4.10 dated 2011-05-30

 CHANGELOG    |    1 
 DESCRIPTION  |    8 +-
 src/mclust.f |  205 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 3 files changed, 209 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

More information about mclust at CRAN
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Package digest updated to version 0.5.0 with previous version 0.4.2 dated 2009-12-06

Title: Create cryptographic hash digests of R objects
Description: The digest package provides a function 'digest' for the creation of hash digests of arbitrary R objects (using the md5, sha-1, sha-256 and crc32 algorithms) permitting easy comparison of R language objects, as well as a function hmac() to create hash-based message authentication code. The md5 algorithm by Ron Rivest is specified in RFC 1321, the SHA-1 and SHA-256 algorithms are specified in FIPS-180-1 and FIPS-180-2, and the crc32 algorithm is described in For md5, sha-1 and sha-256, this packages uses small standalone implementations that were provided by Christophe Devine. For crc32, code from the zlib library is used. Please note that this package is not meant to be deployed for cryptographic purposes for which more comprehensive (and widely tested) libraries such as OpenSSL should be used.
Author: Dirk Eddelbuettel with contributions by Antoine Lucas, Jarek Tuszynski, Henrik Bengtsson, Simon Urbanek and Mario Frasca.
Maintainer: Dirk Eddelbuettel

Diff between digest versions 0.4.2 dated 2009-12-06 and 0.5.0 dated 2011-05-30

 digest-0.4.2/digest/INDEX                      |only
 digest-0.4.2/digest/R/zzz.R                    |only
 digest-0.4.2/digest/inst                       |only
 digest-0.5.0/digest/ChangeLog                  |only
 digest-0.5.0/digest/DESCRIPTION                |   33 ++++++++++++-------------
 digest-0.5.0/digest/NAMESPACE                  |    7 +++--
 digest-0.5.0/digest/R/hmac.R                   |only
 digest-0.5.0/digest/man/hmac.Rd                |only
 digest-0.5.0/digest/tests/ |    2 -
 digest-0.5.0/digest/tests/hmacTest.R           |only
 digest-0.5.0/digest/tests/   |only
 11 files changed, 22 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)

More information about digest at CRAN
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Package RSurvey updated to version 0.6-2 with previous version 0.6-1 dated 2011-03-24

Title: Analysis of Spatially Distributed Data
Description: This package is a processing program for spatially distributed data. It features graphing tools, query building, and polygon clipping. A graphical user interface is provided.
Author: Jason C. Fisher
Maintainer: Jason C. Fisher

Diff between RSurvey versions 0.6-1 dated 2011-03-24 and 0.6-2 dated 2011-05-30

 RSurvey-0.6-1/RSurvey/R/EditTimeFormat.R            |only
 RSurvey-0.6-1/RSurvey/R/PlotSurface2d.R             |only
 RSurvey-0.6-1/RSurvey/R/PlotSurface3d.R             |only
 RSurvey-0.6-1/RSurvey/inst/images/README            |only
 RSurvey-0.6-1/RSurvey/man/EditTimeFormat.Rd         |only
 RSurvey-0.6-1/RSurvey/man/PlotSurface2d.Rd          |only
 RSurvey-0.6-1/RSurvey/man/PlotSurface3d.Rd          |only
 RSurvey-0.6-2/RSurvey/.gitignore                    |only
 RSurvey-0.6-2/RSurvey/COPYING                       | 1348 ++++++------
 RSurvey-0.6-2/RSurvey/DESCRIPTION                   |    8 
 RSurvey-0.6-2/RSurvey/R/AddAxis.R                   |  153 -
 RSurvey-0.6-2/RSurvey/R/Autocrop.R                  |  250 +-
 RSurvey-0.6-2/RSurvey/R/AutocropPolygon.R           |  390 +--
 RSurvey-0.6-2/RSurvey/R/BuildPackage.R              |   97 
 RSurvey-0.6-2/RSurvey/R/CheckEntry.R                |   92 
 RSurvey-0.6-2/RSurvey/R/CutoutPolygon.R             |  131 -
 RSurvey-0.6-2/RSurvey/R/Data.R                      |  226 +-
 RSurvey-0.6-2/RSurvey/R/EditDateFormat.R            |only
 RSurvey-0.6-2/RSurvey/R/EditFunction.R              |  842 ++++----
 RSurvey-0.6-2/RSurvey/R/EditLimits.R                |  981 ++++-----
 RSurvey-0.6-2/RSurvey/R/EvalFunction.R              |   74 
 RSurvey-0.6-2/RSurvey/R/GetFile.R                   |  254 +-
 RSurvey-0.6-2/RSurvey/R/ImportData.R                | 1075 +++++-----
 RSurvey-0.6-2/RSurvey/R/LoadPackages.R              |   75 
 RSurvey-0.6-2/RSurvey/R/ManageData.R                | 1391 ++++++-------
 RSurvey-0.6-2/RSurvey/R/ManagePolygons.R            | 1317 ++++++------
 RSurvey-0.6-2/RSurvey/R/OpenRSurvey.R               | 2098 +++++++++-----------
 RSurvey-0.6-2/RSurvey/R/Plot2d.R                    |only
 RSurvey-0.6-2/RSurvey/R/Plot3d.R                    |only
 RSurvey-0.6-2/RSurvey/R/PlotTimeSeries.R            |  267 +-
 RSurvey-0.6-2/RSurvey/R/ProcessData.R               |  389 +--
 RSurvey-0.6-2/RSurvey/R/ReadData.R                  |  306 +-
 RSurvey-0.6-2/RSurvey/R/Rename.R                    |  236 +-
 RSurvey-0.6-2/RSurvey/R/RestoreSession.R            |   99 
 RSurvey-0.6-2/RSurvey/R/SetConfiguration.R          |  588 ++---
 RSurvey-0.6-2/RSurvey/R/SetPolygonLimits.R          |  248 +-
 RSurvey-0.6-2/RSurvey/R/SetPreferences.R            |  326 +--
 RSurvey-0.6-2/RSurvey/R/SummarizeData.R             |  265 +-
 RSurvey-0.6-2/RSurvey/R/ViewData.R                  |  535 ++---
 RSurvey-0.6-2/RSurvey/R/WriteFile.R                 |  304 +-
 RSurvey-0.6-2/RSurvey/                     |only
 RSurvey-0.6-2/RSurvey/data/project.rda              |binary
 RSurvey-0.6-2/RSurvey/inst/extdata/DataExample.csv  |  106 -
 RSurvey-0.6-2/RSurvey/inst/extdata/DataExample.txt  |  112 -
 RSurvey-0.6-2/RSurvey/inst/extdata/DataExample.xlsx |binary
 RSurvey-0.6-2/RSurvey/inst/extdata/Polygon1.ply     |   72 
 RSurvey-0.6-2/RSurvey/inst/extdata/Polygon2.ply     |   28 
 RSurvey-0.6-2/RSurvey/inst/extdata/Polygon3.ply     |   98 
 RSurvey-0.6-2/RSurvey/inst/images/         |only
 RSurvey-0.6-2/RSurvey/man/AddAxis.Rd                |  104 
 RSurvey-0.6-2/RSurvey/man/Autocrop.Rd               |   92 
 RSurvey-0.6-2/RSurvey/man/AutocropPolygon.Rd        |  106 -
 RSurvey-0.6-2/RSurvey/man/BuildPackage.Rd           |   54 
 RSurvey-0.6-2/RSurvey/man/CheckEntry.Rd             |  100 
 RSurvey-0.6-2/RSurvey/man/CutoutPolygon.Rd          |  112 -
 RSurvey-0.6-2/RSurvey/man/Data.Rd                   |  136 -
 RSurvey-0.6-2/RSurvey/man/EditDateFormat.Rd         |only
 RSurvey-0.6-2/RSurvey/man/EditFunction.Rd           |  100 
 RSurvey-0.6-2/RSurvey/man/EditLimits.Rd             |   98 
 RSurvey-0.6-2/RSurvey/man/EvalFunction.Rd           |  108 -
 RSurvey-0.6-2/RSurvey/man/GetFile.Rd                |  106 -
 RSurvey-0.6-2/RSurvey/man/ImportData.Rd             |  109 -
 RSurvey-0.6-2/RSurvey/man/LoadPackages.Rd           |   58 
 RSurvey-0.6-2/RSurvey/man/ManageData.Rd             |  138 -
 RSurvey-0.6-2/RSurvey/man/ManagePolygons.Rd         |  118 -
 RSurvey-0.6-2/RSurvey/man/OpenRSurvey.Rd            |   68 
 RSurvey-0.6-2/RSurvey/man/Plot2d.Rd                 |only
 RSurvey-0.6-2/RSurvey/man/Plot3d.Rd                 |only
 RSurvey-0.6-2/RSurvey/man/PlotTimeSeries.Rd         |  114 -
 RSurvey-0.6-2/RSurvey/man/ProcessData.Rd            |  134 -
 RSurvey-0.6-2/RSurvey/man/RSurvey-package.Rd        |  112 -
 RSurvey-0.6-2/RSurvey/man/ReadData.Rd               |  162 -
 RSurvey-0.6-2/RSurvey/man/Rename.Rd                 |   68 
 RSurvey-0.6-2/RSurvey/man/RestoreSession.Rd         |   82 
 RSurvey-0.6-2/RSurvey/man/SetConfiguration.Rd       |  144 -
 RSurvey-0.6-2/RSurvey/man/SetPolygonLimits.Rd       |   82 
 RSurvey-0.6-2/RSurvey/man/SetPreferences.Rd         |   86 
 RSurvey-0.6-2/RSurvey/man/SummarizeData.Rd          |  112 -
 RSurvey-0.6-2/RSurvey/man/ViewData.Rd               |  125 -
 RSurvey-0.6-2/RSurvey/man/WriteFile.Rd              |   86 
 80 files changed, 8819 insertions(+), 8876 deletions(-)

More information about RSurvey at CRAN
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